Truth of God Broadcast 483-484 Jehovah Witness Challenge Pastor Gino Jennings HD Raw Footage!

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now I'm owner is that want you to servant of God and general uber see our leader teacher and messenger of the Almighty God pastor Gino genis I want to be just like him I wanna be just like I wanna be Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] brothers and sisters and friends and um our loyal enemies this is First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ located at 24:31 Frankfort Avenue and Philadelphia Pennsylvania in the United States of America where you're always welcome to come visit us and hear the Bible preached in a right manner we thank God for His divine wisdom and his eternal understanding of all things thank him for sending the prophets and the apostles of the Lord and Savior and gave them an anointed mouth an anointed mouth to give a anointed message prophets or the apostles didn't preach on their own accord but the message was given to them from God for the people he was in listeners that same message that was given to the prophets and was given to the Apostles was given to us and the method is plain and simple be ye holy that's right for the Lord our God is holy that's right that is the name of our religion holiness because it is the reflection of God himself God did not purpose for us to be like anything else or anybody else that's right but like him so we're at the close of our National convocation for this millennium that's true something to think on a visit yes it is I know there are many philosophers and Bible scholars who teach that the Lord has come in the year 2000 Bible don't teach us so we don't believe it and if he was coming who's acting like that's right you know what the Lord was really coming a year 2014 know it for sure I believe you will see more change in there well you that makes such false prophecies not even you believe it because you have make it and lie why you're making it that's right so this broadcast is dedicated to all the members of the body to you that are listening in around the world to the sinks of High Wycombe England and London of Ghana West Africa and Nigeria and Zimbabwe in Zambia and Kenya to the Saints in Cape Town South Africa to all our viewing audiences see this program in different parts of America this program was ordained of God to get you straightened out we're not over there - proselyte you not over there the beg you for money well over there to save your soul if you want to be saved now if you don't want to be saved and the Bible don't interest you this program is the wrong thing they listen to or look at you want to find out whether you're a Christian or not listen closely said right brother you want to find out whether you're christ-like at all that's right call your father your mother or your family get on the phone and call them tell them something different is on look at this amen one scripture says come see we got something good to give you we didn't make up nothing and then sit up all night and prepare Independence Day sermon for July 4th that's right you're not free you bound and sinned that's your firecracker that's your firework right there that's right they cost yep popping around the world that's right and you have popping and explosion around in sin so we come along with the firehose of the scriptures to put the flame out I want to say to my viewers of Portland Oregon to remember August 14 and 15,000 return him back to your area God willing at the CEI Center 39:20 in North curb ice cream in Portland Oregon that's August 14th and 15th Sarah the service will begin at 4 o'clock p.m. Sunday services 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. Portland Oregon get yourself ready call you pastor call you Reverend call your woman preacher call your transverstite elder call your lesbian bigan s call them they need the Holy Ghost - are you listening that's right so my visitors make yourself at home I'm not sorry for the heat thank God for the heat you choose this heat or will you understand or the heat that's coming because there's some heat coming they have nothing to do with the Sun that's what has nothing to do if the moon has nothing to do it the stars that's right it is God's anger in the form of fire made to get even with man for the wickedness that he had committed here in here why is Hale called a bottomless pit to let you know that God's anger will never cease during that time why does hell consist of darkness because darkness is the reason for it coming into existence darkness is the symbol of sin that's right why does hell consist of fire because fire itself is the anger that the people have caused God to have because of their conduct God send us along to save you from hell do you want to be safe right need not be a postcard FedEx me something that's right tell me do you want to be saved oh yeah happy the way you are now some of you are the ignorance yeah happy the way you are because you're the devil right Bible savvy of your father the devil that's right I'm not going to tell you you some Christian and you drunk as a fish no no you're a drunken child of the devil are you listen to the old troublemaker all right I got some letter to get out the way then after what I'm going get you get ready for it get ready for it because I'm after you God is after you through me that's right get what I said now that's right I say God is after you through me God sent me to you to get after you to chase you down with my bow that's right amen amen pretty god that's the way God man is he sent out by God they go after the people to turn them from darkness to light that's right so God send me to you I meant behind you and behind everybody everybody I'm after you Lord SiC me on you like a pitbull that's right and then I'm gonna tell your religion to pieces - that's right yes I am alright then let's go to work and get these letters out the way because one that I can't wait to get somebody pick a fight with me he's a good man I came in the building the Daniell of the gentleman downstairs and me a letter then he walked out got the letter in my office and I open it up and read it gave me a threat that may say this to all the people that see this program let me make this clear stop threatening past agendas they come live up to your talk that's right do you see me running at all I don't care if you're white of the Pillsbury snowman man well black is the street or yellow is butter I don't care what religion you represent a man it doesn't matter who hired you to bump me off the address is 24:31 frequent Avenue you can catch me either Tuesday or Thursday for practically every first Sunday put up or shut up are you listen I don't run from nobody threat God made me like I am that's what my mouth is so loud there's more with me than that's with anything that's right see you talking about don't you people know what's with me I was afraid of anybody anywhere then your threats what bother me but God is with us in all the world can't stop me from doing what God told me to do when the coats go to the greatest it's not a man living it goes for anybody in here or looking in or listening in that's born oh that's gone two people that have enough resources Lloyd from America to Canada the self America or the solar can stop me from doing what God told me to do you know what I think of your threat wonderful [Music] I don't have a scared nerve in me I am NOT the wrong man to Bob I'm the right one to Bob that's right so please I encourage you and then live up to your top if I say you're naughty that's right cause the Bible said there is no weapon hold out to threats you can do it I'm not running from nobody in the world but maybe like I am that's right that's right listen to the old man let's get the mail and go to work come on Philadelphia Pennsylvania yeah their passage edits I like the way you speak from the Bible you can be my pastor any time because you don't talk about a lot of junk or about gossip you bring everything right down upfront you keep up the true teachers of God amen but the help of God I do that