Try Not Laugh, But Loser has to Sing *ft Jackepticeye

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you laugh you lose oh the challenge is on jacksepticeye probably best youtube all right it's finally a new challenge for real this time we have high stakes jack has suggested himself that the loser has to sing i didn't suggest that you suggested that okay it was my idea i just want to hear you saying bro i don't want to sing at all and the other person gets to pick the the song already are you ready to laugh or not laugh do we get lives or is it just like okay you laughed at that one okay you get three lives and then you die from shame of singing in front to be fair if i die three times over the fourth time probably should be final so uh-huh yeah all right here we go it's not even funny actually [Music] that counts no does that count yourself okay okay cyber is judge what does science say it doesn't count okay the council of cyber spoken yeah if we make each other laugh that doesn't count the meme has to make us laugh yeah turns out i'm not very good at on like chopping no you're not i feel like this is something i would do and it hurts i'm i'm afraid to speak now because i'm afraid i'll just giggle at something and then i'll lose my life i'm not i'm not singing here today i'm laughing at your joke okay fine you really don't want to say it i thought this was r funny yeah i was the funny i thought it was funny but i didn't live a breakdown of my morning shower shampoo 60 seconds soap 90 seconds mentally prepare for whatever [ __ ] the universe has in store for me today 15 minutes damn so relatable that's so relatable i don't really prepare for what the day is about to be though not really i just don't shower same bruh honk if you'd rather be watching the 1999 cinematic masterpiece the mummy starting brandon fraser and rachel wine oh god cringe this is a very reddit pose isn't it yeah that's a reddit [Laughter] it probably just says have an op dude somewhere else on the character we've always felt there's been a bit of a gap in our capabilities so we're really really enthusiastic about announcing this new squad the uh small area urban search and guided evacuation oh they're so cute this is adorable wait this is our cue not [Music] the cars under close up and things like that we're also going to be able to attach them to drones yeah which is you know that's really a game changer for you that's laughs that's a laugh you laughed side side would be the judge that's one strike fine it caught me off guard i wasn't ready for it thank god because i kind of laughed as well okay we'll review the footage fencing the perfect coved sport gloves stab anyone who gets closer than six feet hey not funny though next not funny just factual oh my god that's photoshopped yeah it must be oh i read the type i read the title of it of course it's photoshopped i'm such an idiot yeah dumb i was laughing at you laughing damn it nah i left first okay is that how we do it sure yeah i like those rules two two let's go chat now i can laugh at it let go as somebody who is a tiny child i can relate to this i was very very small this you bro does you like goldman like all right that's great it feels good to laugh i breached the damn so that's two-two right yeah okay i get it cause boat's stuck in river canal it's the same it's land bone the 70 000 of you who have upvoted this i should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves thank you i agree our funnies are cringe sometimes it's uh well that's any subreddit it's true what is it i don't get it oh it's an egg that's it oh it's egg day you look under your dad's beard idiot you deserve it guys and girls and everybody just look under your dad's beards every now and then they didn't check his ass either check your [ __ ] rookies i wish there was a way of filtering videos only yeah wait what is happening oh my god oh that was so hard he's a dog smoker that was a good one dogs are your weak point oh man he's seen some [ __ ] does edgar ever do that does he ever look at the tv and react to it edgar hates sharks and we're watching shark tank and every time the [ __ ] shark comes he loses his goddamn mind every god every animal there's no actual sharks on shark tank you know that right yeah it's just in the outbreaks and also now because of it anything blue on screen he'll just lose my night wow yeah have laughed himself into being able to have loved himself the idiot well he he's not afraid he just thinks he's tough but he's like lamest dog ever they only seen him run yeah that's true the only time he ever barks is that something is like leaving him if a bike passes really fast he's like yeah you better run [ __ ] i trained him well i trained him well okay i like that i like that too i literally i did this to your baby once and i thought it was normal like i told you it feels like a very you thing to do yeah and i stared back at the baby and i didn't see the dad next to the baby going what the hell are you doing and i'm just we were just having a stare off what can you