Rainy Tent Camping & Cook Tikka Baps in the Woods

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oh hey guys I'm here to try out my new DCF tent it's a nice soggy weather that is absolutely [Music] Heavenly so it is late April and there's plenty of rain forecast for tonight I'm really hoping it's going to come in because I have tried this tent before and I thought it was great but it's only had a very light shower on it so far and I'd really love to try it in some prolonged R and see how it performs this of course is my xmed Pro one it's very very light at only 485 G the lightest tent that I currently own I'm not going to go into a load of specs on this because I've covered it in previous videos today I just want to try it out in some nice wet weather cook some delicious food and have a really nice rest out in the woods the seams are bonded on this so I've not had to do any crazy seam ceiling kind of stuff which I'm really glad about because I am crap at seam seiling right right come have a look around in here so I've got my electronic stuff there I've got my winter therest xtherm sleeping mat still pretty cool for spring so far my Leviathan o ex900 sleeping bag and a fluffy cheap pillow I've got a new bivy bag which I tell you about later and yeah just my toiletries and stuff down here and all my food and cook stuff is out here as you can see here I fashioned a lovely sheltered bit over the doorway just by lifting the doorway up and propping it up with a stick and one of the guidelines and that's going to keep me lovely and dry and protected when the rain starts and I'm hoping I'm going to be able to sit here all sheltered and cook my dinner I'm going to cook up some chicken teab baps tonight it's going to be so good when's the rain coming let have a look at the forecast it says the rain's coming in about an hour and it says that it's going to carry on all through the night so that would be perfect if that turns out to be true do waiting on the rain but that's fine let me show you what I've got in my special box here this is everything I've got to make my delicious dinner which is going to be so so good and I'm getting a bit hungry actually so I've got a couple of Bs here Haven bottom BS ah I've got a little orange tonic water and it's the star of the show Cheers doesn't look like much but this is chicken breast chopped up and it's been marinating all day in chka Masala seasoning then I've got lettuce mayo oh I do love Mayo you know I put mayo and everything a bit of a Mayo Queen and some parsley as well so that's what I've got to play [Music] with look at the color of that chicken my BS are disappointingly deflated but pushing 40 now so I've done it oh yeah wow spice spice is nice I put a bit more oil in there these pans are never as nonstick as you'd like at least not if you cook like a lunatic all right I think I'll have a little butter on my BS here butter BS butter it's very good isn't it hey the trouble I'm having is I can't tell if my chicken's done or not think we get [Music] that it's raining and I think we're done [Music] here all right look at that let's get that in my backs I'm so excited for this right now think it's done yeah that's cooked perfectly look at that oh yeah I'll have some parsley though look at that here we are that's pretty amazing Woodland food right I got to try and pick one up now come here oh wow oh my God a moment of truth that is absolutely Heavenly it's one of the best things I've ever eaten in the woods that is so good and so easy and so simple oh amazing okay it is 6.7 de I'm a bit chilly actually I'm hoping this sleeping bag's going to be warminger and um yeah this bivy bag here this is a new one I actually bought it because in the listing in the picture it had like a window a see-through window in the hood and I thought oh that would be so cool like in an emergency you be able to sit and look around at what's around you but this one arrived without the window so I thought I'd send it back but actually it's really light 280 G and it's really compact apparently they changed the design because the little plastic Clear Window it would just collect condensation because it's not breathable and then that would drip on your face so makes sense to be fair and I kind of like to have like a navy blue one to go with my blue turn which I know is a really stupid reason to keep a bivy bag but there you go so I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes but um I don't know how waterproof this is as say it's really light my other really light buy bag what was that the RAB survival light was absolutely shocking that just lets water straight through it so I don't know what this one's like but I will keep you posted when it gets a bit of a soaking at some point see how it does if any of you guys want to play along with my suduku this one's making me feel really thick so I'm doing this one now right I'm a bit dosy actually I might make a hot drink and settle down in a little while my friend hey you want lemon cake huh no go the other way [Applause] all right guys I'm going to bed now see you in the morning bye [Applause] good morning we've got proper rain and I think it's rained like this all through the night it's so gorgeous being in a tent listening to that pter patter I love it and I love having this out like this as a little shelter it's really gorgeous so I don't think I've had any water issues it's pretty much dry in here there was a thin layer of condensation that I just wiped off could be worse and a few drops over a this corner of water which I think are probably condensation so yeah I'm really happy with that for a 485 G tent really really lightweight tent it is pretty dry in here yeah yeah I think I'll feel fine taking this out on a longer trip I'm quite confident in it so yeah lovely night in the woods the really horrible bed now is having to get out of my cozy sleeping bag and go out into that it's lovely to be out in it under here but I don't want to get out my tent now it' be lovely if I could sit here all day but I've got to go so thank you so much for watching this video you guys hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you again soon bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't believe how much water there is everywhere this morning oh I've never seen anything like it must have rained solid all through the [Applause] night I even get over that s of
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 133,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, rainy camping, wild camping, woman camping, solo camping
Id: sYVbdtiR4x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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