Trump Discussing Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein: Body Language Baseline

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and scott and everybody we should have gone on on the air that day and said this guy killed this little girl you're gonna find her here yeah before before we get started i want to try something greg what'll happen is you'll say action and then chase you're gonna say bowdoin you're a monster and then in your best james bond mark you gotta say come come mr hughes you enjoy killing just as much as i do and you want it in the um in the um scottish bond yeah yeah yeah yeah if you got it okay so greg anytime you're ready ready hi this is a setup guys go ahead and i want to know everything i'll do anytime you're ready greg action bowdoin you're a monster come come mr hughes you enjoy killing as much as i do and see cut it let's check the game all right you guys ready all right here we go i'm scott ross i'm a body language expert and analyst i trained law enforcement in the military interrogation and body language i'm also a trial consultant keynote speaker mark i'm mark boden i'm an expert in human behavior and body language i help people all over the world to stand out win trust and gain credibility every time they speak including some of the leaders of the g7 chase chase hughes i'm an expert in human behavior and interrogation i also develop tactics and techniques for uncle sam and other government agencies and i've just published a fiction book called phrase seven that involves mind control and hypnosis stuff which is fiction great greg i'm greg hartley i'm a former army interrogator interrogation instructor and resistance to interrogation instructor i've written a few books on body language and behavior and i spend most of my time with corporate america and on wall street excellent well today we're going to talk about uh president trump before he is the president and this is a sort of an interview he did i don't know where this is craig do you know where this is i think at some political conference bloomberg politics is there and this is before he even announced he was going to run so it's 2015 and he's trump trump not president trump probably the trump that people expected yeah yeah and you see him as and you said earlier greg he's just a regular old guy in this he just seemed being the regular guy however we're going to see a lot of the same things he uses today when he's giving a speech or when he's talking to someone or in discussions about something about several different things so as we talk about bass lines this is a great way to get a bass on because he's relaxed and he's in his element because he's got all the attention so everybody's talking to him and he's he's the key here the key player so as we go through this what we're going to do is point out some things we see as a bass line and let you know what some things you look for on president trump when he's when he's talking one other thing is all the baselining tips we've been giving you in the four videos we're going to use those terms so that you'll see what we're talking about we'll reinforce the term as we're talking but when we talk about illustrators and barriers and adapters and regulators or or modifiers we're going to talk in that way and remind you what we said excellent all right you guys ready yeah there we go how do you think you did the response was fantastic the room was packed we we did really well i really liked it i had a good time and the response that you saw was great now you said 80 percent chance you're going to run there's a very good chance and i would say yeah i would say that i have a whole big team yeah you can higher scale al's a big supporter well al is a great guy and he's done a great job getting this whole thing moving right people experience mr trump can you explain the team we've read some stories recently you've hired us i have a team i have a team in new hampshire i have a team in iowa i have a team in new york we have a great team i'm making a decision and i may surprise you i don't think i'm going to surprise you that much but a lot of people say this is still just a stunt because you know what you have trouble selling stuff until well and i still get the best response we still had the packed house and the response was great we just had i really enjoyed it today and i think they enjoyed it but until i make that decision and actually announce you're gonna have skeptics we were talking to now about the scrutiny that misses all right mark you and go first yeah sure so what we see straight away is some tagging some tagging for ownership we see uh trump's hand go out to do a i guess a a left-hand handshake and then his other hand comes in to tag the guy to say kind of i own you he then tags him back we're gonna see that play out later on in terms of status and ownership we see um i think we saw steepling at the start there open palms symmetrical both of those things i would say are trained they're not things that people naturally do people don't really naturally steeple on the whole they don't tend to naturally do um very open palm gestures in symmetry these have been trained uh great ease with the mic look how easily he picks up that mic and starts talking into it this is usual for him he's very very comfortable in the center and the limelight there and when you notice as well the ease of repetition there i may surprise you i don't think i'm going to surprise you too much so so this is classic word play and he's really good at that really good at taking a phrase repeating the phrase altering it slightly altering the intonations from downward to upward and actually it's quite entertaining what happens there actually that repetition and slight differentiation is a classic of comedy you'll hear it in seinfeld it's classic new york comedy goes right back to italian italian comedia dellate so very very comfortable here very very comfortable in the limelight that's what i've got for you on that one excellent chase what do you got i agree with mark and throughout the whole video just