there's a small token toward your ministry and you can Frank Pope Philadelphia Pennsylvania line of her letter all right viola New Jersey god bless you in your ministry ever since I tuned in to channel 61 on Sunday at ten am my life has been enriched on June 18th 1999 return by ambulance after six years in Newcombe Center that God thanks to God the Great Physician I once more at home I'm going about getting this forum s inspirational message of God's love to others we are responsible for helping to bring souls to Christ thank God for you who explains to all who will listen God's will and his way soon as I can I shall have a lot a love gift on the way the hospital prevented me from doing that this month you're a credit to all who a beautiful smile and love frog for it for everyone god bless you and your family Mildred Monroe Vineland New Jersey miss Monroe thank you for that wonderful letter all right Richland New Jersey yeah dear pastor Jenna my name is van Richardson yes and I'm an inmate at South with state prison I listen to your program where almost weekly because before I continue with the purpose of this mission yeah I'd like to make you aware of the fact that I am studying to become a Jehovah's Witness now I would like to take this time to sock you with some scriptures I do hard now first I heard you say let another man we believe he can fight no not a hold his hands well at least he believe he can bite you want to sock me all right let's see how good you can jab yeah all right first I've heard you say many times that when we die we go to heaven you never heard me say that no will you die you go to the grave that's right must be getting me mixed up with some other fellows reignited by besson no man hath ascended up in a heaven at any time but he that came down that's right that's not mine teachers know that teaching of the prophets or Jesus or the Apostles when you die you go to heaven amens why you think you got a cemetery out there right Oh God so if you're gonna represent me represent me right or don't represent me at all come on son have you read Psalms chapter 37 yeah Joba created this earth for the righteous to live forever about it mmm also you talk about the unrighteous will go to hell when they die that's right once again not true where is he the unrighteous went found in the book of life will receive the second death of no more or no less he also I like to ask you a question how could such a loving God torment the people that he created forever have you read ecclesiastical I've also heard you say that Jesus Christ is God that's man tation now I don't the gate the fact that Jesus is a mighty God but he isn't God Almighty I teach he's no almighty that's my doctor I hope I got into a home a witness follower others listening in I will do contact elders because when you warned of a witness say he gonna supplement oh yeah I mean all of you supplement that's right so now this is a challenge here yes it is on this telecast we're going challenge they're teaching other to Holy Witness organization I'm a challenge Oh comic book watchtower I'm a challenge you on Jesus Christ being God I'm a challenge you on there is no hell I'm a challenge you on the earth will stay forever you pick up in a skiff do you want pitch it right now hit it that's right come on Dan let's go to work I've heard you say that Jesus Christ is God that's right no I don't forget the fact that Jesus is a mighty God yeah but he is God Almighty we will see our Heavenly Father has a name yeah his name is Jehovah yeah have you read jugg 1428 yeah I'm sure that we both a concur that God cannot lie yeah if you read this script these scriptures that like mentioned you'll see what I am that I am right last however not least have you read Psalms 83 18 yes Lord isn't a name it's simply a title that's right now I'm I got some truth they don't yeah you're not gonna never do you picture food things of truth let's slap you in a lie like a deity that's right all right now I'm sure that we will also agree on the fact that the father of all names has himself a name his name is Jehovah all right if you are not teaching the whole truth then that's what would make you too a false prophet mmm-hmm so in essence if you are going to teach the truth don't change it for convenience all right I am sure that you will read my letter on the air not never light breath and then however the things that I have mentioned edit I would like to hear your opinion on that you're not gonna hear my opinion all right we won't dive into your scriptures right we're gonna take your script in the pot oh yeah all right let her walk up there and pick up the first statement he made when he first thing he's Dylan a reference to their doctor first I've heard you say many times that when we die we go to heaven but no you never heard me say that you never heard me say that will you die you go to the green born it wasn't the man that died at the death doesn't matter all right let's get his next statement also I'd like to ask you a question all right how could you how could such a loving God torment the people that he created forever easy have you read enthusiastic 910 let's get his script to clear tonight again because yes now I'm gonna say to every view and every listener whenever any religion any so-called preachers say man take one scripture and make it contradict another scripture right you don't know what you doing with the Bible at all that's right the whole witnesses this is your time that's right we're gonna make you famous you're gonna make them oh no wonder what y'all I'm at a time we go in the Bible everybody gonna know that your whole religion is a bundle of trash for hell that's right will you take that all right let's start swinging with the Bible and a cruise yeah let's get his script Ecclesiastes chapter 9 and at verse 10 yeah whatsoever thy hand findeth to do ya do it with that mic yeah well there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest what was his statement I could use how could such a loving God torment the people that he created forever let's see what God gon do what do you gonna do give me the book of Deuteronomy in Deuteronomy chapter we get the book of Mark amen I'm on Zack Deuteronomy chapter 32 without verse 21 listen closely they have moved me to jealousy I tell you how a loving God can do it tell me was it not the loving God Jehovah that burnt up Sodom and Gomorrah that's right that's right that's right that's right was it not the loving God of Noah a major that flooded the whole world with water that's right and only eight was saved that's right but it's still nothing not yeah that's right let me tell you what the loving God's sake he do before you read that deuteronomy 32:39 get around me 32 and at verse 39 yes now what jehovah says that he do see now that I see now that I even I even I am he and he and there is no dog there's no God with me I God can I kill yes it is see now that I see now that I even I even I am he am he and there is no God with me there's no God with me I I kill not talking that's right loving God God say I killed and I'd make a loss I make alive I the loving God said I will pain I hurt that's right loving God loving God that's right that's right all know this thought that you talked about listen that description I won I won and I heal and I hear neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand in the days of lot there was a place talk Sodom and Gomorrah that's right that's right funny old men came and that's right two men two men that's right he appeared x2 to establish his wrath will be against the condom that's right [Applause] they had to get out of town and look at what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis chapter 19 and at verse 23 quick the Sun was risen upon the earth when LA entered into the Lord yes then the Lord then the Lord rained upon Sodom rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire no candy and ice cream web stone and fire roses and pebbles rim stone and fire frankincense and myrrh brimstone and fire amen gifts and presents brimstone and fire cake and ice cream a threat stone and fire the