Tubbo & Ranboo Defuse Bombs Together and Fail Horribly

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all right all right i'm ready today we're gonna defuse some bombs rambo the bomb defusing experts that we are yes i've got the steady hand you've got the reading glasses let's do this yep this is a loki local multiplayer game for two or more players you are the bomb defuser way [Music] oh this is gonna be awesome this is gonna be this is gonna be different to what we're normally used to your goal is to defuse the bomb with the help of your friends that's you you're my friend you're my valentine's day friend hello cool hello you're my oh wow that is the harshest friend zone i think i've ever done hello valentine's day frank oh valentine's day right moving on your your friends are the experts who guide you using the bomb defusal manual wow the bomb defusing manual oh man are you an expert in this field you have it i'm an expert give us a wiggle give us a wiggle of the manual i got the manual right here and it's it's it's a it's right there here i'll i'll put it yeah yeah you're right okay okay okay next stop the diffuser is not allowed to look at the manual that's me you've got to hide that bad boy from me okay it is hidden the experts are not allowed to look at the screen rambu pause the stream please i i don't have your stream open that's disrespectful get me in the background tab immediately what do you mean that oh my god all right try fun ways to keep the diffuser isolated but with an earshot of the experts do we need walkie-talkies no we have discord do we need walkie-talkies do i need to buy a walkie-talkie i will be walking and talking at once okay next experts can find the bomb defusal manual at www.bombmanual.com right that's actually the website yes okay what kind of bomb do we want to do first right yeah the first bomb everybody has to start somewhere let's just hope it doesn't end here this is morbid yes all right you ready three two we've got five minutes go okay okay it's loading it's loading what's on it it's loaded the screen is for your eyes only you're not allowed to look at the bomb manual let's do this okay let's go uh-oh okay there's a five minutes clocks there's uh something with some chai oh okay the lights are on there's a deck but white button that says detonate there's okay okay okay wait just we're just gonna talk about the button okay okay yeah okay does it is there more than one battery check around the bomb using your mouse there's two batteries two batteries okay then just pre just click it just press and immediately release oh okay okay there's wires there's a one white wire one yellow wire and two red wires okay wait how many wires are there four total okay is there more than one red wire yes okay um is the where's the serial number check the serial number uh the serial number is 935zg4 okay um is the last wire yellow no it's red okay is there one blue wire no is there more than one yellow wire no okay cut the second wire oh okay okay yes there's four chinese characters okay um are you doing keypads okay explain them to me so uh the bottom left one looks like an a with a bit coming down the middle okay okay the bottom right one looks like a squid squiggle like a diagonal squiggle it has a like like kind of like a heartbeat monitor yeah okay okay the top uh the top uh right one looks like a h with a y coming out of the bottom like a curly hair why i see that okay and then the top right one is like the delta symbol it's got it's like a diagonal curved line with a diagonal coming off the side uh my chat's shafting me apparently these aren't chinese does it look like uh does it look like the half-life symbol yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay so you're gonna do the a okay then the half-life symbol yeah then the heartbeat yeah then the h let's go dude two minutes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh we're doing great we just defused the hecking bomb on valentine's day yeah oh my god oh my god i am quaking oh i am quaking now if this isn't love i don't know what it's rambo i love you i hope you two we're in the top forty percent of bomb defusers let's go okay continue all right let's go you feeling another bomb you're failing another bomb i mean i i can't feel the bomb but i think you can because you're the one that's touching it all right something old something new you ready all right let's go when did seeing a familiar bomb become comfortable comforting no matter this bomb is only half com comforting you ready yes okay it's loading it's loading it's starting let's do the wires first is for your eyes only you are not allowed to look at the bomb diffuser manager okay wires first no one else okay wires first okay how many wires oh god wait there's there's no wires there's no wires okay yellow button detonate two batteries okay um is there oh two batteries then just click it okay it's done right okay i've got a weird number keypad with a number two on the screen uh yeah i've got the numbers one two three four and it says two on the screen okay if it says two on the screen then um on the screen then you're gonna press the button in the second position okay yeah done okay that's just two on the screen again press the button in the second position again the same position okay done done done done done okay there's one on the screen first position okay uh second position again no oh that's a strike that's a strike okay i said what you said it said one of them it said one on the screen so it says two so i press the second wait okay yeah it says it says three it says three now it says three third position that that's two strikes wait what do you mean third position like four third from the third third from the left okay it says four on the screen okay if it says four on the screen and we're in stage one then that means that you press the button in the fourth position okay yes okay we're in stage two now and it says two okay if it says two then the fourth position again okay yes okay third uh third cycle it says four again it says four again press the button that is labeled four okay perfect it now says four again if it says four then you're gonna press the one that's in the fourth position okay perfect right we're on cycle five and it says one yeah if it says one than fourth position again okay done done done done done yes onto the weird characters i really got to stop calling them chinese okay okay um top top left i've got a c with a dot in the middle uh top right a snake holder an eye with a handle holder an eye with like a little swoop in the middle and i was like a little bit and bottom right i've got a b with a bracket across the top of it okay wait you said you had a c with a dot in it a c with a dot in the middle a snake with antenna like it looks like a number three with antenna but it's kind of snaky uh looks like a number three like a backwards yeah so like a number three and then it's kind of like a c as well like a backwards c yep okay and then and then it's like a trident a trident an i in the middle a truck with yeah with like a curvy thing off the side and then then a b with a bracket across the mast of the b a b with a bracket okay wait i see which one you're dude hurry oh i see it i see it i see it okay so you're gonna press um trident okay yep hello um the b yep the c with the dot yep and then snake yes rambu 50 seconds on the clock oh man no the thing is though there's there's there's two that i described and they were like the same ones oh man i realized what it was oh man defused we defuse that bad boy best time oh let's go okay let's go dude cool we're on our a-game tonight last yeah oh we're doing great oh my god okay let's go okay you ready yes continue right i pressed the continue button right all right is it time for you to do wires first okay i'm in the mood for a bomb you're in the mood for a bomb oh are we in the mood for a ball really we're gonna i think it's gonna be forced upon us the bomb yeah you have to deal with it yeah yeah yeah can i get some explosive primes and explosive prizes [Laughter] okay let's go right double your money level all your 2.0 double your money to double my money like you wanna double your money right will you double my money if we don't six modules three strikes five minutes we're starting with why so we'll have to deal with that okay okay okay sorry i'm stretching i'm stretching all right let's start with this bad boy let's start this bad boy let's go okay okay okay why is first it looks like i'll wait for the lights uh one white two black okay so three wires um are there no red wires no the second wire perfect okay there's a second lot of wires on the