Katie Pavlich and Candace Owens on why they are conservative

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hello America I'm Marc Levin this is life Liberty and Levin we have two great guests Katie Pavlich how are you nice to see you I think Anna's Owens how are you very good to see you too the great young smart intellectual conservatives who I wanted to have on the program now Katie Pavlich in 2010 you earned your Bachelor of Arts degree in broadcast journalism from the University of Arizona after completing your degree in 2010 you moved to Washington DC you became news editor for townhall.com contributing editor townhall magazine Fox News Channel contributor now an alternate co-host for the five and your ubiquitous as are you Candice Candice you you're known for your commentary you you are the director of urban engagement at the conservatory advocacy group training Point USA you were pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island you left school you said that's enough you launched social autopsy calm in 2016 a website where you were exposing bullies and so forth now this is very interesting to me you really come from different backgrounds you're both conservatives is that correct correct and you came at it from a completely different direction this is something I think about all the time how to appeal to people how do we reach out to people people from different communities people from different backgrounds because I personally think the conservatism is the glue that holds society together why are you a conservative well as Margaret Thatcher used to say the facts of life are conservative and I think that's really just part of who I am I grew up in a conservative household my parents were small business owners so it really just was kind of part of who we were we never sat us down and said you know this is the left believes it's what the right believes for publicans Democrats it was just more of a conversation piece and I wrote a letter to Bill Clinton when I was six years old about taxes and how it was unfair that he was taking our money we didn't get to spend his money and he wrote me back with you know a generic argument about paying fair shares and all that kind of thing so that's when it really started but you know I'm a Dauterive American my grandpa fought in World War two of lots of family members who were in the military and it really just was part of growing up for me I didn't realize until high school that be man wearing a cowboy hat on the poster in our garage was actually Ronald Reagan so my parents just it was how we were you know I grew up on five acres of land in Flagstaff Arizona and we really just lived a conservative lifestyle personal responsibility you know being self-sufficient you know being responsible for our own actions or our own future and pursuits so that's why I am a conservative it really just is part of who I am Candice you didn't grow up that way I did not become a fairly recent conservative how did you reach that point well I like to say now that the reason I'm conservative is because I used to be a liberal and and I learned a lot obviously growing up in a black household there's a lot of emphasis placed on black people today being liberals being Democrats it's pretty much programmed into us via the public school system that that is the only option for us because Republicans of course are racist and they want to harm the black community and I had a different experience in life realizing that everything my life seemed to be going wrong I was blaming the world for everything that was going wrong there was no personal responsibility because a lot of these liberal movements you're essentially taught that there's always someone else that you can blame and you're pointing the finger and everybody else you're not looking internally to fix things and you'll you'll find that things will continue to go wrong so during the 2016 election cycle I was watching our wonderful president take a run for the White House and the conversation was very strange the rhetoric that the media was using was extremely aggressive they were trying to convince me that he was a racist that he was a sexist that he was a misogynist at one point that he was incestuous right with they started that horrible story about Ivanka Trump and at one point that he was a rapist and I said this is very strange I grew up in a household listening to hip-hop music Trump was glorified and a lot of those music and a lot of those songs and all of a sudden they wanted me to believe that he was a racist so I had to ask myself in that moment is it plausible that racism is being used as a theme to turn black people into single issue voters and the answer to that question is of course yes what is conservatism mean to you conservatism to me is you know limited government liberty and sticking to the Constitution and realizing that government is not the solution to almost anything that your community your family is a solution to everything you know going back to the beginning of the country we've rejected this communal way style of living going back to the pilgrims coming here I mean but being conservative is really just about you know making your own decisions deciding on your own future and being responsible when you fail learning from those failures and be able to move on and be successful in your own right not having to depend on other people to make your success for you obviously you go through life and you have you know partnerships and bosses who promote you and give you opportunity but it's really up to you to take those opportunities and pursue them in a way that makes you successful and what is conservatism mean to you well if you look at the the inverse I think liberalism to me means bondage and conservatism means freedom the freedom to choose the freedom to have responsibilities to go after things in life it's the founding principles of this country that any person had come to this country with the clothes the clothing on their back and make something of themselves I learned conservatism through my grandfather I didn't know that that was the name I didn't know these were conservative principles starting his life on a sharecropping farm working tremendously hard five years old picking cotton and laying tobacco out to dry on a farm and and today he now owns that farm that was the American dream and we lost that we gave that up as government got bigger and the individual got smaller and this is all quite important from a philosophical perspective you just related it to your to your own family it's conservatism about individualism absolutely his conservatism about a circle of Liberty that surrounds each individual that government must never penetrate is this an appealing idea among young people today and college campuses today I mean when I was a young guy a little while ago and I would go college campuses I have to say I was fighting I was the minority all the time because the the professor's weren't any different they were collectivist they were tenured some of them were Marxist and it all sounds so cool and we had to fight this and I thought the people who fought it with me we're actually the smarter ones is that what's going on today or is it worse in our colleges today well I know that parents get really nervous about sending their kids to college because they're concerned about the indoctrination but for me going to a liberal university and having that combative role with professors both in political science department and the journalism department really solidified my principles as a conservative and why I am the way I am and I had to I was challenged every day and had to defend myself and come up with another side of the argument that was valid and when it comes to other students you know I was always leading the charge to try and bring conservative speakers and fighting the administration because they