Try Not To Fail

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- I failed, it's Fresh Prince, it's Will Smith. I don't know the song, it's gonna go like this. - Uhhhhh, I wasn't ready for this. Now I'm panicking. - That's some kind of, ugh! ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, we've got a brand new Try Not To challenge for ya. - These are always good, 'cause I always fail. - (FBE) We're going to be putting you through a Try Not To Fail challenge. - That's all I do in life. I don't know if this is gonna be a good idea for me. - Fail is probably one of my second middle names. - (FBE) We're gonna be putting you through a series of tasks, each of which has a distinct goal that needs to be accomplished. If you fail at any of these, you'll be out for that round, but you'll be back in for the next thing. - Okay. So the goal is no points. - (FBE) We're actually gonna be showing you a photo. - Okay. - (FBE) This photo contains several Pixar characters. However, we've replaced two with some pretty obvious non-Pixar characters, and we're gonna see if you can spot them in under one minute. - Whoa, okay, let's go. I'm bracing myself for like 1,000 characters. - And holy [bleep]. So many. - Oh, Christ, what the hell. - Where are you? Where are they? - Oh my God, all of these are Pixar. Uh that's Toy Story, that's all Toy Story, that's all Pixar, Monsters, Inc. - Shrek, Shrek's not Pixar. - Oh gee, Shrek! Found Shrek! - Shoot shoot, oh Shrek! Shrek! - (FBE) 10 seconds, if you wanna start making some guesses. - No, because there's too many of them, [bleep]. - No, no no no! Uh, uh... Meet the Robinsons, no. - I have no idea, these could all possibly be. And it's gonna be something so obvious and ridiculous. - SpongeBob! - (FBE) That is correct! - Oh! I came so close there. Oh my God, that was hard! - (FBE) Alright, so here's who they are. (buzzer rings) - Shrek, no! I was literally looking there the entire time! - SpongeBob was in there!? - (FBE) So for the next round, we're going to be playing the karaoke version to an iconic television theme song that most people seem to know the lyrics to. And we're going to see if you can nail the entire thing. - I'm horrible with lyrics. ("Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme") - Aw no! I don't actually know this one. (buzzer rings) - (laughs) No, guys I don't know it. - (FBE) Three, two, one. - I failed, it's Fresh Prince, it's Will Smith, I don't know the song It's gonna go like this! (buzzer rings) - ♪ In West Philadelphia ♪ ♪ Born and raised ♪ Ah [bleep]. - (FBE) The way it starts is ♪ Now this is the story all about ♪ - Ah, damn it! I did start with the second verse! (buzzer rings) - ♪ So this is a story all about how ♪ ♪ My life got flipped ♪ ♪ Turned upside down ♪ - ♪ And I'd like to take a moment ♪ ♪ Just sit right there, and tell ya ♪ ♪ How (mumbles) Fresh called Bel Air ♪ (buzzer rings) - Eh! Oh [bleep], I don't know what's next! (buzzer rings) - Uh, uh, uh. ♪ In West Philadelphia ♪ ♪ Born and raised ♪ ♪ On the playground ♪ ♪ Is where I spent ♪ ♪ Most of my days ♪ - ♪ Chillin' out, maxin' ♪ ♪ Relaxin' all cool ♪ ♪ And all shootin' some b-ball ♪ ♪ Outside of school ♪ ♪ When a couple of guys ♪ ♪ That were up to no good ♪ ♪ Started makin' trouble ♪ ♪ In my neighborhood ♪ - ♪ I got in one little fight ♪ ♪ And my mom got scared ♪ ♪ She said you're moving ♪ (mumbles) ♪ Bel Air ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ I whistled for a cab ♪ ♪ And when it came near ♪ ♪ It had (mumbles) ♪ ♪ The license plate near ♪ That's... I give up. (buzzer rings) - I'm so mad that I got that wrong. I need to trust my intuition more. I second guess myself, and there's no time for that. - (FBE) So next up, we are gonna show you another photo. - Okay. - (FBE) This is going to be of something you're going to have to make. - [bleep] Okay. - (FBE) You're only gonna be able to see the photo for a few seconds. - Oh shoot. - (FBE) Then we're gonna give you the material you need, and we're gonna see if you can do it. - I think I'll be better at this. - Oh my God, we're making a balloon animal. - No, are you kidding me? No! - Okay, do three of 'em, and then somehow twist it, and then keep going more. - Then those become legs. (sighs) Okay, let's try it. - I could do this. - (laughs) What the [bleep]. - Wait, whoa! I've never actually blown up a balloon before, so like I've never seen it. - (FBE) You gotta go pretty fast to fill it up a little bit. - Can I just take the L? - (FBE) Yes. (buzzer rings) - This is as best as it's gonna get. Wait, how do I knot this? - I had to tie a lot of balloons in high school, when I worked on Student Council, so take that! - Son of a bitch. - It's not staying twisted. - Oh God, I'm just afraid it's gonna pop. (gasps) Okay. - I'm not sure which way it's supposed to go. Okay, okay, okay. - That looks like the tail end of a dog. - I just, I'm not gonna twist this. I'm out of fear. I'm scared that if I twist this, it's going to pop in my face, and then you all will see tears on the video. (buzzer rings) - I gotta make sure the dog's legs are on the right side. - Can it... (laughs) Wait maybe. And it just all came undone. (buzzer rings) - I'm so close! At least it feels like it. - I've come so far! Okay! (laughs) - This is how it's supposed