back it's four wires yellow blue white and black okay um is the last is there only one blue wire yes it's the last wire yellow no okay then cut the first wire perfect okay let's move on to the buttons there's a yellow abort button and there's oh god okay okay it's a yellow abort button yeah okay hold it down and then tell me what color the strip is yellow okay um release when the countdown timer has a five in any position okay so minute tens of seconds or seconds okay done there's a second okay there's a second button it's a white button that says press and there is there is five batteries on the side uh four mini ones one fat one is there a lit indicator with the label car a lit indica yes there is okay then hold the button wait wait there's actually another big button on the bottom it's it's fine okay i'm holding the button it's right okay what strip uh when with the one with the one with a one position okay done right moving on to the back we have uh two symbols we're not very good at the symbols but we're gonna give it a go okay the symbols are fine the syllables are fine so the first symbol uh it looks very similar to the trident one except for it has the same things coming off the bottom in the top left position in the top right position it has the copyright c the copyright c the c in the circle uh in the bottom left position it has what looks like an ear like no no no no it has like a big like curvy w and on top and then it's like eyebrow yeah yeah and then in the bottom right it has a oh god it looks like a weird zed like i don't know like lowercase is it like a question mark but then it decides to die halfway yeah yeah okay okay so copyright symbol yep w yep uh double trident okay done right okay next one okay um top left no top right sorry is a star top left is an e with like a really really big loop-de-loop uh uh bottom left is an upside-down question mark a bottom right is and it's like the euro sign with two dots above it okay uh euro sign yep big squiggle yep then star upside down perfect john with 10 minutes and 17 seconds i'm so good at this game oh man okay oh look at us look at that actually so insane mine's off dude have we just been we literally just beat slime sickle and cranios yeah we are oh my god we're in the top 31 on this one wow we are in the top 31 percent of people that's a rush that's a rush heart is pounding heart is pounding we have not blown up yet awesome oh god i slapped my chair so much i really hurt my wrist ah oh no i was celebrating too hard [Music] i was celebrating way too hard way too hard you're ready for let's say maybe another bomb i'm ready are you ready you feeling ready are you steady are you go oh just wait until we get to morse code though because it sucks because sometimes you can't understand what's what's like dots and what's her dashes it's terrible okay well i don't know that i've never played this game before except for in like secondary school with an irl friend but i was reading the book and you know how that goes oh man oh man okay right two point three one step okay right four modules five minutes three strikes okay oh my god probably gonna be both ryan and crin both ryan and charlie had like 11 to 19 seconds on this on this clock we got this we reckon we've got this and we reckon we're better than that okay all right yep let's do this okay this screen is for your eyes only you are not allowed to look at the bomb diffuse your manual thank you so much for the 10 gifted fast ship okay five minutes on the timer okay it looks like i've got a simon says i'm looking for wires okay simon okay let's do the simon says flash screen first okay if it flashed okay wait if the serial num check the serial number does it contain a vowel yes okay it does contain a vowel okay so that means if it's a green flash then you're gonna press yellow okay it's green again oh and then it no no then it's green yellow so then if it's green yellow then you're gonna press yellow then green okay it's now green yellow yellow green yellow yellow green green let's scoop it's done right okay there's now a white button that says detonate there's one big battery on the top are there is there no more is there no more than one battery no more than one battery okay is there any lit indicator with the label car yes it's illuminated car red okay so hold it it's blue okay um when it has a four in any position oh my god it literally just changed the minute okay oh okay i've now got a yellow bet detonate button like i said one battery car illuminated okay one battery um car illuminated nope uh nope uh hold the button it's red okay if it's red then release it when it has a one in any position okay come on okay right on to the last one it's like a words it says you at the top and it has oh okay okay okay so it says um you're like okay is that the why oh you you're saying why yeah why are okay then you're going to be pressing the one in the um second column second row second column that that did not work that did not work wait what second column second row okay it says there uh t-h-e-i-r in the top oh oh oh t-h-e-i-r okay so then what's the what is the word in the second row second position second row second position uh it is like l-i-k-e-e okay yes um okay pre-okay when you when you the first word that i say i want you to press the corresponding button as soon as it appears okay is y-o-u apostrophe r-e there you're yes okay promise that okay done first stage okay it says blank at the top b-l-a-n-k okay what's the what's the word in the second row second position hold hold okay so h-o-l-d uh okay you are you oh yeah i got it oh my god we blew up it was not you oh it was not you are how is it not you are so it was we died and then we died no oh god oh we died we were doing so good okay wait let me let me read up on how to do this one okay so using first the first button so so you said that it was hold right in the second column second row yeah and then it was blank and then i it was hold and then i said you are like the two separate it was the two separate words y-o-u space a-r-e no it wasn't it was u and an r oh no it was a miscommunication god okay oh no we got it this time though because now i understand how to do this one we can do this one first all right let's go okay we'll tackle that one first and then we'll tackle the right do that one first because the rest are easy all right it's changed we've got wires now okay we got wires okay there is five wires two red two blue five wires okay two red two blue um though um are there no black wires no black wires let's cut the second wire perfect okay simon says flashing green the serial number and o in it as an o okay so pre uh green pressed yellow oh my god wait is it o with a line through does that not count because that didn't work uh that's a zero then okay oh damn it okay okay it's flashing green okay then it's yellow i just pressed yellow and i died okay did it work i i lost a life the first time i pressed yellow at this point no no no no no no no it it it differs based on the amount of strikes that you have oh okay okay yellow worked okay okay it's green yellow okay uh green yellow yellow green okay okay uh uh green yellow red okay um yellow green red okay okay uh green yellow red blue yellow green red blue okay done right i then have a yellow abort button with a a thing on the side that says ind and car both not illuminated one fat battery oh but there's also an msa illuminated okay um hold the button it's red okay um with a one in a knee position perfect okay i've got the number guys four up top stage one oh oh oh my god this one sucks okay okay okay um okay um four up top stage one press the button in the fourth position okay perfect we're on to a stage two it's a one okay if it's a one then that means that you press the button that is labeled four perfect done right third stage number one again um press the button labeled four okay perfect stage four number two okay um press the button in the first position perfect stage five number two again um press the button labeled for perfect one minute let's go oh my goodness oh my god we destroyed charlie and cranios we are so good at this oh my god oh oh my god this is a rush this is a rush this is a rush i would have become a bomb defuser uh no uh on valentine's day on valentine's day okay right continued okay let's do this right hey rambu yeah you're feeling maybe another bomb there i say i think so i think so 2.4 pick up the pace big man you're slowing down okay okay okay i'm ready let's do this it's bomb time yeah right reading this reading this only uses up time you don't have chop chop we have three minutes to kill this bomb three strikes three modules