Trying Korean Rest Stop Foods

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today I got myself some classic Korean rest area Foods I just got delivery I'm not actually at a rest stop or service area or whatever you want to call it uh but then actually the funny thing is it's not that funny not funny at all the name of this place is called something or other City rest area so I gotta stick to one word here rest up rest stop all right um something or other City rest stops so they're really going for that theme I guess and they're selling some classic foods that you would see at a Korean rest stop so I got four things right here oh and they included something for free we'll have to uh check this out later not sure what that could be this all cost me 15 so I got some classics some things that I well to be honest with you this is might be the only thing that I've ever had I don't really find myself going to a lot of you know rest stops in Korea I don't find myself on the road I don't have a car in Seoul I never have never will but if I'm ever on a bus going out of the city or you know sometimes I'll I'll be doing a road trip with some peeps and uh we'll stop at a rest stop and this is this is what I'll get right here what was I talking about oh no anyway before I get into this while I'm unwrapping this stuff let me give you a quick rundown on Korean rest stops real quick well Korean rest stops are pretty interesting to me they're really built out here and they're these really huge things they're massive they're basically like a truck stop but not really you don't really need that because Korea is such a small country I mean it's two-thirds the size of Illinois area was uh and if you don't know how big that is you can basically just think of it as like you can probably Traverse the whole country by car in about four to five hours anyway there are these massive things with massive parking lots for all the buses and cars and then the building itself will be this really long kind of open-air building big like Corridor down the middle always packed with people you'll see like a convenience store in their bathrooms obviously oftentimes we see a food court coffee shops maybe a souvenir shop smoking area and a lot of like little food sellers that are selling food like this like the stuff I have right here um handheld stuff easy to eat on the go not gonna weigh you down too much but a nice little tasty treat um if you're not looking down to sit down to for a meal at the uh at the food court because if you are on a bus they'll give you exactly 15 minutes before they're driving away so keep that in mind if you're ever taking a bus from City to City here in Korea there will probably be a larger variety of things but I think these are some of the most classic I think this one right here is the most classic which I never knew about I'm just kind of uh heard about it over the years again and again and then again I'm like okay this must be it never ever had it I don't usually eat when I'm at a rest stop but when I do eat I eat this this is all I go for I think this could go under different names but it's basically like a long hot dog with like this kind of pastry dough wrapped around it and cooked it is quite low and usually when you go there they will have sauces see they gave me honey mustard and ketchup which is probably not too dissimilar from what you'd actually see going in okay this it's so different when you're on the road I'll tell you I'll tell you that much right now right now it's like very meth wow that's actually interesting to me maybe it needs some sauce I mean it does kind of taste like it's been sitting out under just a heat lamp for a while but that's kind of probably how they do it at a lot of rest stops too so it does have that same kind of flavor and quality to it but uh when you're on the road and you're just hungry and this is all you can get on the quickness it's just so much better maybe it needs some sauce definitely improves it a lot but it needs a lot of sauce we know what they say the best sauce is actually hunger Hunger is the best sauce and when you're hungry on a road trip just this yeah it just hits so different that's wild it's freaking ketchup yeah the honey mustard and the ketchup just to save this one but I'll tell you what so the last time I had this I it was probably one year ago definitely in the sauce don't try eating this if you ever find yourself at a Korean Korean rest stop definitely put some sauce on it but yeah I was probably had this one year ago I was on a like an overnight golf trip it was freezing cold blowing snow and wind all over the place we snow golf it was insane it was it was wild but on the way back we so we went down there we woke up like five a.m went down drove down all the way like five hours away to the tip of the freaking country played golf it got snow delayed and everything but we're the only ones out there literally I know it's crazy because Koreans are so crazy for golf I've never seen it like that Koreans love golf not a lot of land they're always packed or always super expensive but anyway dead empty for two days we played back-to-back days drank a lot that night woke up played an early tee time the next day and then drove right back home so we're I was hungover uh cold as hell just you know no sleep I don't usually do that much physical activity I don't usually leave the Shire if you will so that was a big time adventure to me and this was just hitting the spot so so nicely I devoured it it's not bad I don't think I've ever seen this as street food like you might look at me looking at this and maybe you might recognize this or some other things that is like street food especially this one I'll get to that in a second but they're kind of the same kind of concept Take It On the Go well I don't think I've ever seen this outside of the one I'm eating right now outside of rest stops or this delivery place I've never seen it in the wild in Seoul so that's interesting uh let's move on this is just some kind of chicken skewer