TRUE Scary Forest Stories 2021

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serious what is the creepiest thing you found in a forest either had two creepy discoveries one was down the wooded path behind my neighborhood and there was a decapitated rabbit s head strung up on a tree by fishing line the other was in the woods of this big park in the county over from mine four years while i was younger like seven ten we'd take this trail through the woods there and there would be this setup among the trees that was basically a wedding made of beanie babies they all had little wooden pews just cut tree branches sat in pairs all facing a bride and groom bunny beanie baby they stood in front of a jesus statue or mother mary i can't remember and at one point a pair of crutches had been propped up against it all in the middle of the woods a good half-hour 45-minute s walk from the main part of the park eventually someone destroyed it took the beanie babies and scattered the little pews we never knew who put it up or who destroyed it at the time i thought it was really cool and interesting but looking back it was creepy as dark my cousins used to live in a very remote spot that was heavily wooded on all sides for multiple miles i spent the majority of summers there exploring the woods and during those times my cousins loved to ditch me knowing how badly it creeped me out i remember the last time we played in the woods they decided to ditch me near dark and about an hour away from their home because we misjudged how quickly the sun was setting what was to be a short prank resulted in all of us getting lost trying to find each other by calling out after night fell we were fortunately able to group up by using flashlights we had brought after some discussion we decided the best thing to do was to find a landmark we used frequently it was a tree significantly larger than those surrounding it with a dense canopy and start making our way back with the expectation their parents would be searching for us since the rule was to be back before dark after what seemed like eternity panic set in realizing we were utterly lost and where and he going to find our way out after deciding to just sit tight with our crude wooden childishly made spears and quickly dying lights we gradually became at ease with joke telling and each other s reassurance help was only minutes away unfortunately this blissful atmosphere was quickly stolen when we heard the ducking nerius child death laughter from what only seemed like feet away this obviously had all of us on our feet frantically searching with our flashlights but to no avail and just leaving us absolutely terrified we stood the rest of the time whipping our flashlights about in hopes of warding off what we heard or granting the fake security provided long enough to be rescued this seemed to last an eternity until finally my uncle and older cousin found us using four-wheelers we exclaimed while barely being able to breathe what we had experienced and of course being older they both wrote it off mind you my cousins and i were 12 13 and 14 so i feel we had no expectation of being scared from something paranormal since we had spent countless hours in those woods with no bad experiences either way eyelines text both my cousins occasionally to bring it up and both still swear it was crystal clear child like laughter i would not quite call it creepy but back in 2010 a friend and i were walking in the woods by my house and discovered a mostly decomposed deer carcass that was just the ribs up to the skull my friend being who she was avid deer hunter decided we were going to bring it back to my house she took pieces apart and we tried to come up with a chemical solution something like bleach and soap and some other things around the house to get the remaining fleshy bits off of the skull two days later we took the skull out of the solution but there was still a lot of stuff that was not coming off we had a brilliant idea to take the skull to school eighth grade and do a little show and tell with our classmates in english class well i did double bag the head in plastic and shoved it into my backpack the next day i met up with my friend at school and told her there was a slight problem i opened the bag that morning to check the skull the bits we were trying to get rid of were both soggy and there were maggots wriggling about in english class we asked our teacher about our show and tell idea and she'll let us do it so we pulled the bags down enough that we could walk around and show people the biggest problem was the horrid stench that had filled the room if it were just the scholars we found it things probably would not be as bad but the stench was worsened by the mixture we put the skull in afterward our teacher handed out lysol wipes for people to sniff until the smell dissipated i'll let my friend take the skull from there to dispose of at home that smell still haunts me oh and we nicknamed it its name was fluffy several years ago i was on a nature preserve hiking trail largely alone but for a family two parents four or five kids with loud rambunctious kids ahead of me they were screaming cursing hitting one another and damaging flora i intentionally fell behind so i could actually enjoy myself as their voices faded into the forest i heard one final resounding eww followed by shrieking and a lot of laughter a while later i came upon a giant american millipede that had been cruelly impaled to the ground with a stick someone had harpooned the poor harmless thing through its rear end with broken off twigs it was still a lie van trying to climb up a nearby tree route i put it out of its misery there were several more on the trailer head all with their back end stomped i feel like i witnessed someone teaching their kids to be cruel to living things for the crime of existing in their own home very disturbing we never found something but once when we were walking through the