keep an eye on where his hands are i watched this long-haired british guy do a ted talk on this one time and he talks about this keeping your hands open keeping the hands symmetrical exposing the soft belly which i thought was terrific and that just that one body language gesture alone in communication is a game changer i've watched mark do the keynote live i watched him demonstrate that with everybody it was a fascinating difference to see uh he starts off with the undersided handshake which he's famous for kind of goes in on the underside and sometimes you know you hear people say this is a submissive thing i disagree i don't think there's uh any merit to that but you know he does the trump handshake where he does the underside grip and then he like tries to pull you out of your chair we we're starting to see this normal behavior before his presidency goes right into steepling one thing he does to start taking ownership right away is he steeples those fingers together and his elbows push out just a little bit almost where they're touching the guy's shoulder just to his right right behind so he's taking up more space becoming a bigger boy all the gestures are symmetrical like mark said he uses a lot of team pronouns so we're seeing all the way back to his earlier interviews in the 1980s with larry king he is using a lot of information that a lot of people do this a lot of people like this many people accept this fact so he's doing a whole lot of socializing so if i want to persuade a person that uses that type of language that's the type of language i'm going to use that's how i'm going to sell the product we see a lot of that there but we also see his left hand tilt away when he talks about something negative here in just a minute but right here he's saying we've got teams in other places he's using his right hand to talk about positive things and we'll keep an eye on which hand does what throughout the rest of these videos scott at the top when he walks in it's almost uh he goes into that that steepling so quickly these i think it's just a thing and mark you'll you'll probably be able to speak about that but just goes right into it naturally and it looks kind of odd for some reason i don't know i don't know why but it's one of those things where it just looks he just goes into it automatically i guess he's just he's used to doing that this is the first time there's a thing he does i call the three and a half you got four fingers but it cuts down you have four fingers of the thumb he cuts it down to three and a half when he starts this number this is the first time we see that in this very briefly and what and you see this when he's talking he'll be talking about things and he'll be doing s is his illustrators and gesturing but it's about him that finger comes in he starts this i think so and so and that's why this happens and what's over those fingers open up and he'll go all the way out sometimes he'll do it with his fingers all the way open but most of the time it's like this so this is the first time we see it we see it later on as well and he does we see the the pinch that he does when he's sitting specific little things we just think right when he gets specific about stuff sometimes he does this one but this time i think he's doing this a couple of times uh to make his point and his illustrator start getting big when he starts saying until until to make his point he's got this going briefly and then he starts making his point and then and then goes in saying until until as he finishes his pre-arranged uh point that he wants to make so that's what i'm saying greg what do you got yeah so a handful of things here's where i'm gonna differ with two of you i don't like steepling i think people do it instinctively and badly and the reason i don't like it is because when you're in a position of authority you steeple up when you start to feel compromised you rotate your hands forward and then when you feel compromised you open your hands down this way and you can see he's also adjusting he's taking away energy so he's adapting at the same time i think he's keenly aware he's been coached to steeple because it makes him open his hands and do that mark i think that part's great but when you rotate your hands down i can see compromise or or that you are compromised that gives me a control and authority over you but he quickly moves out of it he does something here he doesn't do well as president he removes his elbows from his side he's open when he's president he's this way since he's been president his elbows are his side it's a deviation from his normal open baseline that i think made people like him better never mind policy and all that i think he's more likable with his hands moving more free his forehead he is a social creature his forehead the organ of connection with other people he's using his forehead a lot if you notice we talk about illustrators and the way we communicate you would call it body narration maybe um chase but i call it illustrators i'm making my point he uses his forehead he engages you and then he starts pulling you around with his eyes and that and you'll see when he goes to debate he does the same thing few adverbs again not president trump donald trump because in when he's president trump it's bigly and he says fantastic which is a small word for president trump but a big you know just a normal word um a couple of other things you see are he's got basic illustrators moving and he's just more open more fluid and you'll see more of that change in a few minutes but he uses his forehead to engage and he's very social pay attention to that face excellent and i know um speaking of steepling when greg and i did this this course our body language there was as we're talking the camera goes to him it'll go to me and i'm giving one of these numbers the next thing you know mine goes all starts goes all the way down as well and i started thinking about that and a couple people have asked me about like oh i thought you said it's doing that it's not good and then i started thinking greg is outfitting the [ __ ] out