Playing as the TROLL in Among Us!

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among us but there's a troll aboard the ship the troll's job is to get murdered by the imposter trolls versus imposter who is going to win subscribe because you're awesome everyone i would just like to say i'm the troll do not kill me um sure you are sure i'm muting you sassy says okay so so i'm actually the troll and i just told them i'm the troll so does that is that like 500 iq gameplay or not wow rainbow you're looking at gold pretty tasty don't follow rainbow i wonder who the killer is murder no wow you're just gonna ignore me like that i'm the troll though you should stab me okay let's check the door log gold just passed through that's pretty boring wait a minute if gold passed through the sensors where is draco and lunar you're telling me they didn't pass through any sensors someone vented that is suspicious it's so quiet around here golden rainbow doing normal stuff lunar i'm guessing she's dead because i don't even see her i need to die though my goal is to die why am i helping do tasks i don't need to do tasks that's stupid my goal is to die oh huh where'd you all come from normal stuff okay i'm gonna pretend i'm gonna walk away look i'm walking away oh yeah just gonna walk away from draco what wait rainbow just murdered gold it was rainbow rainbow's not true she re she self-reported because i was about to report it yes i did what um are you pretending to be the troll your voice went low yeah are you pretending i know draco is she is she the troll um maybe we should like the troll doesn't die if we vote them off uh no i don't think it's i don't think it's rainbow i think i'm going to skip i did it i watched it no i'm voting rainbow wrong game mode it's not jester i did it rainbow it's not jester it's troll [Music] you guys better watch out for lunar oh my gosh rainbow vote wow what a coincidence they both voted for each other [Laughter] [Music] everyone keep your eyes peeled okay i'm the troll me me is the troll yeah oh no we lost banana gold because yeah that's so sad okay time to go do tasks okay now i think i think it is rainbow rainbow stab me once if rainbow actually thinks i'm the troll like i actually admitted i'm the troll yeah i'll stand here did i look don't i look good rainbow don't you just want to stab it's okay rainbow it's okay rainbow look at rainbow come back come stab me rainbow great great now she's not gonna kill me because she knows i'm the troll this is bad fine i'll just finish my task i'll help crewmates win she's back hey i will kill everyone around you but not you i hate you no no i'm not the troll i'm crewmate we'll be tortured no you're the troll i know it it will be tortured no i'm crewmate okay follow me follow me then here follow me up here stay there hey luna what's up hi i'm just gonna stand right here okay luna i'll take the bullet for you okay luna luna we have to go fix that come on follow i mean i mean is anyone gonna fix that luna come on six nine four five come on luna follow follow follow me let's go let's go get it luna fall out luna i'll protect you as much as i can nobody's gonna go fix oxygen rainbow stop sounding extra sus draco you lazy bum what are you doing oh my god this is so sad luna you're calling draco lazy but he died he died i died i was trying to empty the vending machine well guess who i am yes i am the imposter i am an excellent troll can we all talk like that yes i want to talk with you i want to talk like i'm the imposter i want to be caught yeah next time everyone's talking a super low voice like me and then i'm getting crazy this is the most calmest game in the history of calm games on the crew okay let's hold hands and walk together okay let's go let's do that all comms people like everyone let's just mute let's mute yourself because we don't need to talk anymore i can't believe i got troll again this is amazing i want to die i want to look death in the eye hey guys what's up oh wait they can't hear me i forgot proximity doesn't exist in this game mode stop going to the vent draco luna's not here that's well that's suspicious i'm gonna go look at lunar hey lunar sup i'm i really want someone to like murder me i don't know how i'm gonna get murdered though i'm gonna pretend to do tasks with lunar isn't this a great time to just murder me and jump in the vent okay this is not a good way i'm gonna die i feel like it's draco he's not here all right time to go find him yo what's up gold i see you were following me around the map but my job is to go look at draco minds if i follow gold around i scare her i pretend i am the murderer but i am not someone's in the green oh a lot of people in the locker room there's probably death there there's a task bar gonna go up i wouldn't know where is lunar oh oh that's dead body i'm not going to report that though great great now now i'm going to look like the imposter funny why didn't you report that body i didn't see it someone shot off the power dude this killer is rude uh-huh and i saw it and i was behind you when you were draco some one turned off the power i couldn't see her my vision's blurry why would you yawn oh yeah i'm being calm yeah my vision it must be rainbow killer i think it's right now draco and luna were the last ones together they were going to do the tame same task okay i'll skip because i don't think it's rainbow i think are you kidding me so is it rainbow rainbow i thought we were shall i say oopsie oh guys you're so annoying what oopsies wait gold was it you don't touch me um jacko draco come on we have to go turn off the lights come on okay oh seriously dude it's draco dr are you hey dracco do you not even use light switches man what i'm flicking them someone's flicking them off stop it stop white stop what how did you kill me i was the troll what are you sure yeah what hey when if i kill you second last no oh that's lame i was the troll whatever hello my delicious little morsels hi i am cheese yes i'm