were infringing on her free speech rights by charging us these ridiculous security fees and so I would say you know the campus environment maybe hasn't changed it is pretty bad i speak on college campuses a couple times a semester and there is no room for any kind of thought outside of the Marxism outside of the socialism but what I've learned is that the students may buy into that but when you actually ask them what socialism means they can't define it and when you start pointing things out like each and every one of you are wearing a different pair of shoes and each and every one of you have a different style backpack or a different style iPod or a different phone case and it seems really simple but the fact is that they are individuals on every single level of their life and socialism and communism and Marxism don't allow them to do that but you can never blame students especially for something they've never been told and so I feel like it's my obligation to go to these college campuses and just simply present the other side of an argument of an idea that they're not getting inside of their classrooms and oftentimes I always ask people who disagree with me to come I tell whatever group is hosting me to invite the College Democrats invite the college socialists invite people to come and listen bite your professors who have been saying these horrible things about my speech already even though they've never you know met me or know who I am or even know what I'm going to talk about and they may come in disagreeing with me and they may leave disagreeing with me but the rewarding thing is once come up to me afterwards and say look I walked in here disagreeing with you I still disagree with you but at least I know where you're coming from and even better is when they come and say I totally disagreed with you but now I agree with you and I'm gonna go and tell ten of my friends exactly what I learned here tonight you wear journalism major I was yes you took journalism courses that was your major correct was it hard left were the indoctrinating peoples that white journalists in this country are so I'm almost to a person there's a few exception speak sound make the same noises on TV and radio that's correct it definitely is indoctrination and I will say this it's much worse today than when I was in school and we're talking about just a difference of five years hmm what I have up have observed on college campuses this year and you're on college campuses okay yeah we do we do college campus tours it's terrifying it's actually terrifying there's this idea that it's virtuous you can't speak as a conservative on campus without being boycott without being protested without you know students lining up and playing music loudly so that they can drown out this town of your voices now we're not speaking about anything controversial at Turning Point USA we believe in free markets and capitalism the founding principles of this country and the students hates that and they don't hate that as Katie mentioned they don't hate that because they form these ideas they hate that because they have been indoctrinated to hate that so I say that college campuses are literal liberal indoctrination camps and that is why I understood especially in terms of me wanting to wake up black America which is my highest priority that that was an extremely important vertical to hit it is how I ended up as a liberal is how I ended up thinking that perhaps socialist principles could save the world the most important battle that we are facing in this country today and what conservatives did wrong was handing over the school systems of a left allowing them to take that over and it is the most important battle that we are fighting today and this is a great point I mean it essentially is a monopoly in ideological monopoly and yet this is where we're told academic freedom and free speech at least again when I was going to colleges even though I was in the minority for me from a philosophical perspective professors there's less and less that so we have this ideological monopoly that's called that on our college campuses even though there's thousands of them there's a few exceptions like Hillsdale College and gross eating a few others but they're the exceptions what do we do about it well I would say we need more conservative professors but that is not the easiest feat in the world so now I mean just went because the faculty it's incestuous the questions the Faculty's they pick from their own schools they pick people who are the thrill in ideology I mean I've been looking into this myself how do we break the back of this monopoly well I think that we have to first look at the fact that taxpayers are funding these government institutions so we call them public schools they're really government institutions especially when it comes to universities they're constantly going to their state legislatures and asking for more money for less productive work and less results the universities on the the public level the government level are not responsible for anything that they put out so they don't care if you go for four years five years six years as long as you're paying the money they don't care if you get a degree in sociology they actually probably prefer that but there's no results they're not trying to get people a job so how do we change that first you talk to your state legislatures about how the universities are taking all of your tax money and they're not actually producing any real-world was world results of students who can then go get real jobs instead of being a hundred thousand dollars in debt over a woman's state back to funding pull back some of the funding look at what you know what they're spending their money on when I was in college I would go on a radio show every single Thursday and expose what was happening inside the universities in Seidman classroom what my professors were saying inside the classroom what they were spending money on I remember they built a fake border wall across campus and they were preventing students from getting to class and those are the things that student fees are going towards that's what parents are paying for that's what taxpayers are footing the bill for and so exposing that from the inside out is important because alumni can look at it and say I'm no longer going to give my money to these universities I'm going to give them to conservative organizations instead that are actually making a difference on campus suing universities is key too because they think that they're not going to be held accountable by anybody but when they're infringing on the rights of students organizations like fire have sued on behalf of students ADF ADF has also sued to say look you think you can bully students out of their First Amendment rights by bringing conservative speakers here to simply offer a different point of view we're not going to put up with that anymore their constitutional rights apply on campus and off campus when we come back I want to know what you think - what we should do about this ideological monopoly on our college campuses I think these are great ideas great things that are going on but I think it is the the biggest problem we face when it comes to young people in this country don't forget folks to join us almost every weeknight on Levin TV go to see our tv.com slash mark see our tv.com slash mark and join us or give us a call at 844 Levin TV 844 Levin TV and by the way notice how patriotic I guess so red white blue and they didn't plan they did not place
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,774,393
Rating: 4.8708982 out of 5
Keywords: Fox News Channel, Fox News, News, Life Liberty and levin, Life liberty levin, Mark Levin, candace owens, katie pavlich, Levin, turning point usa, opinion
Id: UQCipqsjsW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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