Truth of God Broadcast 1234-1235 Houston TX Pastor Gino Jennings HD Raw Footage!

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this time we're going to ask everyone to have cellphones to put your cell phones on silent or on vibrate that you won't be disturbed from hearing the word of the Lord so without any further ado we're glad and pleased to bring me for you the messenger of the Almighty God our pastor and apostille pastor Gino Jennings Grayden brothers and sisters alright we are thankful to the one God good to good blessing us to be here this afternoon we are thanking God for His divine wisdom and it's perfect understanding of all things we are grateful to him for the prophets and the apostles the glad all of you that are here to all of our ministers and our guests God have been good to all of us 90 souls were baptized last night it's the Lord's doing isn't it we're glad for this temporary location for Houston and boy we don't have no room do it but uh we're grateful I was looking for one of my brothers from Atlanta who suppose it been here but nobody less we want to kind of go over some things with you to give you an idea how some things we do in reference to service you know prayer in churches is somewhat obsolete now you don't have much prayer in church other than some fellow who poses as a preacher and use words that's too large that you need a dictionary to understand it but we normally open up service with everyone on their knees in prayer we encourage all the people to get back to that old landmark should I say get on your knees and pray for one hour I believe Jesus told us Apostles to watch with them or wait with them one hour now I know some people ain't used to praying and out some men used to pray in 15 minutes but we're living in a time now where prayer needs to be back in church and in your home so even though services start at 11 o'clock or Sunday morning it starts with prayer and in fact we tell the people even when you come to church early come in and not sitting around talking get on your knees and talk to God he needs bother you well do like on the day of Pentecost the Bible says where they were sitting but the condition of the world the ways in now everybody needs to be more friendly so we are instituting that we have instituted that and every location because many of us all of us came from some type of church or religious background some no religious background at all but in most cases churches that used to be prayerful have cease they never slowed down taking your money in fact they've came up with more methods to speed up that pace but we want our young people and middle-aged people and old to be a prayer for people if you want to combat the devil you got to have some form of defense one of the greatest forms of defense is having a prayer for life not having a prayer for life sometime will lead you into things that you may would avoid having a prayer for life they help you overcome things that you could not avoid so when you come next Sunday we have one of the ministers here now as I said last night you don't want to be the type of brother or sister they say well they ain't coming to church then let's pass the Genesis here American if I said I ain't coming to church unless you here you know most of you is not nowhere where I am because I'm traveling all over the place but I am NOT your Lord I am NOT your God God sent me to you to call your attention to his will and to his purpose and I select the Apostle Paul this will I do if God permit so we want you to be faithful Houston as I said we will be flying back and forth as time permitting and a lot of time our arrival will be unannounced where I just come in and sees all these people still gonna be here who really say they want to be saved because if you really want to be saved you go stay with God whether I'm here not are you listening now I want to dive into the Bible but before I dive into particular scripture I want to straighten out a question that a brother accident never the scripture where the Bible says he preached to those spirits that was in prison and also for this cause what the gospel preachers them that are dead that there may be judge accordingly men in the flesh and live according to God in the spirit all right follow me in your Bible let me answer this quickly then I tie Houston Hills - that's right right follow me first Peter chapter 3 first Peter chapter 3 and we're starting in verse 18 all right for christ also hath once suffered for sin now the atonement for the world the sacrifice for the world the offering for the world was the death of the son of God the Son of man Christ Jesus true for the Spirit offered that body once for all through the eternal spirit the body of the Son of God was the son of man also was called the Lamb of God lamb in sacrifice the Lamb of God was the sacrifice of God or the offering of God offered up for the world to be saved listen for Christ also hath once suffered for us yes for Christ also hath once suffered for sins Christ once have suffered for sins the just adjust for the unjust doing what then he might bring us to go how being put to death in the flesh now hold it right there I want everybody to hear me real good the Pentecostals and the Apostolic said God died God died God ain't never died no you can't kill the Creator that's right as I might to say well Jesus Christ is God Jesus died that's right but God didn't die that's right what do you mean pathogenesis God was the spirit that was in Christ Jesus that's right the body of flesh and blood that was the son of God the body of flesh and blood which was God's Son just like the body the church that's God's Son and God is in that church that's right if you kill the members of the church you haven't killed God no you just killed some members of the body of God that's right are you getting me that's right son of God represent the church there was many members but one body he had eyes is hands mouth many members one body God was in that body that's right so when Jesus died God didn't die son of God died then the inner man came out of the outer man which was the body of Christ and went to the lower parts of the earth some preaching had to be done to the dead world that's right now the reason why his fleshy temple couldn't preach to them that died because the dead North nothing I want you to get this I want to break it down for you the dead know of nothing talking about the flesh of the dead but the Spirit is aware and when he went to the lower parts of the earth he didn't preach to the flesh that's right he preached to the spirits that's right that was in prison that he might bring us to God give chapter and verse again 1st Peter chapter 3 and we're still at verse 18 he may bring us to God being put to death in the flesh out put to death in the flesh how did he come back but quickened by the spirit by which also listen at this by which also by which also he went he went and preached unto the spirits in prison he went and preached to the spirits where he went and preached unto the spirits in prison it ain't talking about a federal prison talk about the grave that's right the Bible says death reigned from Adam to Moses even though with them they had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression was made a figure of him that was to come from the time of Adam's death all the way up to the ones that died when Jesus walked earth many of the fleshy bodies went to dust but the experience was in prison that's right an order for the spirits to be set free you had to have one who was the first begotten of the that's right and the first one to be the begotten of the Dead was Jesus for the dead to be liberated he have to rise from the dead first that's right that's why no one that died could rise before Jesus and remain living that's right nobody so jesus when he died and then rose notice the Bible never said all the dead rules after his resurrection no it says some of the bodies of the saints which slept arose why couldn't they all rise it ain't time yet that's right when all rise is when he come for creatures they left an example of how it would be heroes first they come after he come for the church first then we are resurrected after that's right are you getting this that's right Loret a god what did he say by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison and which sometime were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah so then that was in prison mmm-hmm all the prophets think of it heard Jesus preach that's right there his flesh preached his flesh was laying there wrapped and fine linen that's right but we he was on the cross he yelled up the ghosts and when he yelled up the ghost that spirit which was in him went into the lower parts of the earth the grave and left the body still hanging on the cross that's right and the body was there hanging but the spirit was in the lower parts of the earth why it was important for the spirit to preach why was it important because look at those that died from Adam up to the arrival of the Son of Man that's right that's Millions oh yeah the son of God can only be in one place at a time but the Spirit of God can be everywhere that's right and because the Dead was in so many places the spirit at one time covered all the spirit of those that died that's right three days and three nights preaching preaching preaching third day spirit come back in that body quicking it can to get from a natural body to a spiritual body arising is staying around for a little bit longer and then beginning drop some more good information to his apostles that's right then after he gave the information to his apostles for you in a way Luke beginning to write something so good in acts the first chapter he said the former treaties have I made all the awfulness of all that Jesus began both to do and teach until the day which you was taking up after that he through the Holy Ghost I've given a Commandments to his apostles whom he had chosen let us understand something there puff those have the gospel right that's right that's why we stick to