that's a minute of module let's do this thing starting with wires if they're there okay let me let's do this okay wires all right right there's no wires okay we're gonna start with chinese characters uh okay in the top right there is the omega symbol in the bottom right there is the trident in the bottom left there is an n with like a little u on the top and in the bottom corner of zigzag and in the top left there is a line going for a diagonal equal sign okay diagonal equal sign yep trident omega perfect okay moving on we've got the word one let's track all that it says there are so a t h e y a r e stage one okay um what is the one in the bottom left the bottom left that is u h space u h u h space uh okay um the the letters u and r together there is no no there is no that's not there okay uh the letter u just that i click that did it work no it did not we've got a strike okay what okay it's y-o-u at the top okay y-o-u at the top what is the one in the second column second row uh y-o-u apostrophe r-e y-o-u apostrophe r-e okay y-o-u e that's not there is that okay y-o-u apostrophe re okay done that's the first one okay nice okay okay it now says l-e-a-d at the top l-e-a-d okay what is the one in the bottom right the bottom right it's y-o-u-space a-r-e okay y-o-u-r y-o-u no not there is that there we go paste next that didn't work i clicked in it didn't work what it says ready okay what's the one in the bottom left bottom left is no n-o n-o okay so that means that it's gonna be okay b-l-a-n-k the word blank not there okay um u-h-h not there wait okay perfect right the next one is there's just nothing up there there's nothing up there okay okay so it's completely blank okay so bottom left what's the one the bottom left bottom left you are as in like the letters the letters you are okay done we died no [Music] we blew up oh [Music] man ah we need to get more refined it's okay we need to get more refined yeah we've lost every time so far because of that that because that one is just terrible that one is just terrible all right okay you know that guy in that room with that bomb had a wife and family that's you he had kids he had his whole life ahead of him he was a young oh my god loving wife wait he was a young and with a loved and wait wait three beautiful children you're three oh my god he was busy oh and now he's gone it was a good thing that the bomb blew up i mean three kids jesus no no it is never a good thing loss of life he had so much that's true so much time ahead of him he was he he did charity work he did so much charity work oh man and now this world is without him because we couldn't solve the words oh god all right let's go again what kind of weird people created these poems all right ah yes i will put on this bomb simon says okay i see okay yellow button says press one battery at the top two little batteries at the bottom two little batteries on the five five batteries yellow button that says press okay hold it color's red uh we'll release it when it has a one okay okay good simon says flashing yellow okay serial number has a vowel has a vowel okay so that means that you have to press green okay done okay yellow red green blue [Music] yellow red yellow green blue green okay perfect okay we've got the word one come on let's not let this man die he says first at the top f-i-r-s-t okay what's the one in the top right top right it is yes y-e-s okay top right is y-e-s okay that that's the word okay hey perfect okay s-e-e at the top okay s-e-e there it is okay bottom bottom right bottom right is n-e-x-t next okay um what with the question mark yeah that's there okay perfect oh nice okay let's go at the top it says first f-i-r-s-t okay um that's the top right top right is y-o-u you okay y-o-u okay sure s-u-r-e yes let's [ __ ] go let's go and now that's some valentine's day matches that's it we won wait is that it that was let's go record time let's go man we just smashed ryan cranios and charlie slimesickle yeah they didn't stand a chance against us god i'm feeling lightheaded i'm gonna text my sister and ask her to fill up my water bottle oh god i'm feeling lightheaded oh my god oh my god that was awesome that was awesome now we're doing so well look at oh my gosh we're probably beating charlie and cranios we are we are look i'll move my camera so chat can see i'll move so chat can see look at that look at that times we destroyed them top eight percent yeah top eight percent we're so close we are the best bomb defusers craniosis in is mad in chat pretty ears uh stop clowning me low people clown cranio him clown him imagine having uh imagine having a sub minute blame i am ty sure sure we'll blame it sure sure we will we're just doing great ah tegan's not responded to my text messages it's okay i will grab you water let me just come up the stairs one day one day you're on the stairwell and pass you my water bucket by water park yeah entertain the boys rambu okay i chat how are you twitch prime insert streamer phrases here i'm looking at chat right now so i can actually see you guys hi chat how are you guys doing are you guys having a good happy valentine's day i hope so i mean i'll be nope not gonna make a joke about that okay i mean if you're if you're in the stream then we'll but it's okay it's okay we can all be lonely together it's okay hi chad how are you guys doing oh look at all those subs wow it's okay chad it's okay chad when you think about it chat single is the number one in first place is the is a gold medal so you're all gold medal winners in my eyes okay [Laughter] did i just simultaneously call the entire chat single also giving them a compliment i am a great person wow hi chat well here he comes i'm back there he is hi yo thank you so much for the five get jesus christ thank you so much for the five gifted um lavender brown i appreciate it that was awesome we bossed that bomb we bossed that bomb dude we did we did all right all right let's go let's rambu i'm ready you know what i'm going to bomb you know what i'm going to ask we're on to page two page two section three moderate uh-oh a hidden message information can be obstructed in many ways that are time consuming to decode oh god in the world of bomb defusing that's a bad thing five minutes three modules three strikes ryan perrinios is in the top 13 on this one we got this one easy all right okay let's all right i'm ready okay i'm ready let's do this okay all the modules are on the back we're starting with wires there's three wires blue white and red okay blue white and red uh blue white and red blue last wire perfect okay uh moving on i've got oh god i've got like a radio thing looks like a radio thing yeah it's got miller hearts in the second and the bottom thing says tx oh that's morse code okay i'm going to need you to figure out okay oh boy okay so basically um oh wait oh wait the line's blinking mm-hmm yeah that's morse code okay i need you to start okay there will be a long pause oh oh okay so there will be a long pause after that start telling me the letters okay dot dot dash dot dot okay dot dot there's no way that you got away okay say that again try that again what the hell the lights just went off the lights just went off that happens okay got dash dot dash wait um dash dot dot dot dot dash [Music] [Applause] morse code is super hard to understand wait okay after the long pause tell me it again i can't hear anything over the [ __ ] beeping wait for the long pause dot okay dash dot dot dash no no dot dash not dot dot dash that's it um how many so how many total letters are nine nine letters no no three letters three letters oh wait wait are you one of those are you on about on the the bottom thing it says tx oh wait i just clicked it i accidentally clicked something what did it or did it yeah yeah i got a strike i got a strike oh okay okay okay wait okay start start from the beginning and then there will be a pause in between the letters dot okay dot dash dot that's it dot dot dash okay um b r uh b are you okay what could you be dot dot b r i b r i c b r dot dash dot um so it's definitely b r for the first two but i have to figure out which one it is um try it again do the okay try it again just give it to me again dash dot dot dot okay dot dash dot okay dot dot dash dot dash that's the whole thing i've done the whole sequence okay 3.572 three megahertz 3.57 3.57 572 megahertz just put it to that then do i press tx yep that didn't work okay um is it the same is it the same oh god we got is it a second oh no dude we can't do the same no don't give up it looks the same yeah it looks the same okay then then try 0.575 then 0.575 okay got it okay simon says flashing blue the flashing blue we have