Truth of God Broadcast 1130-1131 Pastor Gino Jennings & Pastor Michael Evans Debate HD!

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so we are grateful for this convocation it is always a wonderful thing to come together and God never fail God never fail he always is with us he always encouraged us to go on today we are going to be having you know service we are going to be having as you've been hearing that we should have had this caution debate with pastor Michael Evans from the Sabbath day Church of God and the debate discussion is on Evan is clear we are also with life on power 106 so those of you who are listening in tune into power 106 keep tuned and call your friends and neighbors and tell them what is happening and is about to happen it is continue also and we welcome our viewers that are watching on CBN this is the first because the first time preacher has stepped forward in Jamaica for cotton so I want to applaud pastor Evans well if a man is preaching something and you're you believe what your preacher supposed to stand behind it you know so many have criticized and many have talked behind our backs but he stepped forward and he's here and the whole aim of the discussion debate is to glorify God that's what it's all about it's not entertainment it is to give God the glory and let the truth be revealed so that discussion should be going on pastor Evans is from the Sabbath day Church of God is not a seventh-day adventists is from the Sabbath day Church of God from Roscommon in Saint Mary he's been in the ministry for thirty years maybe faster in over nine years now and the discussion will be on the commandments it will be on the commandments but specifically on the Sabbath so pastor Evans affirmed in the Sabbath he believed in the Sabbath the Sabbath must be upheld as it was in the Old Testament and of course pastor Jennings first church don't believe that we have to oppose we should uphold the Sabbath as was upheld in the Old Testament so we should we are in for I believe interesting discussion very informative so I ask you to be attentive sit tight we'll be recording we're going on live on power and we are recording on CBM as well so please don't do much destruction and the seat type and the attentive while I present on to your leader teacher and guide he's the messenger of Almighty God Pastor it's the truth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] brilliant brothers and sisters friends and enemies way bear witness there is no god but one there is no God with him no God besides him no God greater than him no God equal to him God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob have no rivals and he have no equals we associate none with the One God God have no partners Bey that God have no partners he made the heavens alone and stretched off the heavens by himself scripture says he frustrates the token of lives and makes divineness man turn the wisdom of the wise backward and make their knowledge foolish well wig let me back again in the mists of this youth conference you got a watching we didn't - maker in Kingston Jamaica this time our other telecast that was coming out of Jamaica was out of Mandeville we're 33 were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and repent Bridey the first night of this youth conference 23 went down in the name of the Lord here Saturday 13 went down in the name of the lucky and the stand 7 came out the water speaking in tongue so so far 36 Souls went down in the name of Jesus breath so far and as always we're still fishing service is not over yet so the fishing is not over yet now we're glad to have as it pastor Evans we're glad for pastor Evans from from the Sabbath Sabbath day Church of God and I want to commend him for coming all these years I've been coming down to Jamaica bombing them with gospel so finally one of Jamaica's own decided to step up come in so we can discuss the Sabbath day that's wonderful I think that's a very good thing as Evans I hope you coming here motivate some of the Jamaican associates here you fellows that believe in women preachers divorce and remarry and Father Son the Holy Ghost baptism men this get-rich scheme that's in Jamaica perhaps pastor Evans is a start of something good I hope so I hope that you preaches in Jamaica we'll use him as an example and come every time that I'm in your Island in fact I'll even make an early trip you can't make August convention December youth conference I have a very busy schedule I travel around the world but I fly it here just for one day that take on any preacher that's in Jamaica and then I'm gonna go back to America living happily ever after but I hope brother Evans him being him motivate you are the breaches you don't have nothing to be afraid of we won't we won't kill you we won't physically beat you no we just want to take what you believe to the Bible and let the Bible talk so we gonna give pastor Evans some time to relate to you that I here and here you better listening lives and to you that are watching we're gonna give brother Evan some time to state his case because there's a lot of second day believers really don't know what First Church believe they really don't they have bits and pieces of what we say over the air or they go by what others say so many really don't know what we believe touching the Sabbath so I'm going to sit back and listen attentively and I don't want no one to interrupt we want to give our brother proper respect and give him some time no interruptions whatsoever