Tubbo & Tommy Get the Discs Back from Dream!

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hello hey it's time ah it's time let me finish my coke can some things never change some things never change some things never change no matter if we have a nation or not man oh my god so um so the chat don't really know this but we've we've been um preparing a bit i'd say gaps boys i have had the longest day of all time i'm still coming dare i do it i still after this stream immediately have to get a video out today's been the longest day ever for me it's gonna be never ending never ending never ending never ending day day so long the sun does not set jesus christ the sun might not set for us tonight man it's actually already currently night time the sun is gone listen no sun for us we do not deserve the sun are you ready are you ready to go no i'm getting a techno raid but apparently i am it doesn't matter techno's not live what was the fact that he is a youtube stream yeah let's um so yeah this is where we we're going to get the disc man tonight we don't need to do any killing unless unless yeah and i'm wielding the baino bees would you like to see it yo the baby look at the bees [Music] i've got the acts of peace another right sword that i got ghost was pickaxe the shackle was good i don't really know what that means chekov's gun i think it's a history thing do not be patronizing okay okay i've got have you got pots by the way i've got two strength pots but they're only one minute so we're gonna oh i've got two strength parts obviously okay okay boys okay it's time so oops i've gotta not do that in the fight okay all right this is um so this disc this oh my god on the brain headstrap discs on the breast on the brake okay this compass is going to take us dead down to do we do we need to get more food before we prepare do you want to i don't know i know we're good wait wait let's just in case about let's stop let's stop being all optimistic and let's just let's just breathe in the reality of this if worse comes to worst connory's pants is going to get your house jesus no no no sorry please if worse comes to worst goodbye home this is i made this on the first day that's my property damn um this might be the last time i ever see the bench come by bench the discus he's taking us down the prime path baby dream knows what he's doing we should say our goodbyes to people is there anyone who wants to say goodbyes to us about this okay it's taking us down the path well you know i should go we should go in a different vc and try and say hello hey oh man if there was ever a time to subscribe with twitch prime it is right now this is now wait this might be our last time on the prime path in that case guys everybody i love guys jesus christ we need your money we need [Music] do you remember hey remember when we made that church with dream and you were really annoyed about the wait let's just wait can we please take everything in because this is our [ __ ] in fullness jesus christ everything this whole server when we start when we have this disc war at punzer's house oh my god ponzi's house come up the stairs this is um no i don't think we should go into though but this is that's where we um oh my god and do you remember in the basement of your house when we killed dream for the first time and my house which got burned down wait oh my god he's waiting along the path for us oh man hey bad bad hello if i listen if i die tonight it has been an honor knowing you and spending time with you it's been an honor knowing you too tommy please will you give us a good look swag please please say [ __ ] could you say frick at least freak language wait wait wait wait bad bad bad please we might die we might die piss piss i'll give you one last language okay before you go that is so annoying language oh my god oh this is okay bye-bye bad boy halo it's the minutes now hey guys you've been the best minutes man anyone could ask for it except for the whole memory problems you were the best man you were the only one that knew what i was going through and i am it's been an honor even though i've not known you for that long to uh just to spend time with you your notes were so legible they were so legible h mom you're peculiar yeah yeah yeah it was an honor it would take you to take you hostage i think you're okay yeah i stole from you lots but i'm sure we're on good terms captain puffy you're really cool yeah callahan yeah you you restarted the server when it crashed multiple times for us man you're like now i don't yeah i'm sorry that time i made a joke about raiding your channel that was bad of me and i still feel guilty it was worse than getting caught up on my history teacher man i'll speak to puncture but if you don't mind okay okay okay take the lead take the lead oh punk hello punk on the on the first day of this server you actually started this dis saga when we went and uh burned down your lemon tree when satnav did yeah punk it has been a long time it's been a long time it's been an honor knowing you and spending you've always been so nice to me and you actually helped me get like half these gapples thank you so much punk you're welcome tommy you're welcome i'll always be there for you half the time okay thanks thank you okay i will always half be there for you okay good luck thank you sam can i do sam please of course of course sam hello my friend you have been so unbelievably helpful you have taught me so much sam one second we drained the ocean we drained the ocean it was i've actually i've actually prepared you something it's not much they're really hard to make i have one for tommy as well what and make sure that you're eating tubbo pumpkin pie sam thank you you're very welcome taboo oh my god sam if i never see you again sam you can have everything everything i own you could have snow chester you could have the guardian farm you could have my news take good care of you oh man you don't actually know about the nukes yet but thank you not yet but that's okay okay i'm going to be careful i'll be careful sam i'm going to go and over to tommy no we're going in vc2 to damn tommy take this yeah what is it drugs no no it will help us against dream i know drugs i know drugs i mean tommy knows his drugs that's one thing i know tommy knows his drugs all right turbo first of all thank you everybody oh and i see you all when i get home when we get when we get home yeah yeah what yeah oh wait yeah this is where you were when you get home you're going to sacrifice me manifold stood at the back yes he is this is where the prime path ends guys everyone has a free twitch prime subscription this is this is our last save for every set jack yeah eric when we first spoke i thought you had a really cool voice and it was so decent then you betrayed you kind of came back and you helped me thank you eric thank you i know i know i've wronged you but i you know i want to see you guys succeed and i think you have the power to do it eric you know what we're also between us you've always been the real king eric thank you i'll see you later my friend good luck please make pie bye bye okay it's just you and me now this is it is this to the music no no no no no no no no no no no no no actually copyright let's not talk okay okay all right boys goodbye dream smp i'm not ready i'll see you when we get okay listen i'm really not ready i don't want to go quackity by the way no concept of