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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NationalRefuse9 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GGgamer456 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RocketLAZARBEAM 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

You should make a video on party royale

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fruity_MrGrape2 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NationalRefuse9 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TBAlpha178 📅︎︎ May 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
what is it like to be Midas what is it like to be Brutus today I will be hardcore role-playing as mythic bosses and for tonight I'm gonna go to their bases kill them take their weapons their wives will be my wives their children will be my children and we will take their place as the mythic boss now I don't take any credit for this idea I saw this clip on YouTube from Danny FTW I'm sure lots of people have done it but I'm gonna leave whatever links I can find in the description I just thought it's like one of those things I just thought it'd be fun to try so our first boss is me ossicles barriers there's the cat I gotta get ready to kill him it see crying what you know what sucks for playing is Deadpool you know it makes sense I'm in a movie with Ryan Reynolds he follows me on Twitter all right here we go we're gonna find the real Deadpool then we must become him I forgot this henchmen henchmen will still shoot me cuz they can somehow see through my disguise there he is I'm the real Deadpool you must die yes all right easy he's dead ah sorry brother there's only enough room for one of us thanks for following me on Twitter though by the way appreciate it did thanks for the fallout alright give me that give me that now I'm Deadpool anyone comes to this yacht tries to get in the vault looking for Deadpool they're gonna see me a slight problem don't think anyone came came to the yacht alright I'm role playing I'm such good friends with Ryan Reynolds that I know exactly how to play his character damn I've such enough but I'm walking slowly like Deadpool occasionally like randomly dances ah I'm gonna make sounds like a boss surprise Deadpool [ __ ] well that was an actual player Wow I killed I killed the play up all night was just trying to fall in the keycard and AH no chance no chance I think that's like I think that's everyone on the boat I think I think I killed the only guy that came here I guess round one ends by me dying ah yes fresh you looking like a good henchman laughter now what I'd like for you to call me boss yes boss yeah oh there's people coming all right let's pull roll play I own all playing alright as such a good friend of Ryan Reynolds I know exactly how to play Deadpool I am henchmen yeah you got the door alright we wait for him to come get the vault k cuz he's gonna be hunting for Deadpool somewhere and then we pounce they'll probably come in try to build and I'll just be standing here they looking for Deadpool somewhere there's such an entire voted are they coming they come coming lr in your in Deadpool Deadpool builds nearby Goldfarb Oh quick save Deadpool save Deadpool it won't it quick quick rest rest beautiful actually yeah you're just like you think your son contested you think you hear a whine you go hunt for Deadpool to get the vault Cade he's in his gym emoting you know doing what he normally does then you're dead I was beautiful dude they literally came all the way down to the vault they were looking for the key alright so this one we're gonna be Brutus but our fresh has to be the boss because I don't have the shadow Brutus you know we've got extra henchmen to make the role play more authentic ah boys that role-playing Brutus roleplay alright in age everyone in the corner I've run in a corner fresh is gonna stand at the door the team's gonna be looking for British art I'm just gonna go out yeah yeah yeah they're gonna want to get that vault key and then we're gonna pants um yeah you're gonna you gotta make the Brutus dance fresh you got a role play dude nah just sound like Arnold like say get to the choppa Brutus doesn't say that there's somebody he's looking for the vote cake nearly wiped us all well that lama thought he was getting Brutus I mean he did be fair he did kill Brutus but like all right boys time to close play again someone's gonna come hunt for the boat cake oh I see always friends here I got him he ran in the room and he's like hmm ah boys ah well that was a very tough start but uh let's get back to our acting skills all right fresh that was very good performance I just want more I need more voice from you ah there's definite there's definitely plays here here all right don't need some good acting fresh all right ah they're running around hunting for the vote okay we're gonna act oh yeah look at me Jesus oh my straight away Oh mate was only looking for Brutus you didn't see the henchmen that was gardening this actually worked way too fresh look I've had a lot of criticism eat you but clearly your Brutus your Brutus acting is really working all right we are once again acting Kate is horribly dead we've lost one of our henchmen role-players oh but uh still we're still set up someone's gonna come try and get the Menominee's covered and then we're gonna pass him soon as he comes for this door just right around the corner I just run out of just Bruin him they're coming in they say Brutus through the window they want that Volk cake if he come if they come into that door I'm gonna build a wall here so they see Brutus build yeah if they see Brutus build you [ __ ] your pants oh god they're gonna find you guys first ah ah ah yeah they're gonna come through becoming the gun I'm building a building furnish this bill wait wait say like they saw us through the door me and Tosi just walked away so like all they're just henchmen and then they come in now it's time to become the Golden Boy Martis I'm I'm finally the boss again look at me my golden glory right where where is the impostor where's the fake me where is he worthy where's the fake me darnell back up you're a fake dammit give me my gun alright well we're all playing ah let's let's just role playing it'll just do it in this room for now alright boys mandis and i'm gonna go cause fire in here let's role play in here alright come come into my office everybody come into my office I have something to show you all my computer it's the laser beam Channel you should subscribe to it Wow as your boss you must do everything our command jump oh good job good job testing you guys all right everyone crouch oh good job good job all right now everyone to us 360 oh you guys are ready for the big time right yeah everyone in the corners everyone get in the vent can you guys getting that vent yeah you guys stay up in the vent alright imma be here that if they come in the room and they shoot me and they down me I'll be behind the desk and they'll have to come close to finish beat you guys jump out of the vent when I say oh they're shooting at someone this is good there's people in the agency they're gonna be looking for the vault they're gonna come right into my office exactly where I want a Midas has a lounge here that Lounge reminds me of something oh oh they're looking they're looking for Almighty you guys hurry up and get to the dam up there I can see explosions out of the window ah ah oh he just got shot oh they're out here if you get knocks we'll wait like a second then coming out yeah yeah there's a full battle royale going on out here they're literally having a battle royale out here I'm just trying to be Midas am i distinct ha I'm not them not all right perfect execution absolutely perfect execution I have never been prouder Holy Cross myself but my god the image that you guys just leave me out of the vet man I'm gonna have to get some Oscars after this I never said that performance was fantastic all right you guys just wait in the bathroom all three of yous oh they're coming I've shot at him I think he might I'm just Barney's aw look at this acting is superb Ryan Reynolds is gonna be so proud of me ain't it busting in through the roof oh they're all I call the whole squad see Barry are they coming for me to come for me Oh boys Oh down haha hide you guys for the job fantastic where we got to miss the beam you thought you were gonna get martes this drum gun you thought I was gonna make it that easy for you don't think so oh that was beautiful that was gorgeous all right there's people here they'll be checking for the vault see that it's still closed and be looking for mortis yeah yeah all right I'm backing all their foreign RPGs avoid us you guys just chill out all right yeah all right yeah yeah he's getting close to me I'm full mortis acting come on buddy you want the vault key this is how you get in the vault oh this too hip I'm ready get shots in blender we stop role-playing yeah pass pass pass oh I knocked one what's common mud gammad pants and boys now mouth you boys really outside it you boys really thought you'll get in the vault cake Oh pulse all right I think we might be done here I work at agency might be done I'm gonna go open the vault and let's win our final game all right boys time for us to get that loot that so many people were craving let's go win this game not only are we getting Oscars we're also getting a Vic Roy kill em all I got one prize let's end our great acting performance with the Vic Roy boys I'm just running straight at him with me drum gun so let's all the mortis need an Oscar - Oscar got himself a big boy good role play role playing his bosses is actually so much fun beautiful role play job that's it we love to be the role play we love roleplay
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 24,728,841
Rating: 4.9140701 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, gaming
Id: 7hvNzmDgIwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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