woods we saw a light in the distance first i just thought it was someone with his dog or something but when we got closer we saw that the light was stationary and something was under it it was in the middle of the night so we were too scared to investigate it and just went on with our way a few minutes later i saw a little red light through the trees it kind of reminded me of the candles you put in graves i knew this forest so i knew this candle thing was somewhere on a path that we would cross soon although before we could get there we heard this weird sound it was a bit like a stream but from a box or something i knew it wasn't he real and just recorded but i got so scared that i grabbed my friend's hand and ran straight out of the forest we investigated the area a bit but didn't he find anything similar outside of the forest and to go inside and check we were too scared that was a few months ago and i still do not know what that all was about and i'm still too scared to go into those woods at night past summer me and six of my friends heard about a religious sect in the woods some people told us that it was really strange and also very big we decided to go there and see if it was real or not we walked for maybe 30 40 minutes and we arrived in front of a big teddy bear who was completely destroyed and a sign with something written in latin the only thing that was written in our language was another sign that warned us they were cameras but we didn't care we entered the property and there was a big house a container something to cook barbecue i don't know the exact name but that was freaking big a roof without a picnic tables under and very far away a mausoleum and the most strangest thing is that there was a field big like a football field in the back and there was only a big tree in the middle of it and nothing else we took some photos and we walked on the property during an hour or less suddenly we heard something was coming very fast it was a motocross so all of us had the reflex to hide but the dumbest of ours ran away instead we didn't you know where he was so we waited the moment when the guy got away as soon as he left our friend ran at us and took out hands and tell us exactly we need to get the fk out of here so we did exactly what he told us ran away we asked him after what the guy told him he say that the guy was in the 60s and very aggressive with him he asked him why him and the others there he replied that we were only taking pictures and that's it he told our friends that if we were still there in 10 minutes things will be bad for us and i never returned there again i was once a senior patrol leader sbl in my boy scout troop growing up this basically meant i was the lead boy scout we were on a camping weekend at an old catholic mission out in the middle of nowhere our troop met at the catholic church i grew up in so we commonly camped at catholic owned properties we camped out in this field where our tents were actually between two old cemeteries one for priests one for nuns who had passed away while serving at the local church mission it was creepy as duck from the start but we really didn't he have a choice so there we were the saturday night we were out there we played a game that was basically just capture the flag across from our campsite was a massive field and clearing lined on one side was a bunch of old and half destroyed buildings from the 20 30 s in this field old barn house and shed was most of it the middle of this field had an old stone building used as a bakery back in the day while playing our game late at night close to midnight some of the guys ventured out into the woods that lined the field to hide and be stealthy at one point one of my younger guys starts yelling for me to come over and for us to pause the game i was a little concerned but thought he was just being dumb and maybe hurt himself or something stupid i walk up and everyone has their flashlights out looking at what he was holding what he had in his hand still gives me chills when i think about it to this day he found a completely handmade ouija board with the letters and symbols made with a wood burner this thing wasn't he bought it was made with a purpose none of us could talk we were speechless the only sound you could hear was the wind starting to pick up around the trees in the distance there was a heaviness and weight that came over us that i can t even begin to explain paired with the history of where we were in the circumstances we had some real fear i took the board and sent my troop back to camp to calm them down i walked back into the woods a little ways tossed it as far as i could and then sprinted back to camp across the way needless to say i don't think many of us slept that night or really had any desire to go back and camp there again it is still one of the creepiest things that i then experienced tldr found handmade ouija board in the woods near two cemeteries okay all mems aside it involved a stone mortar staircase it was maybe 10 stairs high presumably part of a house or barn or something about two hours hike from the park in trance not completely off the beaten path but if you did not know where you were going you had miss it and maybe get lost the stairs were not the creepy part there is a tree that grew up one of the tall corners and started enveloping it and one time a friend and i were hiking out there and decided to hike over to it found a weird system thing dug into the ground with a large tree branch sticking out of it i assume someone else wanted to check it out before us then i noticed the tree had been burned i think it was almost completely black and there were dozens of dead birds hanging on twine from the dead looking branches now that i think about it it was probably some college kids found footage movie since it was around when those were popular if at the tail end and the blackness of the tree kind of looked like spray paint less creepy now but at the