how far away this mountain is i'm just spinning around checking i don't drop frames okay i'm good i have no concept of how far away this is all i know i think like yeah i think he told me through dms that it was like a mountain or something something grand he was like this is gonna be the biggest thing i'm i'm excited you know what song isn't copyrighted the able sisters no do you remember hero's journey the zelda song i showed you i've already i've listened i've got to i'm actually going to be um just to remind me of the olden days today when we fight dream i'm going to be playing music [Music] okay come on all right boys okay okay okay okay now we've we've oh what the [ __ ] is that bundy didn't come to wish us goodbye which i thought was weird that's fine he he will do it he will send a dog one of his dog friends yeah in the suits i get it okay course okay i've got lots of okay i'm just checking i've got wooden stuff yep i've got wood as well water bucket in hand can we talk please because we actually okay this is okay okay let me let let me talk do we have a strategy at all any strategy so okay what i'm thinking is all i know is that he said tone up just me and you and we'll get the discs all right did he say we have to be unarmed no he didn't actually all he said was me and you go meet him and then that's it um he said but if we don't he'll burn the discs which makes me and you remember how he just blew up all of them like he also gave that whole speech to me it feels like okay we should probably practice it's kind of crazy oh okay you've got it yeah yeah we got it what's happened to your mic well fix that you've got you've gotta no you are not good i'm plug and replug to go xlr yep hello hello hello i just can't hear you i just can't oh this was a bad time for your mic to give out tommy tommy uh oh uh oh can you hear me tommy's chat can you hear me hello am i good oh you're good you're good you're good what are you doing good yep you fixed it you fixed it you fixed it i literally just unplugged and re-plugged in my go xlr okay yeah okay am i good on obs chat one in chat if you can hear me wait no two two i'm holding my hands over my mouth wait wait what can that can you hear me yeah i can hit you perfectly am i fine you're fine you're fine you're fine that was really weird and it does not change a single [ __ ] thing oh god oh god oh god oh god come on boys clap your hands pug champ okay so okay we should probably talk strategy at times strategy so let's say okay let me go through what i know because i feel like i know that my god i still have low blood pressure what the hell is this you still have low blood pressure what yeah i suffered from low but anyway in real life yeah really you just feel like you have i really hope i really hope we don't die today because then i still have so much to share with you it's like what my blood pressure tails wait do you actually have low blood pressure yes so about this is the biggest thing of our entire life on this server and you'll get oh my gosh i just never knew that okay listen i can't hear okay i can't hear my minecraft sounds what other medical mysteries do you have hold okay i think i'm gonna have to restart my craft because i can't hear the sounds oh my god [Music] can i hear the able sisters yes i will play okay yeah i'll be like 30 seconds don't worry okay f3t reset sounds oh yeah guys if you could have told me that 30 seconds prior then we would have been we wouldn't be in this situation chats okay well okay i want to go i really can we go over the um the plans there so what i know from dream uh is that he's he's sent to the grand place and i know that he he intends for us he's crazy we're on our last livestream and yeah right we are and that we have to get back the discs tonight it's going to be awesome and i'm pretty sure no no no please okay sorry i want to be real with you for a second cannot be rules for just a millisecond seriously tell the people what i feel a second sorry hey okay okay keep going keep going keep going i swear sorry i'm just waiting for my obs to pick up my game capture there we are i found a grey sheep and i thought it was okay can i be okay let's keep walking this way come to me okay okay okay i need to be real with you and please just don't cut me off i know it's gonna be a bit hard to hear okay i know that okay yeah it's totally working now let's follow us i know that me and you kind of have a tendency to especially you always look on the positive side of things and that's really cool right and i think everyone really appreciates it and always loves us he loves you especially for that and how positive we always are and i know that there was such a long time on the server where it was tubber gets pushed around by tommy the psychic but tonight turbo we need to be self-aware and we need to be honest this we're going to fight for the discs tonight and we're going to fight well but we're both let's not lie to ourselves we're both on our very very last life all right yeah our very last life and if we were to die tonight we'd be gone so please i know that you keep going yeah we're gonna get a bachelorette please think smart do we have to do what's right tonight because turbo i need someone to get back and tell my story because i don't know who's gonna live and who's gonna die but i do know that if we go in with every single thing we've got because every time you know every every time we've lost every time we've done something stupid tonight is gonna be the night well we don't have any other choice but to win because if we lose to beau then we've lost everything do you understand that yeah what are you thinking right now concerned well that's good that's good that was the uh speech that was what i was hoping you would see yeah you were trying to you're trying to fill me with fear psych me out before the big fight i wasn't trying to fill you with fear i was trying to listen don't make me stop playing the able sisters due to it on our way to ab freaking okay i'm just gonna craft a boat yeah i have no idea how many blocks out this is by the way boat pog boat pog boat pog i'm gonna get out my i'm gonna get my song ready for if we if we encounter a dream [Music] like the old days boys you do can you link me can you link me i want the full experience you could just you could wait wait stop wait what okay okay sorry sorry i thought this was where i was exiled to beau and i still you know i'm getting good at this but i still this is there's some still there are some still some little things from my exile that really really gets plain especially no i'm kind of it's like it was the let me think let me think the the whole stuff really gets me the um seeing him come being nice to us making seeing him all cocky and laughing us at that i still do get traumatized about yeah he's and i'm sorry i've got to be so i've got to be self-aware about my weaknesses tonight come on seriously i know every time i ask you how you're feeling you're concerned or okay come on man please just tell me how you feel this is it if you don't tell me how you're feeling now we don't have any other time after this please just tell me how are you i'm feeling like optimistic but worried that you know if we both die then no one will know what when what happened today and you know like if no one knows what happened today then what's the well there's honestly no point you know if we both die it would