two strikes we have two strikes no vowel okay green okay okay blue blue green green blue no we died no on the last sequence oh okay okay it's fine okay okay okay it's just morse code just sucks that's what i i remember i said morse code will suck but we just have to figure out oh no okay we died on balance i'm gonna get a pen for this oh god we don't hate on valentine's day wrestle with the paper give me a paper russell give me a give me this but here's the paper there's there's the paper there it is man hold up i need to go on i'm actually hold up let me find a pen real fast uh where is the pen where's the pen where the pen is where get a pen where is the pen found it okay we found a pen we're good that is so difficult dude okay so okay so what i'm gonna do okay okay i know what to do i know what to do all right we can try it again i have a plan this time okay you ready easier okay we're tackling morse code first up [ __ ] the okay morse code isn't even freaking here now i'm pissed off right why is first that's good no that's good okay there is uh six wires two red three white one black okay um so there are there any yellow wires no is the last digit of the serial number odd no it's even okay um is there is there no red wires there's two red wires okay um fourth wire fourth wire perfect right okay moving on we next have the number one with a three stage one um okay three at stage one and also when you press the button i want you to tell me what number it is okay okay so when you when you press it tell me what number is on it okay uh press the button at the third position i press two okay it now holds stage two three at the top again um press the button in the first position i'm pressing three it worked i pressed three we're on to the third stage there's a three at the top again okay if it's a through the top and third position the lights are going out okay i'm pressing the third position and it says three okay stage four okay it says one at the top i pressed three last time okay if it says one at the top then that means that you're gonna be pressing the one in the third position i pressed one we're on to stage five okay it says two at the top and i press one last time it says two at the if it says two at the top then um press the one that's labeled three perfect right done okay next we have a weird one it's like it looks like a combination look where i can flick the letters up and down and there's a submit button [Music] oh okay i see i see i see um okay so each oh shoot okay so each okay so there can only be one word okay that can okay so tell me the letter that tell me all the letters that are in the first position h i k p t okay h i k p t okay so try spelling uh any is there h in the second one no h is in the first one is there no is there an h in the second one as well wait do i have to press the buttons to move the row the ones yeah yes just don't press submit okay there is okay um is there an r in the third position yes okay three spell the spell the word three i can't find a t in the first one wait i thought you said that there was a t in the first one no i said there's a h in the first one is there only an h in the first one no no there's a h there's an r there's an m there's an f there's a q there's a c okay oh okay okay okay shoot okay so let's go with uh is there an o in the second position no okay is there okay so okay so is there an i in the second position yes okay is there an r in the third position yes try surprise spelling first f-i-r-s-t okay let's go one minute fifty on the clock let's go oh we're so good at this game dude that one that one sucks that one sucks we're on our a game we're on our egg doing so well oh thank god it didn't have morse code that was good let's go that was good all right let's continue i think it's time for another bomb you think it's time for another bomb i think it's time for another bomb you ready for maybe another bomb [Music] i'm pressing bombs something different okay 3.2 do these wires look different to you does this bomb look exploded to you two different wires okay the different wires suck one second okay uh let's do those ones first because they absolutely suck because i started reading complex venn diagrams okay okay what complex venn diagrams okay okay i see wires okay it's uh this is a regular wires it looks regular six wires uh two blue two red white and black okay so six wires there are um there's only one yellow wire no yellow wires no yellow wires okay is there are there no red wires no no no no no no sorry sorry no yellow wires is the last digit of the serial number odd zero is even so no zero's even okay um are there no red wires there's two okay uh uh cut the fourth wire perfect right simon says okay uh flashes blue red uh red blue okay okay blue red yellow red blue green [Music] blue red yellow green red blue green yellow perfect right okay moving on to this oh i found the different wires oh these are different ones red blue and black okay blue wire is one to be red wire is two to a black white is three to a i need you to okay okay let's see let's see okay so does a what does the wire have red coloring let's start with every single we have to go through each wire individually no the number one one the number one is blue okay so the wire has blue coloring yes the first one does it have a star symbol wait you're gonna have to wait the white lights have gone off i don't see a star symbol though wait okay so there's no star symbol on that one uh the bottom row uh is there no star symbol on it awesome okay is the led on where everyone what led everyone's screaming wrong wires oh i thought you said that they were complicated oh oh oh they're doing this one okay i see i see you what does that mean okay so it's connected to c right okay number one is blue and connected to b okay first blue occurrence uh it's connected to b cut it okay i cut it right number two is red connected to a ah don't cut it okay number three is black going to a got it okay move on what do you mean move on what do i press the up or down arrow press uh up arrow that doesn't do anything what do you mean that doesn't do anything wait oh do i have to cut the red one as well uh no if it's the first red wire occurrence then oh wait there's several panels only one page one visible at a time i'll switch to the next panel uh colors do our currents are cumulative overall yeah um no so for so okay so the first one is screaming down okay then down here okay i press down okay uh number four is black going into a okay cut it okay number five is red going into c second route of code don't cut it number six is red going into a third occurrence right cut it okay do i press down yep okay okay number seven is black going into a oh don't cut it number eight there's nothing there okay that's fine number nine is black going into a black going into a cut it okay down arrow yep okay number ten is empty number 11 is red four for currents going into c cut it okay down arrow number 12 is also empty okay let's go 57 seconds left on the clock see the thing is i thought it was the complex venn diagram one because i completely forgot that there was a third wire diffused oh oh my god this this is stressful this is so stressful oh oh by the way a complex venn diagram is a venn diagram with like six circles yeah yeah yeah no i know what you're on about yeah oh uh hey i'll have you know i got a seven or a six yeah in gcse statistics so if anyone knows statistics it's me buddy oh i don't know how statistics are gonna help honestly now that's reading ben dave venn diagrams ah that is well okay all right bombs you feeling a bomb i'm feeling a bomb a bomb of love because it's valentine's day that is still the theme for today's bomb defusing episode yes yes it is l is for the way i look at you o is i don't know right let's go to the next bomb one giant leap 3.3 okay if there's morse code then just honestly 60 of the time this bomb explodes every time bro awesome bruh we've got four modules five minutes okay i'm gonna start with normal wires if i can find them okay uh this drum is for your eyes only you're not allowed to look at the bomb diffusing manual no wires yellow button that says hold on yellow button that says hold what is the uh the uh uh it has uh odd numbers in it it has an even number has a b and two d's uh is there a lit indicator with the label frk no there's clr lit okay then hold the button holding it it's white okay then release it when it has a one in any position okay perfect right moving on a morse code let's tackle this oh okay one second okay dash dot oh i said one second dash dot dot dot dash dot dot dot dash god that's difficult dot dot dash dot dot dash dot