Trump Lashes Out After Unhinged Debate Performance: A Closer Look

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-The President tried to paint his opponent as drugged up and senile, and it didn't work. But he's still moving forward with plan B, lying about voter fraud and trying to the steal the election. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." Donald Trump want to create the impression that he is a permanent fixture in our lives, that there's nothing we can do to get rid of him. It's what he tried to do in New York by putting his name on every building in big gold letters and on highway signs and parking his dumb plane at LaGuardia. Even the pigeons are starting to sound like him. -Coo, coo. This is a coo. -Trump wants us to think that he'll always be here and there's no point in voting against him because we could never get rid of him. That's why he wouldn't shut up at Tuesday's debate. That's why he commandeers the national spotlight on a daily basis by saying something insane and forcing us all to think about him. Or why last night in another one of his all-you-can-breath Covid buffets, he once again suggested that he might stay in office for another 16 years. -What are they gonna do with eight, 12, maybe 16 years? I said, "Let's hang it up. Let's hang it up." 16 more years. -Crushed his time tables. Didn't know he was gonna be able to do that. But another 16 years? The last four have already felt like 16. 16 more would feel like 64. I asked our graphics time to computer generate an image of what I would look like after another 16 years of Trump, and this what they came up with. Oh, well, at least I still have the show. But despite what Trump says, it is very much within our power to get rid of him and end all this. That's what Tuesday's debate was all about, and that's why Trump and his allies have been lashing out at everyone including the moderator, Fox News host Chris Wallace, after the negative reaction to Trump's grotesque performance. At last night's rally, Trump complained that Wallace had the temerity to interrupt him. -I said, "Sleepy Joe, name one law enforcement group that supports you." And then Chris Wallace says, "Don't do that." Can you believe this guy? I was debating two people last night. You can riot. That's okay. Arson's okay, but challenging Sleepy Joe is totally off limits. Ah, so disappointed in Fox. -The Commission on Presidential Debates is considering changes for the next debate, and I just like to say to them best of luck. You know the format's not the problem, right? It's not like it's hard to follow the rules. I mean, she did it. What are you gonna do? Cut his mic? At this point if you took his mic away, he'd probably just grow a new one Terminator-style. [ Chuckles ] That turned out a lot better than I thought it would. Did it again, Manny! [ Laughter ] There's only one way to get Trump to behave at debates, and if no else will say it, I will. Anytime he breaks the rules, a hologram of Fred Trump should appear and say, "What part of wait your turn don't you understand, Donald?" "I'm sorry, Papa. I'm just in so over my head, and you're not here to bail me out." "And I'll tell you something else, you so called son of mine. Picture perfect, I paint a perfect picture. Bomb the hoochies with precision. My intention's to get richer." Is the hologram of Fred Trump singing the lyrics to "Ain't Nothin' But A Gangsta Party?" Oh [bleep] Yeah, this is the same song from the Coachella Tupac holgram. I guess we forgot to wipe it. That is a real long walk. [ Laughter ] But I think we had fun. Some times you got to enjoy the view, everybody. Also, any changes you make Trump's just gonna start whining. He never stops whining. Trump's allies are like him, petulant children who whine and moan unless you let them rant uninterrupted for 90 minutes straight. They're just bummed because their genius strategy of claiming Joe Biden is senile backfired when it turned Trump's the one who's brain is mostly room temperature Velveeta. Trump and his cheerleaders on Fox spent weeks, weeks insisting his opponent was an doddering old man with dementia who needed drugs and a ear piece to get through a debate. And then the debated happened, and it turned out the only candidate who sounded like he mixed the dogs Valium with Jose Cuervo is Trump. And by the way, when you're lagging with seniors in swing states due to a raging pandemic you failed to contain, I'm not sure calling your opponent a brain-dead geezer is the like awesome campaign strategy you think it is. Once you're 77, you're basically dead. Anyway, the seniors love me. In case you needed reminding, Trump spent weeks challenging Biden to a drug test, and then as proof for his psychotic claims, cited the Internet. -Do you really belive that Joe Biden will be on any type of performance enhancing drug at the debates or are you just joking? -No, I'm not joking. I mean, I'm willing to take a drug taste. I think he should, too. People say he was on performance enhancing drugs. A lot of people have said that. A lot of people have written that. Take a look. Why don't you just check -- You can check out the Internet. You'll see plenty of people say it. They gave him a big fat shot in the ass, and he comes out. [ Laughter ] And for two hours, he's better than ever before. -It sounds like Trump just saw "Awakenings" on the plane and thought it was a documentary. Also it's telling that's how Trump thinks you get a shot of Adderall, because it means that's how he gets a shot of Adderall. Just give me a little booty bump, Doc. Straight up the wazoo. Also very telling when the President cites a source that wouldn't be accepted on a high school term paper. And if Biden's on performance enhancing drugs, like what's your explanation then? Are you on performance decreasing drugs? You know what drug you should take? You should take whatever drug makes you smile normal. I mean, look at this neck strains. It's the face you make when you slam a glass of OJ right after you brush your teeth. It looks like he tried to poison James Bond drinks but accidentally mixed up the glasses. Here you are, James. I believe I had the martini, shaken, not stirred, and you had the diet coke in a can. Ooh! Oh, I switched them. Oh, oh, oh, no. I'm tightening up. Can you get my Epipen, James? Oh, don't be a dick, James. Just do it, James. I need it in the butt. Just straight up the wazoo. Oh, this you