all be for nothing everything would be for nothing so well let's stay alive and not kick the yield bucket not and not kick the ye old bucket yes yes yes yes that is what you are so [ __ ] from down south holy [ __ ] what what do you mean holy [ __ ] i don't see how that has anything to do with this okay to be like hey say the word bath what's the catch here you said it said wait say the word say wait sorry sorry say the word math say the words i met some people i met some people oh some people go pee pole like that and i go what the hell no one doesn't say it like a say the word grass say grass grass grass that's what you sound like grass grass that's you this is nice you know yeah we've had a really good time yeah i know i haven't always been the best but thank you for being all right thank you man for everything it's all right i'm quite nervous are we there yet like come on man i didn't think it would be this good wait let me just check my audio isn't delayed is it a clap that's what i do wait you stop clapping okay i'm good it's never going to change it's fine if something if something is up honestly phil's minecraft would have messaged me by now yeah he he he has our backs he has all his puzzle makeup has our backs he knows he knows honestly i reckon he's actually probably some kind of greek god i've been thinking about it recently i reckon he's another earthly power isn't he live yeah yeah phil's chat do you wanna know one of the things that phil does is every time he bans someone in his chat after his stream he goes everywhere he bans them from out here so great the case you're buying okay i did a mod recording yesterday and two mod recordings i've done every single time there's been a big mountain there's been an acacia biome so be careful okay okay okay okay okay speed be on guard come on god i'm on guard shield up you know okay let's get out no hey you got bed don't you in case we yeah i have a bed okay which way is it pointing okay still dead straight okay wait place the boat back oh oh was this not the well i guess i'll drive this time no i've got the trigger oh sorry i'm driving get in the boat i have the comp okay well you just need me north forward i've got i can see the compass at f5 forward i'm going forward you just shot me i didn't mean to in my defense i'll wait oh oh that looks like wait is it this way oh no it's this oh which way okay yeah okay i think you go around here no we don't go around you go dad see this is why i should have drove yeah well you shot me you lost driving privileges when you shot do you mind me saying do you want me saying saying what 500k oh my god wait what there's a lot of people i have oh my god 500k viewers how many are you only even 150. oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow okay let's take it seriously then come on i fell in a hole okay pearl out no i've got this i'm saving my pose for the big fight okay please okay let's go okay got eyes out fully have it okay what is it you want to talk do you not have any things that you need to go over that you feel like i'm you're being pretty like you're being pretty relaxed i'm not relaxed i i'm just failing to okay drop me the boat please i don't have the boat uh oh oh what the [ __ ] has this naturally spawned i think this is a naturally generated structure i have not seen one of these in literally okay come on come on come on come on come on don't kill one of them oh my god okay we're going after the graphics i want us to be i want us to be stopped pissing about right now all right i still have my music what do you don't see that big yeah do you not see that yeah do you know okay let me up my render distance yep me too me too what the [ __ ] tell me this isn't it do you okay wait wait wait it's going to the side [Applause] [Music] wait it's going to the site is going wait wait is it still going to the side is this it oh my god oh [ __ ] if we end up oh okay let's go up this okay how many blocks do you have i'm gonna cut all of mine into okay okay here we go cut we can swim right we just swim up yeah yeah yeah we swim up here it's a [ __ ] cobblestoney this is so weird that's a pretty big mountain final boss mountain in someone's house oh it literally is the [ __ ] okay all right okay okay okay okay all we need to do okay listen listen listen all we need to do i have an ender chest on me is get the disc off him and then put it in an ender chest all right maybe when we get up there dream might not even be here yet okay why would he not sorry okay listen please just lit oh my god you fine i've it's about you sometimes man i am really clever and i feel like you don't let me annihilate dominate and destroy if you will dominate and destroy okay anyway oh look at those two okay stop stop stop stop there's a long way okay just stop here for a sec okay okay okay what oh my god the sun is right this might be our last sunrise ah let's just take it in okay turbo turbo here's what we do we okay all we have to do is if he if he shows the discs i have no idea what his [ __ ] plan is but if he shows the discs we get them off him okay okay did you just look at a what the [ __ ] what oh oh my bad wait we should probably practice up if he shows the dick oh get up i only if he shows the discs man what the sorry listen just listen to him okay please please if he shows the discs we get them and we end the chest them although what what we gotta go up okay be smart be careful and be slow slow and steady wins the race slow and steady wins the race other than when it's war and yeah and then okay okay be careful okay wait let me just try and blow chips hold shift hold shift tommy tommy it's fine it's fine we are not prepared oh don't even don't forget it [ __ ] do you have more wood for me please i have a little bit oh whoa what was that oh skeleton skellington skellington okay okay keep okay it says this way okay can you drop me some more work and drop some more wood i don't have much wood myself i'll split a stack with you though okay okay wait let me eat up full saturation are you fully eated i see his name fully eat it head to bed place down there's just here okay place down the bed place down the back okay okay okay okay okay set your spawn do we pot now or do we wait hey here's what we do hello okay hey hey long time no see okay so we have a lot drink potions to talk about we do i may or may not do you have them on you right now i might hey let's let's have a let's have a let's have a conversation let's have a conversation don't give him time to think jimmy don't give him time to think you know when you don't stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop let's talk he might not even have him on him he might not even have to go there freaking time to think don't give him time to think enough okay okay let me get my trousers ready how was your journey here it was it was why did you need us here dream why are we here well i mean i have what you want and you've come to take it right yeah but why would you even let us know you're here it's better than being in an area where everyone else is you know we're private it's secluded we have time to ourselves you know dream you left me a note saying that you'd be here and that only us two could come why well it's been you and tubbo since the beginning right you and tubbo versus me for the diss right yeah that's why you're here okay but why why do you want it why did you call us here