3 Nights Alone in the Wild: Calm & Chaos in the Mountains • A Solo Adventure!

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[Music] it's mid November and I've arrived in ERI for a few days of solitude and Adventure I'm here in the mnds a Barren playground of bogs Rocky outcrops and generally unforgiving terrain winter is chasing at bom's tail and the weather for cast has a bit of everything but I'm not yet aware that this gorgeous start is going to gradually unravel into beautiful chaos so with a spring in my step and a few butterflies in my belly I start out on my journey for three nights alone in the [Music] wild hello wild buns it's my first multi night trip to since I injured my ankle so what I do on this trip will very much depend on how my ankle is and uh how the weather is I'm expecting it to be really changeable I just don't know how this one's going to go but I am absolutely thrilled to be out in the wild so it's coming up to 2:00 now so we've got what 2 and 1/ half hours before the sun actually says we'll be finding somewhere to make a cozy little Nook for the night and then we'll make a plan so this this is where our lovely neat track ends we're heading over that direction North do look Gator protection I actually love these don't know why I've not tried them before slow going through there it is typical soggy sloppy mnds I love the mowins but they are soggy so there's a lot of poke in the ground to check what's solid and what's not I don't want to fall into a bug let's have a little look at the map and see where we want ahead so we've come all the way along this track here and we're about here at the moment so looking across at this Valley I think if we can cross this Valley and get to the other side we've got an hour and a half before the sun goes down so I think that'll be okay and we'll pitch around here somewhere for night one this is little sketchier look see that like a BG thing there so taking the way around it but it's not much better oh it's my least favorite type of ground this real pain in the butt look at that pretty is it all right let's go I thought we just heard a cow I don't like cows check it out here we are a public ride of way with cows on it oh I love those oh God I have to go right through them let's hope for the best I guess hope they're friendly cows hi cows we come in peace carry on mching grass and stuff bloody hell just wondering if I can throw myself over this wall if it needs be oh look I can see the gate over there maybe I just won't make eye contact oh they don't seem bothered thank God things is About Cows as well a lot of the time they just want to come and check you out cuz they're curious sometimes they're mad and creep crazy all right here it is this the gate oh gosh More Cows here that dog's want to come and see me off as well okay can I come through hello okay thanks guys [Music] hey look black sheep I know how it feels friends that was scary no offense to any cows that might be watching of course I know the vast majority don't want to skewer me up against the wall all right so I'm coming back out of that Valley now up the other side and I'm back on Open Access land so the sun's goingon to be going down soon I'm going to find somewhere to pitch what a first day where should we go that'll do nice and flat let's get this tent [Music] up what a gorgeous pitch so we've walked just under 5 km on day one and that is mosad behind there just Mountain views all over I've got my hilly today all set up pretty flat little bit wonky donkey but that's okay uh I feel pretty nice and secure with my hilly so if we get really cold weather it will help me to stay warm and if we get really windy weather it's a pretty 3010 so I just feel much more at ease having this with me even though it's a bit heavier than I'd like but yeah so it's coming up to 5:00 now I've got my own personal water source right down there which is amazing so I'm just going to fill up on water sort my bed out and everything get all my stuff sorted out we'll have a nice relaxing night and think about what we might want to do tomorrow my ankle is absolutely fine I'm really really thrilled about that because I was a bit concerned about it and I knew how to take it easy and still will be taking it easy hopefully it will last the whole weekend but we'll see hear that that's the K Valley train that train actually goes like under the mountains and under a lake it's quite fascinating I think it's like a 4 km long tunnel underneath all the rock it's crazy oh it's a bit nippy now it is 5 and 1/ 12° that is damn cozy right I'm going to make my dinner now I've got delicious chicken curry tonight home cooked yeah what are we camped at about 310 M elevation I think it's pretty brisk considering the time of day it must be what is it yeah it's half 6 and it's 5° so I think it's going to be a little bit chilly so good at the moment we are pitched here for night one it's a beautiful night get some breaks in the clouds and I can see bits of the Milky Way bladies Seven Sisters which is shining so bright I've never seen ladies so bright before and I've actually got reception up here as well which is quite unusual so I've checked on the weather and it looks like tonight's going to be lovely and tomorrow is going to be be lovely but then tomorrow night it's really going to drop down to 2° it might snow as well because the next day some bad weather's coming in apparently of course it might change by then I've been looking at my map for hours trying to figure out what to do and I can't decide because of the weather so I'm going to sleep on it and have a look at the weather again in the morning and make a plan it looks absolutely horrendous on Sunday there's so many wh ifs so much of doing this is just sort of trying to plan for the worst just not knowing it's the unknown that's the most frightening things sometimes [Music] [Applause] morning I'm up with the dawn 7 a.m. and it's raining I didn't sleep very well last night I think I'm a bit anxious if I do this big route I wanted to do by the time I'm going along this Ridge on a Skyline