Trump Storms Out of 60 Minutes Interview, Attacks Lesley Stahl: A Closer Look

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Kind of wished he did not. Don't get me wrong, I am excited that politicians are starting to see that Erie plays a decent part in winning the state, given how we can go either way most elections. But that segment made Erie look stupid. Like completely, fucking stupid.

"I don't want to be here." Idiots cheer about being a loser and sucker

Coupled with the fact that he has yet to release a test saying he is negative for Corona now. Given his ego, you would think he yell shit across the world once he confirmed to beat it...

Also, Mike Kelly said he has visited three times. I know of this and 2016. Is he counting Stupid Jr.'s visit or am I missing another visit I need to pissed about?

Finally, obligatory. Mike Kelly can go fuck himself.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Anarkibarsity 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was hoping he’d highlight CBS interviewing one of McKean’s finest calling liberals “pansies”. Yeah it’s not because I actually got an education and understand that capitalism is a disease just as “evil” as communism, it’s bc cause I’m a wuss. lol. The guys trashy beard looked like it took generations of inbreeding and meth to achieve, what an embarrassment for the county even if it is representative and a deserved one.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/refuckulate_it 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Trump is terrified of losing, so he's pulling out all the dirty tricks. Voter intimidation, fake news stories about Hunter, etc.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/humanprogression 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like Seth Meyers, but sometimes I think he goes a little over the top with the Trump impressions.