loving God did what then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord from the Lord out of heaven Adam went out of heaven no no way out of heaven this brimstone and fire came from one location out of heaven amen and what was this question how could you how could such a loving God torment the people that he created forever now let's see what provoked them in Deuteronomy chapter 32 and at verse 21 I mean and Bible Jehovah Witnesses follow me amen call your elder that's wrong and follow me that's right left it at the Myra Deuteronomy 32 and verse 21 yeah they have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God that people have moved God or provoked God to jealousy that's right because the conduct was not godly they have provoked meter-and-a-half provoke them to anger yet he's a loving God that's right but they made him angry with their vanities with their vanity there was caught up in vain things and I will move them to jealousy mai-chan will get you in the town with those which are not a people yea I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nature for a fire a fire is kindled it's candle in mine anger and what has come about because of this anger they have moved me to jealousy with that which is not go yeah well fire was kindled in my name hot and shall burn unto the lowest hell unto the lowest hell and shall consume there he gone consumed with her increase with everything and settle and fall and set on fire the foundations of the mountain be Linda that's right no no how can he do amen the lies that you teach and other religions teach lie that's right and the cost of the lie that is put in the pulpit man he got angry at you Jehovah Witnesses that's right that's right nobody worry he's gonna get you Bubba yes he will ya ha mark chapter 9 and at verse 43 and let's see what's gonna happen and if thy hand offend thee cut it off and I mean cut off your natural hand no no you're having a very important member of the body that's right so God let you know if you're holding on to something we'll have something that this is that's valuable or as important as your hand is and that thing will cause you to be lost cut it loose from that thing or break it loose from that thing that's right ah it is better for thee to enter into life mate it's better for thee to enter into life without what you love then then having two hands to have everything in life to go into hell amen into him go out go into hell what hell are they talking about into the fire and we're into the fire will they never go out that never shall be Quinn that mean forever and ever where there were you know who's the where right you are Jehovah Witness that's right you are that's right you worm that to you crawling up on people porch knocking on the door that's right waking them up out of that good sleep amen you that's right that's right the matter say where the world guy is not you wonder and the fire and the fire is not for everyone everyone shall be sold it shall be everyone anyone shall be so shall we salt with fire hello let me gonna be blanket oh yeah that's right how can he do it that's because the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God amen meaning he's I thought of his word that's like if he said the one won't die in a fire won't let up doc hell you going that's right alright let's get his next statement I will sir and this is all I'm open for argument we don't have to do it behind closed doors either that's right let's have a showdown before the public that's right and give Bible where there is no hell amen I see the Bible for the helping manatee God we're here are you listening at the troublemaker here amen come on son let's get the next statement I've also heard you say that Jesus Christ is God that's mine doctrine or implicate the fact that Jesus is the mighty gun yes please God Almighty let's see listen give me Isaiah 9:6 the mighty God and their mighty God and it also mention Almighty that's right yes that's right mighty God Oh No it mentioned mighty God Almighty man I tell you how Isaiah chapter 9 and at verse 6 I keep pitching I'm up the back come on to us a child is born that's a child born like this unsure what's his son is given now child is born is talking about the arrival of the Son of God that's right because God is not a child man or for us to be same or redeemed back to the holy estate that we lost in the Garden of Eden because of the transgression in a violation because of a first father had sinned it was Adam that's right some blood had to be shed man and a blood of bullets and peppers and sacrifices could not redeem us amen because the Lord was clean or worthy or had poverty that's right no man was qualified no man was able to redeem the human family and pull them back to God amen so Don Almighty threatened or could cost you a spirit that's right and God knew to blood to atone right for the sins of man that's right tell God visit the house of David he's got a woman who was of the tribe of Judah made from the descendants of Shem the brothers of ham and Japheth the sons of Noah that's right and God got in this over make it plain Joe hold eyes hat that's right the everlasting father amen the key means a prick that's right that's right and the potato son of man son of God which means servant of God that's right God did not become man no God made man they got in demand than men that's right that's right the man took on the name Jesus amen and the man began to function in the capacity of Christ go ahead surely God where he crash me anointed one that's right and the spirit of no authority God he anointed the man that's right the man Christ Jesus wasn't God in the main was done and the name the man wore was the name of God that's right that's right that's why should I come in my father's name my father name that's right hey it's like a teller that little suit for him then the tail put his name in the suit that's right then he put the suit on that's right Jesus is an inherited name yes it is that's right it is a treasure yes it is it is valuable that's right because it is the name that is the very symbol of salvation or deliverance itself amen so God brought the name from heavens that's right because it isn't a earthly name it is a heavily named perverse that's right and then the man took on God's name that's right now you say jehovah is his name forever let's get his scripture but there was a time where the name Jehovah wasn't no that's yeah that's right that's right let's get that script that's right I said there was a time that the name Jehovah was not even know Lagoon that's right ah verse in Psalm 83 the night Psalms 83 that verse 18 and verse 18 let me teach you mr. witness that men they know that men may know that love that thou whose name alone who names alone is Jehovah is your hope are the most high over all the other night off the most high over all the event and an exodus chapter 6 listen at this and add verse 3 and to the 16/3 and I appeared unto Abraham hot talking God talking talking I believe to Moses and God spake unto more sick to Moses and said unto him and said to him I am the Lord I don't know and I appeared unto a man the same one that appeared to apron unto Isaac unto us and unto Jacob an antigen by the name by the name of God Almighty I can to them as God Almighty but put by my name Joe hope I'm an angel home up was I not nobody nobody will touch to this didn't know right that's right that's right we yeah is the same moves anyone that's right he's hard Jehovah you're here when Moses question him boots shall I say that's right that's right what is that I have what do you mean I'm nice I need death that's right I'm a healer I'm a redeemer that's right when the wind blows that's me I want to be when I want to I choose to be that's right who you choose to be yes amen why don't you choose to be somebody man that's right that's right [Applause] wonderful teaching of the Most High God amen will you try to search out my back by background you will find no beginning of them you do you'll find in the black life and you will find notices I have no beginning always was okay if I have no ending I always