I Gave My Credit Card to my Girlfriend

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boys we have an hour to kill before any real results come in and probably when the results come it'll take a while for them to trickle on in so i figured we'd kill some time with the best american pastime capitalism buying stuff from the biggest corporation on earth amazon but to do this i'm gonna give my credit card to cutie cinderella anything she picks you guys will vote on and i will have to buy she has access to my credit card she can link anything she wants for any amount of money for up to one hour and then at the end of the hour we'll see what we buy and we'll see how much money she spent not wasted spent used i'm really excited for this it's gonna be so fun hi hello uh what's up with you your mic is weird what we what weird how hello talk again yeah no i'm here oh okay i guess it's coming out of both ears you just sound weird okay what that's fine it's the normal sound weird like like hotter no like morning voice i had morning voice last night was that hot or what are you talking to me or your chat why would i be talking to my chat about how hot my morning voice was do you think i'm really concerned if galactic sphere thought it was hot yeah do you think i have a big ego absolutely well let's do this are you ready your timer starts now now holidays are coming up i love the holidays you love the holidays i want to get to you a little bit of a present what do you think about that whoa now this is awkward uh-huh own it no you don't i got this on an amazon stream yeah i'm pretty sure i got this exact thing on am i crazy chat i've no yeah so i for sure got it because if you open it up right now the fifth picture that's me that's not you no that's that's me i know it's weird sunglasses i don't usually wear them but that is me [Music] yeah so chat vote well okay you know let's just see what chat says chat do you approve okay all right all right so you know you know you know the way to chat's heart i don't know these are just things i want did they like them uh well but you know well i'm excited to keep on shopping i'm getting it i got it i can't really find what i want exactly but this is close enough okay curious to see what you know your chat thinks it we could get maybe like three or four of these question mark you looked up 100 count hot cheetos lime i was hoping for lime and i was hoping for a hundred but i couldn't find lime this is 40. yeah i was hoping for a hundred so you want to get 120 packs of flamin hot cheetos yes please so you need three of them yes you're gonna eat that many cheetos yes that is the first if i give you my credit card the second thing you get are cheetos yes okay we'll put it to a vote i don't think they're gonna say no to anything i want i they they they look out for me so it's like you know okay perfect i need um this maybe this this is nice i don't know this one looks lovely that is a lot of money but i guess it's not my money so doesn't really matter matters but oh that's a lot of money how much is like a lot though like 20 bucks no it's more than that 50. well let's just see what they think you know maybe it's a little out of their price range it's just a nice one for a dog it's a hundred bucks yeah but i think he'll like it oh you know i sent you taupe i'd actually prefer frost well i think he would prefer frost what do you mean he would prefer frost dogs are color blind he loves frost are you sure you don't want the extra large one no it's too much money it's 20 bucks more i'm trying to be reasonable here you made me spend 50 bucks on hot cheetos how is that reasonable well i don't know what you're talking about so are they what are they saying it's the tightest vote we've had tonight really they hate the dog they didn't hate the dog but some people i think we're mad that it's not extra large to be honest really oh my god yeah with so much money yeah you know what i think they're getting enjoyment for me spending money oh okay well i'll keep going i guess this i didn't realize the pace in which you would chug these out yeah i'm doing the print how about we just cap it at midnight you know what i mean by a stroke of midnight like cinderella at the ball i don't know oh this is nice yeah this is a good idea this is my next one what for who those are for slime he really wants them he asked me he did not do that okay then they're for that for me i'm trying to treat myself okay i think they look nice you could buy yourself some too yeah i think we should get matching ones okay all right i think it's a good idea and there's only three in stock what a steal should we get all three and then slime can have a pair yeah maybe because maybe slime wants some yeah i bet he does i was he'll feel left out just ask chat no that's a really good point i was also thinking what if slime wants one yeah are you sure at this point we shouldn't also get some for aiden and for nipper oh crap should we buy the whole house no i was kidding i was kid there's only three in stock all right we don't have to worry about the whole house okay it seems like they are all on board for things for the cat okay what else could the cat need oh i know he needs a friend wait you can't buy kittens on amazon don't buy a [ __ ] kitten i don't want another cat but i do and if chad votes on it okay but it's not an amazon so that sucks what are you gonna do still checking i'm still checking okay that's crazy that you can't buy a cat on amazon that's not that's a good thing have you seen how amazon handles packages the thing about this is is this for the cat or is this for slime i don't know how would something be for both herring yeah it's just some fresh fish i don't think it's fresh really if it's fresh we'll give it to the cat but if it's not we'll give it to slime sure you would appreciate that chat why are you rejecting cat treats that's the one thing i wouldn't mind getting the fish uh my chat voted no on the fish what the heck i don't i don't know why they voted no on the fish slime's gonna be so sad i think they just want you to spend more money more money more money chad stop talking about what you want and how much money can i spend there is no cap on how much money you can spend but you do