Truth of God Radio Broadcast 1153-1155 Pastor Gino Jennings & Mr Vegas Raw Footage Debate HD!

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with him there is no God besides him there is no God equal to him there is no God greater than him he have no flaws he have no arrows God don't make no mistakes we thank him for being the true sender and true teacher of holy prophets and holy apostles and we thank him for establishing the only way that's recorded in the Word of God and that's the way of holiness it looks beautiful to see the many that's jammed in here this afternoon here in Jamaica we're glad for those that came last night the Holy Ghost fell last night God knows 29 went down so far the name of Jesus right down to all of you that are hearing you that are watching again we alive internationally this program now has been seen live around the world throughout America and all the Caribbean Australia and Canada you're in Japan you can see it if you in China you can see it we're here today for round two of our discussion they didn't show up last night so yes it's easier than bring a man yeah wrangle man tell mr. Vegas he can come on and come on and appalled bit and make himself comfortable amen to all of my viewers in you that are here and this discussion came about because mr. Vegas I don't know how me he certainly don't know me but he jumped on pastor Jennings and jumped on the truth of God that two or three minute clip that went viral that the world was raging about he weighed in on it and he said that I was a false prophet and I didn't know what I was talking about and there is no Bible to substantiate what I said well I hear that all the time so we gonna give him time we gonna give him time once he get in brother Mike make sure that his microphone is already functioning I want everybody to hear what he's saying the moment I put him to the mic make sure that is plenty of juice I don't want to miss nothing and I don't want our viewers and the many hundreds that I hear to miss anything either what's the hold up brother Bible said now everything is made ready Bible is here we are here Word of God is here most of all we know God is here we know that Almighty God is here our stand is plain and simple holiness is God's Way God don't have more than one way get me in Hindman he only have one way one rule one setup god only have one purpose and that purpose is for us to hear his word and obey his word so mr. Vegas is here thank God for me now as I said before he came and we thank God for him being present as I said before he came and I don't know him he certainly don't know us but he attacked pastor Jennings and he attacked what we preached and he attacked first church that two or three minute clip that went viral the women preachers that was hollering here in Jamaica said some of the same things he said and I'm here in Jamaica for one reason to answer my critics so I believe that if you can criticize what I preached behind my back you can do it just as good to my face now we not gonna have a discussion on a bunch of subjects he said I'm a false prophet he said what I was preaching was wrong and it should not be preached in church and we're gonna deal with this with the Bible not opinion not idea not personal views I'm a Bible preacher and that's all I'm interested in is the Bible so I'm going to turn the microphone over to mr. Vegas and I want to him and I want you to respectfully listen don't interrupt him let's listen clearly at what mr. Vegas have to say brothers and sisters mr. Vegas [Applause] good morning one and all hot F to you all means I come in peace and I commit love nothing to be scared about today I'm here to address statements that pastor Gina Jennings made today I am here to stand with every woman in this world on this planet who is against sexism verbal physical abuse oppressors and cowards I strongly believe that it is my responsibility to stand with you ladies I strongly believe that if I did not take this opportunity to be here I could never live with myself wonderful I didn't plan on bringing scriptures into my conversation because pastor Jeana Janice is a man of Scripture many of my friends said Mr Vegas are you crazy you can't go stand beside pastor Jennings that man is gonna crush you a brother here is laugh-in and he said yes he is but I remember remember I didn't want to bring scriptures but I remember growing up as a boy and my favorite bible scripture was David and Goliath everyone believed that Goliath was gonna crush David ain't it so so yes he is right yes he is wonderful I know you're I know you're beautiful tactics that you used to throw people off pastor I researched you a lot I was a fan of I was a fan of your show but to get back on point I grew up in a board house no electricity no running water very poor I grew up and I saw a mother and I did not see a father I saw a woman that when I started getting older I started wondering wonder if she is God I started wondering where is dad my mom is one of the reason why I'm here my mom she walked around washing clothes sometimes by the river sometimes in a basin that she had us learning to wash and it was just her now when I listen to Pastor Gina Jennings calling females prostitutes for wearing nail polish it instantly read connected we reconnected me with my mom's fingers I saw those blisters I saw those knees ripped if my mom was here now and I saw those nails rift I would be like mama let me get you to a salon so you can fix up them nails for all the work that you've been doing for us for us to eat I could never look on my mom as a I would never look on a lady with lipstick makeup as worse when I see you ladies I see Michelle Obama she wears makeup have you ever heard a scandal with her being a harlot of her being a sex escort of her being a which is the definition of a if you believe putting on some makeup on your face makes you a then somebody needs to get their head checked if you believe wearing some hair on your head qualifies you for the porush status then you get to need you need to get your head checked I'm gonna tell you why we are living in a world this person time where women are losing their hair not by choice but because of pollution because of a bit chlorine that is added into your water it let your hair start fall out it lets your hair front start by loach and let's think about it all these gentleman over on this side ask them how many of them will take you into marriage with your hair front at the back of your head because they're looking at someone who is attractive to make them a wife so if I'm going to see someone with some hair on I would like to know what happened to your hair not that you are a and if pasta Gina Jennings was just addressing the church then maybe you should shut the cameras off from in your church so that no one sees it outside of the church wonderful yes wonderful I know so to think about it you are being called a for something that you did not even have control over there is a place in the United States of America called Flint where the water is poisoned and if we are drinking poison our hair and our nails are going to be damaged that is not the definition of a and let me ask you all a question you come to church today and you wear your cap okay and you wrap your head okay but are you going to go to work tomorrow with the Falls here are you going to go to work tomorrow with any makeup are you gonna go to work tomorrow with anything in nail polish are you gonna go to work and sit beside somebody with paws hair makeup and fingernail polish and that person is a [Applause] so that Bert come here man come here come here you come here yes you yes you yes you yes you how are you are he's 11 he just said if his mama goes to work with someone who is wearing false hair nails and makeup they're a a baby a baby nice round of applause where's it now now this is what we are teaching our young men at this early age this on I didn't come here for applause I get that on stations I didn't come here for approval ratings I came here because of a baby like him who he's now calling woman horse next thing he's gonna be using his speed he's gonna use his hand yes what makes it different [Applause] because that is what is being taught and you disbelieve me about it okay explain to me the amount of murders that is being committed against a woman in Jamaica we are it started it started it doctrine 18 the kids because everybody be quiet just listen everybody be quiet we're we're in the conversation everybody supplied just listen we don't need to continue the cycle can you imagine this young man walking up the Porsche Simpson honorary Porsche Simpson our first female president Prime Minister and say you have also fuzzier Madame Porsche you are a sit here and say he is right because I've seen madam Porsche the Simpson in force here have seen her in makeup I look at Oprah Winfrey with a makeup on and in case y'all don't know what and where base painting comes from it comes from your ancestors we brought it from Africa face painting was a means to know which tribe is we strike it was a way to make us powerful so we can support a baby be indoctrinated by religion that's a woman it was here that makeup is a do you know what is the definition of a young man do you know the definition it means someone who sells themselves it means a yes that's what it means ask your mama and your mama is saying that's not what pastor what does it mean maybe you need to explain what is the definition of a prostitute it means to sell sex please let me know how much time I have because I I don't want to use out everything a pastor coverage survive like a bucket how much time I got just a little bit boil Jenny moderator / you just happen to be go on I got 5 minutes 10 minutes how much you just have a little bit just do good right you doing good yeah boy you're doing good you're doing good Vegas community go to Revelation 5 verse 5 and I want you all to remember that you agreed what a prostitute is you have read that pastor it's okay for pastor to call these women prostitutes history is gonna market history has it documented go to Revelation 5 verse 5 we do one more time J and the tribe of Judah who is the Lion of the tribe of Judah the tribe of Judah get somebody on charge a my church brothers I know you waited for the main speaker who's the Lion of the tribe of Judah Jesus isn't Jesus pastor maybe you can visit Jesus yes sir yes sir yes go to Genesis 38 verse 21 I said I was not gonna bring by a bit because I know sir no sir firemen from back to front make it all over the place brother Gary said no no no mr. Burgess no no no no no not gonna work we're not gonna have you if you can't speak from the Bible I said okay bring it on because we got nothing to fear but fear itself and God does not deal with favoritism so no one is above not go to Chinese 338 verse 31 read it loud so they can hear train let them know that you enter school challenge squeeze and you're very bright then he asked the man of that please scene where's the harlot and that was hopefully by the wayside and they said there was no her go on to first 22 total verse 15 verse 15 yes sir when Judah saw her he thought he taught her to be a harlot because go to the other verse that we had thing I think it's verse verse 22 and he returned to Judah and said I can't find them and also the men of the place say that there was no harlot in this place and verse 24 and he came to pass about three months after that it was told Judah see tomorrow died daughter-in-law had played the harlot and also behold she's the child of boredom and Judah said bring her forth and let her be buried hold on is that a safe Judah that revelation is speaking about so that's a tip maybe you need to max faster before you say no amazing you need to act faster don't don't put yourself out there we got cameras we got cameras here so tuna where the lion came from the lion who pasta acknowledged that his Jesus was out buying prostitutes all right let me finish my point great one finish your porn and then let's get down to Bible let me finish my point great one Judah was out by prostitute Tamar who was promised to his son came down dressed as a prostitute and Judah brought himself onto her and why am i speaking about this because when true God heard that she was pregnant what did he do he said go get her and burn her alive and if she did not take that stuff and if she did not take that see you he would have covered his sins all right mr. Vegas let me finish one last thing pastor fester very close it so what I'm telling you today do not pay attention to the name caller's pay attention to their part and their actions Judah was a man who was my prostitute yet till he wanted to kill prostitutes all right we're done heard from mr. Vegas but you don't have to sit down you can remain standing now I respectfully will sit and enjoy your sermon won't you all right well if you want to sit down and kill