Krispy Korean Street Food

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what open shawl today about two beating myself some classic Korean Street foods I got a couple of different varieties here these are some old-school throwback so I used to enjoy these when I first lived in Korea in like 2012 or 2011 the day I have heard him since so what did I get here I got me a couple tornado potatoes I think in Korean they call this where you come John but I've always just called it tornado potatoes and I haven't had this in a long time I got one regular and I got one with cheese you know I'm just gonna put it on this table you know I don't even I don't even care now I also got some corn dogs aka hot dogs they call them hot dogs here and I got a few different varieties this one is encrusted with with potatoes and deep fried and there is just cheese in this only cheese there's no dog in there so but they still call it a hot dog this one I don't know one of these is just a regular hot dog a record dog and one of them is like half something's like a sausage in part of it and then there's just the rest of this filled with cheese so I'm not sure which ones which oh I believe this one is the one filled with cheese it is filled with mozzarella and cheddar supposedly this came out to $12.65 I got this delivered I didn't go out on the street and get it if you got this on the street it would a part cost you it would have been a little bit less expensive I want to say you know like ten dollars or something but still for all this delicious looking fried food here that's not a bad deal and let me just get into it let me just get right into it I really kind of want to get a thumbnail picture so I'm gonna take a bite of this we're just going for a bite and hopefully we can get a thumbnail image of some cheese pull if there's no cheese pull then it is what it is but let's just see oh well look it up that is cheesy that's crispy I got this live Earl again like I said still fresh out the fryer I feel like mmm this place had really high ratings and I would say it has a really high ratings for a reason I was delicious you can definitely taste that cheddar cheddar was a good touch they had only cheddar they had only mozzarella and they had the mix I got the mix of course now let me try this I don't know if this is crispy still but I want to try to give it a chance and eat it me while it still possibly crispy so let me go for a bite of this that's I love I love the concept business I think it's basically just a potato they spiral it up and fry it excellent but no they don't just they must batter that shows my how much of a new biome whoa what I do is spiral the potato put it on the thing dip it in some batter and then fry it I mean it's like a fair food I feel like but if you go to a spa in Korea where they sell a lot of street food there's a coffee place in Seoul then you'll definitely see this I don't know if I haven't explained this one this is the cheese the cheese version basically the same thing except I believe it just coated with some like cheese powder wow that's very intense cheese powder it's very all very artificial tasting which is is how they like it here I much prefer this more real tasting cheese even though this is probably you know I don't know how real this cheese is but this just tastes stirred up like I doubt there's any cheese product in here whatsoever maybe there is but you know if you're expecting some cheese or some like real cheese flavor I wouldn't go with this but it's still a blast of flavor I'll be sweet I go with the regular if I were to order this again now I gotta try this regular one this is just the plain original nothing in this one first bottom meat I don't know how they cut this so crispy I don't know exactly what their trick is with this place I'd like it was four point nine out of five with a lot of a lot of reviews which is quite high and yeah like I'm saying crispy on the outside soft and a little bit chewy on the inside good meat good sausage there it's not um it's not beef sausage I don't believe it's not really a thing here but it's still mighty fine last but not least and if you didn't understand what I was saying earlier there should be a little bit of sausage in this bottom part of this cheese one now this should be all cheese and this is another popular thing if you if you ever see a street food place selling these corn dogs you'll definitely see this potato version and it's looking crazy I mean this is looking real crazy but it should be real good [Music] what okay so there is I don't know if it'll sue yet but there is actually a a sausage a little dog up in here so there's meat and all of these as good I was expecting all cheese but and which I wouldn't be that wouldn't be mad at that potatoes and cheese one of the best combos out there now I feel like I can really kick this up with adding a little condiments personally I mean I'm kind of a purist for me it's it's all but I'm all about the mustard when it comes to anything like related to hotdogs or corn dogs hopefully you can see that dog and they're a solid dog of course really amped up with that buy that mustard delicious absolutely delicious I'll try a little ketchup for y'all ketchup lovers out there know something you too I think while we're on the ketchup kick it's going for this right here I think outside of this I've never had battered you know battered potatoes that were deep-fried usually just throw them right in but then with the extra step on this one and you might be thinking all this doesn't look like what's so Korean about this I don't know you tell me but it's the baby these are staples in the Korean Street food scene I will tell you that I'm going for some of this original this is a little let's do a little mixing match for this one oh yeah sorry it's all I know that's Hardy and these were more expensive I believe these were I don't know remember the exact price but I want to say these were at least like at least half of the price and these three things over here were I want to say these two things were more sensitive than these three things by a decent amount by a dollar or two cotton hardy oh so yeah I mean these things are super cheap the original was like a dollar I think that's why I used to eat these back in the day when I first came to Korea in like 2012 or whatever it was in 2012 yeah 2012 and I was broke as a joke so I would go and just like walk and find a place that sold this and again it was like a dollar for one thing or even less than a dollar and for one hot dog I'll just get playing and not sustance cheap sustenance right there very cheap making a mess this is getting crazy when they going through another mix and match I think this is uh it's always a little bit more visually pleasing to get that double that double uh that double sauce on there I mean good potatoes I mean they face all these little these little potato squares separately I would just eat these there's a good snack the fact that they're coding this is just makes it in those level anyway hello Krispy to the last bite for real I feel like you could let this sit out for an hour and still be crispy that's when you know there might be there might be fiddling with the formula I don't know exactly how they do that but I don't really care at this moment unreal mmm cheap sustenance and it's it's mighty fine definitely try this out if you like street food and you light any herb is a soul I definitely recommend it unfold up though I think I've had enough fried food for today so I'm not to skate out of here but I really appreciate you all watching this video hope you're all doing well really hope you enjoyed this one I gotta clean up this mess and I'll catch you in the next video peace you
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 1,346,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, eating show, asmr, crunchy, crispy, korea, korean, street, food, street food, corn dog, cheese, tornado potato, fried
Id: g0Cu7s_WL4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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