Trying to get CAUGHT in Among Us!

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oh oh my gosh [Music] among us jester mode the jester must trick all the crewmates to vote them out if they succeed they win who is lying who is not subscribe for an egg thanks all right see you guys i'm going to go do imposter things wow that was calm i wonder who jester is the jester is definitely either going to be very obnoxious and try to vote themselves out or they're going to be super quiet and pretend like nothing happens wait who's that yo yo who's going behind me you don't have a task in here you try murdering me white yeah black watch my back we gotta keep an eye out for each other there's killers on the loose hello girls what are you doing here dude gold's not even i don't think gold's actually doing her task i might hide and someone's dead who is dead amongst us red where bonnie is in the lab in the lab they were ready to answer that yeah it was fast well guys i mean they asked where right i think it's raining really really why i think it's rainbow i think that's jester green's jester for sure i think it's rainbow because she walked in labs rainbow do you have anything to defend yourself with i was in decontamination skipped i'm scared my body was there i'm skipping super stupid i feel like me for no reason no everyone keep eyes on green and rainbow but i have a feeling that green's jester who voted rainbow wait but green voted for rainbow yeah because well jester wouldn't vote themselves yeah gold keep an eye on those wait yeah they would they want to get kicked out all right green santa claus i'm keeping my eyes on you everyone should be suspicious of this person because they're just accusing people unless rainbow is bad but rainbow's not really doing her task right now she's just dancing which is already suspicious luna's doing her task for real it looks like rainbow's following me which is never a good thing it means she will stab me rainbow go away do not kill me what are they doing okay we gotta go fix calm's luna let's go down here okay the only person not here is green and yellow once again i will do the thing that i am best at i will look at security cams where an imposter could pop out of the vent and stab me at any moment dude no one is in the cameras oh hi draco bye draco gold is following draco behind luna's luna's being quite odd what what is luna oh is she bathing people i think luna's baiting people no way luna stay there come on lunar what is she doing weird she's not gonna go fix anything oh oh my gosh rainbow ring oh god you saw that gold gold we saw that we saw that i can't believe rainbow just did that oh my gosh oh hi rainbow hey rainbow follow me follow me i'm scared i'm scared i'm gonna go hit the button i'm gonna go hit the button uh someone go fix that oh my gosh i'ma just like lie it out what happens they killed him right under the emergency button where where was it though where outside outside yo what i said why did you walk past the comms thing um because i was searching for a dead body okay it's like you knew where the body was guys can i talk i saw something very scary what so i saw something so horrifying that rainbow shouldn't have done in front of the cameras wait what bad rainbow i saw rainbow kill green in front of the cams dead rainbow oh you know funny stalks that camera yeah i saw rainbow kill cam i did i saw her and then i saw her vent she would she killed them literally near the staff room you're crazy okay i'm voting rainbow i did do it what are you going to do wait oh is this going to play out that you're the jester huh wait a minute what are you going to do stinking cam honey are you sure you saw what you saw yes okay i'm not just gonna do about it or she's just nothing because you're all dead it doesn't matter no she's not jessica she's trying to she's trying to weasel her way out by scaring us that she's gesture she's the killer it doesn't matter anyways rainbow accept your face gold why did you skip dang it funny why are you looking at cameron what's happening why are you guys doing that time to go do my task in this way everyone follow me protect me at all costs i'm a highly valuable crewmate who is always sitting on security cams like i could literally sit here all day with my cup of coffee check the cams and make sure everything's all good look look anyone gonna stab anyone no okay what no someone turned it off oh hi everyone dude they know i'm on cams they're gonna kill me let's go fix that okay okay everyone we'll go fix it together as a team that's right i fixed it once again not doing my task just gonna take a look-see at this okay we got white running dude why is luna always dancing near the cameras i think she wants to die she looks death in the eyes rainbow you're gonna kill her you're gonna dance with her lunar's literally baiting the imposter she wants them to jump out of the vent they're not gonna do that did someone just shut the doors oh i'm gonna die oh i'm gonna die someone just shut the doors in the place what's happening people why is there so much i don't know all right oh can you ask you a question before we start yes do you live in the camera room every time i cross by that place you're standing did you see me dancing on the cams i do i do lunar you're guessing electrical any sus no one knows where it is it was an electrical with y'all so y'all what i wasn't electrical and i swear i did not see it i'm suss of orange who y'all green and myself that's all i haven't seen them i wasn't electrical i did not see it okay draco left electrical for a second and now red is dead draco [Music] dude we should vote rainbow for just