Don't get CAUGHT in Boomerang Fu!

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the last one standing wins do not start this party without me i'll beat the buns out of you i'm saucy warm-up round fighters i hope you're ready i don't need a warm-up round i don't need a warm-up round because i'm all ready i will wait for you to come to me chill out donuts yes come on come to me take that rainbow now you get to fight me the sauce i'm not scared of you why are you hiding over there huh jump over the river who calls you the sauce boss draco because i'm the sauce boss who's selecting it huh oh no come here yeah i'm just warming up i forgot how to jump you're not the sauce box you're already supposed to be nice and warm you're spicy i'm the milk milk is the best easy no sauce for you my glasses look at this whoever messes with me will see the blood of hot sauce i'm scared i won't say that's not blood i guess it's me and you milky you scare me go away you burn things down don't you i don't take you seriously because why do you always hide behind you got a baseball cap oh i and i got a chef hat which means i'm a five-star michelin burger i'm cute you know why come fight me oh no i don't need to look at that gold's winning she has the crown ghost she's too strong she's so crowded up on her nah yeah you draco you killed me oh you got me your milk blood spills revenge sweet revenge uh hey dracula do you want to go battle okay i guess not no truth on my revenge [Music] are you enjoying the video so far make sure to like and subscribe because we are delicious i am unstoppable she's actually unstoppable i never knew gold was this good i'm just going to say sorry rainbow come on man oh she's being peaceful sometimes life would be like that jackal just fell off god look at this croissant croissant croissant because you know why it's a bad carb only burger buns are the best cats actually have you ever tried a croissant burger no have you it's very buttery and delicious funny have you tried a croissant burger with your milk no that's disgusting just kidding it's not i just said that because i'm gonna murder you come here or am i gonna murder you you guys are just food this is what i did to rainbow okay hey hey look what i did to rainbow look what you did funny you gave draco a free kill i see boomerang um don't let's get the power up she's caffeinated caffeinated she's so dumb look i'm such a cute party donut please just give me rainbow you're not a threat to me you're not a threat to me you're not a threat to me i'm talking that's right rainbow is not a threat rainbow's a threat well this level shouldn't be that hard for you it's yes it shouldn't uh-huh whoa whoa whoa i suggest you don't target me oh the real threat is oh i gotta go to someone over here don't kill me please no i was gonna get going no safety for you peekaboo are you doing jacko funny you're gonna explode no bunny should have gotten bounds this this hot sauce is cold to the car toaster is it whoa that's kind of dangerous rainbow don't run away now let's get that back and then there was draco get the book oh wait there's a power up oh oh i think that will help you it won't [Music] boomerang that was cool full speed of multi boomerangs whoa you should be scared explosion come on really are you going jacko i am off my boomerang fu game my ghostbusters gold have you ever saw multi boomerangs before i wouldn't do that no i rainbow okay it's time to party it's overpowered no not overpowered look hey i will collect all the points now with my multi boomerang that i still have you know what oh money started what the heck it's so tiny you made me lose my muscles they killed each other thank you that was a freebie that was a given draco there's nothing free whoa ringing around the rosie don't get smacked ow don't get smacked don't get smacked don't get smacked don't get smacked smash into smithereens nobody likes frozen burgers come on shoulder for your job why don't you become a quick shot i've always been a trick shotter let's get this back rainbow where you going you can't escape the multi boomerangs no you should be scared i can't escape the multi boomerangs i just want you to let's bounce it off this wall reload no easy someone get rid of her multi-boomerang now yeah this is the most cheapest thing that's what you get no now that funny is gone i will i will i will maintain victory she still beat you that was close gold is still winning this is your level gold it's all total you should be proud of you guys before we fight we must all go down an all hail toaster all hail toasted no hailing to the toast sir we hail the sauce now dracula rainbow i know you're feeling explosive but you can't dodge this [Applause] some people are hiding everybody it's time to explode come on rainbow get draco he has no boomerang whoa i have two boomerangs you're wrong i'm a double boomerang sauce boy [Music] looks like it's a tie between everyone this isn't looking too good the tie breaker i'm just gonna hide and then there was one too easy [Applause] rainbow be careful uh-oh i can't be scared i'm trying to get my boobs all right my boomerang oh no my boomerangs are lost wherever can they be where did it go come on funny this is burger blood oh no where my boomerangs go oh i'm hopeless oh this is nothing it's right here stop i don't think you know what you're doing with those teleporting skills oh she's so fast you better stop that what happened like a real donut come on rainbow stop glitching no oh my gosh why yeah i'm starting to not like your guys power up i deserve power up give it to me that's what you get for being greedy whatever dracula you're dead now congrats on killing each other why were you just standing i thought you didn't see me that was very obvious let's all make a food truce we're all amazing we're all delicious yes that's true that's true that's true food truth where did gold go i wonder i won the wish i'm running dead dude that was crazy i'm catching up to gold i can wear the crown cause i am oh you're tied with gold you're only catching up to me because i'm giving it to you oh rainbow staggered hey someone to unfreeze me jack will get out of there oh no that was a big mistake bye dracco easy i i don't know why i wasn't paying attention where's gold she's hiding now i don't know where she is either you'll never find one two three four where is gold hiding more four gold you better watch out or else i'll cut in your face wait what bunny has a lot of special powers you didn't notice right now that tool is overpowered it's not overpowered it's just made with ice and multiple boomerangs there's nothing overpowered about it no more games i'm just going to slice and dice now i'm not even going to throw oh oh my here's my chance jacko no are you opening it wait okay well that was really sad you just exploded the winner takes off all of the stuff are you oh no you thought you told me i exploded oh that's a lot of boomerangs why did you explode yourself where's gold i don't know i don't know