Try Not To Touch Challenge Marvel Edition (ft. a Pig)

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- I'm doing it! - (screams) You are? I wanna do it so bad! - I'm breaking the mug! - Ooh, I got the camera! (Chelsea laughs) - That was hard, I'm glad it's gone. ♪ (orchestral intro) ♪ - (FBE) How do you feel about Marvel? - I love... - Love! (laughs) - Okay, good, we love. - Wait, on three. One, two, three. - (both) I love... - It! - Love Marvel. That was terrible. - Probably my favorite fandom out there. - I gotta agree, I love Marvel. I've grew up on Marvel, that's my favorite, like, just franchise in general. - (FBE) Well when you sat down, we asked you not to touch Thor's hammer, that's because this Marvel themed episode is actually a Try Not To Touch Challenge! - Aw. (laughs) - Oh no! - Okay. - What? - But I'm gonna touch it! That's the game! - (FBE) So we'll be bringing out a bunch of different Marvel related objects. - Okay. - (FBE) For any item you cannot resist touching, you'll have to complete a punishment at the end of the episode. - Oh my goodness. - If you can resist everything, you'll win a Get Out Of Punishment Free card for use in a future episode. - Hold the phone! - Oh, that's tempting. - Yeah! - I want that card. - I have one! - You have one? I don't have... - And if I have two, it'd be even better! - I don't have any! - It was worth it. - (FBE) Was it? - No. (laughs) - I've used it once, and it was fantastic. - See, the thing is, I'm the one who usually prefers the punishment. - Oh my God! - (FBE) Well as you can see, your very first item here is Mjolnir. This magical weapon can only be lifted by those who are worthy, and you may have noticed that this particular hammer is also a Nerf gun that shoots lightning bullets. - (both) Shut up! - I was wondering what it was! - Oh my gosh! - Oh, dude! - That's what that was! It's a dart, not a button! - I see the little lightning bolts over there. - Oh yeah, we could like get in a war right now. - (gasps) And there's one up here too! - I wanna play with it so bad. - Same though! - The child in my heart is hurting right now. - Let's go! Wait, can I throw it to him? And he catches it? - Ah this is real, is that the only... - Here, okay, ready? Oh! (thunder crackles) (Ethan yells) - I think if he touches it, I'm not gonna touch it. I can live through him vicariously, just like seeing him do what I was gonna do. - Fine, I'm gonna touch both of 'em. (both laugh) How do I shoot 'em? - Whoa, that's sick! - That was awesome! Oh my God, these shouldn't be for children. - That is so cool. - You already have a card. - Right. - I need a card, 'cause I don't, like... - And this one's like, it's a little tempting, 'cause I like Nerf guns, but like, I'm lilke, it's fine. - I love Thor. I can resist. - Yeah, yeah yeah. - I can resist. - Oof. - I'm gonna pass. - I'm gonna pass too. I got, you know, I know I'm not worthy anyway, so I probably couldn't pick it up. - (FBE) So next we have one of the most satisfying items that we ever feature on Try Not To Touch. - Oh no. - (FBE) Marvel themed sequin pillows with Captain America and Iron Man on them. - (Eric) Oh. - (FBE) Can you resist fixing the sequins? - I kinda like it like this honestly. - You know what, I agree, 'cause I think this is Civil War, like cover. - That's true, you gotta pick a side. - Exactly, Iron Man or Captain America who you gonna pick? I pick Deadpool. (Eric laughs) - Which side would you put it down to though? Captain America or Iron Man? - Depends which movie. (both laugh) - I don't see the reason to resist, I mean we've already lost. - That's true, alright, let's get it! - You wanna be, okay, I'm Iron Man, 'cause he's a billionaire. - (Izzy) No, but... - And he's way cooler. - Captain America has a nice ass, so... - Alright, I can't argue that. (Izzy laughs) - My OCD is killing me right now. At home, you know how if like, there's a blanket that has that like oh, if you rub it this way, it all has to be the one way, and so this is like, I wouldn't allow this. If this was a pillow on my couch. - I can go to Target, and touch like 10 of these for free. You know what I mean? So it's like, I don't really wanna touch these as much, 'cause it's