dot dot dot dash dash dot dot wait that's the only one with f in it okay uh 3.555 try it okay then i press tx yep yes let's [ __ ] go yes let's go okay okay so next uh the five numbers five letters sorry five five letters five letters t x p f b with submit t x p f wait five oh oh oh oh okay so the first one is um what what is the first one half what does the first one have t k h e p r t t h okay does what does the second one have does it have an h wait did i say k there's also a k okay does the second one have an h yes okay then um okay is there is the third one have an e yes okay does the fourth one have an i no okay what does the fourth one have f k r q y t h e r e t h e r e perfect right nice okay okay next up this one looks like sung out of battleships uh two green circles white okay it's the maze okay um okay so i need you to tell me where the two circles are um fourth uh fourth row fourth column for one fourth row sixth column for one okay where where is the um the little triangle four five six the white and third row second column is the white square okay so third row second okay wait wait so rows and columns what are they roses down the side columns is across the top okay okay so you're saying that the white light is where uh third row second column third row second column okay so so it's okay so then go left you should be at a wall correct i'm not left yeah yeah okay uh down yep down yep down yep right yep right yep up or no no no no no oh god okay okay that's a strike not up reset shoot no it didn't reset it didn't reset it just gave us all right okay then then did you go did you go right one more okay i've gone right now okay okay up okay up okay up yes right yes down yes down yes down yes hurry right and then just start spamming up as soon as you go right yes 36 seconds on the clock oh let's go [Music] oh okay okay oh we're doing we're doing great we are doing great we are doing so oh sorry austin show is asking me to hit the woe give me a second i gotta see this one second okay okay okay let me angle the camera upwards okay okay there you go austin that one was for you big guy that one was for you austin no one else no one dies except austin and mine because i saw it okay yeah fair enough fair enough [Music] oh my god okay let's go all right next bomb hit me with another ball dude okay you know the morse code one you know the only reason why i got it correct why was because i like i looked there is we got so lucky that it was the one that started with f because there was only one word that starts with f there's like four that starts with b there's like a like three that start with s but we got the one that starts with f so i was wait how many are they just so i can try to learn this for myself there are one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen never mind let's just play yeah yeah there are 16 words and then sometimes it's hard to differentiate the space like between normal dot or dash and then uh different letters three point four fair game fair game let's do it no more hand holding remember everything you've learned because anything can appear on this bomb five minutes three strikes let's do this okay all we have to do is just a module a minute and we're fine the screen is for your eyes only you are not allowed to look at the bomb defusal man your eyes only let's do this i'm ready holy crap this looks terrifying okay let's start with the button blue button that says detonate uh there is five batteries on the side there is just click it i don't need to hear anything else just click it okay i've clicked it that worked fine okay let's move on to the word one r e d red stage one oh shoot okay r e d red okay what is the one in the second column second row press p-r-e-s-s okay p-r-e-s-s okay right middle middle y e s y yes it has y e s okay does it have middle no okay then press y yes perfect second stage okay second stage it's r e a d read at the top okay um what's second sec uh two two second column second yep it's n-o no and oh okay what it okay b-l-a-n-k the word yeah blank yep i've yeah yeah nice okay okay third stage okay u r y-o-u-a-r-e is done bottom right bottom right no it's not that was like it was not bottom right it's white why are you at the top why are you space a-r-e yeah what is the word on the bottom right oh you asked for the word oh no i pressed it and i got i [ __ ] up okay okay the word on the bottom right is n-o but i [ __ ] it up so why are you at the top 2-2 is y-e-s bottom right is n-o no okay y-o-u um y-s okay uh though the word okay like okay right right is not there you you hhh yes perfect right done on to the number one and first stage number one at the top oh okay okay okay one second um let me we have to hire you we have enough time i know okay okay okay what is it uh two number one at the top number one second position okay i'm pressing two i press two on stage one okay stage two shows the three i pressed two last time okay three uh first position okay i press the three first stage it's a two of the clock i press okay three last time um um two the second position okay i pressed foot no it was not that one okay we've now gone back to the start it's four it says four four okay it says okay it says four at the top then press the button in the fourth position okay i press three it says one um press the button that is labeled four what position is number three it was in number three the position three was okay it says three at the top okay it says three on the top press the button in the third position okay i'm pressing four okay it says four at the top just four at the top um third position okay i pressed four okay it says two at the top it says two at the top um then press the button that's labeled four okay first position right okay on to the anagram okay first column is d p m l t c d second column has g h d l q r g what hey what i actually don't even know which one you're doing there's also a p there's also a p in the first column and an m and an l and a t a third column f s n e y q f what s actually have no idea which one you're even doing the anagram with the numbers the anagrams not the numbers the letters t c d p m shoot we're dead okay um we're dead we're dead okay that one's actually called passwords so we're gonna call it passwords okay okay okay okay i see i see i see okay big brain big brain big brain this is tragic i can barely hold back the tears that poor man has died because of us in that bomb room oh no oh no [Music] no okay okay okay let's do this all right retry one more time one more time okay yeah we got this wires oh weird wires with stars okay it's the pie chart stars let's go okay okay so i have red coloring there's a blue one a red stripey wire no i i only care about the first one the first one yeah the first one is red stripes blue and red stripy okay so it has red coloring and it also has blue coloring is what you're saying yeah okay okay does it have a star symbol a no but two other ones do later on or do you only care about the first one it's the i only care about the first one is the led on no okay then uh is the last digit of the serial number even oh god uh yes then cut it okay second one blue wire not illuminated no star ah blue one not illuminated no star cut it third one blue wire not illuminated no star got it again uh fourth one star illuminated blue star illuminated blue so it has the blue symbol and it's illuminated um then uh do not cut okay okay uh fifth one uh white not illuminated no star uh not illuminated no star yeah okay um last one red not illuminated but star okay has has star symbol cut it okay it didn't it didn't complete okay what it didn't complete it didn't complete i don't know anyway so is there only one that's not cut there's only one it's the blue one then just cut it perfect right okay okay okay let okay password okay password password okay wait wait for me to get there okay what's the first column p k u y i e p k okay you know okay okay okay second okay what's the second letter y x c t v q y x okay wait oh wait wait okay so can you say the first one again i'm sorry p k u y i e p k y wait and then you're saying that the second one does not have does it have o does the second one no it does not have an o it have l no okay i'm going to need you to tell me the first one again then p k u y i e y i e o okay is there a v in the second one yes every e-v-e-r-y done simon says nice [ __ ] alarm clocks so how many how how many strikes do we have none okay um is this a serial number contain a vowel yes an eye okay tell me what it is nothing's flashing oh no blue flash blue flash simon says blue flash then press red okay [Music] blue yellow is it red green yep red green yep