we don't want no smart remarks say we want to hear them I want to hear so I'm gonna get out the way and take my seat turn the microphone over to Pastor Evie probably [Applause] I'm very Tuffle to be here today and I give thanks unto Almighty God and I agree with first charity but one and my hundred my praise and thanksgiving is unto Him take time Alton breed the Prophet and all his ministers and members of the first church and I am very happy that you are here in this roasted bread fruit yes and if you notice I do not talk much I'm gonna talk much when I was on the platform because I don't believe in doing much talking when the service is going on okay no I don't mean lay upon this done why I'm here to be I remember some years ago I was watching the other station and I saw this creature and I saw it for two weeks and then we had a week where I go back it was not there yes and so listen many times when I have the chance and I won't have a chance every Sunday but I listen that I have listened him given challenges lots of times and he said it would take on anybody and he says that the first church preaches the truth I would beg to differ while I would Lord the first church that you have got the baptism right you have got a lot of Sapa rights they've got the covering of the eggs and the length of the dress right but what really motivated me to be here today I have seen the Prophet in the stead of a palace did not know the true what is it and Aquila and Priscilla had was too you know corrected I have so see Venus there are Moses with JETRO and was to say listen prophet you're doing a good together but listen short now the crux of the matter that I heard him make a statement and that statement drop of your seats now is totally blasts females [Applause] [Music] but what I would like to see is that the first so I start off with Jeremiah 31 31 33 we are restricted only this comment the Lord chapter 31 and we start at verse 31 the all the days come saith the lord that i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers and the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt which my covenant they break although I wasn't husband unto them saith the LORD verse 33 but this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel and after those days saith the Lord I will put my law in their inward parts and write them in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people okay at this point the flu free because I think time is of the essence no be so fun what we have just read and listen the Prophet he's a man that believes I met first church don't accept this message to be two reasons it could be one you don't believe the Bible and two you don't have a lot of conscience only up on those two grounds I tell you that he will not accept this message today so Jeremiah 31 onward it tells you that God said that he was going to make a new covenant and that new covenant NT is the writing of the laws of God in the hearts of the people of God I hear our announcer made a mistake let me correct that I believe in the keeping of the Sabbath as it was in the Old Testament I don't we don't but I well let me let me go on to Isaiah 42 21 quickly Isaiah chapter 42 and verse 21 the Lord is well pleased for his righteousness sake he will magnify the law and make it honoring okay the Lord is well pleased for his righteousness he will magnify the law and make it honourable you are educated you are all educated people I don't think you understand clearly what the world magnify mean it means to make it big to make it broad is it was to do what I'm doing and draw my jacket till if you have to I don't feel no way yes when was the law magnify and when was it written about the arts of the people of God okay now there the prophets and the apostles all spoke about the law Jesus himself spoke about the law but I just want to use it is so huge that they have this young kind of vacillated as you say I don't know I am just kind of you know see where I go let's go to first John three verse four first done three worst for whosoever therefore committed sin transgresses also the law for sin is the transgression of the law of the law my brother and me both brother no that's the name of Jesus amen if ever there is sin in the land if ever there is an action are at that any man can permit and it is called sin it is because they law point you to what is sin and the scripture says now advance whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law let me move on to Lord Romans 2:13 listen sit on the prophet [Applause] I Romans 10:4 prices the end of the law for righteousness to everyone I am here to explain garius at 5-4 musharraf you are justified by the law ye are fallen from grace got your shot Rita Galatians 3:19 Galia shop to live 130 I am here to explain them hard if he jumps to for Tina listen give me second Corinthians pouf or explain to you where I stand where the Word of God is concerned second Corinthians chapter 2 and add verse 4 for out of much affliction and anguish of heart I brought unto you with many tears not that he should be green but that he might know the love which I had more abundantly unto you given in the first context first Corinthians chapter 2 and at verse 4 and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but a demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God I wonder if you can swallow that my preaching is not with enticing words of man's wisdom but by the power of God I want the verse that says that we are most verse to ever