time it wasn't quite getting dark but it was overcast so we just nope the duck out went back a few months later and everything seemed to be normal except that he was still black with no leaves one time when i was in seventh grade roughly eight years ago living in atlantic canada at the time i used to walk in the woods with these older kids we would just walk to get lost and proceed to keep walking until we popped out onto a residential street and walk home from there eyelines try to keep this short and simple but one day we were doing just that and roughly 30 45 minutes deep into the woods we came across a tent with the front zipper open and inside we could see clothes from what looked like an old man and some little girl's clothes too sticking out from a garbage bag nobody was in the tent just the clothes and an open can of food half gone which looked pretty fresh outside around the tent were multiple sandwich bags with notebooks inside maybe around six or seven different bags and notebooks very odd but i wish 13 year old me grabbed one out of curiosity but we were kind of spooked at the fact that it looked like someone got up and left in a hurry because they probably heard us and there wasn't really many places to go this was the middle of full su trees wear and tea very thick so every second of our walk run out we thought someone would be following us nothing ever came out of it we went back two weeks later with maybe 20 people and nothing was there and that was basically it for that i was about i did say 14 years old and a lot of people would not believe me when i say this i do not expect people to because supernatural things are hard to believe in when i was 14 i was at my dad s work he works at a warehouse and i was just standing outside waiting for him to come out so he could go home that day it was night time and we did not have a babysitter i could not stay home by myself for some reason and when i looked outside i looked at the edge of the parking lot and i saw a misty figure i thought it was a ghost he was looking at me but i could not see any detail in his face his blue jeans were not even solid they were misty too i could not see his hands or his feet and he was just looking at me i could tell it was a person he had the skin color of one but i could not see any detail on his face maybe some balding gray hair but that is it he was just ghostly no anything i fully believe to this day it was a ghost i had a school trip in 2012 and we were going to a forest here in brazil since most forests here are either a bit small or because all hell this one was right in the middle i have forgotten the reason on why we went there most sure it was because they wanted to show us the beauty of nature since the topic on my school at the time was deforestation i call it a trip since i do not think camp would be the right word for it but we were going to stay a week on the forest which was a pretty good idea and a bad one at the same time one of my friends which i will call victor was the only one that was with the same fear as me since we both have dendrophobia fear of trees and wikiphobia fear of witches since witches are somewhat known to live in forests although we were able to stay pretty calm which was surprising since we were both nine at that time the day of arrival of pretty okay we explored the forest talked a lot and a hell bunch of other things it was like those moments that you have with your friends that you absolutely forget everything else and just have fun until we had to sleep i have insomnia so sleeping was the worst part for me while i could hear the teacher snoring right next to our tent yes we sleeped in tents i was counting billions of sheep trying to sleep until i heard a wheezing noise like a rubber chicken that's refilling itself with air i wake up victor who just told me to go to sleep when the wheezing noise happened again since he had a flashlight we also woke up the teacher who started giving us a lecture wheezing again we all agreed that if it was normal we still needed to see what it was we found something we three both got scared by and laughed at it on the morning of the second day for some reason a savage dog had a rubber chicken in his mouth which put up two thoughts in my mind that still have not been answered until today one it was just a dog two who gave him the rubber chicken and i'm almost sure that rubber chickens are not sold here which confuses me even more back when i was a kid i went to my grandparents house a lot right behind the playground that was behind their house was a forest quite a big one for my age i was really mature and took care of my siblings a lot even though they are older than me one day i was dropped off at my grandparents house and i asked if i could go into the forest them knowing i was really mature and knew my way around they let me go alone they came with me but let me wander the forest alone i love nature so i went off the paths a lot i went off the path one time and wandered far far into the forest i went running around and then i tripped over a route i started getting up but then i saw a knife covered in blood by a tree i got curious and went closer i realized that there were blood clots everywhere i turned around and see a symbol on another tree i got freaked out and ran i tried telling my grandparents but since i had a big imagination they didn't believe me to this day i swear i thought i saw parts of a human corpse i still have nightmares of that experience when i worked in the forest service in eastern idaho my crewmate and i came upon a very out of place smooth cement staircase that led up to nothing kind of off-center aiming at a very large remnant dow glass virtually about four feet in diameter it was literally in the middle of tens of miles of wilderness in all directions and was sort of sideways on a 30 60 grade slope about 100 feet to the northwest was a very old at least 10 years based on the weathering carving