uh blue yellow blue red green red mm-hmm okay done right oh god we've got one minute all right number one we're at the top or at the top stage one number one fourth top stage one okay for the top stage one personal in the fourth position okay i pressed four okay three at the top three at the top press the button in the first position one i pressed one okay three at the top again press the button in the third position one i pressed one okay four at the top four at the top uh press it in the first position i press three okay three the top three at the top are with the same then press the number three perfect right numbers you are y-o-u-r-a-r-e two-two isn't numbers okay wait what y-o-u-a-r-e okay bottom bottom right bottom right bottom right is n-o no uh okay n-o um blank yes the word yes prestige okay okay n over the top no no at the top bottom right bottom right y o u r y o u r okay u h u h yes pressed it right okay at the top we have hold on hold space on okay bottom right bob right sure s-u-r-e okay uh where is that where is it where is that where is that okay y-o-u-a-r-e y-o-u-a-r-e yes seconds on the clock [Applause] let's go oh my god let's go oh my god ah we had to we had to kick that into overdriving i was [ __ ] screaming holy crap oh we had a whole 2.5 seconds [Music] a whole 2.5 oh i need to breathe i need to breathe man i didn't tell you the time yeah no i could tell that there was little time left because you started to like get more intense holy crap wow oh my god dude that was insane that was so sick we need to breathe for a second how are you doing how are you going how's your my valentine's day going i wouldn't ramble there is no other way i prefer to be spending it honestly i agree my god wow that was so intense that like that single-handedly blew my mind i didn't watch the video in the good way in the good way yeah yeah in a good way oh god in the good way oh man oh man you know what i say we have a quick recess i'm gonna go grab my cold dinner from downstairs you entertain my channel okay i will i will this is a brief briefing oh we are so good at this game chat we are so good at this game i need to drink some water chat and i advise you all to do the same how are you guys doing and chat when i make fun of you for being single it comes from a place of love okay on this valentine's day because i mean it's uh it's not mean right it's not mean it would be mean if i wasn't single right it that that's when it would be mean but when it when it's what it's not mean is right now i have no idea what i'm saying ah you're so great thank you thank you resh i saw that trap message hi trader valkyrie i am drinking water huh i just drank coke you person in chat doing good nod thank you thank you uh why people happy i see that i see that one oh look at all of my emotes wow you know what i've noticed i've noticed that my emotes appear more in other people's chat than anyone else's for some reason like my emotes up here are in so many other people's chat hi how are you just talking to my chat about how much my how much my emotes appear in other people's chats ah wow wow we are just so good at this game we're actually just so insanely good at this game i'm eating right now i need a breather nice okay okay i need to breathe 2.5 seconds wow that is monstrous that is that is nuts it really is isn't it yeah wow don't make fun of us for being single again chat's getting mad because i called them out oh my goodness you already have hijacked my chat here i really have i'm just so cool uh i got my fundy youtubes i just have it right here did you um it's just sitting in my hands uh you know what i've been doing so my pen is a part pen part highlighter right and i realized that the pen does not work so i have been using highlighter on my hands to remember the numbers because the way that i do it is i'm writing down the position and then what label it was so i have 43 34 34 44 11 11 13. just all over my hand oh rambu the twitch stop your your twitch staff member is in my chat they're using your email yeah i know so i actually i actually have just so like i i have so much highlighter on my hand because of that one over your hands yep you already know someone just said post a picture you won't no hand revealed today nope new guys you guys nope you guys tried to get one you guys tried that was a good good attempt good attempt but no no there we go okay uh are you just eating tubbo chomp dude i'm starving oh man yeah no i wait oh shoot what kind of food do i have we'll get into the bottom diffusing again in a second you're a bag of chips i got a bag of you know the like have you have you tried like the the lindor chocolates oh i literally got them on my desk let's go wait wait show the camera what kind yo i have i go oh my gosh oh man we are so alike in so many ways that's incredible i love how that's a thing that we [Laughter] absolutely there we go i've got peas but i didn't get a spoon so i can't eat my peas well i didn't get a full fiber all i got was a knife why did you just get a knife you have to eat something and you're just like oh yes what is the one utensil that can be used for basically any sort of thing a knife yeah no that's just no it's just not right put the knife down i love chat double put the knife down sorry i just put a chalk on my mouth so my my speech is gonna be a little weird ah a knife no what do you have a knife no that is such a good one someone in chat is but rambu has a mouth since when mouth review no you don't have mouth reveal you only got a mouth reveal shout out you jealous i've seen the full face i'm doing the full ramboo face apparently i look like exactly what i sound like are you good are you good you're making me joke i've seen the rambu face it just screams dominance and controlling [Laughter] please do not say that my face screams dominance you're basically dreams dominant god he's about to kick some ass and take some names little trees oh look at that little tree dude your camera's so good it like auto focused and it was like a beautiful ah it was it was just a beautiful like focus on the little tree yeah little tree you know you know what's interesting technically if anyone were to somehow recognize me in public because we have to wear masks they would only be getting half of a face reveal that's interesting that's interesting ah right that concludes my speed eating okay we're gonna call that speeding let's hope that that word dasant means something bad defeating a speed beating jesus no no you and your dominant oh god i'm just gonna i'm just gonna grab my little plush dog that i have right here and i'm going to hold it see you can't be can't do it if you're holding a plush dog yeah it can't be canceled if i'm holding a plush dog named what are you named i'm gonna name you i don't know i'm gonna name you i'm just gonna hold it name him chad all right [Music] oh my god oh my god who just said rob who is a chad oh my god chat chat you gotta realize that no one no one is a chad no one is a chad because if we were a chad we would not be so we would not be playing minecraft no we're not using bombs that's a brilliant is it are you sure defusing fake bombs is bomb defeaters they're pretty they're they're chad's yes but the thing is we are too scared to become bomb defusers in real life so we decide to play video game i'm not scared so okay yeah of course you're not scared because it's not it's not a real bomb of course yeah of course oh my god if you were scared that we would have a problem i'm just eating up i'm loading up on sugar i need the energy energy yeah because then we have because then we have saving michael we do we do yeah yeah all right ah that is so funny ah let me finish eating i'm nearly there i'm nearly there i'm gonna eat my body weight in chocolate don't mind me oh man what would that look like that would be a giant chocolate bar holy cow that'd be popular even like even i've seen like a 10 pound of chocolate right like that's big you know like man what tell me is reply to me on twitter with the tube image awesome that's you that's you uh i have so many more incriminating images of tommy in it than he has of me so i would win this battle i do my camera is all weird images of tommy in it epic i okay what are you okay [Laughter] about this that this are what matters the desk nope so lonely today my only true love is likes uh i got a valentine's message from youtube what i didn't i did and i that means that i am cool ah it was just a fan message that they put me spinning a chair over like it was it was obviously something that was made in like two minutes hey rambo are you ready for for the next bomb yeah pick up the pace too oh god