for sussing i'm kidding skip but let's go i meant white is dead i for some reason colors aren't like matching rainbow you keep that egg on yourself a rainbow is putting a target on her back i didn't even see an electrical i was there with you the whole time i don't know rainbow you're kind of like you're probably jester you want to get voted out get out of here rainbow yeah she's only about to jest kill someone on cams and then come back to me okay that's true all right time to go do the thing again you know where to find her so i'm pretending to look at cams right now i want to see if anyone goes out of that hole anyone someone just locked the doors on us they probably think i'm looking at cams dracco isn't looking at cams or he thinks this is a stack kill anyone gonna stab us stab us now dude this is so sus why is black dead what test happened where who is in camps oh me me me me no one's gonna kill right where was it hey funny no one vote when you're on camps can you see outside of electrical pardon when you're on camps can you see outside of electrical nah i don't know i just look at cam i love black with funny with black and cams i don't know what i'm talking about that's true me too i saw that too black was with me but black is dead but then they left so i don't really know draco also seems like he's always in light she didn't see she was glued to cams okay and rainbow everyone i just like to point this out that draco was standing there looking at all of us like looking at cams i don't know if he was just scared of a stack kill but he was just staring at us yeah i was protecting you and then i left okay either gold or draco was gesture because when you're fixing the light someone kept unflicking it no listen listen to my big brain uh conspiracy theory okay i mean listen to my big brain theory okay so dracco is a smart killer he's just gonna keep wrecking the lights and then afterwards he's just gonna keep killing people in front of lights it's draco you should watch outside the lights so obviously i can't be on cams anymore they definitely know that i'm just always chilling there so i gotta dip i gotta dip straight on out of here i gotta go follow and do my task properly instead of just sitting in camps all day maybe once i finish my test i'll do it oh weird draco what you lock the door on yourself huh why do i do this who's flicking this someone's gonna totally sabotage see someone who's doing it dude who is it it's draco goals oh my gosh who's flicking the lights who is it dude i think it's oh oh my goodness how did we not see it was lunar end no rules right i saw red run no it was lunar dragon red ran uh i saw luna do it right after i fixed lights red ran from rainbow no it's red no i think it's red or purple it's red red's saying don't be shy vote me off they might be jeff you guys i was at the lights dude is right jester i think purple no right luna i think it's you you're a lie no it's red vote me out after it's red red is jester it's red no they they said let me win no they are not red is i don't know what's wrong with draco [Music] gold they're telling me to be quiet gold why are you taking so long to vote yeah gold are you third imposter now i'm gonna skip again oh my gosh lunar you all suck i was nothing i was just a citizen what who did i knew dracula was flicking the switch dude i'mma hit the button you better run your butt out of here jocko you're gonna get thrown straight back into the emergency room all right so i definitely know who it is you cheese colors we're safe we can't hit that can we oh my gosh come on we're gonna die it's draco let's go okay gold split split split we're gonna die gold go that way go that way i'll go this way don't follow me no gold go go to the other side gold come on i'll go there dude we're so dead maybe i can't explain an act of killing red what you doing up there oh my gosh finally right is it you no what you blamed dracco you blame lunar and now they're dead all right red killed draco i saw it you saw it so red didn't help fix they killed jacqueline they were running off okay they're not duster though trust funny thank you bye bye red nice knowing ya okay why red all votes for red i guess red could have won if it wasn't for security cams funny oh yeah no one will get through me yes good job i was so close wait you went gesture you never listened to it i kept flicking the switches in front of luna [Laughter] if red didn't kill me i would have been off that ship once again i am the boring crewmate and my job is to watch cat what are these two doing oh blue just switched why would you follow black like that blue oh i just saw black kill oh my gosh this is too easy for me what's up black oh looks like this dead body alright give me the crown today okay why what is it security funny i saw black i also saw black run away from the body all right you know what to do murder and then you can't do anything with money on cams man she's like she's just she's always gonna know i know i always see her and i dance on the cat yes lunar i appreciate that but we must eat black guys i'm imposter remember that that's true that's true when i'm not looking at cabs wow [Laughter] another win when they stabbed me i was like ooh you're gonna get caught by the financial you guys know where to find me yeah i'll be dancing in front of the cams like always i'll bring you some dinner since you're in there right thanks bring donuts because i'm crewmate once again see i get the most boring roles like dude how cool we played like five games already and i'm still the boring role crewmate where i sit here and i watch cams and i get a bunch of play of the games because