he said come here meet me the discs will be here that's what you said dream why i did say that why because i wanted you to come here what are you doing what are you what are you doing you got something to say or what what are you doing i do what are you doing no you son of a let's just listen to some tunes you know what is it you've got to say dream oh music the music can speak for me what is it you want to say [Music] uh i want to say you know good luck that's what i want to say what's your plan well i just want to listen to some tunes look at me in the eyes dream why is it you're listening to tunes huh why would i not tommy go go go go go go okay wait you knocked me down you know you're down i got him i got him back i've not get back okay no no no no no no no no no no no no he's pressing up obsidian i'm coming up okay i've gotta pick i've got another one pick okay hold him up hold him off okay come on keep him away from an ender chest he's attacking me he's attacking me what's he okay he's attacking okay okay okay wait okay where where is he where are you i'm coming up there are there any issues i just stopped are there as he might wait are there any okay are there any oh wait i'm going to drink the things sam gave us any ender chests he's swimming up he's swimming up on water don't worry he's got a tunnel we're basically indestructible to him god knocked him down i've knocked him down again hold him up hold him off okay okay okay okay okay okay okay wait is it is there a wait do i see a ch i see an underdressed by our bed okay okay okay okay okay if i put it wait if i pull it he might get me uh do you want me to go down first you go down here okay okay have a pearl have a pill you go down and get to this get to the disc okay wait till i have loads of gaps okay okay i've knocked him he's firing at me oh okay okay um what are you gonna do tommy what do you have on your axe sharpness five where is he so you can probably i'm pushing back down okay i've jumped down on top of him okay he knocked me down i'm gonna gap um okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay take it slow take a bit slower we're juggling gaps he's literally chugging gaps okay wait take it i'm out take it a bit slower take a bit slower okay here's what we do do you have a good crossbow i've got the shackles gun baby oh wait okay [ __ ] to my shield shield shield yeah i'm being careful wait oh my god he's not doing any damage to me okay okay can you take him i think his shield's popped right now so we can't block with the shield okay okay turbo use the sword use a knockback sword okay if we can take him out now then we have a disc can we can we take him out he's jogging he's chugging i think we can take him out tomorrow or not could we take him out i'm just getting out shopping blocks i don't have enough problems to give you i don't have enough blocks to give you i don't have any more okay could he kill me could it kill you tommy jump in yeah he's getting should i run should i run should i run with the desk yeah yeah we should run run run run run i should run watch it okay can we get okay can we kill him or not tommy stop come here both of you listen why stop stand still why listen i can keep going i haven't used any potions yet i have strength i have turtle master i have regen i have multiple god apples i have my trident i have tons of pearls i have stacks of gapples i have exp bottles guess what my armor's broken guess what now it's not okay your armor's gonna break everything you're gonna die you're gonna lose so listen tommy just give me the disc and i won't kill tubbo what do you mean this is we're in full nether right yeah i could i could chase him down do you have blocks do you have blocks i've got a couple i've got a couple but he's like okay okay okay i'm going up the mountain i'm going up the mountain tommy he's gonna die he's killing me i'm not even using potions i'm not even using my sword i'm down down back where you were fighting listen tommy listen i can kill him if i want okay listen this is your choice it's been too long for you not to make this choice right now i want you to choose you can't get listen i have the disc you don't all right call me i still have one of the discs and i have tubbo listen make your choice choose between your disc or tubbo dream you know i'm not going to kill you but with tubbo tell me wait so if i was to run away now and and and chest away the ender chest how could you even kill turbo he's fine he's in full nether right it's it's the durability's looking a little worse for wear i'll be honest i have tommy i've stopped stacks of pearls i have speed pots i can chase them down i have a trident with riptide yes yes okay okay we need to get out of this one how should we not it doesn't change anything why not the disc in your inventory i can just kill tubbo the same tobacco get with me what do you mean tommy you're not you can't defend him you were defending him before i you i haven't even tried yet how do we know you're not just saying that because i'm not i've came prepared i always come prepared guess what my armor is full durability wait just give me the disc look tommy you're powerless okay i can kill tubbo i can kill you if i wanted to but i won't but i can kill tubbo i i just i for the first time i was trying for 10 seconds and he was pleading in a corner tommy is that true were you pleading well how much damage do you actually do a lot i was on like half a heart one more hit and i would have been gone what really yeah holy [ __ ] okay yeah thank you guys still have twenty six i started twenty dollars yeah okay okay okay will you make a break for it tommy all right okay i i feel like i've given you way too much time okay listen do i we couldn't make your decision tubbo dies or you give me the disc ten nine eight come on what do i do seven i don't know when you hit the desk keep the disc hit the disc why why it'll be worth it it'll be worth it it'll be it'll be worth four well i shouldn't get you this gun fine i've done enough in my life i've done enough i've done enough it's fine keep the disc two what are you doing thank you wow i i didn't think it would be that easy but i mean that wasn't even the disc wait what oh my gosh this is how powerless you are that's not even the disc i'm just playing with you that's not even the disc neither of these is the disc i'll just here go take them fine take them i'll blow him up i don't care neither these are the discs these are fake discs do you think i'd actually play the disc in front of you i think i didn't learn from the last time we did this where you got the disc i'm not an idiot yeah you think i'm an idiot you think i'm gonna play games with you and play a sky battle build battle or something with you and play for the discs i'm not gonna do that i just want to show you how powerful i am how powerless you are because you just gave me the disc and it wasn't even the disc i could have just let you walk away but no i'm toying with you i'm playing with my food you know that's that's that's that's that's the fun in it that's the fun in it but you know you're going to listen to me you're going to die because i'm not playing around now so that's what i want you to do no tommy drop the axe a piece first of all you're not gonna kill me i'm not gonna kill you okay okay thank you all right drop your stuff in the hole all right drop your stuff in the hole oh my god no i