United Mexico that'll be up to you that'd be right yes now I hope I get the chance to speak again now brothers and sisters I enjoyed what mr. Vegas have to say but he misrepresented pastor Jenna amen you see if he would have heard the whole message and not a two or three minute clip he would have known that we were not saying at any time that a woman is a because she wear makeup or because she were fake hair or because she wear jewelry had no time did we say a woman is a because she wear those things we were dealing with with the way women look look it's a look and the look of a include makeup now he says it doesn't now let's get down to Bible amen let's get down the Bible now um can we just not just a man I didn't interrupt you I know you told me not to buy a chicken no play the clip no we paid a clip in the minute maybe we pay just a minute just a minute why play the clip just a minute you don't seen the clip no no yeah what I would like for the conversation to hear the clip because us a man you say you did not call the woman horse a minute okay not what I said okay so play the cast a minute let's play the clip let me say this to you I don't know how you used to conducting yourself but long as you in guardhouse you gonna conduct yourself orderly even if they're not used to it let me just make that clear now let's get down to Bible like I said mr. Vegas he misrepresented us because the whole message wasn't plain we were not saying but cost a woman wear makeup she is a because she had on makeup we was dealing with and we ain't just start preaching this no we preach this for years the way the women looked today if a woman is a nurse but yet she's dressed like a cop she looked like a cop you're gonna think she's a cop Amen you not gonna think she's a nurse because she looked like an officer so if a woman look like Jezebel yes you're gonna take cheese wanna Jezebel daughters now mn we're gonna strike this out with the Bible all that talk don't mean nothing either the Bible deal with the look or the Bible does not either it matters how our women look oh you're just a fine looking anyway you want he mentioned about our ancestors I go back further than our ancestors I'm going all the way back to God nevermind ancestors I'm gone all way back to God before we had any ancestors there was God now I want you to follow me in the Bible second King 2nd Kings chapter 9 chapter 9 and we're starting in verse 22 we want to deal with the characteristics of a woman and then we're gonna deal with the same woman the look that went with her kereta amens see this is what a lot of folks done they jumped up too quick and start fighting and passing genders and they thought faster dinners were saying because a woman we're picked up she is a that is not what I was saying politically partially them that hurt the entire message know what I was saying but only them that hurt the two minutes or three minutes they jump I started running and then start saying pass again is hate women I don't hate no woman my mother is a woman I'm married to a god-fearing beautiful woman I have three daughters and I have thousands of women in the truth of God calling me all around the world so any man any man that say I hate women you are lying number one number two if any man says it doesn't matter what a woman wear because the Bible never tell a woman what the where you a liar and I'm gonna deal with you real good with the Bible I don't want Mouse I don't want a pinion we're gonna deal with this with the Bible all right follow me in the Bible 2nd Kings chapter 9 and we're at verse 22 listen and it came to pass and it came to pass when Joe Ram saw Jehu that he said is at peace Jehu yeah and he answered what peace what peace so long as the whoredoms a safe passage any should use the word intent God said it that's right God said it so long as the horn in the Bible says whatsoever things are written a full time is written for our learning I saw it written I learnt it and I said and there's nothing you and nobody else can do about it I'm gonna say what God said here past agendas now whatever thoughts said I'm going said because the thoughts they preach the work and this is the word and I dare you to touch what I said amen now listen at this so long as the whoredoms so long as the order of thy mother Jezebel of dying mother Jezebel man if I will make it plain Jezebel was a but she not him in the battle make it plain sugar pill was a and they said this type of language should not be used in the church where you go and bring some Bible to prove that I should not say what the Bible says that's right if the only excuse you folks can come up with you got children in here that's right the Bible says preach the words that get everybody that's right let the children know what it is let the children know but it's not so they don't become that now listen that debate so long as to whoredoms long as the hold on mother Jezebel the Bible's talking about somebody's mother right that's right yeah man the Bible is clearly talking about somebody's mother Vegas this is she talking about somebody's mother and not only is he talking about the conduct of the mother but the Bible also gonna deal with the look of the mother all right so long as the whoredoms of the mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so he no witchcraft for so many all right that's a conduct now let's stay with the look now second Kings chapter 9 and we're at verse 30 out of it and when Jo was come to Jezreel yeah Jezebel heard of it wait a minute when J who came to Jezreel just affair heard of it heard and she and she Jezebel painted her face and tied her hair and yet what did the Bible says she was the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and how does she look she painted her face it's not a so-called Christian woman or god-fearing woman nowhere in the Bible no way that was walking around looking like Jezebel that's me no way Jezebel was a and she had a look that when twisted you know what I was preaching then is the same thing I'm preaching now if God's women live for God walk for God conduct themselves in a manner that God require then will you look at the holy women of God they should not be looking like Jezebel right now mr. Vegas said is nothing wrong with it that's his mouth when you wear makeup that's face paint right and anytime you do something let me ask you a question mr. Vegas if we do something and it's in vain when you do something in vain is it any good I'll address your questions when you finish speaking no I'm actually you now I will address University not see you now play the tape them accent you now please save the tape you got me live right here now say it again say your exit blows again say your exit words again did all this know I always spend it was you know spec viewers and all of you that I hear you no respect just a minute you know social media you called my name you know how to call this mouth you callin out that he uphill with the pit bull running scared let's get ready to dick in that fight and some alone hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on we're not in here and watched we're not in here mr. Vegas remember yeah and saliva saves your Bible says everything must deal with indecency okay I have an obese and a Bible says the faith dying calls with time brother everything my daughter everything must be done orderly orderly right now everything must be done or delaying it so try to wiggle out of it I did my thing is done in vain I wasn't getting good I wait until you're finished speaking mister vague I'll wait until you're finished speakers in the video let me know if it's gone let me know anything let me know about the baby I went to speak what happened let me know where to speak because reporting authority to your Bible everything must be done Arden that I I did my time I did my time and I big yacht I'm a sailor to come up here ah questions when you finish the minute the Bible said the Apostle Paul disputed in the book of Acts chapter 19 benthic he said I'm out of order let's see am i doing what the Apostle does Acts chapter 19 and at verse 9 all right but when divers were hardened and believed not yet but spake evil of that way before the multitude he departed from them and separated the disciples yeah disputing disputing what we have it now this way you have a go dispute wet daily what daily I dispute often a man if I'm doing what the Bible say do I am in order in the school we're in the school of one siren I'm here in the YWCA disputing them and I'm having a dispute again and I'm in all of men according to what the Bible daily daily and this continue at all I'm in order this way of course I'm doing what the Bible says do not come back and answer the question if anybody whether it's you or me male or female if they do something and it's in vain is it any good I will answer when my time comes around he's afraid yes I will answer when I get my time the frame in the Book of Jeremiah for an adversary I know your tactics I've watched you tear my beautiful inverse serve you if you're not gonna answer none of the questions why are you here why don't you speak your speak your speech if you're not doing your answer the question don't do your speech do your speech and give me my time this is my speech all right continuous message it right here so continued part of my speeches that is the reason why things must be done orderly I God answer the question because if there was a moderator he would have to do his time he would listen he have to do his time you need to moderate it to know what you're talking about no I need a moderator to bring order you need a moderator to know I'm not operating an article positive last ayaats you got an exam daily disputing daily get Paul had a moderator disputing daily did he have a moderator disputing daily paddle with you if Paul had a moderator disputing daily Oh have a moderator on wheat but I'm there Paul had a moderate my time when pasta Paul was disputed in the school of Tyrannus did he have a moderator distributing daily you know what you're talking about and you're able to back up what you said you don't need no moderator the Bible is my margarita the reason the Bible is our moderator all right that couple right answer the question hold on I know it and listen that alone in total you one time but you're acting me to interrupt acts you are watching me to interact you do some I will and a question then I will answer your question time I will answer your question in my time I understand all right are you ready for me to speak I want you to answer you ready for my time ready for you let me know if I got more time I'm ready let me know if I got my time answer - because I understand why you don't like a moderator because you got something nearby Martha's and you want to father a toast to mr. Vegas will you please answer the question goes all your show let me know when you're my time let me know is when is my time listen answer the question I need my time you're wasting time has to given your time now respectfully possible answer the question faster I could not get half an hour are you gone I said I would not get half or know what to make my speech mr. Haggin you've stayed on the subject are you gonna answer the question respectively with Mary up back for the posture do something in mind okay let me answer it any answer you all let me answer you my mom my mom were near party I won by water was my mom because you know I want by sasame let me answer your Bibles Borneo singing your mouth let me answer you Lanier a buy-bust or important thing your mom I see no fibers more important than my mama hold on you know what Jesus mama said Jesus mama said whatever he says do it hold on that's what I want I want to Jesus mama said whatever he said do it hold on now hold on hold on I want Bible all the pipes to get to us I'll give you Bible I'm gonna give you five it I'm gonna give you Bible get vibe I'm gonna give you Bible now one Bible to justify makeup do you realize what this man is saying okay this man is saying the Bible is older than a woman if not what pocket that's what you believe wait a minute I didn't understand did you stand a round of applause if you believe the Bible is older than a woman yes it is let me prove it just a minute let me prove the Bible is the Word of God isn't it let me prove that the word is older than a woman give me the book of John chapter one then give that first one time I'm making lit up what you say imma make you lick it up Vegas Vegas get your tongue ready you're gonna prove to you that the world is older than your mama my mama can't older than e st. John chapter 1 and at verse 1 listen that Saint John chapter 1 verse 1 and verse 1 in the beginning was the word what's your momma back there what's Obama back there answer the question Genesis no no don't go bunch in the way what's your mama in the beginning in the book of Genesis journey was the word beginning was the