Rudy Giuliani and Lindsey Graham Lead Trump’s Coup Attempt: A Closer Look

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-President Trump and senior members of the Republican Party are engaged in an assault on democracy, in an attempt to hang on to power and undercut the legitimately elected next president, Joe Biden, and they put Rudy Giuliani in charge of their plan. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." ♪♪ Look, it's very unlikely this dumbass coup attempt by Trump and his gang of weirdo, lopsided goons, or, as I'm calling them... ...will succeed, but it's alarming enough that they're trying. And we are finding out, right now, who, in the Republican Party, would be willing to go along with an actual coup attempt in the future if, say, an election was much closer or if they had another chance to accept criminal interference from a foreign country, or if Rudy Giuliani tried to break into a ballot machine to change votes for Trump, only to realize it's a pinball machine at a pizzeria in Yonkers. [ As Giuliani ] Boss, great news. I got you 500 more votes and an extra ball! You've got the secretary of State joking about a possible coup, the White House press secretary insisting Trump will remain president, and prominent Fox hosts straight-up demanding that Republicans refuse to accept the results of the election. -Is the State Department currently preparing to engage with the Biden transition team and, if not, at what point does a delay hamper a smooth transition or pose a risk to national security? -There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration. -He's left an infrastructure in place where COVID can be handled and we believe that we will do so going forward in a second Trump administration. -Yeah, please. -What I'd like to know is what in the hell is the Republican Party doing to defend and to -- I mean, why not just say "We're not going to accept the results of this election"? -I don't know. Why not just say, "Lou Dobbs should get a head reduction surgery" or "Lou Dobbs looks like a child at a wedding after a million bee stings" or "How does this 75-year-old man have hair the same color as a brand-new penny"? They're not magic words. It doesn't matter whether you say them or not. You can't go to a doctor's appointment, get an X-ray that shows you have a spoon stuck in your esophagus because you didn't realize it wasn't part of the meal and then say... [ As Dobbs ] I refuse to accept the results of this X-ray. Second, you're lighting American democracy on fire, you fascist Bobblehead. The vast majority of Americans accept the outcome of the election and the reality that it was free and fair, but Republicans who listen to your [bleep] are starting to echo your deranged rhetoric about how it was rigged. A poll out today found that about half of Republicans think Trump won the election and it was rigged against him. And, look, the people who show up to Trump rallies, you could probably get them to agree with anything Trump says. If you're willing to give up your day to stand in a field and listen to third-rate stand-up comedy from a man who loathes you, you're what they call pliable. Now, as we told you earlier this week, there are some Republican officials who have met the absolute lowest bar, by acknowledging that Joe Biden is the president-elect and should be treated as such. Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson said... And Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said... Tells you just how sick our political culture is, that a Republican official just acknowledging the obvious and legitimate winner of a presidential election is somehow considered a brave, noteworthy act. It's like picking up your morning newspaper and the headline says... And, yet, aside from those rare exceptions, many Republican politicians remain in lockstep behind Trump as he continues to pretend he has a path to overturn the election results that declare victory. Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, the same guy who said, in March, that old people should be willing to die from COVID to keep the economy from shutting down, spelled out Trump's supposed path to victory on Fox News. -There's less than 30,000 votes, in Georgia and Arizona, dividing Biden and Trump. And, if those two states turn, if they do, then the Supreme Court could make the decision on Pennsylvania, and then Trump is president. -The last plan I heard with that many insane contingencies is my cousin explaining how he's going to pay back that loan. [ Stoner voice ] If the lady I dogsit for puts me in her will and then, she dies and then, it goes uncontested by her kids, I'm going to have your money. By the way, Dan Patrick is also the dude who offered a reward of $1 million for evidence of voter fraud in Texas, which, I have to say, kind of disproves the point you're trying to make. If voter fraud is so common that it could overturn an election, why do you need to offer a million-dollar reward to find some evidence of it? In the Old West, when they offered rewards for outlaws, it was because they were hard to find. They weren't just squatting behind a barrel in the town square. "Hey, uh, I think that's