Truth of God Broadcast 1136-1138 Pastor Gino Jennings Live HD Stream End Of The Year Service HQ

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rather the sisters that's it fire prison testimony service we're going to ask the brothers come up if they will and pick up our collection in a My Lord said Jesus Christ [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right 3ds everyone greetings everyone here again we are certainly happy and glad to be back in the presence of God and in God's house another time as always we're very thankful to the Lord Jesus for blessing us to be here we do want to extend a very very warm welcome to order to assemble here for this our 29th men's and thirty-first women's anniversary we're so very grateful always for the Lord Jesus Christ above all things for blessing us with life and that were able to be here to worship again in spirit and in truth we certainly give due respect always to the deceased prophets of old and certainly to the apostles as the scripture says that their memory be blessed we certainly give due regard and honor to our dear beloved brother and leader pastor pastor Jennings to all the ministers here from across the world we are certainly grateful they're able to make it and we certainly are thankful for all those who are here also if you're visiting we do want to again welcome a warm welcome to you and as you can see we're having a glorious time in the Lord and the best is yet to come and that is the Word of God but before moving into that we are going to continue to hear a few words from the ministers that have traveled from other parts of the country and from abroad so we ask you sit patiently as we hear from them the first person we're going to call upon first purse we're gonna call upon his brother Williams brother Williams from Florence South Carolina readers everyone we do get God praise and thanks for all things grateful for the prophets and apostles we are thankful also for us today apostle passage you know Genesis and we thank God for all of you he may we give God thanks for His grace and His mercy numbers our time I make the statement God he is full of mercy when I look at my life and the compassion that God has shown me I'm so grateful so grateful I thank God that she is almost out and the Lord had blessed me even in darkness hair blessing but I didn't care for myself God care for me and I'm so grateful I thank God for first church amen had been a big different big different I came the first church I knew within myself there had to be something better had it been something better I prayed and I prayed sometime all night long I knew something had to be better I thank God bent over probably 15 16 years ago I came to first church I thank God for knowledge all that I receive in a short period of time that's all the yields I call myself a little minister all on radio and everybody know they were on their way to hell yet I rolled my with head but do knowledge of the Apostles two takes I'm telling you think there's a big difference when it comes down to truth it's a big difference and let me carry with you today don't play with your soul do not play with your soul you know what you in well you're a true for naught you know it you're gonna have what so you better protect that soul my god you've got to come on falsehood time again short time is getting short you better come on falsehood and grab hold of this truth now take hallelujah God over to God I thank God hallelujah Jesus I would pass to my god I lead it out before the whole world that the whole world know that didn't hell my god truth I thank God for that saints of God all of your getting you better get understanding Holy Ghost said say day that rushing him must worship in spirit and in truth I did pretty much wreck in the Lord [Music] where I thank God for the words coming from Minister Williams there are some brothers for far away we don't hear from them too often but we're gonna call it one that you do know Minister Bowser come everybody rocking about North Carolina [Applause] she said I thank God for being back in the house of God you know Saints I just said by the thing about Dina I thank God for passage you know Jenna man there's not unstable in the Word of God he preached that thing so Saints I'm telling you in this ain't i´m all stirred up saying cuz saying we missed this we miss it all I'm Sid this is this is peculiar site this is something brother and sister God got a man prepare well prepared they bring forth the Word of God thank God for him Saints say we must hold fast we must hold fast to this teaching it's taking real Saints I allow this gospel look at discuss mass of Lord we're in the church that God has with it we in God house hey man Saint let us live holy that's lil ray take this gospel and look and just take and obey was written I want it are all this been said and done I want to make fresh resurrection pray for brother bow [Applause] [Music] all right thank all for brother Bowser we don't hear from him too very often but thank God for him nonetheless there is a brother among us one of the ministers that has a very beautiful testimony from last year he was very ill and God gave him recovery we're going to ask him to share that with you and it's a minister from Connecticut really says we honor the Lord today he's the head of the church in the head of our life we thank him for his goodness we thank him for his kindness we certainly thank him for his tender mercy towards us amen truly it's a privilege and honor to be here we don't take it lightly amen we honor the holy prophets and apostles I went on before us and to or leader certainly a man made by the hands of Evan pastor Jennings I can never thank God enough for my sister reason why I said that one day I went to see her and she said to me there's this man I want you to see and that's all she had to say amen and it one look immediately became my pastor and we thank God for everything that he has done for us many of you might know my testimony time is far spent so I don't want to take up the time to go into it but we've been here since Friday night and certainly our soul truly have been blessed it is very refreshing and it's a blessing to be a part of this ministry certainly God is here Church if you know who God is God is here amen God is here hallelujah to God God is here and he's our deliverer amen I was I'm a witness from Friday night message you got to have faith that message stuck with me amen my God when I was diagnosed I just said lord if it your will let it be done we didn't worry one bit but thank God we are here strong healthy everything in remission hallelujah to God we went to see the doctor Thursday and he's still dancing and skipping can't wonder what's going on but as the scripture says the natural man does not understand the things of God so I don't waste my time getting into it with him but I know God is able amen and we are determined God knows God knows we are determined amen to stay on God's side I mean I thank God to be a part of his ministry it is so refreshing iced it and then just observe and taking him in the ministers meeting coming out of falsehood men used to fight if their name doesn't get called but thank God Amen God is able damn and we are blessed to be here Saints let's not play Church let's not play Church be serious about the salvation god is coming back and he's coming for a church without spot or wrinkle you care have any force say it's a blessing to come to these meetings but you just don't want to come you want to leave feeling reply souls to be say Alleluia to God when you leave you can say like Peter it was good for us to be here that's my prayer in Jesus all right we're gonna get ready now to go into our telecast as always who wants you to sit attentively as we listen to the Word of God as it comes forth from our legion leader teacher and guide pastor jet is for those who are watching this program is coming to you from the First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ our international headquarters 51 and 5 North fifth Street in Philadelphia Pennsylvania right here in the United States of America here now is our leader teacher guide and messenger of the Almighty God the apostle pastor Gino Jennie's what a mighty God we said yes what a modest [Music] I plan whatever fighting but I'm on it Hey [Applause] what a mining what a party oh yeah Hey [Music] what a mighty gosh I said that day shut up [Music] [Music] yes [Music] and what I'm not it I plan whatever [Music] [Music] and what a minor that's [Music] [Music] and have another [Music] [Music] [Music] I what up [Music] we're in brothers and sisters we greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus we bear witness there is no god but one we sang about it we preach it because we bear witness God is the only true living eternal power that ever had been and ever will be viewers this is the truth of God program again coming from our international headquarters campus here to fill up your Pennsylvania in the United States of America you always welcome to come stop in this is where we have a good fire brewing here [Applause] and if you want to be right with God then this program is an answer to your prayer you don't want to be right with God and really don't want to be save and satisfied just doing whatever you want to do and don't care whether you go to hell and not you don't want this program this program is for them that fear God bible said is the word sent to them that fear God you have to really want to be right with God to accept this type of hard rough straight in your face preaching you want the play church then I'm telling you you're not gonna enjoyed this message you know now the child I play with cars you know I had my Hot Wheels in little Batmobile look at a superhero on television I was impressed with I will find the longest tower that I could and get my mother to put a pen run down the street so the wind can make it blow play well in god no play you really have to mean business [Applause] viewers this program come to interrupt your business all of us that's here today some time in our life god interrupts our personal business [Applause] it's good that he did so isn't it [Applause] sometimes the interruption of God don't feel good or oh you may not understand why this had to be God know what it take to bring you to him God makes you uncomfortable sometimes he brings inconvenience they cost you are too convenient enter up your life enter up your marriage inter up your household and enter up your job he may bring sickness he may bring death why do God resort to these things view up because he know eventually you gonna do what you never done and that is call on him one of the biggest lies that people have said about God he tries to get your attention oh god don't try nothin he didn't try to make the heavens he did it you didn't try to make the earth he just done it God don't try to get your attention human family you're not that complicated for him you know what to do make you start begging to him pleading with him you know what to do we're a dig dot you'll find yourself falling on your knees at the most unlikely time and the most unlikely place under unusual circumstances Gordon got to figure you out hardhead God made us for his glory God made us to serve him live for him stand up for him and if need be die well we thank God for the way of holiness it is the way that God revealed to his servants the apostle's and he also revealed many things pertaining to holiness to his servants the prophets there's not another way never had been nor ever will be Villas there's no middle in this there's no purgatory no no it's God's way or no way I'm so glad to see our ministers and all the brothers and sisters and again to the many many hundreds that are not here and they couldn't fit in here if they tried but we thank God for the word of the Lord and the work of God that is far-reaching I would bless to meet for the first time some of the new sinks I believe was out of wisconsin's thank God that God blessed and make it here and I'm so grateful brother Ellis gave me a piece of paper I'm sorry I forgot it but let me save this to all of my viewers in Chicago I want to greet the folks and rally families in other words I knows a lot of oats and rallies that's in Chicago's you that's the inlaws of Elle Dallas that's the sisters of mother Ellis we thank God for all of you up in Chicago and Jackson Mississippi and Detroit and you on the west coast in California and Oregon and Nevada and Mexico and Boston and Connecticut and the wicked state of Pennsylvania can't forget about you either to all of our Devils they hate the program glad you tuned in again today to the program that you hate program that arouse your daddy in you you know that is Bible says you have your father the devil you know you of the devil because only the devil in man fight the scriptures a god-fearing man don't fight God word am i right I said [Applause] even if the word heard him word me beat him up all day he may cry but he ain't gonna say god I had so many people writers and some preachers say well we know that he preached the truth but it's the way he said Jesus said I did not come to bring peace but a slore now you get a man with a sward in his hand I mean a real blade he's not coming to play with you ain't doing that he come to kill you cut you and to sever ties to anything you are linked to that's not like God someone you preaches is old enough to be my father and grandfather then you say I'm too strict factor Jenna don't have love oh yes I do I mean why would all these hunger some people in thousands is another part of the world follow someone that don't love them you're thinking of love is Charles Stanley Billy Graham Joel Olsteen a bunch of cotton candy hypocrites that the devil said I'm not working for the devil God that I represent is strong powerful unafraid la God make up a preacher he put the characteristics of himself in that richer now you wonder why we sound so salty because I have a salty spirit jesus said salt is good I can't help the way us out reason why these other fellas sounds so sweet God is not in them God didn't say sugar is good God says salt is good [Applause] so you preaches that admit that this is the truth stop whining man up the pen of your sins go down in water in the name of Jesus Christ if you've got this real Holy Ghost bless the name of God a night that the apostle's had you'll be so glad and so willing to stand up for the great god of heaven stood up for the devil when you were the sinner wasn't it why is it when someone stand up for God he's mocked they want to kill him they wish she was dead [Applause] he's the throne and they say they have nothing too much