of me during that so that's why i think that's why it happened so you're actually seeing that that go down as it you're seeing me be outfit as it happens he's not trying to he just does it naturally but if you're if you're conscious of it it's okay it's just that's one more thing for you to get your head around is not rotating that's the only reason i don't think it's a good thing so the thing about steepling is is it's actually quite cognitively tricky to match up the fingers and that's why when we watch somebody steepling the our instinct goes oh that person is really you know smart and authoritative because that's actually quite a difficult move to do the problem with it is it's not likeable it reads as maybe authoritative and intelligent but it doesn't win on likability so as a general rule i would never ask a politician to do this in terms of gaining authority uh simply because it's just not likable and likability on the whole i would say is a better option well it's the bond criminals it's a mr burns from the simpsons it's all the bad guys yeah yeah exactly sure all right everybody good yeah did you guys all see scott smile and pull his lip into his mouth when was talking about bond criminals we know this is going to lead to nowhere no everything's fine right everything's going to be fine chase just so you know it takes time to set something up i know i can't wait until i see it we were talking to al about the scrutiny that mrs bush has gotten in the last couple of days of two big high-profile stories what's your view about whether it's all right for reporters to write about people who may be the first lady of the united states including your wife if you run well it's just pretty good i don't know what you're gonna find you're gonna have to let me know but i have to tell you they were very rough on mrs bush that was tough stuff that was nasty do you think it was over the line i don't know because i don't know her but it was nasty you raised all right greg what do you got yeah this one there's not a whole lot here clearly but when he first starts there's a lip compression piece you know we we're talking about emotion and we always say that's containing something whether it's words or emotion a lot of time it's emotion when you do i always call lip grip but compressions and we all do it men women men more than women it's typical if you go and look at everyone every person who's ever caught in a sex scandal every man you'll find a picture of him going it's always identifiable when you when you ask about his wife he's like yeah good luck i don't i i don't have anything on my wife and and you see his face engaging whether he believes it or not it's another story but his brow is up when he's asking for approval when he's trying to make the connection as he's talking about that was rough stuff to do to mrs bush so it's all engagement he's going to dance watch his cadence compared to the cadence of the people he's talking to they're almost identical speech patterns the whole thing they're almost identical he's connecting phase what do you got sorry we can see his left hand coming into motion here too when he's talking about how nasty and and forget the word that he uses here i think it was nasty he's using the left hand so we're starting to see is a positive on the right a negative on his left hand which goes back to another way that we can influence him i won't do a recap here but that's called gestural hemispheric tendency we saw that lip compression which i teach that means withheld opinions or withholding and i think he is withholding some kind of opinion about what happened to her here and that's a masterclass example of the subject being exposed by another person so he hears a few words and the body instantly reacts to it and that's a perfect textbook example of what lip compression looks like if you're in sales and you start mentioning the terms of the contract and you see lip compression that's the objection you're going to have when you try to close the sale so that's that's really important to start looking for that in everyday life just to take a look at lip compression one thing that really stood out to me uh was that when he said mrs bush and what they did to her he pointed at himself that was really nasty what they did to her and he's pointing at himself which i thought maybe a little foreshadowing in in the way back of his mind he knows that's coming i know i know he knows it's coming we all do mark what do you think mark yeah lovely i'm just going to pick up on one thing which for me shows training which is he's got the mic in one hand his other hand is still up in what i would call the truth plane normally when somebody gets a mic in their hand the resonance for them is is kind of a tv interviewer or stand-up comedy and one hand begins to hang and it just kind of reposes there he's been trained to bring his hand up into the truth plane there do open palm gestures and and that's hard to do you don't do that unless you've been told that and trained that and you've had the repetition of that now of course he's had a lot of time in entertainment a lot of time uh on tv so what we need to understand is uh his baseline is he's trained and he's very comfortable and he's very good at this whether you like him whether you don't like him whether you don't care he's trained and he's very good and negotiates every contract in his construction business personally personally down to air conditioning not like you expect from a ceo of a company that size so mark go over the truth plane one time since you brought that up let's go over that because people may not have anything so i split the body into a bunch of different horizontal planes you've got the grotesque plane which is anything below the belt line it has an effect on the viewer and it has an effect on you it doesn't really mean anything particularly is happening in your mind but you'll be getting a certain viewpoint of me as i'm gesturing in the grotesque plane as i come up to the truth plane especially if i do open palm gestures then you'll have a sense of a