Korean Fire Nood-...Indian Curry?

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what's up y'all here in Seoul it's snowing up something fierce out there I'll tell you what actually not really there's probably maybe a couple inches of accumulation but everything's shutting down like the uh the delivery because those scooters they don't perform too well in that slush so uh you know what I tried to order some other food I had this other video I wanted to do I ordered it and then they called me and they're like no I can't do it call back on this on the snow melts so you know I'm out here in the studio and I ain't really got many options except this I was reading my cabinets over there and this is all I could find and I figured it's worth a shot I've wanted to do some kind of video for him but I wasn't really sure about it yeah so uh what are these exactly anyway basically as you can see by this guy and the burned up here samyang it is the Korean fire noodles but uh in this is Indian curry it's vindaloo I'm not really sure I just saw it and I picked it up each of these were like three books I think they have a couple other varieties of of curries but this one was the spiciest it says it is uh level four out of five the other one of them was like one level one and one was like level two or three but anyway I wanted to get the spices one I could find I picked these up for like three bucks each and I picked them up probably several months ago and they just been sitting there as far as I know you can just microwave these for like a minute or two and I'm gonna be eating trying them with some rice that I have here which is also microwavable here are the instructions I think you're supposed to just tear off the top and microwave it for just about a minute minute and a half or something and uh should be good to go so yeah just a quick little video today um I'm just curious about the flavors of this is it going to be like I love vindaloo I love spicy Indian curry is this going to be tasting like the vindaloo that I know and love or is it going to be more of like a you know the Korean fire noodle sauce flavor in it I'm I don't know since I have to tear up the top I might as well do a first look and I guess first smell because I would be looking at it and smelling it anyway in order to cook it oh I don't think I was supposed to tear off the whole top like that this was it was very precarious up in that microwave spinning that could have been a that could have been heavy I could be real heavy duty if one of these tipped over in there that would have been done to me for sure whoa that's that's Hefty that's a lot of Curry up in there on the plate I mean that came real close to overflowing there I wasn't gonna hold back on it but that's that's kind of a little holiday Miracle there for us but looking good smelling good I don't see any big chunks of chicken but you can see like little chunks prior chicken I'm guessing and yeah the rice is probably like two bucks I'm stalling here uh because I think I'm gonna burn my my mouth hmm what's tasty that's real tasty and it's spicy you wouldn't expect anything less from the fire noodle brand you know what I'm saying yeah I'll be honest though I don't taste any of that original like fire noodle sauce which is a it's interesting you would think that they would put that Infuse the flavor of that into this but they didn't this just tastes maybe hold on hold on yeah I'm not really picking it up um it's tasting like a vindaloo to me but an instant vindaloo I will give it that but hey instant uh Curry they come in these little packets like this I've had it before I used to eat it when I was like really struggling because you could get like super cheap stuff for like a dollar I have a soft spot in my heart for it it kind of has that flavor like a similar flavor you might know what I'm talking about if you ever had like instant curry in a bag like that um but I'll tell you what it's real spicy yeah I'll tell you if you could add more chicken to this this would be solid this would be this would be doing me a solid like actual chunks of chicken bigger chunks also if I had some like naan some bread to Dividend that's my favorite uh don't they ever had like Indian style curry with straight up white rice like this maybe I have but it's not bad thanks I don't know why I wear this beanie for this video because it's I'm already starting to sweat you do oh is that beef I feel like I might have seen some mystery meat that resembles beef in there who knows what that is really stuff is hot stuff is real hot I think four out of five is a good level I think they judged it well I think to me is this spicier than a regular the fire noodles the original I would say um hold on I would say I say umpire it's close um oh I'll tell you what on a snowy day though like today this will really warm up the bones we just got the winter blast coming through it was pretty decent weather up until like like last week and I just turned turned Thomas yeah but this stuff it'll make your nose run it'll heat you up it'll give you a little warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach and it'll probably make you sweat too if you're a sweater I'm a sweater like I sweat a lot he just marched and it was just so actually I'm not complaining about this weather at all I actually prefer it to the Heat ideal temperature uh probably about 60 degrees Fahrenheit so not like super cold or anything but definitely not hot I don't get why some people love the summer so much I mean it must be people who don't sweat I could just like love the the 90 degree you know 80 85 Degrees summer blazing sun blinding you uh just blasting you right in the face sitting outside getting the suntan like I hate that it's like ah I'm sweating after like two minutes of chilling so I'm like all right I'm do not no I'm not vibing that was summer birthday but uh not a huge summer fan everyone's like oh it's a beautiful day it's sky clear it's 90 degrees let's go outside I'm like no hell's not oh all right I'm just finish this off got a little bit messy there at the end I'm you know losing a little bit of control really decent stuff though I can't lie I was not gonna film anything today after I failed getting what I wanted and I was just kind of like let down on that and then you know this was like the only backup opportunity I had like everything set down well not everything but everything's either shut down or super slow but I'm glad I had this as an emergency and I'm glad I filmed this because even if it's not that interesting it was it was freaking tasty I'm skating out here thanks for watching if you ever come across this give it a try for now I'm out here peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 193,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, muckbang, eating show, asmr, food, korea, korean, fire noodles, curry, vindaloo, spicy
Id: KN7_E1ynKvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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