Fox News Demands Biden Give Trump Credit for the COVID Vaccines: A Closer Look

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Haha nice 😅 (start watching at 7:07 for reference)

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Isengard47 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

lmao I was just watching this on YouTube, heard the reference, and thought to myself "/r/animorphs is gonna LOVE this"

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/johnlongest 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/empireWill 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Salt-Inflation-391 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/roguebluejay 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ha, awesome! So fun to see this beloved series getting a comeback after twenty years, and I am here for it!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lola_PopBBae 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

He later went on to make a correction that porcupine's dont shoot their quills. lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KyleRM 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
-"Fox News" and the GOP have been struggling to criticize President Biden's coronavirus response, including his $1.9 trillion relief bill, because it's been overwhelmingly popular with voters. So now they're insisting he give his predecessor credit for the vaccine. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look." It's an awkward time for "Fox News," arguably their biggest star wasn't any of their anchors, but the 45th president himself. The guy called into Fox News more often than a Mets fan calling into a sports radio show to complain about the off season. [ As fan ] Look, I know we have a new billionaire owner that we signed ten free agents and made seven trades, but do we really think orange and blue looked good together? I'll hang up and listen. [ Normal voice ] The point is, Trump was Fox's big star in defending him was their number one mission. Now, without that, they're a little at sea. They've spent the past few weeks in full meltdown mode over everything from "The Muppets" to "Dr. Seuss" to "Mr. Potato Head," to the "Looney Tunes," to Joy Bahar, to the Grammys, to defending Piers Morgan after he stormed off the set of his own show like a guest on "Maury" who won't accept the results of a paternity test. They can't defend Trump and they can't effectively criticize Biden. So they've been lurching from one dumb culture war issue to the next. They know Biden's COVID response has been overwhelmingly popular and the COVID relief bill has even been popular with Republican voters. Fifty nine percent of whom say they support the COVID bill. So remember that when people say it's not bipartisan, it is. It's just that no Republican politician supported it. Also, let me just say as a side note, no one gives [Bleep] if it's bipartisan, people care much more about results than bipartisanship. Polls have borne that out repeatedly. Do you think a family of four would have been happier if instead of $12,000 in stimulus money and child benefits, they got a much crappier bill that had Republican support? [ As spouse 1 ] Well, honey, our unemployment benefits are expiring a month earlier and it's only a $600 check, but Susan Collins voted for it. [As spouse 2] We got Collins? [As spouse 1]We got Collins! well off to work a triple shift. In fact, even when "Fox News" does try to latch on to something Biden said, they melt down over the most insignificant bull[Bleep] because it's all they have. For example, they obsessed over the fact that in his prime time address last week, Biden suggested that if we keep wearing masks and get as many people vaccinated as possible, we might be able to safely have July 4th barbecues with friends and families this year. And in response, Fox pundits lost their mind. -The message that Joe Biden was sending to the American people was a lecture. It was a demand that basically said you'll only be able to have a 4th of July if you go along with all the different things that I say you have to do. -We might be getting back to normal around the Fourth of July if only we all behave. -Well, I hate to tell Joe Biden, but nobody needs his permission to gather in our backyards on the Fourth of July or any holiday or any day, for that matter. -He's got no say in who's coming to my picnic or yours. -He does not have my permission to give me permission. -Right. -About who I can have a barbecue with. -Yes. This is a free people. This is a free country. How dare you tell us who we can spend the Fourth of July with. -To pick Independence Day as the day where he says he might allow people to gather is just so un-American. And, and just, you know, Joe Biden doesn't get to tell me when I can have a barbecue in my backyard. -He's not! You're all free to do whatever you want with whoever you want in your backyard. I invite all of you to go to Tucker's house for a barbecue where I'm sure he puts out Coors Light and then drinks the Sam Adams you brought. Sane people knew what Biden was saying. Most people have been following public health advice because they don't want to get their friends and family sick and vice versa. But if we all do our part, we can safely gather again this summer. It wasn't a directive. It wasn't a mandate. It wasn't an executive order. It was just a suggestion like you should