of a bearded man nature spirit cut into a tree stump in a natural depression in the ground the creepiest part is that there was a pair of brand new children s sneakers placed neatly on the third step of the staircase laced up we reported it to our afmo and he just said not to mention it further and that he would take it from there a friend and i were sent out into the woods to collect some funds for some nature scene thing that his mom was making we were driving along this old logging road we had collected everything we needed and were looking for a place to turn around we found this small turn off area that had a small mound of dirt on top sort of like a curb because of the angle we could not see over the top of the mound at first so my friend pulls up and we noticed a bright blue tarp with what looked like a person as hips and other bits sitting there so we stopped looked at each other and got out of the track we walked over to see what we thought might have been a human corpse it smelled horrible turns out all it was was an elk that someone had killed and butchered and then just left in the middle of the woods so we sighed with relief and headed back home tld are my friend and i thought we found a human corpse in the woods it was just an elk or deer on a blue top i don't remember it well but when i was five i went hiking in the woods off trail with some family at one point i was trailing behind with another cousin and then everyone stopped i didn't know why at first but once i got close my dad turned me around and we all went back to the house i turned around really quick to look but i wasn't sure at the time what i was looking at but it was a fairly big black lump of an animal kinda twisted around and there were a bunch of flies no one told me at the time what it was when i asked they just kept saying they were tired and wanted to go back home didn't he know until later in life that it was a dead black bear that apparently looked like it was mutilated but it s foot was stuck trap it freaked everyone out because it didn't he look like it was natural so the adults thought it would be best to just go home and forget they ever went now it s like an old ghost story of what happened to the bear in the woods when we go camping up there i was hiking up a mountain with a group of my friends around 2 3 a.m in the midnight to watch the sun rise on top of the mountain the mountain was dark as dark after hiking for almost an hour i saw a group of people as a very curious human i am i went straight into deeper jungle to see what were they doing i saw six person in a circle with one guy lying on the ground i was very startled but i do not want to show it i started asking them for directions so i said i just have to go through here cause it's the fastest way he said no this way is just a dead end go that way while pointing on the opposite direction so i went with it after hiking for another 15 minutes i have reached the dead end with a lot of big trees collapsed in front of me there is no way to get through after struggling to get through for around four five minutes i heard a loud arg then the sound echoed for so long then it went dead silence i don't know why but my group and i proceeded to hike to the top using the other way and we went by the place where we met and they are nowhere to be seen now that i think about it i'm freaking out not sure it is as creepy as it is mysterious but we found half of a car in the hiking trails near where i grew up when i say half a car that s literally what it was it was the front end with the engine and driver passenger seats but that was it the whole back half looked like it was crushed and removed with a car compactor or something it was also a ways off of the trail my friend found it when he went to pee one of my friends figured out that is was a model from the early 60s we assumed that was around the time it was left there because where it was there is no way anyone would be able to get it out there this was a hiking trail and there were full grown trees everywhere no one would be able to drive a vehicle back there so unless it was dropped from a helicopter for whatever reason there was no explanation of how it got there but even still let us say it was left there decades ago why is it only half a car and why would someone go through the trouble of putting it there in the first place i was walking to this hill of crosses from a little town called tracy in lithuania it s not super remote fairly near vilnius but it has along a sort of forested road where there is no reason to stop i was walking alongside the main road when it started raining heavily i went off the road and into the forest trying to find some cover under the trees went in maybe 20 or 30 meters and came across this small natural clearing sort of area there were just about a dozen pair of ladies black leather boots all in a pile all approximately the same size and style but not quite different enough that they seemed like they belonged to different women at one point and one pair of skanky looking stripper-type heels amongst the more sensible boots all alone in the woods in a pile no other clothing or anything else mostly they didn't he even look particularly old or weathered as if they hadn't been out for more than maybe a couple of months six at the most no idea what that was about waited out the rain there wondering if this was some sort of weird shoe trophy man for a serial killed also once in northern thailand about 300 meters into a massive cave system which is filled with bats during the day and birds at night found a weird little bird all to set up there was a bird pinned to the wall somehow like bird jesus and a pile of dead birds beneath it that seemed neatly organized the boot story i just wrote reminded me of it because ordered piles of things in unexpected places is definitely just creepy and that s twice i can recall finding such things once i rode by bicycle across the country