everything they preach that's right men write me and say I would rather hear Jesus they hear their postures use our food that's a food I want to emphasize on it's so good amen you are a he that here if you knew you had Jesus do you hear the boss talking in the book of Saint Luke chapter 10 and at verse 6 and at des he that here with you is telling the world he they hear you hear it who view their pasta that's right if you hear the apostle's here is me you hear Jesus that's right he that here with you if you hear their pasta here is me you hear Jesus now I want the wickiup real good because some people are so misled they are taught only the red letters in your Bible all the sayings of Jesus again I said you's a fool that's right suppose your Bible don't have no real letters did what hmm what did Jesus say everything from Genesis 1:1 that's right the revelation 20:2 last verse that's Jesus talking amen well how is that pastor Jennings because Jesus Christ is God and no man speak anything on his own the Bible said all scriptures are given by the inspiration of God that's right that means God himself God he inspired all the promise and he inspired all their pasta that's right now yeah be good if no man spoke this you better give me the book of Peter yes so private interpretation I've got to lay some good groundwork here that's right you know because I want to let everybody know it I don't care how many Bible colleges you went to mm-hmm how many cemetery schools you go to a man and come out a dead graduated fool yes in order to break down the Scriptures it must be given to you by the same spirit that inspired the scriptures that's right are you getting what I'm Kelly that's right lesson in the book of 2nd Peter chapter one and we're at verse 19 all right we have also a more sure word of prophecy give me so much confidence in what we're preaching is right to everybody that's right not trying to be right it's just 100 percent right amen I know many viewers getting mad and say oh that man is arrogant he said righteous he's beside himself I'm not beside myself Will's beside me he's too big for the britches my britches fit me all right so it's real right but because I'm so confident and so sure that's it amen the Bible says in this will I be confident until one scripture says sure that there's no enchantment against Jacob neither there's any definition against Israel I'm very solid in what I believe in very firm and what I preach because I refused that DBE at oh no you can't pay me to deviate that's right you can offer me all the money in the world that's that's an insult to my god-given intelligence that's right I say like Balaam told Bailey if you fill this house with silver and gold I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord to do more or to do less that's right so our teaching and preaching we're not trying to stick with what the Bible says we're sticking with it that's it amen that's right I'm determined to stick with it I'm not trying to make friends when you try to make friends you're gonna change the please them ain't gonna change the please nobody yeah I want you to know that in advance in case you don't come back next week ain't gonna change the please nobody that's right if I come back down here in the whole building is empty and the only ones in there is one person that's right I'm gonna preach to that one like it's 1,000 see God taught me years ago the importance and the value of one soul before we had a church in the city of Fredericksburg Virginia where you only had one member she passed away now mother Betty Greene her only member it was long before I even had a car I was on Amtrak train every month that's right every month gone to Fredericksburg Virginia preaching to one member that's right every month I was preaching to that one member like it was 1,000 we had service and a basement of a home she had old wood stove and for a podium I used a bookcase sometime I opened up pray service unless some other brothers was there not I opened up Ray's service testimony service I testified she testified I would testify and tell them thank God for our overseer passenger then I say well if there's no more testimony let's get our offering all of you to have it off you I get off and tan and walk through the no crowd and there's the green Hall to put up money in there I put my money in there bless the offering then I come back and say all right we glad to have so many of you here I said we glad to have our over sin you came over from Philadelphia we're gonna turn the serves in the hands of our leader pastor Jennings and I go from the front and come right to the in the back of the podium and said I greetings everybody for ten years for ten years I went to Fredericksburg Virginia every month for ten years preaching to one mother amen God taught me the value of one soul that's right one so like that now we have several thousands and I'm committed to one as different was 1 million that's right of course when I read the Bible even heaven get glad when one Souls adventures yeah that's right listen at this now chapter verse again 2nd Peter chapter 1 and read verse 19 we have also a more sure word of prophecy yet well until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shyness in a dark place I want you to get this we should do it where until you do well that you take heed it is a blessing to you that you take heed to the message of holiness amen who everybody think of it you know how many years a man will have to pre even just to have a crowd like this and some still don't have that's right this is the Lord's doing and I'd advise all of our viewers around the world Tiggy you see all these hundreds of people every time you see a telecast standing to be baptized and auditoriums jam-packed these are the last days that's right and the message of holiness is without a shadow of a doubt the message for the last days amen as for those that want real church you don't want to go to hell you don't you ain't gonna want this message no but this mess is gonna break you oh yeah yeah you you you get a boo that don't want to be broken when that cowboy get on them that bull wants you to know you don't belong on me that's right he gonna hop around and get you off and sometimes that cowboy a body be snatching and jerking and snatching and jerking and eventually the bull throw him off that's right well that's the way the devil is when the word going is back that's right a lot of times people get to jumping and jerking and fighting rebelling against God word amen you know holiness calls for change and that change is difficult some time isn't it isn't it I said oh you can say man better than that [Applause] because God requires of us to do what we never done you know in many churches we make a little change a little change little bow face you put down the liquor bottle but you still smoke your cigarettes you put down your cigarettes but you still shoot dice but down your dice and you still get together with your little fake Christian group and go to a club that's right you say it's a Christian club because all Christians are together no you're a bunch of sinners with Bibles it's all just hanging out at the club that's all you are a bunch of sinners with the Bible that's it I listened to the old troublemaker we're onto you do well go in the church does not qualify you to be a Christian that's right the only thing that make us christ-like is teaching amen are you getting what I'm telling and teaching do two things destroy us or save us anybody go to church man I'm pretty sure many of you here have been going to church for years some of you may have been ministers and deacons and acting deacons and missionaries and drummers and horn players bass player Gandhi musicians in their region I got in musicians all right drummers interview drummers ragin wonderful organ players razor bass players saxophone players trumpet players violin players harmonicas well I came out of a false church and I was the organ player I played organ for years never had no lessons played by ear coming up I was around all kind of music jazz R&B so-called gospel reggae no gay nothing so it sharpened my style I played drums for about eight years before I play the keyboard and then play keyboard for about forty five years I was off of the big million there to play for a jazz club making twenty four thousand dollars a month that's right I'm folk don't make that a year that's really a month I was off of that in high school but because I was saved you know one thing I say about the Lord he'd know how to take the fun out of life [Laughter] [Applause] Lord God you know there's a brother that used to be with me passed on I miss him much he's a very he was a very good brother his wife was a good sister sister Joan I call her sister Earl verily well husband brother Jones brother John used to break out singing this song in church every day with Jesus every time they sing if I can't look up and go it's sweeter than the day before so one day at the service I said Jones every time you see me here yellow preacher I said Jones why you saying that all the time he said isn't every day with Jesus sweeter than a day before with you I said no I said brother all this suffering I'm going through no he looked at me just laughs I said if you can sing that you go ahead I said but I can't sing that I said I'm a humming with you I said but I can't sing that because brother where you trying to do what God say do there's some days you wish didn't come that's true I believe it was Jose that said let my days be blotted out in which it was said a man child was born that's right Joba saying let the days just disappear and wish it was said that I came into the world sometimes your life gets so hectic you desire death that's true but uh you better desire death if you ain't ready to go that's right I want just to be good for some of us who's over Zaius let me say a because when Jesus come you bet we better straighten them out will ya better get the Book of Amos mm-hmm how many here said that sometime rich and come on now come on raise your