good to say about of it all because just standing for God well viewers I'm determined to do that and I don't believe that we have to do it by ourself or it a go we got thousand just willing to stand with us and let the world know and one God rules here in heaven and in earth now let us just update you to what's going on let me baptize 16 so far since this meeting been going on for the year and the number still coming in these numbers are still coming in but what we got so far 905 Souls went down and water in the name of the Lord 905 Souls and we're not even finished numbers are still coming in and so the still giving up I'm glad that God gave us not a blue-collar gospel not a white-collar gospel just the gospel call the rich pulled the black pull the white pulled the yellow pulled the brown don't matter what color you are your nationality your status this is one and this is one message that's not impressed by rich folk no no no very rich man come in here and they have been several there have been several rich folk that came in millionaires but they found out right away we don't look at you special you ain't nothing but dust us you may have more money than we do but you're nothing but dust and when our God our God snatched your soul take your breath out of your body then you'll understand that not a penny that you have can buy you eternal life we thank God we had a beautiful ministers meeting and yesterday we are danger [Applause] brother Minister L reserved delicious Islands we are Dane him Bishop Ellis [Applause] Bishop's in Bali he'll be overseeing five locations that's five different islands and any other Island us in that region his work ethics is impeccable his humility is just a gift from God [Applause] you know there isn't that many men you meet thus humble with the title people have been around me a long time know when it come to our dining the men I moved slower than a sloth amen slow sometime when you have experience it makes you slower another wasn't a hurry to ordain men then when I got more experienced it made me very lazy about dawn yes slow motion several birthdays may go by before I get in why you want what's in them to be proven see how they function as a brother see how to take praise when they can't take praise and the people can transform them when the people can transform you from a brother to a bishop without ordination you're not fit can't pretend to be a part of the truth of God you got to be in it how much of yourself got to be in it the whole body so read take got got to be in I thank God for Bishop Elvis in violin most time I still call them brother symbolic and that is alright because when you get a title and you feel as though that you cannot be called brother you're fired I'm your brother I don't care if nobody called me bishop or apostle or anywhere about none of that I'm your brother and with some of you watching I'm your enemy amen so we are Dain him bishop in we thank God for that out Ellis in Mississippi we are Dana and Bishop also [Applause] and we also are Dane and charge brother Taj to do the work of an advantage [Applause] we charge him before God or go do the work of an evangelist [Applause] or they go Stella NetMeeting do so there's others we're looking to ordain in a near future some years ago I ordained a brother in Tallahassee Florida and I'm pretty sure he's watching we're not watching some of you that know him he was doing good when he was with the truth of God then have many people in the church but when he got hooked up with this message he was baptizing Souls constantly we were sending the viewers out of Tallahassee Florida to his location see see this message will bill up what you're doing right God give the Apostles in ability that's great and you can benefit from the ability thank God given a posture I'm not boasting in myself I'm boasting in God brother Tim work somewhere for years many years go by he may not baptize but five or six and ten years Laura take God would if he'd anchor within a God said God made of pasta then you have possible teach him how to dig worms dig up turnover there boot up the soil he may say well I've been here for two years there haven't done much but the apostle would teach them a way of fishing they he don't know nothing about go ahead take God before you know it grounds you come out there Steve busy brother Minister ham can bear witness brother hey Pam said when he got hooked up with this thing he have never baptized as many people since he'd been preaching beautiful to be linked in something that God is in and viewers that write us and say all they praise passage ennis the doctrine of holiness is this God is first and everything here centers around God [Applause] oh yeah everything here centers around God wonderful wonderful wonderful and we are that time and the whole God in the face of creation and now so people don't like they got a hateful God and the more you hate him the more Matt talk about the boy you try to belittle him the more I'm going to build him up the more you saw the sense of his teaching the louder we go blast you back to hell so whatever you do know let's take God whatever you do we won't stand for God word sort of the former brother he's not my brother he's a former brother because when you started announcing guards you're not my brother and then we are dating then we were sending him to many foreign countries preaching the Word of God and then one day he manifests or was in ER at his own admission what was in him for years divorced lover baptized in the name of Jesus Christ Holy Ghost speaking in tongue and this brother used to fight against divorce I mean much but his fire went out something or somebody took a spark out as it cost divorce simply fulfills the flesh and Jesus made a plane and told you who divorces for he said Moses because of the hardness of your heart so that lets you know what kind of people patronize divorce hard-hearted stiff neck fleshly that's right Jesus said but from the beginning where take God wasn't so so he Bachelet years after I ordained him an elder he backs lived pick up divorce said flesh and blood now is in heaven flesh and blood like you and I flesh and blood can't even go into space without putting on a suit that's right that's right that's right yeah you see no astronaut shoot up into space and walk around breathing he gotta put on another body he was an astronaut gonna put on another body they take his body and put on a body that a man made so he can function go ahead take god that's what Jesus did that's right body was in the lower class up there third day because it had no blood and when he lost the blood on the cross he couldn't walk around here living where no blood or had to be another life's force here come the everlasting life got in the body that used to have natural life because the life of all flesh lies in the blood so the spirit just took the place of the blood the wonderful spirit took the place of the blood and was everlasting life they took the place of natural life that's how that body was able to live the brother backslidden Jes and from there down hill there's a lot of youth preacher that watch this program some of you watched it before you go to church some of you watch it before you get in your pulpit some of you watch it and take notes and then get the pulpit and preach it and saying God gave it to you the world Laura take God nice teaching today that's all preachers if you believe that the holy way of God isn't right stop being afraid of the organization that you're in and come out of it now church goers if you're preachers don't want to come out you leave them don't pay him another time don't give them another offering back up get out save your soul I thank God for this message how strong it is god man will you turn that program on you can hear the power of God blessing out of it you can feel it you can hear glory take garden you can see it that's what I'm so glad you can't get this mixed up with nothing else and let me remind the viewers because many of you still ax us is it's this preacher with us it's that church with us listen there's a lot of organizations in America and out they have the similar name First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ a similar name if you want to know what preachers with the truth of God just write in and act any preacher that claimed his whip the truth of God and his wife was the first lady he ain't with here with the truth of God if he believe in divorce he's not holiness people living women preachers he's not holiness he fights speaking in town that's not holiness if he baptized just in Jesus name and not the name of Jesus Christ or Lord Jesus not holiness got to have the teaching or the gospel to go along with the name alright let's get some letters out the way see who we can help who we can answer and then we're dive into the Bible and stitch up your soul that'll be sewn into the world alright danda man come on Pretoria South Africa greetings pastor Jennings my name is Tebow ho Raymond to Sheila 22 years old from Pretoria South Africa London I have been watching the truth of God teaches this July 2017 and I've learned a lot from your teachings god bless you sir I was baptized in March 2011 by my grandmother who happened to be a preacher I used to believe in women preachers but since I have been learning from your teachings on the subject of women preachers I now believe on what the scripture says in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 I never thank you again for opening my eyes sir I want to be right with God since we are in waiting for him as the scripture says so I need to be correctly baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus I'm glad you know that a man yes you got to be baptized over not only does this sister in Africa must be baptized over everybody in the world that was baptized by a woman now when you hear me save this some of you women write me and say you know what I'm glad I'm not your wife I'm glad too I'm glad too I don't hate women that's just biblical protocol today there is not a woman in the Bible that ever baptized anybody at no time Jesus didn't choose no woman and sent them out to baptize the Apostles didn't get their wives or women in the body of Christ to baptize so then yeah yeah here listeners you bishops and elders and so-called apostles and prophets who got women baptizing people all women that baptize have done the wrong thing if you've done it by your preacher's permission your preacher have you functioning in sin you're committing sin Jesus told John it become awesome the fulfill all righteousness every place in the Bible where baptism took place men did it let us remember it was Jesus that told his men that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem and the book of Acts of the Apostles the Bible speak plain it says Peter stood up with the eleven deadness Asia and those eleven were men I don't hate women oh we just want our women to be saved just like we want two men or a dead God but there is no place in the universe that give the woman the right to baptize anybody in any song every woman that do this your sin and you're out of the will of God Jesus from Galilee listen message yeah yeah all right in the book of Satan Matthew chapter 3 and at verse 13 then cometh Jesus from Galilee then come the boss from Galilee Jesus was the boss you know right from Galilee to Jordan - Jordan unto John to mrs. John on to John Misha on to John sister job on to John mother job on to John missionary John unto John a lot to be baptized of him wait a minute to be baptized of who to be baptized of him to be baptized of her of him she him come on back to Bible [Applause] let's come on back to Bible view uh let's just do it like the Word of God says it let's get rid of all this man-made trash that have came into the churches of America and the world let's get rid of men's philosophy men's opinion men's ideology and let's just come on back all folk used to call it the good book come on back to the good book right all right Dan so I need to be correctly baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus that I receive the gift of the Father which is the Holy Ghost I'll be more than happy to hear from you on my request thanks again may God bless you now and for all right thank you for that wonderful letter that's Aneta this is on the question it says on the Holy Scriptures it says please explain Luke chapter 17 verse 34 to 35 alright Luke chapter 17 34 and verse 35 Luke chapter 17 we'll start at verse 34 alright tell you in that night oh wait a minute those two words sound good better go up to verse 30 at verse 30 all right even those shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed in that day he would shall be upon the housetop and his stuff in the house that have not come down to take it a way yes and he that is in the field let him likewise not return back all right remember Lot's wife remember Lot's wife whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it nebulous lot and his family was charged and and you let them know well really we gonna burn everything up and down right and God would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah as long as lott was in town because God showed mercy but his purpose for Sodom and Gomorrah was to destroy the wicked it was a bunch of homosexuals that lived there then have the rainbow flag back then but uh bunch of homosexuals and there were angels that visit brother lot and the men the Bible said the men of the city old and young surround the house you got all homosexuals young homosexual they said give us those men that we may know them not knew that the agenda was just downright wrong not say well I have two daughters you can have them and do whatever you want but because the men of Sodom and Gomorrah was filled with intense lusts scriptural term is less severe extreme we don't want your daughters we want the men where did God with the power of God within the Angels shine out that house listen at this so and God was get rid of to burn sodomy go mark not and his family come on out and the angel said unto lot reclick in the book of Joshua chapter 19 and at verse 48 and the angel said to a lot arise go forth from this place now and all belonging to thee yes yes I'll be consumed in the iniquity of this city all right for the Lord will destroy this place and the angels laid hold upon the hand of Lud and upon the hand of his wife and upon the hands of his children and all belonging to him laughs and they brought him forth and set him without the cities now not in his family came out but not wife done something that God don't want nobody to do that's right not whole family had the chance to be saved from fire but is wife the