Why America's Got Talent Is So Fake

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Tchaikovsky, piano concerto no. 1 first movement

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BaconCipher 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
Oh, the roast! Oh... Violin kebab! Geniuses are born! Not created! And what other better show demonstrates this than Newest batch of cringe material. This one show that all artists and musicians, and anyone with real talent watch, and just cringe at. Because it basically debases everything we've worked for. Just our opinion! - Oh, no, no, no. No opinion. - Yeah, no opinion. So we compiled some... InTeReStInNNnnNnnggG footages that have some sort of relation to music. Let's just see how it goes. My name is Brandon Coprich. I'm 31 years old, and I play the flute. Growing up, my grandmother had all sorts of instruments in the house. While all the other kids were outside playing, I was inside playing on any instrument I can get my hands on. Once I found the flute, music became my life. So I'm a teacher now, so I don't get a chance to perform as much as I'd like to. Someone passionate about music... A teacher... Yep. ...loves the flute, grew up with a musical household. Yeah, sacrificed hanging out with his friends to play more instruments. What could go wrong? I wonder. - Nothing can go wrong. - Mm... Tonight I'm gonna put the flute on the map on the biggest stage of them all! Do you know that Terry too is a flautist? I heard... maybe something like that. You heard in the flautist streets that... Is it [flɔːtɪst] or [flaʊtɪst]? I actually don't know. This is... - [flɔːtɪst]. - No idea. Maybe it's an American thing? [flɔːtɪst]. [flaʊtɪst]. [flaʊtɪst]. "[flɔːtɪst], or [flaʊtɪst]." Oh, okay. Can be both. I know that people like playing them. Does anyone like listening to them? Oh, wow... Why did they have to make these comments about classical music instruments? - They're just trying to make an effect for... TV. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Golden comment. - T, t, t, television effect. Don't judge. Great comedy. Okay. I can't believe this, but I actually relate to Simon's face right now. That G needs to be tuned. - I mean- - I know you're about representing that music life, but... I'm not gonna comment. *gasp* The flautists out there, you could probably make a comment. - I'm not a flautist, but I know like- - We know music. Woodwind players work so hard to make their breaths not noticeable. Yes, the whole goal is to hide the breathing. Yeah. And you breathe when you can when the phrase is ended. You literally hear him go *gasp* Yeah! - It's alright. It's just mainstream television. - Yeah. They don't- They don't need intonation. - I don't think he tuned it as well. - Mainstream. Yeah, he didn't even tune his flute. It doesn't sound in tune, just don't. The mainstream doesn't need to know about tuning or intonation. This is what happens when you can't play in tune, guys. You gotta find other things to compensate. Look at Simon's face. I kinda feel him. You know, I'm starting to get like... a feeling. This is not about talent, but more just random entertainment. - But it's a TV, so it's okay! - It's TV! - AHH IT'S OKAY!! He's got- Yeah! - America's Got Cringe, providing the best cringe! Kids, make sure to practice scales. - Yeah. - Cos if you can't play in tune... - this is what you gotta do. - Do you want to be the next kid on the show? If not, KEEP PRACTICING!! It's a flute, it's not a pole. That's an instrument. The amount of sacrilege- I don't know what to say. This is too much. Why are they booing? Simon is just giving his own opinion. - The director told them to boo probably, like... - Yeah, I think so. "Time to boo!" Since these guys liked it so much... We hated it. I'm gonna say no. You can do it again for them. Good bye. Hey, wait, Simon! Dude, they're like a whole tone- not even a semitone! They're a tone off! Wow... - It's like beginner recorder class again. - Wow... That's actually a talent. Not... I just realised like... he's a teacher. Yeah. Would you want your kids learning from... Give it up! Ay, wait, wait, wait, wait! A. He's playing out of tune. B. He's stripping on stage. - Why did they have to- - Sexual jokes on stage. - Yeah, why did they have to sexualise it for the sake of- - Sexual jokes on stage. - Yeah, why did they have to sexualise it for the sake of- - Art. I mean, I don't know how much art there was, but... - Claiming to be art, and then sexualizing it. It's like- - Yeah, all the- Yeah, that would- Like after all these freaking fake TV stuff that we've seen already with the dubbing and stuff, that just looks so scripted. One of the first things she asked during the interviews, "Did you know Terry also plays the flute?" I heard... maybe something like that. You heard in the flautist streets- The director was the one that told him "You know what? Terry also plays the flute." "Cos he's gonna come on stage with you," - "and you gotta strip." - Yeah... You know why else I think it's scripted? The other guy did not react at all when Terry took the flute. Ay, wait, wait, wait, wait! He was like "Oh, I actually just com-" - Yeah. - "Time to compare now." - They obviously rehearsed this before. - Yeah, yeah. Oh, but we never really know, do we? I hate to be roasting in such hot summer weather. But I'm feeling the temperature go up to freaking- 100 degrees. 