little more calm a little more assertive and open because i'm an open at a very vulnerable point of my body when i go into the grotesque plane my center of gravity drops i go into rest or fight or flight up here chest height that's the passion plane heart rate breathing rate go up you see i get a bit more uh energetic more upward inflection i could keep on going up but we've got closure and disclosure thought and then we've got the ecstatic up here as well now again when we in terms of reading body language we're not looking to read somebody for are they telling the the truth are they ecstatic right now it's more about how they'll influence and persuade others by adopting these different gesture planes on purpose or unconsciously and get a certain effect from the audience so quick run through there of those gesture planes i will say i saw mark do that keynote there uh here in virginia and uh i think three weeks later and and granted mark does a one-hour keynote on this thing and i sat there uh he invited me as his guest i sat there and watched the whole thing i was just kind of mesmerized two weeks later i go teach a course and i'm like i'm gonna do the truth plane my quizzes are nine nine hours in a day one day so i do the truth plane for a whole day and at the end of the night i could barely pick up a beer i had like we know better than that i had muscle failure just about but my biceps hurt at the end of the day but it was very effective i noticed a a distinguishable difference in in the audience there doing that yeah it works for sure what i'm seeing is and chase i'm going to go against a little bit what you said because i think what we're seeing is he's pointing toward himself he he's and what he's his lip grip or his stress mouth which i call it he doesn't like that that happened to her and he sees that as an emotional thing he tries not to show emotion so when he's he's doing this and he's pointing to himself if i when i paid attention i saw that he was when he talks about things bother him when i think so and so that's what's going to happen he'll do this so he's bringing it toward himself that's that's what i picked up on that's that's the way i read that so when he's when he talks about um problems or situations just specific things when he points to himself that's something he's thinking in there he's thinking me about that that but you know that was nasty what what they did to her was that so he and he just does it once and then comes out but that's what i that's what i took from there i think we're in agreement i think we're an agreement on that okay it's negative either way right the whole point is negative he's it's about him yeah he doesn't like it um that's everything got covered on mine so that's about it so all right everybody good mm-hmm it has to move on i don't know because i don't know her but it was nasty you raised the question of jeffrey epstein in your remarks about in the q and a i think he's got a problem i don't think the problem will be i i don't know but that island was uh really a cesspool there's no question about it just ask prince andrew he'll tell you about it uh the island was an absolute cesspool so he's been there for many times well i can't say friends but i know friendly you know them they play at my clubs a lot i have clubs and everybody likes to play are you saying there's a political problem for her if she runs for president uh it could be a political problem look he could be a political problem right now he's teflon and right now maybe not but he could end up being a political one that's one question now talk to us about thomas all right we're out of the gate what i'm seeing with this one is when he takes that when he mentions epstein he gets that big deep breath because he's getting ready i'm sure he's loaded for just you know loaded for bear on this one so he has i'll leave most of that stuff to you guys but the thing that got me was when he when he brought up prince andrew did you see what he was doing he's looking at that guy al across the thing and his eyebrows go up and they come in like dude we know what's happening there almost like they're they're training shits and giggles joke there or something they both know that nobody else knows that's when i said holy smokes something something's up there because he said when he says prince andrew and he looked it just dead eyes that guy he does that little smile and he goes into a complete duchene smile it's small but it's there it's complete everything everything you look for that is there and it lasts for a second so that's that's one that i saw that that i thought was just was awesome um yeah so that's that's all i just want to make sure and and point that out greg what do you got yeah i think it's even bigger i think when i see the little it starts with amusement but then it erupts a full blown duchene smile and his face almost lights up it goes to the center of his face he's got eye contact and i think he's actually saying more than those two people know that prince andrew knows some things that he shouldn't know and i think if i'm prince andrew and i see this i'm like why not buy that video and destroy that because this doesn't look good for his brow rises his eyes smirk he stops for a second when they ask about epstein his hand stops illustrating and i'm sure they're asked he's thinking what's the next question but when the question comes back he starts then to use to your point chase his positive hand to illustrate again because it's not about him it's about somebody else he's doing that request for approval a little bit as he's trying to fish out the guy across the room from him to get him engaged we use our brow to fish out cooperation or recognition and he's doing that as he pulls his brow up looking to see guarantee the other guy's brow rose too we couldn't see it and then his goes back to some kind of normal that's what i had excellent chase what do you got so with that eyebrow flash if you you're watching this right now nobody's looking at you except for us go ahead and try to make an angry facial expression what