up there and it's like heavy rain downpours 30 40 50 km per hour wins and it looks like it's going to be pretty nonstop so I just don't think it's a good idea so I've been thinking what to do in stairs and I think I'm going to head to I think it might be called MOA MOA I'm not sure but it's got this really cool like gly next to it so I thought while the weather's nice today we'll get some distance in back around the valley and over there there's some mines over there as well we can check out and um potentially have a lake camp on the last night so this bit around here is just a short distance we can just mosy about take our time in the really crappy weather that's coming and the distance going to do today it is nice today it's warm you know when it pans out like this I feel like a bit of an idiot walking around when is you never know huh let's go so we're heading west now I think it's going to be quite hard going so I'm going to be taking my time but kind of have to cuz I'm roasting carrying all this wind gear and it's like spring I'm too hot all right so here we are overlooking the valley that we came through yesterday came through over there somewhere and I'm going to try to get round so over there and down on the other side of the valley and then up there to our little lumpy bumpy powered by pick and mix I mean that might be a bit of a trik on this terrain but we'll give it a go oh look that's a fox you see him Hi friend and red fox this is not too bad actually I can hear the moo cows right it's half 11 so we' got what 5 hours before Sunset to get to there Let's do let's try across here it's solid all right so we can see where we've been today that's lovely moisture bud in the background we've come over this rise and followed this all along and down now now we're heading over there and West got a nice view now see where we're heading and there's the river down there so got to see if we can get down to the river see that bridge there cross over that bridge and follow this track in that direction wow I love that trees growing in houses so cool right nature just takes over takes it all back this here is a ruined settlement [Music] of It Feels Like Heaven to walk on this track after all that I'm glad to get it done today on the good weather day going to find somewhere stop for a bit of lunch it's half 1 and so far today we have traveled only 2.6 km which is nuts but it's been fun and uh I'm really glad to be getting away from the valley down there now cuz although I've been only on Open Access land I don't like being close to the boundary cuz there's always like fences up where there shouldn't be and stuff like that it's a bit annoying but I am out in the Wilds again which is wonderful it is nice to be fed and watered I feel like the temperature dropped feels like November now so we're following an old mining track at the moment which is easy peasy and once we follow it around we should be able to see our little Hill again Moody Skies don't know if we'll make it what's the time half 2 and sunset is at half 4 yeah we should do right let's it going look there's our Hill and that's the gy next to it see if we can get down there so now that I'm closer to this Gorge I can see that it's not one I'm going to be able to get up it's a serious Gorge but it'll be nice to look at so I get a little bit closer and then it'll be be time to find some ways to pitch it is what is it it's qu 3 so we' got an hour and a quarter until [Music] sunset right let's go find somewhere to pitch and we'll get all cozy for the night ready for the weather to come in it's going to be [Music] fun look at this little flat spot beautiful water Mountain this will do of course I am expecting a lot of rain so just thinking the water level's going to rise but don't think it's going to go over there I think that bit might fill up [Music] there that's pretty chilly that is cold really cold look how fast the temperatures dropping oh my God that's crazy I've never seen it drop that fast before h it's like a sudden sudden drop weird hey guys I have made a regrettable decision so just looking at the map and where I'm pitched which I thought would be fine and it probably will be but it's just that this little stream river is directly linked to the lake I want to go to tomorrow so if that Lake bursts its banks it's going to flood straight down here I won't sleep here and I don't think it's it's wise right we're on our way and uh this is not the ideal place for nigh hiking but it's better than death I mean if that Lake did go and flood that wouldn't be like oh I've got wet feet that would be like Oh I'm dead so I'm just coming away from that little river so I'm just going to find a little flattish area I can't see anything it's a new moon and it's pitch black but I've got my uh you know my gar in so I can see where I am on the map oh that was a rooky mistake silly but I'm glad I realized when I did what's that there oo it's a big old rock huh I wonder how that ended up there okay see I was thinking about pitching down there but I'm not going to pitch under that yeah let's keep looking I'm going to pitch here I don't know what I'm in view of so I can't see anything but I think this will be nice and safe here I'm not in the line of flood water potential flood water or Falling Rocks right let's just check on the map and have a look I think this will be okay yeah so before we were about there right on that little river now we're up on this little rocky outcrop I think that's a safe distance so that's the lake in question as you can see if that burst its banks it's going to floods follow it down right through my little Camp there it's not going to get me here yeah much happier here hey the tent is up round two it is actually such a beautiful night it is so still and cold but I'm lovely and warm stars are out I actually really really loved that little misadventure I think I mean it's hard to tell because I can't see my surroundings but I've got a feeling we're going to be more exposed here to the wind but that's okay I've got a good tent for it and you know worst comes