word and the world and the world was whiskers with dart and [Applause] okay Vegas so if this is you hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on you gotta calm down I'm very calm okay so slow diet when you ask someone a question yes when you ask someone a question when you ask someone a question what do they do when you ask someone a question older than the world yes Cheers yes it's the word god wait you need to give this early dinner is the word God you need to give me time on begging your question is the word card you sent the Bible and the new daily conductor was the word the word argument is is a woman older than the Bible it's a woman older than the Bible yes are you talking over me the Bible who wrote the Bible who wrote the Bible never mind that I don't want that in the beginning who created this book who wrote this book who use pen and paper to give this to you what's this written by a man what this is written by a man still answer my question question so my question is question once it's written by your my Vegas let me kiss you because you don't know what you're told it's written by AmeriGas let me teach of course you don't know what you're talking about it's written by a man answer my question answer my question listen the word and hear my voice just be quiet Vegas let's be quiet cuz you don't know what you're talking about you're talking about let me educate you and let me teach me you gotta tell me Vegas whoa whoa peace give me your Bible brother this is older than a woman accorded to you and your posture brothers and sisters because Vegas just if he knew what the Bible was the Word was the word we wanted I want to say something we want very important to say what I learned Bible if you have the Holy Spirit you will know by a new chapter so can pull ahead whole apartment pulls on oh no don't in God who the Lord O Lord holy holy also to have no beginning you not even God have no ending God always bugs God always will be before there was eight and paper there was the word okay and now I want to be poor it was a nine and an alpha there was the word didn't need a woman that's me oh okay get off me I won't bite I speak if you know it alive if you don't allow me to speak total I I want to speak I want I want I want some help now what I want to say your mouth what I want to say is like an idol you gotta want diver you're leading I want I you're leading sheep I want by rated sheep I want by related sheep I won't play I want you related sheep you brought it you are leading to see what I want you alluded sheet you brought this use it I will be the bigger person here I bought life it was a bigger person here high five let me see what you bigger person let me see let me see what the bigger person the beginning I don't want your mouth I don't want your mouth just a minute no can I speak a minute no can I stand ladies and gentlemen no can I be is it biblical can I speak not opinion can I see idea we want Bible can I see it get up here run off at the mouth pain is made up the time can't I sleep when you get streaked some Bible if you don't want me to speak its Ryan's big Bible so I want to speak Vegas big bye can I speak are you gonna speak Bible can I speak that's the man I speak that's the man cannot a minute just a minute everybody just a minute listen do we want to hear Vegas or do we want to hear Bible do we want to help Vegas or do we want to hear Bible call your chapter and your verse hold on hold on no can I speak now everybody else be quiet call your chapter and your verse sir in all respect you are all your chap you are abilities you are a bullying call me whatever you are a bully and you can't bully me call me you can't bullying me hit your chest and be true the battles brought it the other stream to the battle I'm the birth you can't believe it brother you can't believe it I don't mean you can't believe me brother chapter you can't believe me you can't believe me brother okay can I speak wait one week okay I want Bible can I say I want can I speak all right everybody before I speak everybody be quiet can I speak we're gonna let him speak and see him shine beep we want to see anybody before his eyes meet thank you thank you about it me thank you thank you we won't thank you watch thank you thank you vote and what first thank you he's gonna click you that proves you can wear makeup and also that proves that a woman is older than the world the mana to lies he better clean up all right first and foremost you young man there no you're not no don't say that no you're not don't say that no you're not don't say nothing don't no you're not don't say because you know why you're not older than me let me because God knew me before I knew myself yes you don't know me don't you don't no need for the big passage in it you either debate passage in is or sit down [Applause] hold on hold on you be fabulous okay thank you as the pastor you need to control your sheep debate you need to control your seeing a man let me see I'll set out let me speak to baby they'd be like a man let me reset out let me speak to baby like a real little let me know when you boys set out let me know when you finish all your chapter in verse let me know when you finish in the beginning was sir you called sir get on up there and help when you got to take me down oh you got to take me down in the congregation oh you will get up and help no can I speak take God out McCain i speeded up what they said can I speak all your chest in verse can I speak yes thank you call your chap thank you listen for it shut then thank you control your sheet man control your sheet gets a chef in verse not sure if she gets a chaplain that's all you see come on Vega now first and foremost what I was alluding to and I'm gonna say two things engineer please turn about my microphone that's one God does not deal with favoritism according to your Bible turn about my microphone of one never mind me get your champagne I speak Bible Bible gives me hope by did I speak all your chapter get us be prove that women is older than the world and women can wear makeup back up the two lines that's on the floor I need time to speak screep that we've been wasting time on Vegas master we've been wasting time I respectfully ask old Vegas you got over social media ran off at your mouth now let's get some light come on Vegas can address what I'm saying come on I need to address what I'm saying it is very important oh you're chapped in your posture can you respectfully take your place me on my standing right here well let me go over to your place fully acts that my microphone be turned I'll follow you with the worries thankfully ask for my microphone to be turned out all your chapter and your verse you can go from one end and the Builder to the other get in that Bible that's what we want and if all we don't want your lying mouth I know you smile said your style is I know your style the word you're being recorded you said you are being recorded you better be showcased worldwide all as a pastor who's out of class you are out of control I manage control who are you got a cop down you got a cop down your tester O'Hagan is racing right hold on all your chapter and your verse also woman ice-o-pede word I think Laura I think one I need my microphone to stay of what Oh chapter and the verse that to woman is who than the word so you're so - you're so tonight the Bible says lift up your voice has a trumpet I'm going to shout I'm gonna show okay okay call your chocolate and your verse okay but let's turn the microphone so if you don't want to turn the microphone call your chapter and secondly let me speak let me speak you gotta let me speak you can't ask me a question and you do not give me a chance to answer the question Oh your chapter and your verse you can't say the woman I appeal asking the five minutes to speak oh yeah is your sheep join insults telling me to go to old age that's not gonna work so I will set the order can we be respectful to each other thankful to each other Church can we be respectful to each other your chapter and your verse can we be respectful to each other oh your chapter and your verse you can't even say them now oh they said what I wanted to say before this master got out of control oh your chapter and that women is before the word respectfully pastor you can wear makeup respectfully you can't oh you have there and your verse you should have thought twice before you said no oh no you should have thought twice before you invited before your chap you should have thought twice before you invited me don't you see I'm not even waiver in Chapter don't you see how that evil way buried who got now don't you see that you got now no I won't answer your question you got life you will stop breathing down my neck I'm gonna breathe god no that's why I thank you that's why you did not need a father either that's why you did not need a bottle right now okay survive so I want to answer your question by if you would step aside it's your lines get your bite I need to call your chapter in the verse can you step aside please I'm alright we are cocaine same time okay come on call you let me see I'm gonna get to the Bible to answer your question do it call your chap you need to you need to get back over there buddy hi Bible is there that's nice my Bible is here my Bible is day on your chapter verse okay so let me know when you're ready to move call your chapter verse he says he come to let me know when you're ready to move I want you to defend why water into the words I want to get to your words defend women I want to get to the words but you gotta step over there get it you've got a goal yes very good bye but thank you i'ma stay right here oh my poor lamb now get your chapter in verse calm down get your chapter verse Jay let's go Jane everybody be quiet thank you Vegas thank you it's gonna get Bible thank you justify women wearing makeup and mr. Vegas is going to get Bible that women was here before the word can you imagine such a liar can you imagine such a man who does not know what he's speaking about let's see where chaplain bursts come on son you can use this mic if you like I won't bite you you're good Oh to take the story by Rebecca let's go it's funny right it's funny is this the house of the Lord is this the house of the Lord so that means we should operate order we should operate in an orderly manner just listen all right right let's go let's go let's go to Genesis 24 let's go to Genesis 24 Jay let's go to Genesis 24 first and foremost pastor Jennings does not want to play the tape because you are going to hear stuff that is going to disturb you that's one so let me paraphrase let me paraphrase passage any claim a woman who is wearing jewelry makeup nail polish falls here forth breasts are and prostitutes play the tape play the tape the Bible lady taping on watch your mouth lady tell you then we have a lady tape and we will answer your question lady tape what's your name can you play the tape what's your name can you play the tape we want to get you to the scripture we want to get into the scripture we are not running from the scripture we want to get into the scripture play the tape play the tape play the tape Steve played it they bought from a woman born from a woman listen man that Vegas don't hang they play the tape play the tape now I want you to get Bible for mr. Vegas where a woman exists god G we go our time God does not deal with favoritism I Paula to your Bible play the tape play the tape what are you saying what are you ashamed of ladies come on see play the tape play the tape now we got order play the tape now play the tape all right we're gonna bring this to it in you know why this hypocrite no he ain't got no Bible this interpret this interpret no sorry this people fit know that I taught the Bible to defeat what he said about women play the tape take a seat play the tape all right Vegas take you see it's a lion sit him down he is a liar thief I said I'm pay the tape sit him down play the tape play the tape I'm already here sit him I'm already here brother Mike I'm already here call the police if you got to move me a time to Haiti tape now ladies and gentlemen we come to hear Bible I don't want your mouth I want Bible he got over social media all that bad mouth oh all of a sudden he need to hear the tape let's do it Bible in the beginning was the word everybody be quiet to my viewers this is the same mr. Vegas that got all the mouth alright security I'll him out security I'll show him out I'll shake him out please don't touch me people thought say him hug I'll say him out I'll shake him out I'll say him out take his microphone and I'll see him out I'll take his microphone and usher him out take his microphone and I'll see him out taken microphone and I'll say him out take his microphone just a minute just a minute take his microphone I'll show him out [Applause] take his microphone and usher him out take it microphone I'll show him out