where could it be yeah don't stop huh gold everywhere no no no your hat is too big how did i slip in the pool why are you falling in the pool now draco's winning you guys are ty i am the king song don't worry i got your back buddy oh that was epic what do you mean it was so fast chocolate our favorite i just killed myself that was soupy we will duel till the end come on rainbow use your dodging skills i don't think rainbow knows what she's doing what's happening oh my gosh she's scary get out of here get out of bounds can you um [Applause] this isn't good rainbow's using cheap tactics which totally makes sense no rainbow hey that was scary all right i have a question how smart do you think you are at home please don't kill me in my tiny bamboo family i have feelings okay i won't i'll just hit this corner right here okay come fight me wrong bamboos stop dividing teams rainbow fight me first stop hiding nope nope nope nope nope no more teleporting rainbow boomerang points i'm a frog you broke through my disguise wow i think draco's a ninja hot sauce i'm scared yeah i think so too bye no one needs a hot sauce hey there's a crate man there easy i would like to talk to you fight me go why would you snitch on me rainbow take it out i'm back in the lead no actually not i lied i'm not back you were never in the league to begin with my wife i was killed in the crossfire something does nothing who will be the king slash queen banana or hot sauce this is a close battle it's getting hot in here um because of you i have the power of fire you thought milk was cold this whole time it was not it's hot whoa i may be hot dog but this is too long you gotta run your little butt chest ridiculous that's ridiculous what type of power is that solar power yeah i'm on fire i'm on fire i call funny moves bye guys don't milk all this power ice power like takes forever and the fire power is instant death what the heck they're giving me all the power because i have milk with the m-e-f everyone okay towards the powerful fire milk no we got leaves and that's when the fire milk attacks she's too all right you guys this is a peaceful lens let's just uh no it's not very peaceful okay fine um let's not do what bunny was doing i'm just gonna hide behind everything this already on fire you think you can hide that dude she's literally she's an evil fire villain and you tried to run away too i tried to run away and then you sliced me i was looking for truce i didn't want to fight with you what do you mean you were throwing fire boomerangs everywhere i don't care no this time funny boom oh no oh my gosh that's so cool this is this is bad we're on a tie i don't like being on a tie i like to be in the league too evenly matched everybody get out somebody get out alone let me live let me live let me live please let me live let me live let me live you forgot how to fight rainbow i just wanted to stay in the circle this game isn't about peace rainbow it's about skill right because some people think they can hide but they can't oh no from my boomerang skills that fireball ring can someone let her pick a book so she can replace her fire boomerang i love fire i love it fine i'll pick this up imagine the fire milk nation attacking bye bye no no no no no no i hope you explode rainbow i don't i don't i don't hope that i hope i live romanian but what are you doing i don't know don't ask me oh yeah please let me win that that was a toy kidding me raining oh man my weakness raining you're gonna get soggy soggy donuts wait what happened bye no double kale you guys don't belong in this weather rainbow i will give you triple kill because that was amazing thank you what oh you're kind of weak wait i can kick you she's invincible she's hurting a baby burger that's trolling okay let me get my boomerang bye gold thank you so strong gold's throwing i was giving her triple kills [Music] thank you donuts oh no it's raining again i am not picking up any more bucks i don't feel so good no oh big bang ice explosion [Applause] ice and fire oh my gosh i have a perfect weapon no my weapon is so powerful no one will overthrow me okay then you go oh yeah no uh i took down the strongest hot sauce oh no it's my friends [Music] my friends the croissants croissants the croissant oops bunny why did you do that i fell off bunny's throwing oh jack and i are letting you win even myself okay whoa uh gold medallion croissant let's have a party okay oh my gosh i lied i didn't want to party rainbow stop trusting everyone do you think this is a game of trust whatever i'm not going easy on you dudes i was going easy on you guys but i'm not going to be anymore thank you you did that yourself though oh goodbye gold no that is overpowered fire only three more maybe more until funny wins oh you know what i'll take that jacko you dummy you exploded both of us whatever how dare you better than you getting a point meet me in the middle for a present hey funny i'm coming for you yeah no you're not seeing a rainbow you seem like you lost all your minds bye-bye i'm a jumping donut where am i going i hate that skill what are you two doing where did my boomerang go rainbow hello i lost my boomerang can you help me find it what it seems like i've made myself into hot milk which i am not allowed to because it hurts um what no jack we've got a shield trigger oh no what is happening draco yeah i'm after draco yes this isn't good i think this is the closest time oh i don't want to be in a tie i want to win i want to win i just burped myself do you see that she's one of those cool new charcoal burgers oh no no no no no no no oh three more points until i win what i need victory i can smell it a mile away so you're getting in my way come here come here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoop roll stop drop and roll no i will not stop [Applause] huh i love it i have the special skills okay no it's going to be over i will win no no no no with this multi boomerang it seems like foosh are not friends i'm just going to run foods foods are not friends kids my friends are not friends that's definitely not my friend no easy two more points until the crown is mine oh mine it belongs to me on my head i would like to report a crime all those foods are starting to kill each other no bad draco you don't know where i am you can't catch me because i'm going to go live yes in the trees rainbow's way too old in the trees that's not good in the tree the trees are my friends finally some good colors come on caffeinated you can't just jump without fighting yes wow are you proud of yourself yeah i am draco why are you vengeful ghosts because i'm angry spice sea sauce is the best i can't believe i was beaten by milk
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,274,778
Rating: 4.9195218 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, boomerang fu, boomerang fu itsfunneh, boomerang fu funneh, boomerang fu krew
Id: WKyb0xG8mfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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