just, it's so abundant, you know what I mean? I never seen a Thor hammer shoot Nerf gun bullets, bro. Like, that's hard, but this, it's a little easier. - This itself is helping actually, that I'm like doing it in my mind. - It's like eating a carrot when you're thinking about eating something like really sweet. - Yeah! (laughs) - Wait, which way do I need to go? - Are you doing it? - Yeah, I'm gonna do it, I can't stand this any more. - (gasps) Oh my God, he did it, he did it! - It's gotta be all the same! - Oh, that sounds so nice. - This is like... - That sounds satisfying. - This is so satisfying. - Just looking at you doing it, it makes me feel whole. - Yeah, wait no, you can't look at it, 'cause you have to do it yourself. - (FBE) So do you think you're gonna stay strong? - Yeah. - Yeah. - This is only the second thing. We can't... - Yeah. - ...forfeit now. - These won't be here to cushion my fall later though. (Kendelle laughs) - (FBE) Next, we've got a Marvel treat that's gonna entice your taste buds. - Mango Fruit Blast from Baskin-Robbins! They're just like the one Ant-Man was trying to sell. If you touch it, you also get to drink it. - Aw, I already touched it. I literally went like that. - Yeah! (laughs) - Just to move it. - Mmm, yeah, mm-hmm. - Wow! - Oh. Ooh mango. - (FBE) Kendelle, did your nose touch it? - No! (laughs) - (FBE) Are you sure? - It did, by accident though! I was just trying to smell it! (laughs) That was by accident! (slowed) Oh, mango! - (FBE) Accident or not, I'm gonna have to count it. - What do you mean? - Oh no! (laughs) - Really? Okay. (laughs) - Then you can almost just drink it. - Really? Fine. (laughs) - Let me know if it's worth it, 'cause this looks really good. - That's pretty sweet, it's pretty good. If you like mango, you'll like this. - Oh man. - I don't care, I love mango, you had me sold. Mango, I wanna try it. - I'm okay. Is it good? I feel like it's very good. - Oh my God, that is... - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. It looks good. - You know what though? I haven't seen Ant-Man. I have no actual like connection to this, so to me, I'm okay. I'm okay. - I have seen Ant-Man, I love Ant-Man. Not a huge fan of mangos. - I'm really thirsty, and this looks really good right now. - You don't need it! - But the Get Out Of Jail. - Mm-hmm! I'm here for you! I'm here to support you now! (laughs) - You were so fast on that, you were just like, you grabbed it. - They just said mango. - You didn't even think about it. - They said mango, nope. My animal instincts kicked in. - That was hard. I'm glad it's gone. It's out of my sight now. - (FBE) So next up, one of my favorite movies, Thor, you may remember, after trying coffee for the first time Thor shouted "Another!" and smashed his mug. - Yes, yes! - (FBE) On the ground. - And you know that that scene, fact, was improvised? That was not scripted. It's one of my favorite scenes. - (FBE) Today we want to give you that same opportunity. - Nooooo! - Oh my God, it's like one of those breakable... - No, no! - Wait, do I get to break it? - But we can't break it now. - Oh there's nothing in it, yeah, I'm breaking this thing. Wow, breakaway stuff's a lot lighter than I thought it would be. - What? - I've like, I've dreamed of going to a rage room, and just smashing everything. - Yeah. - Just got a lot of anger I need to get out right now. - Oh, this is hard. I wanna do this so bad. I didn't think this challenge was gonna be difficult. - I mean, I have a lot of mugs that I could just smash on my own time. But I also just love any opportunity to smash something. - What I'm really interested is touching it just to see what it was made out of. - Oh yeah, right? - To feel it, and that's the thing that's bugging me, is I just wanna feel it, and I don't know why. - I'm doing it! - (screams) You are? I wanna do it so bad! - I'm breaking the mug! - I wanna do it so bad. - I cannot wait. - But I'm winning! - I, don't look at me! Don't look at me! - I don't know what to do! - I don't wanna influence your win or fail. - I don't know, I don't know man. That card sounds really nice. - What are ya thinkin'? - (sighs) I think I'm gonna have to pass. - [Bleep], I'm gonna smash both. - I