I'll say him out I'll say him out I'll show him out and ain't nobody just a minute nobody it's coming in first Church and thank you gonna take over first search not here not yeah not here wait a minute Mathis Mathis if he wants to stay he can stay if he won't if he wanted to go let him go but nobody everybody be seated everybody be seated nobody I've said before and I say again nobody coming in first church and state first just going dance by your music this is God's house [Applause] if you don't conduct yourself right we will usher you out of here now somebody said everybody be quiet they've got some sort mr. Vegas will get over social media and say well it's supposed to be Church and you not supposed to put nobody out let's get some Bible put such a one out of your mix real quick overtake God don't slow around Bible said if any man don't bring it according to this word note that man put such a wand give me the last chapter book of Romans honest my god don't stumble with the word 6 chapter 16 chapter everybody all right this is what he had in mind that he can come in here and take over first church not here is that a man on a planet that I come and crush stretch and take it over Romans chapter 16 not here we'll pick you up by your arms and legs and take you out of here listen that what the Bible said Romans chapter 16 and verse 17 now I beseech you brethren mark them mock them which cause divisions and offenses and offence contrary to the doctrine and which he have learned and avoid them what for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ I won't put such a one out of your myths but such a one out here they come in here it is rotten stuff II never plan to bring Bible who will lie on God like that a woman is older than the Bible if you understood the Bible you will know the Word of God was here before any ink and paper exists let this be a warning to every so-called Bible person in Jamaica whenever you challenge first church don't ever think that you will come in here and take over the church let this be a warning we don't care nothing about nobody's cheap celebrity status the greatest celebrity in here is God finally chapter numbers quickly no Bible I don't want to hear no false prophets mouth I want Bible you can say I'm getting out of what all you want the Apostle Paul disputed and we was having a dispute and he thought he can go running around the board a bit I wanted to follow him and so I did I won Bible a woman is older than the word that's blaspheme that's the first Center I've met that thought that way a woman is older than the world women can wear makeup and he said he come to fight for the women if that's the best little weakling that women can produce he's pitiful everybody must do what the Word of God say do the Bible says this whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning you see I'm not surprised because he's a sinner I don't expect nothing more out of a sinner a sinner don't know the Bible only thing a sinner know how to do is run off at his lying mouth that devil is his father God is our Father and when the devil come in here hey he will take over the church just like God threw him out of heaven where I throw you out of here are you listening if he was in a mosque he would have been removed quicker he feels in a master with a hoisting bluff over their head but such a one out of your myths all right ladies and gentlemen you that are watching he was watching the dispute between me and a liar he's an entertainer named mr. Vegas who's upset because he wanted women to be negative because rappers loved to see women negative so they can exploit them had the mone videos shaking their breasts shaking their backside and for some strange reason he thought he can come in run his mouth off and to all my viewers no need to go write me and say you didn't kill him a chance to talk the whole time he talked I said quiet didn't I do it when it was my turn I wanted to question him when you know what you're talking about you will answer the question not keep running around the bush we asked a question answer it that ain't no woman that exists before the world that would make on greater than God I love my mother but my god man won't put up before God all right let's go to work in the Bible 16 chapter book of Romans and find what I want all right let's have it Romans chapter 16 and we're at verse 17 Parliament now I beseech you brethren I defeat you better mark them which cause divisions mark them which cause division and our fences and offense contrary to the doctrine that doctrine is God is the word the doctrine is not one minutes before the word he thought the Bayeux who began when it was printed how foolish the work had no beginning thank God in a word have no ending but it's now been since you brethren mark them you brethren mark them which cause divisions Lockton not them mark them which cause divisions and offenses and offenses contrary to the doctors here will you stand for the truth you gotta fight everything Paul said a foot would beasts at ephesus now I'm here in Jamaica fighting would be after the manner of men this spirit enemy listen mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which he have learned and right unavoidable I avoid them you see what a false prophet do they tried to invite the audience in what they say it which prolong what they saying but they never give Bible that's why I tell the audience be quiet don't even answer him don't even participate let them just run off at the mouth we want Bible the truth of God live and breathe Bible I'll fight everybody with the Bible I don't fight you with a word of mouth and if you can't give Bible then sit down if you can't sit down then go out and if you don't go out we'll remove you out let this be a warning to anybody that stepped in first just a challenge at any time you think you can come in any of the first churches of the Lord Jesus Christ and think you can take it over be prepared to be picked up and ushered out he then put such a one out of your mitts all right what is that for there are such serve none of Lord Jesus Christ what they that are such served none our Lord Jesus Christ will you bring stuff contribute to the doctrine you ain't serving the Lord Jesus Christ the Scriptures he got ain't got nothin to do with the subject nothin all right but their own building what but for there are such serve none our Lord Jesus Christ yes but their own belly island at it and by good words wait a minute by good words and fair speeches and fast speech deceive the hearts of the simple when you try to talk about your mother the whole purpose was to gain sympathy from the audience my mother used to be a sinner but when it comes to the Bible I'm not moving for my mother my wife used to be a sinner but when it come to the Word of God I'm not moving from my wife Jesus had a mother named Mary I believe what she said Mary said whatsoever Jesus said you do that dude and Jesus says search the Scriptures I don't want him to search his mouth I want them to search scriptures so when any man come here to defeat pastor generous I don't want your mouth that's why I have men and pressed them action for Bible some folks may said well why you do that because I know come give none and I pressed them found them stay on him I won by boat my god man if he would've gave Bible to justify women wearing makeup or if he would've gave Bible that his mother or my mother was here before God I would have stood up shook his hand and said you're right I'm wrong for it take got the will you go opposite from the Bible I'll fight you all day and fight you all night all right now I'm a seat you brethren they said our hands sisters put on paint and gave them power paint don't give your power the Holy Ghost give your power that's right Bible say you shall receive power after you paint your face no no no you shall receive power after you put on makeup you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost come upon you oh it's a god I know many of you ain't never seen nothing like this but that's what happened when the devil step in guardhouse [Applause] someone said passage enters but that shouldn't happen in God house the Bible said there was war where well it happened in heaven before it happened today it happened in heaven before it happened here in Kingston and have got to out the devil we are through Vegas out then that Vegas is a child of the devil we will do to him what the Lord done to his father well so yeah but ain't no man coming in first Church this ain't Charleston South Carolina this ain't no church will you think you can come in and hold us up then you can come in here and act like a fool and you think the love of Jesus is we understand we understand no will you get out of order we're gonna push you in order What did he say now I beseech you brethren make sure you find what I want all right now I beseech you brethren I beseech you about mark them which cause division nakka nakka nakka nakka they're gonna take up all our television time we're taught no this supposed to be a Bible discussion and when I ask for Bible he's supposed to give it when a man asks me for Bible like brother Evans the last time I was here F is ax me for Bible I cooperated and gave me I asked every survival he cooperated and David but he gave the wrong scripture [Applause] but at least he tried to give back even when I debated in the Nation of Islam when I asked him for Bible even they made an attempt to go get scripture when I had to beat it Rodney Mohammed an axial Bible riding Muhammad knew he didn't have no Bible so he said ain't giving no Bible and he walked out because he knew when I came up to the stage I'm gonna ask for Bible first Corinthians chapter 5 and at verse 13 having it but then that are without God judges damn what them that are without God judges then that I without God judge therefore put away put away from among yourselves some among yourselves that wicked person what should we do it get wicked person put away from among yourselves that wicked person what did the love of God that put away from among yourselves that wicked person is that Bible did we obey that another matter who don't agree with it I have to follow that like I got to follow acts 2:38 don't ever let nobody come into the first churches of the Lord Jesus Christ in Jamaica and think they can take over the church new brothers put them out always keep order and I write Isaac I don't know what they think this is you think you can come in first Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and do all that talk and no Bible and use up our air time just so you can say I debated pastor Jenna's that don't mean nothing only thing means something with buses Bible what did the Bible say captain but 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and at verse 13 and at but then done always out God judges they that are without God judges God's judgment therefore put away from a net on yourselves God judge and what therefore put away from among yourselves put away from a mountain of check that wicked person that what that wicked person was he wicked what did the Bible tell us to do it put away from among yourselves that wicked person like I said before we're not afraid of nobody in the world when you come to debate pastor Jennings come with Bible why bother my brother why bother my brother my brother sitting here minding his business with the Bible open amen why attack him the reason why he attacked him is they try to use up more time we are about Bible amen I don't want your mouth we are about Bible I don't want nobody's mouth if we are about Bible and when a man getting up there talking talking the Bible says prove all things that's right and then what is that amen and all I did everybody listen all I did was warning him to prove that it's all right for God women that are holy and see and sanctified to wear makeup and jewelry and give me Bible to justify and Bible where the woman exists but for the word of God it ain't no one living God Bible to justify neither no this is Bible talking not pastor Jennings but then that I without God judges give chapter that's 1st Corinthians 5 still in verse 13 you know if you get mad get mad at the Bible that's run it is nobody gonna stand here and keep talking and talking with no Bible run listen but then that I without God judges I'll be back in August God willing I'll be back in office amen I'll be back in August and if there's anybody else in Jamaica got Bible well women you got Bible do you got Bible you got Bible that women we ain't gettin with none else I don't want to hear nothing else I don't want to hear nothing else all I want is Bible where the women can't look like just a bell that's what I'm dealing with I want Bible you raise your hand because you got Bible what you wanted to make me about it I don't want a lot what you want to debate pathogen is about assalamualaikum silicum salaam what you want to debate passage