will be that's right he's your hope and he's not God Almighty God Almighty you now amen a certain day had to arrive that his name would come in the fullness of time that's right why Bible says even so we was children in bondage under the elements of the world that's right when the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we may receive the adoption of sons that's right the key word is the fullness of time of the tongue count that's right and when the fullness of time would come amen it will be the fullness of the manifestation of God in me that's right give me zechariah zechariah chapter 14 and at verse 9 Harlen a Jehovah Witness 14 and verse 9 all right and the Lord shall be king the nonce uh be king over all the earth of all there in that day I told you a particular day had to come in that day out of all the days that pass they called him many things amen but there was an arrival of a Sunday that's right in that day in that day what shall there be what said that be one Lord and his name and he the name of this Lord one amen let's see the name that the Lord said that he had Amen in Acts chapter 9 and at verse five listen Acts chapter 9 and at verse 5 all right and he said who art thou Lord he shall walk that long and the Lord said and the Lord said I am Jesus Jesus that's right now let's straighten is Almighty business amen amen I they're not a six filled with money and all - that's right yes I appreciate this crisis God that's right and I preach there is no god but him yeah that's right and any other God any other in the others apart from the Almighty God that pastor Jennings peach can fill up here born in typical hospital February 10th 1963 any other God apart from the one that I've preached about is a that's right that's right and if you have them amen listen you have any other dollar here please apart from the gold that I'll talk about read then I challenge you and your that's right that's right are you listening you know listening to my Isaiah done and at verse six I'm done let's get Mariano almighty for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given what result and the government shall be upon his shoulder and right and his name his name shall be called wonderful wonderful is not his name no but if the name shall be called called wonderful they let you know how to function that's right you use this name right you'll see the wonderful thing about it that's right let up counselor oh they say the name shall be called and in naming several things here and the father said he got one name that's right don't tell me all these all bunch of names he got a man function that's right he dude these functions in his name in his name that's right man that's right will you see someone get here you see how wonderful is this words that's right what else is it counselor when you're down you get constellation from the where you feel you're not breathing that's right what else the mighty god mighty mighty God God let's see what Almighty the everlasting father name where is that's right didn't see that this is who answers everlasting everlasting that's right that's right priest Jesus Christ God the man flesh was not gone that's the flesh that's right but he walk killing us in the form of man that's right and the man full a manservant was the image of God that he took on full attention that's right because something separated us from God like water separate Camden from filling us in bed man build a brain listen what about the pitch action that's right I preach to this crisis God Mary birth Jesus but she didn't breath God although and I printed this crisis walk that's right Mary breath Jesus but Mary didn't bet God no God is eternal that's right God is higher than heaven God is deep inhale God is broader than his seeing longer than the earth that's right and then back to saying God is the spirit the Bible never said God was born no no never not even a prophet said God was born ever say wait a minute Bible said God was manifested in the flesh that's right but she was manifested eating that's right I'm in my suit that's right I'm not the suit that's right my move when I vote that's right that body of the Son of God done the work of God whenever the power of God worked in it that's right that's right was not the Sun no no no no God the Father that's right gone was the spirit that's right God was the highest he made an order for him to save us he had the shed left he had to get another nature that's right he had to get another like another life because when life is eternal a man tell you wake to the house of David that was full of natural light that's right and got in the womb of a woman a man in her body the eternal God got a neighbor there to look alike that's right and in the belly of the woman email were two lives 10 526 on five and at verse 26 and at the bank for us the father and the father hath light have life in himself in himself so if the devil had to give it to the son to have life had light in himself in himself so in the body of the woman don't you know the Lord came out of Judah her head that's right myristate knew you the Lord think he is God that's right but the Bible said it's quite evident that I would love my granny out of Judah that's right David said the Lord is God amen now if the Lord is gone how can God spring out of Judah amen we God was in Judah always that's right that's right you hopeful scripture the Lord said unto my lord that's right let's get net amen for the wings in Matthew chapter 22 come on witness I want you to get this at at verse 42 can I get a witness come on let's happen saying what think ye of Christ what think he and Christ whose son is he listen like this deep revelation here they say unto Him the son of David you're the son of David he saith unto them he said to them how long do is David in spirit listen closely amen how do David in spirit call him Lord call him Lord saying Billy the Lord said unto my going to my lord sit thou on my right hand until till I make thine enemies thy footstool and if David then call him Lord if David name Paula Lord how is he his son that's right not enough swimming is we're bidding amen the Lord said into mind off the Bible deal art the Lord then you got the statement Milo that's right the Lord is God my lord knit my son son that's right for you for a dress my lord as David son even son what did you say that the Lord said unto my lord sit thou on my right knee and is not enemies thy footstool if David then called him Lord David called him Lord how is he his son is he his son son amen dad was his son and he was David's son that's right get me that's right once kids tongue and he what David son that's right what a fabulous head half we not all one father father that's right half not one God created us David was one of the sons of God because God was the father that's right now yet David Jesus was demon son concerning his son lifting at the Bible in Romans chapter one and verse knew his son Jesus Christ hated them all right our Lord which was made which was made of the seed of David how was he be needed according to the flesh I'm caught in know what according to the flesh I listen that's right David was the father of the house that the Son of God came out of him in but God the Eternal Spirit was David father because he treated me that's right now here you had gone walking on earth in the likeness of sinful flesh that's right not that he had sinful flesh he was in the likeness of sinful flesh that's right how insane Jesus was a man like me use a food that's a food that's a food if he was a man like you you know why don't you got the power to redeem that's right why you had the power to atone for no one see that's right Amen Jesus was greater than man greater than rain that's right he was the supreme sacrifice that's right so when he woke he on earth he was God and man human and divine the human were simply used for example purposes that's right I got to leave an example that's right I got to show them how to suffer amen I got a short of hotter endure I got to show them how to live that's right I gotta show them how to walk that's right I gotta show them