resist the mango smoothie, I can resist this. - This is a reward! [Bleep] the punishment card! This is a [bleep] reward! - This was definitely worth it! I just wanna... - Another! - Another! - Another! Oh [bleep]! (laughs) - I like it, another! Thank you for the other. (slurps) I still like it! That's enough! - (FBE) Alright, next up. If you ever wanted to sling webs like Spider-Man, now's your chance. - Shut up! - No! - (FBE) We've got a Silly String web-shooter for each of you. - Shut up! I already lost though, right? So. (laughs) - I used to have hella these when I was a kid, dude. I just used to go around like boop, boop, boop, you know? I was really Spider-Man. - He's not my favorite, but I would love to. - I know, we could like... - Fling a web. - Like together, you know? Oh my gosh, you're doing everything! - I'm doing it, okay. How do you... - I'm missing out on life! - Okay, how do I do this, 'cause I wanna do it so bad. Here we go! - (gasps) No, that is so cool! Oh my God! - ♪ Spider-Man, Spider ♪ (laughs) - Think if you shot both of them, and just like. - Psst, and pull myself forward. - Exactly! Just over the table. - That's smart, well I'm convinced. - (FBE) Yep. - (both) Oh! (slowed) Oh! - That's so cool, wait, I gotta double dip it. - I can't help you, 'cause I feel like if I do, it'll count as touching it. - You could touch it if you want. It's really fun, we could do it together! Look at how much fun I'm having. - Ope. - That wasn't very fun. - (laughs) I'm gonna stand up. - That looks so fun! - Okay, here we go! Oh, I got the camera! - Don't mess with us. (whispers) Damn it. - It's not stopping! It won't stop! I don't wanna hit anything, but it won't stop! - Ethan! (yells) Ethan, you're picking all that up. (laughs) - I think this is worth not getting it. (laughs) It is so fun! - You know what, I'm gonna stay strong. - (laughs) Okay, I'll take it back off. - No, let's just move on, next. - You can only be Spider-Man for a little, a short amount of time. - Yeah, no. Or maybe it's cool enough, we're not cool enough. - A short amount of time, that was fun though. - (FBE) Before we get to our last item, we want to remind everyone to subscribe to Try Not To. There will be a few more TNT episodes on REACT to help support this great new channel, but soon, all your favorite Try Not To videos will be airing there, so don't miss it. So finally, you're gonna get a chance to meet the animal that inspired one of our absolute favorite characters from Into The Spider-Verse. - I knew we were gonna be doing, oh, we're gonna meet a pig! (laughs) (Izzy gasps) - (FBE) This is Scarlett, the pot-bellied pig. - Scarlet! - (FBE) She is one year old. - Oh my God, I've never touched a piggy! (squeaks) - I've touched a piggy before. - (FBE) Can you resist? - Don't know if I can. - You are the cutest! - Yes, wow! - I, oh my God, hi. - Wait, who did she inspire? - (FBE) Spider-Ham from... - (Sheila) Oh! - The multiverse! - Okay. - (FBE) Into the multiverse, and from the Spider-Man comics. - Oh, oink, oink, oink, oink. - (whispers) Wow. (pig snorts) Wow! - Aw! - Oh, it did a little sound! - Scarlett Jo-Ham-Son. - Oh my gosh! Dude, you got the puns! - I gotta touch her. - Scarlett! - It's worth it. I say that now, but we won't know here, in a minute. - Right. - (FBE) Scarlett thank you so much for coming in. - (Ashby) Bye Scarlett! - Thank you! It's nothing against you, Scarlett! Nothing against you, it's me, okay? - (FBE) Yeshua, you are our winner today! - Am I though, like, that cute, adorable pig did not get any love and affection from me, because I'm trying to win a challenge. - Well, wait for the punishment. - That's true. - (FBE) Congratulations, you are a winner! So we have a Get Out Of Punishment Free card for you. - Oh, thank you! - (FBE) And Ashby, you're a loser, so we have a punishment for you! - Aw. - I will cherish this a lot. - (Ashby) That's good. - I don't know when, but this will come in handy. - This is great. - (FBE) Guess what guys? It's punishment time! - Yes! - What's our punishment? - (FBE) In honor of the God of Thunder, you'll be taking a shock for every item you touched today. So here's our shock wand. - (Ethan) What's the intensity? - (FBE) You