sushi fail

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can't lie i'm real flabbergasted right now so i ordered eight pieces of sushi um and this is how it showed up with this the rice part and the and the fish part separate i don't know what to think i've never seen nothing like this monday i expected this to be like a no assembly required type operation but i guess not at least it came with this little bottle of ice it's rock hard so that's a nice little touch i guess um but for the amount of money i paid and for the reviews on this restaurant i was expecting uh something a little bit different but hey you know what don't judge a book by its cover that's what they say so let me explain a little bit this is supposedly otoro sushi which is again supposedly the uh the most fatty part of the underbelly of the tuna i've never had this before i never knew i never knew about it until i was just browsing my app last night my delivery app and i found it so i looked into it a little bit and i found out it's expensive pretty it's supposed to be good and supposed to melt in your mouth i think toro actually means melt in japanese so i was like cool let's do a uh like a expensive sushi video and this is the most expensive sushi i could find around here um for delivery i'm sure there are more ikaian places that have more expensive pieces of sushi but they probably aren't doing delivery like that this right here cost over 50 bucks and that's eight pieces of fish and i don't know why they gave me 10 pieces of rice i just don't i don't maybe that's the thing that they do i don't think so man i've never seen it like i said but uh the exact price was six dollars and 73 cents um per piece they sold it by the piece so i figured it'd come in a whole piece and the total was 53.81 uh this restaurant was very highly reviewed it's a 4.9 out of 5 stars and almost 500 reviews so i'm i'm hoping i mean it should be legit it definitely should be not not legit uh so whatever man i'm just gonna try to see what i can do here and um this may be pretty sacrilegious to the sushi gods i looked at some pictures online before i ordered this and it looked pretty normal like really fatty like marbled tuna like something i've seen before maybe i've never had it but i've seen it before this almost looks gross to me i can't even lie if you're a little bit queasy you might want to look away because there's something a little bit like medical about the look of this and hopefully you can see what i'm talking about if you look at like the edge like this part in the middle looks good but when you get to the edge part let me pick up a piece for you that's looking like a shirt a fresh wound this part over here i mean that's not looking i don't know i mean some different people might have different ideas what that might look like but we're gonna find out what it tastes like i guess so i guess what i'll do here is just and i don't know i'm flustered you guys i guess i'm just gonna like take a piece and like put it on top of the rice like that and just eat it ah maybe i should have used some of this wasabi i'll just take a little bit of this wasab and uh just put it on top so this might be some sort of blasphemy right here but i hope you guys can understand this was expensive i don't wanna like i'm not just gonna return it or so i don't i don't know i don't think that's even possible but let's go for a bite and see what this is all about oh well that's not a good well that's a i said damn that's kind of bogus well this one's got a 4.9 with about 500 reviews that's the opposite of milling your mouth um what uh this is a fail video but i'm have to i'm gonna have to expose it to y'all i think i'm guessing this white ridge right here see that or maybe it's just chunk on this on this side over here but there's some like a hard gelatin maybe like a cartilage type of i feel and that's not what i'm looking for when i'm looking for some melanin sushi man that's just not what i'm looking for the flavor uh i was just just distracted by the texture to be honest man i feel like maybe if i cut off that ridge that fat ridge like what is this like a meal kit man are you supposed to like cut this up and and make it yourself this is top 10 most bogus right here oh wow i was really hyped up for this too that's real bogus so let me just try to cut off this ridge of fat or whatever man i just don't really be needing that that's not an easy cut either i feel like this whole if i cut off this fat and it's still bogus then i'm about to i might have to leave a review i don't think i've ever left a review for a restaurant ever in my life but this might be the first time yeah see this ain't an easy cut even though i'm cutting out this fat like you can still see these tendrils that are running through the through the piece of fish all right i'm just gonna take a little wasab and just try this like this that is a lot better this definitely was a culprit that just kind of takes me right off though that takes me right off so i'll leave this ridge on and maybe this the thicker part was uh the reason why and this ridge is okay we'll see let's put some rice on that man definitely not what is uh i was expecting that oh i'm really considering rage quitting right now ray's quitting this video i lost my damn appetite i don't want to have to do this much work to eat some sushi man this this this derailed so quick god dang i might have to give this another try some some other time really check on the reviews before i order because i don't want to just dismiss toro or otoro or whatever you want to call it um because from what i've seen the quick couple videos i see on youtube they look real good uh but this ain't it this ain't it so i'm about to sign out here i'm about to rage quit right out of this video so uh this is a failed video hopefully maybe y'all can get some some laughs or something i don't know but i'm out here i'm about to skate out here hope you enjoyed it catch you later peace
Channel: BenDeen
Views: 677,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendeen, ben deen, mukbang, eating show, asmr, food, sushi, japanese, japan, tuna, toro, otoro, fail
Id: pZO_0OAvXJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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