how to talk I'll order for me to make food you think I've got the demonstrate creature that's right and giving us an example if they've got the Bible says what leaving us and observing us an example that ye should follow his steps Tony the spirit come along stepping in a body in a body come along stepping on the earth that's right yeah that's right that's God and we come along among us he was called Immanuel that being interpreted God with us how is he with us in a man the man was God's shape God shaped with God's song thoughts all as thoughts fashion gods fashioned with God's image God's image with God's Digga not figure with God stop that's right God stop was the Express image that's right I'm Guardians out himself he may be that light buzzes in the main amen Christ see Christ Jesus came time for death yet you see Jesus Christ isn't God John 3:16 amen see can you wiggle out of this mister witness that's right John chapter 4 long son Luke quick John 3 verse 16 this epistle of John 3:16 for suppose I'm John First Epistle of John 3 and at verse 16 if they closely hereby perceive we here below understand we God love because he had by understand we'd the love of God of God hereby perceive we the love love of Jehovah that's right he had I understand we jehovah's love that's right another doc that's right that love of Jehovah amen what did you over do because he laid down his life for us mr. Winn when did God died when did he die when that life is laid down I mean life is given when a life is given the life exists no more out than giving so you're dead that's right that's right Bible says here about perceive we the love of God might be got you because he laid down his life for us Jesus Christ says in God when they God laid down his life that's right dammit that's right right now if you don't know actually other right and if he don't know tell I'm a tradition he may and if Bishop don't know tell em pray to Jehovah that's right that's right and if you get no answer roll up shop close up shop Wendy don't lay down and later if it wasn't Jesus that's right that's another question for you Isaiah 35 and one amen amen I don't Sam Isaiah chapter 35 and every verse one who fasts the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for this yes and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the road yeah shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing let's get making a point at verse 4 let's say to them that are of a fearful heart be strong Peter not wrong fear not behold behold your God will come your God will come with vengeance and he gon payback even God with a recompense and he will come and save you God will come and do what he will come and save you empty that's price rather than God then who was the thing yeah that's right in Matthew I'm on it right me that's right and that Matthew chapter 1 in verse 21 I don't actually shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus like your new for he shall save his people from their sin what did I say God he will come and save you and what did popped out of Matthew said and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their side at tell me we got to save us right I only got one thing beginning that's right now lifting that out what up Isaiah said God gonna do when he comes then the eyes of the blind shall be open when they God open the eyes of the blind amen when when whiteout and and the ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped when they God opened the ears of the death amen win-win what else then shall the lame man the peasant heart when did God come along giving lame folk and he went around jumping she just didn't do all this when it got good and the tongue that tongue of the dumb saying when did it did when did it happen that's right if it wasn't Jesus that's right this was prophesied besides that happy it was prophesied he came here to fulfill prophecy Jesus went about living at the Bible Matthew 4 and verse 23 Jesus tuned about and Jesus went about all Galilee Oh Galilee teaching in their synagogues kissing an antenna and preaching the gospel of the gospel in the kingdom and healing healing manner of sick all manner of sick at all manner of disease all manner of disease among the people among the people his fame went out his family now run all serious revelation that's right again at chapter 1 chapter 1 our an established two is talking about they men then we had go down to verse seven and eight first in revelation 1 and at verse 1 listen the revelation of Jesus Christ alright and main knowledge from Jesus that's really being revealed that's right to John that's right the Apostle that's right about something a man about to take place that's right that's right the revelation of book of Jesus Christ amen you wanna stop me you miss miss that's right you miss that's right that's right the revelation of who of Jesus Christ now what did Jesus show him think he would do begin at verse 7 at verse 7 behold he cometh with clouds only coming in clouds and every eye shall see him a I shall see him and they also which pierced him amen that's right now they also which pierced him they also which pierced him and all Kindred's of the earth shall wail because of him what did Jesus say I am Alpha and Omega if it's still Revelation still revelation things being revealed about the Christ that's right I am alpha am Alpha and Omega and Omega the beginning I am the beginning and the ending and the ending saith saith the Lord the law which is which is and which was and was and which is to come who is this law and what is he the mighty and what was the revelation in reference to the revelation of Jesus Christ holding Jesus say he was the oh my - of the revelation about Jesus Christ I pray amen mr. witness amen I preach Jesus Christ was the true God who go and I preach is the eternal life that's right I don't need that that's right I preached when you call on God you will say Lord Jesus that's right I preached that reach that that's right I don't have to use to lock you 3:17 that's what you think I'm going that's right give me Acts chapter 7 759 at verse 59 half your name is Billy and I call you Henry you won't answer no you won't because that's not your name that's right but if I say hello oh yeah and that's your name amen you're gonna respond yeah that's right alright if that's right now let's see by what name Amen they're one of the seven which is Stefan that's right call God 9x chapter 7 and verse 59 all right and they stoned Stefan they stoned Stefan calling upon God calling upon God calling upon God by what name and saying Lord Jesus they may call God and said what Lord Jesus calling upon God he called God and said a lot Lord Jesus amen and what did God do receive my spirit he got an answer got an answer that's right that's right go ahead about that at verse 57 let's make a claim come on then they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears yes and ran upon him with what a cool yeah and cast him out of the city and stoned it yeah and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet whose name was Saul yeah and they stoned Stefan calling upon God and saying Lord Jesus receive my speed on to do I receive my spirit and not and he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice Lord Lord Lord Lord not this sin to their charge and and when he had said this he fell asleep who did he act to do it God and saying Lord Jesus now if the Lord Jesus wasn't God why did this man get an answer why did he give an answer that's right-hand man that's right now you say you are Jehovah Witness go ahead go ahead go ahead amen we are to hold a witness we are that's right that's right well the real Jehovah Witness for he and that's right wonderful [Music] in there we are here that's right Jehovah Witness Acts chapter 1 because there was a certain testimony that's right that came from going to the Apostle that's right a witness that's right this is not the Bible Acts chapter 1 an adverse Acts chapter 1 and verse 8 but ye ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost [Applause] that's right you can lie that's a lie man what were y'all the