when riding on roads that had those little mile marker signs i would stop every 10 miles for water and a snack one time i was on a road in the hills of east texas and when my 10 mile break came up i pulled off the road and walked just maybe 50 feet or so to enter the woods by the side of the road there i found a pile of black trash bags that had been taped closed with grey duct tape but some animal had ripped open the bags to get at the contents the bags were full of bones and not old and clean like from a classroom skeleton but with bits of meat and tendons still on them at the time i told myself they were just animal bones but ever since i have wondered if they were human and if i messed up by no reporting it to someone to give you some context i live in the middle of europe and though there are a lot of forests you rarely have areas large enough to be considered wilderness the population is just too dense sadly this took place in the forested area in between two towns i was walking around the forest last spring i glimpsed something white a bit uphill maybe 80 meters off the path i could not make out what it was but it was very large and seemed to hang in the tree crowns it was eerie because it felt so out of place was it a parachute a little creeped out i followed the path looking for a gap in the trees to see it better in the end i found a spot that was clear enough for me to go through without picking up a dozen ticks and i walk towards it oh man the relief it was a long piece of fabric about three meters multiplied ten meters that hung from a tree branch like a gigantic veil moving gently and soundlessly in the breeze it was still a bit eerie but it was most likely a cover from the nearby vegetable fields it must have been blown off during a thunderstorm and then gotten caught in the tree i wonder if it is still there i could not spot it during the summer months because the vegetation was too dense there is a forester street back from my house and when my brother was around 13 and myself 10 i used to follow his friends into the forest because i was bored and had no friends who lived close by one day after walking for ages we came into a clearing off the path the surrounding weeds had grown really tall and this clearing was filled with old and dead leaves that had fallen to the ground there was a tree stump of which looked very old perhaps a tree that had either been cut down or had fallen and next to the stump was sprawled out all over the ground what we had found an entire outfit i mean shoes socks bra underwear top jeans the entire ordeal and it was completely filthy not muddy but covered in a thick layer of dust it really creeped us out and we of course jumped to the conclusions that perhaps someone had been raped or even worse killed we told our parents but they just dismissed it the weird thing is that we were unable to find the clearing again despite looking for it outside spockane wa i once found two severed cowheads hanging from a tree no bodies in sight another time i was on a film set in the forest and i saw a guy in what i can best describe as a demon clown costume watching us from a distance i thought the crew was playing a joke on me but when i asked someone who was in the suit we stopped filming for like 20 minutes looking for him if you've never been on a set stopping for any amount of time is rare since you re usually on a schedule we never found the guy and another time some friends and i were exploring this abandoned house deep in the woods a couple miles from my house we went further into the woods behind the house and we found a fresh hole in the ground like four feet deep and the best way i can describe it was a grave it was empty but there is nothing for miles around and i can only imagine who dug it the entire area has been developed now so if anything did get put in there it s under someone's house now um well there are two times i have a lot of woods near my house and i like to explore sadly i have explored it all and there ain't much left but there was a creek in me and my brother decided to follow it as far as we could it brought us to a huge old abandoned barn i did not go inside until another time with a friend it just scared us bc we didn't if there would be like a homeless person that was our biggest fear but after looking through it was just a lot of old broken furniture and hay there was a second level you could see from the other side of the barn but could not get up there just looked like more hey though there were also tiny broken houses and tired and shoes everywhere it was strange and all but me and my brother say a big metal stick thing sticking out of the ground with a boot on it from then on we called the place one boot bob i don't know why lol we just thought it was funny but yeah the other time i thought i found a dead body in trash bags burrows with bloody clothes and shoes my dad looked at it and said they were just some dirty buried clothes so i was about nine years old walking through the woods by myself when i came to a very small clearing and found a pile of about 15 guns rifles handguns shotguns just laying in a heap on the ground at only nine years old my first thought was hey free guns i reached out to grab a particularly intimidating looking one when i stopped a few inches away it did not feel right i stood there thinking about whether or not i should take one and considering what ways i could get in trouble with my folks if they found out as i'm standing there i hear quiet footsteps i look up quickly my eyes darting around the forest to see where they are coming from i do not see anything but i figured i should get out of there i turn to leave the area a few steps out of the clearing and i see a man about 50 feet away standing perfectly still staring right at me i immediately start sprinting back towards my house scared out of my damn mind i hear the man start running behind me but still a good ways back i'm dashing through