Trump Leaks Embarrassing 60 Minutes Interview Before Second Debate: A Closer Look

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-The president spent the lead-up to the second and final presidential debate whining about the moderator and releasing some deeply embarrassing footage of his interview with "60 Minutes." For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ With less than two weeks until the election, as the pandemic rages out of control and millions of Americans suffer the pain of loss and economic hardship, the president of the United States has apparently decided to make his closing message, "The TV lady was very mean to me." All week, he's been threatening to release his own footage of an interview with "60 minutes" set to air this Sunday, claiming the interview would somehow prove that the media is unfair to him. Well, today, he finally did it, and it's genuinely one of the most embarrassing, cringe-inducing things I've ever seen on video, and I'm including the time that dude tried to jump into a frozen pool. -Waaaah! [ Groans ] Basically, what Trump did today was the equivalent of posting that video then claiming the pool was biased against him. [ As Trump ] You heard I was coming. I said, "Waaaah!" [ Normal voice ] For example, according to the footage released by the White House, "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl asked Trump if he was ready for tough questions, and Trump immediately started whining. -You're gonna be fair. -Just be fair. -Eh, no, I'm not looking for that. I'm looking for fairness. That's all. Okay. No, I'm not. Well, I'm gonna be fair, you don't ask Biden tough questions. -Me? -Huh? It's terrible. It's terrible. -Sorry, that's your big gotcha, that video? You couldn't handle that rhetorical question? It's like a boxing ref asking if you're ready for a good, clean fight and responding, [ As Trump ] "No, I'm gonna bite his ear because I'm bad at boxing." [ Normal voice ] What Trump was apparently pissed about was the fact that Stahl had the temerity to ask him simple follow-up questions about his brazen lies. For example, Trump and the GOP have gone out of their way recently to claim they don't want the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare and its protections for pre-existing conditions, which is absurd, since they're the ones who brought the lawsuit. Then, in the "60 Minutes" interview, Trump admitted he did want the court to strike down Obamacare. And when Stahl asked him how he'd protect people with pre-existing conditions, Trump had no answer, even though he's had four years to come up with one. -We'll have to see what happens. It's got a ways to go. I mean, we'll see what happens. I think it will end -- I think -- I hope that they end it. It will be so good if they end it. -Are protected. Will be totally protected. They'll be protected, Lesley. I mean, the people with pre-existing conditions are going to be protected. As they are now. -[ As Trump ] [ Stammering ] [ Stammering ] It's very simple, Lesley. Everyone's gonna get a little plastic baggy in the mail with some loose hydroxychloroquine and a half-eaten stick of Halls cough drops. [ Normal voice ] He obviously has no plan and he has no intention of coming up with one either, because he doesn't care what happens to people with pre-existing conditions. And by the way, there are about 8 million more people with pre-existing conditions now that Trump let coronavirus rage out of control. He doesn't have a plan to protect people with pre-existing conditions. He has a plan to give people pre-existing conditions. If he gets reelected, he'll probably announce a new coronavirus plan called the "everyone Drink Out of the Same Giant Cup Initiative 2020." Then later in the interview, Stahl asked Trump if he wanted to lock up the Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, as well the Bidens and President Obama, and Trump pretended to be aghast at that question as though it were absurd. -When did I say lock her up? I never said that. -The Bidens, you want to lock up Obama. -Wait a minute. When did I say lock her up? When did I say lock up the governor? I didn't say lock up the governor. -All right. -I never said it, Lesley. I never said lock up the governor. Lesley, it's such a vicious thing you just said. I never said lock up the governor of Michigan. I would never say that. -Yeah, you did. For one thing, you basically called for everyone to be locked up. You're like a guy who gets thrown out of the strip club for eating out of the buffet with your bare hands. "Hey, sir, you can't just fill your pockets with shrimp." [ As Trump ] How dare you throw me out! I'm a paying customer! If anyone should be locked up, it's you! It's everyone here! It's you, Destiny! That champagne was flat! [ Laughter ] [ Normal voice ] You're not the only one who knows how to film things, you know? We have cameras, too, and they have recorded you saying stuff, stuff like this. -These people should be indicted. This was the greatest political crime in the history of our country. And that includes Obama and it includes Biden. Now you've got to get your governor to open up your state, okay? [ Cheers and applause ] -[ Chuckling ] Lock her up. Lock 'em all up. -He's like Robert Durst except if instead of accidentally confessing in a bathroom in private, he does it at a rally in public. [ As Trump ] What the hell did I say? Lock 'em all up, of course. Is this thing on? Are you people real? Is this a rally? [ Normal voice ] In fact, it's become very clear that as he lags in the polls, Trump desperately wants to re-create the 2016 election by manufacturing a bogus criminal investigation of his opponent. He's repeatedly called for the Bidens to be prosecuted and thrown in jail by fabricating some BS about the Biden family. -That Biden family, and others, but that Biden family is corrupt. It's a corrupt family. [ Crowd chanting "Lock them up" ] And with me and my kids, let me tell you, my kids -- I'll