16 Hours in a Bivi Bag in Wind & Rain

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it's December and I'm here in the mountains being blown around by the winds with a forecast of wintry rain coming I'm going to be camping here without my T hello world ones I'm here today to try a mountain survival scenario going to try a night out without a tent just to my baby bag now that might sound a bit mad but let me assure you that I've come to this decision not just because I'm a bit of a chaos Goblin but also for more sensible reasons so in this scenario I have completely lost my tent it's blown off a cliff but the sun's going down and I don't feel I have enough time to safely get down so I'm staying out for the night you see these are the kind of conditions that break tents or send them flying off a cliff never to be seen again so I figure if I'm going to be out camping in them I ought to be sure that I'm able to survive without my T in reality I have a tent in my rock sack in case I need it I'm also only half K from my car so tonight we're going to see how to be prepared for an unexpected night out in the mountains in bad weather without aemp so the first thing you want to do in this situation once you've made that decision that you're staying out is to find somewhere that's as out of the wind as possible I've chosen this little ditch here where I'll be able to lay kind of propped up hopefully be fairly comfortable and comparatively out of the wind I mean if you look at how that grass is going there compared to here there's a lot less wind here and that's going to make a big difference this of course is going to be a thoroughly unpleasant experience but that's okay the point is that I'm going to be able to survive it unharmed and well and get down the next day so I've just measured a 47 kmph gust but if we put this down here where I want to stay tonight I mean the difference a bit of a ditch and some rocks can make is insane I think this is a good spot let's start getting some stuff out look at that perfect little cubby hole there so here's me bivy bag I take out with me on every single trip not necessarily that one but I always have one because it could quite literally save your life in this kind of situation hey somebody sleep bag in my B bag that shake this is our shelter for the night you know what even just sitting here blowing this up it is so sheltered compared to what I can see going on over there crazy it's kind of nice right so let's get this m under here so in this part of my rock sa everything is in a nylofume pack liner entirely waterproof so I'm going to use this as my storage to keep my stuff right next to me while I'm in the booie bag because of course once we're in you don't really want to be getting out unless you get a nice dry spell maybe and you really need to get out for a week but from that you're just in for the night that's actually jammed in there pretty nice so I don't think that'll shift too easily let's have a quick peek at this sunset wow look at that oh ain't it [Music] beautiful oh that's home for the night baby right let's get back to [Music] business so of course you want everything really nice and accessible so all my stuff in there I've got my water here now I'm not expecting this movie bag to keep every little bit of water out but it should keep enough water out I'm not going to get hypothermia I think for me I like to do stuff like this in a controlled you know reasonably safe fashion because it helps me feel secure in what I'm doing that I know if the worst happened I'll be all right and I've got experience you know surviving it I think it just really help me stay calm in a real emergency situation just knowing how to do this and that I can do this the thing is as well being mid December it's a really really long night it's a lot of Darkness so if it's properly dark by 5: and then sun rises at I think4 8 that's what over 15 hours of Darkness probably about 16 hours of Darkness if you're including you know this part the Dusky part 16 hours so that's what we've got 16 hours in a booie bag in the mountain right I'm just going to chill for a little bit wait for it to get properly dark and uh question my life choices [Music] hi almost forg got my pillow like the best bit a what the pillow just makes everything feel like home doesn't it oh know what this is well comfy here's my view from my bivy bag hole look in the baby bag and that's what I can see it's pretty cool huh and here I am inside my booy bag Bry snug it's dark have a look see what the temperature is it is 7.2 de C at the moment so that's okay is quite mild for December wouldn't be try this out on a really cold night for sure last thing to eat raining woo it's kind of amazing that I can just lay here in this be comfy and warm and dry it's really weird H there we're not far in yet are we yeah let's not count our chickens just yet huh could you imagine being stuck out in that there no Fook bag it's Kia know I like to bang on about baby b but this is why this is the difference between being warm and cozy comfortable and potentially dying of hypothermia at least you're conserving lots of energy as well just laying here look a look it's actually pretty roomy in here not too shabby this is me little breathing hole one cake lemon cakes wow that is some wind the grass breaking off that's a big wind oh it's probably the closest I feel to Nature when I'm out here in a bag this wind's pretty cool cuz look how it's dried my mat already from the last rain shower it's still wet underneath where my legs are so want sit like this for a bit see if can dry it off it seems to have changed Direction and it's like hitting me with full force now it's coming from that direction now I think or before it was coming from that direction but I'm nice and snug I'm so glad to be in here that wind would just suck the heat right out of you and it's so nice stay here cuz sometimes the clouds part and you can see all the stars I'm going to try and get some [Music] steep come [Applause] look at that it's beautiful now it's half eight I slept through most of the night and I'm alive it's just started raining a little bit again it's a beautiful morning the wind's pretty much gone yeah I think I slept for at least 7 hours last night which is unbelievable really I thought cold hand I thought I was going to find this a really tough experience but it was actually fine it didn't rain too much to be fair bit of a wet mat and little dry patch where open now I'm perfectly warm and dry and [Music] happy and that's why I carry a bivy bag so I think in case this rain's about to get a lot worse I'll get packed up get on my way I'm not going to hang around this morning I'm going to get going right get me boots on try to get in and out of this without any bags [Music] have a brief look inside the sleeping bag which has got a bit wet around here of course but dry inside all right where to get this away the rain there I'm never going to get this in here completely dry but I do the best I can dripping on it as well you can see actually sleeping bag is damp on the outside but that's not gone through to the inside so it still kept me really nice and dry and this sleeping bag although it looks wet it's only damp on the outside so want to get back to the car start drying that off give it a few days days of fluing it and it'll be absolutely fine thank you camping pleas I right let's [Music] go that was actually really enjoyable part from there packing up in the rain with C fingers bit I would wake up now again just be under a sky full of stars and then I'd wake up a bit later and it be raining pull the hood over still is fine and I survived the night safe and well yeah all good thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next time woo you could give it a little piece of M
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 1,026,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild camping, hiking, mountain survival, backpacking, bivi camping, emergency camping
Id: t9NLAIxlWgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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