won't do, James? After everything, this is the line you won't cross? Oh, the great James Bond. So, Trump claims his opponent [laughs] was the one who is senile and needed drugs to get through the debate. And then the debate happened and Trump not only couldn't keep his mouth shut, but when it was his turn to speak, he said stuff like this. Insulin, it's going to -- It was destroying families, destroying people, the cost. I'm getting it for so cheap it's like water. You know in Europe they lived in forest cities. They're forest cities. The car has gotten so expensive because they have computers all over the place. -He sounds like a first-time film student writing a sci-fi script in a Starbucks. Open on Moonbase Alpha, nestled in a forest city, Insulin flows like water. The sky is filled with flying cars, which are expensive because they have computers all over the place. Maybe Trump should stick to interrupting. When he actually has to answer a question, he sounds like the worst member of your Taboo team. Oh, it's a movie. They live in forest cities. Computers all over the place. [ Buzzer ] It was "Star Wars," but I wasn't -- It's not my fault. I wasn't allowed to say Star or Wars. Even Trump's own campaign acknowledge privately that he went full psycho with the debate. -One person who's familiar with his debate prep, Anderson, said they prepared him to be aggressive but not to be Jason from "Friday the 13th," and that is the perception of how his performance was. -Yeah, I mean, even Jason didn't interrupt that much unless you were a sexy teen taking a shower. Jason's whole thing was that he was invulnerable and had superhuman strength. Trump always looks like he just climbed a ladder to get wherever he is. Looks like he'd fall over with one push like a Jenga tower. Why would you want to be Jason at a debate anyway? The plot of "Friday the 13th" wasn't a mystical killer in a hockey mask shouting down his rivals while laying out a vision for the future. If anything, Trump would be less scary if he wore a Jason mask. Ah! Oh. Oh, thank God. It was just Jason. But it was important to see one of Trump's deranged conspiracy theories disproven in real time in front of a national television audience because he's counting on conspiracy theories to stay in power. That's why he keeps repeating his completely unfounded lies about the dangers of mail-in voting as he did again at the debate. -As far as the ballots are concerned, it's a disaster. If you have a unsolicited -- They're sending millions of ballots all over the country. There's fraud, they found them in creeks, they found some with the name Trump, just happened to have the name Trump just the other day in a waste paper basket. They have mailmen with lots of -- Do you see what's going on? Take a look at West Virginia. Mailmen selling the ballots. They're being sold, they're being dumped in rivers. -They found them in creeks and rivers? Why is he talking like a wild-eyed frontiersman. There's ballads dumped in the creeks and rivers. This would shock you that's completely made up. There's no known incident of ballots being dumped in creeks or rivers, but I'm betting Trump said that because he has definitely dumped stuff in rivers. When you're a New York real estate grifter with mob ties, the East River is basically your filing cabinet. We're not gonna see Trump's tax returns until they're accidentally brought up in a fishing net. I-I don't see anything under value of golf course quite like that before. Well, just another day in the life of a Maine fisherman. That's not even the most insane version of Trump's mail ballot fever dream. Recently he told his supporters to watch out for ballots being flushed down toilets. -Get out there and vote, and keep your eyes open if you see any shenanigans, which you probably will. Okay, if you see people, like dumping things, flushing things. -So, you want your supporters to watch out for ballots being flushed down the toilet? First of all, there's a good chance Trump thinks this is a voting booth. -Ridiculous. I had to go all the way to a construction site to vote, and it was not a pleasant experience. Trump's bombarding us with these lies for two reason. One, to destroy confidence in the election and make us all think it's hopeless, and two, to set the stage for a Supreme Court battle that will hand him a victory even if he loses. He's repeatedly said as much, including in Tuesday's debate. -Are you counting on the Supreme Court including Justice Barrett, to settle any disputes? -Yeah. I think I'm counting on them to look at the ballots, definitely. We need nine justices. You need that. With the unsolicited millions of ballots that they're sending, it's a scam, it's a hoax. Everybody knows that. And the Democrats know it better than anybody else, so you're going to need nine justices up there. I think it's going to be very important. Paper ballots are very simple. Whether they counterfeit them, forge them, do whatever you want. -Counterfeit them, forge them, flush them. In fact, I've been going from bathroom to bathroom recovering ballots that were flushed by Democrats. Those were all votes for me. Just can't read them now. And Republicans across the country with the help of Trump's campaign are already setting the stage for just such a legal battle by suing to delay counting or invalidate ballots in swing states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Texas. Trump's strategy is two-pronged, to undermine the election and to create the impression that he's inevitable. We cannot get rid of him, but we can. It's in our power to end this. We can repudiate Trump and the GOP and give our democracy a... -Big fat shot in the ass. -This has been "A Closer Look." 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Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 2,919,802
Rating: 4.8371367 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, Seth, Meyers, Cecily Strong, David Wright, Miranda July, NBC, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Donald Trump, President Trump, Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Vice President, President, Election, 2020 election, Presidential Election, campaign, polls, voter, voters, voting, Election Day, November 3, debate, debates, voter suppression, Chris Wallace, Wallace
Id: 7vhIwqDafN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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