Billy the Kid over there. Can I have my -- can I have my million now?" But, anyway, that's their harebrained scheme. They want to somehow flip Arizona and Georgia, then go to court to get Pennsylvania to throw out, not just a few ballots, but hundreds of thousands of ballots, and have the Supreme Court hand the election to Trump. And, apparently, in Georgia, the guy who's leading the effort to overturn the results is Congressman Doug Collins. The Georgia secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, who's a Republican, went so far as to call Collins a liar and a charlatan. Now, you might remember Collins as the insanely fast-talking person who took a lead role for Republicans during the impeachment proceedings. -We've talked about the law. The law wasn't broken. They didn't put it in the Constitution, so I can yell on both of them. I can talk about both of them. I still have not got a transcript. We still don't know what -- And the White House still has not got their stuff. I was told I couldn't. Even though there had been staff conversations well before, I was told I was asking too late. He said, "Can you," as he said, "help us, as a country, because we're trying to heal." -He sounds like he's auctioning off the cocaine from a drug bust after taking the test himself. [ As Collins ] We got one kilo, we have two kilos, we have five kilos. We got gold-plated guns, we got regular guns, we got tiny, little guns. Then, there's South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who, according to Raffensperger, who, again, is a Republican, called and pressured him to throw out legal ballots. -Georgia's secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, says he's come under increasing pressure in recent days from Republicans intent on questioning the validity of legally cast absentee ballots, in an effort to reverse President Trump's loss in the state. In an interview with The Washington Post, Raffensperger said Senator Lindsey Graham asked him on Friday if he had the power to toss out ballots in counties found to have higher rates of nonmatching signatures. Raffensperger said he was stunned that Graham appeared to suggest that he find a way to toss legally cast ballots. -So Lindsey Graham called up the secretary of State of Georgia, like it was a casual schmooze, and said, "Hey, Brad, want to do brunch? Also, do you have the power to like throw out a bunch of legal ballots and hand the election to Trump?" Now, according to The Wall Street Journal, there were two phone calls and multiple witnesses who confirmed what Graham said on those calls. And, even when Graham tried denying it, he accidentally confessed to something possibly even worse -- that he'd been calling election officials in other states, too. -No. That's ridiculous. I talked to him about how you verify signatures. I'm really worried about mail-in balloting, I'm worried about how you verify a signature, and I think Georgia -- I've talked to Doug Ducey in Arizona. I've talked to the people in Nevada. We've got contests all over the nation. -So, basically, Lindsey Graham called states where Joe Biden won to ask about vote counts. I'd say they were threatening calls, but it's impossible for Lindsey Graham to sound threatening. He has the voice of a guy offering to redo your veranda. [ As Graham ] I, for one, can't enjoy an iced tea on my porch swing if I'm looking at chipped paint. This is the trademark Trump defense. Their only explanation for their bad behavior is more bad behavior. Graham's like an arsonist defending himself in court by saying, "What about all those other houses I burned down? You didn't seem to care about that. Maybe you're the ones who need to look in the mirror!" And, Lindsey, we might take your word at face value -- and I mean might -- if you hadn't promised to never support the appointment of a Supreme Court justice in an election year and then, this year, when that was put to the test with Amy Coney Barrett, told reporters -- [ As Graham ] I said a fib before, but, now, I ain't fibbin'. Now, I'm saying my for real thoughts. So that was their attempt to steal Georgia and they fell flat on their faces. Then, there's Pennsylvania, where the Trump campaign is suing for -- I don't know, reasons? It's impossible to keep track of their bull[bleep] It's like your mom and dad trying to tell you a story at the same time. "So, we're at Chili's, right?" It was an Applebee's. "No, Applebee's was Tuesday. I'm talking about the waiter who dropped the tray." That was an Applebee's! For example, they're all worked up over an electronic voting system called Dominion because there was a small and brief reporting mistake on election night in Michigan. But even the conservative, pro-Trump Wall Street Journal editorial board pointed out... A Republican county clerk even said... And, if anyone should understand human error, it's Trump. I mean, he is a human error. The guy couldn't pronounce the word Yosemite, he couldn't figure out how to close an umbrella, and couldn't even get the toilet paper off his shoe after, I guess, taking a giant dump inside the presidential limo? I mean, that you don't want to have a transition meeting with Biden, but