The Try Guys Try DIY Soap Art ft. Royalty Soaps

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Bring Ariel back so Eugene has some competition up in here

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gwen-gwen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

When Eugene just kept pulling out more and more intricate soaps, you could see Ariel reconsidering her life choices lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Echo952 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's been a while since I've really enjoyed one of their episodes. Classic "The Try Guys Try..." and they all do pretty well. It's a topic that's kind of niche-sounding, but also really accessible if you want to try it (similar to the ballet and baking episodes).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/imperfectchicken πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ariel was so great in this! Dirty soaps is such a clever idea. As usual, Eugene did absurdly well but Ariel managed to one up him, somehow.

I really enjoy when they do artsy/crafty videos!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lalafelina πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such a simple concept but I loved it.

Ariel got a bad rep from the DIY series (which I thought was bs back then) but honestly I get why ned is obsessed with her, lol.

She’s the only one who can give Eugene a run for his money.

What I liked was while Eugenes was prob more creative and a little bit more difficult, Ariel came up with an idea that is universal that most can get on board with. And I loved how she just ran with it, she really seemed like she had a great time.

Made me want to try making soap

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moonorchid84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was so happy to see this collab. I've been a fan of Royalty Soaps and Katie for years, and I was glad to see them together for this video.

As a side note, I have used a few bars of Royalty Soaps, and they're high quality. Katie is very talented!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/extremelymuch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Ariel. She is just as crazy as Ned when it comes to competing. And I always find her reactions to Ned doing crazy stuff amusing. (Think of her reaction to the nede drawing, "is it Keith?" Or her laughing when he shaved his legs.) She does great on the craft challenges like learning to crochet which Ned was not into. I love her quiet determination to crush it. Lol.