hand high so I can get you high I have said that many time in ignorance but when I learned better ain't saying that no more why because if you're not ready when the Lord come I'm glad the Lord ain't came yet that's right what passage in yes take your time Lord that's right take your time I said why you tell God to take his time they give you time to get cleaned up that's right the longer God take the better for you because we got some tough cleaning to do amen because he said he gonna present to himself a glorious church not having a spa spot that mean God ain't will settle for nothing but perfection that's right he coming for Baptist people or nondenominational people at the stolid people he speak plain that's right listen and only he to have part in the first resurrection it's right over take God on such a second death hey God have no power amen and God's standard of being holy ain't like people no uh-uh for us to be what God want us to be you ever have folks saying that old song to be like Jesus oh how I long to be like him there was no flaws in him that's right one scripture says there was no sin in him at all no darkness in him at all here we got to strive to measure up to everything that Jesus said that's in that we have tough a such a tough job to do you ain't got time to look at nobody else no yeah don't waste your time to try to judge nobody else that's right just take your time and let the Word of God work on you amen and amen what he said Amos chapter five and at verse 18 all right this is for those that used to try to rush up the Lord's coming Amos chapter 5 and verse 18 all right woe unto you now when the Bible says whoa that mean I'm sorry for you mm-hmm woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord wait a minute hmm woe unto you woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord why to what end is it for you that's my question that's right you're still sucking cigarettes you don't want the Lord to come for you buddy no anything that God tell us not to do and I want everybody to hear me good anything that God told us not not to do and we're still doing it even if we trying to stop but we're struggling yeah hmm we don't want the Lord to come yet no we don't want the Lord to catch us with any work undone that's right you know what got to catch you scratching off that lottery ticket mm-hmm but the Bible says love not the world neither the things that are in the world you don't want the Lord to catch you scratching off that little raffle ticket you know you bought from back then one thing about the realtor there are lottery it the devil just make it so easy for you that's true you go over here you're going to supermarket and they give you a little ticket in and you got to read that thing sometime I have on their lottery yeah you scratch it off and win some pots and pans and glasses but you didn't read the ticket it says lottery honoring Bible says he that gather riches and not about right dies a fool if you know someone that stole merchandise like a frigerator Radio washing machine even if all your merchandise is broke and you know it's stolen goods you can't accept it that's right the cost of you do your strength in the hands of the evildoer he will do us that's right you don't want the Lord to come for you no somebody go to a high-end store and stole a bunch of clothing then set up a stand of your neighborhood suits that's about three and four five thousand dollars he getting rid of them for fifty dollars you know they're hot cuz when you buy you looking with the one of them high-end stores Neiman Marcus and got all them Gucci bags and name-brand bag this set up the stands turn those bags $5 hey man you a holy woman you can't stop when you know notice I said when you know know it now when you don't know you're not held accountable that's right mm-hmm that's why some of us don't want people to tell us they see when you want to be holy there's a lot of what you call opportunities you have to pass up a mint if Williams just said women father was a big drug dealer big crack dealer and we have knew it but he left Williams thirty million dollars thirty million dollars of pure crack money for three mansions in Florida a ranch in Dallas two private airplanes five breweries mm-hmm and all of it was built by crack money morning crack money is blood money that's right that's right a no need for William to come to me later and said I need to talk to you my father was a big crack dealers you should've told me that but got the moment you tell me I'm a unless Bible on you that's right now many of us when the Bible talk and we're presented with something we want to do now we're challenged your love for God and your love for sin is challenged you men especially with money coming love that's right some people go to hell for money that's right they are no they making money wrong but because they love for them that's what a Bible speaks plain that's right the love of money is the root meaning it's the source of how much oh you better eat that son give it a book of Timothy first Timothy chapter 6 and read verse 9 Holaday Houston first Timothy chapter 6 and we're starting at the ninth verse lower it a god but they that will be rich oh man I this particular scripture is not for everybody no it's only for rich folk that's right yeah oh yeah it's only for rich people that's right the Bible speaks plain but they that will be rich fall into temptation I had people write me a passage any way you think about preachers me who drive rolls-royce in bentleys well long as the people in the church don't buy it right you got a job and that's what you want to drive that's your business that's right you work and earn your money lawfully you can drive a horse if you want but some rims on his hoofs if that's what you want that's right but they will be remembers of the church should not ya buy no preacher cars houses suit none of that that's right I work you off to work I swim and my wife sent our children to school when there was desks and your the school I don't need the church to send my children to school if the church can afford to send my own the school then the church can afford to senior at the school that's right I'm an independent working preacher that's right that's why we can kill you like we can what is happen we'll be rich they that will be rich fall into temptation wait a minute what happened to rich folk fall into temptation what happened to rich folk fall into temptation you know there's a lot of people will say that ties in the name of Jesus Christ had the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues seeking the Lord until money came in their life that's right there was faithful offering givers and tired pairs and every type of building project for the work of God they contribute to it but mine Lord all of a sudden guy came in contact with some money they don't hardly come to church now they wrap body Church that's right now anything they got too good for God that's right like these multi-millionaire mega preachers they don't preach this kind of preaching no no way because they're not going to preach nothing that's gonna hurt your wallet that's right my job as a messenger of God is to prepare you to meet God not prepare you to get rich you want to get rich and learn how to make money go to car you ought to get safe come here that's right that's what I'm talking that's not what is true prosperity it is not your house it is not your car that is not your wardrobe true prosperity is the wisdom and knowledge and understanding of who God is that's right I don't care how dirty I know rich people I know rich people I know millionaires some of them watch the telecast NBA players come to First Church NFL players come by the church soccer players come by the church baseball players come by the church some of them came and got baptized amen that don't impress me oh I don't care who you are that's right once in a while me and Bernard heart being Bernard Hopkins once in a while time go by we'd get a chance to talk he one of the farmer I believe middle every weight boxes yeah his wife at him loved the program watch it Laura take God he said you know what he said I'm a Muslim he said but my god passage in and you tell it like it is they said I love it when you throw that hook and then I'm not impressed with nobody in the world this is the way I look at creation when a rich man died and a poor man died neither one of you have God now here's a rich man he's buried maybe in a vote big as this room pull man knees buried throws in a pit but neither one have God who's better than the other nobody that's right the Bible said how do the wise man die just as the food listen at this in the Book of Amos back in Amos chapter 5 in that verse 10 but is it or at verse 18 and aim is 5 verse 18 as well want to you that desire the day of the Lord so what in is it for you what you're gonna get out of it Houston Houston cigar such as pipe suckers vape seconds yeah homosexuals I know I've got some Texas Longhorn homosexual - yeah what'd you go get out the coming of the Lord when in is it for you what what end is it for you you have got your second wives a second husband that's right when the Lord come at you standing at that altar or selling those divorce papers and the Lord appeared what end is it for you and it is it for you you white biggity you black bigot what is your end when the Lord appeared that's right when you're yelling white power you white folk ain't got no power you black folk ain't got none either that's really the only power that be is dead witches are Dayne of God amen amen fiber said let every soul be subject to the highest power that's right that's the thing I want to bring to you it's the power in the Lord Jesus Christ that's right come on sign well once you that desire the day of the Lord to what n is it for you and the Lord come you shaking your hips I feel Texas club what in what in is it for the same club that many of you used to go to and the same club that some of you was just at Friday night Amen man you heard I was coming in town and you want to