to look! So now is there, maybe like a... I give up. (buzzer rings) - It's a... I'm done. (buzzer rings) - (FBE) I think that's it! - A puppy! Yay! I never thought I'd do this in my entire life, but I did it, and he's beautiful! - Let's give it a little poodle tail. This is so gonna pop. There's no more leeway. That, we're calling it. That's it, I did it! (giggles) - (FBE) So for the penultimate challenge, we are going to be playing you a series of animal noises, and we're going to see if you can correctly name which animal it is. - I've lost all confidence in anything that I can do right now. - (FBE) You'll need to get at least two out of three correct, or you'll get a point. - Okay, I've been to zoos before. I can do this. (animal squawks) - It's a goose! - Is this a goose? - That's a... But here's the thing. It could be a duck or a goose. - Goose. - It's a goose? - I'm gonna go with a goose. Is it a goose? - I'm confident that that's a seagull. (squawks) - (FBE) That is incorrect. That is a goose. - Okay, I'm gonna say goose. - (FBE) That is correct. - Okay, thank God. - See this one sounds more terrifying, so that's why it's a goose. Ducks, love to feed ducks. I'd never feed a goose. (animal screeches) - That's some kind of, ugh. 'Cause sometimes my dog makes that sound. (animal screeches) - What the [bleep]? (animal screeches) - That's definitely a pterodactyl. - Like a hawk? - Just gonna say a deer. - It could be a really weird monkey. - Let's go with a frickin' penguin. (animal screeches) - Is this... is this a fox? - (FBE) That is correct! - (sighs) I've watched documentary shows, and I realized that the smallest animals have the weirdest cries. - Okay, well now we know what the fox says. That's horrifying, I didn't even know that they made a noise. - But that's not what the fox says. They shoulda said "Ah!" (animal squeaks) - I hope that's a chicken. Oh my God, it's not a chicken. (animal squeaks) - A chicken! - Is that a bat? - Is that Cardi B? Okurr? - I'm gonna go with a squirrel. It's a squirrel. It's not a squirrel? - (FBE) No. - It's not a squirrel, ah shoot. - That sounds like nails on a chalkboard. - It sounds like someone sprayed Windex on glass, and started cleaning it until it was squeaky clean. I don't think that's an animal though. - (FBE) That is a pelican. (buzzer rings) - That doesn't sound anything like what they sound like in Finding Nemo. - I wouldn't have gotten that. I like pelicans, they're beautiful. - (FBE) Well finally, we've got the most difficult challenge of them all. - Okay, well, alright. - If this is math, I'm ready to wreck some [bleep]. - (FBE) Let's see how well you remember your long division? - This is so incredibly cruel. - (FBE) We're once again gonna give you one minute to see if you can divide 247 by 17. We're looking for you to show your work and get your answer down to the nearest tenth. - No! I'm so bad at math! - I just took a stats class, like two years ago! It's still in here! (laughs) - One is supposed to go into two, but it can't, so then we do 17, so it goes one, 'cause then 17, so minus that, three, one. - 77, how many times does it go into 77? 17, a lot. - Oh. - (FBE) 20 seconds. - Which is, oh shoot, okay! And then you have to put a zero here. [seven bleeps] - Point nine, uh, 153, minus that is 01, 10. - It's um, it's point uhhhhh... I wasn't ready for this. Now i'm panicking! - (FBE) Pencils down. (buzzer rings) - (FBE) What do ya got? - I got a one, (laughs), so far. (buzzer rings) - 8.3! - (FBE) That is incorrect. - I bet! (buzzer rings) - 10! - (FBE) 10? - 10. (buzzer rings) - 14.6. - (FBE) Ooh! - Was I close? - (FBE) 14.5. - God damn it! (buzzer rings) - 14 and 9/17ths? - (FBE) That is correct! - Yeah, that's not the hardest one guys. A pelican... I was good at math! - That's okay, I tried, and I think that is all that matters. That says I tired, whatever. (buzzer rings) - (FBE) You didn't get through all of the challenges, but with just three points, you are our winner! - Okay, well I feel, I feel like I got a lot farther that I would have ever expected? I went in with low expectations, and I did way better than I thought, so I'm fine. - It's good to fail, because when you fail, you learn. ♪ (harp music) ♪ - (narrator) A public service announcement from the REACT Channel. - Thanks for watching us try not to fail on the REACT Channel. - Wanna see more Try Not Tos? Then be sure to subscribe! - How do you think you'd do on this challenge? Let us know in the comments. - Bye y'all! - If you enjoyed this episode, and want to join the FBE SuperFam, it would really help us grow and sustain on YouTube, and for you guys, we're making sure that each tier is better than the last. So click on the join button at the bottom of this video or click the link in the description. Bye guys!
Channel: REACT
Views: 2,819,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try not to fail, try not to fail challenge, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, try not to laugh, pixar, oneoff1905, laugh challenge, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, kids versus food, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, poker face, the 10s, guess that
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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