can you at least give him a heads up that he should get a different ride? [ As Trump ] Yeah, in regards to the limo, it might be easier just to replace it. Anyway, the claim Trump's teams have been making are so insane, most lawyers want no part of it. The Trump team even tried to delay a hearing in federal court, but as a reporter for Reuters noted, the judge wasn't having it... I mean, every word of that Tweet is perfect. He wants to overturn the results of a state he lost, but his lawyers quit, so he's using a radio host, and the judge actually needed to tell the radio host to be prepared. "Of course I'm prepared. I brought my soundboard, Your Honor. This was a fraud to a degree that we should all be alarmed!" [ Laughter ] [ Vuvuzela blasting ] "I rest my case." So, then, Trump put Rudy Giuliani in charge and this will probably not shock you -- it didn't work out great. For example, yesterday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled against the Trump campaign in yet another one of their ridiculous lawsuits. Of course, Rudy never made it to the hearing because he accidentally went to the Pennsylvania Supreme Food Court at the King of Prussia Mall. [ As Giuliani ] Your Honor, I object! "Alright. So do you want like the chicken teriyaki, instead?" And then, yesterday, reporters and court observers who were covering a Trump campaign case in front of a federal judge in Pennsylvania pulled out individual lines from Rudy's oral arguments and they're just a delight to read. I mean, here are a few examples of actual legal arguments from Rudy Giuliani, you know, the guy who was once -- and this is true -- the mayor of New York City. one of our biggest cities, the biggest... Incredible. It's like watching a livestream of a wino doing open heart surgery. "What the hell is this thing and why is it moving?" That's the heart. "Oh. Should we put it back in?" The term "strict scrutiny" is one of the most basic legal concepts in all of law, but, then, if he knew what strict scrutiny was, he'd have gotten his bottom teeth capped as well. If your lawyer says they don't know what strict scrutiny means, then it's, you know, time to get someone new. I mean, that's like if your lawyer got up in court and asked to cross-examine a witness and then asked his questions with his eyes like this -- [ Laughing ] This was, by far, the best exchange and summed up the stupidity of this moronic little coup attempt as much as any moment could. I would love to see Rudy at a spelling bee. The word is opacity. [ Giuliani ] Can you use it incorrectly in a sentence, please? Oh, Rudy, sweet Rudy, I won't miss Trump, but I also won't miss you. I hope, when this is over, you take a well-earned trip to the Bahamas. No, I meant the island. Never mind. Rudy's deranged performance was such an embarrassing debacle that even close Trump ally Mick Mulvaney, Trump's former chief of staff and a guy who is fully onboard with this grotesque attempt to overturn the results of the election, said today... Yet, last night, after Rudy's disastrous bungling of, you know, everything, here's what Fox News host Sean Hannity told his audience about Rudy's performance. -In Pennsylvania, Rudy Giuliani argued the case today. I've heard from more than a few people that he was absolutely brilliant in his arguments today. -Maybe he was saying it the way British people use "brilliant," to mean "funny." [ English accent ] Did you see Mr. Bean fall down that escalator into the savory pie display? Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. Fun fact -- the original title of Hannity's show was... We're in the midst of several crises colliding at once -- the destruction of American democracy, a deadly plague that killed 1,500 Americans just yesterday alone, and we're seeing, once again, that the Republican Party simply does not care about either. It's an authoritarian movement willing to wreck the American system and stand idly by while Americans die. Even after Trump leaves office, what we're seeing now is that Trumpism will very much remain. At least we can be sure that, what we here at "Late Night" are calling... will almost certainly fail and, for now, there won't be... -A second Trump administration. -This has been "A Closer Look." ♪♪ God's Love We Deliver cooks and brings over two million meals a year to men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other serious illnesses and they need your help, now, more than ever. If you're watching this online, you can hit the Donate button. Stay safe. Wash your hands. Wear a mask. We love you.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 3,717,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, Seth, Meyers, acl, a closer look, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Donald Trump, President Trump, Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Vice President, President, Election, 2020 election, Presidential Election, campaign, polls, votes, debate, debates, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Rudy Giuliani, Lindsey Graham, politics, news, current news
Id: qgVCQ_jsWQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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