Either way, cool that he covered it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/blaccsnow9229 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
-As the coronavirus outbreak spikes for a third time, nearing new records in daily cases, the president has decided on a closing message for the last two weeks of the election -- whine about having to campaign in swing states and attack "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ Look, I know this might be a little judgmental, but I'm starting to think that, maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump is not exactly a political mastermind. For example, he basically tried to make his whole campaign about Joe Biden's record on China. And then it turned out, Trump is the one who has a secret bank account in China. Soon, we're going to find a photo of Trump burning down a Target wearing a shirt that says "I'm an anarchist!" In fairness, if Trump didn't want "The Times" to find out about this, he probably shouldn't have left that folder on his desktop labeled "Not a secret Chinese bank account." The account was secret. Although, knowing Trump, there's a good chance he would have just blurted it out at some point anyway. "Mr. President, do you need some cash for the church service?" "Yeah, just take it out of the secret Chinese bank account!" And then, last night, Trump was in Erie, Pennsylvania, for another one of his coronavirus infect-a-thons. And his big pitch to voters in Erie was that he didn't want to be in Erie. -Four or five months ago, when we started this whole thing -- Because, you know, before the plague came in, I had it made. I wasn't coming to Erie. I mean, I have to be honest. There's no way I was coming. I didn't have to. I would have called you and said, "Hey, Erie, you know, if you have a chance, get out and vote." We had this thing won. And then we got hit with the plague, and I had to go back to work. "Hello, Erie. May I please have your vote?" -Man, you never hear the crowd at a Trump rally that silent. "Yeah! We...suck? Lock us up?" Although, in fairness to Trump, Erie's not my favorite Great Lake, either. There's at least one that's "superior." [ Glass shatters ] Feel like that should have come a tick faster. That joke was originally submitted for a "Ziggy" cartoon, but it was rejected. Seriously, though, that's quite the political masterstroke, Mr. President -- tell the people whose votes you're courting you didn't want to be there. "The last time I left Erie, I prayed I'd never be back, that I'd never have to look at your slack-jawed faces, and, yet, here I am. Here I am. Anyway, vote for me, you bingo-hall townies, and try not to choke to death on a sticker." By the way, I don't think he was kidding. Trump usually goes for an hour-plus at these group therapy sessions, but he told the crowd he was wrapping up early because it was cold. -And, in conclusion -- We'll make this a little shorter. You know, it's like about 40 degrees. I don't want people -- I don't want to lose anybody. You got to go vote. So we're going to go a little shorter, because you got to go vote. -"A little, little shorter." Alright, first of all, how can you be cold? Your trench coat could double as a business poncho. But, yeah, I'm sure you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to all those people you invited to a packed crowd during a raging pandemic. Their health and safety is definitely your top priority. You know, we've been saying this, but Trump is doing so much to help spread the virus, he should start traveling with a mascot named COVID Larry. "Give it up for COVID Larry, folks. He'll be shooting T-shirts into the crowd with his T-shirt gun. We just have the one shirt, so if you get it, put it on, take a picture, and then hand it to the next guy." But, in all seriousness, I'd like to make this offer to Trump. We will make the COVID Larry costume for you and send it to your campaign free of charge if you decide to adopt him as your official mascot for the last two weeks of the campaign. I mean, what the hell? Just go for it, man. You've called COVID a "blessing from God," claimed it made you immune, that it made you feel powerful, like Superman. You've held packed rallies without masks or distancing, had a White House super-spreader event, made people drive around with you while you were actively infected, and told your supporters it's just like the flu. I mean, you should just come out as the pro-COVID candidate already. Might as well give it a shot. Nothing else is working. And if you do that, our wardrobe department will send you the costume ASAP. We'll even size it so it fits Mike Pence perfectly. "Uh, Mr. President, I cannot breathe in here." "Just put on the suit, Mike. Do your [bleep] dance, and let's get the hell out of Erie." Every day, it seems we get more horrific news about the pandemic. On Tuesday, the CDC said the pandemic could cause nearly 300,000 more deaths than expected in a typical year. And a study found that 8 million Americans went into poverty during the ensuing economic crash. Or as the president put it yesterday on "Fox & Friends"... -Well, we are living with it, and we're having the vaccines coming out very soon. With or without the vaccines, we're rounding the turn. -What's the right path for us, right now, on opening up our society? -Well, we have to open up and we live with it and we open up our schools. And I'm the one that got Big Ten and Pac-12 football back. You know, I got that back. That wasn't coming back, and I got it back. Hope people realize that. That was pure and simple me or whatever. -You really negate the "pure and simple" when you follow it with "whatever." "The sky is blue, pure and simple...or whatever." Of course, on "Fox & Friends", it's not even a given that the sky is blue anymore. -They went there, that's where they met, and it's pretty much been green skies ever since. And, by the way, they also have the -- -Wait. Green skies? -Oh, should I say blue skies? -Uh-huh. Also, is it just me or does it sound like Trump's heart is not really in it anymore? You can almost picture him, on the other end of the phone, in The White House packing his things in a cardboard box, not really paying attention, halfheartedly making [bleep] up because he knows it's what they want to hear. "Yeah. Yeah, I saved college football or whatever. Hey, Melania, where's the insta-pot? 'Cause I'm packing the kitchen, Mel. Mel, you sold it? With a yard -- Mel, what about my jambalaya? Mel, what about Tuesday night jambalaya night? Don't slam the door, Mel." By the way, scientists have said we wouldn't need to lock down again if we just did a few basic things that public-health officials are asking for, things like testing and tracing on a massive scale, closing down and subsidizing the most dangerous businesses, like indoor bars, practicing universal mask wearing, handwashing, and social distancing. If we did those things on a nationwide scale, we could get back to some semblance of normalcy, until vaccines and therapeutics help us eradicate the disease. Dr. Fauci has said as much, repeatedly. -It occurs because of the lack of implementation of simple public-health measures. It's so frustrating, because it's not rocket science. You don't need to lock down. -It's not rocket science, unless you're a famous idiot, like Donald Trump. Let's remember, this is the same guy who, at the start of the pandemic, went to CDC headquarters to project confidence and strength and literally just held up a printout of a coronavirus particle like a 5th grader who forgot he had a science project due. "The coronavirus particle was first discovered by the 18th century German scientist Johann...Wikipedia." And, look, I make fun of him for being dumb, but I got to give it up. He is the only person I know who can get the printer to work. The reality is, Trump and the GOP just do not care about the pandemic. They don't care that nearly 300,000 more Americans have died this year than otherwise would have. They don't care that 8 million people fell into poverty as a result of the economic crash. The one and only thing they care about is whining and moaning about how the media treats them. It's the only thing that seems to get them genuinely animated. They love to complain about not getting special treatment on social-media platforms. My favorite recent example of this is a bizarre Instagram post from Donald Trump Jr. -Hey, guys. Hope you're doing well. Just watching my algorithms get crushed. I guess I did something to piss off the Instagram gods. So hopefully you're seeing this