witness it got down where they go that's right that's right Hey Joe Hey Joe hey you hear what the Bible says in acts 1:8 but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost shall be witness to me that's what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's right [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] go ahead your witnesses Peter Taylor winner of these things and these came had the hole and the hole I said the frog has been the front of my father apartment following but Terry wait in the city of drainage the City of Jerusalem until you be endued until you be endued power let's go to Jerusalem Acts chapter 2 verse Homer witnesses was formed and went the day when the day of Pentecost [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with the whole ego for him that's right that's right that's right Amen that's right come over to step up to the plate that's right that's right amen we've got nothing people don't we don't have to give out go preach nuckle nocks of men that's right that's right we don't have to knock on your door donut we wish up and serve the door that's right that's right that's right well you listen amen you say Jesus Christ is not God not good at fishies the true God and eternal life that's right First Epistle John chapter five and then touched one up in verse 20 and we know we know yes we know amen alfonsín Oh babies are not pets right no guessing that's right we know that the Son of God is called the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding of havilah you're here and understanding that's why we can preacher that's right he gave us and understand in understanding that we may know that we may know him that is true him that is true and we are in him that his Chuy are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ even in who and his son Jesus cry even in who Jesus cry even in whom Jesus Christ who did the Bible say Jesus Christ was this is the true God amen [Applause] [Music] to God that's right and eternal life he's the eternal life that's right amen come knock on my door that's right I'll be glad to have you for dinner that's right I shoot at Watchtower and written a caption that's right yeah I'm declaring to the world that's right that this cult that called themselves Jehovah Witnesses are liars are deceivers and they can't back up their religion with the Bible that's anyone that contradict my statement come the faithful oh you got the gun that's right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm not gonna mind oh that's right the Bible says in Revelation 3 and verse 20 at the door and open the door and go hey what you mean I will give them peace [Music] [Applause] the whole wait is this quote the scripture they think the Earth's you know ain't gonna burn up and they put the script that the earth abideth forever forever anything the earth won't stay here that's right y'all gonna clean it up remain and make it you know a fit place to live that's right you forgot what the word forever means events the earth a bard forever forever have to be a indefinite period of time that's right and which a certain thing is to be done amen and once that certain thing is done or accomplished and when that thing sees that forever consoling that thing is over that's right that's right but if you say forever you're born into a velocity that's right man you're stepping on the ground of eternity that's right I'll preach that's right it goes nowhere but the heaven listen at the violent second Peter 3 and verse 7 what is it about the heavens and the earth heavier than air which are now now that's right that's right that you walk off in one and past your comic books out that's right and the earth and which are now which are now in existence by the same word now the famer are kept in store yeah kept in store reserved reserved unto fire unto fire against the day of Jace gainst the day of judgment perdition of a garden vision of ungodly men but beloved be not ignorant love Jehovah Witnesses amen Jehovah Witnesses that's right Jehovah Witnesses amen but I would be stupid not ignorant about what yeah that's right don't be that hell bow that's right ah that's right what but love be not ignorant of this one thing what is the one thing that one day is with the Lord as a years with the Lord than a thousand years and a thousand years as one day what else the Lord is not slack concerning his problem but what a men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance but but the day of the Lord will come amen he's on his way on his way that's right it's not here yet no no that's the name of God amen yet this is after the written the earth abideth forever brothers that's right so now you'll have to make those script as harmonized oh yeah and not make the scriptures but hey that's right ah but the day of the Lord will come will come as a thief in the night as an eagle creep up on people and what will happen in the which the heavens shall pass away heavens shall pass away with a great noise a great noise and the elements shall melt immense dinner with the plan is the stars shall melt with fervent movement by the loving God that's right with perfect keepers the earth also and the works that are therein Jehovah Witness you a little work in Earth that's right huh amen all you need is a little way to yeah that's right and the Bible says the earth also and the works out would be burned up no he's a loving God he won't do it shall be burned oh hush your mouth burned oh hush your mouth burned up he ain't gonna do that the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up oh that's quick nodding donate loving shall be burned up he's let me Debbie Debbie Debbie God she'll be burned up amen you don't love you that much you won't throw you in hell that's right that's right she'll be burned up seeing them see and then that all these things shall be dissolved things shall remain forever all these things shall be dissolved all these things shall remain forever all these things shall be dissolved these things are going to dissolve what manner of persons already ticular per minute you've got this news now that's right what type of person should you be in all holy conduct and godliness and never looking for we are looking for and hasting actually coasting unto the coming of the day of God on the day of knock we're in the heavens king was fine that they come the heavens gonna be on fire shall be dissolved it's gonna be dissolved and the elements and the elements shall melt with fervent heat with turbine he nevertheless nevertheless we according to his prog falling to his prom look for new head look for what new heavens amen you think I'm gonna take you that's right all of the Apostle John Oh Peter that's right oh why is it Oh John that's right oh hey wait you have a more strong water policy that's right new heavens you understand is that poor hey that's right but we didn't bug people on the look at look at that's right that's right Holy Ghost a look up for your addictions or not amen we looking for something that's right but it is that nevertheless we according to is according to his pomp look for new heavy lips for new heaven and a new earth and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness that's how they look before we're looking for now - now when this all pass away none of the things that happen here will come to your mind that's right let's get back before amen well amen in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 65 your Jehovah Witnesses are liars yes they are my mom sang are there 65 at verse 17 you gonna sock me no you better go back and get some more training fella that's right I've been spawning this holy ring a good one oh yeah amen I know how to dodge your punches that's right well I'm falling back I'm how to hit you in Scripture that's right I know how to get right with you possibility Oh give your body blue that's right right from the Bible amen I love to get right up on me that's right ah that's right Bob they say you shall be shovin whoo amen they're 65 and verse seven times they're 65 17 for behold I create the whole I create new heavens new heavens and a