get your last dance off oh that's right wanna get your last dance on yes and that's shaking your hips and your fake hair does shift to the left that fellas to paid and win another way and his math is his half our brows arch it a fake eyelashes dangling you're like a fool that's right you only got the breath in your nostrils miss woman Amy thank you God's gift to every man out here mister man you think every gift to every woman out here both of you are and living food you only got the breath in your nostrils it's me where gosh that's the breath out of your body your body would drop dead on that dance floor thank God is gonna call you in judge me that's right oh woe unto you oh yeah to you that desire the day of the Lord that desire the day of the Lord that day of the Lord to what in is it for you what you're gonna get out of it amen that's something to thank our business oh yeah what you're gonna get out of you better go back to where we were son back in first Timothy chapter 6 and add verse 10 Parliament first Timothy chapter 6 and at verse 10 all right right verse 9 all right but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and him anyway and it's a many foolish and hurtful lusts it's not a sin to be rich as if God make you rich it was God to me solid rich that's right the sin is where the riches have you that's right I wish I was a trick so I can set up churches like you're planting corn every city I go to I wouldn't leave without setting up a church that's right I don't like written folks that own the property we may make them upset with the gospel yeah and then all of a sudden they said well you can't come in here anymore then I'm gonna have to have Church outside of your place lock the door and then I don't have men that own facilities and said we can use their facilities to baptize then they got mad at us for what we stood for lock the doors of the church lock the doors of the building that's why I prefer having our own yeah we could stay in there all night if we want to increase the Gospels women don't care if nobody don't like it that's right they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare so some of us may pray that pray that God would make us rich them I must pray that prayer but can you handle the wealth yeah let's look at a little bit of money you have now take your hand of that city you get beside yourself when you're getting your car and shine it up see how long you stand in the window and look at the thing yeah all you did was shine it and buff it and detail it see can you walk by your window without and I right I said that's right that's right cou that materialistic amen is into the material things of life takes you over yeah until they got that's what happened to church's materialism materialism has became the message in the forefront of practically all churches these dumb preachers trying to convince us that your heaven is right here yes ain't no heaven no way if my heaven is just a car a house a suit of clothing ain't no heaven no they've got to be something better than this life they trust in their will did you hear what David said in the Book of Psalms 49 and adversity I'm 49 and sick said they their trust in their will save that trust in their well and boast themselves as rad in the multitude of the rich and the multitude but their riches none of them can buy enemy to redeem his brother do you hear this amen sometime as two brothers love each other blood brothers two sisters very close family until somebody one of the parents died mother died father died and everybody fighting over a house that's right won't even speak to each other now over a car get chapter and verse for guests again Psalms 49 and we're at verse 6 argue over car argue over a house argue over bank account the bank you can only have $100 in it two brothers won't speak two sisters won't speak that's true two twins won't speak that's right argue over land amen I want everybody in the world to understand he meant the whole life don't pass away and everything in it your bank account out of all the work God is blessing us to do all around the world building churches buying buildings converting them into churches and everything but God gonna burn everything up that's right your house your bank account your clothing your car burning in your brain you came here that's the way you going out that is know me for you to get caught up in anything in this life other than God himself that's right that's right are you getting what I'm telling you they they're trusting there were a virus that chewy this day only gopher if God be God serve him if bill or the devil be God serve Him you choose Houston you choose between your boyfriend and God that's right choose between your girlfriend and God choose between a job where you're making six and seventy eight figures a year and God yeah mm-hmm some of us was doing pretty good until that money as I said came in our life we rolled our salvation right the window that's right what did the Holy Ghost say here they that trust in their trust in their well and boast themselves and have a multitude of their riches none of them can by any means redeem his brother nor a gift to God a ransom for him wait a minute they can't give God a ransom for no gift of God a ransom for and think about your money it can't get you out degree no when I came up I remember in the 70s I was in a barber shop of reading Jet magazine waiting for my time for my father to cut my hair and there was I remember when a Cadillac Seville came out there was a fellow that died and they took a casket and customized it to look like the Cadillac Seville whitewall tires and everything had a steering wheel in the coffin it had him with a three-piece suit on a broken-down brim gloves propped up in the casket with his hands on the steering wheel ain't no driving in the grave know if everybody realize your date of arrival you did not know that's true and your date of departure you don't know don't know so between you being born and between you leaving here what plans are you making to meet your Lord Amen let's look at the life you living you're partying mm-hmm many of you partying in many of you gambling but if you got a bar in your house got your Jack with Daniels got your whiskey took a few drinks last night and you're here today some of you gonna go back home and take a few more drinks and come back tonight what are you doing and making plans to meet God you ain't gonna live forever and ever right here like the lion Jehovah Witnesses told you that's right heaven left get earth ain't gonna burn up if I got any Jehovah Witness here I'd take the Word of God to burn you up this afternoon with it spring I mean I make it lick up every lie you ever told that's right this earth will not stay here but the day of the Lord will come hear the Bible talking in 2nd Peter chapter 3 and add verse 10 keep going to people of doors with your comic book interrupting their breakfast when you see that you're over witness knock on your door give them the George Jefferson treatment just landsmen you gonna knock on my door and tell me there is no hell Lord you mean to tell me you're gonna interrupt me listen if there was no hell I would not be in Houston know did you hear what I said I said I said and there was no hell I wouldn't be used to preach to who preach for what that's right my god man I found me a place and were you going to no there's no help [Applause] because of there's no hell there's no consequences that's right and if there's no consequences you're free free to do whatever you want and you'll never have to pay a price that's right go take God the Word of God says what both appear but the day of the Lord shall invest 2nd Peter chapter 3 and read verse 10 that day of the Lord will come it's coming you can be as hard head young man hang out on the street with your pants hanging down showing your drawers like a bum that's right a real man don't advertise his drawers no a real man don't advertise his behind that's right you're a real man why are you trying so hard to get other men to look at your behind a man a real man don't do that that's right the day of the Lord will call it do you think I'm N it will come as a thief in the night no thief call somebody they say hey you just a brown residence yeah look I'm three doors down from you either coming in your window by 8:30 if you hear some noise don't worry about it just me robber you out everything asleep don't do that no at the break in your house of you in the shower that's right he catches you off guard let's think of it the day of the Lord is like a thief that comes now nobody is prepared for the arrival of a thief no so imagine when the Lord come and you just lit a match to light your cigarette and the Lord said cleanse yourself from all filthiness of the flesh imagine when the Lord come and you rather have just decided to be a homosexual my lord Amen you just put all your male song like a loose fool amen hearing the Lord appear in the heavens all that noise outside you don't know what's going on and you running to your window what is that what is that don't run outside there's God Oh his boys going change oh that's right [Applause] slap them right back to his manhood take the God woman I don't care how cute you think you are listen I don't care if you got more curves than route 85 95 495 route 1 all the hills in Texas when you die the worms gonna cover your corpse like anybody else that's right walk the street with your hot pants and way out here half naked but you gonna meet so god oh yeah you ain't gots nice to breath out of your body and you end up in the mall and that under take a cut so body open and remove your organist so you backed up you'll time have expired that's right I know oh do you thing that you can show God when you was living as tattoos all over your body a bunch of babies by every neighborhood dog that walk the street and you never gave God a jumper tie that's right talk back to me what the holding off but the death alone will lower to go he meant that down the law will come it's coming I said that's right