you Sunni Muslim your muscle all right brother Muslim what you wanted to beat passage in is about he pork all right come on to the microphone all right get him a microphone quick get him a microphone quick now you better move quick he's where this old in a shadow right just me and it came up God and not at me to drink like all right brothers don't move slow give the Muslim brother microphone please don't move slow give them the microphone please aye Salam alaikum peace and blessings what's taking you brother so long with a microphone down to my viewers everybody sit down and be quiet everybody be quiet and pay attention what's your name brother brother Rasul yes sir brother Russell we thank you for being present we're gonna deal with Bible all right we're just gonna deal with Bibles you can bring up Quran all you want well I'm dealing with Bible not dinner with Quran I'm dealing with Bible now make sure this microphone is working I don't wanna hear it out don't you because according to Islam they supposed to know how to protect conduct themselves whether they in church mosque or synagogue correct all right now you want to talk to me about pork brother Russell had the microphone peace to everybody first at first before I get into it I want to say I'm glad to meet you pleasure to meet you too brother I respect you I like what you teach yes sir argument of who's right or who's wrong yes sir I'm here because I don't know everything right so I don't know everything I don't care where I learned from only the pure even tones oh yeah it's true yes sir turned on my TV and I saw your group on the TV I was kind of Islam yes most people do things the way you set up your congregation just like the nation everything I thought it was the nation Islam yes sir and before I get into it let me let me say this Nation of Islam is something different yes it is it's something different I agree so when you beat up on the Muslims ordination Islam don't say it's the Muslims you beat up on all right you understand I see some of your stuff and tell you the truth you miss them all all right you understand yes sir but that's not the Muslim yes sir in order to Muslims there are certain things we have to follow I agree where it's not that all of those things we believe in one God we don't believe in no other God yes sir we believe in one God we don't believe in another but one all right no my thing is the other day I watch you a lot yeah I watch everybody because I like to learn and I was one thing and I heard a brother on the youtubes ask you is it okay to eat pork yes and you said yes yes very proudly yes yes eat anything God make nothing unclean all right bless it and eat it that's what I've been growing up that's what I was raised yeah to teach myself but the Bible tells me yes in the beginning when God creates I don't know the Bible like you that's all right right I cannot tell you about probably something that will ask you where it is you can't I can quote if what you tell me where to find yes sir but anyway when God created heaven and earth and humans in all day he gave them instruction as to what to eat yes and what not to eat yes what to do what not to do you understand Jesus will you call Jesus I call him ISA ISA yes yes we say the same right but Jesus came and he said think not that I come to change the law I think not that I come to change the law what did you come to do fulfill it right explain it to them when they know it but they didn't understand it good well somebody didn't understand it so he came to explain it just like he did with the Saba yes he explained it to them say if something is happy it's not by purpose that you broke the Sabbath but there's an incident so do the incident and continue the thing see for me you probably know today's Ramadan yes it is you understand and certain things can happen in accident that might cause me to slip up with my Ramadan but it won't be intentional so I keep going anyway God said don't worry the poor by this big oaf and the chewing of the corn yes he tells you what to eat and not to eat yes and one of them was the poor yes the swine right Jesus said which I accept as my prophet yes sir that he didn't come to change any law and any man changing law it would be required of him you might know the scripture better than is not heaven and earth shall pass away but none of these scriptures none of these words shall pass away and you just said today a little while ago God don't make mistakes right and I believe that yes but then I came a man named Paul yes who to this day I cannot understand where he got his authority from to change God's law do you believe that Paul change God yes I did so God said don't do it and flaws they do it if God's a circumcised and Paul said don't circumcise do you begun let me ask you seven brothers Russell you believe you said you don't know where Paul got his authority from to change God's law he didn't change it but I do want to show you where he got his authority from to change the law he didn't change the law you see by his Lord no it wasn't Paul's law did the Bible ever say it was Paul's law right all right now can I help ya yes yes sir seven of the clean and unclean but no I never say God and make nothing unclean well Paul said and he said eat God make nothing I'm P blessed now brother Russell first of all let's see where Paul god is knowledge from in the book of Galatians chapter one and we'll start reading at verse 11 that's what but I certify you brethren that I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me that gospel this is Paul preaching Paul said that gospel that he preached is not after man now if he said is not after man he let you know it didn't come from him either because just a minute because he's a man all right why another received it of man and neither did he get his teaching of man neither was I taught it nor was he taught it but by the revelation of Jesus drug it was revealed to Paul what to preach so Paul got his message the same way the prophets got theirs they got it by the self same spirit the one God of the universe now shouldn't it if Paul got the message from God yes as the other prophets our apostle yes shouldn't it be the same message it is the same as no eat pork imma show you what circumcise yes shouldn't be the same it is the same you just don't understand what it means you eat for no but I don't eat it because the Old Testament said though I eat I don't eat it because I don't like what I mean I don't eat beef what I mean is that you you okay I must show you why no if God said don't do it listen brother Rasool yeah let me explain what it meant all right let me explain what the Old Testament meet to abstain from represent in the New Testament you see in the Old Testament it was a lot of fleshy ordinances Commandments fulfill the flesh for the satisfaction of the flesh you offered up sacrifices Granof enough sacrifices now you're offering up lambs or you're offered up goats but were you offered up the meat offering it couldn't have a spot it couldn't have a blimp well yeah we ain't doing it now because the Bible don't command it for it to be done now you change that God brought about change just a minute let me answer you the reason why let me help listen there are things that God gave under the time of Moses that was good for Israel we're not doing it now they were baptized in the cloud in the sea under Moses wave baptized in the cloud in a sea under Moses now they took blood from the unspotted lamb put it over the door post so the Death Angel can pass back we're not putting blood of a lamb now over our dough pause the doorpost yes we are covered by blood of the lamb and that lamb is Jesus I want to teach you now the Old Testament port the Old Testament dietary law the Old Testament was a shadow for the law follow me in your Bible in the book of Hebrews 2:10 and rat verse 1 listen for the law having a shadow of good things to come now brother Russell that's your shadow right owner on the floor correct but is that actually you you're the actual person but that's the shadow so Arasu would be the actual good thing to come the shadow is not the real thing but it look like it it moves like it what I think the real thing listen at the Bible you believe in Old Testament now what came in the New Testament from the all we still also so that's what I say you don't no longer believe in Old Testament I believe the Bible Jesus says this all things must be fulfilled so so you still accept the Old Testament let me answer your brother jesus said all things must be fulfilled that are written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me so there are many things in the Old Testament that did not come in the New Testament exactly but it don't change you said got a lot no change you don't make mistakes all right God don't change and he don't make mistakes let me finish God don't change but God changed things does he not now are you not gonna change his laws and his be changes law then something was wrong No yes if he changed his law then he did something wrong all right didn't do anything wrong all right that's all I would let alright let's let me how you look at because if you go by the law can the Lord make you perfect if I follow the law the Lord can make you perfect if I follow the law alright let's see what the Bible says about that in the book of Hebrews chapter 8 follow me verse 7 yes follow me in the Bible follow me in the Bible Hebrews chapter 8 in advert seven for if that first covenant had been faultless if the first covenant had no fault then should no place have been sought for the second and it wasn't been no place for the second for finding fault with them finding fault with them he says behold the day's come saith the Lord yeah then I will make a new covenant you see the Lord came and made a new covenant with the house of because God found there was thought in the people and what the people was found there's no fault in God God's Word was their fault can I can I finish brother there's no fault in God but many of the alternate sins let me Hanser you in Romans chapter 8 that's what Romans 8 in that verse 3 yeah but what the law could not do listen there's certain things that law couldn't do I know I don't want you think I'm making this up there were certain things the law could not do the book said for what the law could not do the Bible said what that law could not do in that it was weak that law was weak through the flesh here the flesh God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful father's death by a thought I thought back in Hebrews chapter 8 and at verse 8 as white refining finding fault with them he says behold the days come saith silence after Lord when I will make a new covenant you see a new promise what is the promised land for God's people now is it the land of Canaan or would it be New Jerusalem because you said that he didn't change it was New Jerusalem correct so a change was made I never said God don't turn change change things I don't agree with you I said the Lord that he gave if he gave me a Lord not to do and then tell me later to do that means that something was wrong in that all right now you know Moses allowed them to divorce their wife Moses did correct I think so yeah but God says from the beginning it wasn't so that's what God says Moo's God says his real intentions was not divorced in fact God went as far as saying he divorced but Moses says you can divorce him God God said he hates it good point good point good brother eh yeah good point so that God's intention none of this is what we're going through it was God's intention one another what none of this lifestyle it's all living the way we live on earth being on earth living sinful we was created perfect with God it was sin so none of this what we living through today is what God is that God expected us to live with him in paradise right as holy children of his I agree so all of this was mistakes of our own that caused all this to happen to be on earth living like this right so as I don't blame God for that right I agree you can't blame God for what we done right but it don't change what God want us to do to get right with him right but it's not God I still can't understand this poor thing if God said don't do it let me explain no way later brother you say if you say if you say to me yes sir according to the Bible yes but I must be baptized yes in the name of Jesus name of Jesus Christ I must be baptized yes just what the princess some some weirdo in the future and that's what the book saying yes somebody can come on later and tell me say you know if we'll be baptizing in it all right now hold it cause I'm big on email say you no longer have to be baptized in the name of Jesus but it's what's in the Bible right now I'm so glad you say that because before the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ was here let me help by the pork we're dealing with you know I just used that resurrect