does it do to your eyebrows it pulls them down and together and as primates when we do the opposite of anger that's how we gain agreement with other primates we'll do naturally do the opposite of it if you want to try this as an experiment the next time you're at starbucks or you're getting your groceries or something raise your eyebrows and do what's called the eyebrow flash at the cashier or whoever as you're introducing yourself and about 85 to 90 of people will return the eyebrow flash with no memory that they did it or no awareness that they returned it at all so that's just a fun trick you can play you do it every time you see somebody you know every time yeah absolutely so one thing i notice here that i thought was very noteworthy that this is the only time that anyone who's been photographed with epstein hasn't distanced or softened the severity of what was going on he very openly calls it a cesspool and trump uh is for for you guys that don't know a lot of people don't know this but trump loves adverbs and adjectives i think everybody knows that bigly it was a bigly assessed cesspool but he loves to repeat those words whenever he thinks he's got a good little hook that just kind of came out randomly he'll do it three or four more times but i thought that was remarkable that he didn't soften the severity of it he didn't say well it's a interesting place down there it's really bad or they've got some stuff going on down there and people who are guilty just as a quick tip tend to soften that instead of saying murder they'll say hurt instead of saying steal they'll say take instead of saying uh sexual assault they'll say interfere with so we'll hear a lot of those softening things with guilty people and i thought that was remarkable to hear that mark what do you got yeah so that's a delight he's delighted that this whole subject comes up i think that's what we see there scott for sure is that that big intake is like i'm gonna need a lot of oxygen for this because i got a lot of stuff in my brain that i need to get out around this so and i think it's worth noticing you know often people do talk about these in-breaths or sniffs that he did that he does again that's normal for him people put it down to anything from a deviated septum to drugs depending on you know where their bias is but ultimately what we do know is that those long intakes or short ones are a classic for him one extra thing because i concur with everything that's said there uh you know especially that duchenne smile and his that twinkle in his eye as that comes up pure delight is his ability to say the exact opposite of his opening statement uh close on so right now it may be a problem and right now it may not it's it's a great example right now it may be a problem and right now it may not it's it's a brilliant ability already as a politician to be able to say the exact opposite in the same sentence as you say that the pro statement so again watch out for that because that is not abnormal for him to be able to argue with himself in the same uh sentence and it's useful in politics when you're having to try and serve everybody excellent that's my only problem oh look who he is look who he is ask joe a question you play reporter for just a second because we're making this joe's not allowed to be on your show yeah he's already off he's already been i've got i've got his vote i've got his journalists how many years are you going to renew for and will you take sleepy eyes chuck todd's place on meet the press can you believe this you guys are with the media separate look at that how about a political that's pretty much of a political question i'd actually like the answer what do you think about it will you take sleepy eyes please you see he just keeps coming at you he's doing that well i think he should i think he does a great job al i think he does a great job my friend i'll ask mr trump a question about jeff as long as he's here all right chase what do you got i think he makes a point out of looking away while he's asking the question because it's more dominant while he's asking this question to this guy uh look who he is instead of look who we've got here look who he is speaking to the guy's status i have no clue who that guy is in the uh hipster shirt so we go we go into this uh conversation here and we see him go through this a few times and he sees the guy try to dodge the question so to reassert his control situation he'll pop the question right back in the guy's face and the guy just tries to dodge it again and then he makes a lot of physical contact to re-establish some kind of control the environment to the guy on his his right i think we see three touch points there there's a couple more things i'll i'll leave you guys to that mark what do you got yeah so i think there's there's some height dominance from uh the the new entry coming in first of all trump tries to block him out he turns away from him he says look look look uh look who he is as you rightly say it's pretty amazing that that construction of that uh sentence or idea he turns away doesn't stop the guy coming in so now yes he fixes gives him a question but uh takes his eye contact away because i think he doesn't like the confrontation at this point because he's seen the height dominance i have to say trump's a pretty big guy actually so this other guy must be massive must be massive so um and then there's a lit compressed smile that i don't know whether i can do it but it has to be it's not quite right but it's close um when he then does get eye contact and delivers the question to him so interesting i think as a baseline what we see is that trump likes to be the center of attention when he's usurped it's it hits him quite hard and he tries to block it and then he tries to suppress his aggression around that with a smile and doesn't quite manage it good one to look out for when the debates come because i think some similar stuff in the last debates with with with hillary when he got usurped or wasn't getting enough attention uh if if i were doing the training for debate prep for his