don't really have a choice but don't worry okay okay okay go drop your stuff in the hole or i'm gonna kill taboo all of it no no no no oh it's all right well um here i'll take you i'll take you to the real desk follow me all right stay close careful here we go keep going stay really really close okay why would you think that you can would you threaten to kill too much oh why am i so i'm so [ __ ] at pvp by the way there were like three chances where i could have gone to the oh it's just because i thought i'm more sure about your weapons about how much you could want to happens oh no why are we going down so slow the hot shift cool it's just you know taking taking our sweet time you know listen you think that you can just show up and fight me and take back your diss and you know that i that i don't have a plan and that i'm i'm a fool and you can just beat me in combat because i'm you know that that's that's all i'm good at or you know whatever that's not that's not how it works you know i mean i've been one step ahead of you guys the entire time i mean taboo just pure evil you know that how how do you sleep at night just fine tubbo tubo thought i was his friend tommy what an idiot right he thought i was his friend you thought i was your friend you both you both you both thought i was your friend you know i you know i made i made sure nobody showed up to your party so you thought you had no friends but me dream there's a creeper dream that's a creep it's okay it's also a chicken it's also a chicken well yeah cool yeah well you told us you were threatened yeah i mean but all along like i i've been one step ahead of you since the very beginning like i mean taboo you the reason i have the disc is because i framed tommy i blew up the community house and framed him he blew up and you were dumb enough to give me the disk oh you're a psychopath dream i mean i wouldn't say that but i mean lemandberg's gone i have the discs i have you guys at my mercy right now i mean but did you get any armor on you no follow me what the stand in here it's a trap how do we know we're not just gonna die okay yeah if you were i could just kill you get on until why do you just get on man i mean tommy hey at this point we're dead either way goodbye get on the [ __ ] is happening listen tommy ever since you joined the server you've been a headache okay you brought war you brought terrorism bad everything but but the cause of all the war of everything was attachment right your attachment to the dis your attachment to henry to pets to friends to land to countries to items right sit still for a second sit still for a second okay that's that's the one good thing that you've done the one good thing you've done is you brought attachment to the server so it took me a long time to realize how important how important attachment was but when i did you know it made me stronger and i realized that you know you're you're you're you're important right well come come look come see your desks you're just here i mean is that the chest look yeah sure you could take the desk just you could put in the other chest if you wanted to but it doesn't matter i'm you know i wouldn't do it if i were you because then tubber would die but that's disc one you're just lying on the floor says too i mean you can not even centered in disrespect well i mean i i i don't have the best eye for design so but ever since you know attachment was on the server oh my gosh you could go right now yeah i i cut my attachment okay i i i blew up my house i lost my friends i lost my items lost my crossbow my you know everything that was important to me my pets i cut everything because i realized that that's what gave people power over each other like the reason right now you're here is because i have these dumb little items so you didn't i i don't want to be controlled so i cut everything i lost everything but how did i have to lose everything i had to lose everything to gain everything you haven't gained anything you don't seem like you have an awful listen listen if i can control the things that people are attached to then i can control the server again because this isn't tommy smp or tubbo smp it's dream s p right so i can control the server if i have everything that everybody cares about that everybody's ever cared about i can control everything right i can turn the server back to what it used to be right so what did it make your server was [ __ ] was just you and george [ __ ] around follow me this isn't why do you look i have a spot for everything i'm gonna collect everything that i can look this stroker here oh yeah let me put this here there's the acts of peace shulker that's punz's bedrock rock what that's that's techno's or tommy's beckerson's already there mars is there you're [ __ ] crazy that's rambu's pet oh yeah purple purple no what the [ __ ] wait that's the one thing the bad cares about you are a wonderful man you're a terrible man what is bran this isn't real is it i've watched henry die come in end did you really was it the real henry do you know i don't know this is a spot for carl you have a friend a friend friend you're a [ __ ] psycho man i'm not a psycho everything i do is deliberate i need control okay i need control why this isn't fair because it's it's not fair you're right it's my server it's the dream smp what do you mean fair look it's not it's not fair okay but tommy listen i i need you okay i need you to continue bringing attachment to the server because you it without you you know people weren't really attached to things but then you came and you brought friendship and and countries and things people can be attached to right and you brought that and and you're you're the key right you're the key to unlock the full potential of of the server and power and everything but i mean i can't kill you but what are you getting i i constructed a prison it's inescapable can't get out there's hundreds of thousands of stacks of obsidian there's elder guardians there's guards how uh a lot of time effort planning construction you know a little bit of evil so you are evil uh you're a monster dream this isn't i mean evil is you know in the eye of the beholder right that i mean it's not really understand what that means well it just means that you know you're evil to me tower from lego batman with the eye on top you you came into the server thinking that you're you know a hero right but you make everything good that was kind of you're really light into the atmosphere sorry sorry that was good it was good i like i like that when when we're all feeling down you make us feel better go on hello yeah i'm gonna lock tommy away forever i mean i need him alive but it doesn't mean that he has to be free right yeah he was when you were in exile it was perfect people could visit you you know the only problem was that you could you could escape right and you did and that was the problem i was fine with you being in exile but then the thing is you you left and you ruined it it was gonna be perfect but then the prison it wasn't meant for you originally but now it is who is it meant for originally ah you don't even know but it's perfect i mean i need you alive and no no you can't lock me up you know what dream you can't you can't i'll [ __ ] i'll kill you that's hey hey maybe maybe we just maybe just maybe okay you know what you listen listen tubbo isn't fun tubbo's a pawn he's a follower i've used him as much as