all right I'm gonna get the baptism and then we're gonna go back to miss to Miss Piggy we will do that now put into the book there's three water baptisms three of them Moses there was baptizing their cloud in the sea God came along and change it can't be baptized like that no more John the Baptist come along there was baptized into repentance John said I'm not the light but I've come to bear witness of the light God done away with that now he come along and instituted the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ which is the last water baptism God did away with all those oh yes because in the nineteenth chapter the book of Acts John disciples was holding on to John baptism but when Paul came in town the thing well for Paul even came on the scene the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ was already in place because Paul got baptized himself in the name of Jesus Christ now you can't blame nothing Oh Paul Paul said to I persuade men or is it God but none of the writings none of the preaching is Paul did they eat in a port is ball all right live it up and don't circumcise is pork circumcised is from God not eating pork is from God let me prove for you otherwise don't eat all the crops and eat fish with scales what do you want to deal with you want to do it Paul and circumcision just to try to get a DP I didn't come to deviate right now yeah so I'm not really prepared but before that's non of this they were Paul right Paul is one who changed it to me all right and Barnabas all right not even Peter that's warning Paul around all right never hell he was it was true persuasion and fear applause yes that they accepted him and even Barnabas didn't even want Barnabas left I don't want to be with because he's changing what Jesus taught that's what Barnabas said in the Bible so Paul spoke on his own accord if he yes because he tell you to eat pork give me the book to say he's God's Word but if you say you know you know you you said it today oh you know what a false prophet is yes no you know what the false prophet is yes the one who don't teach what the book says as Paul a false prophet yeah he said he for all right yes he said he pulled he went against God brother brother have word against Christ rather he went against God so he's a false prophet cuz he went against what Christ taught Christ didn't change no law he said thing not that I come to change the law but heaven and earth shall pass away before one of these Lord Rezo or to fulfill it brother Russell yes sir the Muslims look to get in paradise correct hope we all do is paradise the kingdom of God that would be the kingdom of God to us right yeah you have in heaven we say paradise it's heaven based upon me and drink no I don't think so my local knowledge no it is not my knowledge then why you hung up on it because I'm on earth all right I'm doing the earthly things I don't think it having to eat meat and then something like that I don't know what they came up God is not look at chapter 42 no way to bilk say eat don't eat better that's all married if you want to have sex the book give me a guideline hole to live exactly and I'm gonna stick with the book how to live not just let me read all right Romans chapter 14 and verse 17 this for the kingdom of God is made what for the kingdom of God paradise heaven is what is not me and then don't have nothing to do with your diet they have nothing to do with what you eat and drink and they don't have nothing to do with what you drink but righteousness but I have to do it live it right and peace and having peace celeb and joy in the Holy Ghost and joy in God heaven paradise have nothing to do with your diet I agree right here I agree inhale your diet is for you or Never but wait a minute but before you what God gave with the Lord that God gave us for us to live on earth not to in paradise but brother Russell yeah before you can get to paradise you got to live by something right here correct that's right so therefore for me to get there the Bible was plainly telling me how to live how to live where on earth all right so hold to eat to deal with the woman married one give you our guide everything it does for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink for wait a minute before I can get there before I can get there what I do down here has to do with me getting there it's not clear exactly therefore that meat and drink down here don't have nothing to do with me getting up that yes it does because if you if you if you if you in if you polluting yourself yes with filth yes with filth then you for yes yes we don't put unholy things all right unrighteous things according toward us you're gonna tell me what Paul say no no I'll tell you what the Bible says first tonight oh nevermind called the Bible says this all scriptures are given by the inspiration of God not by the inspiration of call it says oh that's not from God listen pastor many things anything that what you're yes sir that you qui I agree with you yes I love that Robin yes sir more than any pastor author you're doing a good job Michigan yes sir a very good job thank you sir yes and you against these homosexuals and the way we should dress men or female or dress indeed homosexuality that's taken over to make up yes sir you understand your I love the way your free time your kids all these fake pastors that's taking people money yes sir and doing their own things with it I respect you I have a lot of respect for yours what they Bible where you go against preaching I say I'm a Muslim I don't I'm telling you I don't expect respond respect the Bible fully not 100% cuz I believe it's polluted yes bottoms down yeah we believe it's been tampered with new version new version new version new version but where there is truth we accept it and no Muslim can deny the Bible Horace he can't be a mother because the Bible has guided you to Islam it's the Bible that guide you the Prophet Muhammad well why would you believe something that you believe is polluted no no no I said I don't listen to me I said I don't believe I just tell you I don't believe the Bible 100 but there is truth in the Bible okay there is true all right you're sending you have to be able to accept that truth when you ask Allah for guidance and accepting that correct and I can't get to understanding no matter how I pray yes that I should eat walk with God tell me don't he said don't he don't make mistakes he don't change its law I know you're telling me to accept know that it's changed now I'm gonna deal with scripture okay listen first Timothy chapter 4 we're starting at verse 1 all right now the spirit speaketh expression wait a minute it says the spirit speak expressly and we must agree there's only one spirit ain't God is that spirit God is the spirit God is the spirit that made out of the earth no other spirit just God and the Scriptures claim is saying the Spirit is speaking not Paul speaking to all know who he speaking is speaking to the world okay the Word of God is for the world all right listen now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith the latter times are the last days and we must agree these are the last days now they gon depart from the faith mean they go and leave the belief of God all right giving heed to seducing spirits give me and be seduced by other spirits and doctrines of devils Oh now the Bible says doctrine of devils Ming the teachings of the wicked and Nana Bible gone pacifically alibis what are the teachings of the wicked if is taught today and remember that a number say of Paul speaking spirits Peter said the Spirit is speaking you and I agree the Spirit of God all right speaking lies in hypocrisy having a lie-in hypocrisy and hypocritic having their conscience seared with a hot iron all right forbidding to marry that's one false teaching if you teach today they forbid to marry and and what else they teach today and commanding to abstain from meats which God has created to be received with Thanksgiving who said that the spirit speaketh expressly come on over here first Timothy chapter 4 hey buddy be quiet I want metal rustle to hear first Timothy chapter 4 we'll start again at verse 1 now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron at verse 3 forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God has created to be received with Thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth who said that Paul or the spirit the spirit speaketh expression do you agree with that hold it right there no the Bible says who's talking the spirit speaketh expressly do you agree with that but the spirit said it not Paul do you agree with the spirit because you said it's God that do you agree with God brother I agree with God I agree with the spirit there are letters that Paul wrote to the churches on his are you gonna say it's the spirit but I can't where'd it come from he just popped out of nowhere Paul he didn't was crucifying Christians killing the Christians yes he just came out of nowhere on his road to Damascus and I Lightning saw he Jesus this is what I wanna know Jesus yeah when he was leaving what I'm trying to if you can give me the authority of Paul I can except Paul if you can give me where is the authority come from Jesus said to his disciple hold right there you asked me to give you where Paul Authority came from the ninth chapter real quick to see where poor authority came from the reason why God appeared unto him for this purpose for this purpose come on man you got to move quick now the book of Acts of their possible ball is justifying himself now wait wait no no somebody else have to justify you the profits justify Jesus then the price so I'm gonna give your script listen brother just a minute just a minute I'm gonna give you scripture where Paul got his authority saying that he's not who's backing it up oh he's backing it to Lourdes I'm approving let me prove it Barnabas when he says just a man which is the foundation rejected him brother ah so yeah you asked me to prove for you where he got his authority from my brother are you gonna let me do it alright let me do it max chapter 26 and we started verse 15 what's that he said you like that yeah he liked the way the scriptures is I like where they were knocking on me yes it's not mine well Bible is that you want to know Kenny happen yes you can have it yes you can have all right I want to show I want to show brother Russell where Paul got his authority from all right next up to 26 and was started verse 15 and I said who are the Lord I fed her a lot and the Lord said I am Jesus whom be our persecutors yes but rise and stand upon thy feet right and stand on that page well I'll have a period of high have appeared unto thee today for this purpose or this reason to make me a minister that make their benefit and a witness and a witness both of those things which thou I see and of those things into which I appear unto thee there Paul get his authority from God delivering them from the people here at all get his authority from God and from the Gentiles did brother Russell just answer me according to what he read did Paul get his authority from God but God said I appeared unto thee to make the administers I'm not afraid to answer you y'all God is authority from God according to the scripture according to what Paul says hold it right there wasn't even a posture yet that story is telling you how he was me so let me ask his question in when Jesus said when Jesus said at the Last Supper yes what is disciple yes and I was kind of scared you would you don't have to escape why I don't know it's like Vegas has unroll it all right must admit if he would have been in the mosque the mosque would have dealt with the more the Last Supper yes Jesus was going away and he said to his disciple yes he said fear not him I might get a little wrong will you fix it up for me he said fear not that I should leave you because I got to go yes and if I don't go to comfort again come and he said when I when he said when I leave listen to this carefully you know it's your Bible yes sir he said when I leave you shall see me no more never again when I leave you shall see me no more so never ever again I still got laughing he says the whole policy AHA Allah you can't see me no more see anything you want octa father in my name and he the father will give it I'm doing my work yes oh do not see me again I'm so glad oh yeah are you gonna let me help your turn I understand what you quoted so perfectly and I'm gonna break it down and make a plain nap when he said you shall see me no more but yet they saw him after his resurrection the resurrection was first before that no no no all right let me help you right you're right you're right all right you're right you're right you're the side effects yeah you're right go away no matter where the comforter will not come he's heading when I go you shall see me he said you shall see me no more after he rose from the day he was seen again so now the