uh oh wait okay wait what the description just isn't even it doesn't even make sense reading this nearly uses time you didn't have yeah reading this only uses time you don't have they just removed letters uh-huh you ready i'm ready we have to do five modules in two minutes and 30 seconds i am ready oh god we have two minutes and 30 seconds to do how many modules five five okay yeah okay all right start with normal uh wires uh there is five wires only uh two blue no no no two black two white one blue one red okay um is there exactly one red wire is there more than one yellow wire no yellows one red is the last wire black yes okay is the last digit of the serial number odd cadbury world the gift shop yes and so stop the fourth wire that did not work i got a strike what what do you mean you said that there were five bars right yeah that's five no there's six son of a [ __ ] there's six oh okay there are no are there any yellow wires no it cut the third wire okay there we go all right uh yellow abort button okay uh on the side there's an unlutely thing that says msa and there's an sdn which is illuminated okay hold the hold uh yellow okay i'm holding it it's blue when it has a four in any position okay a blue hold button a blue hold button okay if the button is blue button nope if there's more than better than the button nope uh car nope uh there's two batteries um hold the button hold it it's white um one has a one in any position okay one uh stupid [ __ ] alarm clock okay okay uh hold on at the top it's letters letters oh nice letters um okay bottom right uh what oh w-h-a-t okay oh where is that where is that where is that where is that is it what was the question mark no what was no question mark so the bot wait you're saying that the bottom the bottom right one on that one is what with no question mark yeah you sure wait i don't say hold on on the top what wouldn't it well it says hold on on the top and then it has in the bottom right is just what uh i honestly do not see that on here oh wait no i see it okay uhh what left the word nothing we died ready wait we died why did you die we ran out of time did you die we ran out of time already bruh okay we gotta retry this holy cow oh my goodness okay wow huh okay okay okay okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine we got this sure we do okay i'm still eating chocolate all right all right all right you sent me on a spree now oh no not a spree you really have oh no oh god we got this we got this we got this don't worry are you sure yes we got this i am we kept talking and yet we still exploded mm-hmm we just need to talk faster all right i gotta go all eminem mode let's go let's go give me a paper russell for good luck there it is okay i got everything we're good where is it okay all right you ready i hope so okay restarting it's loading okay start with wires uh six wires three wires two blue one red okay no yellow wires uh no yellow eyes last digit the serial number is odd okay so cut the third wire okay perfect right onto random characters uh smiley face with tongue sticking out top left um top right star bottom left see we've got in the middle a bottom right um weird p p with the field in fit with the line okay smiley face yep c with dot p star perfect right red hold button red hold button okay so uh okay uh button says uh okay one is white okay if there's more than two batteries okay is there more than two batteries on the bomb nope just two okay um if this button red and button says hold then immediately just click it just click it perfect right yellow button press uh yellow button if the okay uh serial number has an even and an odd number in it okay um hold the button it's red the illuminati uh release it when it has a one all right we're on to the word one now uh it says first at the top okay top top right top right is right it says right top right does r-i-g-h-t let me find that when we find that let me find that where is it where is it y-e-s not there nothing the word yes all right nothing works okay awesome okay and nothing at the top nothing at the top completely blank completely blank okay bottom left bottom left is blank is the word blank the word blank okay wait wait it's not there the word right the word right's not there the word okay yes done right nice at the top we have the word first bottom right is n o oh top right is black [Music] 24 seconds on the clock let's go we're so good at this game we are we are good let's go we are good wow okay that was awesome oh look at that look at that oh this is so intense wow all right all right why are we actually just so good at this game we're like bossing like all of these levels no joke wow we are doing incredibly well oh rap booth saves the day are you ready for the next of many bombs i'm ready no room for error three points one mistake i mean one mistake it's all it takes oh okay okay so we have to be we have to be we have to be flawless one strike five minutes five minutes right okay let's go let's do this okay oh god if there's more code on this one we're [ __ ] yeah thrown off there's worse code than we're screwed no moss code thank god right normally uh five wise two white two red one blue okay it's the last wire black no no it's red is there one red wire two is there more than one yellow okay no okay there's no yellow one worse no black wires no yellow first cut the second wire perfect right okay okay next up we've got another wire there is five of them again two blue two white one red is the last wire black no i said is there more than one yellow wire there's no yellow wires okay um are there no black wires no and cut the second wire perfect right onto symbols uh euro sign with the two dots above in top left okay top right is diagonal equals simon to slash through it bottom right okay is omega sign um bottom left is trident okay um euro symbol equal sign trident omega awesome right moving on to oh god okay moving on to numbers so big one at the top okay one second let me get my highlighter ah okay we're good we're good we're good uh where is it where's it oh shoot there it is okay i found it okay big one at the top so what's big one at the top press the one in the second position okay i'm pressing four okay and two at the top press the button in the second position i'm pressing three okay one at the top uh press the button with the number three i'm pressing in the third position number three okay yep one at the top one at the top uh press it in the second position and pressing four okay three at the top uh do the one with the label four perfect done right moving on to words s-e-e at the top s-e-e at the top okay so that means that we're going to have where is it where is it where is it bottom right bottom right done d-o-n-e uh okay so s-u-r-e sure yes done preston okay awesome right at the top led led okay um the middle left what is the middle left one middle left says right r-i-g-h-t okay yes yes isn't that the word nothing the word nothing isn't there the word ready word ready isn't there the word press yes all right i pressed the word press okay awesome cool cool the word at the top is y-o-u-r you're y-o-u-r okay um middle right two-two is blank it's it's just it's the word black b-l-a-n-k-u-a-i-t w a i t not there right right not there the word okay with an ay at the end not there the word middle yes there we go done it okay one minute 56 seconds on the clock oh did we do it oh we did it we did it we did it we did it we're so good at this game unstoppable big guy absolutely unstoppable wow look at us go this like we're actually doing insanely well ah this is awesome okay okay all right we got this oh and we beat cranials we beat gridios yeah yeah absolutely destroyed we're gods we're partners fighting cries yeah exactly batman and robin i am robin you are batman oh okay yeah i know that makes sense buddies yeah okay okay okay let's do this next bomb you ready yep i think once we get done with this category then we need to save michael yeah yeah this is okay the last bomb okay in category three eight minutes we have eight modules eight minutes three strikes okay eight modules eight minutes take your time relax no even relax when diffusing a bomb never really as long as we as long as we do more than one a minute then we have them we're fine yeah i'm gonna go for i'm gonna go for the quickest ones first are you ready last spot last bomb eight minutes eight modules right we got this okay i'm ready okay all right and for the wires only only answer would i ask okay okay okay i've got basic wires okay basic wires how many six okay six are there any yellow wires yes okay is there only one yellow wire yes is there more than one right right no okay are