known the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness now uncle in the world of God deceitfully but by minute manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of our mighty God and so we can go on to Romans 2:13 Romans chapter 2 in verse 13 for the hearers of the law just or not for not the hearers of the law thank you are just before God but the doers of the law shall be justified okay no here is the scripture no well maybe I need not go here at the moment but I just want to read somewhere Romans 2 9 verse 14 yeah for when the Gentiles which have not the Lord do by nature the things contained in the law wouldn't the Gentile that is us who have not were not thought it was no culture when we do by nature the things of the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves read the next line for me at verse 15 yeah which show the work of the law written in their heart we thought we'd show the work the law written in their hearts their conscience their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another yes my friends and brethren when God says that he's going to take it out the tables of spoon in Jeremiah he placed it upon the table of men's heart and so therefore it cannot be erased it cannot be removed no I [Applause] another night get plenty of juice to both of us I want all of you to hear us and you better watch it that's the heavens I'm glad you took the time out to come copy to the air well no it's the time for explanation [Applause] [Applause] okay your blasphemy was you blaspheme against that one God okay now in your explanation to somebody wax a question about Evo 4 and 4e that is entered into is raised he also had ceased from his own works as God did from his you declare that our works that we cease from is the word of sin am I correct yes okay let me show you where the blaspheming cons of the scripture says that II that is entered interest yet also seized from his own works and note the scripture as God did from his so if we are doing it has God bid and God are never at no time sinned and we doing it as God did is that we are resting from sin nothing in some from the prophet [Applause] okay Hebrews chapter 4 that verse 10 and then I want Genesis because my brother said that I bless thee all right follow me in the book of Hebrews first Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 10 for he he that is entered into his rest that have entered into his rest he also had ceased from his own works wait a minute from his own world worse now holy God works and our own works are not the same what you said about God is correct no sin perfect but thank you and it ain't me God works is supreme infallible flawless us full of flaws fallible go to God for repentance so that's why I said his old words God works and our own works are not the same listen I disagree he also had ceased from his own words what as God did from his as God did from his all it is is comparing the ending of the works not the similarity in deeds let me certify that with the book of Genesis Genesis chapter 2 were starting in verse 1 and I want to see is your like his alright yeah yeah yeah now Genesis chapter 2 was starting in verse 1 Solomon thus the heavens and the earth were finished thus the heavens and earth was finished and all the host of them everything that he made and on the seventh on the seventh day God ended his work which Tommy ended his work that he has made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he and me now still awake doctor eating work making something from nothing and you will try to tell me his work is the same as the human family if let me respond let me respond respond and responding now God works and the work of the human family the human fatherless were God's work I didn't actually that correct yes now if God work of creating the heavens and earth the same as the works of our own flesh oh well I am NOT talking about flesh just a minute just a minute the Bible said in John 4:24 God is a white spirit so the Bible said we rest from our own works and they talk about our spirit is talking about our flesh so you've got to talk about flesh and spirit God in the spirit and as we read from our own works our flesh rest our spirit don't risk now come back to your scripture no it's the minute that's nice God word no no it's not that he rests from when he finished Jewish no it's not it's not mean it's not as the words that we restaurant yes it is in respect to doing manual physical labor all right that's still not the same you know what let me show you why God was waiting thing when I go back to the scripture yes show me where God works just a minute show me the Bible that God works when he made the heavens and the earth the heavens and earth show me that is the same as us I told you before where I said it's not the same but in a way get up later all right now you don't get Bible that prove to the people yes that the works of the flesh is the same as the works of God creation that's that's your argument but I am saying that saying that we risk from sin as God did look at the qualifying term as God did God not sin I agree so then if you agree what is your argument the Bible is not comparing the deeds that we rest from with the deeds of dots ability to dream that's not the comparison what the Apostles making the comparison to is resting with God finish his work so now if it says our old words we rest from would you please tell us what works we must rest from going barbaric misery what country if God said insurance