chef funny and i hope you all find yourself um around the ship you know delicious do you say we kind of look like delicious ingredients yes you do now i will see you all later okay so i'm not the troll but i'm scared because i must murder somebody on ship i feel like it's gold why is she following me watch she's gonna rap me out and say like i'm not doing my task i'll just fake it uh-huh yeah let's just all pretend to do our task here all good rainbow's the troll who's the troll i can't kill the wrong person though i'm gonna go this way i'm gonna trick rainbow hey rainbow a little more slow you like follow me around the map die oh i can't believe you're delicious muscle you trust yes i'm an amazing troll gold did you know bananas don't belong in soup yeah it's kind of obvious okay well see you later bye just kidding i hope no one heard that i was really loud okay let's let's set off the reactor oh i can hide i can hide oh this looks bad oh this looks so i'm trying to hide the body guys hi why didn't any of you report that i saw we were trying to like cover it what the heck looner luna that's messed up yeah okay yeah yeah all right i'll okay guys i saw luna i saw luna no wait wait don't vote me out i can prove my innocence i have a med-based scan okay let's skip okay yeah we can do that yeah let's do that thank you what oh i can also improve my innocence i also haven't been based again uh-huh i know it's funny but whatever i will um i will entertain your bed base again rainbow you think it's me and you can blame it to me but it's not me you guys are all literally standing over the dead body okay but luna was also standing and trying to cover i can prove my innocence come all come off oh my gosh stop doing wait are you gonna prove it yeah we have to go fix it oh she's in there okay yeah luna is innocent that's good good job luna funny he's gonna kill him but he's gonna kill us he's gonna kill us i'm not gonna kill you why do you keep rainbow why do you always blame that it's me it's not me because you are the murderer i'm not oh luna are you on the other side where an admin draco use the code 555. what i did use the code that was no okay so you died to oxygen that's just sad lunar you failed us watch out everyone there's a troll an evil troll among us yes but who's scarier the killer or the troll i think it's dracco good question it's not me hmm okay i'm gonna go do tasks now so obviously the person who the troll is is gonna try getting killed by the imposter oh hey gold what's up you probably think i'm the imp imposter huh let me check admin people in the caf nothing sus here gold is walking over things will the task bar go up are you faking it gold let's see she's not okay she i think she's inno that should be good let me go do my task in electrical if i come back and i see someone dead that would be supercess dead person okay no one's dead lunar follow me to electrical i have a very boring task in here it's rainbow i instantly know it's rainbow because she's setting it off someone go fix that okay fine i'll run my butt there but i'm like extra slow today i mean it's pretty quiet so far oh what wait who's dead oh my gosh okay how why are golden rainbow playing chase around the admin table famous dead body so i was trying to run away because i thought rainbow was gonna kill me but rainbow killed lunar no i didn't gold rainbow but good thing draco came in time because he witnessed it or she would have killed me too okay okay so here's my here's my guess one of them is a troll and one of them is a murderer great because neither of them reported i reported that's just what do you mean great okay who's the troll well obviously you're not going to answer so i have a feeling that rainbow is the imp posture and gold is the troll because none of you what if rainbow's the troll i'm actually not the troll final skipper we'll skip vote so why don't you just get rid of me then that's true just get rid of rainbow no she seems too happy no she seems too happy but draco remember my conspiracy when rainbow starts lying her voice gets lower like this then maybe maybe i'll just talk like this the whole time then huh yeah because every time you're suspicious you start talking lower like this and it's really obvious oh i'm so innocent it's very obvious are you gonna stab me no she just did the low voice why would i yeah i'm talking in a low voice the whole time now see she always does that um okay mute yourself it's probably rainbow you know what i should do my favorite thing i always do i should go sit on cams because every time i sit on cams i catch people and i'm a chef this time so i need to make sure all my ingredients are up to par but i also want to do my task okay there now i'm gonna go sit on cams oh wait i think i have a scan in med bag i could prove my innocence we got gold walking slowly we got draco rainbow is following gold once again are you gonna oh oh my gosh i just saw that real hoe killed gold gold all righty crew listen up i'm circling all of you because i'm just up there's a troll hey there's a troll amongst this spaceship and we must i think it's that green one the stinky cheese that's that's good okay guys split i can't believe i got troll again i'm so lucky today this is amazing well i hope i get stabbed because i need to get stabbed this time i don't know why no one wants to stab me stab me maybe if i sit on cams like people will automatically know that funny is always sitting on camps they'll just like pop out of the vent and murder me right away i just need to get murdered who wants to stab me all right let's view the cams we could probably figure out who the murderer is if i figure this out left no one's gonna go left okay rainbow's going right i'll go left perfect spot to get murdered by the way just amazing spot oh hey what's up luna where you going luna everyone's still alive this is so frustrating no one's to murder me i think it's rainbow oh you played among us so many times but yeah you're running into