opposition i'd be wanting to trigger that in him to get him off center around that there there's my there's my take on it but great great turn in the interview here great great great term sure excellent greg what do you got yeah so here's where i think you're starting to see trump i mean he's trump the friendly guy bad about about a bat and stuff around and then they ask him to talk to this guy and he starts to bring out the patented trump move yeah he is a big guy and he's the customer being the biggest guy when somebody's any kind of a threat whether it's psychological or physiological he starts to do what he does best branding sleepy eyes he brands that guy right off this is the flaming bag right throw it on your porch you stomp it or it burns your house down you do you get on your shoes he does that he strikes the profile that's his move of dominance that chin out you see that then he starts using patented moves that only he uses in his circle with all that little stuff we've talked about you you talk about the during the elves and having the okay sign and that kind of stuff he's using that and then he asked a question not one that he's just haphazardly thrown out there he's got something in his head already and he bats that out this is him moving at his best and moving into dominance when you see him do it this explains a lot of what his presidency looks like because he's constantly challenged as president and we're seeing that trump the machine come up instead of trump the guy you want to hang out with and have a few beers that's what i think excellent all right well what i'm seeing is now that guy joe he's from msnbc you know yeah so what i thought was when we when we see him you can see him in the background and that is the loudest his shirt is the loudest thing in the whole room for the whole video that's the last thing is so he he wants attention he's famous on msnbc so when he comes in and starts asking questions he's trying to be cool because this other guy it's his show and he's he knows not to come in and say hey you know be the grandstander and steal his is heat from his show but he's the guy he's the guy trying to be cool about it when he comes in and greg as to what you were talking about about becoming becoming the alpha and and sort of taking over and off you guys everybody's talked about that as you see this guy start to wilt he can't even look at him when trump's asking the question he looks away and talks to the other guy and you do you hear what this guy is saying when he runs back to talk to him trump's dismissed him he's talking about something else so it makes him look even smaller then we see him back up and put his hands in his pocket and we all know what that means that means man i'm the lowest guy in the totem pole he's trying to scooch out so you see him kind of very slowly there toward the end of you seem kind of slow down and scooch out which and i saw that i got the again i got the giggles because it's it's the it's the classic case of the the kid who wants to be popular and he's popular over in his in his group he's trying to go to the other group and be popular too but have respect for what's going on but at the same time he wants to to you know trounce the other or just be on the same level as the other guy but when he gets in there he realizes he's not so i think that's why he starts shutting down and getting quieter and sticks his hands in his pocket so that's what you know that's what i got everybody else yeah i love that yeah that's a very good one yep yeah and the amazing thing is is how fast this is happening yeah how quick this is going like trump's now on fire here and i wouldn't want to be in the middle of that that's now you know it's pretty tricky to handle and he's handling it pretty well this is if we talk about what we were talking about last week with knowledge and wisdom this is a channel he uses all the time and there's a tripwire and this is i always say navy seals don't think about how to shoot but if you shoot he's just waiting to shoot and he found somebody that's what i think you're seeing yeah excellent all right we good there we go we're trying to turn everybody into journalists here do you have a question for mr trump about jeff well i have a question about him and that is uh you know have you asked me about you right and that is you know how do you overcome the perception that you've talked about this now two or three races well i really talked about it last time and we were very disappointed in romney but it's very simple if i announce it's all gone that's right once i announce it's all done right now they said do you think he'll do it you think we had the biggest crowd we had the great reception but if i announce that goes to your timeline he said why'd you why june there seems to be a time it might be before that during the month of june or before are you afraid of messing up your hair well it's it is mine i mean but joe will tell you it's mine give me i'm giving you this hat to put on you're going to spend your own money or are you going to race i better be careful i better be careful with that i'm sorry phil had one more i was just gonna ask what do you need to see between now and june that will tip it one way well i want to see how everyone's doing i want to see where they're coming from where the people are where the voters are i want to see that i have a good response i'm going to have a great response now will that continue i think it might we had an amazing response we had a room full of people i don't know if you got to see it out before all right greg what do you got yeah so this one i'm not going to steal a whole lot of thunder on this one this is probably the best illustrator example i've seen because trump does something very few people do it looks silly and a man his size doing it on this hand on that hand middle of the road and he does it maybe maybe not maybe maybe not and he does it a lot pay attention to him in the debates he'll do it it's almost regulating because it stops somebody from talking because it's so much movement but it's illustrating