wear a helmet on your motorcycle or don't eat raw chicken. But over at "Fox News," whose slogan might as well be "We run with scissors," they're so desperate to play the victim, they'll take even the mildest suggestion and try to turn it into a don't tread on me moment. We all know the type, the people who fall apart when they see no substitutions on a menu. [ Whiny voice ] Oh, but I had my heart set on a BLP -- bacon, lettuce, and potato. [ Normal voice ] Now it will shock you to learn that this criticism of Biden has not stuck either. So now they're on to another line, slamming him for not giving Trump credit for the vaccines. -The Biden administration continues to refuse to share any credit on vaccine development with former President Trump. -President Biden did not utter President Trump's name once during his first solo address. He didn't give President Trump any credit, even though President Trump rolled back regulations and, of course, introduced Warp Speed to get those vaccines on the market. -I loved how he took credit for what President Trump has been doing as far as the vaccine and getting it roll it out. But no one called him out on it. -No Trump, no vaccine, Joe, stop taking credit for something, frankly, you had nothing to do with. He could talk about operation warp speed, how we exceeded expectations. And we don't need to go over the 500,000 dead. We had that moment. Let's talk about the future moving forward. Every time he has a chance to praise the previous administration, he not only doesn't praise, he kicks him in the groin. -I mean, first of all, Biden doesn't need to kick Trump in the groin because he already looks like he just got kicked in the groin. He leans forward like he just took a tennis ball in the nut[Bleep]. The ball machine's on the lowest setting. He didn't even move his racket. Sometimes he looked like he's about to get kicked in the groin, like when he sits with his legs spread far apart, like he's in an episode of "Jackass" bracing for a game of nutball. Let's not, let's just not gloss over it. The heartless, sociopathic dismissal of the fact that over half a million people died. You're talking about a once-in-a-century catastrophe full of misery and death, like the taskmaster at the weekly book club. Okay, Barbara, we don't need to go over, "Eat, Pray, Love," that was last week. Let's talk about this week's book, "Green Eggs and Ham." [ Whispering ] It's just the cover of "Green Eggs and Ham" the inside is "McElligot's Pool." And not only do Fox hosts want Biden to give Trump credit publicly, they also want him to call Trump personally to thank him. -Joe Biden, he needs to pick up the phone, I suggest call Mar a Lago and yeah, bring unity to the country as he says he so desperately wants. And thank President Donald Trump. -Is it Mara Largo? [ Laughs ] I guess I've been saying it wrong. So tune in for Sean Hannity's correction this week. Oh, really? You think you should call Mar a Lago? First of all, have you seen Trump lately? I doubt you have to call him. He looks so ghostly you can probably use a Ouija board. He looks like he's haunting the golf course. The "Legend of Haggard Vance," [ As Trump ] "You summoned me?" [ Normal voice ] Yeah, Don, Listen. [ As Trump ] Can I get a diet Coke? [ Normal voice ] Sure. I just wanted to -- [ As Trump ] Mind if I crash here tonight? Mel doesn't want me around. Says it keeps giving her the creeps by passing through walls. [ Normal voice ] Although there seems to be some tension at Fox over whether Trump deserves credit for this miraculous medical breakthrough that will save the world or whether the vaccines are actually part of a sinister plot to do something bad. It's not clear what, but don't worry. Human Catamaran Tucker Carlson is on the case. -How effective is this coronavirus vaccine? How necessary is it to take the vaccine? Don't dismiss those questions from anti-vaxxers, don't kick people off social media for asking them, answer the questions. -How effective is this vaccine? How necessary is it to take the vaccine? Will it make you an X man? Or what about an Animorph? Will it make me half man, half porcupine? And if I go to the mall with my children after taking the vaccine and I get spooked by one of the mannequins at the Tommy Bahama store and shoot my quills at a security guard, will they throw me out? Will my children laugh at me? What if I say it's because the vaccine turned me into a porky man and they say, "Sir, you didn't shoot quills at anyone. You urinated on the chambray beach shorts." And I say, "Oh, so now I can't urinate wherever I want. I thought this was America and I thought America was number one." And then I urinate again because the vaccine also took away my bladder control. All these questions have already been answered. You could save yourself the trouble of writing your nightly monologue by just using Google, although maybe he doesn't know how, that would explain why he always looks like Templeton the Rat trying to read Charlotte's Web. Some pig? What kind of pig are we talking about? A wild boar or just a standard farm pig? I'm just asking questions. The trial data, which was reviewed extensively by public health officials, have shown all three vaccines to be highly safe and effective, especially against severe disease and hospitalization. And there's still more real world data coming in all the time. New studies testing the efficacy of the