i can but you know he's a little dried up he's not a follower he's a follower he's the president he was the last president he's not a [ __ ] follower yeah president second to quackity and rambu and fundy and everybody who told them what to do i've already i've already i've already went over this i mean tubbo's tub is a follower you know you need to as much as you need me i don't need tubbo at all actually well because the thing is about what am i [ __ ] oh well tommy you want to be a hero right you want to be a hero you want to be the hero of the server and every hero needs an origin story right i mean batman had his parents spiderman had uncle ben you know tubbo right no absolutely [ __ ] not no what do you mean i'm trying to get this creeper to come and blow you up what the hell are you [ __ ] trapped down here what's through this portal don't go through it why because that's my way home oh we do listen tell me what you do what will you do if we do huh i mean i can kill you before you go through tubbo you can go through it's fine double can't i'll kill him listen walk over here a little farther away from the portal tommy i want to give you your chance to say goodbye you're going in the prison i'm gonna say goodbye we'll [ __ ] get out of here all right every time everything we've got away all right we'll get out of there you'll get out of here it's it's tubbus it's tubbo's time to go it's tabo's time dream you know what are you being serious yes you can keep the discs for now i i mean turbo will go i don't know tell me i don't care about the discs okay i already explained i care about i care about power and the thing is taboo like i said that was a pawn i'm not a poem it was a pawn he's it's just say your goodbye just say your goodbyes look i'll give you [ __ ] you [ __ ] i want the worst [ __ ] [ __ ] tommy you're gonna miss out on your chance to say goodbye to your best friend okay i'm not kidding i'm going to kill him i'm going to kill him in the next minute listen you know you have to accept it so you can deny it all you want but then you lose out he'll die and you'll regret forever that you didn't say goodbye so listen i'm gonna walk over here you guys can walk over there a little bit say your goodbyes he's not gonna kill you he's not gonna [ __ ] kill he needs me you've seen him deceive everyone too but you know he's not gonna kill us i tell you what we do we make a break for the porter we can run all the way back to mine because i have the the secret ball on the on the exile base if we run to that we're dead before we get into the portal too much of a distance it's all right we had some laughs it was it was it was fun well it lasted but if you just accepted it don't just accept it now don't no we don't just we but we never we are literally out there level five there is nowhere to go under we have no blocks we don't accept we don't accept the shed before we get into the portal we can't go that way we don't have pickaxes yeah it's fine we had some oh well there goes our lift out and yeah that was the only other option i yeah it's over we had some laughs it was fun you know all good things must come to an end eventually i just didn't think that this would be this would be my what am i my coming to an end if you will well i mean am i without you yourself so you really are you accepting this are you okay yeah it's it's all right it's all right hey at the start who knows what happens when i'm yeah but we were up we were optimistic you know that we were up to the whole way here we were banned and my mic broke and i was playing like we were tasting now this isn't this isn't what well you know you get backed into a corner this is like he describes me as a pawn this is checkmate this is it this is the end i suggest you resign even though for this entire server i've always regarded you as as my as my sidekick and this in the character really turbo i was i was your sidekick please don't go please don't go it's fine it's about time anyway it's about time it is i'm sorry dream but you should have paid me more oh you came what wait [ __ ] [Music] oh hey guys okay guys it wasn't me that blew up the community house it was him he [ __ ] said it i've got it on tape i've got it on tape point in 4k [ __ ] sorry sorry i got it i got it yeah so max i'm right you actually came it worked yeah i got the message are you all here we're tired man we're tired of your [ __ ] what is this you don't know what yeah what is this huh can't go your tongue dream hey dream i know you're not going to kill me i know you're not sandra can you hand me a pickaxe please you know what you son of a [ __ ] you told me everything you said i'm too important to kill that even now you're not gonna you're not gonna [ __ ] kill me you don't have the guts put your armor in the hole everything everything on you there tommy hey dream dream kill me you said you weren't so we'll make sure turbo's okay by the way because he definitely said he would kill somebody yeah yeah i'll just stab behind the body get behind us hello minutes man you gonna kill me uh and the shield please don't mind if i do [Music] you [ __ ] up for the last time dream tommy you said i'm not gonna kill you and i know you're not gonna kill me right i mean would i not kill you because we have so much fun together right dreaming tommy you know war and dream fun times you have caused me nothing but pain and now it's your turn where is he uh dream um dream everyone please i'm gonna kill you until you're dead tommy this is it now dream tommy listen okay look you're not gonna kill me you've killed me no dream dream stop this is where it ends can you um listen no no no no i've i've done all the listening i need to do now listen to me listen with your own bow dream no tommy tommy tommy tommy with your own bow listen listen okay stop i'm going to kill you until you're done tell me okay let's start to kill you until you go tommy stop stop come on what are you going to do no you know what happened you know what you know this is my server this is my s one left one three lives two gone come back down dream i'm not coming back down come back down right now or all of us are gonna come up time why would i come back down because dream if you don't come down i'll just kill me and then this server you won't have any more fun so you come down right now thank you you coming down tommy yeah hey dream dream come down and i i seriously i promise i won't kill you i just i need to talk to you please because there's something i've not told you from the beginning of exile from the beginning of the server dare i say tommy yeah he's he's here oh you came this game the other entrance tommy hey hey hey hey tommy dressen there is nothing i need to tell you you've been punished you've punished me enough anyway you just killed me twice have you got any last words tommy you don't need to kill me tommy we were friends tommy we were friends stop stop stop stop stop wait is it weights of peace listen tommy i can bring people back to life the acts of p listen hey do you remember why should i not kill you just listen to yourself no no no no no i'll explain i'll explain i'll explain just listen just listen just listen just listen um when we when i fought with jason i fought with jason jay schlatt gave me a book okay and it has how to bring people back to life but only i have the book he died he's the only other person that knew i have the book that's