Tucker: Did Dorsey admit Twitter's role in Capitol riot?

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[Music] well the ghost of george orwell emerged from the grave today to orchestrate a hearing on capitol hill with the ceos of twitter facebook and google they testified at the capitol and at that hearing the ceo of twitter jack dorsey told us that actually he believes in free speech it's one of his main principles i'd rather us focus on principles and approaches to address these problems i'll start with ours we believe in free expression we believe in free debate and conversation to find the truth at the same time we must balance out with our desire to for our service not to be used to sow confusion division or destruction this makes the freedom to moderate content critical to us and we believe the best way to face a big new challenge is through narrowing the problem to have the greatest impact disinformation is a broad concept we needed to focus our approach on where we saw the greatest risk if we hope to have any impact at all jack dorsey ladies and gentlemen there used to be some debate in the medical community whether dropping a ton of acid had permanent effects i think that debate has now ended but he did make a good point disinformation is a broad concept yes it is by design in fact it's a slippery concept used for political purposes and if you use twitter you know that if you watch the news you know that remember jack dorsey is the guy who literally shut down the sitting president of the united states and silenced him twitter censors accounts all the time of people whose politics they don't like they suspended people for sharing the new york post story on hunter biden's laptop right before the election obviously it's a risk when people are reporting things that are bad for joe biden's political career and such as twitter facebook does this facebook is one of those powerful companies in the world it affects politics in countries you've never heard of and couldn't locate on a map and it does this because facebook and most of these companies have found a way to manipulate human behavior through technology we're not guessing at this it's not a conspiracy theory it's true in 2014 facebook conducted an experiment that tested influencing the emotions of hundreds of thousands of its users a man who helped invent facebook's like button justin rosenstein admitted that the tool he invented led to political polarization and to teens getting depressed as you watch the suicide rate climb you have to ask yourself is social media implicated in that of course it is facebook's former director of monetization tim kendall recently testified to congress that facebook engineer tried to make the platform as addictive as cigarettes and of course it's more addictive than cigarettes how do people smoke versus how many people use facebook which is worse for you he also added that facebook's algorithms help spread disinformation and division and he fears because he's a thoughtful man that facebook is pushing us toward quote the brink of a civil war mark zuckerberg isn't worried he wants to know none of this is true it's not his fault don't believe the people used to work there any democratically agreed rules for the internet the reality is our country is deeply divided right now some people say that the problem is that social networks are polarizing us but that's not at all clear from the evidence or research others claim that algorithms feed us content that makes us angry because it's good for business but that's not accurate either i believe that the division we see today is primarily the result of a political and media environment that drives americans apart it's pretty funny save that tape remember the tapes from the 60s remember the books that the tobacco companies had commissioned were guys with a straight face i'm a doctor and i'm telling you cigarettes do not cause cancer and then 20 years later all that tape was revived all those lies re-emerged when the tobacco ceos sat before congress had to answer for them well that tape will play the same role in future hearings when we all admit what's obvious which of course social media is dividing us it's destroying us zuckerberg says he's got nothing to do with it neither does google's ceo sundar pashai by far the worst of the three but at least jack dorsey says twitter does deserve some blame i want to start by asking all three of you um if your platform bears some responsibility for disseminating disinformation related to the election and the stop the steel movement that led to the attack on the capital just a yes or no answer mr zuckerberg chairman i think our responsibility is to build systems that can help you i just want to yes no answer okay yes or no do you do you bear some responsibility for what happened congressman our responsibility is to make sure that we build effective systems is not to answer the question uh mr pachai yes or no oh we always feel a deep sense of responsibility but i think we worked hard uh this election effort was one of our most substantive efforts is that a yes or no uh congressman it's a complex question uh we okay we'll move on uh mr dorsey yes but you also have to take into consideration a broader ecosystem it's not just about the technology platforms we use now wait a second do we have news here did ethereal buddhist techno god jack dorsey just emerged from his psychedelic haze to admit culpability for the january 6th right at the capitol no of course he didn't not in any real sense he took no responsibility and he'll pay no price unlike hundreds of other people who were there that day some of whom did nothing wrong jack dorsey isn't going to jail he's not going to be fined or charged with sedition an anonymous capitol hill cop isn't going to shoot him jack dorsey has admitted nothing what he's done instead cleverly smarter than he looks is created a justification for even more censorship on twitter people who oppose the regime use my platform that's what jack dorsey is saying it's okay to shut them up and he will shut them up they all will you can be certain of that vince collins is a radio show host in washington one of the smartest people in that city and he joins us tonight with his reaction to this hearing vince thanks so much for joining us what'd you think of this well it's amazing to hear jack dorsey say that twitter has culpability for the events of january 6. because i remember a scrappy media startup called parlor that was accused of that very thing and it was banned subsequently from the entire internet by the big tech companies amazon taking them off their servers apple and google both removing them from their app stores meanwhile twitter will face no consequence like this because they're powerful and they're well connected uh it's interesting watching these three guys show up yet again it feels like deja vu they keep testifying before congress and yet nothing happens it's almost as if it's by design it's like you know maybe if we just keep calling them in and browbeating them the public will think we're actually against them when in fact all of the people in that hearing are basically on their side they've been taking their money for years the joe biden administration stocked with all sorts of big tech executives who now have arrived in washington and they're on the inside advancing their interests as well and you know it's interesting they're talking about disinformation disinformation is the pretext by which they want to censor and they have been censoring american citizens this all started back in 2016 mostly when donald trump surprised the world by winning the election and it was one of hillary clinton's 600 explanations for why she lost one of them was big tech i can't believe donald trump could communicate with his base there and as a result democrats have been threatening to regulate these companies for the last few years unless they censor american citizens so where does the censorship happen where does the stopping of the disinformation happen it's on the powerless people it's on independent media companies that's right that's so smart google is incompatible with democracy if you're not for breaking up google you're not protecting democracy it's that simple i think and you're right they're not this is potemkin great to see vince colonies thank you for that perspective thanks tucker
Channel: Fox News
Views: 956,739
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Keywords: Jack Dorsey, Vince Coglianese, Vince Coglianese dorsey, big tech, big tech hearing, capitol hill riot, dorsey, fox news big tech, fox news jack dorsey, fox news mark zuckerberg, mark zuckerberg, tucker Vince Coglianese, tucker big tech, twitter, carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker reacts, tucker tonight
Id: D5NO-n0e64w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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