will come you only got a little bit time to be cute you only got a little bit time to be handsome you only got a little bit time to party and gambling act like a food no to where he was and no was day that's ready and paid no one no mind no no but even though they didn't paid no one no mind that didn't stop the rain from coming that's right you know I wish it was a way that God can take me back I would love to see the facial expressions upon the people after God closed the door of the ark that's right and then the rain was person from heaven and all the rivers and streams and lakes and everything but give it just rise up can you imagine the people hammering of begging on the ark leaving with Noah the art represent the church the flood was the judgment of God it is written as it was in no a day so shall it be with a son of man come our young brothers and sisters are dying seem like quicker than old folk that's right mothers and fathers are getting tired welcome their children to the cemetery burying them it should be the children bury and fathers and mothers but it is Paris because better the two hardhead delicious sons is too self-righteous and stubbornly listen you want to be in the blood you want to be in the crypts you want to be a gangster disciple you want to walk around and drive-by shoot somebody daughter shoot somebody mother shoot somebody father gang bang and carjacked it didn't end up in jail and turn to a that's right talk back to me that's right this is why they say he don't preach with love you call it what you want are you listening to what I'm telling you that's right what is that but the day of the Lord will come the day of the Lord will do what will come it's coming it's coming will come and I'm traveling around the world with God's help sick and well that's true trying to wake people up that's right Houston I'm glad that you woke up yeah and then God willing like I said last night God be our helper we gonna get on down and Dallas wake Dallas up and then I also want to get in Santonio San Antonio with San Antonio Texas sir I would like to get in Galveston Texas wake them up down there in other words I want the whole state of Texas that's right the cost the entire state is gone stand before God that's right everybody go and stand before God that's right and then you gonna find that your color won't impress God at all oh you gonna get the shock of your life your money won't impress God she looks won't impress God your status in this earth will not impress God who's more richer than him that's right who's more higher than him who was more important than him who is greater than him amen when we come to the reality that we had nothing but dust and we have a creator to answer to whether we believe it or not whether we stubborn or humble whether we're obedient or disobedient that don't change nothing it doesn't change the reality everybody will stand before God that's right what do you say son but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night what happened to which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up what's go aheadand today the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned am as well enjoy our house while we got it drive your car why yeah that's really there cause when the Lord get through he gonna burn it up no Amen I was looking at the news I'm supposed to go to Malawi and Mozambique to the churches down there God had changed all that plan God sent a cyclone down there about two weeks ago and practica mollis Malawi and demolished Mozambique waters and boulders are seeing boulders that waters them pushed I don't know how many tons houses just washed away kilt I don't know how many people whether you rich or poor barn free no rich person got enough money where they can buy life that's right that's why I'm pleading with the rich you need God oh yeah No No maybe so about it you need God you don't need Scientology you need God charge them that are it are you here but the Bible told me to do in 2nd Timothy in the book of first Timothy 6 first Timothy chapter 7 at verse 17 says charge them that are rich in this world a rich well in this world that are rich well in this world God told me to charge you that are rich in this world how not to be that they be not high mount be so arrogant he meant don't be so high minded don't be so stuff will don't you don't be so self-righteous don't be so devilish proud charge them half charge this oh that are rich in this world are you going now get your makeup spray don't you put the graffiti on your face that's right yeah that's right yeah when I came up there putting makeup on they put a little bit there but it now they got a spray up yeah you know that you like your paint a car is a man they spray it on them spray it on put all that graffiti on your face what's wrong with the way God made you sister that's right what's wrong with the skin God gave you mmm what's wrong with the eyebrows and the lips God gave you in the eyelashes yeah why you need horsehair to replace your eyelashes amen why you need skunk hair to replace their hair God gave you grandma grandma I said grandma spray here you 85 years old hair is beautiful white and silver but you cover that beautiful silver hair up and put on an Indian wig and here your hair now got a jet-black indian wig with silver eyebrows that's right [Applause] 87 years old with a minister don't ankle change red fingernail the red toenails the mother should be teaching these young women that's right you young women that want to make babies me yet you don't want to be a mother to the babies that you made that's right that's right and the young men who just want to go from state to state get the women pregnant you better listen to what I'm telling you that's right oh you're gonna stand before God listen the Bible says in the book of Revelation the books was I saw the dead that's right small and great stand stand before God let's read this quickly in the book of Revelation chapter 20 and at verse 12 all right and I saw the dead small and great I told you even when you die you're not gonna get away from God no think up and this is one God that death when you death hit you you still haven't got away from it that's right you're gonna lay there in that pop that box or in that pit or in that pile of dirt wherever you dare that even if your body is cremated God go bring your ashes back that's right cremation you won't get away from it that's right you set your body on fire fluid turn it into ashes dump your ashes in the sea and let the fish eat your ashes then the fish that ate your ashes let them die but when God come he gonna make the fish come back vomit your ashes up your ashes gonna come right back together so that man and woman can stand before God that's right I saw the day I found that small and great small and great stand before God you think you ain't gonna stand before God Amen you think you're not well pastor Jennings that's not my religion who cares yes that's right who cares I saw the day I saw the dead small and great I did you know we don't believe that in our church who cares that's right your church may not believe speeding will get you a ticket be like a fool and going down then break the speed limit but when that cop pour you over and ask you for your life in their registration maybe a woman mm-hmm ask you for your likely registration you may hate women you may tell her I ain't gotta give you it sir would you please give me your license and registration please sir you ain't no cop you're a woman sir I'm not gonna ask you again sir mm-hmm now once you find yourself in handcuffs and miss officer who you reject is reading you your right to tell you you have the right to remain silent you can keep telling her you ain't no officer put you in that paddy wagon but you know you only got a short time to party oh yeah and dance and shake your hips and float yourself out here in the street the streets of America my god is less a bloodbath now that's true there's nothing but a bloodbath our young people are killing each other even the young girls is just as much in gangs as young boys that's really see our young girls today is the disgrace of every nationality out there fighting each other like wild foods and some instead of people breaking it up they sit there and videotape it that's true videotaping they laugh amen laughs put you up on YouTube hey you think it's funny because you look like a fool embarrassing yourself making mockery and cussing out elderly people rich man when I came up and we was on a bus and the old woman and the old man get on we got up we got up gave them our seat today my god I see these young girls mouth is just the filthiest boys oh I'm gonna be walking their cussed out don't even know what make mockery other children throw things at it yeah old man and the parents when you chastise their children the parents want to kill you he meant the parents themselves don't want to correct their children and then I want you to correct them the Bible is a book of Correction oh yes anybody that don't want to be corrected from God do don't want to be right with God that's right if you want to serve God you're knock on door without correction that's what it is that and I saw the dead small and great I saw the dead small and great stand before God Oh small and great small small not no unpopular that's great maybe a king president governor queen mayor stay rich we'll go poor black white barn free oh you're gonna stand before God just imagine all these different generations standing before God looking like they were in the era that they were living in that's right great wealthy men dictators kings gonna stand before the king of King that's right Lord of lords amen all the presidents of America gonna stand before God for all the decisions that they mean that's right mm-hm and I saw the dead small and great all and great stand before God what did the great bookkeeper do and the books were opened God got books on you that's right the books were open God got books of gardens keeping the record on everybody that's right yeah and the Lord