new earth and a new earth and the former and what end of former for you to have a former or hey you gotta have some before the new that's right that's right now okay when you say ah see it was my former employee I once was there that's right the Bible says and the former the foams shall not be remembered that let you know there were some thoughts of the former world that's right some activity of the former world because the former troubles the former troubles are forgotten off again and because they are he and because they are he from - so anybody said to earth abide forever that's too deep for you yes it is I script it's just too deeply yeah that's right so you're so busy knocking on the doors that's right here's God knocking on my understanding and then and he's opening up all things for me that's right yeah and the deep things of God that's right I never take a strip to earth about it forever and tell you won't be here forever and ever amen forever is a different indefinite period of time that's right the rich man deeds will be perform on earth and not the man time is up on the earth that in of all things to be at hand God will remove this earth away that's right you don't know what to talk to movements attendee gonna bring a new heaven a new earth because all the newer New Jerusalem gonna be set up in Revelation chapter 21 Revelation chapter 21 at verse 1 that's why and I saw a new head I saw the new heaven and a new earth new earth for the first heaven the first heaven and the first earth and the first Earth were passed a way Sarge hey wait a minute wait a minute I got to show you this is the second earth because God destroyed the first earth with water no he didn't he didn't no no Tom say destroy to all the old world that's true but he didn't destroy it all worth now here's that's right after deep but a men ah that's right but Bobby sank back so no new water that's right he gave me the only begotten Son that's right what will the people he man he destroyed all well he destroyed the people annex days entire this time the whole Brian is going that's right then see that digit amen he destroyed the whole world but not the earth that's right that's a curveball swung that's what I miss miss please amens you don't get the language of the back yeah he destroyed the over with water water but the earth stayed intact that's right where's the earth wasn't here how can the water society that's right with the planet not here honking the water subside there's nothing here working the water go that's right the earth or the planet wasn't here parking the bird bring a plant back in his mouth that's right the earth wasn't here the planet wasn't here why would Noah even have a window up with it look at the sea a cloud a man whether here wouldn't be no first seven here no no that's one of the result that's right beyond averse our planet so we can burn it up burn it up amen you're going with it witness oh yeah after he'd even yea gone weird it going with it that's really Loretta What did he say and I saw a new heaven and a new earth that's what we're labouring for we vote that's what the religion of holiness is all about that's right truth truth and nothing but the truth that's right so help us God to understand amen but he and I saw a new heaven and an I saw a new heaven new earth they know there's not gonna be no big vacuum cleaner smack to do it yes they go vacuum cleaner a big hooba that's right push fire an angel that's right sucking up all the filth my lord you going to hell that's right Jehovah Witness those winds hey witness the hell you going amen what qualify you to be a witness you got to have the Holy Ghost that's right he don't believe it squeaking in tongue nor do you believe in a baptism yeah and the name of the Logies no they don't give me acts 2:38 acts 2:38 then Peter said unto them repent then Peter said not all folks das didn't Peter said unto them repent then Peter said give out a watchtower did Peter shut up to them reap it no bow your head raise your hand and accept Christ where you sit at reap it join the trucks repent prayer sinner's prayer we're paying our decision repent all that faith garbage you religious folk doc that's right touch the television repeater centers prayer repent right one side repentance repentance he wants you to feel some remorse about your wickedness that's right that's right not bad you hear me recite some old prayer no no you got to get sorry about devilish wickedness that's right all right then Peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ how in the name of Jesus Christ not the name of God that's right no sprinkling no sprinkling you toss up Daddy grace wicked movement amen House of crap all Devils that's right get out from under the holds out from under there by a hold of made for fire that's right and don't put out sin no they put out fire amen amen you hear the battle talking then Peter said unto them repent and say why you preach like that God made me a battle-axe that's right on weapon of war amen and a battle ax ain't used to cut chicken really use the peel potatoes oh thank God you two put it into everything that's not like God that's right that's right if you want to play Church you look at the wrong program these men if you're looking for entertainment wrong program that's right if you're looking to keep your second wife wrong program woman if you're looking for your prison to be condoned a man wrong wrong program that's right you sisters in gay forward now if you want to get right right this is the right program I remember a man wrote me from I believe Omaha Nebraska yes heard our radio broadcast a note man let me know that he was differently dude that zip-a-dee-ay my or mine what a lustful day he'd surely wanna plenty of sunshine they call me the way and he asked me okay I love to hear your voice can I love you more than loving you as a man of God that's not here you drive on that's right boy that's right Sodom and Gomorrah the forbidden place yes it is are you listening that's right yeah posture Peter said what then Peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized every one of hanley baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ what is the purpose of baptism for the remission of sin remission me and removal your sins must be washed away not dry cleaned away that's right bowing head raising hand sit Christ as your personal Savior join the church and some of you me and said you know I enjoy your program and I noticed the truth and everything you push against I see it in mantra what you keep going there for me do you keep going there for that's right you know that you're you're not a Bible against women preachers and you keep sitting there giving tiny and offering some over long polished fingernail gay bishop are you sitting in looking at he's been complaining but you won't leave the doll baby that's right you want to keep looking at Barbie and Ken one of them husband and wives ministries that's right we're here great Pat we pick that's why you're so wicked you ain't a pendulum now that's right and me that time and be baptized every one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ the name of God that's an image a holder that's the name of I am that's the name of the rock that's the name of the stone left the name of the hand got the name of the branch that's right that's right one name one name of the name of the Father amen at the name of Emmanuel that's right one name one name that's what make it so wonderful amen that's what gives me consolation Russell proves to me he's the mighty God that's cute I'm able to look at his ability of being the everlasting father that's right and he set my mind and performed peace peace do you understand that's right hear what repent and be baptized every one of you alright America amen this what you got to do got to do is repent be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins why alpha and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost all the witness did you don't need no Holy Ghost ye shall receive the gift of the Holy good night no Holy Ghost now ye shall receive the gift of the holy