to worst I prefer a smashed up tent any day over flood water so yeah I think that's all right oh what a night I've just been letting my eyes adjust into the darkness and even with a naked eye I could see this low Bank of cloud come in over year Oro in front of this and over Mo Bud over there and I took some photos and the stars are all entwined with mist and fog and it just looks absolutely magical it's so gorgeous so we are pitched at 330 M at the moment I'm really glad I moved I'm really glad as well that I'm not down in that Valley because any rain is just going to flow all the way down I think this is a nice place to be here on this little rocky out crop and today has been only a 4 km day it really amazes me sometimes I come out here and I'm so surprised how far I can go and just plow through it and then other times I hardly get anywhere and I'm also really glad that I didn't take that big 20 km route because I don't think I would have got very far and right now I'd be camped up really high on a ridge with bad weather coming so tomorrow I want to have a nice lazy start again and then I think I want to head to the mines check them out and then make a way up to the lake up there for night three which may turn out to be a real crazy weather Camp we'll see but at the moment it is so lovely and still it really doesn't feel like bad weather's coming so maybe the forecast is wrong or maybe this is the Cal before the storm and after all that the rain just never came never mind a let's see where we are look around oh wow oh that's nice nice view of the valley there there's that rock i w past yesterday and didn't want to camp in front morning you guys I am loving this in here this morning I love being in a tent in the rain I had a really good sleep last night I felt really warm really cozy and really comfy so it's really good today I think this weather might be in for the rest of the trip and that's fine I really like a bit of rain and I love this piture we've got of course I can see it now and it's really great I've got gorgeous views across the valley I could see Marsh board earlier but he's disappeared into the clouds now and I could even see the very tip of triven but he's gone as well now it's warmed up now to about 5° so we got rain instead of snow got some condensation in here you can see my M's a bit wet from where the condensation has been dripping but it's a Wells tent I've had a really lovely lazy morning this morning and I think I'm ready to get packed up now and we're going to head over in that direction check out the old minees and then I want to try and see if we can get up to that Lake for tonight's pitch which might be a bit crazy if the wind comes in as well but it'll be good fun today is not a distance day at all it's just about enjoy ening being out in the rain and enjoying being out here without worrying about how many miles I'm doing I only just realized this morning that I've been putting my Gators on the wrong legs never mind a as you can tell I've never used them before but I think I'm doing it right now right let's go that away hey look that's the mines a big slag he that what it's called again fenced off as usual let that over there is like a shaft and I think that's the air shaft for the TR main tunnel and the train runs right under here that is a big pile of rock it's hard from down here to appreciate just how big this pile of rock is have a look from [Music] above so that's the mines and the rest of the day will be spent trying to find a way to the lake up there it's pretty flushy everywhere but uh I am loving being out here I've been feeling a bit not quite myself since did my ankle I don't know I've had to rest it but just made me feel kind of restless and uh yeah I just I love being back out here I can feel my soul coming back to life I've missed it you know like cold November rain back in without a name so this is when waterproof socks are amazing like a song woo he here's one of those hidden bugs deck just looks like grass right it's qu past one we are at about 370 M elevation I don't think I'm going to be stopping for lunch today so it'll be a eating snacks as you go kind of a day so I think I'm going to get a little further up here and then try and tuck in around that Rocky outc crop in a direction of the lake we're getting there got a bit of wind up here another moment that I'm really glad I'm not up on that Ridge trying to do this 20 km route see what we can see over this bit here nothing all right onwards can't go through that so going up and around yeah look at that whole area down there is just water logged so this little stream here is the same one that I initially pitched right next to last night right down there and if there had been some kind of flood there would just be a torrent of water flooding down this Valley straight down to where we were camped last night so if we follow this little stream it's going to take us to the lake which is just over here we're nearly there oh yeah look there she is hello Lake oh you made it oh what an earth is that oh that's so weird you think aliens have landed here that's really odd I've never seen that before a so we're about 450 M now and uh going to find somewhere to pitch for the night don't want to be too close to the lake cuz I think this weather's going to carry on but yeah it won't be too far away from it either I want to have Lake View how Bleak and beautiful all right let's have a look for somewhere I'm going to pitch down here got a lovely flat bit and that rock behind might give me a little bit of shelter from the wind and I've got my own personal slime down here how cool so I can just keep an eye on that see if it turns into anything [Music] weird everything is in the 10 the tent is completely dry inside and all my gear is completely dry as well so this is how I get myself all soaking wet currently into my tent without getting the inside of my tent wet so the first thing I do is get my wet stuff off my butt area so that I can just park myself in the tent with my legs out and sort of just work my stuff off as I go get the wet