I said I say God keeping record Loretta got everybody that's right mm-hmm and the books were opened you can turn your lights out to your room to like a billion Midnight's but God says darkness and light is equal to him that's right and the books were opened and another book was open what is it which is the book of life and and the dead were judged out of those things I told you Amen you dead men and a women you coming back that dead was judged out of those things that were what which were written in the book that were written in the books according to their works oh all right now let's have a rap session Houston the Bible says and read it son and the dead were judged out of those things that said was judged out of those things which were written in the book and the book according to their work all right let us look at our works works be it right or wrong dad doctor minute as we speak that's right even if others don't know what you done the bookkeeper no just bookkeeper the great bookkeeper now the things that God had written down about you hmm would you want anybody else to know let me ask it again because it was so weak in here [Laughter] [Applause] because God knew all things does he not Amen things that God have record of you and I want all of you that are watching around the world to get this God is a bookkeeper and all his documentation there are no slip-ups hmm he don't get nobody mixed up with nobody else my lord my lord now please not just what you do physically is document it it's what you think that's right Bible says the very thought of foolishness it says not only is what you do what your body is recorded not only is what you think record it but what you intend to do that you haven't done that's right but a batterer say he know the intents of the heart of God haven't done it yet but you're making preparations that's right order in the car go ahead the whole it all said and you know they ain't it that's right he know about rising yeah my down setting he knew my thoughts are far Oh what what what what you mean what you mean their stops that you have that30 that you didn't have when you were 15 that's right the thoughts that were afar off that you didn't know yet he already know them O Lord thou has searched me wait a minute what's the first word oh lord or the first word oh oh oh yeah not someone groaning in prayer that's right get out there let Psalms 139 we're starting at verse 1 Oh thou has searched me now that's one thing that I never said a lot of pre connect the statement God is trying to get your attention don't ever say that about God that's a lie that's real why would someone new all things all of a sudden think you so difficult he got the tribe who are you amen you ain't that deep and that difficult God got that try to figure you out no get chapter in verse again Psalms 139 we're starting at verse 1 Parliament o Lord O Lord thou has searched me try to sexually now hast searched me I'm too deep to be said thou has searched me I'm undercover now let's search on the down-low I always searched me O Lord thou hast thou hast searched everybody in here now been searched by the Lord and it's still being searched by the Lord that's right is it anything in that book of his you wouldn't want nobody to know anything is there anything natural passage Ennis how can I get any of those things erase you got to repent for what your doctor you don't repent for what you've done that stuff gonna still stay there that's right and that's why some folks is too stubborn it too hard here to repent and Oh Lord though I searched me and known me wait a minute no me no me no me do you thank God knew you before you were born go do you know that did you do that for you that may feel as though you're too deep to think that uh you have to be born for God to know you you better give me the first chapter Jeremiah in Jeremiah chapter 1 and we're at verse found to go right to the point before I formed the into violence before I formed in the belly I knew thee well that stopped that argument that's right God said before you were born before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee God saw you commit that murder before you was born that's true God saw you custom before you was born God saw you lying is swaying and smoking and partying and gambling before you was born for God saw you lying and said I'm confused I don't know whether man before I formed me in the belly I knew thee God ain't never form something between a man and a woman no he said he made male and female created he them that's right that right that's right he ain't made male then stumble females no boo made male then after that he try something else in a bad product came about no way a bad product came off the assembly line and then all of sudden he kept working till a female came out not that Oh No well past agenda what about those who say they don't know what they are the devil got that lie in them yeah you don't know what you are standing in front of a mirror you'll find out you either one or two things that's a a man or woman a woman am i right I said that's right yo wanted a two that's in case you get cloudy upstairs just go into a room by yourself get a mirror and strip down strip down as you feel if you don't remember what you are just say okay okay then get dressed and just come on back out Devil's got in the mind of these men that's why a lot of women now don't want to get married she don't know what she's getting that's true she don't know what she's getting men now wanna get pregnant they're having experiments in China say having experiments in China now getting men to volunteer for pregnancy test Milo that's that hell amen that's the devil my god I have to preach everything folks say I mean you call me what you want the Bible told me to cry loud and spare not somebody got the door in this case God made choice among us and gave me a child you send me to do right then what did the Holy Ghost set before I formed the in the belly I knew thee before I fall in it everything that ever happened in your life God saw it happen everything everything everything many of you got shot are you wonder why you still living wasn't it cost you tough got stabbed got shaped almost bled out you wonder why you didn't die God was still giving you time that's right Oh deed they found you somewhere laying there's the needle yarn rolling you know why you're not dead because God was looking at you that's right when we were sent us didn't have a mind to walk with God it was the mercy of God that was protecting you watching over you all the time that's right that's right that's right you didn't even know it when you was cussing it's smoking and gangbanging yeah he put it in his word he knows them that it is so he was watching over you heaven mercy on you giving you time that's right just giving you time I came up in the hood oh man we love to mix it up yeah we get out there oh yeah we mixed it up never smoked because I never was attracted to smoke never drank off the meat like a steak but when it come to thumping and plugging I loved it I will mix it up and be laughing never carried a gun never carried a knife you see when I came up in the hood the best man they used these best man win all right man I'm gonna old hands know them talk them out they call you out yo come on let's mix it up all right come on toe-to-toe mix it up mix it up best man win if you win we shake we go back playing ball that's right go back Rambo - damn you win - you did this love America has this deep attraction to violence and Satan yeah the music industry the choreography that they have all staged satanic satanic emblems and with hoods and burning fire looking like evil and wickedness and our young people want to look just like it amen what is happening to our young people the churches believe that they have to mimic the world to get people no you do not you Jesus said this if I be lifted up from there I will draw all men unto me amen the truth of God is a witness then we sell tickets to get you here talk back to me did we put on the play did we put on a rally that's right that's right we didn't do that then we beg you to come then we put on a performance then we get a celebrity and a spoke person go ahead no that's right that's we preach God's Word and my sheep [Applause] and a stranger will it take God that will not follow that's right and you got sheep you will hear God boys that's right God seek no god voice man when they hear don't run in what's on the heart in pulls on the heart yeah Allu you a take on the world love violence they love blood shake they eat the bread of wickedness all these young people coming to the truth of God truth black brothers wife brother Hispanic brothers Asian brothers yeah when I was in California so many Hispanic brothers black brothers Agent Brooke going down to the water that's right Asian brother his wife came to me after they got baptized he shoved my hairs they said most honorable procedures [Applause] amen all God what is your heart and your willingness to obey Him you young people you young people I would never tell you like a lot of preachers tell you the world ain't got none off a lot off he serves up to you to accept it or reject it that's right but if you hang out there in the streets you myzel expect to end up with the results on the streets if you are fool enough to stay out there so you want to be accepted by a gang and one of your initiations they cost you to drive by smoke somebody out think of it how can these cats claim they love you man and to be a part of them you gotta kill some woman's child that's right don't you know the book says you'll reap what you sow so yeah you take a child life and you never repent for it you knock some girl up get help pregnant then a young boy follow your footsteps and someone take his life you have reap what you sow too soon that's right we're laboring they get you off the streets of America come back to God amen they are building prisons depending on you to fill them that's true did you know the prison system was being privatized do you understand what that