imagine what the [ __ ] are you doing it looks like such a creep so i'm looking at my kid your child was threatening me so i threatened bank what's the problem officer officer probably was a car oh this is the one that looks like ken looks like ken yeah there was someone everywhere but i haven't seen the ken one ah it really looks like hand i saw the shoe when i saw ken and i see nothing else is this some celebrities shoe i think it is i think i read the car oh it definitely looks like him okay meanwhile in the swiss canal all right well this meme is so dead now oh they even made the joke even clearer by putting the thing on top i'm so glad i had no idea where that was going until i saw the photoshop okay that's just kind of awesome yeah this looks like something from a ghibli movie oh yeah it does the little sup monsters oh my god i'm i wasn't laughing at the house you're laughing i laughed that uh come on i didn't count you're laughing yeah okay fine but it didn't count no safe taking hey thank you i will give you a raise oh he's never given you a raise no matter how much he's ever said that oh what was that okay i would consider giving you a raise wow bribery so okay two two we got him nice that was close thanks you're a real g car crashes into building he's watching himself on the news uh dude have your moment you're famous now i like how he checks the phone again just to make sure am i in frame oh they zoomed in time to dance more oh here we go they're definitely me they're crunching me on me gotta do that move again i'm not laughing at this guy if we're laughing at us making fun of it yeah right that's us in 10 years that's us definitely oh i've seen this whoa whoa that skill dude that's some anime [ __ ] deal have you seen those videos where everything just works out perfectly i don't know what they call like humans being awesome or something you have this crazy chance i that's how i want my life to be you just want to be a human being awesome all the time yes if a genie comes knocking that's what they do right knock knock it's me oh hello come in would you like to buy three wishes oh it's a sale [ __ ] pyramid scheme for wishes your ponzi scheme by now everyone's getting in on it he's i'm german too all right if you buy three wishes you can give three wishes to your friends and they can give three wishes to their friends yes the package only costs nine thousand life of opportunity fancy genie uh yeah i'd pick to be able to do this kind of [ __ ] all the time wouldn't that be awesome that is pretty cool yeah that's a good one right mine is just i want to teleport i'm so sick of having to use my likes oh my god dude that's so good i want to fly everywhere i was like yeah but you get tired and you get lazy you don't fly i want to flap my wings you know if you got teleport in hollywood they always ruin all the cool [ __ ] they're like he's going to teleport into a wall or some [ __ ] right yeah that none of that none of that i just teleported just tell them like like the couch with like a beer in my hand can you tell about other things too oh [ __ ] i can teleport like cheetos to my mouth what was this video about again why bother going through your mouth just go directly in your digestive system i don't eat them because i'm hungry i eat them because nom nom tastes good oh you're what you're one of those all right man if only the subreddit was as funny as we are yeah yeah here we go eight-year-old girl there's an impression on her of her mother um hi jennifer so that's pretty good um okay be quiet don't get too close yeah sorry about that um so tonight is gonna be fun yeah they're snapping that's pretty good yeah um yeah the dog is very crazy um so yeah yeah it's going places it's hard to multitask you know yeah that's cute that's sweet you ever got snapped by your parents what did they do actually i got sniped for sure hey mom can i get a hot wow if you were just an annoying kid probably was that brighton oh man the guards behind almost got me i didn't expect that she just gives up okay can we can we laugh now okay i feel like we've broken so many rules it was so mad at us it was funny but i didn't like it sure what's happening in beers how are you just going to push down all at once how oh if one slaps real hard but there would they're going to break what do you think i think one of them will open and that's it german engineering fail [Applause] well done oh it's just one oh and now all the lads get to have [ __ ] ears together that was sick that was pretty sick we've been life though no i was just impressed mm-hmm [Laughter] animals are too funny you forgot where i was trying so hard to listen to what the lady was saying i didn't know what the dog was doing [ __ ] man stealth hundreds meme up on screen i'd laugh at that at this point you want some facebook memes coming up all right we're both at one jack this is it no more jokes no more easy mode oh no it's more pets he's right there i know he hears me oh this is the cat he's trying to get food anytime you put text over animal clips though