And I also loved the DIY series. I think it needed a little tweaking but when she and Becky hung the pictures drunk, I was cracking up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Prize_Celery πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ariel shows up and Eugene is like "finally, a worthy competitor."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/missbunnyfantastico πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Two comments about the comments ;)
-I LOVED the DIY series! I'm surprised to hear someone didn't like it. For me, it's so magical to see that kind of transformation, maybe because I have zero vision for those things.
-I love the artsy/crafty videos too! and definitely Without instructions / without a recipe and the the ones with expert guests are my favorites.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Extreme-Chance-2745 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
today we're making soap this is working i'm pretty into it it's nothing quite like making something out of a mold soap is having a huge year washing your hands has never been cooler i'm finding this very soothing and therapeutic that is amazing never seen soapy so dirty before [Applause] today we're not actually making it from scratch we're gonna start with pre-made base soaps and then try to be as artistic and unique as possible letting our imaginations run wild what have i always dreamt of rubbing over my beautiful body joining us today is katie from royalty sub she's an amazing youtuber and she is going to send us instructions on how to create our own original soap designs and at the end of the video she's going to praise them and tell us how much she would sell them for in her own store my name is katie carson i am the owner of royalty soaps i started the company when i was 17 and then the next year i started doing youtube and then we've been going down that road ever since this is the first video where we have the beautiful ariel actually requesting to replace ned so ariel why are you here it's not often that i see something in ned's calendar and i'm like oh i want to do that but soap has been one of those things that i have been wanting to make for so long so you didn't see like the costume try-ons on this calendar and say oh i want to dress up like a giant penis today hey hon do you know where more breast milk is yes so i'm most excited about the creative expression today you see all these amazing soap videos online of people creating these fantastic designs and for me i'm really leaning heavily into anime i love animation i love japanese animation on tour ned was the legend of love that is the theme that we are going for today i like to use silicone molds because it's really really easy to get the soap out of looks like i've got some heart shaped molds i'll try to do like some sweethearts we've got some cute sort of rock music stuff we've got some classical music stuff as well i asked for these i wanted to have music themed soap today i will be reviving a personal favorite a fan favorite that's right i'm bringing back ugly keith yeah i just loved him so much as a puppet but i gave him to jamie jamie if you're watching i want them back the first thing to make are the embeds which is the flare that goes on top of our soap our inner soap it's basically it's not the base it's all the design elements you add to the base now embed molds come in all shapes and sizes you can get them on amazon you can get them on ebay we've got our two soaps we've got a clear soap and a milk from the goat soap use your white soap if you want pastel colors use your clear soap if you want deeper color or glitter but i do want to see the stuff going on in my soaps right so we're going to use this massive boy we're going to let the goats go back to baster first i'm going to chop my soap up into one inch cubes now this one's already in like this one this is just a bar of soap like am i done if i just wanted to be done could i just say that this is already soaked so we're going to chop this up into one inch cubes okay i've got the biggest knife we have oh that is covered in plastic got it so i know that soap cutting is a thing on youtube nice beautiful oh yeah oh that's satisfying oh yeah wow it cuts like butter but frozen butter i look like i'm part of a cooking show cooking show is soap denim soap with your denim daddy we got some cubes what's next place your funnel picture on your scale hello we got a scale here oh that's only two ounces this is about four ounces maybe i'll make an ugly keith family mr and mrs ugly keys i love that for us i'm gonna heat my white melting port in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds give it a good stir and then check it and if there are no clumps it's ready to pour nope a soap cannot be reheated if it cools down so make sure you start off with a very small batch all right we'll start with them and then use your popsicle sticks to remove any chunks okay great i'm going to cut here and i'm gonna take the other camera with me okay i just dropped all the popsicle sticks what types of mistakes do you think we're likely to make so sometimes when you heat up melt and pour too hot it will bubble and smell very funny so i'd be careful of that all right so 10 seconds 30 seconds we're going to stop it at 10 seconds oh wow it's already melting pretty fast i would keep the melting pour in small increments it can potentially like boil up and out of your containers okay not melted oh now it's basically liquid that's after 20 seconds see that never smelled melted soap oh don't inhale it it really is almost like working with butter oh don't put your face over it and inhale it that's for sure the next step is to add color you can either add the color directly to the pitcher or pour out the soap into one of the small tupperwares i'm gonna pour this into this container and add some color you can see a lot of color options one little drop i have no idea how much of this to pour so i'm gonna just guess all of it oh it's already the film is already setting what there's already a film on this it already gets like a little bit of clumping like a thick film is that supposed to be happening it's already cooling it's already becoming like a goo look at it look at it oh no what have i done wrong this is chunky as [ __ ] bro maybe you have to do all this much quicker because i'm just reading the instructions right now it says mix everything until smooth and consistent this is glue oh my god what what the [ __ ] you see this it is glue immediately this is hard guys i know this is a try guys first over here but i messed something up that's not how it's supposed to be i might have to heat it up again i mean just for like a few seconds because it got all gooped out i don't know are you like to reheat it after it's colored try good thing i read it you have to spray a light layer of alcohol oh no it's already drying oh [ __ ] well i gotta put alcohol in this