even mean that mean if I was a person who has some type of financial status or if I want to start a business I may buy land or have land I can invest in the prison to have a prison built on my leg they are paying for some cases two and three hundred dollars per inmate a day now I imagine a prison holding five thousand and privatizing the prison system mean I can be a private owner or go in with some other friends of mine and we form our own business so if I'm a private investor I'm investing all the inmates and I'm investing all society to produce more inmates to make me rich that's right so do the government one crime is stopped no do Republicans want crying to stop no do Democrats know do the White House know do the FBI know do the CIA now so here preacher because the American government is responsible for a lot of the drugs in this country anyway so if the prison system is now privatized they don't want to stop crying stop and cry and meaning you're stopping income especially if I'm making two to three hundred dollars a day per inmate who listen now that's not what I said I said listen to three hundred dollars a day per in me you know they want that prison field that's right that's really so we are encouraging our brothers and sisters to give your life over to God and you were detoured the prison system amen until my brothers and Sutton's that are in prison if the Lord bless them to step out of prison to get away from the atmosphere that caused them to be there the first place the first place yeah when you want to walk with God the objective of Satan is to pull you right back in what you're fought to get out of that's right not only that is to pull you win what you never was in requital Kanako back in Revelation chapter 20 and verse 12 get this and I saw the dead small and great stand before God human family human family god bless your stubborn heart I saw the dead small and great stand before God you gonna stand before God mister miss this should be a song I remember in the 70s mr. big step who do you think yeah mr. big step I want to ask you today mr. and mrs. big step who do you thank you up you can have all the money in the world I wish I can open people head up and scoop out the ignorance with ice-cream scooper just take the upper part of the cranium and get our ice cream scooper just scoop out the stupid parts store it take God I believe that people think they're going get away from God you don't get away from him while you're living and you don't get away from him by why you're dead anytime you can't escape someone you can't even escape them if you die you gonna confront them oh yeah you gonna confront God now come on and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and what and the books were opened a book swell and another book was opened which is the book of life whatever and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works yes and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it I told you you can jump over the water and jump over into the water drown yourself but The Seagull far McCue up one day you gonna be out on the water fishing in one of these bodies of waters here in Texas and before you know it the Great God of heaven when he appeared you're gonna see countless of bodies countless coming up can you imagine that going on the cruise your fake Christian cruise I say faith because it ain't no holy sanctified Church god-fearing woman it's gonna be on some cruise boat enough I can add you know more Christian than um and then I'm related to Fred Astaire went to a bikini and being like Jesus got in common god-fearing woman won't advertise all her body parts that's right I've god-fearing man won't either you out there public like that women where no shame this young ignorant interracial on it you think like a fool you think like a fool that's right if you got it you're flaunted let the waiting young people think they're mindless come on time and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it then what and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them yet then held me hell is not talking about the eternal hell here to my degree death and hell have gift had give up what and destined have delivered up to the Dead which were in them and they were judged they were judged every man who every man no just black folk every man need that right now just then they got dreadlocks and they were judged every man no just the Hebrews you're like every man oh just a Klu Klux Klan on every skinhead every man be that right read it right now that's right and they were judged every man every man up every man every black man every man I told you God don't care about your skin color that's right if you got so many dreadlocks to replace your shoelaces and they were judged he was judged every man every man according I don't care if you so beautiful when you walk the street fire hydrants explode and the water form a ceiling over your head and all grasshoppers make noise and music with their legs and crickets form a symphony as you walk the street I said but the Holy Ghost and they were judged every man according to their works I want everybody to realize you're nothing but dirt that's it hmm that's right I mean nothing but dirt dust that's all y'all but one scripture says your flesh is as grass and as the flower that fadeth and wither away and they were judged every man according to their works yes and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire but this is the second death did you hear this I don't want the second death second death I want to be in the first resurrection so I can face my garden peace you better repent now 90 went down last night in the name of Jesus Christ and you that have an obey buta have an old bed you better take a bat houston you better take advantage of the truth of God will work that started here you better take advantage of it contact your family your cousin's your enemies the drug dealers they get when I select I said last night the the the bikers that was out there yesterday man it was out there by the number two brother and when I got out the SUV some of them recognized who I was and they came up with talking when the biker said man if I knew that you was here I would have been I would have came to the service I said well go tell your backup buddy to come on stop it come on stop it now you can pull on up with your harlot you come on pull up your Joe Harley and I race the engine of mine Jesus I raced an engine of mine Jesus you know hey man I hear put your Harley in the dust that's right everybody in the world it's time for you to get your life right with Gardner when God sent a preacher when God sent one I'm not talking about someone who you feel like they got a calling no I mean when God said one God send him for a period of time he got a job to do for that period that God sent him to do it and then God take them off to see how long I'm here I don't know or I take gut but while I am here i'ma do the work of him that sent me that's right take advantage of it take advantage of it and run for your life that's right we don't gave the devil plenty of time in fact we don't give him too much time only the reason why we're still breathing today it's because God has given us time to make everything about us crooked straight that's right you've got to be a arrogant self-righteous hard hair fool not to take advantage of it repent of your sins repent this me be sorry about the way you live it there's amazing out people well I know what else you want to do you didn't say that when you were the Baptist you know why because you are the Baptist and still clubbing at the same time that's why you were the happy Baptist and when I'm happy back to you when he was at every Baptist project going on and baking Baptist sweet-potato pies and making Baptist potato salad and selling Baptists chicken dinners hey here we come along live older no second wives knowing your first wife is living no second husbands and your first husband's living no living together not married no none of that none of that no homosexual men don't switch and women don't stroll that's right [Applause] come along with the Word of God has stripped it down and people don't want to be stripped like this but do you know before anything new is built you gotta tear down the old land that's right you gotta tear down the old house now what the closeout quickly with the first chapter Jeremiah and then let's see what God told the Prophet to do imagine and this is what I'm here in Houston to do I have to do what the Prophet have done you want the move quick amen I want to see what he taught him to tear down and fill up and destroy the ball right in the Book of Jeremiah chapter one and what verse 10 alright see see I have this day I want to show you how God makers preachers see I have this day set the over the nation and over the kingdom do what to root out anytime you want to kill a plant get it by the roots yeah anything in us that's not like God the Word of God wanna ruin it out and I know a lot of us don't want some things rooted out of us because we love it if you're gonna root up that whiskey root up that beer and Ted a bar down in your house yeah run your second husband down the street until your second wife out the window that's right Rudo yeah Rudo you two men they got a mind to get married and having your conversation by a man behind folk back telling each other how nice you look you gay stay away stay away from each other now if you're homosexual you hear you welcome you come on come on so we can preach that germ off of you it's a parasite that's right yeah a parasite yeah it's being a homosexual of that spirit is a parasite it latched on to your flesh yeah think of it okay what do a man offer man I mean when a man I can't see a man looking at him listen listen I can call a speeder speed it's wrong to look at a woman that's not your wife that's true but it's sad when you can't do wrong the right way [Applause] let me say it again [Applause] somebody's their pastor Dennis there's no such thing as doing wrong the right way yes it is now well