Tucker Carlson presses Kristi Noem on why she vetoed transgender sports bill

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[Music] there's been a big push nationally by administration is squarely behind it to allow biological males to compete in girls sports we've covered it extensively on this show it's very unpopular with the public it's particularly unpopular in the state of south dakota south dakota is one of the most republican states in the country republicans essentially control the entire state so republicans in the legislature there recently passed a bill to prevent this from happening prevent biological men from playing on women's sports teams and the governor of south dakota christie gnome who you doubtless have seen said she was quote excited to sign it now she has changed her mind governor noman joins us tonight to explain why she has governor thanks so much for coming on i i appreciate it so here you you have this bill which i think all polling shows is popular in your state i think would be popular nationally you said you were excited to sign it big business intercedes ncaa chamber of commerce and amazon and tell you not to sign it and you change your mind if you i think a lot of our viewers are wondering your thinking on this and how exactly this happened well that's not true tucker and thank you for inviting me to be on the show tonight i could sign the bill the way that it is today uh and then also um but it wouldn't solve the problem and and that's the real issue as i looked at the bill and examined it and have been discussing with legal scholars for many months on how to protect women's sports this bill would only allow the ncaa to bully south dakota and it would actually prevent women from being able to pre to participate in collegiate sports so what i've done is i've asked the legislature through a style uh and reform i'm sorry but just for our viewers can you just back up for one second for our viewers who haven't followed this as closely how would this bill prevent women from playing in south dakota if you would because what it would do is it would put a law in the books that would allow the ncaa to take punitive action against our state and we're a small state tucker we've had to fight hard to get any tournaments to come to south dakota when they took punitive action against us we would have to litigate and legal scholars that i have been consulting with for many many months say that i would very likely lose those litigation efforts and i don't think you're saying hold on just to be clear it's not the bill you're saying many times over and over again but wait wait wait so you're saying the ncaa threatened you and you don't think you can win that fight they said if you sign this we won't allow girls in south dakota to play and you don't think you can win in court even though the public overwhelmingly supports you nationally and so you're caving to the ncaa i think that's what you're saying no that's not right at all tucker in fact you're wrong completely i've been working on this issue for years in fact several years ago i fought i fought usda to make sure that 4-h rodeo and that the sport of rodeo could keep girls events girls events and boys events boys events so i've been working on this for many many years and back since november i've been consulting with legal scholars and professors across the country asking them how do i protect women's sports and they've gone through the steps to how i would legally challenge the ncaa and keep them from bullying the state of south dakota and what they've told me to do is that i need to build a coalition so that's why today i launched defendtitle9now.com and that's going to allow us to build a coalition of states that can fight the ncaa listen i'm sick and tired of the ncaa threatening states challenging us and bullying us and so we're going to build a coalition of leaders athletes and people who want to protect women's sports and want to make sure that our women keep title ix in place to protect their right to be competitive and to be rewarded by participating in these team sports and make sure this coalition can fight the ncaa to make sure we're protecting title ix but but these standards far predate title ix and i'm not exactly sure why title ix is relevant or even really worth defending i mean this is thousands of years of common sense and tradition girls play girls sports boys play boy sports why not instead just say bring it on ncaa i'm a national figure go ahead and try and exclude us i will fight you in the court of public opinion and defend principle why not just do that tucker you're preaching my sermon that's what i did today today i with herschel walker you vetoed the bill with nancy lopez we all stood together i did not veto the bill i did a style informed revision and asked the legislator legislature to change it so that i can win listen i'm not interested in a participation trophy i'm not interested in picking a fight that we can't win i am a problem solver i come to the table and i don't want to have talking points and i've been bullied for the last year by liberals tucker i'm not going to let anybody from the ncaa from any big business i'm not going to even let conservatives on the right bully me i'm going to solve the problem i'm going to make sure that we're building strength and numbers and we're going after the ncaa and make sure that we're keeping only girls playing in girls sports i've been doing this for years and i'm going to solve the problem not just pick a fight to pick a fight well but the legislature you're saying was just picking a fight to pick a fight i thought that they were trying to codify what the majority of your citizens want which is girls sports for girls and boys sports for boys here the ncaa comes in and says if you do that you're going to lose a court battle and so you say well the bill can't go forward you have a democratic process that arose from your own citizens they want this bill and you've stopped it so i i'm not really sure how this is defending women's support with respect to bill tucker tucker the bill that my legislature gave me is a trial lawyer's dream it creates more and more litigation and regulation that's impossible to comply with for families and for school districts and people going forward what i'm interested in doing is making sure we're protecting girls sports and we're going forward to fight the ncaa and what we're going to do as well is if they don't fix this through the style and form revision i'm going to ask them to introduce a new bill if they don't do that i'm going to immediately bring them back into a special session and tell them we're going to protect girls sports through k-12 and then we're going to go and fight the ncaa through a coalition to make sure that we can continue to protect title ix and defend title ix very very quickly how would the bill as written make it harder as you just said for girls to participate in sports you said it's hard for them to comply with the requirements of the bill what do you mean for those of us who aren't following it as closely specifically by that well did you did you read the bill or the style form i did message that i said to the legislature what it said what it said i asked for changes for the regulations and how kids would have to prove their boys and girls i asked them not to open it up to litigation if a child doesn't make a team they up to a year later can come back and sue every member of that team in the k-12 system and the entire school district as well and continue suing so that they have the opportunity to play if we put the collegiate athletics on there then we will get punitively challenged by the end c double a and then we'll have to continue to fight them and a court district that is not friendly to winning that's the what the legal scholars have told me for many many months is that my chances of winning in court are very very low my chances of winning this as you've stated in the public opinion is extremely extremely successful so that's why i'm building this coalition to make sure we're taking our argument to the public and we're going to tell the ncaa that this coalition will fight to make sure we're protecting women's sports i appreciate you coming on tonight governor christina south dakota thank you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,090,426
Rating: 4.7874708 out of 5
Keywords: kristi noem, fox news kristi noem, carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker monologue tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight, transgender sports bill, south dakota, tucker south dakota, fox news south dakota, gov kristi noem, tucker kristi noem
Id: 6jy_oG4gcSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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