tell you something, though. [ Chuckling ] "Lock 'em up." You should lock them up. Lock up the Bidens. Lock up Hillary. It's a criminal enterprise. It's a criminal enterprise. He's like a vacuum cleaner. The father goes through and the son comes in a vacuum cleaner. Millions of dollars pouring in. -What? He's like a vacuum cleaner? What are you talking about? The only explanation for this terrible analogy is that Trump was looking around the room and just saw a vacuum cleaner. "And who's your source for this information, Mr. President?" [ As Trump ] His name is George -- George Glass? [ Normal voice ] Also, you don't get to call anyone else a vacuum cleaner when you're the one who sucks in air like a Dirt Devil. Whenever you give a speech, you sound like a Roomba with a bad coke habit. -[ Inhaling sharply ] Trump knows that then-FBI director James Comey's last-minute announcement about Hillary's e-mails just 11 days before the 2016 election helped tank her campaign and he's trying to fabricate a similar situation this time around. Trump has been very explicit about the fact that he's trying to bully his FBI director, Christopher Wray, and his attorney general, Bill Barr, to deliver an October surprise for him by opening a bogus investigation of the Bidens before the election. -Let me ask you, Mr. President, address Christopher Wray. Will you replace him in a second term? -Well, I don't want to say that yet. He's been disappointing. -Will you be appointing a special prosecutor? -We've got to get the Attorney General to act. He's got to act. And he's got to act fast. He's got to appointment somebody. This is major corruption, and this has to be known about before the election. -Man, they're really just trying to run the same play from 2016 all over again. It's like the Jets bringing Joe Namath out of retirement to be their QB in 2020. Although, I guess it couldn't get much worse. "How are the knees, 'Broadway' Joe?" "I had 'em taken out!" Trump's like a guy who uses the same pickup line on every woman he meets because it worked once back in 1990. "Excuse me, has anyone ever told you, you look like current supermodel, Kathy Ireland?" And now we know from bombshell new reporting in "The Washington Post" last night that Trump and his aides have been pressuring both Wray and Barr to announce an investigation into the Bidens before the election, and threatening to fire both of them if they refuse. -"The Washington Post" reports President Trump is considering firing FBI Christopher Wray after the election. Mr. Trump is reportedly frustrated that Wray and Attorney General William Barr have not done what he hoped. That included not saying that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, his son Hunter, or other Biden associates are under investigation. -Trump's like that friend in the group who still wears a leather bracelet and wants to get high, and everybody else is like, "Dude, we have kids now." [ As Trump ] $7 Keystone buckets at O'Hallihan's. Bring Tyler. [ Normal voice ] You know, it's bad when even Bill Barr isn't going along with your corrupt scheme. Dude has played a central role in decades of right-wing cover-ups from Iran-Contra to the Mueller report and was personally involved in the decision to tear gas peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park. This is like if Darth Vader had refused to blow up Alderaan. "We promised we wouldn't! A Sith's only as good as his word, guys." Oh, was my helmet not on? [ Chuckles ] Is that why I didn't do the classic voice? [ Laughter ] Also, how many times is Trump gonna fire an FBI director and Attorney General after pressuring them to do something corrupt? He already did this to Comey and Jeff Sessions, who, by the way, is also a monstrous [bleep] If Bill Barr and the guy behind child separation aren't corrupt enough for you, you need to do some soul-searching. Maybe Trump should post on that Reddit forum, "Am I the ass[bleep]?" Of course, it won't surprise you to learn that Trump can't even explain what crime he thinks Biden supposedly committed. You might remember earlier this year when Trump started using the term "Obamagate" to describe a mysterious crime that supposedly involved Barack Obama, Biden, and Clinton. Today, in the "60 Minutes" interview, he complained again that Stahl wasn't covering Obamagate, but when he was asked to explain what Obamagate was a few months ago, he could not. -Mr. President in one of your Mother's Day tweets, you appear to accuse President Obama of the biggest political crime in American history by far. -Yeah. -Those were your words. What crime exactly are you accusing President Obama of committing, and do you believe the Justice Department should prosecute him? -Obamagate. it's been going on for a long time. It's been going on from before I even got elected. And it's a disgrace that it happened. And if you look at what's gone on, and if you look at, now, all of this information that's being released, and from what i understand, that's only the beginning. Some terrible things happened, and it should never be allowed to happen in our country again. And you'll be seeing what's going on over the next -- over the coming weeks, and I wish you'd write honestly about it, but, unfortunately, you choose not to do so. Yeah, John, please. -What is the crime exactly that you're accusing him of? -You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody. All you have to do is read the newspapers, except yours. -My God, man, at least do some research before you lie. Do a Google search for federal crimes and just pick one. "Mr. President, what's Obamagate?" [ As Trump ] Well, he illegally imported certain agricultural products without properly declaring them after a trip abroad. That's bad. Class B misdemeanor with a possible sentence. Hold on -- Four months in jail and a $10,000 fine. So checkmate, libs. [ Normal voice ] Trump's insane demand that Biden be prosecuted is based on a flimsy report about Hunter Biden in "The New York Post" that even "The Post"'s own reporters refused to put their names on. The whole thing is the brainchild of Italian Wile E. Coyote Rudy Giuliani, the same guy who we found out yesterday got duped by Borat. -President Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is denying he did anything wrong in the new Borat movie. His denial comes after word of a compromising and edited scene in the movie in which Giuliani talks to a young, fake female reporter in a bedroom. Giuliani says he was adjusting his clothes after taking off a microphone. -I will say if Rudy hadn't been tricked by a Sacha Baron Cohen character, I would have assumed he was a Sacha Baron Cohen character. I mean, he looks like a guy who either wears no makeup or seven hours of makeup. I mean, that's either a weird old dude or a teenager working real hard to buy beer. Of course, this isn't the best prank ever pulled on Rudy. The best prank is definitely still the time he looked at his wife and said, "You're my cousin?!" [ Laughter ] Now, Rudy claims he was just tucking in his shirt. And honestly, who knows? Maybe he was. He's one of those weird old guys who does stuff like lie in on a bed to tuck a shirt in or keep half a tuna salad sandwich wrapped in a newspaper in his briefcase. I'm sure his super has had to come up to his apartment to pull cigar butts out of his shower drain. So that's the guy. That's the guy right there, asking us to believe Joe Biden is somehow a criminal. The reason they have to go to these absurd lengths is simple -- Nothing else is working. For example, tonight was the second and final presidential debate. Now we taped this in the afternoon, so I have no idea how it went. But I'm willing to guess it wasn't a home run for Trump considering that his performance at the last debate was so bad the Debate Commission had to add a rule allowing them to mute the candidates' mics. I'm guessing Trump made a lot of faces and flapped his arms around like I do when I can't get the Wi-Fi to connect. Or he ran over to Biden's mic and did the whole debate Springsteen and Little Steven style. I will make one prediction in the hours before the mute button debate -- It won't work. I get that you had to try something, but Donald Trump will still be there. You could be the best ballroom dancer in the world, but if your partner is a moose on roller skates, it's not going to work. Personally, I think they should have just put Trump in a soundproof Plexiglass booth. He'd just be standing there screaming for 90 minutes like a contestant on a Japanese game show. Or better yet, make it one of those money booths. Judging from his tax returns, he needs the cash. "Mr. President, this question is for you." [ As Trump ] Quiet, quiet! I thought I saw a $20 in there! [ Normal voice ] I'm also willing to predict Trump didn't knock it out of the park at the debate. For one thing, when he was asked earlier this week what he was doing to prepare, he basically said he wasn't. -What am I doing to prepare? I'm doing this. I've done very well in debates, and you do what you do. You just do what you do. -You just do what you do. I think I saw that on a river rock at Target. Trump spent less time prepping and more time whining about the moderator, NBC's Kristen Welker, and generally speaking, if you're spending all your time in the lead-up to the debate complaining about the moderator, probably means you're not expecting a great performance. And yet that's exactly what Trump and his allies on Fox were doing -- whining that Welker was some sort of secret liberal out to get him. -The fact that Kristen Welker is, you know, a dyed-in-the wool, radical-left Democrat or whatever she is. I've known her for a long time. She's extraordinarily unfair. -And this moderator, whose parents are Democratic donators, who was a registered Democrat before, who has the most hostile questions possible to Kayleigh McEnany, whoever the press secretary is, and the president, how does she get picked to be the moderator at this debate? It's incredible. -Donaters? I'm pretty sure the word is "donors." "I'm an organ donator. I'm trying to give my brain away, but they won't take it." [ Laughter ] This is all such phony outrage. You guys weren't even happy when someone from your own network moderated the debate. The only way these petulant babies would have been satisfied is if Trump was allowed to talk to a mirror for 90 minutes and then we get three whole news cycles about how unfair the mirror was. "That was one of those mirrors they put in gyms to make you feel fat so you keep coming back! It wasn't his fault! The president's been very clear that he wants to prosecute and imprison his political opponents in order to stay in power. He's actively trying to make it happen right now by bullying law enforcement officials and manufacturing a smear campaign against the Bidens. He's looking for dirt wherever he can find it. I guess you could say... -He's like a vacuum cleaner. -This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪ -God's Love We Deliver cooks and brings over 2 million meals a year to men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other serious illnesses, and they need your help. If you're watching this online, you can hit the "donate" button. Stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask. We love you.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 4,219,479
Rating: 4.6798549 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, Seth, Meyers, Trump, Leaks, Embarrassing, 60 Minutes, Interview, Before, Second Debate, A Closer Look, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Donald Trump, President Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Vice President, President, Election, 2020 election, Presidential Election, campaign, polls, voter, voters, voting, Election Day, November 3, debate, debates
Id: ts3s738ZkcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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