what he's thinking he starts off with his thumb fidgeting a little bit when the guy says i got a question for you and then he's honest he said rather talk about jeb bush than me that's interesting and you can tell they have some rapport there he um he does he's that on the fence piece and then he does some other things his normal i'm not going to steal your thing about his finger but he's doing illustrating with his hand back to your finger pointing you were talking about earlier he's making his point about what he's thinking he's talking about having people and looking about that and then he uses what i typically refer to as a gesture which is an emblem or whichever language you use it's a person using something everybody understands and he does this to excuse an issue forget about it right very new york thing to do just throw your hand out and you got it so there's a lot of body signaling he's illustrating what he's thinking he's using his whole body he's using a gesture he's using an adapter so pay attention to those pieces because they come to play when he's actually in debate and he gets pressure because he'll start dancing and doing the same thing and people will say oh he's uncomfortable no that's just him the way his brain is punctuating in that as he's aged and he's heavier he may not do as much of it this time we'll see excellent and to your point of the of the uh the three and a half he does it again if you'll notice he doesn't when he's talking about him but i think to me those kind of things so his gestures are getting kind of big here too so he's doing they're starting to get up into the into the passion plane mark and uh as he's doing that but every time he talks about himself he yeah he brings it in he's got that finger pointing toward him so again that's what that's the main thing to point out to me and there's other things but i don't regret my mark what do you got yeah the thing that most interests me is is this ownership piece that's going on and playing out between the the guy who's closest uh to him uh he says put on this hat so that's a clear ownership signal wear something that i've told you to wear you know he looks at it i'm not quite sure what's written on there but regardless of that he goes he hangs on to it and he sticks it underneath his armpit basically goes okay that goes there in a in a sweaty smelly part of the body there and i'm hanging on to that now and then he taps the guy on top and the back of the shoulder again does a suppressive gesture to say i'm the person in control here i got the hat you're not getting that back now and now what we're gonna see is those other two parties around him we really see them start to back off now there's that that challenge has been met he's taken complete control of this situation again interesting baseline for this because he's used to taking control being in control and he does it incredibly adeptly and again i want people to look at the speed that this is happening the verbal speed of of this uh the baseline is is trump trump's mind at this point moves very very fast we have some very fast techniques of turning phrases around jumping in controlling the conversation quite formidable excellent chase what you got in here to tribute to greg here we see his eye accessing home and i went back to his 1987 larry king interview and then to his 1998 interview with bbc hard talk and we see a complete match in his home here so when you're watching the debates let's look where it moves but there's one to be on cue and ready to rock all the time when he even when he has difficult questions we don't see a lot of accessing where it moves a lot but they move from here to about here so that's where his eyes move and when he has emotional recall during the bbc hard talk interview we see down and right especially when he's talking about when he first met melania on another larry king episode and they're talking about their relationship building so we see that come up here i think one thing to take note of here is that he does make an attempt to make eye contact with everyone in the conversation so that everyone uh is feeling involved and someone may someone with a different bias might say oh he's trying to dominate everybody i genuinely think he's trying to involve everyone in the conversation and we see a lot of confidence here but what we see from the beginning just this one video from the beginning to the end we start to see that three and a half as scott dubbed it we see it about 60 to 80 percent of the time when he's lacking a little bit of confidence or he's not really sure about what he's saying and anytime a finger curls in towards the palm i call this digital flexion the the fingers are kind of retracting a little bit i think that's that's his version of digital flexion where that finger is kind of coming in i do think there's a lot of merit to it pointing towards itself as well and that's all i got other than the socializing statements i'm saying thousands of people are in the room you'll hear them do that every speech no matter what video you click on on youtube yeah and you know and as as far and what you're talking about where he's he's looking people in the eye call that wrangling when you wrangle your your group because you're making sure everybody's in there you're you're sort of keeping them keep them together i just call that wrangling one other thing that i didn't mention here you talk about wrangling and getting eye contact and all that there's a clear channel when this other guy answer asks the question i don't know who the guy is but when he asks a question air goes open between them if you notice the room changes the guys are not as juggling around and doing all that stuff and it turns into a too into a conversation it's clear that there's clear air between the two of them and then he makes a joke when the guy says hey what the hat thing he says here will this mess up your hair he's making some kind of a jab at him and he quickly says it's mine and puts the thing after only two other two things i noticed all right everybody good yeah you're