man i'm so flustered we gotta put alcohol into things and we gotta spray our musical molds with the blue god everything has a [ __ ] safety seal oh no nad i thought i was gonna do so well but i'm already losing so we're gonna spray just a little bit of alcohol it already dried i didn't even have time to spray my mold i got to look up a video because i don't get it straight up how to make soap gotta watch an ad okay i get it now we're gonna do much more prep this time i think we're gonna start with just these little goofy molds so we're gonna spray just a little bit of alcohol to kill the bubbles and look at that they're going away so spray why would i make my own soap i personally like that it's a consumable form of art so it gets used up completely now that i know how to do it i'm going to heat up a bit more than last time so it doesn't dry quite as fast okay it did reheat i love that you think of it as a form of art you know like something that everybody uses every single day with everything melted i'm gonna go ahead and pour that into my mold there is a chance that i have done something horribly wrong but until something explodes i'm just gonna go with it all right we've got liquid again controller spray with alcohol mix wow this fills up way more than i thought it would put it in the piano and the saxophone and the treble clef and the cello look [Music] i did it what are you used to so cause i know a couple of y'all are not putting fragrance in right because of allergies i have crazy allergies if i use the wrong soap or a deodorant i get these horrible rashes on my armpit i understand i have eczema on my hands so that was one of the reasons why making homemade soap was a really really beneficial and helpful thing because it's not nearly as stripping even though this might make his texture horrifying i can't do scented soaps at all but what i do have is tea and again i can put tea in my soap yes you can put hot sauce in it well i mean technically i guess you could uh specifically zadico tico mission chill get yours now over at zadoko tico honestly this one actually looks quite appetizing i would drink this do not drink this but like don't you want to drink that now this seems like something that is easy enough for all of us to do okay at and nobody should be able to excel and make anything like super beautiful and yet we all know eugene's gonna this isn't as improvisational as i thought i think you need a plan to make sure that you have the timing right you know what colors you're using i want this to be really yellow pikachu no clumps no clumps no clumps and then i'm just gonna pour it right into the pikachu molds here we go that's two pikachu faces done so that means each of these pikachu faces is about two ounces pikachu molds are going to start their resting i'm going to move on to the second design which are these really adorable portrait embeds so i want to get light gray so i'm just going to do like a drop of the black just a drop there we go see just getting this grayish color just a little bit of this mica because i know the mica is supposed to give it like a little bit of a sheen now i guess i'll use these eyedroppers if i can make this more exact this is going to be one soap i'm gonna make a very very large soap what is the biggest soap you've ever made i have made a three-tiered full-size cake completely out of soap the bottom layer is going to be a layer of sweethearts and then the top layer is going to have a message on it and it's going to say be mine and here are my letters i made a whole bunch of different ones there is a chance that if i have time i will make dirty soaps isn't that funny dirty soaps this one is going to be very difficult to use it's enormous i'll have to use it on my butt like all at once but i think sit on it i'm making a big big soap and you can see it when i'm all done oh no don't touch it i got an idea i really want to make a cool musically soap make lines with soap to be a staff right then put the treble clef in and then put some notes in so it really feels like sheet music they have this pop this out those are pretty smooth lines that one came out well okay this is working i'm pretty into it i'm gonna cover this well this is gonna get recovered a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more let's go we don't have a lot of time yes yes yes yes yes yes it's melted come on get the chunks out get the gunks out oh it's so cloudy oh it's so bad i worked so [ __ ] hard all right i guess i'll make some [ __ ] [ __ ] so mad so sad i'm making just small mixtures so that i can then tomorrow come back and carve these into different shapes okay so it's day two because uh i got lazy and tired oh wow oh nice it's lumpy i don't know if you can see that the side that was facing up is horrifying looking somehow all of the tea floated to the top like a piece of cheese that's gone terribly bad my plan from here is to get a little bit more of the hot uh whatever it is and i'm gonna use it as glue to affix the facial features onto my teeth pop pop pop this is great okay i got some lip options so that's one way to make the mouth but i had another idea which is to carve out you know this look at me having fun damn there's gonna be a big mouth but guess he's a big keith i feel like scissors would be easier i'm not sure what's funnier on him these big old sexy human lips or this monster mouth it's already funny for people at home who are interested in making soap but maybe think they can't do it you know what would you say to them and why should they give it a go oh you can totally do it you can totally do it it's lots and lots and lots of fun now the hardest thing is going to be glasses wow beautiful lovely perfect loving it i'd start with what the try guys are doing with a melting pour soap base to see if you're interested in it and then i personally have a soap make series called the royal creative academy where i will walk you through every single step these actually got spoiled with a bit of the gray but they kind of look cool i actually like the effect it created i believe i finished and i'm excited to present these to the rest of the guys ariel and katie i did something that i didn't really plan to do and it came out were looking really cool and it's this idea of like letting them stick out i think it's very cute i love how this one is like the surface tension still below it's kind of cool if this works i will be so happy god he looks horrifying we gotta see what's in here this is my 49.99 99.99 oh no oh no this is bad well let's just jump into it let's waste no time i would love to get your feedback and your appraisal on all of our soaps today and katie you're going to give it a retail price as if you were selling it in your own store well i'll kick us off here in fast try guys videos i made what is my magnum opus a beautiful doll named ugly keith and so i decided to revisit a classic but i wanted to channel his inner beauty this time