Camping Under a Giant Umbrella • In a Thunderstorm!

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oh hello you guys it's a perfect day to go camping under my gorgeous giant [Music] umbrella hello guys so here I am with my big gorgeous umbrella and I suppose this is the most simple setup ever cuz I just do that but there's a bit more to it than that so let's have a look this is of course a fishing umbrella but I thought it would be a perfect little shelter for a nice Camp especially in the rain now I'm not sure that this is going to be waterproof because I've had a lot of stuff lately that's supposed to be waterproof but then isn't so just in case I bought a little super light top hopefully we won't need it but if it does leak I can Chuck it over the top of the umbrella and hopefully it will save my dog C CH to come I've also had to do some mods on this bad boy so it came with two plastic loops on the back like little d-loops to hook it into the ground they were really rubbishy and one of them just snapped off as soon as I tried the umbrella at home it also had a couple on these Flappy bits here so I've replaced those and then I've also added on four D Loops across the front here and they're all metal instead of plastic so they'll be a lot stronger and they're sewn on a lot stronger than they were before so I'm hoping I'll be able to guide this down Peg it out and it'll be fairly solid now of course I wouldn't want to use this in high winds it's just going to get absolutely smashed a bits because it's an umbrella it's not designed as a camping shelter but yeah I think this is going to be really great and look at the windows I mean how amazing is that so what we will definitely be using is pegs and paracord and guiner stuff like that so let's get this set up first off this has got sort of a blunt point so you can stick that in the ground goes in quite nice actually uh so how do I want that sort of I don't want it too high cuz I don't want to let the rain in so let's have it like that oh yeah nice okay I'm going to start at the back by pigging it in and then I'm going to come and do the sides and the front here loving that so I think I'm just going to guy out this one here and that one there these two I might go out later if I need to but I think for now when I don't need them it's not windy down here at the moment they're just going to get in the way if I've got lines coming down so yeah I think I am going to out this bit here from the back of the umbrella as well yeah look at that perfect I think that's all right you know and it is so cozy over here right let's get the stuff inside that's it all set up it is so gorgeous under here I absolutely love this as a little shelter cuz it's so open and you can see all out into the woods got the shelter above me hopefully from the rain it's like tarp camping but you just put it straight up right let me show you round so for me bed I've got my therest xmm today and I'm using that with my Autumn sleeping bag that's my Leviathan Ox 900 with an alpet Hunker Biffy bag over the top this is just the regular size today because I'm not having my mat inside the Biffy bag and I've got a new pillow today actually this is a cheap and cheerful one of Amazon reason being I love the aoft but it's quite small comparatively it's about that size so this one's an extra 40 G which is not a great deal for local camping and uh it's a lot bigger so I'm hoping it might be a bit comfier we'll see oh it's getting a bit dark in there put the light on so here I've got my clothes some toilet trees and this is my electronics rain coat and my flip-flops there got a little towel as well in case I need it cuz it might be a bit wet later and here's all my food water and cooked stuff over there so yeah absolutely gorgeous loving life [Music] right we got some dinner I think it is what is it 10:00 yeah 10 10 oh Hi friend um yeah friends plenty tonight everywhere I feel violated where you look so as always thr to have me head buug net on which is a [Applause] lifesaver [Applause] wow definitely raining oh we' got our storm but there's some water coming through this umbrella already so I'm going to see if I can get that top over the top [Music] somehow okay that's got to help quite a lot I imagine I've got the car over the umbrella I don't think I even need to clip it on cuz just the weight of the rain holding it down getting drenched yeah that seems to have worked I think it's done the trick having the tarp over the top the umbrella itself is not waterproof it'd be fine in a light shower but you know it's not designed for camping in rain all night it's a fishing umbrella yeah I still absolutely love this as a shelter so cozy I've got my bed trousers a little bit wet [Applause] lightning I love it so that was a bit of a Dar thing to do to go out and put the top up with my bed trousers on cuz they're my dry trousers for sleeping in but they're very thin and I think they'll dry with my body heat so that'll be okay and it's lovely and warm tonight so it's not an issue really this is such an amazing experience I feel so lucky wow I love it so much and I've wanted to do this for so long it's everything that I thought it would be it's beautiful and it's 2: in the morning morning so I'm going to try and get some sleep and see you guys in a few hours I guess [Music] bye good morning I had a lovely sleep in my little Nook in My Den down here absolutely loved it just laying listening to the rain and once I'd put the top over the top I didn't have any issues with the water coming through and I think the storm was passing as I went to sleep anyway I have to say I have absolutely loved using this umbrella as a shelter I realized I had to put the top over the top anyway so it kind of defeats the object and this umbrella is really heavy I think I made it about 2.6 kilos and that's not including the ground sheet that you'd need to bring and the extra top to go over the top so it's a heavy set up but there's just something about it that I really enjoy I don't know I feel kind of enclosed but open at the same time I really really like it so I've really really enjoyed using it although I can see it's not really overly practical but it's good fun this pillow my new pillow I really really liked it's really comfy and considerably bigger than the other one and it's held air just fine this looks a bit deflated but that's because I've deflated on purpose I kind of like my pillows to be a bit squishy um you could make that harder and Fuller if you wanted to yeah really pleased with that I think it was about a tener so lovely chap cheerful I'll let you know if it breaks or something at some point but so far so good I absolutely loved my first camping in a thunderstorm experience it was just so magical to sit and hear The Rolling Thunder and see the Skylight up absolutely gorgeous and of course thunderstorms can be dangerous lightning is dangerous and if you ever find yourself high up in a thunderstorm you want to get down low you want to lose elevation as fast as you can you don't want to be around Peaks and ridges in a thunderstorm down here in the woods is never entirely safe but it's a lot safer than being up on an exposed Ridge or Peak no yeah that's something off my bucket list actually that's something I always wanted to experience and now have I'm really glad I got to share it with you guys so thanks for watching and I'll see you again soon [Music] bye we give you our mess we're so so blessed to bye
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 917,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild camping, camping, bad weather camping, thunderstorm, solo camping
Id: 5K9YizvEN0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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