question is what did Jesus mean when he said you shall see me no more there's something about Jesus that would be never seen again something about ha let me help I want to give you revelation let's meet when he says you shall see me no more and then I want the 15th chapter first Corinthians Solomon holiday I want to help brother Russell in the book of Saint John chapter 16 and we'll start reading at verse 8 alright we prove the world of sin yea and righteousness and of judgment of sin because they believe not on me of righteousness because I go to my fault I go to my father and you see me no more wait a minute you see me how and ye see me no more now brother are sort of Bible contradicts itself the problem is we let understand so if we lack understanding and that revelation then it sound like the Bible contradicts itself do I lack understanding you don't understand and that's why I'm going to help you right now that have understanding I have to have this Holy Ghost or something right that's how I get understanding the Holy Ghost I'm asking that's why I like understanding I don't have the Holy Ghost the Bible says no man can say Jesus Christ is Lord except by the Holy Ghost you need the Holy Spirit because the revealing of truth is Almighty God so I'm asking you no path yeah I'm a Muslim yes sir I don't have to only go yeah I know you don't so you need to hold it oh so wait a minute so I can't get the understanding of God you can get the understanding if someone I don't I can't understand what I'm going through you can understand what you're going through what what is it what is it that brought me today I don't accept Christianity I don't even but I accept God so do i what is it that brought me there to accept that there is a God one guy we don't have in the Holy Ghost say we don't being baptized a explain explain because you heard something that you believe and the scripture says faith comeback hearing hearing by the Word of God but you just tell me say I have no understanding you're not you're not understanding what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about yeah you're right I don't that's why I'm trying to help so let me help you understand I just straighten it out jesus said you shall see me no more if you agree to that correct that's what he said the fifteenth chapter first Corinthians begin at first one first Corinthians chapter 15 was started verse one that's what moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also ye have received and wherein ye stand but which also ye are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain all right cry delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died fried sunflowers according to the scriptural cor until his script is quite started right and that he was very more than descriptive and he was bearing of course and that he was seen of Cephas wait a minute after he rose he was seen of Peter then of the twelve in the twelve disciples saw after that after that he was seen of above five hundred brethren at war about 500 above more than five hundred brothers saw them at one time of whom the greater part remain unto this prison then what but some are fallen asleep and then some died after that after that he was seen of James James song then of all the apostles and all of his apostles song after his resurrection and last of all last of all he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time and yet jesus said he shall see me no more I know I want to say this I did acknowledge that I you taught me something there I didn't know that they did Last Supper the Last Supper [Applause] yeah after clap when I'm when you're right you're right I didn't know that the Last Supper was before the conviction yes the last oh I had that mixed up yes you understand me yes sir I had that mixed up wait he say you shall see me no more I thought it was after the crew know when he hadn't laugh wasn't there when he had after the crucifixion what's that now wasn't there a mean he had with them after the crucifixion act it wasn't there a gathering yes after he rose he appeared there's a possible didn't they have some meat on a table and meal and talking he appeared unto them and I'm so glad you brought that up because this goes back to what you said you shall see me no more you see what he told his apostles that he was flesh and blood he was flesh and blood yeah right but after he rose what did what he had he was still flesh and blood he would they saw if they saw him he was still flesh and blood cuz if he was the spirit they couldn't see him let me finish I agree she was not a spirit okay but he was flesh and bone but there was no blood because the Bible says they pressed him and his side how came blood in water he shed his blood on the cross now when he came to his disciples he did not gonna go book says he appeared would venture and you know and I know no natural human being can appear and disappear no but if you see if you see that being it's not a spirit can you see a spirit no no all right let me help you with that but by the help of God yes you can you can see a spirit if it be God's will you can I'm a proven a minute hold on a minute we we Muslims Muslim yes believe yes that Gabriel came to Muhammad but he manifest himself he had to manifest himself out of the spirit into flesh for Prophet Muhammad to see him now so if if I a page if Christ a people here to you today yes for you to see for you to see him he has to put on flesh let me help you let me help just a minute the spirit don't eat the spirit don't get tired don't drink I agree it's not flesh cannot see would you not agree with God all things are possible all things is possible alright so let me explain something to you i'ma show you in the book now we use the term he has to manifest himself in a word manifested simply mean to be seen yes so we cannot see a spirit the Spirit of God can show himself without being flesh no no no no no no not today not to the human any proof because he has to come to me in my human characteristics so I can understand it so I can I'm not in heaven let me straighten you out where the spiritual realm in can I give you Bible job chapter four and we started verse 13 let me let me help Joe chapter 4 chapter 4 we'll start at verse 12 please don't say this is Paul it's the Old Testament all right job chapter 4 and we're starting in verse 12 holiday now a thing was secretly brought to me a thing was secretly brought to me and my ear received a little bit of my ear got information from in thoughts from the vision of the night while us when deep sleep falleth on men a fear came upon me and trembling which made all my bones to shake the proper said I became afraid and my thoughts begin to shake then a spirit passed before my face they have my flesh stood up but the Bible never said it manifested himself as flesh don't get the holy God that made the universe can do anything can do anything and listen i'ma show you again where two prophets appeared and they were not flesh and they came to Jesus i'ma show you know you can't add to the book and say if something was done because men listen as a Muslim you must bear witness that Almighty God can do anything yes and you can't limit God down don't you understand you can't we don't understand God can make something appear we're out being human that is true but pass the plaster can I ask you this yes sir if God this is why I don't even act what that's another topic they're talking in tone but if God wants me to understand something yes or bringing something to me yes sir it has to come to me in my ram yes but my understanding because it's for me to understand it has to come in a world it had to come into my world and it has to be seen with my understanding of the world that I can grasp he can't bring it to me spiritually wait a minute listen up what you just said Christ you say he can't do it listen I wouldn't understand it he can what I mean I wouldn't understand it if God wants you to understand something brother ah so he can make you understand it's a terrific question disciples was questioned in Christ a what God can do brother alright alright alright alright alright I agree with you when the disciples was questioned in Christ yes and they was questioning about signs and wanted to know he said there's many things I want to tell you but I cannot tell you cuz you're not ready for that yes in other words it's not your brain it's not you can't understand if I realize fully sness to you yeah so if God wants to speak to me yes or anybody in this really has to come with with the earthly things that understand it I know one I wanted to yes let's say in the spiritual world one I want his tree he can't bring that to me right because I can't I have to understand it in my circle you understand me yes sir are yourself but I still want to help you improve to you you can see a spirit after you read because God is not a man correct God is not flesh and blood God is not flesh and blood correctly so if anybody see God will they be looking at flesh and blood or will they be looking at a spirit I don't believe nobody see God they see manifestation of God I see the manifestation of God that's why I accept him no but I've never seen God all right I can see his manifestation in his earth yes in his food in it in his laws and everything I mean his trees and the birds in a coke and I look at a jelly coconut acts Eve manifest I wanna take you on but I don't see God I wanna take you a jet even Moses Olga I wanna take you on a journey without of the earth well you want to go with I'm gonna take you out of there go ahead take God I didn't have a finished joke and they give me the book of Exodus job chapter fight all right job chapter four and read verse 15 yes then a spirit pass before my face spirit passed before my face the hair of my flesh stood up and what it stood still he saw the motion of the spirit he saw the function of the spirit you can't see the spirit with the naked eye the Spirit of God had to come upon you or deal with you so God can manifest themselves to you I'm not saying you can see the spirit of with the naked eye but God can allow his spirit to overshadow you and come over you where you can see the Spirit of God in front of you by the will of God when every day he'll be in flesh I do that every day the manifestation in flesh in the manifestation of God but not God that's what I say all right i'ma show you come on then a spirit pass before my face yes the hair of my flesh stood up okay it stood still but I could not design the form their own all right let's leave that off and go into heaven how our Exodus Exodus chapter 24 and at verse 9 at verse 8 and Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and said behold the blood of the Covenant which the LORD hath made with you concerning all these words now Exodus chapter 24 and at verse 9 yeah and without Moses and went up both and Aaron and naida Naida and Abihu Avila and 70 of the elders of Israel and what happened and they saw the God of Israel and the God of Israel is not a man I don't tell they say they never saw a God of Israel is that a lot affectation but I'd show them God even told Moses saying you can't see me see the bush over that's huh yes the bush and say you can't see me this matter is too good you see what you see that much I go engage us a little bit on my manifestation as a book and that's what he delivers burn up yes in quran in quran it's a god when when we prove Mahon a system that you can he said look at that mountain yeah and when he put his manifestation Ahmad Ahmad melted cross yes you're saying this is the God that I said can't do anything anything but he don't do things that's not you see that's not what you're trying to tell me God can't do he don't do things that don't fit God don't do wrong all right that's what I'm trying to say raaah have to fit is it wrong no I said God don't know but it's not unholy he can't do unholy things it is it unholy of no I didn't say that I'm trying at York where is it unholy if God appeared to a man is that unholy they've got choose to appear to a man don't think about it because everything they thought was right I have to think about it the here on earth here on earth here on earth would it be an unholy act by the ADA if he choose to appear to a man I'm not gonna say unholy but I don't I don't think it would happen all right let me show you I don't let me show you what and they saw the God of Israel they saw the God of Asia and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness yeah and upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not the same yeah also they saw God and did eat and drink they saw God and Israel was eating and drinking there's many manifestations to God in order to see God one had to be in the spirit i'ma show you that in the fourth chapter of the book of Revelation and begin at verse 1 Revelation chapter 4 and at verse 1 as what after this I look after this I love and