500 in the oven. Over a tHoUsAnD!! Let's go to the next one. My name is Patrizio Ratto, and I'm a classical pianist from Italy. Classical pianist from Italy. Maybe this might be more legit. Yeah, I'm... I... I went- I go... yeah. I've never seen America's Got Talent put a clip of someone being that nervous. There's something behind this! Hmm... - Something suspicious. - Hmm... As a child, I was very quiet and shy. So my mother put me on piano class. - Painting him- - You know, painting him as a quiet and shy piano guy. Are you playing an original song? No, it's classical music. - Okay. - Wow. Yes. "What do you play?" "Classical music." "Pffrrrhrrhrrr..." Either Simon is actually just that much of a douchebag, Even if you hate a genre of music, you don't go - "Pfrrrrhrrrhr..." - Yeah, I know. Or, maybe the director asked him to do that. - Yeah, just... "Simon, play your character." - Just maybe. - Don't- Yeah, let's just keep going. - Nah, just- *yawn* WHAT!!? ♪ All around me are familiar- ♪ And they had to put the audio in that as well. *yawn* Did they like, mic him specifically as well? Or like- Why would you portray classical music like that? Look, even if you thought classical music was boring, - or if you're just tired. - Yeah, you don't- It doesn't happen within 10 seconds of starting. - And the cameraman doesn't have a fully zoomed-in... - I know. placed shot that's not moving, and just catch 1 out of the 2000 people in the audience that just happened to yawn. What are the chances? Ah, keep it together! Why kick the piano stool!? - Aw, poor pianists watching this. - Sacrilege! Sorry, the pianists- piianists that are watching this. What is going on?! You know what's going on, Terry. - Stop faking it. - Yeah. Why do they all have to like... strip? There's something about stripping that people just love. Yeah, that's right! Just kidding. Hahaha, just kidding! DON'T standing ova... - Did they literally just give him a standing ovation for it? - I know. His dance is pretty cool. I don't know how to do that, and I can see he put time in it, but- - You could've just danced. - You just do the dancing, it's fine. Why do you have to portray classical music like *yawn* - And then now robot dance... Standing ovation! - And then... and the robot- "Wow!" Yeah, there's nothing against the guy. Like his- the dance is fine. I actually like it. If he just did that, it will be cool. What we're not happy with this is just how the show always needs to dish dirt on classical music. - The flute. - Okay. "Oh, Grieg is not good enough." - But if you strip and play freaking... - Yeah. I don't know. - Hiphop, then he's good. Yeah. - then people will start liking it, guys. Whoa! - What happened to this guy being like shy and nervous? - All shy... I think it's- I- Yeah, that was- definitely was planned. - Remember that we said there was a reason? - Yeah. Dude, look at him! He's not shy at all! He's a confident dude! And now they cheer after the dance, it's like I'm so triggered. Brett, I'm so triggered! I know it's just a video, but... Nah, calm down! AMaZInG! I'm starting to see a formula for America's Got Talent. Start with classical music... Make fun of it. It's boring, it's depressing. And then switch it up with something with like backing track. And something sexual. Body movements, dancing, and some form of taking clothes off. Hey guys. I... I, I'm a musician. What? I just wanna make one point before we go into our last 2 videos. It's not to say that they aren't talented people on the show. And we're not bagging out the contestants. It's clear they don't really care - about talent, actual talent, - Mhm. but more just about views and entertainment. I mean, okay, yeah, we want views as well. But like, the whole point is America's got talent, you want to portray talent to people. Why are you trying to shame this type of music? And it's also sad cos it kind of subcommunicates the message that as an artist, your art is not enough unless you strip or... And again, there are like good performances - on America's Got Talent, so don't get us wrong, but... - Yeah. Now we have just 2 short snippets of other cringe material that aren't music related. - Yeah. - But we think will further illustrate our point that America's Got Talent has strayed so far from what its name claims to be. Yeah. - ...always so sexualised, man... - Here we go. Here we go. Simon would've hit stop by now if he was the same as the flute guy. Yeah, but obviously- There's some reason and some weird stuff going on! - Director said don't hit the stop bottom this time! - I know. Why are you guys cheering that? My understanding of human psychology and our... all the tours that we've been on is... If we were to start stripping, I don't think our hall would immediately stand up - I know. - and give us like a standing ovation. - type of- - Stripping. WHOA!! I mean, I get it like... the narrative they're trying to say is like in the power of confidence in your own body image. - Yeah, maybe... - Maybe the thing they're going for- I don't know what they're trying to go for actually. So fake... - Fake as a 24-karat diamond violin. - So sacrilegious. That moment Simon was like... "Was this 1-million-dollar contract worth selling my soul for?" "AMaZinG!" Golden buzzer!? So planned! "We need some more entertainments!" "Not enough! Talent's not enough!" "We need something else." "Hey, how do we get views?" "Maybe if one contestant" - "accidentally gives himself the golden buzzer!" - Whoa! - Genius! - Wow, that's- Did you see Simon's reaction? I know... He doesn't do that. Or maybe he's not even that mean in real life. He's a nice... just a chill dude. - Yeah. - It's all an act. Hmm... Whatever. Point proven. I mean, do whatever you want. I don't know anymore. I can't give my opinion. I'm just a classical musician. Leave me alone. - I need to practice. - What do we know? I need to practice. I need to practice. We're just two humble musicians. Maybe that's why we haven't made it as musicians! We need to go on America's Got Talent. And... And then strip... - And maybe... - Oh... No, this is bad. - We need to stop before we commit sacrilege. - I know. Alright guys, thank you so much for watching. What do you guys think? Comment below. Please subscribe. And remember, geniuses are born... ...not created. JUST KIDDING! Practice!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 4,046,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, piano, talent, tv, mainstream, singing, dance
Id: C5mTpeUyAog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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