wife of lot looked back of wife the wife of lot looked back look back now fear wasn't you better hear what scripture says remember remember Lot's wife do you hear this in back in the book of Saint Luke 17 and verse 33 remember Lot's wife what is it about not wife that jesus warned us not to forget she looked back with back looking back to us representing the desire to go back in the wickedness that God brought us robbed how much of a passage in is all she did was look back you can look back without physically go back not like didn't physically walk back into Sodom and Gomorrah right but she looked back which shows where her heart was her compassion was moved do you hear do you hear in the book of Genesis now in the book of Jasher chapter 19 and adversity to I and her compassion was moved she listened emotions got invite an account of her daughter on account of a daughter will remain in Sodom you know if you listen to your children who don't know God right you shouldn't allow your children to persuade you to go to hell I don't care how much you love your kids one of you kids want to deviate from God and what you to deviate from God love him but love God more so we're not what came out along with the husband and children she looked back never mind me what God said about all Israel in their heart turning back to get into Egypt I wanted to be good for you thousands of backsliders that are listening and watching now many of you once was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ wants to have the Holy Ghost speaking in town what you hear us preach now I get thousand letters for many of you that admit you were backsliders and you said that what we're preaching your mama and your father was used to tell you about now look at you out there smoking and dancing and gambling and your focus is making money you not only look back you went back don't forget where your Lord brought you back slightly you're only still alive late because he shot no saint because you got a good job you're only living on borrowed time given to you by the same Lord you used to serve but you bear this one thing in mind your clock is ticking here and your time gonna expire I advise you backslider return to the Lord bricks up your folly ground thank God and come on back to him so we can get these questions out the way come on back in Luke 17 and at verse 32 real quick remember Lot's wife and whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it now you might be persecuted for this but you've been out deny God just to save your life give me your life taken and I want you to hear me well have a getting your life taken that's something you may have to do and standing for God God says what whosoever shall seek to save shall sink the save his life shall lose it now if you seek to save your life God gonna destroy it somebody say well you believe in Jesus here they got a gun to your head and of course you're scared no I don't believe it I'm an atheist you he will Jesus preach whosoever shall seek to save his life if you seek to save your life shall lose it anytime you think to save your life from being persecuted what are you gonna lose your soul I'm gonna pass you into hell cause the Lord don't want none of his people to be ashamed of him they got him determined not to be ashamed of God if you tell me any courthouse before the biggest judge in the world I'll stand for my God all right whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it right and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it hallelujah to go says whoever lose his life for my name sings here find it amen so if you lose your life if you have to give up your life in behalf of the Lord he preserves your you in safekeeping yes thank God you in good hands I tell you I came in that night and that night there shall be two men in one bed ah two men in one bed the one shall be taken one taken by the other left yes someone say whether the Bible said that night well night gonna be somewhere in there when the Lord appear that's right but the Lord wants you to focus on different incidents that's gonna be going on in there when God appeared in heaven I tell you and that not tell you in that night there shall be two men in one bed two men gonna be in the bed the one shall be taken [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] I gotta straighten that out I see somebody blog right now at the television it ain't talked about homosexuality head can you prove it better Jenner's I'm getting ready to right now oh yeah I tell you in that night and that night there shall be two men in one bed two men in one bed the one shall be taken one save and the other shall be left and one gonna go to hell now as both a homosexuals both are going to help sometime we may travel somewhere and preach the gospel we got some brothers and sleeping quarters may be limited so we may have to bunk with each other real men real men shall be able to go and a large locker room shower bunch of other men without looking around [Applause] amen amen amen if he dropped the soap no food no fair pick it up pick it up if you're afraid you gotta kick it in the corner that's right try to get I know some of you homosexual loving politicians don't like this kind of briefly though and you say we're homophobic you say the homosexual right we see with Pastor Dennis we're human sue that's right that's why I'm trying to keep you out of hell I want you to hear this mr. man what there's nothing gonna make on a man's body yeah yeah yeah yeah Tiny Tim's nothing I said I say nothing okay will it take gut on the body of a man that was designed for man as you do this can you prove that yes give me the book of Genesis let's see who did the Lord desire that who should desire who in the book of Genesis chapter 3 Solomon Jin asada a3 Genesis chapter 3 and read verse 16 all right on to the woman he said unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and I can sin and sorrow thou shalt bring forth children yes and I desire huh your desire woman your lust for Michelle what shall be to thy husband all right Harry knocks followers hairy nuts Dirty Harry God have never made a man for man God made the woman for the man he knew what he was doing it has I just look at the way you were son come on back in the book of st. Luke 17 and we're still at verse 34 yeah so when the Lord come to go and be in a bed at night once y'all gonna be taking it one left it can be a father and a son what do you mean here you got the son baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus had the Holy Ghost ringing in tongue follow the divine commandment of God but the fathers of the devil right so God will take the Sun and that the Sun make the first with direction and send his daddy to hell that's what is talking about take one leave one over take God because the Lord says he knows them better his that's right all right to women ah not to lesbian to women will women shall be grinding together the one shall be taken on working not explain that - yes they talk about two women that press angle another scripture says two women grinding at the mill stream that out and kiss you dykes get happy right you can have mother and daughter well the baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus have the Blessed Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues following the Word of God but yet my daughter just want to run the streets party drinking at like a food Louie take God but when the Lord come one shall be taken God go and take your same mother and the other live and send your wicked daughter right to hell two men shall be in the field kill a man in the field the one shall be taken I didn't matter where you're located when the Lord come what is he established regardless of the location of the righteous or the wicked he gonna save the righteous and the holy and he going damned the wicked Bible said hell was made for the wicked I said the wicked shall be turned into hell that's right alright come on two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left alright that's first 35 I was at verse 36 that's letter please pastor do you know I'm asking you to please open up another Church here in Yanceyville North Carolina calls will County Roxboro North Carolina any minute wait a minute they want us to open up the church where and Yanceyville Yancy bill yes Yancy all right yes bill North Carolina cause well County says Roxboro North Carolina in person County Reidsville North Korea Rockingham account doesn't bill Virginia and Pennsylvania County bank account Burlington North care alright allomancy County right or even Greensboro North Carolina right I am in need of a church homeless I'm in need of some money I would love to open up churches in all those talents I can't even begin to tell you of the hundreds of letters I get just like this hundreds people asking us from almost every continent on this planet and throughout America Canada South America Australia Honduras all around as it didn't please will you open up a church you open up a church here well I would love to do it but it takes millions and millions of dollars and this is not a program that hustle money we use the Lord's money for the Lord's work don't take the Lord's money in a line my pocket we use the Lord's money for the Lord's work so it takes maze of dollars to its stablish stretches established yourself you what church is dead yes I would love to put churches everywhere oh if I was a multi-millionaire my god is not a state that I would go in and leave without coming back and telling us thanks well I bought by four or five more judges got about ten more churches here fifteen will church is dead thirty more churches did I do that you pray I think that God will send in some more money but we are not gonna break one law to get a pin in that one we're not going to change the teaching of God to pacify the sinner so he can like what we preach to make them give us money no we're not gonna do that I would never belittle myself and turn my back on my Lord for a half a penny one we will wait until God miss away because those verses the Lord's and I want us after loss or take God in the fullness thereof so give us time if it be the Lord's will and if he blesses and we open up churches in your area as well as other areas all around the world alright next letter biblical question says dear church I'm originally from Gallup New Mexico alright I am now living in Las Cruces I started coming to Christ and I came across brother Jenny's I could never really understand the Bible until the Lord puts your church in my path thank God for them I was raised by a pastor a trinitarian I might and my mother we tried to become a preacher I saw her go through horrible things like schizophrenia a long story short I want to walk with God the right way and I've been looking for a church here in Las Cruces to be baptized but so far they've only been praying over me and hitting me with the fire of the Holy Spirit listen tell them Devil stop hitting on you ain't hitting on you with the fire of the Holy Spirit that's the devil in them and don't listen when you in these false churches don't let nobody lay hands on you don't let none of these Devils pray over you don't even let the bishop anoint you in oil get away run far away from him and then I hit you with the Holy Spirit that's the devil in them committing physical abuse upon you that's running all right I see others get it and jerk and cry but nothing for me they keep asking if I feel a little heat ask the devil and I'm ashamed to say I lied and said yes don't be ashamed don't be ashamed that's right stand up each other chew hey man when you receive the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue the Bible didn't say you won't feel heat I remember there was one fellow who used to be under me he trying to slip that teaching immobile try to tell the folks when you receive the Holy Ghost you gonna feel warm you won't get heated and the scripture he used when the Prophet said is like fire shut up in my bones all the problem was describing how the power of God work my brain never said you're gonna get heated or overheated God how foolish deal is up all right I'm ashamed to say I lied and said yes just so they would move on to the next yeah make him leave you alone but tell the truth you never watching with us in these false religion stop letting these folks feed on you you know and false churches they have prayer service and then you got a bunch of people yelling all over you beating on you in the name of Jesus Christ and then a magician somebody yell call them call them call them say yeah say yeah say yeah give me a headache and say that's the Holy Ghost that's a bunch of noise you yelling over me ain't gonna make me closer to God it's not gonna make me more or less come on dan that's happened this data comes from California all right they says trying times demands strong leaders praise the Lord Gino Jennings my family and I have been receiving God's truth through you for almost one year hang on I believe that we need more laborers like yourself so the Lord of lords may sprout more churches with strong soldiers willing to fight for the truth and part from the world that's my desire to sprout mud temples up around the world so strong soldiers can be in the pulpit and those soldiers have to stay on the fiery line can love money can't love popularity can't love prestige can't love compliments can't love notoriety can't love priests can't take church money so you can start buying yourself cars and houses am i right that's a strong gut so you gotta have the love of the soul of people in you and the soldier got to be able to endure hardness you know a soldier in the military if he look to make something out of himself he must endure they drill sergeant no go your doctor take it when I just are just sand over you stand over you and just box and hey show you out he don't care how timid you are he don't care if you break down crying all he know if you spend all remaining in his unit thank God he go and work on I say that to say this if you plan on making the resurrection of the coming of the Lord I'm gonna work on you yes you can keep me all you want it doesn't matter I'm gonna work on you hey you can't offer me nothing to manipulate me from working on you why the Lord is coming gotta win the Lord get here I plan on hitching a ride I don't plan on him coming and going and leave me stranded no I want to go back with them and reign throughout eternity along with the God of the prophets alright we go to a ones Church here in California I got a lot a ones Church a oneness change alright we go to a oneness Church here in California try to stay in line with the Bible as the best we can but there's