The Try Guys Fact Check Fans on the Internet | Glamour

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lol I was in a Try Guys video! I love it!

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/lejean 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

“First we’ll be looking at reddit”


👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Sonic-the-edge-dog 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Reddit reaction = legit

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/healthyexploration 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/findparadise 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

this makes me so happy omg

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/monodramamelodrama 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
i love how everyone's facts about themselves were about their ivy league education and their professional career mine's dildos dildos myself hey i'm ned i'm eugene hey i'm zach and i'm keith we are the try guys and today we're here with glamour to fact check some fans on the internet because you know you can write anything on wikipedia so we're here to get the record straight yeah ned could be single and i could be straight let's do this let's start with reddit oh we're starting with reddit oh boy i left the door open right the dui series cost them 40 000 i can't imagine the money and time and resources that go into such series correct it was a four part series all about driving under the influence where we made a closed course of over a thousand cones we actually got drunk high sleep deprived and we're texting while driving on this closed course it was very expensive to produce both renting the location hiring 15 20 person crew rented a drone i mean i would actually say for a video of that scope and scale forty thousand dollars remarkably cheap that's 10k of video that's not bad however for every video that costs ten thousand we're also making videos that cost three hundred dollars also the safety parameters of filming something legally that is technically illegal boosted some of them have to get a police escort here's a little fun fact it is illegal to drive under the influence even on private property even if you're on a tractor on your farm i think they technically could still arrest us where's the proof dumb but hopeful rights my respect for ned grew tenfold when they talked about the infrastructure for the new company all that paperwork and being responsible for all the employees seems to fall on his shoulders correct especially at the beginning yeah but not entirely true now because we uh we hired employees to take off some of these burdens and make sure everyone has an equal amount of responsibilities rather than net having to do all of it but he certainly does oversee the person who oversees all those things i think out of the four of us i i tend to take on business tasks the hr adjacent tasks not that he's necessarily doing it out of just the goodness of his heart it's because the other three of us would tank the company immediately perhaps yeah but he likes it and he knows how to do it he loves excel eugene made a surprise appearance in brooklyn nine-nine that's true he is he's in one episode and uh apparently had a really fun time none of us were jealous i was in brooklyn nine-nine for just one scene i'm this like haughty front door person to a club yes and you were all so hot oh thank you yeah and then i mean like yeah yeah i was mean i was trying to reject andy sandberg and chelsea perretti from going into this club but they pulled out their phone and pretended to talk to daddy and so i let them in although it is factually incorrect because it wasn't a surprise everybody knew about it illinois oh my gosh they have i guess they would have things about me about me yeah about you wow i didn't know that's crazy coming to illinois state on a french horn scholarship habersberger was involved heavily in performance on campus it's true i did get a french horn scholarship to be a music major however in the preview which is when you go to the college for like a weekend just like to get your bearings and learn about it then you go back home then you actually move into college there were like all these cool activities and i got to do like improv as one of them and i had always been thinking like you know i love doing music but i like performing without a french horn too so i switched my majors and in doing that i lost my pressure in scholarship i've never met someone who's played french horn who talks so much about playing french horn our entire tour with this huge rock performance at the end what was keith's idea he's gonna pop up he wants to do an opera not for an electric guitar solo yeah a french horn solo i mean that's some real nerd now moving on to famous birthdays zack started making short movies as early as age 10 using legos and stuffed animals correct i got this thing the lego steven spielberg movie maker kit absolutely changed my life all my early movies were made in my bedroom and everything i know about filmmaking i know from legos i had that same journey but starting at age 22. and i also use legos and stuffed animals that's actually something that zach and