only have another 30 minutes i get nervous when you say no cap i say it a lot if i send something for five thousand dollars you would just be like whatever that's where my slimes are supposed to come in you trust chat with that decision [Music] yes um my chat thinks i need this so i don't know if they're wrong would you need that i walk around shirtless all the time yeah but you know it's a little different say you say say it say it say you don't like my chest hole i'm not saying that do you do you think it no why did your voice raise when you said that i'm just so busy shopping right now is there a girl version you want maybe that we could set up together nope we could put this one though in our bedroom don't you think what do you mean nope like they just don't have it or you haven't looked but you'd be lonely you know like the cat gets lonely sometimes because there's no other cat yeah so we can get that when we get another cat okay this is a good idea let me send you this one it is a little pricey um i'm just sending it your way not worried about it [Music] is this a necklace yeah no it's just a necklace i'm just gonna i'm just i'm just gonna see how chat what chad thinks about it chat for the love of [ __ ] god you say no to this i get you any pretzel warmer you want i i trust trust uh we'll just let chad vote on it let's just see what they say it does come with free shipping though that's kind of cool oh whoa unexpected wave of nose coming in oh my gosh are you serious yeah i don't know i don't know i thought for sure they would say yes no cap as i said but i mean 33 to 67 numbers don't lie just let me know when you have your next thing [Music] that sucks [Music] they think about this it is cheap but i do think it's fun and it's something for me and my friend to do while we hang out oh great yeah let me take a look cat wine potty pack cat nip wine cat wine set for cat i think it's perfect wait it's alcohol for cats yeah my hobby my cat's hobby here to potty just use vodka like a good streamer why do you have to give cats cat wine uh all right yeah let's see what my chat thinks uh well let me tell you what they loved the cat wine great oh this is fun this just looks like fun what the [ __ ] is this i searched expensive stuff there's no way you would want to ride this it goes 22 miles would you trust yourself on this yeah i'll get a helmet all right chad what do you think here we go anything like 20 bucks over there what's that you really dying for you told me to spend more money i have no problem with this amount of money this price is great i just think that sometimes quality can be found in deals and not wheels all right we'll get a segway i don't think you would ride this me neither but you told me to get expensive [ __ ] so there it is that's great that is great wow it's rated one star oh shoot really yes i just thought it'd be cool for me to like check in what you were doing sometimes where where would you put this to check in what i'm doing i don't know like the bathroom maybe by the shower chat chat please yeah that makes sense you know what let's just leave it to chat though it's bad that it has one star yeah okay my youtube editor sent me this apparently he wants that i don't think i need it but whatever it is i don't care [Music] oh [ __ ] sure sm7b i don't know what it is he just sent it to me you want do you want the shure sm7b honestly i'm still looking oh foot peels i want these foot peels okay can we we're gonna i saw him on tick-tock no for sure but we're gonna have to stick to this one for a moment here because we can't vote on this foot pill's next you yuck yeah i don't know how i don't know i don't really care about the but i do want this foot peel it's coconut so you don't care so you wouldn't mind if they happen to vote no on it if they do it's expensive i understand but the foot pill i'm about to send is 20 and i would love that foot peel yeah i just want a foot peel there's a video honestly let's be real this is more for you than me right why is it for me well you know what what do you mean no i don't know what do you mean have you not talked to chat about like here you know no i haven't talked to chad about anything what would i have to talk to them about cutie i just think you would prefer my feet softer so i should get that foot peel because you like you like you know all right jay yes or no it's coconut flavor not a little feet boy how is it flavored all right two two pack of tick tock foot peely things yeah tick tock we we love it we love the tik tok things okay what is this it's not for sale at least i have my foot peel and my hot cheetos this is going great stop calling me little feet boy i sent you something new are ready you can take your time it's my last 10 minutes sure yeah okay uh huh how to tell if your boyfriend is the antichrist and if he his should you break up with him are you looking for kindle i think i i don't have a kindle so a hardcover maybe sure sure uh is this for you or like yeah i no i'm trying to read it honestly okay for sure for sure for sure even if like hypothetically it was wouldn't be like you know like i don't know what the answer to the book is but it's like you should probably make your own decisions in life you know what i mean yeah i hope i hope the book will help honestly seems like they like the book though great great great great great yeah one way to put it your cart is up to almost two thousand dollars oh my gosh that's crazy oh i need this i'll just throw this in i think i need it all right i think i need it i don't know sure no i'm sure that's right what size was that in i think like a large i like loose clothes sure wow they love it they really love it yeah they really love it and this is for you to wear like you can borrow it if you like it no you know what and i would v-necks not my thing never have been i couldn't find the shirt i wanted to find if you just look at the search bar my boyfriend is i was hoping there was like a shirt that was like uh-huh no yeah yeah that would signify that that makes sense that you would want a shirt that's like that it's a joke though for sure it's funny well i did just buy a bunch of a bunch of games the other day this could be nice uh-huh all right well they said yes