high no Holy Ghost speaking in tongues now ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for the promise is unto you that's why we have it and to your children some of our children even happens and to all that are afar off now fold now day US and Australia they had the holy ghost Africa they had the Holy Ghost that's right New Zealand they had the holy ghost Bangkok they had the holy ghost that's New Japan they had the Holy Ghost in careers that had the Holy Ghost in Canada to have the Holy Ghost in England and have the Holy Ghost amen it's giving now it's still been given to you and it's still follow that's right upon those that believe that's right you may say why don't I speak anytime don't everyone's full to speak no don't say what that's right that's right nor anyone knock on speak in Mark chapter 6 they show you who speaking in tongue as for mark chapter 16 in verse 17 what attack and these signs shall follow them that believe that believe they shall speak with new tongues and tonic for believers that's right you wonder why you Jehovah Witnesses your mouth can't get busy amen you're not a believer not a believer you got Jesus second person in the Godhead that's right I preach that Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily in Colossians 2 fullness of a thing is all of it all of it that's right listen at the Bible in Colossians chapter 2 and at verse 9 yeah for in him and him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily do you know by Jesus all things consist that's right in Colossians everything was made by him that would make him gone that's right look at the book of Colossians in Colossians chapter you see all this Bible and at verse 13 see our guest Bible that's right see you Jehovah Witnesses you just read a bunch of scriptures yeah but you're not able to properly interpret or properly explain them at all here you know who Jesus is you're like vagabonds that's right that's why I see so many clusters of your like Hornets wandering like mold people oh yeah iguana wandering like a bunch of nomads that's right wander impacts like wildebeest that's right now call folks door knocking on doors you're a bunch of beggar's that's right you're peddling cement yep pedal out doctor horse doctor I wanna encourage our listeners and yes don't patronize me that's your holy witness read Watchtower magazine no more that's right don't let them come in your house for Bible study that's right that's right you want to buy something you want to buy something let's see what the Bible tell you the bag let's get neither Williams see men I'm gonna show you what to buy don't you picture Nigel over witness no more weight if you got about a Bible study when it come back come down here that's right it's what I thought you thought wrong wrong that's right yeah that's right if it's your father he's a Jehovah Witness false prophet that's right are you listen to the old troublemaker that's right you want to buy something here it is proverbs chapter 23 and verse 23 you know what by the truth no by the watchtower by the truth by the watchtower by the truth by the washed out by the truth by the watchtower buy the truth and sell it not no money needed nobody needed come on say what happen that bad how much does it cost of course what's exchange you come up to truth and truth come in you that's right how you buy it by giving yourself over to us that's right I've got to repent of your sins and go down in the water name of the Lord Jesus and received it back to the mother Holy Ghost and then take your time and follow the doctrine of the apostle's this is that this is that this is that thing that the prophets talked about it is this is what Jesus preached that's right and this is what the Apostles stood for that's right this is a good thing yes it is why not one faith that's right on that Tiffany that's right one God that's right one father that's right one church one faith and then once standard this is listen at the Bible a job done and at verse 22 this is one thing this is two things this is one thing now this is two things this is one thing this is one thing therefore therefore I said it as bad but so good yes sir do gods amen there's only one thing up there one thing and to us there's only one up there that's right let me typical parental infants amen how much time do I have back there in the studio room let me know something how much time do I have 15 minutes all right come on Sam they may press directly I believe chapter a 1st Corinthians chapter 8 get at verse 7 at verse 7 come on adverse sick sick but to us matter who to us to us there is but one God no to us this to God but to us there is but one God how many Word of God how many one what you say mr. witness amen week priestess Jesus Christ as God's strong that's right we preach it we've been saying it in Jesus Christ is God he does pass is God Jesus [Music] Hey Wow not mine [Music] [Music] we sang it we appreciate and we understand past a while I could take a break you just sing about it that's right politic oh that's right he's da ladies Bible says in him well of all the forests of the Godhead bodily that's right it's not in Massa for God Muhammad is it in Buda brothers is it in Buda is it in there is it any less of a hot is it is it in France [Applause] is it in you it's already gone wonderful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's all here when you religions your little petty leader when he makes himself the masala Oh make himself a god that's right your religion is that the devil out of hell that's right when you call your preacher that's right [Applause] [Music] that's right and we're looking for him looking for the TIE fighters that's right Titus chapter how many by Titus chapter 2 where to God at verse 13 Titus 2:13 looking for looking for looking for looking for that blessed hope that blessed it that's right hope and the glorious of can the glorious appearing of the Great God of the Great God and our same poison Jesus Christ amen amen [Music] one God here so I make my previous so tough that's right hello Israel that's right here all America here here here Oh Canada that's right here South America and Asia that's right the Lord our God is one Lord one Lord oh I wish I had a statue in here that I can be that that's right that's right Lord our God is one Lord one he's not clay no he's not he's not a form of pottery that's right and he's not a man not a man that's right don't do all the temples made with hands but he is eternal in the heavens that's right the Bible says in the Book of Psalms Psalms 96 and at verse 5 let's say for all the gods of the nations are idols that's why you folk crazy about Farrakhan he's a national God that's right our God is the universal one universal that's why you're crazy about mr. mu Jin you Muniz you brand of mites that watch this and listen to us lovers of William Branham Amen who preached a lot of truth but a few of the to messenger of God you wouldn't call yourself Brenna mites that's right no because we naturally take on the name of some man Bible says your book with the price that's right it is the name of the Lord Jesus that clarifies us through all the saints of the Most High God that's right and he was not the seventh angel no it was just a man that's all he was who had some understanding that's right of the dialogue that's all nothing more nothing more nothing less I want you to get this at verse 4 for the Lord is great the Lord is great and greatly to be praised greatly to be paid he is to be feared he is to be what he is to be feared I don't need no Road no red carpet rolled out for me no I don't need poets you've written about me that's right man I don't need songs made up about me all praises unto God all right I'm tired on I'll be better
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 375,397
Rating: 4.701004 out of 5
Keywords: TOG, First Church, Holy, Holiness, Religion, Gino Jennings, Truth of God, Pastor Jennings
Id: ZJrIh-lY-Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 45sec (6105 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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