i kind of zone out really yeah it hurts jack give in give in look at him he's just a tiny little man oh i swallowed it i'm good i'm good yeah you passed that weight yeah yeah two stars that's what i rate this video oh come on get it out of my face it's cute but you put text over and ruined it come on no no i'm a hair judge you don't like text over it why you don't like tick tocks or something what do you say well the cats are fine it's just the dogs it's always like he'd do a heck in bamboozle like okay now you're ruining it what are they doing oh my god the pandas are so cute oh they look so fluffy yeah i want to hug one i'll snap at you [Applause] pandas just want to have a good time it's like dealing with children oh my god they're so annoying but they're so cute dude they are living their best lives oh it hurts it hurts so much okay i'm afraid to speak i'm over it i'm over it whatever pandas you've seen one penny you've seen them all yeah yeah yeah oh my god they're so annoying i wouldn't even bother trying to clean this up what's the point give up yeah that's the point oh god it's so long let me oh oh my god dude okay i'm good i'm good you good yeah not even i'm good i've never laughed once ever true why is it always the animals that get me yeah well because because they're not putting on a pretense they're just themselves dude that's deep yeah you just dissected the internet i oh oh there's a wood picker in my neighborhood this street every morning i can't help but imagine he's thinking damn the tree is impeccable he's good he's a little confused oh but he's got the right spirit i heard a woodpecker for the first time in real life there was one in like a tree uh nearby and he was just doing in uk oh i've never heard it in real life oh [ __ ] there's a lot of them in sweden oh oh no oh no [Music] he's so mad oh [ __ ] that's an angry kitty that's a playful doggy ah diet potato that could have been dangerous that could have been dangerous oh this is i mean i got this is easy oh another animal oh oh oh i had to look away what is that face oh that was so close oh my god another animal jack oh damn it oh it's not a video we're fine can't regretting our choice to go outside if we see a kid fall over i'm fine that's it i'll be done okay let's google child fire no i don't want that in my searching what you dare a gif nah get out of here so woody holland yes tech tips with uncle rob today i'm going to show you how to fix your broken internet okay this might be good unplug your router then wait five seconds plug it back in i never wait the five seconds plug it back in then unplug it again then plug it back in then fill a 55-gallon drum with gasoline you knew something crazy was coming yeah throw your router in the barrel this is such a boomer thing plug the router into a car battery oh good lord poor router whoa then call comcast and tell them to [ __ ] off wow that guy's got it down that guy gets women doesn't get internet my entire uh female demographic just disappeared they went to uncle rob instead oh you come on bro stinky can a cigarette lighter light i know it's not gasoline but i was thinking about it candidly is that enough you know we shouldn't be asking these questions moving on why you like that one no i don't get it elon mask i'll give it a i'll give it a sec [Music] oh okay no no i don't get it like elon musk that's it elon mask that's it that's the joke that's that's the joke oh okay that was at least used a picture of him or something there's no way you're gonna break something like that if we can't be friends anymore if you cry i respect that okay i haven't seen this gas station worker takes precautionary measures after customer refuse to put out a cigarette i have seen this okay so now we will know so who who has a cigarette guy in the fight it's coming it's coming a fire extinguisher i knew it yep [Music] yeah okay it's cool but not funny come on come on yeah that's not really funny it's not a baby or a cat like what's the point yeah baby fall over go high all right have you seen this yeah ah come on i'm not cracking okay that's pretty dope this is dub this is not funny [ __ ] no way that got you [Laughter] oh my god you're such a dad [Laughter] he came out of nowhere i knew the jokes [Music] what do you want ask to be copyrighted do it anymore no no how dare you jack you're banned you're banned for like that's so slow it's a good song actually i like that yeah i'm not gonna lie i felt more like a wave everyone's just cringing when they try and get you with it nah oh yeah but it's a good song totally worth it that's it that's full circle well play jack you may have won this round thank you smash like subscribe if you want more check out jack channel apparently only 12 percent of people 12 that's way too low what the hell happened 88 go down or off i forget which one i said all right that's it bye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,822,891
Rating: 4.975986 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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