still work to be done I believe that we reciting to see that there weren't any churches of your doctrine here but we will continue to pray god bless you your first lady and your beautiful family thank you for it thank you for that wonderful letter what if you know that the language what she said she said your first lady yes she's right she left the church first lady she's mine or the personal life now I do want to make one correction writer you said you couldn't find a church with mine doctor I have to say like Jesus my doctor this doctor is not mine it's not mine that's right let's get some buy before this in the book of st. John's a necessary many people write me and they are so grateful to the word they express their gratitude amen but when somebody put praise on me that only belong to God I have to put it in right perspective because I don't want my heavenly father look down on me listen when Saint John chapter 7 and at verse 16 all right jesus answered them jesus answered them and said my doctor mind doctrine is not mine what do you mean my teaching didn't come from me but same thing here's that Sydney this doctrine that I'm preaching is not mine is his what's his it's God's and that's the one that said me all right come on Dan Oh truth is it alight what truth is the title of this alright I love your teacher I know what was going on but sudden hit you over all right I love your teacher yeah I want to look towards baptism all right before that I have a question mm-hmm I need help with this person says I was studying the Jehovah's Witnesses and need to know what you think about the hundred and forty-four thousand and Colossians chapter one verse 15 the 144,000 are the direct descendants of Abraham according to the flesh your father I believe in the seventh chapter of the book of Revelation each tribe will still twelve thousand the tribe of Dan the tribe of Reuben the tribe of Judah the tribe of Benjamin the tribe of Joseph the tribe of Issachar to travel nefta lie all twelve sons thank God which water sons of Jacob that fall into the 12 tribes of Israel each tribe was sealed twelve thousand and the twelve thousand they were sealed fall to a hundred and forty-four thousand the lie that the Jehovah Witnesses has preached they've reached that the 144,000 are the only ones that's going to be saved concerning at the end Jehovah Witnesses don't know what they're talking no no the 144,000 now let us remember let me show you how many houses of Israel is it if you chop the book of Isaiah quickly amen they're two houses of Israel yeah yeah here now I want you to get this there - I want every Jehovah Witness to get this they're two houses of Israel all right let's find this and check the Book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter eight will start at verse 10 real quick take counsel together and take counsel together and it shall come to thee shall come to not beat the word and it shall not stand yes well God is with us laughs now we're down at verse 14 yeah and he said before a sanctuary he shall be for a hiding place but what shall be for a hiding place God is our refuge he shall be for sanctuary but for a stone of stumbling for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of a fish where would it be located to both the houses of Israel now what do you mean both the houses of Israel that two houses of Israel wait a minute pastor Jenna you said is 12 tribes that's right but I said there's two houses both those both hands up spiritual Israel and there's a natural Israel now natural Israel the law was to be circumcised of the flesh each male child had to be circumcised eight days after his birth thank God but spiritual Israel there must be circumcised in the heart who praise is not of men but of God now then natural Israel when they though that was born and God established this in the book of Genesis that all of them that was your kin that will be born into your house in for ham must be circumcised but then the Lord went outside of the connection of the flesh that's right - Abraham and said them that are strangers better give chapter verse with this now in the book of Genesis chapter 17 we'll start at verse 12 right here yeah yeah right here he established both houses that's right at Genesis chapter 17 we'll start in verse 11 Solomon and ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin circumcise what the flesh of your foreskin the flesh talking about the seed of Abraham and it shall be for a token of the Covenant between me and you yeah and he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you all right that was the rule or the law given from God to Abraham and representative Lesch every man child in your generation you see that every man John in your generation he that is born in the house he's not born in the house or or bought with money and wait wait wait wait wait if you're born in the house that mean you connected an Abraham according to the flesh in your office see but what else or bought with money of any strange stranger represent the Jintao's that's in your house that's right what Gentiles was in the house them that abort is talking about slaves at which is none of they see what which is not of thy seed not related to him so under a per hams house blessed be the name of God under it for hams house you had Jew ancient town now what did Abraham house representatives April hams house represent the Lord's house was Abraham's house represent the church within the ham house you had Jew and Gentile within God's house you had and Gentile don't you hear one of these shoes brothers declaring repent and be baptized every one of every one of them in the name of Jesus Christ now that saved Jew blessed be the name of God that proofs this on the day of Pentecost one day he was on the housetop and a vision came down from God out of heaven and like a whole corner she a sheet came down that four corners in it this he came three times within that sheep was all type of vote footed beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air God showed this Jew by the name of Peter that is time to go to those that was once in a perhaps house that was not a fish that's right so here comes Peter glory to God hear hear a conversation with the Lord the Lord says I'm for you to get up now rise you better ride this lady now notice the conversation between Peter and the Lord was centered around meat meat meat not fruit no vegetables not dream me what is me yes and then so I'm unless you look at flesh as fowls of the air there you know the exalted in the earth I'm unless you look at flesh as fishes and all type of unclean things because the reason why I'm going to show you that because in the Old Testament I commanded that my people will exchange from all Cana me even certain type of fish them that were shell fish what is a chance it represent you know when you got a shell fish you've got flesh that's within something hard [Music] our heart smack a shellfish that's why God said I gotta break up hallelujah take a hold of a heart of flesh amen so now when God told the old church or the church in the wilderness to a stay from the different meat now you come along headed you up on the housetop falling into a trance that the sudden death on the sheet they say get up Slade even why did God show Peter unclean people in the form of food because God did this to interrupt the Old Testament dietary laws that dietary law represent abstaining from natural food but from the spiritual perspective they also abstain from certain people amen so Peter respond to the Lord not solely I'm not gonna do that not so Lord well I've never had anything that is common or unclean but the Lord said and the voice spake unto him again the second time I said what what God is clean hey Peter no use talking what would I has Quinn has cleanse that cold no she'll be cold come and you been mine deficient and the Sheep came three times for you know it three men three men come from the house of a Gentile Israel three men come from the house of a Gentile cannula stallion he was not related to april's house thank God so Abraham's house came to the Gentiles don't say the Bible didn't say they always said it you just couldn't see it now Peter was of I'm house two weeks he was a ham house according to the flesh and he was of half house because he was a hand child by faith because he believed in the I'm talking amen just like the church now how much in town yes I'm a Gentile and I have some Hebrews your life saying when are you gonna tell the people I'm a Jew all right I confessed I confess I'm a Jew and then I'll show you how I'm a Jew in Romans chapter 2 give me a Roma's glory glory glory glory glory to God and address 28 all right well he is not a Jew i'ma show you what kind of Jew I am that's right listen at the Apostle Paul for he in Romans 2 and at verse 28 right for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision we didn't defend was just our in the flesh but by he is a Jew ah yes a Jew right there Paul's preaching about both houses of interest right one does circumcised and they contain a spiritual time that's right all right but he isn't you he is a Jew which is one inwardly is one there in the uncircumcision circumcise that of the horse is that of the heart in the spirit in what in the spirit in lot and the spirit lot and the smell got to be in the spirit that's right now let me give you understanding glory to God whenever that child eight days after its arrival from the birth canal of the mother there's a certain instrument yes that one we use for the circumcision to remove the foreskin off the flesh amen and the instrument was shot and when the foreskin was removed the child ryouta right now the foreskin was kept as a token showing and proving that I got circumcised right if you truly big circumcised or spiritual and the heart now the instrument does use it's the word word of God Costas call us war and it's used to circumcise too hot just like the little baby crowd because there's something got a hold of it and pain hit it it was a new kind of pain that made a clown lunatic God when the power of God get in your heart and begin to circumcise Google Cloud the power of the gospel to make your cloud and make you surrender so yes they are both houses of issues there's the natural house and they're the spiritual house there's a church in the wilderness and there's a church that started on the day of Pentecost where they repent of their sins they were baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ and received a baptism of the holy ghost speaking and tongue of the Spirit the Living God give utterance all right Dan the man come on this person says I need to know what you think about 144,000 so the 144,000 was those that was selected that read from April ham offspring that will that was the elect chosen ones of God that were Jews that's right but the Jehovah Witness got it wrong and think that that can be the only group saved that pungent 44,000 that's right on it they forgot Revelation chapter servant the book of Revelation chapter 7 that says I saw enough after this listen listen listen listen Revelation chapter 7 and add verse 9 what after this Lord after this after I saw a hundred and forty-four thousand after this I beheld the spirit wasn't done with brother John I kept looking that's right and I beheld a great multitude hallelujah a great multitude which no man could number after church what's ready oh yeah that's the church which was now that's the other house of Abraham's that's really now if a ham spiritual house is bigger than ham natural house don't you get a profit Hagee I said that's a latter house she'll be great then the soul he said that glory of the latter house shall be great tender fall so from a PMC according to the flesh just a hundred forty-four thousand but from those after this that come from April ham see pop face charge it after this other Hill I looked and lo a great multitude which no man could number I can't count them what is a great soul between look there's no man can number no man to caliph Oh nation I want of all nations just Jews Oh nation those just use all nations who owned a small nations and Kindred's kinship and people people and tongue tongues stood before the throne dead before the throne and before the lamb and the father rode with white road talk about the spiritual juice for the Java witnesses don't know in their talking when they say only a hundred and forty-four gonna be saved that's Dylan with Abraham's seed according to the flesh thank God but there's a number that's superior to that that's showing you that God is greater than the flesh that's right there's a number that no man can number these are data so read in white rose and so they have palms in their hands I'm bigger now that's the number that we're leaving to get in yeah the number who that you can't count [Applause] so can't count it jealousy then number one before there's heavy wet tank up this says a number no man Oh Thomas help a sea Jenna's dude God no harm in it is yes what a Babis head no man that's right that don't include God God is not a man then it should live near you see the son of man on the road that he should repent God said we know them that is that's why we that's what we is bigger then the Hebrews then the Jews now the Bible says this salvation take'em Jesus again wishing to hell division he says salvation this is the Jews as you say but the hour cometh and now is to assure for worship compel worship the father in spirit [Applause] [Applause] they said the body without the Spirit is dead and if you don't have to sweat you are none of these you choose different groups according to the flesh would have you know had the spirit of the Living God turn under here are you getting what I'm telling oh this is so good I saw a great number it's the number we're trying to get it is the number that nobody can count the Gentiles were not designed for the hundred and forty-four thousand that's God's covenant with Abraham and he's determined to keep his pact he kept his pact so God chose the cheese twelve thousand Jews out of each tribe that's right to keep his pact great perhaps but gods say our doorway to prepare place where there may be also dance and I saw new tunes coming down you choose you migrate to discharge you go out what you call the Willing law reciting from the Torah fowleri in your Judaism but there's a Jerusalem not made with [Applause] a goal once again that was where I am you may be also Johnson 44,000 God kept his agreement wear a fur hat and got 12,000 out of each tribe he kept his agreement but God wasn't stop worried for him Eliza he said there's a number no man can number these were their red and white rules so for that group you said