so i proudly present beautiful keith wow that gets up it's crazy hello i'm dean i had to carve glasses out of black soap and i gave him these luscious just kissable [ __ ] lips i'm speechless well continue to hold your breath because no beautiful keith is complete without a beautiful lady wow i don't know why on this one all the tea collected on a horrifying backside and what happens when when soaps come together why they have a little monster baby wow it's your whole family i love it the baby's bigger than keith you have to sell them together it just wouldn't be right to separate a family i would probably put that at anywhere between 22 and 25 for the whole set because each one has so much going on fantastic wow thank you so much i was feeling real good about my soaps and now i'm kind of like oh they're not that cool i wanted to bring music to the bathroom as we all know we all love to sing in the shower not only that but i wanted to keep it quick and classy because you know it's fun to have a really decorative soap but once you start to use it it loses all the decor and then you just got plain soap so i wanted to make slender soap so that really the design lives through the whole experience so i now present my set of three slender symphonic soaps they have little instruments in them that thin they're very they're almost like trading cards credit card soap is probably there's a market for that you just slide it into your wallet wallets are filthy it's true i did do one other soap this was what i wanted to be my opus if you will i use the goat milk is the back so it's very plain then you see the side what i've done here is made sheep easy oh little saxophone i love it that's beautiful i would never know this was your first time making soap that's how good i think those bars are the sales and marketing pitch stellar i can see the etsy listing description right now as far as grading goes the soaps don't weigh that much individually so they wouldn't sell for as much because they won't last as long so if i was gonna put the three soaps together i would probably price them at about four dollars or so a piece for a total of 12. that's absolutely yeah because it's like yes yes i'm happy to hear you say that these would make it look like i it wasn't my first time but i have a lot of soaps over there that would guarantee it's my first time yeah i accidentally made a grading rubric for our art project where capitalism decides the value and i that was a mistake but we'll keep going with it i think that's fine i wanted to make a soap set that was inspired by something i love which is anime and i have five different types of designs so the first one i'll present is called my pokemon bar it looks like this oh my god it's so cute and then on this side you see a controller yes and then i embedded a controller in the second clear layer which i did with glitter and the bottom is just a solid blue wow my next bar i wanted to play with even more layering so i did three different layer solids and i also experimented with mica layers and this is my totoro bar [Music] this is it from the side i love that my third bar is called the sailor moon bar and this is the sailor room bar oh cute i embedded uh different hearts and designs that's the sailor moon symbol and then on the bottom you can see that it's glitter wow i also did it in uh in a pink so you have two different ways wow i got really into the layering idea just because you presented the ways and beds can sit so because i wanted to play with the embed coming out of the box yeah that's the best that's so cute so again just to make it the same this has glitter on the bottom and luna the cat is peeking out over and if you look at it from the top it's the sailor moon bow i am shook that is amazing my last one is just an experiment i did because i was just really inspired by the the mica and the paint and these i call my video game bar which looks like [Music] wow that is amazing i might sell yours individually honestly i don't know if i would group them together because i think that they can stand alone i'd say eight to ten a piece at least so that puts you up near 40. wow yeah thank you let you don't know my life i have funny cameos you're up ariel i was feeling really good about my soaps you guys but you guys did an excellent excellent job but i think i still got you all on the sheer amount of soap that i made so i would like to welcome you all to my etsy store oh my god wow i call it dirty soaps where i have embedded uh naughty words so my favorite one is these two together dadash ned's favorite balls that's one line of soaps that we carry at my etsy store the next line that we have is for valentine's day coming up i have here valentine's day cookies so we've got the goat's milk on the back and then the clear on the front i did the mica with like a like a splash across it you can see that and then i have my jewel collection this is the star of the show right here the be mine it's enormous was that a mold yes it was and it's and then you know if you wanted something a little bit more cost effective for your special someone we have our sale area over here where you can get rejects like that booty get the reef we also have vulva and also want spelled backwards i don't even think you appraise the soaps i think you have to say give her an evaluation on the company i think so yeah i was about to say i mean i appreciate all the try guys soaps but you gave me an entire store first of all i love the large like geometric heart the concept for the mini little dirty hearts is fantastic well over the amount that i could professionally appraise just open the store and sell them and you tell me how much you made you made what 50 pieces of soap and to think that you could have in that time just made one beautiful cake y'all did so good with each new person i was like more and more and more delighted and impressed so i just can't give you enough craze and it really was very easy for anyone out there watching if you're like oh it's going to be too hard i won't be able to do it you absolutely will be able to do it thanks for showing us the beautiful world of molding soaps not molding soaps which i gotta i gotta take care of this i think it's a poopy diaper or something yeah it's funny because you all have the kids [Music] i will say the fact that i'm making this for myself means that i am far more likely to just be like ah [ __ ] it good enough so i'm gonna instead say that i am making an ugly keith for maggie to rub upon her body yeah that's a great idea wait wait no yeah that's a great idea
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,020,256
Rating: 4.978261 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, soap, diy, soap art, diy soap art, crafts, turtorial, learning, how to, learn to, steps, recipe, soap making, soap craft
Id: jZftEs4MjEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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