you said in God you selling yeah with making a comparison was gone or what you try to do profits no it was God abama hey no they got crop tobacco they God raised horn all of those things he's ain't got raised you know who is the first you know who is the first designer nevermind design Oh first suit I agree okay listen we go nowhere we go State University no brother I want to know from you because you said passage in the first seven chapters that passage is last week God Ebru sent mirth it was for over 700 chapter four and verse seven a then he limit us a certain day saying in David today after so long a time as it is safe today if he will hear his voice harden not your hearts but the gonna diverse for the performance verse four he was falling first fool for respect in a certain place of the seventh day on this was and God did rest the seventh day from all his works oh why why was he talking about you agree with me what what was he talking about his tuition that he restaurant oh oh you're missing the point / hold it hold it right there read Hebrews what you just read back to Genesis still in Hebrews chapter 4 and first for listen for he spake he's bathed in a certain place wait a minute who speaks God certain place God the prophet Moses speak in a certain place and the place that he spoke was in the book of Genesis about what God does that's right i'ma gonna show you what more to say that's right what did is that for he spake in the certain place making a certain place of the seventh day on this world or the seventh day on this way and God did rest the seventh God did rests on the seventh day from all his word and this balance that out we would move the sand in genesee now in Genesis chapter 2 and I'll show you how the Apostles and their prophets agree with each other and you might as well get the pad to a kid with me before you leave you this is chapter 2 we'll start at verse 1 all right Gus the heavens and the earth were finished now here's Genesis given us more information the heavens under earth talked about his creation tell us what is talking about the heavens and Evan and his earth there were complete and all the host of them and every state that's up there and on the seventh day or the seventh day in his work he was his he he he yes [Applause] you know why I said to you when I started out you bastard I said again pastor Jennings blaspheme when he says that our rest from sin is equal to Oh give you a chance to back up are you sure [Music] the scripture said that we must come here for profit we must stop English major oh you'll notice for dinner right [Applause] spiritual things eh Oh things must be compared with what with spiritual things I'm so glad you brought that scripture let's go to work first Corinthians chapter minute everybody be quiet because what he done he hung himself he just said that I cannot compare works of the flesh with the works of the Spirit and yet he quoted the scripture they justify by comparison comparing spiritual things the things with spiritual all right first Corinthians chapter 2 we're at verse 13 get me which also things we speak which also things we said not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Ghost teaches and comparing comparing spiritual things then it's a thing with spiritual now that's God the spirit and then they're spiritual things you don't know the language of the book God is the spirit but now you have another phrase spiritual fearing show day things and the spiritual thing is a earthly thing that performed the works of the Spirit now let me show you a spiritual thing alright now first let me show you spirit god no no I'm not no no no you just said brother Hermes that I cannot and I what is that you got millions of people gonna watch this you got amazed that are listening to you now in Jamaica live over there just a minute and you just said that Pastor Jenna's cannot don't ever don't ever come to the big pastor Jennings and tell me there's something that I cannot do with that Bible the Bible is given to me and what I'm about to do you can't do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right I want to get what got done then I want to get a spiritual thing give me Peter Peter when Jesus walked on water he said I can't get a spiritual thing mm-hmm let's see what Peter done and let's see what Jesus was do you agree Jesus Christ is God right he's gone he's got all night yeah the true giving up how many times I have to say yeah two or three witnesses shall every word be ecstatic so do you agree that God Almighty was walking on water yeah was Peter God F be the ones God no Peter wasn't gone on did Peter walk on water yeah did he do a spiritual thing of course [Applause] all right listen it is gonna here let me let me respond up just a minute if you leave on somebody hey Dora children useless you are saying you lay hands on them they call her the name of the Lord Jesus and they hear it's got using a spiritual thing to do a spiritual act yes yes yes don't tell me I can't compare no let me respond to what else you do that you still better clear up this stuff that I blast me finish your very slippery oh you're very sweet but listen listen flesh up blood Jamaica Jamaica you may determine this the best you got the challenge pathogenic the best you got well listen you better get that Bible and show the public and the viewers where I blaspheme you are I have sorted minute I'm sure you did but let us let us look at what you are just said I told you that you cannot compare yeah flesh