9 Hour Emergency Survival Shelter in Extreme Wet Conditions (Grim)

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oh hello well I'm out today just my day pack and an emergency survival shelter so I've got no sleeping bag no sleeping mat nothing that I would usually bring with me for a night out camping is February and I'm expecting it to be 9° tonight so I'm going to find out how that would realistically go if I were lost for some reason and I had to an unexpected night out in the wild with just an emergency shelter let's do it oh God it's terrible in here no man this night's going to be long I don't want to do this anymore right so this is potentially dangerous of course so I'm doing this right by my car my car's just down there in the Labby on that road and yeah I just thought this would be worth trying because if I were out on a day hike and had to spend the night realistically I wouldn't have a sleeping bag or a sleeping mat or anything like that so I'm just going to see how it goes I'm not expecting last the night to be honest with you and I'm not risking hypothermia or anything of course so if I feel like I can't stay warm enough I will just be going back to my car but I'm going to give it a go so this is my survival shelter for tonight also got a little whistle on it so something like this is something that I would just stick in my rock slack on a Day hike in case of emergency probably never think about it again and never use it but in this scenario I need to use it I've not had this out or looked at it yet so I'm going to be figuring this out as I go along I do know that apparently there's 20 foot the pord in here to help me put it up let's see if we can get it up and then I'll show you everything else that I've got in my day pack and we'll decide how to make the best use of it at the evening okay so I'm guessing the Paracord just goes through this going to just hang it up to a tree okay let's try it we need to here really F together not sure what supposed to [Music] be yeah that works wow [Applause] [Music] weather we [Music] are yeah I think that's it you know this is it for the night it's going to be interesting get inside here oh God it's terrible in here so this basically is just like glorified wind bag that's what feels like it's just a thin sheep yeah is a shelter isn't it without the rain and the wind right so everything I brought with me for this is what I would usually take on a Day hike so I've got my filter bottle always have a filter bottle on a hike so that I can drink from streams which is Grand I've got my plb here of course so in a real emergency I could call for help pack liner just keeps everything dry in my Rock saac I don't use Like a Rock sack brain cover find be pointless in here I've got my power bank cook set so I can have some nice hot food food so in here I've got stuff I can cook but also things that I don't need to cook because you can't always cook on a hike sometimes you just need things you can just eat so Foods in there medkit hand warmers always always always have a set of these for my rsck little head buug n we stop slug going off my nose and stuff a little sit mat this is actually half of a light AF mat yes so this is my clothes on a Day hike I don't bring much more than what I'm already wearing I do bring my little down puffy I've got little fleece um gloves hat and neck warmer and I just bring all those out and a little dry bag some baby wipes some tissue head torch that's it that is everything so that's what we've got to make use of tonight right so this is the hair band that I usually use to sort of fix my rock that line of close and I'm thinking I might use this to Bunch together the other end of the shelter so that there's less air flow coming through less of a breeze so I'll hold a bit more heat in that will make it AC condensation nightmare of course but I think the priority is heat it's going to be wet in here anyway cuz I'm wet so let's try that sort of bunch it together like that that's got to be warmer surely just sort of bunched that all together so there's no air wind coming in from that direction now which hopefully make it a little bit nicer hold there see not lasted long already I'll keep the worst off there look at this absolute Quagmire lovely it's not very pretty is it it's funny because when you look at the description on the listing when you buy it it's this perfectly triangular tent [Music] shape you think oh that looks cool in reality it's a right mess but that doesn't matter this is a twers shelter apparently though I wouldn't can't see it and the walls this Fabric or plastic whatever it is apparently it reflects back 90% of my body heat and if that's true that will of course make a big difference as well yeah I really don't know how this is going to go everything is so wet my hands are wet my stuff's wet the shelter's wet everything's wet and um I've not got much means to dry things with so when I go proper camping I always take some sort of microfiber towel or Swedish dish cloth or something to clean up with but on a Day hike actually have got one little microfiber sort of flannel type thing it's in my set so I have put that I can dry my hands on that that's something in the summer I would have a towel with me for swimming I just don't think hard to carry one in February I'm trying to keep this as realistic as possible I think I'm going to cook something now I'm a