gonna surprise a lot of people if you're on not me that i will surprise a lot of people and i think if i did run and if i did win i would be able to make america one last question what does your sister think about you ronnie well i have a sister who's a federal judge who's a fantastic woman she'd be perfect thank you good to see you all right don't wear that hat out of the rain okay mark why don't you go first so you got that hand shaking thing all over yeah so you know it's great to see the classic isn't it and it's great to see that classic handshake here it's it's it's not something that you invented just for his for for meeting other world leaders he's been doing it a long time uh it what's interesting is that battle for power that started quite early on in this interview plays out at the end where he offers out the hand uh he gives gives the the opponent the upper hand okay so so unbalances them slightly there and then pulls right in there to get them off balance it's a classic always good to see it wouldn't want to be on the other side of it though there are some countermeasures that you can play if you know it's if you know it's coming but classic classic trump uh there's a the guy uh next to him uh in the dark suit uh dark hair does a a little um come out at one point i'd be interested to go back and kind of work out what he's talking about about there but bit off there on trump's baseline great to see the handshake well listen go go over the part where if somebody trumps you in that with that handshake and pulls you talk about that mark talk about you what you have to do and i have actually uh trained another world leader in in how to tackle this particular move so you've got to know that it's most likely to happen so you've already worked out trump is most likely to grab my hand and pull it in what you do is you come in hot you come in really fast and you extend your full hand and you lock it you lock out the arm which means you've got a lot of energy coming in there and it's not going to get shock absorbed by your your arm or wrist being able to move so at moment so so the moment trump gets that he knows that that unless he absorbs the shock that he's going to be pulled off balance so he has to stabilize himself uh so it's it's it's great to see that he was always doing this from from moment one and just you know if you do get in a room with him remember that counter measure you know you don't have to in a room with him one of my first jobs as a civilian i worked with a construction manager who tried it on me and he weighed about 120 pounds it was funny excellent you know one time i just pulled him back and you know that that's not socially acceptable but it was a construction site so it's not quite the same as world politics right we're gonna say what do you got chase what are you gonna say i worked in uh expeditionary combat field for a long time so i was an expeditionary combat command we had a two-star admiral there who was famous for doing that and everybody knew i was the the psychology guy and they're like oh chase what are you gonna do and and i told everybody just wait and uh when he shook my hand he you know he's he's a huge guy a triathlete incredible human but he does that thing i mean we're all warriors but he's a he's a pinnacle kind of dude and uh he did that thing and i pretended like it hurt really bad and i had an ace bandage under my wrist that got exposed only when my arm got uh pulled out so it was good we you know we did a prank on him i let him know that that was the that was a joke lord what do you got on this on this clip in this clip we're wrapping things up we see the classic handshakes again we see more physical contact on the back in the hands he's making eye contact with each one of them but only very briefly as he's wrapping things up but one thing you see when he's saying i can be president and i can make this country great again that finger goes back and even when it's hanging down at his side you can see that fingers still back and the moment it shoots outward is when he's asked about his sister shoots back into this confident position there's no more bending of the fingers so we see another small confirmation that this might be something where he's certain the fingers are more likely to extend and that's all i would say there's nothing certain about that maybe call it a rule of thumb or you can call it a rule of index finger whichever you like excellent greg what do you got yeah so here's trump telling he's starting to tell you he's going to be a great president if you watch him when even when his finger is back he's doing a modified baton as he's pointing down if i were president and then he when you get to his sister to your point chase he goes big because that's association my sister's a federal judge and a great one now he's he's got to make that point that she's great because he's building this box and he starts lots of illustrators and those illustrators all saying listen listen listen listen and then he starts his slogan if i were i'd make america great again he knows exactly what he's doing and he's starting to tell you already what a good present he's going to be excellent that covers everything i was going to cover as well so all right so everybody's good yeah good all good excellent all right well there's that one it's in the can and uh i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] uh you
Channel: The Behavior Panel
Views: 522,258
Rating: 4.7968388 out of 5
Keywords: donald trump, jeffrey epstein, prince andrew, donald trump interview, donald trump body language, president donald trump, prince andrew jeffrey epstein, prince andrew interview, news, prince andrew epstein, trump, ghislaine maxwell, donald trump speech, prince andrew epstein latest news, prince andrew news, body language, reading body language, body language expert, how to read body language, body language analysis, read body language, the behavior panel, president trump
Id: pDlxrWS3-9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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