with spirit note you say like a can be spiritual things with me alright no no sir let me remind you those of you who are maybe not listening I said you are trying to prove PETA walking underwater yes is not fleshly so there was spirit it was it was spirit child things being done yeah spiritual things we're not what was the flash their spiritual stain working through it was working through Peter and what was Peter [Applause] Hugh reaches here in Jamaica don't know you don't know now let me get deep with the Bible and give you another comparison between flesh and spirit spirit and flesh are not equal that's what L said I agree I'm not saying okay let me give you a comparison but no I'm not saying we are the Holy One of God you see any command that you want from Genesis to Revelation I have told you sir and I hope you can understand when the scripture says in Ebru for yes that he speak of the seventh day God did rest the seventy I agree you happy so we're the contents and his is that how RS should be similar to God raised and you are saying that our race is a race from sin when did God ever seen it's not whether you're following you're following God puts them exactly if God created physical things yes and II stopped yes for a while and he told you to - as E as done then why is it that in your physical world you don't stop as God did when he created physical things first hospital God did not say stop your physical work God said if you don't work you don't eat that's what God said hey there what God said now when Jesus was here okay a minute all right come on now make it interesting for me I'll go make it very tough I want you to do that okay oh no that's your world failing that's your talking get your Bible listen God you setup God say that we must do physical work was there ever a time yes in the course of new ministry yes we've got commodities people to cease from physical work yes so why is it know that you're joined operator in across the trailer all right let me see why you troll uploaded it across the trees just a minute just a minute now in an old time when you rest from your physical world that wasn't the same as what God did because when you see physical you see it body his spirit physical thank you now even though spirit is not physical there's any time at any moment when God can physical that can bring spiritual things in a physical form am I wrong I agree but that's not what we're talking about we're talking about in the Old Testament ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters they rest from the natural works Leviticus chapter 23 and verse 23 listen at this in the villages 23 and verse 23 all right and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children saying in the seventh month the first day of the month shot you have a seven gel you have a Sabbath mean a day of rest a memorial blowing of trumpets and holy convocation yeah shall do no servile work there and don't do no work there in when you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord yeah a little expect unto Moses saying also on the tongue yeah it shall be a holy convocation unto you now when you said earlier that the Sabbath in the New Testament is greater than what was in the old that's what I've been preaching I agree with 100% physical work in the Old Testament that they sent aside a time to stop the physical work to commemorate with the spirit which is God Jehovah I am the one Lord of Israel rest from the seventh day but the law being faulty was it not yes come on man they long been faulty for finding fault that here sit at the book a Hebrew man look we agree on that chapter 8 and we're adverse move on right before if that first covenant had been faultless when the Old Testament said and keep it holy Jesus yes oh yes in the chapter now listen listen I said Matthew 24 verse 20 Matthew 24:21 supporting 24 and verse 1 I'm working I said I don't drink water while I'm working without work is yes or no first one yeah but pray ye that your flight be now in the winter yes neither on the Sabbath day ah let's see Thanks I ain't you did Jesus tell his apostles they keep the Sabbath day like it was to Maggie and the Old Testament didn't and why did you say no [Applause] everybody be quiet I I ask I acts pastor Evans did Jesus ever tell his apostles to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy like they were told in the Old Testament What did he say did you lie I do like this a lot did you hear I tell who did I tell you not like it was word-for-word did I say [Applause] I want everybody listen I want to see how many Commandments came from the Old Testament to the nude and I want to see what commandments that Jesus teach his apostles Matthew chapter 19 follow me in heaven i'ma start in verse 16 we're live today in Jamaica so if I've got any Sabbath day of the preachers listening in you can get on your motorcycle hit your ride and come on here because I take care of you too man but it is at Saint Matthew chapter 19 we'll start at verse 16 we're gonna count now in the days of oh they have Ten Commandments correct that take a madness we go seated all ten coming a New Testament church just a minute let's read Matthew chapter 19 we'll start at verse 16 Solomon and the whole one came and said unto him good master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life wait a minute what should I do that I may have eternal life rather what Jesus felt the outline if we followed that well have eternal life now let's listen that what Jesus said