bit peckish just try and keep my body heat up as well yeah I think I'm going to get my down puffy on as well I'm already starting to get chilly but um I'm saving my hand warmers for later cuz if I start them now or they last about 10 hours to be honest with you I don't think I'm going to make it through tonight anyway I think I'm going to end up going back to my car but on the off chance that I am able to make it through the night I need to Pace myself with the stuff that I've got to keep me warm dry am I I think I'm damp just the air is wet everything's wet at the end of the day survival is not fun is it and if this were a real life survival situation it wouldn't be fun it'd be pretty terrible question is do you want to put myself through that out of choice probably not but we'll see going to wreck me down popping now I hate having sticky wet hands up to everything see the car headlights there that's how close I am to the road for this I'm not messing about with this one okay in a way this little Arrangement is easier because I'm not worrying about keeping my sleeping bag dry or anything like that it's kind of like oh well everything's wet never mind so in that respect kind of takes the pressure off but Warth wise I don't know what in here oh yeah so I've got gloves and neck warmer and a little hat I'll save those for later as well so I've got two packs of noodles in here so I've got hot meal for now and a hot meal for later as well and I've also got stuff that I can make sandwiches with it's always a good idea when you go out anywhere to bring more food you think you're going to eat on a multi night trip I'll bring an extra day of food for example because if you get stuck somewhere you've got to be able to eat not just for calories and warmth but for morale as well having tasty things to eat can really make all the difference when feeling kind of no M well that tastes like crap I'm already getting cold what's the time 10 to 6 we got a long night now as well Sun's going to rise 7:30 um I think I'm going to take me boots off and get properly in see if that makes a difference I have got waterproof socks on which are Gods end in the winter I am wearing my Marino layers as I always do so that's helpful in that they can still keep you warm even when they're damp yeah that does feel nicer actually being right inside I feel considerably warmer already right in here so that's nice this night is going to be long look what I've got here I'm still hungry so I'm going to have a snack so I've got some bread some tuna mayo pepper and some crisps of course just going to be so good know I actually can't believe how much warmer I am in here just making sure I've got a little Gap there for air I actually don't feel more comfortable at the moment this is like survival shelter of gourmet food tell you oh yeah look at that amazing well excited for that oh he right it is 7:30 just 12 hours to go oh completely sheltered from the rain and wind in here but I'm just sitting here watching all the condensation dripping down the Walls having said that I'd rather be in here than out there I've check the temperatures and it was 10.2 outside and 12.4 de the inside the shelter which I'm really surprised about actually two whole deg over two whole de of heat difference which is amazing I still feel cold though not cold but I'm chilly and damp and uncomfortable but I'm okay I keep having to sort of do weird little exercises and arm and leg movement to just try and keep my body heat up it would be so much easier if my clothes weren't damp but it is what it is I'm going to try and wait till 10:00 tonight I think before I crap open in the H warmers and it gives me something to look for to as well actually can't wait to get them on the [Music] go [Music] oh look it's like a water bed oh my god look what I'm sitting on oh god oh Jesus this is kind of ridiculous time C past eight yeah I'm just sitting in that puddle everywhere I thought I was going to have to leave them when I sat in that massive puddle and I taken quite soap in I think it's spun right through all my bottom stuff and I've got a bit cold so I've been doing my exercises and checked my body temperature got a thermometer stuck in under my clothes and I'm 36.3 at the moment which is absolutely fine for me my normal temperature is actually 36.4 so what I want to do is try and keep it 36 and above 35 and Below of course is hypothermia and we don't want to get anywhere to that so I'll monitor it keep an eye on it but I feel fine again now that's good yeah the water everywhere is just crazy like camping in a swamp Okay it is 10:00 temperature is fine I don't know why cuz I feel horrible it's really getting to me being so wet even though I'm not physically cold feel cold if you know what I mean just cuz I'm so wet I hate it and it's making me want to leave but um I suppose this come for it's temporary isn't it there's no danger at the moment so that's good so yeah I'm quite pleased really just um not enjoying this but it's 10 so I'm going to C the hand warmers out I want to use this pack liner because with the hand war is they get wet they're going to stop working so I need to keep them dry safe I'm going to put at least one of them in this pack liner and just of use it as a blanket over me hopefully that will hold in like a layer of warm air oh honestly so sick of it little bit left now 10:00 9 and 1 half hours for now