the whole a door was open in heaven why were heart now he ain't looking on earth the door was open in heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither and what and I will show thee things which must be Hereafter he said imma show you telling John I must show you what's gonna happen what happened to John immediately I was in the spirit just a minute listen listen brother I saw before you can understand and immediately I was in the spirit right then but John wasn't in the spirit John was taken to heaven when he was throwing all those things about it and Saint was taken to heaven he may be taking no it didn't say that immediately I was in the spirit to show him what was it heaven so when it when he when he looked and saw sitting on the throne and on the right nope right here honor what he was seeing he was looking at and immediately and immediately I was in the spirit he was what in the spirit that's the secret right there spirit came a hold on hmm and then what happened when that he got it in spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne wait a minute how many did he see and and one sat on the throne he wasn't in heaven because the Bible said no man had to send it up in a heaven at any time but he that came down John wasn't in heaven John has flesh and blood oh yes righteousness yes we Muslims we don't believe that righteousness and unrighteousness mix we don't think it makes I agree you understand we don't think that holy and holy mix I agree we don't think that let me know to say we I don't think that God at any time here on this earth because this earth is an unholy place this earth is the unholy place and I stop you right far as God is concerned can I stop it right there so what just there's seven heavens and the lowest he comes to the first brother brother Russell can I stop so what you're saying is if something is unholy God is not there not there all right if that's the case if that's the case if that's the case when the devil was in heaven was the Lord there was the devil the devil it was when there was war in heaven you're quoting Bible to me a Bible man but you just said where God is yet it's God in you come on brother right so he's a Muslim in the breath of life is in me God gave me his breath of life right God God is not in me job no the breath of life which God has given me like it came from God who is it came from God your breath of life came from God God is not me me I am free he will tell you myself I agree I'm on rolling but to press us and you who God doesn't dwell within me I have to get Foley Joe when I get holy all right let the time you have to be holy all right let me show you come we have to live a life of the rasool' everything let me show you who is the breath that's in your nas no I told you the breath of life God gave me life he bring me into my father yes which is Adam yes the breath of life yes that's what he gave us he didn't say he went into Adam he gave Adam he made Adam he gave him the breath of life to make him a living soul brother a soul the breath in your nostrils is that the Lord if God was in me I would do no wrong if God is in anyone they would do no wrong I disagree and imma prove you otherwise job chapter 27 and read verse 327 in verse 3 all the while my breath is in me all the wild and the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils is in my nostrils gave me life O God spirit of God there is only one spirit pastor Jennings pastor Dennis if the breath if God was in all these parts they wouldn't be rapping for folks Jake's RT DJ we're not talking about me I'm just telling you dude people wouldn't act unrighteous if God was in them so a person to have God he won't do no wrong no people you've got a person actually well person of God in him yes if a part I'm not saying more a righteous person yes I'm saying if a person have God if God dwells within a person like I would say yeah God dwell in Jesus yes like I will admit God dwelled in Jesus yes there is no room was God in Moses yes the motors do wrong no let's prove otherwise what wrong did he do imma show you what wrong I'm about to show you tell me I'm bout to kill a man I know I'm not talking about I'm not even go yes yes he did yes he did let me show you where would you agree disobedience is wrong that the law tell you to do something and you do something else is that wrong all right give it where God numbers get it now and everybody listen number stuff that's warning I'm gonna show you where Moses turn wrong yeah we're good back to pork if you like do it take God I'm gonna show you where Moses done wrong amen because he agreed that if the Lord tell you to do something and you do otherwise you done wrong all right numbers chapter 20 and we're starting at verse 7 that's right and the Lord spake unto Moses saying to Moses saying take the rod and the rod take the rod take the rod and gathered all the assembly together thou and Ammon die brother yeah and speak ye unto the rock now Israel was thirsty for water and they needed the drink and God told Moses meet you Europe and speak ye unto the rock speak to the rock before their eyes before what before their eyes and the presence of the people and it shall give forth his water we speak to the rock water come out of it and thou shalt bring to them water out of the rock so shall I give the congregation and their beasts drink but what did Moses doom and Moses took the rod from before the Lord as he commanded him and Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock yea and said unto them here now give rebels must be fetch your water out of this rock and Moses lifted up his hand and with his rod he smoked the rock twice but what did God come on to do speak ye unto the rock but what him all to do he smoked the round God told Moses to speak to the rock Moses who took this rod and in the rock life and the water came home yes he was disobedient but the water came over because God had mercy on his yeah well I mean you said he disobeyed God and he did it and it still did the job the 20 and at verse 12 and the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron because ye believe me not to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I had given them I ever said they didn't believe him more than me so God told him speak to the rock and he's smoking he'd arrived so why God let him get the water God let him get the water because of the condition of his people God loved his people and because he's faithful and what any promise that his people will not be lacking he gave them water to drink brother rasoolum I have to quit all right I'm gon quit we'll give me a correct time give me the correct time please what all right you heard the Word of God let's close out with acts 2:38 acts 2:38 then Peter said unto them repent by the rod so you've got this to obey - you got to do this repent repent and be baptized have you baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ all right you may not do it but God required I don't follow the bike let's follow why bothers trick me all my life they told me follow white man and a burnout solid white baby I'm not sorry no white man a fan I go to something else I'm not follow understand there is truth in the Bible yes sir there's truth in a lot of what you say yes sir you understand so I accept truth no matter where I'm going and I'm going to try to explain I still disagree with you'd eaten up or I know you do can I ask you one question before I go all right why did Barnabas and Peter rejected Paul answer that the reason why Barnabas and Peter rejected the reason wanted nothing to do with the reason why they rejected him because they were judging Paul by his past reputation but then explain let me explain brother ah so you can't say what God should have done he will build the church you gonna let me answer you brother I saw the reason why they rejected Paul because they judged Paul by his past reputation and he was persecuting the church that's why they prejudge them but when brother Barnabas told them he's praying now he's a new creature now he's not out there persecuting them no more no Barnabas ditched a widow if I had more time I'll prove it to you acts 2:38 said then Peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ Wow further room for the remission of sins Allah for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost all right Jamaica and the world that's what everybody got to do be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ there's anybody here want to obey the message of holiness and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ stand on your feet and come to the front D'Andrea people come to the front stand on your feet come to the front can you speak to the front [Applause] repent and be baptized every one of you stop it up front I want my television audience to see this put the camera over that because there's lying lost profits in America say bachelor dinners will be making these numbers up being baptized and all these people he's still coming anybody outside wanna be baptized come on come on unit that ties in the name of Jesus Christ you're still a sinner you're not saved anybody else we baptize 29 last night hitting the Lord good come on to retake tot come on [Music] now you see how God proves his word and all that fighting the devil does he still did not stop the work of God [Applause] here's brother Russell don't profess to be a Christian but he knew how to hack he's a Muslim and I know Muslims by the hunters and they know me from all around the world they know how to act when they come in guardhouse mr. Vegas I'm told used to be a Christian it never was a Christian and unless you repent of your sins go down in the water in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the baptism of the holy ghost speaking in tongue of the Spirit of God give us Jamaica all of you that are watching come out of your churches all around the world now you women preachers here in Jamaica and mr. BIG's y'all can get on social media now and talk about passage in us all you want I won't spend another second on you no more call me whatever you like call me what you want call me a bully if me access for Bible make me a bully then I my diabolic you mean anybody else wanna be baptized you send us you send us you better come on and get right this is to make us opportunity to get on the Lord side you have not come on brothers let's get them ready let's move them out let's move them out come on brother let's move them out let's move them out right now let's get them baptized in water let's move them out what time the evening session stopped 6 o'clock be back this evening bring your family bring your second and third wives and remember to make never let nobody come in no branch temple and think it they can come and take over first trip don't hesitate to remove them quickly don't hesitate [Applause] first just got a reputation we won't tolerate foolishness from nobody and then if the Muslims do not allow you to come in the mosque and disrespect the mosque if the Jews don't allow you to come in a synagogue and disrespect the synagogue you ain't coming in here and disrespect the temple that's set aside for the Word of God to be preached that is all standard brother Minister Jones will close us out and bring them out of darkness Lord Jesus my God continue to give them a mind to follow the truth to continue to give them a mind to be wholly laga we want to thank you so much for the word how it went forth Lord God we thank you for how it was done my God with so much power and demonstration logo we thank you Lord God for this day we thank you Lord God for how you blessed us Lord God to be receivers of that word father God continue to bless us my god that we might grow in spirit and in truth Lord God we thank you so kindly for your mercy thank you for your grace Lord Jesus thank you Lord God for how you brought us out of darkness out of gross darkness log garden to this marvelous life Lord God we want to continue to bless you as we continue to go our separate estimation Lord God take many back to their separate destination safely Lord God those that can come back Lord God let them come back safely my god we want to thank you log off for all you said and done father I'll continue to bless the man of God give him strength my God continue to give knowledge wisdom Lord God to challenge any man that choose Lord God to fight against the gospel truth log all we want to thank you for all you said and done we ask all these blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus we pray amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 413,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holy, Holiness, Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings, First Church, Religion, Truth of God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 14sec (9134 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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