I'm going away the place that where I am you may be also John said I saw New Jerusalem notice the language of the city and it carried me away New Jerusalem now this New Jerusalem you can't take a bus trip or plane to see this is the way you got to see it Revelation chapter 21 and adverse sins what I need caring me away how he turned away in the spirit inspired great hunt mountain amen the spirit took him around a high mouthful that's right yeah that's so many showed me that great city that great city the holy Jerusalem no wait now now to raise them here on earth it's now hold it so say what you're not holy because you choose allow homosexual parades in the streets of Jerusalem and you are not holy Jerusalem there on this earth have became equal to solemn and Kemara and yes erupt by offense [Applause] it doesn't matter it's song recognize Jerusalem as a capital I don't leave nothing Oh sinner represent or recognize a city as the capital don't mean nothing we are not preparing some folks here I want to go to Israel I don't care if I don't never go to Israel and just people brick mortar so don't you know there's our people that's the period to the Jew there's a people superior to the Jews there's a people of the last things the Jew is connected to a prahalis by the flesh they that are after the flesh cannot please God they've got to be after the spirit you're gonna need a day for him by the flesh but you gotta be connected to the gamma affair by the spirit and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city that great city the holy Jerusalem Jerusalem out of heaven from God descending out of heaven from God having the glory of God wait a minute Jerusalem now in the middle recent got the glory of God no you ain't got the glory of God that day to tell me yeah you don't have the glory of God you fail because it was in Jerusalem where water in spirit was preached all right having the glory of God having a glory of God and her light was like unto a stone most precious our light was like a stone most precious even like unto an adjustment I don't know just queerest Christians Chris I'd had a wall great at hearth or did God talk about New Jersey the wall was green and high and had twelve gates that's twelve gates and at the gates tailgate had twelve what twelve angels well the angel and names written thereon and then Angela written on which are the names of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel now what do you mean had twelve angels twelve angels representing messages mean God had a message for each tribe that's all that is I want to be good for the Hebrews you like they wrote me a napkin explain that scripture that's what it says any other and had a wall great in our wall great and I had twelve gates I had 12 gates and at the gates twelve angels why would it be a game then let you know that Judah that Israel had permission from God to enter and to exit and at the gate stinky and twelve angers me there with the messenger and names written many names written thereon which are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel on the east three gates three eight on the North three gates on the South three gates I know the West brood a game and the wall of this little wall of the city had twelve foundation in it now you you got the gates right and you got the angels you got to have a foundation deuces now I want to show you the greatness of the foundation the foundation is greater than angels yeah and the wall of the city had twelve big God the world the city had twelve thousand and in them in them the names of the Twelve Apostles of the way [Applause] Apophis standing up with brother Peter let all the house of vision know assuredly that God had made the same didn't he's crucified both Lord and Christ notice the names and the names of the twelve blessings of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb of the lab the lab the name of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb hold it right there why did it say the name of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb because when he was the lamb or he was walking here flesh and blood that's when he chose well that's right he told twelve that's why Paul named ain't that right that's right Paul Damon that's right twelve apostles of the whale because when the lamb was here Paul was in there among the apostles that's why the twelve of the lab to learn twelve that don't include Paul twelve of the lamb mean twelve of the son of God one day walk with him talk with him a Twitter handle him that's that's of the land over there Ont God all right come on dance I was studying to a witness as I need to know what you think about the hundred and forty four thousand I mean I told you what it is all right and and Colossians 1 verse 15 I ran Colossians 1:15 in there what it says Jesus is the firstborn of all creation where straighten that out in Colossians chapter 1 to get at verse 14 at verse 14 I in whom we have redemption through his blood now when god almighty manifests himself in the flesh that body was god's form God shaped God fashioned the mediator the son of God that was made for God's glory it was through that body day whoever day man and reconcile man to God through a man fell became short of the glory of God and by his transgression sin came into the world and Jesus came into the world and manifests the wisdom of God and the power of God in the glory of God and through his manifestation of flesh and blood he would come along and take sin away from the human family what did he say in whom we have redemption through his blood he had redemption that's what blood is shed now we may be redeemed and even the forgiveness of sin and forgiveness of sins who is the image of the invisible God now wait a minute God's image was God's form God's farmers God's shape God's sheep was God fashioned and God fashioned was God's figure and God's figure was the mediator and the mediator was the body and the body was the minister and the minister was the son of David and the son of David was the son of God and the son of God with the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth so that body was the image of who are the invisible God and then that was the lion within the lamb and you couldn't see the lion the invisible God was the power that was in Jesus it was the force that was in Jesus and it was the authority that was in Jesus and it was the Holy Ghost that was in Jesus have to say Jesus of Nazareth food was still on the Holy Ghost that me he was full of God God was in him no to hear Paul said to wit God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world would take God to himself that's all right well who is the image of the invisible God image of the invisible God the firstborn the first ball of every creature oullette right there Dorit did God on high the firstborn of every creature listen that's the first time that a child was born different for Mary other creature on the platter firstborn firstborn of every creature of every creature every creature another scripture says in the book of Revelation he's the first begotten of the Dead who did that's why he's called first and last firstborn of every creature every other creature came through the involvement of flesh but this one this man you're better giving a book of st. John a few John fast John chapter 1 let's read this when he says not of blood nor the will of the flesh say John chapter 1 read verse 13 Solomon which were born talking about the birth of Jesus no first the first first of all of every creature of every creature now I want this I want you to give this because you blind Jehovah Witness have said the firstborn of every creature meaning that the Son of God was in heaven and was born in heaven all right if he was born in heaven who was his mama of death and others of you are so fulla held and so blind you said the Son of God with flesh and blood came down from heaven oh she had a Bible say a flesh and blood tonight I heard the kingdom of God son of God the flesh and blood ain't never been in heaven and did not come down from heaven what came down from heaven was spirit and the spirit overshadowed a woman and then when a overshadowed a woman and made that holy thing that day that was holy was a son of God and when the body was born God was in the thing God was in that holy thing that's right reconciling the world unto himself if you wanted to get to God you first had to accept the performance or the son of man or the son of God or that body that's what he meant when he said no man glory to God come to the Father no man can get to the spirit except by me in other words if you want to be connected to the eternal life you gotta first accept the performance of the natural life all right which were born which is born not of blood I want to show you this because that body of flesh and blood was superior to ours that's right it was superior better than ours that's why Paul say he was me in the likeness of sinful flesh in the likeness he wasn't sinful flesh he was an enlightening other he looked like it mmm but he was better did it over take our little boy mrs. ball another blood out of blood nor of the will of the fluid man not a blood not a blur when a man a woman come together and that man discharged seed in the woman within the seed of that man blood is that there was no mixture of the sinful blood of the human race tied up in his body that's right and other blood and a not of blood nor nor of the will of the flesh nor the world of flesh whatever that roll out Mary and Joseph sleeping together for Jesus to get here that's right yeah that's right all right nor of the will of man what nor of the will of man look at it God just crushing man being tied to the arrival was a son of God that's right better what but of God it was a rule of God you hear God talking out his will all down through the Bible hey man they meant blessed God just sending the prophets ahead of the flesh and you hear Isaiah talking about that a sign shall be the present shall be with child and doctor called his name he's Manuel being interpreted God with us a man under us a child is born in the son is given and the government shall be upon her shoulder as the name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end even when Jacob was about to die he examined all his sons but when he got Judah he saw something Judah he didn't see none of he told you to what hour he called I'm brethren go and pray it is dying so being a nickel dime enemy thy father's children shall bow down before thee Judah thou art a lion's wept from the pray my son just stooped down yet couched as a lion and as an old-line who shall rise am of susceptor or the authority or the power to not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh come and when you get here under him shall the gathering of the people be then shake himself binding his foal to the vine hold it brother Jacob pitch I'm Jesus coming here now sand I'm The True Vine I am truly taking say he's gonna bind his fold to the vine Jesus said or the sheep that I have but they're not of this fold the governor but Brendan men also but he say sad barley is full unto the vine and ass is close to the choice line he washed his garments and while he washed his garment and what in wine and what about his clothes and his clothes in the blood of grief Isaiah said who is this that's coming from Edom with I dodged gunner from bulls are his glory see his apparel to Belling in the greatness of his strength I had that speak of the righteousness he's mighty to see if you saw his garment getting washed in the blood of grace when he was up on the cross tank got the true vines thank God rose up on the cross hanging thank God between heaven and earth who was the true vine the son of God Christ Jesus there's a layout now people say that passage enters don't believe that Jesus died he died and rose and ascended above all heavens and then the Son of God was dead on the cross thank God and there were some thieves hanging around there and when time come bless God for dead legs to be broken their legs were broken but when they came to Jesus said thank God not a bow we broke it couldn't break his legs he was dead already and after they realized that he was dead they pissed him in the side out came blood and water for filling the prophet that they shall look upon me whom they have pierced one prophet said they pierced my hands in my that the habitations be desolate now don't let no one the world air in their chants and that which I've been for a welfare let it become a trap and then so he being the firstborn of every creature that were the first time that God ever stopped at a house and got a woman and made a body in the body of a human being without their woman had relation and then that body come into existence and he called it a son that's right first of all firstborn of every creature yeah all right for by him by by them by him one preacher say well firstborn of every creature mean he was the first one born again and was put in the church that's alive she just didn't need no new birth did you say need no new birth I don't need a new birth didn't tell you I'm the way the truth and the life Jesus didn't need no new birth a person that needs a new purse has to come out of sin that's right Jesus knew no sin that's right what else did he say well by him we're all things created the first bond a very cream was born of every cut out for by him we're all things cream all right the creature didn't create nothing no the creature was created itself what you mean by him the spirit that was in that creature was the creator of the universe that all that was at verse 16 all right all right let's get the next letter come on Paris France from brother of the Fuhrer Eric he says my name is Abraham my name is Abraham in France Paris he said formerly from Africa I've been following your teach and I can say is I can say is God that direct me to you because I've been praying for wisdom and understanding of God Almighty Jesus His Word and the next morning I saw your video on YouTube from that day you have been helping me to understand the Scriptures thank you sir I have five questions all right number one if the trumpet sounds now and that I have not yet been baptized will I go to heaven no Saint John chapter three have you had the Word of God preached I heard about the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ let me show you what Jesus says in John chapter 3 and add verse 5 and like jesus answered verily verily I say unto thee yet except a man be born of water at the mämmi bond of water and of the Spirit another spare you cannot enter into the kingdom of God did Jesus say you can't get in if you heard and you hearing it and you're