you smoke a cigarette you don't put the part that's lit in your mouth do you will you drink a bottle of whiskey do you drink it with cap on or cap off God take the cap off when a man look at a woman what he get out of looking at a woman he have no right no reason it's unethical it is not logical to feel the same way when he looked at his own time zone trunk it's wrong to look at a woman and lust and she's not your wife but if you go and do wrong you should do wrong the right way there's even the right way to fornicate and yet fornication is wrong but a man if he was a gonna fornicate with a man he wanna fornicate with a woman that's right that's doing wrong the right way that's going to hell the right way [Applause] really quick son see I have this day should be over the nation yeah II thought you thought it won't let you off the hook did you see I have this dataset you over the name and over the king to do what to root out root out and a pool - that's that's the job of the preacher you got to root out pull down and to destroy and to slow down - bill bill and the plane you see all that got to be done before you start the building a plan and let's close out in acts 2:38 I want to show everybody who haven't obeyed this that you got this to do Acts chapter to read verse 38 then Peter said unto them repent if you want to be born again if you want to be right you want to get your sins washed away you ain't never never never never been saved since you've been born until you obey what he's about to read here then Peter I don't care what kind of South faith salvation you got looking at peter Popoff I don't care what fakes out making you've got looking at Texas Joel Olsteen that's right I don't care what kind of fix out bacon you got looking at TD snakes [Applause] I don't care that's right you gonna come on back the Bible amen you're gonna either do it like the Bible says or you're lost that's right Bible says in acts 2:38 then Peter said unto them repent No join the church repent the I will decision repent prayer sinner's prayer repent bow your hair to raise your hands and accept Christ as your personal Savior reap it and many of us have done all that food is and to go to a priest and let him Christian you a sprinkle water over your head repent come on back to Bible now Houston Houston America Australia Canada South America Belgium the world you've got to come back to bite that's right every preacher I don't care if you call yourself an apostle a bishop @ld evangelist a rabbi a priest a monkey imam call yourself whatever you want you don't have to come back the Bible or you gonna have to go to hell by God repay repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ Wow in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and make your meme remove it you want your sins washed away that's how you get it removed that's right and and you shall receive the gift of the holy days never had the Holy Ghost unless you're speaking tongue at the spirit the Living God I don't mean some false prophet came then I'm Church and ran our auto fish a week revival and left Richard then he did the week before yeah then you come telling you damn when I count to three everybody standing speak one everybody gets get set to three I'm gonna humma-nah humma-nah humma-nah humma-nah humma-nah humma-nah you ain't got the Holy Ghost you got the devil in you you're filled with the devil out of hell amen anytime your Holy Ghost can be turned on and turned off like a microwave drink up the Holy Ghost no Holy Ghost is a gift that come from God that's right the Bible says every good gift every perfect gift comes from above come down from the Father of lights of whom there is no variables no shadow of turning Amen well you got the Holy Ghost you got it like this they're Pentecost it was all filled the Holy Ghost and began to speak and other tongues as the spirit not as the bishop as the spirits not as the eldest I had the spirit not as their past I got gonna prove it or he got to hear it right at the spirit of governor's let's repent then Peter said unto them repent Houston and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ he's got this to do for the river you don't want to go to hell now burn you got this to do but if you want to burn and you thank you so tough and you you know too tough obey did you go ahead you the boss you want to change the man throw gasoline on them and put a match on that's right I don't I don't care if it's boys heaven in mind you won't find a man on fire burning cool he's on fire burning you won't be sitting there ah that hurt man that hurt you know when somebody gonna put flame out please no they gonna put it out no brother they're slaves no flames hit his backside if he got a baritone voice his boys gonna shoot up like a soprano will imagine burning in hell what is hell hell is the anger the anger that God had and hell is made to get even with all humanity that's right there cos have big disobedience you never burn up you got to fall as long as God remain God and there's no end to him there's no light in hell that's called out of darkness fire will wrap around your skin and your skin will never be consumed and the fire of hell is not like the fire of Earth the fire other man can put it out and man can't control it that's right the fire of hell God said they have kindled a fire in my anger and shall burn through the lowest hell you will never hit a bottle imagine burning for a million years and you just got started your flesh is gonna have all the same feelings that have now you gonna be hungry and starving and everything you ever done that calls you to go to hell you're gonna remember that's right you're gonna be repenting and God is going to turn that deaf ear God won't hear you God won't respect your repentance and God won't deliver you out of hell that's right he's doing right now to keep you out of hell and he keep down he said holiness to you that's right that's what he's doing and keep you out that's right he said holiness cover well repent we finna be baptized stubborn man stubborn woman oh god I never told you to be Baptists and Methodists and Presbyterians and Pentecost doing Catholic and non-denominational God didn't tell you to be that garbage Oh No well present my mom is that that's your mama business God ain't that's right God was here before your mama yeah my granddaddy had the First African Baptist Church in Houston listen I don't care if your grandfather grew the first orange tree in Houston when the Lord comes you and your grandpappy and it's gonna stand before God that's right you better hear this now anybody want to obey God and repent of their sins and be baptized in water and the name of Jesus Christ and escape the lake of fire because this comment if you want to get right today stand on your feet stand on your feet come on come on Houston gather your feet oh all of you better standing all of you that are standing going out that door there or you better standing going out there straight out go straight out you've got to be baptized to be something everybody Emmanuel and Marcus Curtis go round this way brother you've got to be baptized to be saved you have never been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you've never been saving your life to us by God I tell you Houston Houston that the Lord is surely doing a job right here everybody that have not repented everybody there was not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you're not saying that's right well pal Jenna I was baptized in the Baptist Church it ain't a Baptist Church that ever baptized one person right in the world that's really all the back has been baptized wrong even if your daddy was the pastor he keep him baptized wrong your mama was baptized wrong the doctor do it like the Bible says that's right the Bible says repent remembering says prayer sinner's prayer the Bible never said join the church the Bible didn't say bow your hair to raise your hands the Bible didn't say none of that none of that Bible tell us whatsoever we do in Word in Word or D for Dean - all about you all how in the name of the Lord Jesus you're not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you're still a sinner that's right come on and obey guard Houston that's right when I first came here in October of 2018 156 went down in the water now wait well I know we don't went way over 100 again this is truly the Lord's done now remember this is our new temporary location services every Sunday every Sunday after this Sunday every Sunday I'm on a walk with the Word of God we're gonna give it a correct time brother 1:55 all right our next service beginning at 5 o'clock come on back hang out with me one more evening come on back you ain't got nothing to do whatever game is on let them play it you come on back and get this word this is your introduction to God it's time for us to start our journey to walk with the Lord may God keep you may god preserve you come on back let us all stand brother William to close us out with prayer come on back prayer begin at 5 o'clock all right father God would you come to once again in the name of Jesus Christ we want to thank you and praise you once again for the words of the Lord that was taught in our hearing father God we want to thank you for the man of God and for the gospel that you put in his mouth we thank you Father God for the souls that desire to go down in water in the name of Jesus Christ continue father God to stir up the people my God that they may hear the words of the gospel preached and taught as it was in the days of the Apostles we thank your father God for everything that you've been to us and for all that you've done for us thus far we do pray and ask all these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 464,196
Rating: 4.6530833 out of 5
Keywords: Holy, Holiness, TOG, First Church, Truth of God, Religion, Gino Jennings, Pastor Jennings
Id: p8CPOdRtAo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 17sec (6917 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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