i bonded over because also some of my first movies are lego like stop action just things of like you moving your little figurines around most of my early movies are teddy bear rip-offs of popular movies take three hi i'm zach hornerville producer co-director and co-writer of all teddy movies so i have the bear witch project jurassic park paw wars of course i cringe at my early work ned went to chess camp and built model rockets growing up sounds right sounds right yeah that is true actually i did a week-long summer day camp that was called chess camp just went there and played chess every day learned the rules this is where zach and keith would say nerd yeah that one's that one's i i accept hey chess is getting super cool chess is yeah queen's gambit queen's gambit model rockets spacex october sky spacex yeah basically if you could put an sd's rocket engine in it i tried it zach worked as an intern at the weinstein company and was a production assistant on step up 3d those are both true i had many run-ins with harvey weinstein took that off my resume he is a garbage monster human can confirm but step up 3d my name is in the credits in 3d which is hilarious that's the best kind of credit yeah that's cool but yeah i i was working in the production office i got to go to set a little bit it was just my first exposure to working on a real movie set it was very fun i think i was also in the movie because you're such a good dancer yes yeah yeah yeah i was mainly a choreographer uncredited but yeah moving on to try guys fandom eugene has three dogs named emma pesto and kimbop correct kimbop was the most recent addition they went to a rescue place and brought him back because he seemed the calmest kim bop's a nut i have three dogs my rule is the larger spaces i move into that equates to another dog yeah this was like a condition you gave to your partner on if i got a house for the first time because i always lived in this cruddy little apartment that i thought equaled at least two more dogs or a large duck but he really does not want to pick up big poop ned used to be a chemist and yale graduate and is often teased mainly by zack because of this that's right i was a chemist and a yale graduate i both got a degree in chemistry and i worked as an r d chemist in chicago am i often teased mainly by zack because of it i don't think so you think so mainly by zach but definitely mainly bizarre like anyone doing teasing they all tease him pretty equally and also you have to remember anytime you tease somebody for going to an ivy league school it is out of jealousy it's a dunk on ourselves yes porcelain bow ties comments i think ned's claustrophobic i believe he said it in a video but i don't think eugene is he just doesn't like being touched are you claustrophobic i don't think so no oh our first wrong answer fact check i'm not claustrophobic i'll put it out there i am afraid of heights but a lot of people are and so is keith keith is really afraid of heights yeah the second part of the statement is true i do not like being touched but that's universally known i don't think he loves affection not his favorite but i don't think he hates it as much as he plays or at least that's what we've decided because we like to give him affection corrected maggie once found a giant black latex dildo in zack's pillow zach true that is 100 true i worked on a lonely island music video that had a ton of dicks and so i brought home a bunch of dildos this one specifically had a suction cup on the back so my roommates and i lived with two dudes we would just hide dildos in each other's rooms surprise dildo you could stick it to showers delirious put it in like their medicine cabinet so maggie early in our in our relationship is sleeping over and we get the waft of latex in our room she goes to adjust the pillow and she goes zach what's this i i feel it i grab the dildo and scream no i only wish that when you threw the dildo that it landed on something that it stopped you know i don't know if he did it as a prank on her or if he just happened to forget that it was there knowing zach yeah he forgot i think he just forgot yeah we did get rid of the dildos um mixed feelings about that they kept one on their first date they went to spend some more time together and went for ice cream despite the fact that both maggie and zach are lactose intolerant that is true yeah we had a nice first date and she suggested ice cream and i'm like well i'm not gonna ruin this meanwhile i didn't know that it was also terrible for her so we both uh ate ice cream had a great time and then my brain's out next up we got some wikipedia fulmer previously had a fear of dogs stemming from a doberman attack as a young child but was able to overcome his phobia with the adoption of his dog correct my mom tells the story that a doberman jumped in my stroller as a kid but really i've just kind of been always comfortable around dogs so it wasn't an attack yeah no it wasn't it was just you would know a surprising lunge i don't know if he's 100 over it but he's definitely no we were taking pictures in front of somebody else's house the other day and that person didn't like that and they came out with their big dog and it freaked them out so