what he gave he said if i fought on his side he'd give it to me dream you just lie you just tell me if to this point what what schlatt you know why i decided with schlatt and that's why i dreamed you have to let me go look wilbur well if i die then wilbur's dead forever if i die then everybody's dead forever if tubbo dies he's dead forever if you die you're dead forever but if i'm alive tell me you have to let me go it's not it's not worth it it's not worth it like i'll look i'll stop i'll be out of your hair i'll be i'll i won't look i won't try and no no no no listen listen i won't i won't do anything okay i will i'll be i'll be good i'll you can exile me i'll be i'll be away i'll be gone come back no i won't i won't i promise you i won't this is your last chance not to lie dream can you really bring people back could you bring back wilbur i could i have i have i know how i'm the only one that knows how if i die then he's gone forever if you die wilbur not just wilbur and schleid anybody in the future then death is permanent but are you even you have to let me go man you are the most toxic son of a [ __ ] of all time or you look in this box one here if they die they're dead forever if you kill me i would just kill you now he's in a box you stupid son of a few stupid looking i'm getting ptsd but now turbo he's in the box what will he do absolutely nothing what the [ __ ] oh no but is it is that worth it to about to keep him there if that is is this even worth it for him to stay on if dave he dream is [ __ ] worse than death man like he has ruined this he will you have if this wasn't the dream smp then everyone would have a brilliant time the reason that this server sucks tommy there's another way sam hi sam there's another way what's up you don't have to let him go free you just can't kill him why not i want no one he has the book we can't kill him but you don't have to let him go free we can put him in the prison i built the prison i have access to the prison i don't know anything about i've just seen it and shat myself several times over if i was true he paid me to build the prison yeah but i know i know i know about the person i know how it works like you're not you can't contain me in the prison you should know enough to know that it's impossible to get out once you're in is it ready sam it's impossible to leave that prison once you're locked away can keep him there until we need to bring somebody back and we can bring them back from [Music] friends prison on your own [ __ ] server dream you stupid green son of a [ __ ] you're gonna suck it for the last time green boy let's put him in the prison let's do it lock him up sounds like a plan holy [ __ ] it sounds weirdly weirdly too perfect i'll be honest turbo yeah let's make wilbur proud chuggy green oh [Music] why i will lock him in the prison i don't want to i can't show all the intricate workings of the prison you can you could come visit him tommy but not not while i'm locking him away wait can i visit him you know i'll be the first of it i'll come visit him tomorrow just me okay you can come tomorrow so you can bring people back i think we do well yeah yeah no wilbur was a good guy well you know what dream you're done you lost you lost the war say bye-bye dream say bye to the nice people bye-bye why would you put that back how stupid are you what you're literally gonna be in prison okay you're not fine you know just holy [ __ ] everyone thank you we did it okay sam could you make sure you keep an eye on dream i'm standing up as well could you two just stick with her i'll i'll take him from here if he tries to if he tries to escape we'll take his last life i guess for everyone here you weren't here but dreaming get up here come listen i know i [ __ ] up everyone but it wasn't me that blew up the community house it wasn't dream dream you know what you've lost everything tell them tell them what you did tell them [Music] i blew up the community house what else tell them everything dream or else i mean i'll just kill you because i don't i could do with you not here i think we all could tell them what you did dream what do you want me to say every just tell them everything i don't even just tell them everything you did that was manipulative and [ __ ] up everyone because no one even knows what i was in in exile tell him tell him dream tell them all okay well don't that's right guys i find i'll tell you what he did he literally he was the one that blew up the community house all of this [ __ ] any [ __ ] that's happened to you that was unexplained it was probably a dream he's scared now everyone and i know that every single bad thing on this server dreams smp no no because it's not dreams it's not there's no apostrophe it's the dream smp listen everyone every [ __ ] that's came every every bad thing like eric uh you know he took your role as king big q i don't know what he did to you but you're not wearing any clothes so i can't imagine it was great chat manifold he i didn't know there's anything to you but listen dream was the root of all problems on the server he was the thing that made this smp miserable but now we can all do our own [ __ ] everyone the server can finally we can establish independence the server can finally be the s p that it should have been when we all joined tommy what what was in this hallway over here dream was collecting every single thing that meant something to people in order to use them he wanted to gather all of the power everything please everyone like a pup dream is the villain wait beckerson sam nump take it take it it's yours dream has been the monster now all right not me and i know i [ __ ] up we can get anything from here we'll take anything that's yours obviously but listen to me everyone i know i [ __ ] up but please give me one more chance but do not give him one let's lock him up boys holy [ __ ] everyone it was about time yeah everyone [Applause] thanks guys sam dream i'll come and visit you tomorrow but have fun in jail i'll kill you with your own definitely not penis the adequately named come on dream let's go dream time to go goodbye dream this way lost it's over [Music] everyone thank you all so so much you did it tommy you did it you told me big q i did but we've been to boat can i have like half that armor so i don't die any nether [Laughter] where are we gonna be a bench i don't know i i don't know where this is oh where is this you're right oh i think i see a road up there yeah yeah this way this way this way okay yeah this way all right to our fires as well right everyone [Music] where um me and turbo are gonna actually i'm not allowed to ask like 30 people to leave vc2 come on dream follow me pc thanks guys puns thank you go dream come on goodbye and tubbo bye big q let me vc5 you're obviously tobacco yvc wait let's get back let's get wait okay here's the bastion right i have no idea but i'm oh my god i really thought i was a goner i'll be honest okay you know what you know what before we sit down and process everything have you got blocks right just go up nope there you go oh my god just dishing out before we go and just um process everything that's something that we have to do we should have done so so long ago how do we get home i think it's up here right now it looks like it looks like it's up here just look for like the trails of people who have got lost and there'll be tunnels dug around okay cool got it i think oh