and remember Jesus said he's the lord of the Samsun that means he's superior greater higher then the said did you eat something what did you lose let's go that's for your loss I lost nothing that's good come on and the whole one came and said unto Him good master one answer one set up I want everybody to listen closely because this will double every Sabbath day people on the island and the world listen at this and the whole one came and said unto him good master the master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life let us remember this is all about eternal life is that right Church so that means what we do must be in compliance with descriptive listen at this and he said unto him why callest thou me good why you call me good there is none good for that Wanda that is go that's God but but if thou wilt enter into life if you enter into life keep the commandments keep the commandments G hey Jesus what a madness you are instructing us to keep he says unto Him what which which that's my question which which commandment should we keep today before I read with commitment should we keep today 10 do you say 10 all right I want to compare your words with Jesus words to him which listen [Laughter] listen jesus said jesus said thou shalt do no murder let's count Jesus said what thou shalt do no murder I mean is that what's next thou shalt not commit adultery I mean is that what else thou shalt nuts to you how many is that what else thou shalt not bear false witness I mean is that what else honor thy father and thy mother how many is that what else and and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself [Music] how many stats how many to Jesus preach answer my question you read my mind [Applause] Jesus did it did not hit Jesus for the respond you said I am Telling You he said six no I've been cooped at many away the key no let me respond to you what to your statement that you've just made do that no you say I'm tell me if I'm wrong that we as people of God the following Commandments are those that we should keep I correct did you say that Jesus said for us don't blame it on me I said wait a minute he lied and said I said get chapter verse Matthew chapter 19 in that verse 17 my name 19 in verse 17 no is this Bible yeah the Jesus saying yes see the setup did I say you did not say no it said what did you life keep the commandments y'all been half dog will enter into life man Jesus what I would like I would like hello me to show your competition where you have been hope to show me you said just a minute [Music] [Applause] if you steady who know Jenna [Applause] like a spirit that is the truth no I want to show you you ask me you are just to show you where we should keep more commander than that Jesus mentor you allow me to do so without interruption chapter and verse where we are to get into them a happy life no than what Jesus say more than what you do they gotta dip into more what first have you stopped listen I was Matthew chapter 19 and verse 18 read verse 19 for please listen 19 yes honor thy father and thy mother verse 19 and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself the young man says are the Mobley's have I kept from my youth is there a verse that said if there be any other commandment it is briefly comprehended in the same yeah it's your other commandment 96 come on oh come on oh ah are there other Commandments another 6 know if they are other Commandments the 6 says like master which is the Great Commandment in the law which is the Great Commandment in the law jesus said unto him thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul mine yea this is the first and Great Commandment a second is like unto it wait a minute is like it like it what if and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself they do not include it in the earliest fifty [Applause] [Music] second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself neighbour because jesus mentioned that already we are dealing with the one that jesus did not mention is that much analogy the same love the Lord thy God you said that all that we need was what was mentioned we cannot be say unless there are now that's the truth no no no no no no no no come on you have not addressed a lot of people tell me are we to keep the Sabbath and repeat it holy according to what Jesus and the Apostles preached if so give chapt in verse where Jesus preached and your posture get it right now okay no let me see if I can't get the chance from you get it right now said Matthew chapter 24 and verse 20 Jesus and Jesus says each one landrieu let not your fly it be in the window or in the commandment to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy for the New Testament church get that scripture I am showing you where Jesus preached this if you breach the Saba obstacle if you bridge the summit then what is the argument of both where you're asking me to show you from the scripture where are you no you can answer my question are you doing something the scripture tells you not to do you say you preach the Saba did you set up yeah did Jesus tell you to do that he said preach the word come on that's my question that is not my question my question I know you are handsome I know you're not gene you look like a runny nose yes Jesus you say you won't preach the supper and then you claim that Jesus give us no commandment to keep this up so why are you preaching it don't answer now March Testament I preached the Sabbath I don't preach the keep it let's we're responsive