not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and the Trump of God blast of the heavens indicating Jesus is here no Bible said so says what there except a man except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit of the Lord say you can't get in then you're not gonna slide any other way if you come any other ways a thief in the robber that's alright next question question number two yes can someone receive the Holy Ghost without being baptized with water yes yes yes somebody can receive the Holy Ghost which is the Holy Spirit which is the power of God of the presence of God before they're actually baptized hearts chapter 10 notice attempt at the book of Acts begin at verse 44 while Peter yet speak the word Holy Ghost southern Peter bless the name of our God on earth I was preaching to the Gentiles the house of Keneally's which were Italians and while Peter was speaking the Word of God the Holy Ghost or the power of God or the presence of God came upon all them that was in the presence of Peter that heard the word and they are the circumcision which believe were made that were Jews that was already believers they were amazing as many as came with Peter those that accompanied Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost Italians know they had the Holy Ghost but they heard them speak with tongue how did they know they heard them speak with tongue I wonder I want you viewers to get this I want your viewers to get this cuz some of you said you had the Holy Ghost and you haven't even heard your self speaking down how did they know these Italians had it they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God all right let there Peter said then answered Peter can any man Paris Paris I want all of Paris and France and Europe to get this then answered peers anyone listening and watching right I had the Holy Ghost but to not baptize in the name of Jesus Christ your salvation is not complete they said then answered Peter what can any man forbid water wait a minute they got the Holy Ghost first they got a Wow Peter was fishing there was all magnifying God and happy and rejoicing but Peter let them know you ain't finished that's right you got some more to do Peter said what can any man forbid water you could get you forbid water that these should not be baptized what which I received the Holy Ghost as well as we had what did Peter say and he commanded them he requested he commanded you know when a commandment come that means you better do it you better do it and he commanded them he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord were you baptized in the name of the law you'll be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus so yes you can receive the Holy Ghost first before you're baptized but in order to have the complete new birth that's why Peter recommended and commanded you got to have water because he remembered the words of his teacher you must be born of the water and of the Spirit they got the spirit first but they didn't have the water and Peter commanded them to be baptized in water in the name of the Lord Jesus all right next question question number three sir do you believe in those who say the Lord Jesus took them to heaven and hell' for a visit and to testify well there were prophets on the Lord took up word and they was able to write about it there was a parable made about the rich man in Hell parable me that's right have anybody actually been sent to hell no no so when people tell me in a dream they went to hell then come back and tell about it and they description is not follow in line with what the Lord say the way hell was or the way heaven I don't believe a word of it that's right I have to take if the spirit get ahold of you and show you like you did promise you know like John John said I saw heaven opens yeah let's read that son my god mr. revelation revelation for dad was telling a for begin at verse 1 after this I look and write and behold a door was open a door was open where in heaven and what did he say and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking all right so these folk that said it bit in heaven how many gods did he see did he see the Trinity that's right Kennedy days in eternity some say well I wouldn't have not saw people of the earth up there how you gonna see people door a bitter bitter bitter ain't a place yet right unless God show you what will be come up hither any vision or any dream there anybody I'm not saying it's not possible what I am saying is that if God show anybody anything that's linked to eternity that vision or that dream cannot contradict what the prophets and the apostles have already seen by the Spirit of God I will show thee things which must be Hereafter all right so of God show anybody anything there must be here after they got the coincide with those that was here before them all right then come up question number four is it possible that every atom on earth there is an EVE for I don't want to make a mistake in marriage this person says by the way never said there's a woman for every man and fact let me go as far as telling you know what you say fancy dinners but you read it the woman was made for the man that's right that's what she was made Fork but let me give you Bible to prove that marriage is not for every man first Jesus taught us about eunuchs I want you to hear I want you to listen Jesus taught us about units of different class Matthew chapter 19 Solomon Solomon Matthew chapter 19 Solomon no there's not a Eve for every Adam I've got there's many prophets that were not married and I don't read we all the Apostles was married either all right for Saint Matthew chapter 19 yes I read verse 12 or we'll start at verse 11 all right but he said unto them all men cannot receive this saying he start off hitting men hard and then yes like you couldn't receive Jesus teaching then they can't receive Jesus teaching now that's right all men cannot receive this saying yes save they to whom it is given all right wait a minute say hey to whom its gift it is given everybody can't receive it save the one to whom is given in other words the ones that want to be compliant with the saying they can take it alright for there are some eunuchs there are some eunuchs which was so born from their mother's womb born from their mother's womb now that's a male man child born from the womb and just don't have no desire to get married he want to give his mind soul body and spirit over to God man for the kingdom of the Lord sick you just want to serve God and man and just don't he ain't gay no [Applause] special men back I believe Daniel was one of them something that God got to make it I want to notice the category now for there are some eunuchs which was so born they were born this way from their mother's womb from the loom that me from the womb as they grew old as they got older they realized you know what I I don't want to marry it's just not in me to be with no woman I don't want to marry someone say you describing a homosexual no I'm not regarding you that don't want no woman yet you want a man you ain't no unit you ain't no unit you are perfect that's right yeah here the old troublemaker now what is that well there are some eunuchs class one which was so some eunuchs which was so born from their mothers oh oh I'm from the womb and and some you last - what else which were made units of mid-may eunuchs of men man may get gilded private parts move oh he can be made eunuchs of a man another way a man can injure him where he can't function or he could be made a eunuch another way taking too much man-made medications [Applause] makes everything inactive main units of men don't mean he don't have the desire in me he can't perform risk the desire that's right so he have no choice but to be a eunuch or to abstain from or not involve himself with us made of man because he ain't got no choice how do you get me last class - all right I'm there be eunuchs hey you got class three I'm there be eunuchs and be eunuchs which have made themselves ready men who needs no God made them which have made themselves Eunice man made have made themselves all right there's a group that made themselves they got the desire but they just so to exchange yet everything function on them the right way that's right but they won't give into it which have made themselves use orey's for the kingdom of heaven see they just choose not to marry they got all that loss in them but they just include it I'm not gonna do it that's like brother Paul a brother Paul Celan said Paul was like that yes because Paul told you about his past life give me a third chapter the choice Paul talk about his past life that's right how he was a persecutor and her injuries served divers lusts and pleasures and pleasure first Timothy 1 in verse 13 Timothy 1:13 who was before Oh first Timothy 1:13 who was Timothy 1:13 first Timothy 1 in verse 13 now he gonna let you know the way he was before he was born again God made him a pasta this how wicked and wowed and foolish she was who was before a blasphemer all right looky here yeah never forget where God brought you from brother Paul said before God saved them he was what a blasphemer he was a blasphemer and a persecutor prosecutor and the onesy prosecutor was that people have got to check all right and in juris it was an interest at me he went up on Paul you had somebody to contend with here hurt chef all right but I obtained mercy God for that all right because I did it ignorantly in unbelief yes and the grace of our Lord Jesus was exceeding abundant with faith their grace of our Lord Jesus was exceeding abundant with faith I didn't know what went on over the long pause there you all right I got you past you guys oh yeah all right come on sir and the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant now in Titus chapter 3 and was started verse 3 Paul included himself in this for we ourselves also was sometimes fully talked about his pants again and every and I'm pretty sure everybody in here can identify with something that he's about to read you may jump in shout now but you wasn't always jumping and shouting and raising your hands he was out there in the world you went to your club then yes out there popping your finger shaking your head and biting you lips walking down a street jump just drop standing in front of cause acting like a flashing when you look back on your life he was wild foolish foolish for another devil listen at us we ourselves also were something lives and includes me thank you to Alex along with I want you to read about to pass we ourselves also with sometimes foolish we ourselves we ourselves also with sometimes foolish what else worry this obedient what else worried to see what else were we serving darbus lusts what else were and pleasures what else we're living in malice and envy and hateful and hating one another what happened but after that after them after all this description of our past after that the kind of kind and love of God I was saying it's award man appears how not by works of righteousness which we have done and me nobody deserved it that's right and I must deserved it but what but according to his mercy what did he do for us he's saved how did he do it well the washing of reaching the way of baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and renewing annoying of the holy verse II got is yes oh yeah alright come on dance question number five yes is it good to marry with a ring no it's not good to do anything that God say you can have all right you better move quick getting the third chapter book of Isaiah I'm again at verse 16 wolf at the clock the clock is ticking and then come on sighs a chapter three and we're at let's just say there's a ring ain't never made a person faithful since rings been yet that's right wait a minute Janis they put a ring on Joseph the ring that they gave Joseph the son of Jacob me became a mighty governor down in Egypt that ring was a symbol that he came in power that's all that was and then he came in power so not a power we have in not on our finger the power we have is in our heart the Bible said tell you until you be endued with power from on high so the ring now and I don't have a finger thank god what is the power of God with the Spirit of God that is pressing the heart of man that's right all right Isaiah three nine verse six no fast over the Lord says Who the Lord say all right naked you know Gina's out of it I don't mean nothing because your wife got her ring that'd mean under cost your husband got a ring you can have a ring through your nose why you got your ring through your nose or a ring through your upper lip and your tongue can be in the mouth of another man or another woman so a ring don't do it at all all right over the Lord say that because the daughters of Zion are hoards party-hearty ethnic high-minded arrogant and I'd walk with stretched forth and right unwanted ah wait a minute they got wanting I want to know they want you walking everything they see they won and everyone they see they walk that's right welcome to admitting as they go yeah I'm making a tinkling with their fan therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the head of the daughters of Zion the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion Zion read that again back in Isaiah 3 and at verse 17 go fast therefore the Lord Allah will smite with the skull roof smite with the sky the crew can't miss that part yeah certain location right the crown the crown of the head round of the head not just a head but the crowd that's right of the head of the daughters of Zion a god of the daughters of Zion and the Lord will discover their secret part in that day all right Paris in that day the Lord will take away everything that God don't want you to have you're going street telling you get away from it oh here take it from me that's right and that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tickling ornaments about their feet yeah you got taken enormous on the feet of the people now got rings now only toes still need washing have you thing rings on your toes make your toes look better you's a liar all right and they're cold and they call and their rounds tight at the moment and the rounds are it's like come on son BJ what the chains some of you wear crosses around your neck for what got across with the image on who is it I like Jesus you's a liar you gotta change Jesus ain't no chain that's right and he's not one across everybody that got a crucifix with the image on it it's alive because you got him where he is not all right and the bracelets what and the bracelet it don't make your arm look more cuter no I'm time you see some women got already braces on and move their hands so it could jingle now you