coat off towel is also very useful good all this stuff up look dry sucks still I mean just about everything on me is damp but my sucks a dry all right so that's one leg in all [Music] dry that's another dry sock okay so now I'm completely in my tent and I'm dry and I can get my nice warm dry clothes on now and sort all this stuff out in a little while all right so I'm going to get my wet top stuff off now as you can see just from Forgetting and leaning on my legs I've already made my bed trousers wet but they'll dry pretty quick that's the key I mean I've been wearing a waterproof and then my winter coat over the top as well and my clothes are still pretty damp [Music] that's better than it was right I'm lovely and cozy and dry now in my sleeping bag so on this side is the dry section everything is nice and dry in here and everything on this side this is the soggy wet section where all the wet stuff stays I'm nice and warm so what I'm doing is gradually one by one putting on my damp layers so just letting them dry one by one by my body heat and then hopefully I'll only have to put on wet bottoms tomorrow I hate putting wet clothes on so yeah I'm going to try try and dry them off right so we are pitched up at 460 M right next to durard dur durard right next to a lake and right next to our goo as well so we'll see what happens to that by the morning I don't know what that is that weird slime it's really intriguing me what is it now it's about 4:00 I think so the sun's going to set in about half an hour and I'm going to have a lovely chill one tonight just chill out have some food I've only walked 2 km today today such short days now and with this terrain and the weather being what it is don't get very far so what's that total we did a five and then a four and now two and I think I've got like one one and a half back to the cromia pass in the morning so that'll be what about 12 13 km circular which is amazing actually for me in November I don't usually get that far in the winter so I'm really pleased with that oo time for some tea who buy hell that's pretty Gusty you know I think last time I was able to look at Mountain weather forecast it was saying for tonight that it would be 40 to 50 mph gust so it could be some really strong winds tonight but I'm in one of the best tents for it and even if this tent were to fail I'm in a bivy bag kind well prepared hey guys everything's holding up just fine the wind nice crazy night I'm going to get to sleep now [Applause] [Music] night little frog friend sitting right by my door hey friends weather is bad [Music] huh oh bless him taking shelter next to my tent you stay there [Music] wa light get up sunrise in half an hour morning you guys I've been awake since about 5:00 this morning because the wind is so crazy the tent seems to be fine though it's holding up really well and I've just been starting to pack up ready to go in a little while I think the sun is just about coming up I've not had much sleep maybe a few hours but that's okay I think it's definitely time to be headed back now slime is still there so we're going to be heading due east that way I'm going to take it really slow because it is so busy I think it's going to be quite difficult to walk my ankle by the way at the end of this trip has done absolutely fine I'm really really pleased it doesn't hurt at all but of course I do still have to be really careful not to turn it again pretty much forever I think so I'm thinking about investing in some really high ankle boots hopefully if it does turn again hold it in place so it doesn't come out the joint but we'll see about that okay so now I have to get out of my nice warm sleeping bag and put on wet clothes which is just going to be horrific I don't want to do it so once I've got those on straight away get packed up get moving cuz I'm going to get really cold otherwise I'm really grateful that all my top half is all dry now although I've got to put a nice wet coat on top of it now this weather's why I didn't take that 20 km up on the ridge got that these are Marino so although it feels horrible putting them on they will still keep me warmer even though they're Dam he's a wre hole in them yesterday they'll H keep the wind off me oh it feels nasty wow I bet that rock has given me a bit of protection you know right I mean look at this all the guys are in and to this tent is freaking amazing I love it just pegging that onto my rock that tent's going to just take off up boys when I Peg it w see out sending now guys around I don't want my PO to snap I stop here's our slime this morning what is that is it something to do with that frog by Lake thanks for having me come here P just down there oh there it is I can see it I can see Landy that's my car hi Landy I'm on my way ly right I'm be down soon oh what an adventure I needed that I try to practice being thankful for everything not just the good stuff because to be human is to experience both Joy and sadness Pleasure and Pain contentment and fear it's just not possible to only exist in the easy end of the spectrum all of the time I guess gratitude for difficulty doesn't come too naturally as humans we're programmed to run from all that uncomfortable stuff but to choose to accept a certain level of discomfort to be okay with being afraid sometimes it enriches my experience of what it is to be [Music] alive I used to hope for the sunsets and the sun rises but I've come to love every part of this hello P nice bit of rain to finish you off with right I'm on the home stretch thanks for watching guys so here's to another truly wild experience here's to this brutal unforgiving but beautiful life with living I think aliens have landed here hey friends and here's to you a remarkable person who survived literally everything that life has thrown your way you're pretty amazing huh
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 440,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hiking, wild camping, adventure
Id: q-QaHdjc7A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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