i will say he's not over it it was really it was a scary bark but he was affected as a child zach appeared in an episode of saturday night live hosted by elijah wood that's true zach loves tell this story zack's a big new york boy he's from somewhere called scarsdale westchester the big lights the fancy jewish neighbors city living i guess i had like a fledgling child acting career that never really went anywhere but i was on snl twice actually uh but only one of them aired first time was with paris hilton and reverend al sharpton hosting and then the next week they brought me back i got to be on with elijah wood maya rudolph horatio sands rachel trash it was the wake up wakefield sketch it was just so cool it's also the same week like literally days apart that i almost lost a testicle equally hilarious stories my rudolph was there for both early on eugene lost his texas accent by the prodding of his sister who told him he might face difficulties getting into ivy league schools that is 100 correct and i do not know why that's in wikipedia wow we grew up in a small texas town and she would hit me on the back of the head every time i would say things like naked or uh oak and she would beat me up because she said i couldn't get to ivy school if i sounded like a back country dick and then she got into an ivy league school yep wow so she was right and now it's time for youtube ah good old youtube now this is very exciting youtube comments exclusively sweet and wonderful i'm honestly very impressed they found anything positive on reddit today we are getting officially sorted into our harry potter houses lindsay stranger comments my guess is for the ending eugene ravenclaw ned gryffindor keith huppelhoff zack slytherin how aw that that is so off so the actual uh results ended up being i was slytherin yeah keith was ravenclaw right and then you and zach were both hufflepuff badger bride we have discovered that as we have aged we have changed uh when i took the test as a wee lad i would get either slytherin or gryffindor depending which is very common and true right very close every test i've ever taken was me as a gryffindor and then we take this real harry potter house's quiz and all of a sudden i'm a hufflepuff and it's a big scandal and you know what i at first wanted to fight it i was resistant and then i realized that maybe 22 year old ned when he was a holy yale university was a gryffindor but family man ned with a baby father of two takes the things a little slower maybe i am a hufflepuff but i do need to get all new merch yeah you only bought gryffindor corrected next up we got buzzfeed fandom let's rewind the clock to our former employer buzzfeed keith and becky have a going to outback steakhouse for valentine's day tradition hell yeah that's true and i like to think that we popularized other people going to outback on valentine's day because the first time we went honestly nobody was there and we thought this is a great choice it was kind of like intentional counter programs yeah we were like oh no one will be there because it's not actually romantic at all so we went and then we bragged about it to all our friends and the next year that i went it was slammed and i was mad and then the next year i went they wouldn't take reservations because they knew how slam they'd get we made a thing where we'd like bring all of our friends we had like a party at eight we'd get a little loaded on the giant beers and then we'd go watch one of the the pony movies that came out like the 50 shades and i typically fell asleep because i drink a lot of beer but it is i kid you not one of the best prime ribs you can buy no matter where you live it's good it's really good where else do you get to order a whole onion and eat it like a king a few other steakhouses but that's the one that really popularized it keith's favorite video game is dance dance revolution incorrect i think his current favorite video game is the mario kart where you can make a little toy car go around your apartment i think this was his favorite video game as a child it's definitely his favorite arcade game it was there's a truth in here there's a truth in here and a deep truth a tea tree i've competed in a ddr competition in high school corrected all right that's it thanks for fact checking the internet with us we'll see you later bye bye i'm a little disappointed that there aren't more falsehoods about us i think we need to spread some more insidious rumors about the try guys what is that keith had an affair with megan merkel and has seven toes
Channel: Glamour
Views: 992,568
Rating: 4.9753571 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, the try guys, fan fact check, glamour fans, glamour fan fact check, the try guys fans, try guys comment section, try guys fans, try guys wives, try guys dating, try guys girlfriends, ned wife, ned try guy, keith try guy, keith habersberger, zach kornfeld, ned fulmer, eugene lee yang, try guys myths, the try guys interview, the try guys 2020, the try guys truths, the try guys rumors, the try guys dui series, the try guys bts, glamour, glamour magazine
Id: rB_Gfp2yMJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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