i just chilling so i know this all of crew knows i'm on cam but these new players they don't know that i'm all stocking cams so i gotta keep my out brown's actually doing their tasks see you don't need a fake task what are they doing they know i'm watching cats look they're just all dancing yeah dance dancy dancing let's go gold is also staring at the camera they find it very fascinating who died driving killed dracula where wow i needed to finish my tasks dracula why is draco dead brown is in [Music] wow specimens and red is probably going to try to accuse me i was in decontam i was in oxygen bottom left lunar rainbow gold where were you i was uh doing lights i was like near the camps that lava place okay you probably lost at this map okay black's being confused all right that one's suss well how are they sauce i mean it is truthful when i was watching them on cams they kept hitting the walls so i think we could skip a vote right now black fine unless black is like after to kill people but they were not for rest they didn't reply to my question when i said red where okay so i gotta keep an eye on red let's go see what red does red you don't understand my job is to just watch you forever do not leave my sight red is red gonna stab me oh yes what a nice place hello reds oh wait no red's innocent that means gold's lying yeah i see that flashing off okay red's actually doing their task gold on the other hand now is quite [Music] suspicious a cam's room i will go back to you after i finish my task i know red's good rainbow has a suspicion it's me wait where'd she go rainbow okay rainbow's right there watch me fill my canisters with o2 who's here i think that's lunar lunar leave me alone i'm just a crewmate doing basic roommate things why are they so suss on me unless you shut this door and murder me now rainbow i'm gonna be pretty suspicious it's very quiet around here i don't i don't see no dead bodies so far where are the dead bodies say someone's on cams it's blinking thank you for leaving comments down below i know that now i know i unders i have more among us iq no one's going to take that down this is a perfect place to get stabbed by the way orange please do not kill me someone's going that okay good i'll go do the rocket ship it's so quiet i have a feeling it's where'd you come from rainbow rainbow why'd you flick around weird why'd you just turn around all of a sudden unless there is a judge body over there that i need to go take a look at what are we looking at orange nothing nothing in the bathrooms so red and orange are following me around i don't think they're bad and gold is dead oh my gosh what happened we lost four people where that's so much dead people oh my gosh the crewmates are all dead where does anyone know where okay oh no it's that gold funny funny you would know where actually i don't know what do you mean ask where because what i found yellow on cams so and we know honey loves camps but what happens with that time she wasn't on camp rainbow i'm doing my task so i could beat you you never do your tasks that's preposterous oh my god doing tasks really funny you expect us to believe that no funny is safe thank you red is good i saw them do tasks like i could actually vouch for red ah what i vouch for red okay rainbow you're you're probably just or you just want to get voted on nah yeah rainbow jester took you too long you're probably happy being jesters sitting there all alive as that's what you want i'd be joking around if i was jester stop saying yoking around i'll press the button again i'm kidding oh i'm done i'm not on my task all right we just need to beat the game um i feel unsafe and uneasy to go look at cams but i'm very tempted to rainbow's gonna stalk me there and probably murder me in cold blood we've got a lot of people around the map everyone's looking at cans this is exactly where stack hill is going to happen anyone want to kill luna what you doing over the creeping lunar where'd she go i saw that luna i saw you peek in everyone should be done their task unless someone is a ghost and they are not helping hello everyone welcome to cam's room would you like a a tape what you do in orange what's happening down here black just ran off all right time to pretend to dip okay so it's too quiet i don't think hiding here would help anymore because no one's gonna cross paths this way i have a feeling it's a rainbow but i'm kind of scared because now i have a feeling that everyone in this map is dead oh orange is dead uh what happened where uh orange is dead yeah orange died outside a leg okay rainbow are you laughing why aren't you talking i'm not laughing i i was dumb i was flipping the cameras back and forth and then i saw orange's body fall to the ground but the person was smart and they ran out of frame so i don't know who did it rainbow um who was fixing lights me i feel like it was i was self-report but also i didn't see funny the whole time she might could have been in vince dude i saw no one the whole time i was like near the d-com oh i wish i saw kim i was also fixing lights that's a lie you guys we're all no one is [Music] [Music] oh my gosh it was black you guys black was the killer no good job luna dog [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,680,712
Rating: 4.917129 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among uis, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, among us retexture, new mod among us, among us mods, proximity chat, proximity chat itsfunneh, proximity chat krew, among us jester mode
Id: 6t3CYDir_UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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