actually I'm just going to put both of them in here I don't know what the best thing to do is we yeah be my little blanket you know what I feel so nice just to lay down kned I'm enjoying my little blanket feel the W kind of I think I'm going to try and rest for a little while just to pass the time really this is so horrible I just want it to be over oh so got my rubbish bag under my feet keep them off the ground and I've got my little half a light AF mat under my body and I've got my rock sack and my food bag under my head it's all right oh on 36.7 that's crazy I actually don't know how I'm that one I keep thinking of my car bed so close in the layby right there and my car bunny so warm so dry so floofy but as I lay in this bag in this puddle and feel the chills crawl relentlessly across my wet skin it's clear that this is not a place for Sleep a brief rest laying down is all I can afford before my temperature starts to drop and I have to get moving again my mind won't allow me to sleep anyway but that's good because I feel that falling asleep in this situation could potentially be catastrophic I need to to be alert and managing the situation hello it's half midnight 9° outside 11° in shelter and um yeah I still feel rubbish this is really miserable I wanted to rest a while but I can't lay down my body's just telling me you're too cold and so got to just sit up and wegg around and do my exercises now and again and I find doing that just um it's just seriously unpleasant we got 7 hours left it's funny cuz I knew this was going to be hard like I knew it'd be tough but when you're imagining doing stuff like this and you warm and dry we sort of you can kind of Imagine okay it's going to be really unpleasant but you kind of think so it'll be raining but I'll get the shelter up and then once I'm in it I'll be all dry and it'll be okay but in reality doesn't go like that everything gets totally drenched and of course you've got no clothes to change into like dry clothes and even if I had dry clothes they would get drenched as well it's just a lot harder than I thought it would be but I'm glad that it's mild if it wasn't mild mild I don't think I would have got this far with there I think I'll be back in my car by now in my car bed so we'll see what the rest of the night holds it is 2: in the morning and I'm done I don't want to do this anymore I mean if this were a real survival situation it would keep me alive through the night and yeah would stop me getting hyp but my God this is like mentally so draining I want dry clothes on so badly on a rest yeah I think I'm done with it so yeah I'm going to bail on this one but this was a really interesting thing to try I think for me really makes you appreciate how important your sleeping bag is and your mat this is nasty it's really nasty oh I can't wait to get back to my car so tired right I'm going to chule this my rock I'm getting out of here so in the end this came down to me toughness which got me through the first 9 hours and then it left me I think completing this until sunrise would have taken a lot out of me and I just wasn't prepared to do it for the sake of a [Music] scenario I definitely don't see this as a failure during much of the year when the nights are shorter those N9 hours would have seen me through until sunrise and Beyond those 9 hours could have seen me through to a rescue if I'd been injured and was waiting for help the flimsy shelter which felt so miserable and uncomfortable at the time gave me an extra 2° of heat this is more than many of my tents provide and could mean the difference between life and death in a real emergency situation and while I felt miserable and chilled to the Bone I successfully managed to maintain a healthy core body temperature despite being soaked through from the waist down and damp up top this experience taught me many things firstly that carrying some form of shelter in a day hiking bag is definitely worth the extra few hundred G weight carry so I've started shaking already just from being outside the shelter so really makes you realize the difference that that was making as unpleasant as it was my God the mud I mean look look what I've been sitting on but it also taught me that having such a shelter is not going to guarantee your survival and it's still not going to be easy survival is work if you're in conditions such as these which are going to drain the heat from you you have to keep moving even when you're exhausted and if you're wet and have no way of drying yourself you're going to have to work really hard thank you can please it gave me an insight into the kind of mental stamina that would be required in a real survival situation I mean this was a mild winter night too on a colder one it wouldn't just be hard work it would be a Relentless fight for every minute heyy every second if nothing else it's taught me another valuable lesson in gratitude for a dry bed for a roof over my head for the things we tend to take for granted that are so important and so valuable and yet so easy to not even notice that we have [Music] them I had such a good sleep in my little car bed good morning
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 223,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hiking, survival, wild camping, bad weather
Id: Zy6Ny7SSW2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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