walls rainbow that's quite sus i'm gonna follow rainbow oh she's going to my fave spot this is my face yup once again nothing i mean i saw draco really quick why is he running around so quick it's probably draco i'm gonna go get murdered by track how come rainbow is like can she hear she's like following my every move it's kind of freaky hmm i can do that task but my task is to die no one scanning is pretty someone here this is the boring life of a troll it is quite impossible to die hello hello hey lunar what's up hi i seek safety why i'm just joking i'm just joking bye are you gonna kill me are you gonna kill me no i'm doing my task look i'm gonna go fine oh right here look look you see this that's tas okay bye i'm muting i saw nothing okay watch i'm gonna go far track who's being so sus what's up why is he following me here a perfect place to die the murder chamber draco don't be shy come on in man come on in he's gonna go kill lunar i know he's gonna go kill lunar watch dead purple body right here where'd he go how's he great why is gold dead in the office and who was in the office uh oh i think draco was in the office i was not in the office well i saw dracula luna was in the office yeah what do you mean that's how i came to find gold's dead body and then rainbow's kite quad rainbow's not talking yeah rainbow you're quite funny because i'm my strategy now is to talk on i think it's rainbow the whole time i'm gonna just vote out rainbow i was i was heading to the tower oh wait so i went near the office rainbow all of us were together except for you and gold so that means you're the murderer i don't know i didn't know where gold was and you always take forever to vote when you're like imposter so it's kind of that's another giveaway you should fix on see rainbow needs to upgrade her game [Music] rainbow this already proves that she's toxic oh i don't even know why i helped you guys i was the troll i was supposed to die but yeah i didn't feel like killing you rainbow always kills me when she's imposter she kills me first so that's not true that is true that's true this is it and the super calm i will not spare you you you you you or you i spared no one she's a killer i don't know maybe jeez because she keeps dying every round okay bye okay gold gold is clearly the killer she is super cheese because she keeps dying hopefully she kills the troll i don't know who the troll is but like please lunar okay luna's doing tasks what wait what happened hello i thought gold was a troll i didn't know rainbow one you murderer submerged eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger by the toe you are the troll this one's imp let this one go that's it i mean what do you mean yeah so everyone make sure to remember my predictions and toodaloo gold's following me she's probably gonna stab me she's still angry why am i always here i find myself here i don't know just something about cams it's so soothing guys so calm oh okay just leave me alone okay stop go away what are you doing i'm looking oh rainbow oh rainbow's gone i'm gonna keep an eye on gold uh rainbow's here she's dancing i think she's doing the peace dance and i'm not in the right place for my task okay let's do this it's so quiet okay high school is that's so weird i see gold and weight in rainbow dude rainbow here too rainbow if you're trying to be sneaky everyone can see you okay let's go fix that whoever doesn't fix it is sus everyone's walking let's split you go left left i go right if rainbow's dead or gold is dead we know they i'm not too nice i'm rhyming okay activity is normal rainbow's here looks like rainbow got scared easily where's gold when's if i stand in here this is like the perfect spot to die because no one will ever find you again but i'm not the troll so i'm not willing to die this round huh where's luna i bet you lunars oh lunar's dead what is up what happened i saw honestly beside the telescope can you hear me hello yes i said beside the telescope is that like a self-report doesn't help yeah i think it's kind of sauce that like it's not a self-report right there okay dracula i have a suspicion wait wait draco rainbow is uh the troll obviously and gold is the imposter right do we agree yeah i you won't regret that kill me murder me okay whatever i think draco's the imposter because i'm big brain uh-huh you have a banana oh like big banana brain yeah i bet you're you're draco is bm oh no i buy traders you lose what what oh dracco that's a really good fake one what but imagine murdering yeah okay no it's your rainbow get away from me [Music] hey guys welcome back to school it's digital school now um digital so like we're trying to figure out who the troll is but it's not looking too good dracula you hit that button back we'll hit that button hit that button hurry up [Music] okay it's rainbow it's not me whoever's like can you please just kill me it's it's raining rainbow oh no stracco it's draco not to rain where were you coming from when you went to go fix the reactor because i was with funny and gold the whole time that's true what do you mean i fixed the reactor on the top left you literally ran it no i know but wait the top left no but you came all the way from the top left because i'm just saying like i'm trying to get killed whatever i'm voting rainbow your little imposter child is freaking out right now on the left corner so you have to vote choose wisely rainbow this vote will mean everything bye jacko i know it's you what bye jackass oh my gosh what why is luna talking [Music] wait who was the troll though oh okay well i was close [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,982,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among uis, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, new mod among us, among us mods, among us troll mod, among us troll, among us funny troll, among us trolling
Id: tnNzbI4FHNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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