there no red wires there is a red wire there is a red wire okay cut the fourth wire perfect done right complicated wires illuminated stars okay here we go here we go okay first wire red star not illuminated red star okay red star symbol okay so red and star symbol cut it okay second wire illuminated star red illuminated star also red okay so that means cut that okay uh nothing in wire three nothing in wire four wire five um white and red star illuminated white okay red star illuminated cut it number six white okay i'm red star illuminated oh it's okay then cut it perfect done moving on to symbols now okay p be trident smile that didn't work that's not it wait maybe it's the wrong orientation wait top left smiley face bottom left trident top right b with the bracket over the top a bottom right filled in p weird symbol yeah it's p then the b then wait is it the double trident or a regular trident regular regular trident wait what that doesn't exist in this wait okay when you're saying smile are you meaning like the euro symbol no literally bracket wait apparently it's a q filled in q sorry not p i'm dyslexic [Music] there there is there is none with oh oh okay trident smile pee oh wait you're sorry sorry troy you said okay no okay i've got it we've got two strikes simon says yep it is flashing yellow and there is a vowel so red okay so blue blue okay yellow is blue yep yellow blue so blue yellow uh blue is red okay yellow blue yellow blue red blue yeah yeah you know what i mean yellow blue yellow green um blue red blue yellow okay okay okay uh yellow blue yellow green blue um blue red blue yellow red done right moving on oh most code [ __ ] no oh let's do the other ones first yellow and pop do more scope no no no no no no no no white abort button do your battery okay white aboard button two batteries okay uh buttons blue no more than one battery it doesn't say detonate okay is there a lit indicator with a label car no but there are two lit indicators that say other things does it say frk no okay is the button yellow no the button's red no um hold it it's yellow when do i release release it when it has a five oh that's that's a while away okay okay okay done right complicated wires but not the stripy ones the cycling wires okay okay okay okay oh shoot that one sucks yeah uh one is red to c red to c cut it okay two is blue to a don't cut it three is red to a uh don't cut it okay next stop okay four is empty five is black to a got it six is black to a got it okay uh seven is red to c don't cut it a is blue to c uh cut it nine is black to be got it okay 10 is black to a 11 and 12 are empty got it done right most code oh dot dot dot dot dash dot dot dot dot dash dot dash dot that's the whole sequence shoot okay wait okay wait wait okay wait no there was two more levels at the end i missed okay okay okay shoot okay so what was that there again wait wait dash dot dash oh god dot dot dot dash dot oh god wait let me got dot dot okay dot dash dot dot dot dot okay dash dot no you don't need a 3.522 3.522 okay there's one more we haven't tackled oh my god it's the number three at the top three at the top oh shoot okay three at the top three at the top um okay three at the top press button in the third position okay i press three okay four at the top um press the button in the third position no we died [ __ ] no oh my gosh okay no we got it we got it next time one more one more we got it it's fine this is hard okay we got it we got this one we got this one okay it's easy give me a second give me so i need to recuperate okay let's do this let's do this i'm psyching myself up right now all right all right all right all right we got this we got this i am ready okay okay okay well i just need to collect myself give me a second yeah okay okay that's under understandable understandable okay oh we were so close we were so close it was never meant to be okay oh you said the thing my goodness again okay okay okay okay starting with basic wires first six wires okay six wires okay that means that it will three six wires so that means there are three okay so are there no yellow wires no yellow eyes yep is last digit of serial number odd no it's even okay is there only one yellow wire there's none okay are there no red wires three uh fourth wire perfect right moving on to advanced ones there's illuminated and stars first one okay okay okay illuminated no star blue and red illuminated no star blue and red okay so shoot okay so illuminated blue and red would be uh oh shoot which one would that be that would be either this one okay is the last digit of the serial number even yes yes yes we already are going over that it's four okay cut it okay cut it right next one not illuminated blue and red again star blue and red again has star symbol non-illuminated okay so blue and red has star symbol okay um does the bomb have a parallel port oh god okay it's the longest one it's a really long boy no i don't see it i don't see a super long boy port okay then don't cut it okay next one there's nothing in third slot fourth slot white illuminated star uh white with illuminated star cut it okay uh next one not illuminated white star okay so not illuminated uh white wait not okay so no no not eliminated white stock add star symbol okay so star symbol led is on uh does the bomb have two more batteries the bottom doesn't uh there's four batteries on the side they cut it cut it okay okay okay the last wire no star not illuminated white and red white and red so it has no star not illuminated and has red coloring so that means that um cut it perfect done right moving on to cycling wires number one is black and going to be okay number one black and going to be cut it okay number two black and going to be don't cut it okay number four red going to be don't cut it number five red going to a don't cut it number six red going to see don't cut it okay number seven black going to a got it that was wrong oh shoot okay okay nothing in number eight number nine going into blue going into a blue going into a don't cut it okay number ten black going into b don't cut it number eleven uh blue going into b uh wait did we have a blue wire before don't cut it okay number 12 is empty okay that's that completed right moving on to symbols uh top left double trident uh bottom left upside down question mark number uh top uh right uh filled in q um bottom right weird six where the tops flattened okay uh top flattened six yes weird q trident question mark okay done right okay red hold button red hold button okay um button is balloon button okay nope uh is the no buttons not white uh so for two more batteries is there a lit indicator with the label frk no it's there is an frk but it's not lit okay if the but it's the button red and says hold yep and just click it i i just i i think i hold it down for too long okay done we've gone two strikes okay simon says two strikes it's flashing blue okay and uh does it contain a vowel uh no serial number not that i can see no vowel so it's flashing so it's flashing blue so that means you press green okay green yep blue blue green green green green yep blue blue yellow green green red green red mm-hmm okay that's that done right maze okay oh god maybe please okay okay okay uh green hoop um row one column four uh another green hoop roll four column three okay okay where where are you where's the triangle uh the triangle uh row six column one and i am in um okay five column six hurry you're in row five column six okay not in row six no no no no no sorry row five column six yeah you're right okay right did you say wait [Music] left yes left yes up okay left okay up yes right yes right yes right yes down okay left or sorry no right i pressed left and it was right okay just go just go all the way to the right to the border okay i'm at the border then go all the way to up to the border okay okay then go left yes down okay left yes up yes left yes left yes down yes left spam down left and spam down okay cycling wire cycling wires number one red a oh shoot okay number one red a number two don't cut it b got it okay nothing four five ready i'm ready don't cut it number six ready cut it number seven blue number hey black damn it we blew up again no oh oh it's so cool it was so close oh it was so close
Channel: TubboLIVE
Views: 245,769
Rating: 4.985486 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tubbo, tubbolive, live, stream, live stream, tubb, keep talking and no one explodes, keep talking and nobody explodes, ranboo, dream smp
Id: liFux_G41YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 38sec (6578 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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