YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE (Classical Music Edition)

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Hey guys! Have you ever been in a classical music concert before, and something funny just came into your mind, or maybe something funny happened on stage, and suddenly you really want to laugh, but you can't because it's bad etiquette? Well, today's video will train you to not laugh. Welcome to... Pewdiepie, please don't copy strike us. We've got a bunch of clips that are... to do with classical music. And if you laugh, you lose. Play along with us! Hold on, is that thing dead? Oh wait. No, it's alive. Nah, didn't work. Didn't laugh. Next. Oh okay. Okay, good! Wait, wait. Push! Push! Push! Push! Why? - Alright, like... - Why- Doctors have way too much time on their hands. Why did he have to spank the- I lost it when he's like spanking the violin. Oh! That's how your instruments are made as well, just FYI. So cello mates with another cello, and a violin is born. What happens- And if it's like... I don't know. But how do you- How about viola? So maybe the cello gives birth to a violin. And the double bass gives birth to a viola. Yeah... Mmm... Mhm, that makes sense. Dammit. We laughed once. That's really funny. That's pretty amazing. I'm surprised she's not like- Choking... - Or the water just- - Choking or like the water's like spraying on the violinists. Are you serious? - Actually? - Dude, what? Is this an actual recital? What I want to know is how do you... Is that piece just playable with one hand? Yeah, it seemed too coincident to be one-handed. - Yeah. - Yeah. I reckon it's fake. Yeah. - It's a publicity stunt. Don't believe everything. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I think I've seen this. Ooh! *laughs* I'm sorry, I can't- She just walked off! She walked off! Oh! Dude, she was just like "Nah, I'm gonna..." "I'm done." Both: I'm done. Wait, where is it? This is here. The guy's like "What do I do!?" "What do I do? I knocked one team member out!" I feel like the rest of the orchestra is oblivious. They don't know what happened. Yeah. Aw, that's amazing. I mean, you shouldn't be laughing at this, but... that was pretty funny. - Even though I saw it coming. - That was pretty funny. Guys, percussion is a... - dangerous occupation. Yeah. - Instrument to play. Always gets me. It's just bad enough to still be a little bit... realistic? Yeah. Imagine Perlman playing like that! I'll actually pay to see that. Hahaha! Yeah, I know right? But how do they dub it? They all just have to like... played it. Someone- But then how do you... - What do they do to the actual violin part? - Oh, the orchestra. And orchestra violin part? It's obviously recorded together unless they have them split. Split tracks. - Or they had an orchestra play it. - Whoever made this had access to an orchestra. - Probably. - They just re-record it. That's so much effort! Yeah. How do you? I love how like... just... relaxed he looks, - but then the sound is all wrong. - It just looks like a professional playing. And this has been tremendously popular. But the complexity of the regulations involved mean that it really is no longer practical to have young boys singing in a choir. And this is a great shame because high male voices have been part of the choir sung for more than 500 years. After a lengthy consultation process, during which we learnt that the surgical solution - was surprisingly unpopular with the choral scholars. - Surgical... Don't cut your balls off. Somebody in the chemistry department came up with a very simple solution. And now all we need is a very large tank of helium. I think I've seen this. Hm. Dude. - It gets me every time. - Can we just pause... - I thought they were on helium already! - It gets me every time. - Hahaha, and then- - And then he got more like that was the helium. Wow, that is high! Can you hit the note that guy's hitting? Maybe that guy on the Guinness World Record can. Yeah, oh yeah. That girl just there like... NO! WHAT'S HE DOING!? Haha, she's laughing at... Look at the kid next to him. That kid is so focused, he's like "Mate, what are you doing?" "What are you doing?" Dude, bravo! - Bravo! - Improvisation on point! Just... That's how I f- That's how, like, I feel when... something goes wrong in like a show. Why? Why? Did the pitch go up? - Right, the pitch AHHhAhHaahH. - AhhAHHahaAhhhah. It was relatively even though. But that was impressive. But it begs the question of why. Yeah. Just- Nah, because this... it was just keep... keep it interesting, yeah. I was gonna say this. It's the only way to keep an opera interesting. Oh, I've seen this one. It's so dumb. This is not even funny, and I jus- - But it's funny. - Yeah. We need the same one on the violin, on the left hand, so when it shifts, it's like... Yeah. Bro, you came in the wrong time. Like, a bar and a half early. No, he came in late! Cuz the pianist already modulated! Nah, this has got to be a dub. Someone dubbed over this. The piano stopped! I know! Maybe this isn't dubbed! Is this real? No, this can't be real. That's pretty funny! - That can't be real... - I've seen it before, but it's still funny. - That would be amazing if that was live TV. - Live... He's like "I don't know when, but I'm just gonna come in." Yeah. - I think I've seen this one. - Yeah, don't laugh. That was some s- Like, power on the down bow. Dun! - It's also like he was getting so into it like... - Dun! Yeah. - the bow he was using... oh, that was amazing. - When the teacher says "use more bow," that's what the teacher meant! Mhm. Duh! - Disclaimer: Don't blame us if you break your bow. - Yeah, I know. "Triple concerto for faucet, water pipes and fiddle." *Polish* I'm not making a comment on that. Are you serious? Dude, this is awesome! When the faucet is more in time than your cellist in your string quartet. - Ohohoh! - Ohh... I'm pretty like... impressed that he figured that out. - I know, he must've been like, in the bath like... - Just playing with the- Zzzzz... "That's a G!" Anyway, Z, z, z. It's got a beat! Yeah! I don't know, man, sounds pretty good to me. Oh man... Dude, these shred videos are geniuses. Who does these? Clever, clever work. Alright, guys. - Oh! - There you have it. Did you laugh? Did you lose? - Did you lose? - Or did you maintain composure like a true classical music audience? Holding it in! Mmm... That's right, guys! Alright, thank you so much for watching. Please subscribe. And we will see you guys next time! Bye bye!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 4,079,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, you laugh you lose, pewdiepie, classical music, humour, comedy, funny, orchestra, symphony
Id: do-xq6VEE4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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