minute let's see let's see when she responds to minute you are asked for scripture where Jesus preached the Sabbath pray that your flight don't be a winner nor on the Sabbath day Jesus was preaching the Sabbath correct yes yes Jesus kept the Sabbath and he did not work and he told us to keep when you find out your question cool water little each and I look up Easter Bunny at the car you know it is not it is not an easy color written that way but listen Jesus keep the Shabbat said look for verse 16 chapter 4 verse 16 I want to read what Jesus not only kept the Sabbath I want to see the Jesus keep the Sabbath and let's see that Jesus command it to be bridge in st. Luke chapter 4 verse 16 Solomon and he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up yeah and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read just one in the synagogue I want Bible chapter in verse that he kept it and told it ' door that's your words for it Tony's Apostles chapter found was 478 John Chapman fine he don't have to load more hold on just a minute give chapter verse st. John chapter 5 verse starting in verse 17 finances but jesus answered them my father worketh hitherto and I work yes therefore the juice of the more to kill him they Jews sought to kill him because he not only had broken the Sabbath anybody know broken the SAP wait a bit just a minute just a minute now we're gonna see how honest on this so-called preacher is in the Bible food always is the Bible infallible always a baguette don't have no flaws so listen at this therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him yes because he not only had broken the sand cost not only did he break this atom but also said that God was his father did he break the Sabbath no because he not only had broken the Sabbath oh I got the Jews the Jews say that he broke the Sabbath but he did not break the Jews say Bible said he nah go by the Sabbath City breaking it did not break it oh hell no what the Bible say we will set it in the Bible yes [Music] oh no you're lying on body you are relying on God God did not show me moved on voice where God said I am the Lord and said in verse 18 Saint John chapter 5 and verse 18 I want to say to all of my viewers and all my listeners Jamaica you wonder why I can dim your creatures because they're liars just like him Lord Allah you are the liar jesus answered who then jesus instable who did it jesus answered this is how dishonest these creatures are they get in they poor prick with the Bible and then you push them out of the Bible they call the Bible alive Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Christ sir anytime sir yes jesus answered yeah what are you our work into the - and I work for the juice hold on don't stop the spiritual what is because he not only had broken the sand but also say but also sin but also saying thank God there was nothing less not only what Jesus was doing what he was saying I tried oh Jesus Jesus Jesus and therefore the Jews sought the mortage everybody be quiet the Jews were observing Jesus behavior his deeds and what was coming out of his mouth his words both was under observation listen at this therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him because he not only had broken the Sabbath they saw what he done not only did he break the Sabbath but also say but also he was talking that God was his on it's his father making himself equal making himself equal with God believes in Jesus and answered cheese and said unto them verily I say unto you I say to you the son can do nothing of himself wait a minute if I break the Sabbath I didn't do them all but I didn't the father do what thing soever he do with whatever God do these also doeth the son likewise no I'm your normal robbery smooth all right take your seat take a seat but what one thing posture before I go before well before thing must yes I would be very happy to have you speak two questions that I have asked I will love to speak as you listen no no not but listen I ask the question and you have not addressed them what was that when did the commandments placed on the hearts of men will was the landing-place not according to Jeremiah yes I'm secondly let's go back to Jeremiah chapter 1 all right let's see Willie Commandments now let us everybody listen listen because I want you to get knowledge in the days of oh the commandments was written on stone now God wanted it engraved no red tape God and men's heart you should say nine one nine to be engraved they can hope to know you know pastor mr. go but still okay with James 2 verse we say if you keep one you're supposed to keep a leaner so they will ban nice and low talking on someone what what what go to go try and deal with great James 2:10 Sano I was gonna be a pawn but is there no cake walk all right what happens have a seat all right let's break down the commandments in the heart of man that's right first in Jeremiah chapter 31 I believe he mean well he mean well but he just don't know he need a teacher and I believe that if he had a teacher he'll be more accepted just needs to be taught whether you believe that that karate teacher [Applause]
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 401,101
Rating: 4.5572681 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings, First Church, Holy, Holiness, Religion, Truth of God
Id: ImtTlp0t1rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 19sec (4759 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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