and it appears to be fried it appears that the handle is fried as well so I might be trying that later too never seen that I think this is another classic you know oh this thing is Hefty bro but yeah I think this is another classic uh rest stop food it appears to be just one long you know piece of chicken I assume it's chicken you'll see stuff like this maybe at a convenience store or on the street but usually it's always usually it's always like four pieces of chicken on it instead of just one large chicken bar which kind of is weirding me out a little bit but we're gonna try this anyway obviously covering some kind of sauce smells sweet golden all right foreign I don't know if it's a chicken it tastes kind of like chicken it looks kind of like chicken hmm it feels kind of like snake meat not really sure what to think about this one I mean there's a lot of quote unquote meat on it [Applause] the sauce is that classic yum yum style kind of sweet sauce that you see a lot of times with Korean chicken not the biggest fan of it but I'm just trying to figure out what what's going on with this in here it's chicken how they built this I I don't know I might save this one for now and get back into it later maybe all right on to this one this one is called I believe and that's because it alternates between a little sausage and don't which is rice cake so sausage rice cake sausage rice cake you might have seen this before I I'm pretty sure this here's what I heard I heard that this originated as a rest stop food and then it became very popular and now you can see it as like whatever street food or just in little restaurants or whatever I have definitely seen this before don't know if I have ever had it but based on the last two things I ate my hopes aren't extremely high can't lie it looks like it's also glazed with some kind of probably the same sauce as that last one anyway going in there we go yes what I'm wondering right now is if this would hit different when I'm on the road now I have a inkling that it would I have a feeling that all these things would I mean when you're on the road it's kind of like sometimes you have that feeling of man I literally can't eat anything I don't have any snacks on me so I might I'm just hungry and when you can't have something you want it more and then it just you know all these things are things I would never get ordinarily I mean not bad not great at least I believe that these are just regular sausages and regular pieces of rice cake which are very chewy I'm not sure how they're cooked but I'm also going to be sitting this one aside for now and hitting the main feature all right this one right here maybe it will be good eating these in a combination I honestly don't know much about it I think it might be braised potatoes but really I don't know it kind of looks like a partially boiled and then partially baked potato smells like a potato going in all right so right off the bat I shouldn't judge most of these Foods on this one restaurant there's a chance that maybe this restaurant is just not the best the rest stop food places that probably aren't the best either but this right here it's not doing anything for me I can't live man I was really looking forward to this I think you know I have a friend who was like really hyping these up um to be honest small amount of flavor I don't like the texture it's merely and almost not a potato weeds oh what do I get myself into here let me try this combination yeah you if trust me if you were eating this you'd know everything it started off pretty hopeful and then got progressively worse you know give me a sandwich just I can hold out for five hours you know or just pull off on the side of the road into and I'll eat some grass Ah that's that's worse these Foods right here I've wanted to not hate on them look these are so bad I'm actually stunned it makes this chicken freaking delicious in comparison foreign I do want to get into this there's some conglish for you it says service and Korean or it it's Congress it's me service but it means like a free handout like a free extra thing that they'll give you just a little bit of Korean trivia foreign not sure what these are if I had to guess her off the top I would guess that they're some kind of like fried maybe sweet potato crisps something like that and honestly these might be the best thing here they have a really nice crispy texture they're white the temperature just nice it's not off these potatoes I'm wondering I'm going to save these and give them to a Korean person and ask them to taste them and say what do you think and not tell them my opinion onto the reaction usually I don't like stuff like this even but compared to these this I'll be honest this is fine it's just usually not my particular style not a huge fan of like these rice cakes in general especially adding sweet sauce to it just not my thing so these might just be like that's just on me these are bad I'm sitting out here this video is a mess thanks for watching though catch you on the next one I just missed something as I was about to put the lid back on the potatoes I noticed there's a something stuck to the top and this is what it says and it's attached to this little bag of salt and basically what it says first taste them plain and then if you want to you can add some of this salt to them and yeah it says always be happy so I do approve of that message there and maybe this will improve these potatoes by a minuscule amount but I'll tell you what it was for me it was both the flavor and or utter lack of flavor but almost mostly the texture so I don't think the salt is going to do that much but we'll try it it's just salt no these just ain't it no or I'm skating for real peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 213,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, muckbang, eating show, asmr, food, korea, korean, south korea, rest stop, rest area, service area
Id: RmChWuxm8TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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