got men doing the same thing slap them both hands like a bird I look stupid doughnut viewer I want you to know how you look graceless flapping arm food on your arm I don't care if it's metal gold silver copper brass race or rubber bracelets Bible speak plain and the bracelets of gold temporal passage it is is it now they make braces but they had them back in the 60s made out of little cloth they woven I don't care what kind of material it is God has had the bracelet - the bracelets the Lord will take away the Mojito Gina's gone doing the Lord will take no you can't wear braces AG no Jimmy the Lord will take away the bracelet I'll try to blame it on me at the Lord say you go and take it away get it off your dirty wrist that's right all right and the muffler's nullus the butt on it and the leg and the headband the ornaments of the what of the lay ankle chains ornaments holy women don't wear ankle chains that's right I see some old mothers grandmas where moms with an anchor change why you actually get old and look like a horror hey grandma are you all grandma yeah yeah yeah why are you a ho if you're not a ho grandma take your ankle Shane off hey brother why would you buy the label of a ho or the trinket of a hole for your life you so-called Christian looking horse jumping in some church flapping your ankle chains around all on the choir breast hanging out lips all red nails painted red purple blue green long like bird claws all this fake hair breast implants toenails painted with little fake diamonds in it yours ain't richer you had nothing but our prostitute go to church now go to church nothing but a singing ho a shouting hole awoken playing ho my director ho hey hey preacher preacher Risha if what I just said describe your wife you're married to a hole [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] amen Manas a real man don't want this wipeout in the street looking like a prostitute and you are holy woman or claim user chris christie with skin tight pants showing the very shape of your birth canal going to some church with the shape of your birth canal exposed in public and jeans all up the backside of you behind carrying a Bible go on a church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a Christian woman skin tight jeans that look like a [Applause] they're not a sister you are pure sinner Oh God glory to God you can be like this in man-made religion but God said be holy so call out the stylist now I'm doing the same thing there's a matter of this choir rehearsal they're just holy choir rehearsal just hold it if you go to dinner just hold it go to the job just hold it go to work just hold it in the laundry mat you just trying to live for God you get higher and a job and they tell you else you've been here several years ever notice that you don't wear pants well to keep this job you got to wear pants no I don't know I don't the job don't have the right to fire you because to your religious belief the job do not fire the Muslim woman because of a head gear [Applause] I want to say that some of you women that claim you're Muslims yo headgear and yo tight pants don't mix you cannot get sweet and bitter one up from the same our holy women we don't bargain for jobs no miniskirts no splits no expose backs no deep cut chest no ankle chains come on finish finish up tie / so I can get his ring behind the ornaments of the legs and the headbands and the tablets and the earrings no earrings and the earring why else the Rings the what the Rings and who gonna get rid of it the Lord will take away and what are you gonna take away the Rings the Lord will take away hold on take it away the Lord will take away we're gonna take it away the Lord and what are you gonna take away the rings wedding bang rings highschool rings military rings friendship rings engagement rings wedding rings cracker jack box rings [Applause] the Lord will take away the Rings oh yes no rings where you good man I don't care what could tear is me that up no rings that's right oh this is so good all right Dan come on dear pastor Janet normally I don't get as many letters on one telegraph but I like I have over 35 or 40 packages of mell but I'm still trying to catch up on my wife tells me look look look mister man what are you gonna do with all these people around you I thought I'm trying to catch up and I am I'm trying to catch up all right dad double their pastor Jenny it was good they got the right information to help the people all around the world all right my name is Yolanda yes I have been falling you now for about a month or better and I've learned so much listening to you teach the Word of God mm-hmm I would like to ask a question please reply all right I get so excited she says in the Word of God why not in my Bible study class the Bible teacher said that God hid his face from Jesus read that again in my Bible study and your sound went in and out read that again in my Bible study class the Bible teacher said that God hid his face from Jesus while he was on the cross in your Bible study class the one that told you that told you a lie it's not even a half a scripture that says that not a half of one you see how they just make up stuff listen that dish my Bible study class she says the Bible teacher said that God hid his face from Jesus while he was on the cross something stirred in me because I don't believe God did that and he cited Psalms 22 and verse 1 ah good I read the whole letter he cited saws 22 verse 1 the Bible teacher said Jesus became sin for us I said Jesus borock sin for man and that he never became sin right please let me know if I am understanding this wrong Psalms 22 verse 24 says God she spells that big g.od did not hide his face can you help me with this yes one that taught Bible class don't even know what Psalm 22 chapter was even talking about that's right alright Psalm chapter 22 verse when I'll go I believe to the book of Matthew right where Psalms was fulfilled that's right alright son let's go to work and start carving in the scriptures all I'm Storting to an adverse one ah my God my God hallelujah God on high hey hey you had the problem then let me attend me educate you before the Lord manifest his presence in the flesh the prophets first prophesied by God's permission what the Lord's body would do they prophesy what it would do and how it would do until I believe one profit which is Isaiah said you're got show cups and when he comes the eyes of the blind shall be opened the deaf ears you'll be unstoppable and the lame man shall leap as a hawk but he said your God will come that's right alright my God my God why hast thou forsaken me wow that's so far from helping imma show you what that means alright and from the words of my ROI yes now in Saint Matthew chapter 26 and ad verse 46 alright and about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice and said what alley early lomasa botany and what did it mean that is to say by God a minute prophet David by God's permission prophesied of what the Son of God would say David gave you the meaning of it that's right of what lel dilemma some botany with me that's right but it was a predicament that the son of god would be in that would cause him to say these things this is the time that Jesus is on the cross hang in there on behalf of our sins God laid upon him according to the free up the Book of Isaiah God laid upon him the iniquity of us all and then he carried our sins he was oppressed missing that now in the book of Isaiah chapter 53 we'll start at verse 6 he was oppressed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way yes and the LORD hath laid on him God laid upon him the iniquity of authority of all others he was oppressed he was oppressed and he was afflicted yeah yet he opened not his mouth ah he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter yeah and as a sheep before his Shearer was just dumb so he openeth not his mouth alright he was taken from prison do you hear this man look at the prophets giving you detailed everything that Jesus would do long before he's born he was taken from breaking from captivity and from judging and from judgment and who shall declare his generation a-class generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living do you hear that he was cut off out the land 11 for the transgression of my people he died for the sins of the people worse he stricken was he stricken alright let's go back to the book of Matthew now le le lay my son botany which meant what that is to say my God my God my God why hast thou forsaken alright let me give you some revelation on what happened here son of God was a body or a temple that God dwelled in a sacrifice was of a necessity for a human family someone had to atone for our sins the nature and I want you to give this the nature of God is spirit eternal everlasting divine our spirit can't die are you getting me the divine nature of God can I die but the body or the sacrifice or the Lamb of God was made to die so why was hanging there and he said my God my God why hast thou forsaken me the flesh was crying out to the spirit and act in the spirit why are you leaving me when you forsake something you leave it let me demonstrate this oil let me show you this markets come here brother come on brother Danielle now this is it you have the Son of God Christ Jesus don't you folks go write me back and say it that's Jenna see that man the son of God I'm using it under parable an example I'm using the earthly thing so you can understand the heavenly thing the son of God the body of flesh and blood hang on the cross came time for die you say le le Limassol botany my God my God why hast thou forsaken me the spirit of the everlasting God had to come out the body of the Son of God so that body can die when the spirit would make its exit out the body then the body would have been offered up you bet I believe give me the book of Hebrew Hebrews let's see how the body was offered and what offered it because he offered up dead body once fall that's right fall through the eternal spirit now no man couldn't offer it up because it didn't come here by the will of man it came here by the will of God so it took God to offer it that's right now listen at this Hebrews chapter 9 real quick Hebrews 9 and verse 14 alright how much more shall the blood of Christ how much much of the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit through the Eternal Spirit offered himself often who himself he offered who himself he offered himself without spot to God all right early early massa botany my God my God why hast thou forsaken me come here TJ CJ come here here you had the spirit that was in the body the Bible says Jesus cried again gave up not again I'm not there yet Jesus cried and when they said with the loud voice early early myself often II my God my God why hast thou forsaken me the Spirit came out of him after he said that move that Bible son and went their lower parts of the earth because they were spirits there of the day the spirit that came out the body went to the world of the Dead the question is why did he go the Bible says for this cause which me for this reason was the gospel preached to them that are dead that they might be judged according to men and the flesh but live according to God in the spirit why couldn't the flesh preach to the will of the dead because the flesh is local it can only be in one spot at a time for the preach to the dead and got to start with Adam pricks to the world of the day so you got to get Adam Cain Abel Seth eNOS can and Melilla Jerry Jacob Joseph Benjamin Issachar Simeon Levi Ruth Naomi Esther Solomon David Nebuchadnezzar Daniel Elijah not Elijah completion when I was translated because he didn't died Noah must to zalem yeah David Solomon couldn't preach the image either why he didn't see death so he didn't preach to him glory to God the flesh could not do it because it only could be a one spot at a time so the spirit went down to the lower parts of the earth to preach to the spirits that was impressive while the spirit was doing that the body was still dead and still alive still dying now now is time Jesus when he cried in how again to do a thing again you had to do the first time the crowd was made was the releasing of God God stepped out of and God was down there preaching what a body was still hanging why God did not need that body while I was in the grave the body was doing one work and the spirit was doing another the body was dead to a told the sprayer will to degrade the set free that's what the Bible said he led captivity captive so what a body was there now he cries again and give up the ghost or give up his breath or give up his life Joseph they plead it for the body and took the body put it down and agree spirit was already down there come on out spirit get out of it come on already Dec long before the body got there while the spirit was preaching for those three days and three nights that body was laying in one spot flesh and bones had no more blood because the person on the side now came blood and water and the Bible said the life of all flesh lieth wet and order for this man to live again you didn't get a blood transfusion a life source and a life force in order for him to live life got to come from somewhere Paul says this talking about Jesus he was not made after a colonel commandant but he was made after the power of a inless life you got a life that in and you got an endless life the natural life end so the endless life would begin the naturalized end on the cross so the endless life got in the body that loss is natural life and when it got in the body now the body lives by the power over in this life and by the spirit being in that body this would have meant the body was glorified the power or the raw Spirit of God the raw Spirit of God raw power raw energy ro divine energy that's right ro divine power gets this body and quickens it now what you mean quick quick 'it is not nailed down to when the lord jerk kills when he's quicken and wictred that's what the Bible say he rose a quickening spirit the spirit quickened the body and now he comes up different to what he went down how did you go down in Jesus was sown a natural body how you come back I've come back a raised spiritual body Jesus was happy wanting to go visit somebody well you come open the door laughter you raise now what what oh well I took on the glory of the Spirit so now my body function just like the spirit itself I don't have to knock I just come in you understand Paul said behold I show you a mystery that we shall not all sleep but we shall be watching my god física me the body was dying and his spirit came out that body so that body could die no you know Bible has said that how the father hid his face from the