really oh yeah i know where we are all right cool let's just get back to my house it worked i'll tell you i'll tell you about all the pun stuff later but holy [ __ ] yeah i was a little bit surprised i thought he kind of hated our guts oh he did oh he had how many how much how many things did he have uh tommy tomorrow i'll take you back i'll take you back another way from here up here chat you will know what we got to do oh my god oh we lost we lost the shackles gun we lost joseph's pickaxe we lost the bain obese that's okay you know what to vote now george is just just he's definitely asleep he's oh my god my keys are just such a holy [ __ ] i just had a bit of a okay no it's this way too i can see what's going on no no no it's that no tommy we can't see the exit i'll beat you there i can i can see it with my own two it's not the exit portal no it is okay well i'm gonna beat you there why why are you making this oh okay should i come my way it's the quicker way you haven't beat me here wait what do you mean i haven't i'm here i had to stop to eat no i didn't exactly oh oh oh what oh don't worry he's a friend probably come with me tomorrow where to i think you know where i know what i know what i just wanted you to say wait wait what we're on the path oh wait it wasn't our last time oh wow this is the ghost we won the war we don't win things often i've realized actually almost ever yeah yeah yeah where are normally the losers wait wait wait wait wait we're on the prime part we're on the prime part the prime path [Music] okay okay ah he's gone dream's gone but we could get back wilbur now what is that i wonder holy [ __ ] look at all this hey am i okay to have that gear please yes thank you can i keep nightmare a little token yeah of course wait turbo oh sit down sit down oh my god which one is it male 1 cat i have cat here take it of course you had it i just panicked then what no way no way what i think you should play [Music] we have to stare on my [ __ ] youtubes that's how important these discs are i know i know what the hell we did just imagine the sun's rising i'll say oh it's gonna rise in a minute [Music] actually no it's not look at them it's [Music] fine we made it [Music] this is this is surreal i never really is we have both and nothing bad will happen now dream's gonna get locked up we don't even have to think about will but he's dead he's [Music] yeah that's crazy and you're not dead i'm i'm frankly impressed i'm very impressed with you tommy i'm okay tell me i'm very impressed hello hello have you missed me you know from day one i you wouldn't have been able to get it past me that you'd be able to successfully peacefully stop dream you know remember when we started lemaimberg i was pretty sure that was you know you you're a pretty uh short-tempered short fused kind of aggressive guy told me i'm surprised you managed to get this far without uh without killing him you know how are you here i i honestly don't know i i basically i felt the the plane between my world and your world getting smaller you know and now i i'm able to reach honestly thank you for taking me away from that schlatt fellow jesus christ i've been stuck with him for three bloody months and that's [ __ ] where's where's ghostburgh where's ghostbur i don't know i don't know what that crazy son of a [ __ ] is gone i just do i just wanted to say i was i was very ready to see you here soon you know there was it's it seemed like there was a space was growing for you in the afterlife it felt like you know it felt like your presence was slowly entering the afterlife but here we are and you're you're still alive you're you never seem to die do you i thought you were dead i i am yeah i'm dead i mean let's be let's be real here i'm i'm dead i'm dead man ah i'm proud do you want to be alive again oh hell no no go oh god i was just i was just entering this world just to ask you know how how did you how did you manage to get you know the discs back and stuff without without killing dream how did you how are you alive both of you i mean i don't know i'm pretty sure i was gonna die at one point i worked it all out well what happened how are you here you can never quite take things as they come can you you always go to ask questions man just just come on come on cheer let's see a smile let's see a smile sorry come on go on cheer up look you win go on why you gonna look so sad about everything all the time man turn that frown upside down you guys aren't very talkative look i don't know how much longer i've got here and if you want to spend it just sat here in in contemplative silence that's fine with me i just i just you know i'm just asking you know what how did you how did you manage to get all the way here without you know bloody pleasant you know i'm just i'm surprised you did did you get it we went and we fought him and we fought well and then we did a minute and then he said he'd kill turbo and then i so i did quite a lot a few days ago i haven't been streaming very much this week i did a lot of like a lot of negotiating a lot of paying right i'm quite unsettled by your presence yeah i get that a lot i hear that from many people especially women why oh yeah the fact you didn't laugh made that far worse come on tommy lighten up man you're right you're you're on your proper on edge man i just what did you do how did you get the discs back man you know i'm here for i must be here for a reason i felt i it felt like i'm coming you know i got separated from the afterlife and now i've got this moment to talk with you i want to know what happened wilbur yeah we can bring you back [Music] what we can bring you back dream the reason why dream isn't dead now off his own server band [Music] is because we can bring you back [Music] but i i i don't i don't wanna i didn't are you sure you made a you you made it the one person on the on the server who is his i you want let me get straight so you see you managed to get the discs back by wait so the reason dream's not dead is because you want me back alive [Music] oh my god [Music] i was so free i was liberated and now you've come in [Music] did we do the right did we do the right thing he's gonna told me he's gonna bring schlapp back as well what's different no it's like different it's like different it's not the same as he was because you're failing it's not the same did you say slack different yes he i honestly i didn't really know the guy very well he just kind of beat me in the election didn't he is he peaceful does he is he no he's bloody not he's drinking whiskey and smoking all the time guys i i what the [ __ ] have you done wilber the one thing i wanted was you're gonna kill casper the friendly ghost you know i'm gonna get this back in my house a ridiculous child this server you are a ridiculous child you are my [ __ ] child wilbur well i i was in exile that we had all of this [ __ ] go down [Music] ass man i'm proud of you tommy i'm proud of you i'll see you soon wilbur see you soon [Music] what did we do three minutes and three baby [Music] he better not be [ __ ] back [Music] keep it together i i will
Channel: TubboLIVE
Views: 777,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tubbo, tubbolive, live, stream, live stream, tubb
Id: WfsDJiQbtKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 26sec (5366 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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