are gonna shock each other, so... - Ah! (laughs) - (FBE) Who wants to be shocked first? - Bro, I already got shocked before! - That is... - It was on the neck. - Startling! - (FBE) So that was Thor's hammer, two coffee mugs, we're giving you one for both, a pot bellied pig, and Spider-Man web-shooters, so five shocks for Eric. You're gonna hold down that button for one second, and then shock him. - What? - You think this is gonna affect the God of Thunder? C'mon, gimme that lightning. - Ow! - Oh, whoa, are you okay? - You're gonna singe my arm hair. - I'm so sorry. - Alright here, do the other one, hit me, hit me! - The other one, okay, ready, ready? - Ooh, come on, in the neck, let's do it! - Oh. - No, I'm joking. - Alright, ready for this one. Ready, ready? - Do it, do it, do it, do it! (electricity crackles) Ooh! - I'll do two real quick. - Back to back, back to back. Get it! - Ready, ready? Boop, oh [bleep]. - Ooh, ooh! - Oh! - If anything, I feel awake! (electricity crackles) - Oh my God! It felt like a static shock, when you like go through carpet with your socks, do you know what I mean? - Okay! - Do you wanna do me more, like twice, or do you wanna like, just get it over with really quick? - Uh, just get it over. It's like. (electricity crackles) - (laughs) Okay, that's two for me. I didn't think it would actually go, but, one, two, three! (electricity crackles) - Okay, oh my gosh, this is scary! - (FBE) Alright Kendelle, we got one more for you. - Ugh! (electricity crackles) - No! (screams) (laughs) (slowed laughing) (laughs) I feel so bad! - I'm not sure if I'm scared of being shocked, or if I'm scared of her hold the button too long and just going (screams)! (Izzy screams) Woo! Yeah, don't hold that button too long. Oh, ah, ah, ugh! - Did I? - (FBE) Yay! - Ugh, yeah, that was not pleasant. - Oh Ethan, don't say that! This is like a shot! (yells) (laughs) (screams) - Oh, I didn't even have to use the button. - (FBE) It charges. - Oh! (Izzy whimpers) Stop recoiling! (elecricity crackles) - (laughs) Ow! - Just do it and get it over with! - I don't want... - Oh God, okay. - No one come for me. (screams) (Ashby laughs) That hurt me more than it hurt you, I don't like this! This is torture for me! Get out of punishment, you do it! Don't look, close your eyes? - Don't look? Ah! (laughs) (Sheila screams) - Let's do it in the other arm. - Go, go! - No, you're gonna have seizures! - Okay, other arm, go, go, go, do it! (electricity crackles) (both scream) - Damn! It's hurting me! - Okay, do this side now. - Ugh! - Go, go! (Sheila screams) One more, one more, one more. - One more, okay. - Go! (laughs) Oh my God. - This is so much! - I'm sweating! Oh! (Sheila screams) - (FBE) You did it! - Why are we doing this? Ugh! - That was insane! - (FBE) Alright guys, so you survived this Marvel Try Not To Touch Challenge! Chelsea, you did very well! You only touched one thing. Kendelle... (Kendelle laughs) Not as well. But we're proud of you anyway. - That was definitely worth it. - I was not expecting to get shocked. - No. - That's the first time we've, I've ever been shocked in any form of punishment, so this was definitely a twist. - Thanks for watching this Marvel Try Not To Touch Challenge on the REACT Channel. - Hey guys, Josh from REACT here. Thank you for watching this Try Not To Touch Marvel Edition. If you liked this, go ahead and subscribe to REACT for more... (glass shatters) - All Try Not Tos are moving over to the Try Not To Channel, so subscribe there now for more challenges!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 2,945,252
Rating: 4.9258127 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Iron Man, Thor, Spider Ham, Try Not To Touch, Try Not To, try not to, try not to touch marvel, try not to touch, touch, cute animals, satisfying, reaction, react, fbe, react channel, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, guess that, secret pro, in one, find the flaws, you're doing it wrong, can people guess, TMI, Most in a minute, do they know it, people vs food, avengers, RCTNT2003, Try Not To Touch Challenge Marvel Edition (ft. a Pig)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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