vaccines on variants or in specific settings like nursing homes and suggesting they could even be highly effective at stopping transmission as well. And it's necessary to take the vaccine if, say, you're not Tucker Carlson and you can't do your cushy TV job from the safety of your studio bubble, where I'm certain no one's allowed within six feet of you, even when there isn't a pandemic, because they might accidentally make eye contact and have their soul devoured. Some people actually have to go out into the world and do real jobs for a living, where they're forced to interact with other people, which puts them at risk. And they don't have the luxury of getting the same high end medical care that, say, Donald Trump got when he got COVID. And I say that as a fellow TV show host who is constantly tested for COVID, this job is easy compared to most people's jobs. How about you try working in a meatpacking plant or a nursing home or a public school for a few days? The hardest thing I ever have to do is tell Wally he doesn't have any lines in tonight's show. -I just bought a new car, Seth, I really need to check. -Hey, hey, hey. What did I say, Wally? That doesn't count, does it? It does?! [ Groans ] Also, we need as many people as possible to get vaccinated so we can reach herd immunity, get to the point where the virus isn't just freely circulating and sparking constant outbreaks, which would allow us to get back to our normal lives safely. Even Donald Trump told his supporters on Fox News last night to get the vaccine, although, of course, he was also desperate to claim credit, especially after being egged on by UNcancel Looney Tune Maria Bartiromo. -How are you feeling tonight about the fact that you're not getting any credit for any of this by the Biden administration? -So when you go to when you go to the COVID issue, we did a great job. We get very little credit for it. I was the one and this administration was the one that came up with a vaccine. -No, you weren't. The scientist did it. The development of the Pfizer vaccine, the first one approved by the FDA, it wasn't even a part of Operation Warp Speed. And I'm sorry, but I just can't imagine you in a lab tinkering with a microscope and some test tubes. You would last five minutes in a lab before you set your tie on fire with a Bunsen burner and tried to put it out with alcohol. All Trump did was say make a vaccine. Trump's initial vaccine rollout was a disaster. FEMA didn't start setting up mass vaccination sites until Biden was president, before he left office, Trump's White House even lobbied to deny states money for the vaccine rollout. And when he had the chance to buy more vaccine, he passed. Biden's the one who inked deals to produce more vaccine, pushed through a relief bill that provided immediate funding for vaccinations and got two rivals, Merck and Johnson & Johnson, to work together to ramp up production. Can you imagine Trump doing that? First of all, he probably thinks Merck is the new Vin Diesel movie. And Johnson & Johnson is a personal injury law firm that advertises on local TV in Palm Beach. [ As Trump] Hello. Is this Johnson & Johnson? I need a lawyer to defend me in multiple criminal investigations. My old lawyer fell asleep on the F train, and when he woke up, he accidentally transferred to the cyclone. [ As Guiliani ] I guess this one's the express. [ Normal voice ] "Fox News," Oh, my God, I have fully We might need makeup, I Giuliani'd myself. "Fox News" and the GOP don't have a coherent criticism of the Biden administration's pandemic response. So they've turned instead to a mix of paranoia, culture war B.S., vaccine conspiracy theories, and, of course, grotesque racism, warning of more so-called caravans at the border and allowing Trump to repeat a vile anti-Asian slur last night when referring to the pandemic even as anti-Asian hate crimes, especially against women, have skyrocketed. This is a time when we need to support, stand in solidarity with the Asian-American community and condemn virulent racists who repeat vile slurs that lead to hate crimes instead of giving the maritime on television. And we need to call them what they are hate crimes. And as for the GOP and Fox News, whenever someone politely suggests wearing a mask or taking the vaccine, tells them to stop being racist, they need to stop acting like they've been kicked -- -In the groin. -This has been "A Closer Look. God's Love We Deliver cooks and brings over 2 million meals a year to men, women and children living with HIV, AIDS, cancer, and other serious illnesses, and they need your help now more than ever. If you're watching this online, you can hit the donate button, stay safe, wear a mask, get vaccinated. We love you.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 2,333,004
Rating: 4.8191853 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, Seth, Meyers, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Diane von Furstenberg, NBC, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, COVID, COVID-19, corona, coronavirus, pandemic, quarantine, health, healthcare, relief, stimulus, vaccine, vaccination, mask, masks, social distancing, Pfizer, Moderna, Joe Biden, Biden, Kamala Harris, Kamala, White House, politics, news, current news, Trump, Donald Trump, President, Vice President
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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