stuff anyway. We'll do what we can. Talk to you soon. -I think Instagram might have shadow-banned you for not knowing your angles. Was this shot from the point of view of the Teddy bear you tell your problems to? Also, where are you? Is that a sleeper car on Amtrak? And do you have a giant head or is that a hospital pillow? Are you going to be Daria for Halloween? Seriously, dude, I never thought I'd say this, but, you know, get a journal or something. Don Jr. is in his 40s, but he sounds like his best bro in junior high just told him he can't have that extra ticket to Ozzfest. "Hey, guys. Hope you're doing well. Dirk says he's taking his girlfriend to Ozzfest. I guess I did something to piss off the heavy-metal gods. Talk to you soon." This gets to a core truth of Trumpism. The Trump era has revealed many things about what the modern Conservative movement actually stands for, rather than what they pretend to stand for. And one thing we've learned over the last four years is that the so-called party of personal responsibility is actually filled with whiny, petulant babies who fill their diapers whenever you don't give them exactly what they want. It's a party of Veruca Salts. For example, last week, after NBC inexplicably did Trump the huge favor of scheduling a rival town hall at the exact same time as Joe Biden's town hall on ABC, which was scheduled first, this is how Fox host Sean Hannity reacted. -Moments ago, NBC Fake News did their best to just ambush President Trump at tonight's town hall. He pretty much debated Savannah Guthrie. And what we all witnessed was not journalism. It was a political debate with the morning host of the "Today" show serving as, well, Joe Biden's surrogate, and it didn't really work out well for her. -It didn't work out well for her? I mean, she's still hosting the "Today" show. In two weeks, Trump's going to have a hard time getting booked on "Maury." "Can you at least book me on your 'I had sex with a porn star during Shark Week' show? I think I'd be a good guest. Maury?" The big news that came out of the town hall was the president refusing to disavow a conspiracy theory he re-tweeted that Barack Obama and Joe Biden had the members of the Osama bin Laden raid murdered after they killed a bin Laden body double and not the actual bin Laden, who, according to this theory, is still alive. Trump isn't qualified to be president, but he should definitely have a 3:00 a.m. call-in show on public-access television. "Tonight's topic is 'Jurassic Park: A real place being covered up by aliens working for the CIA?' Can we put the number up on the screen? We can't? Oh, because Kevin's not here today? Okay. I forgot. Well, here's my first guest, Curtis Sliwa." Also, even if that insane theory was true, you sure that's the message you want to close out the election with? There might be an out-of-control pandemic and a once-in-a-century economic crash, but don't worry, folks, the world's most-wanted terrorist is still alive. Do you guys remember Joe Biden's famous line from 2012? -Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive. -Well, a GM plant in Ohio closed after Trump promised to save auto jobs. So I guess his new slogan is, "GM is dead, and Osama bin Laden is alive." which, by the way, was also a rejected "Ziggy." So, Hannity thought it was an ambush. You might be asking, "In what way exactly was this town hall biased against Trump?" Well, on his radio show Monday, Sean Hannity invited on a guest who broke maybe the biggest story yet of the 2020 campaign. I wish that were true, only to imagine how it went down. "Okay, I think we're almost ready to go. Let's just bring those stools out. Wait. That stool is too big. Bring out the one for only half a buttock." It's ridiculous that a chair for Trump can be too small. I mean, even when he has a giant chair, he only uses 6 inches of it. It doesn't matter how big a chair is, he's going to sit like he's watching the season finale of "24." He's always lurching forward, like someone just slammed on the brakes. When he meets with world leaders, he should wear a seat belt. It's still just shocking to me the degree to which grown adults on the right whine and moan about not getting special treatment. Yesterday, for example, Trump threatened to release footage from an interview he agreed to do with "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl, after angrily storming out. -Multiple sources telling CNN now that President Trump abruptly ended a solo interview with CBS's "60 Minutes" today. And the president did not return to the room for a joint interview with Vice President Mike Pence. President Trump sat down with CBS News' Lesley Stahl for 45 minutes before getting up and leaving and telling CBS that he thought they had enough material. -He also tweeted a 6-second video clip of Stahl not wearing a mask while talking with producers at The White House. The president later tweeted, "I am pleased to inform you that, for the sake of accuracy in reporting, I am considering posting my interview with Lesley Stahl of '60 Minutes' prior to airtime. This will be done so that everyone can get a glimpse of what a fake and biased interview is all about." -Well, it sounds like it went great. But it was at The White House, so if the chair didn't have full-buttock coverage, that's on you. I'd love to see the Trump version of this interview. I'm guessing when he releases the footage, it will look something like this. -People are saying you have so much money and you are going to win. -Oh, so, your big gotcha moment is you caught Lesley Stahl not wearing a mask for what? Six seconds? This will shock you, but we have blockbuster footage of you not wearing a mask at basically every public event you've ever done. Why does Trump think this argument is a winner? Lesley Stahl wasn't wearing a mask for 6 seconds after an interview. Meanwhile, the day before he tested positive for COVID, Trump was tossing hats into a packed crowd like the Phoenix Suns Gorilla. Hundreds of Americans are dying every day, and the country is in the midst of its third coronavirus wave, which is already nearing new records and which experts predict could be the worst yet, and amid all that, The White House has decided to spend its time attacking a "60 Minutes" correspondent, even going so far as to spend time reviewing footage of the interview, searching for ways, I guess, to make her look bad? -He didn't walk out. I mean, the characterization of that -- He spent over 45 minutes with Lesley Stahl. I've looked at every single minute of the interview and then some. -That's what you were spending your time on? You're The White House chief of staff, not an intern for TV Guide. There's a raging, out-of-control pandemic, and The White House chief of staff is poring over tape of a "60 Minutes" interview like the Jets' defensive coordinator after a blowout. "Okay, everybody. Do you guys see what happened here? We forgot. We forgot to what? We forgot -- Tackle. Forgot to tackle. And what was -- What was he holding? The person we forgot to tackle. Do you remember? No? It wasn't a pointy brown egg. Anybody? It was the football. Okay, guys. Love to not go through this every week." Trump and his toadies can whine about the media all they want. It doesn't change the basic story of the campaign. Nearly 300,000 more Americans have died this year than otherwise would have, and 8 million have gone into poverty, and it could have been prevented. Remember that when Trump comes to your town, tells you he doesn't want to be there, and says... -May I please have your vote? -This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪ God's Love We Deliver cooks and brings over 2 million meals a year to men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other serious illnesses, and they need your help. If you're watching this online, you can hit the "donate" button. Stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask. We love you.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 4,155,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, Seth, Meyers, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Donald Trump, President Trump, Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Vice President, President, Election, 2020 election, Presidential Election, campaign, polls, voter, voters, voting, Election Day, November 3, debate, debates, voter suppression, Chris Wallace, Wallace, covid-19, coronavirus, pandemic, quarantine
Id: mlv36Yxy3Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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