Sun you stay out that Bible class you go there no more all right how many more letters we got alright come on let's just finish out we covered so many subjects and they all good all right this letter says I listened to your entire debate with the homosexual yeah Dirty Harry you had at your pulpit and thank God for men like you that will stand on the Word of God and uphold the Word of God god bless you and I pray for I will be praying for you I appreciate that keep us in your prayers alright this person says why do you teach that there is no Trinity oh you say all right you say you live by scripture that's right I preach there is no Trinity there never was a Trinity Trinity the origins of Trinity came from Rome Italy you can't even find such a statement in the Bible all right give me a pistol of John 5:7 first John chapter five and adverse next time Williams up a little bit louder please first guard five minute first step all right for there are three that bear record in heaven all right mrs. descripted as so many people are riding me now ever since that debate with the Church of God that's not in Christ the Church of God not in Christ if it's inside the big deal I got hungry so lettuce of people stepping up to the plate saying they wanna debate me on a trinity and I have said in the message in Baltimore all the welcome I mean I don't care who you are where you come from you don't need no appointment you don't have to email me just come in all you got to do is comment with your Bible open I guarantee you when we dealt with you your battle will be closed and then so you open it while you can I take every Trinitarian in the whole world and I'll stop your mouth with the Bible right so let's say you see that a man of God won't say that you better give me the first chapter Titus quickly because people always talk about what I shouldn't say first chapter the book of Titus let's see what the Bible say about the gang says and then what must happen to them Titus chapter 1 he fasts Titus chapter 1 and at verse 13 all right this witness is true looking at verse 10 diversity all right but there are many unruly and many totally in vain talk and deceive and deceive firstly they of the circumcision what must we do to them whose mouths must be stopped what we're due to the trinitarian whose mouths must be stuck with you to the trinitarian mouths must be stuck to the tail you shouldn't let me read this and get away with it if you got confidence that you've got three separate to stick persons in the Godhead then you should come here with your three to take on my one come on whose mouths message to every bishop every church that believeth and every church goer black white yellow brown red Trinity is alive from the devil and only Devils that go to release religious braces believe it all right there to give me the First Epistle of John 1st John chapter 5 and at verse 7 Parliament so there are three that bear record in heaven all right the father the father the word the word and the Holy Ghost what is it and these three are one all right let's that up there are three that bear record make sure your microphone is off brother there are three that bear record that means there's something recorded about this record mean a recording there's something doc you minute there's something recorded in heaven there's some information in heaven not about three personalities no not about three distinct no but about one one that function in these three ways that's right listen for there are three that bear record in heaven but as the fall that's God the Father is God God is the father you've been I tell me God is not the father to promise they have not all one father that's not one God created us what else the word the word that's God in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God in the Word was God God is the word that's right huh it ain't nobody else is the word God is the word that's right right outside the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost that's God the Holy Ghost show you the nature of God because God is a spirit and the question is what kind of spirit is God the kind of spirit that God is he's the Holy Spirit and that's recorded in heaven that God is father God is the word and God is the Holy Ghost that's recorded that's the record of God in heaven that's right that's the record mm-hmm and I thank God we understand the recording that's right so that's why we don't believe in Trinity everything yeah that believe in Trinity you believe a lot you believe a lie every preacher that bishop preach alive every Pope that practices practicing life everyone that get happy over it get happy over life there's no record in heaven that says it a Trinity that no none none none all right let's close out with Acts chapter 2 verse 38 all right because I want you to know what you must do at you all this information and this is what you got to do then Peter said unto them repent all right yeah we're right back at the principle of the thing Jesus say heat up and leave it for his baptized shall be saved and he that don't believe she'll be down repent the God wants you to be solid new ankle chain wearers and then you dull hair biased buying all this fake hair and all these fake braids and then I remember I was going somewhere and I was at a red light and I saw a woman standing at the bus stop and she had on I guess the color you call it turquoise with long turquoise hair extensions what a fool I said what a fool what a fool Oh people now getting little color splotches of dye and you'll hear why do you wait till you able to ride the bus free to do this so matter with you why'd I don't understand to save my life grandma Grampa you ride the bus free you got your Social Security and you're collecting your pensions and now want to be wild amen blasting you're ready your old man blasting in the radio in this car with the hearing aid in each ear and then how foolish my god man how foolish and hellbound this is what the world got to do come on son then Peter said unto them repent all right mother father brother sister uncle grandma ah you're not a Christian and you not save whatsoever never been saved though they take God until you done this right here then Peter said unto them repent I want you to be convicted sorry about your aunt and what and be baptized all right this is what everybody got to do now amen everybody got to do this every one of everybody got to do this repent and be baptized it doesn't matter what what language you saved this name int and the name of what in the name of Jesus Christ Yeshua Yeshua HaMashiach all right repent and be baptized how you say Jesus Christ in Spanish with Abraham hey sue Krystal hey sis Cristo I got Hebrews you're less writing me now I can't believe you think the name of Jesus is right yeah it wasn't no J's than alphabet until 400 years there is a scripture and the book of Exodus came to mind brother Paul was in the areas called meconium and Paul came out the tribe of Benjamin he was a Hebrew and the Lord spoke to him in a Hebrew tongue and don't lie and say that was the law in language why would you be that dumb and thinking Lord only have one the Lord there's no limit to the Lord but he was among an area among the Lakota ins and the Bible let us know in their language he precedes us and they weren't Jews but in their language and yes Paul's to me with the turn yeah sure but they were not Jews there was of laconia and the Bible says in their language he preached Jesus now I don't know how you say Jesus Christ in the language of the laconia but obviously Paul knew in it and in the booth at refat acts 14 and at verse 11 all right and when the people saw what poet done when the people saw what Paul died they lifted up their voices they lift up their voice saying in the speech saying in the language of like Holy of laconia the gods are come down to us in the lightning sound brother power and brother Barnabas was among these laconian people and the cost they witnessed someone being healed they thought that the gods they were planet worshipers and they thought that the planets which they thought was gods came down to them and so they called Paul Mercury's curious and because Mercury's the first planet mean is the hottest the chief planet or first planet the car Barnabas Jupiter and if you know anything about the solar system they say that Jupiter is the largest planet we'll let you know that Barnabas was a large man but Paul got them straightened out because there was about the wish of them that's right what the Paul said which when the Apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of and they went their clothes and ran in among the people crying out and said sirs why do you these things all right we also are men of like passions with you and preach unto you that you should turn from these vanities unto the Living God yeah which made heaven and earth and the sea and all things that are therein Wow when times passed suffered all nations to walk in their own way nevertheless you not himself without a witness and that he did good and gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons filling our hearts with food and glad yeah and with these saying scarce restrained they the people that they had not done sacrificed unto them look at him they restrained them the stranger that they don't offer sacrifice to them so I don't know what legacy you say Jesus Christ in Laconia but brother pastas there was able to reach them so whatever language you are able to say Jesus Christ in you must be baptized in that name who everybody everybody everybody must repent of their sins and be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ you got the repent of them if you don't you're not saved a Silla Center and if you die after you hear this and reject it you will be cast into hell and the time of judgment if there's anybody here gonna get a life right with God and get on God's side and mean real business and if you want to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ stand on your feet come on stand on your feet wonderful we Jenna standing all right back there where they are you're better standing them that are standing up go right back to where they are any more sinners here come on have you been baptized Father Son and Holy Ghost you got it wrong he's got to go back there you been sprinkle to the you literal Catholic Church you got it wrong you got to go back if you claim you save up bowing your head and raise your hands who ain't done nothin anybody else wouldn't be baptized you have not take God you heard us and I maybe saw Bonnie I don't care if you claim you appreciate your apprecia you out here on your own and then you got to have someone teach you so you don't lead the people astray there's a good thing to have this thing right if you don't have the right brother you're gonna get in trouble with God all right we thank God for all Libyans we thank God all right you be careful when you go upstairs walking on the floors because yesterday with the snow and all that water the brothers they cleaned the floors up so they may be a little bit slippery so you you be careful about that hey man all right to all of our elderly brothers and sisters in to all of our visitors food will be for you upstairs you go upstairs get a chance to eat and talk about the Lord talk about how the word hit you high conviction Amen how the devil need to come out of you now I understand that they have the end-of-the-year sweatshirts that the Convention Committee put together and I want to say again the Convention Committee done a good job organizing everything other service you go to and as the in CC staff member in room 32 your sweatshirts is up there the shuttle bus will be going to some buffet immediately after service if you want to go to that buffet he do all you can you that want to have conferences with us I will not have no conference immediately after this service not at all and then I'm gone rest and give me something to eat I'm gonna do that for you that wasn't here doing the announcements I know many of you and every convention you're used to going to sister Kea the make appointments to have conferences with us what we change that we have sister Denise Hines stand up sister Hines anyone there wasn't had conferences with husband any convention every convention you go to sister Hines and she will let you know what room which will be a waiting room to be in until the brother that's up there let you know wouldn't your time for us to discuss with you whatever problem that you have going on to all the need transportation to the airport please meet outside the 4th Street interests also anyone going to alright the buffet you you've it out there's all these notes about eating you can get folk to eat God fed us something good after those that are baptized today and if there's I pray that they're some more by tomorrow night and after they're baptized this number then changed already done already changed again we're grateful for all of you prayer began six o'clock shot six o'clock sharp conferences will begin by 4:30 not before by 4:30 so make sure you see sister Hines and Amanda she send you up to the proper room alright that is all staff Bishop Ellis will close us out he's bought all right brother Minister random across this out incorrect u-turn and everlasting God in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you log off blessing us to be assembled thank you Lord God for the word that we heard on this morning oh god we ask you Lord God to forgive us of all of our sins and all of us shortcomings Oh God we thank you Lord God for bringing us to the close of another year Lord God we prayed at this new year God that you bless us even the more God bless those that are seeking you fill them with the Holy Ghost those things they need healing Lord God we ask you to heal me Lord God all those that are crying out unto you for something Lord Lord God out of a mercy we ask you O God to bow down you ear and hear the prayers of your people bless the brothers bless the mothers bless the sisters Lord God bless our pastor Lord God we know that you gave giving him strength we ask you Lord God to give him more money o Lord God bless him bless the ministers that speak the same thing that he is saying Lord God that people can be benefited by the word most importantly Lord Lord God that we pray that we make the first resurrection these minute blessings we ask him more that the Saints of the Most High God said it you you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 248,313
Rating: 4.685637 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 37sec (10837 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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