wow they are spending a lot of spending so much i didn't think they would i didn't think they would ah i it is making it so much more fun is it yep we're not even at 2 000 yet well it's just a lot of money i wouldn't even stress about it please for the love of god you wouldn't stress about it don't stress about it nothing above 50. nothing about me now no i'm saying don't stress about it you're you're cut you're still cutting out thank you i was thinking this seems like a good idea maybe you know and i think you would like it nothing above 50. it's very expensive a soft-serve machine uh-huh most mcdonald's don't have a working one so this is worth a lot resale value this is literally like like the nicest piece of equipment like we could start a shop with this that'd be cool idea that's a cool idea that's not a real idea that was just remarking how insane it is all right all right all right chat what do you guys think about the vivor commercial ice cream machine 5.3 to 7.4 gallons per hour sorry do you hear that per hour cutie gallons per hour oh that's gonna be so great it's so yeah uh-huh led display auto clean three flavors perfect for restaurants huh doesn't say homes too that's so weird why doesn't it say perfect for restaurants and homes chat said yes uh oh they did yep which means we have to get it but the good news is mad right now no this was so fun but unfortunately it's midnight oh look at that the stroke of midnight the shoe fell off it's time times uh you know what let's just call it a year because honestly i am just like i've built up an appetite after getting this ice cream machine and i don't think i can think of anything else at all that seems it feels like all right yeah you know what i thought okay sure no yeah if you're right it it technically not the hour's not up so if you have a couple more things chad i'm not getting the pretzel maker i'm not getting the pretzel maker the deal's off i don't know what to tell you you [ __ ] me today do you want anything uh-huh what's up me oh i actually would love something can you would you actually would you do that for me well let me see i don't know i'll think about it okay ooh i do need this for sure for sure yeah yeah yeah right here i mean yeah we can vote on it sure sure let's vote on it you know it's in our budget uh you know what the it looks like the voting no but i'll let the vote run a little bit longer yeah i guess they didn't want to spend 82 cents on something for me there is a coupon for eight cents off maybe if you tell them about that uh-huh chat there's a coupon for eight cents off does that sway you guys not a lot of yeses not a lot of yeses well it is a no it is a no it's great uh-huh i'm not mad are you no i'm not mad it's only we're gonna make so much ice cream i thought about not sending that one honestly uh-huh uh-huh but now you get to make all the ice cream but yeah i expect at least five gallons of ice cream made in this house every hour cutie that everyone can enjoy but with three different what do you mean no just because i have the machine doesn't mean i'm gonna use it [Music] that's terrible we should do this again but with your card i don't have that kind of money like a cap then i'll give you 200 but you'll have to pay me back that doesn't seem like the same thing then shocker they want it cool oh that's lactose free ah whatever we'll try it why not okay two minutes i don't know what i'm doing chat is just spamming me some stuff this is why did you send me this i don't want this they don't sell cars on amazon are you kidding what car oh this is not oh it auto-corrected oh i left car oh god okay at a price high-low oh god they're so ugly i just i just oh it it's 1208 you got to link something now what did you think about that how's the last thing you get the rated one star not good looking ugly ugly shoes four stars don't buy yeezys off amazon awful i will get you the pretzel warmer let bygones be bygones the pretzel warmer will be bought i promise all right we're doing the vote right now does anyone even care what sally said you know what it looks like they did a lot of two's flying out right now uh sally would be thrilled that we're not buying the fake pair of yeezys off of amazon oh six hundred dollar pair of fake yeezys today dang it you are uh out of time let's take a look at your cart and what you spent today so okay you know you had exactly one hour i should have made it 30 minutes i think that was the mistake here yeah one hour with my card with chat looking out for my well-being and you bought a lactose-free soft-serve mix a cat toy a soft-serve machine that's good for restaurants super nintendo my girlfriend is stupid shirt oh what i didn't but how to tell if your boyfriend's the antichrist a lego train set uh led lights for a disney castle foot peel a cart for snackies a segway that's crazy cat wine a cardboard cutout a cat tree a cheetos pants i'm sorry three but they only have two turns out one got sold while we were doing it oh my god someone in chat bought it a dog bed 120 bags of cheetos and a mankini do you feel good about your purchases not at all then why did you give them to me you made me do this for your youtube destiny you have to give me a restaurant ice cream machine could have just gotten cat food we still don't have catholics i tried to get a nice thing in your chat it was 33 000 well it made me not want to send them the 20 necklace i actually wanted because they wouldn't say yes you know what i actually need computer monitors you know what i'm getting an ice cream machine so no one's happy no one's happy i will be in a few weeks when i make ice cream all right cutie thank you bye bye thanks for all that stuff i feel bad for spending that much money no it's all right it was only three thousand dollars that's a lot of money that's how much i make a month good thing i don't pay rent huh been meaning to tell you that i'm not paying rent so all right have a good night i thought this would have been a better idea in my head [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 2,089,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud, qtcinderella
Id: EKqzVE02InE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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