the trees running as fast as i can the half my life back to my house complete tunnel vision i get home i did not see or hear the man behind me anymore did not say a word to anyone at the house just ran up to my room and caught my breath a couple hours later i see cop cars at my neighbor s house turns out someone had broken in and stolen his gun collection i finally fessed up to my mom about what happened and we went straight over to my neighbor s house to talk to the police the man had broken in that morning and dumped the guns in the woods with the intention of coming back later i was just there at the wrong right time i led the cops back to the general area where i saw the man but the guns were gone he most likely was not chasing after me and was just running to grab the guns and go but who knows so moral of the story is if you find a bunch of guns in the woods get the hell out of there and call the cops tldr found a bunch of guns in the forest had to run from the thief that stole them not forest but several acres of woods behind my dad s old house in the country i played paintball in those woods a lot with friends so i was out there every weekend a few nights during the week our dog seemed on edge staring out the glass slider unable to lay down or sleep it put us all on edge but we figured it might have been deer in our backyard or some other animal we ignore his behavior and the strange feelings we were getting that weekend i was out in the woods and at the edge of the woods maybe three four feet and there was a few empty buckets of kfc nothing left but the bones from that spot you could see right in our house through the sliding glass door someone had been sitting there ate chicken and watched us in the pitch dark in the freaking woods in the middle of nowhere in the dead of night still creeps me out around june of 2020 i14 and i was biking on a road and it went into the middle of the woods but while i was riding i looked over and saw a shack that said free hugs like the one from the picture of the clown from 2016. i was really confused bc of all of the places that picture could have been taken it was right there in my small town in kentucky i left my bike on the side of the road and i always carry a pocket knife with me just in case something happens whenever i am out so i go into the building or whatever it was it was dug into the side of a hill so i go in and i'd find three milk jugs and five or six buckets the buckets had lids on them and they were on really tight so i couldn't get them off but i just sorta hung out in there for a little bit anne didn't he find anything too out of the ordinary but when i walked out of the structure i heard four gunshots and a woman screaming help it sounded like she was two or three miles down the road but i didn't he wanna risk getting shot so i get back on my bike and the woman is screaming louder and louder and the gunshots are also getting louder and i slow down for a bit and look behind me and there's a woman being chased by a man with a shotgun i didn't he believe it at first but i finally came to terms with it the man was getting closer to the woman and i am sitting there watching the whole thing happen keep in mind i was 14 so i couldn't really do anything i am never gonna bring a knife to a gunfight the man tackles the woman and starts beating her with the shotgun and his fists and i am standing there frozen in fear he stops beating her for a bit and looks up at me and starts running towards me i get on my bike immediately and start booking it towards my house someone must they found the blood stains on the road and called the cops and re-i eventually figured out who the man was he is gonna be in prison for another 30 years so i was playing hide and seek with a friend in a forest like any other kid would there is a really pretty lake in the forest but we see we would not go near it because of a friday the 13th esque legend in my town so we just played as normal avoiding the lake soon as we ran out of places to hide and we grew closer and closer to the lake by then we had played so long that we can really tell who is hiding or seeking so we just chase each other well i was hiding running away i do not really know i saw something in a round shape now this was not a perfect round ball but it was covered in leaves i went to go and kick it and hopes that it would just be an old bird's nest so i kicked it and it felt strange it was not quite the consistency of a bird s nest if that makes any sense but it was different so me being a stupid kid i came to the conclusion that it was a head like a severed head i ran away screaming despite not having much proof that it was a human head i did not tell my friend about it and when she asked what happened i just told her that i had encountered a moose so she just laughed it off and so did i to this day i still do not know if it was a real human head but also to this day i'm a bit convinced when i was i believe around 9 or 10 i went camping with my friend's family do not really know where i did not pay attention since 10 year old me was like duck yeah this is going to be awesome so when we arrived we set up camp and started making launch and i went to explore the woods which was all brand new to me i lived in arizona and maybe 50 60 yards always i found a skeleton of a deer picked clean some bones missing and broken but the strange thing was the skull was missing so i decided to look for the skull but i found another deer skeleton a few more yards away in the same condition and another i did not take the hint that something was wrong i just continued and eventually i come to a clearing with a large boulder in the center i go to the boulder and lo and behold i find the missing skulls of the deers most seem to be bucks all just sitting in a pile i grab a skull and look at it wondering why they were there and i started hearing my name being screamed by my friend's mother still holding the skull of the deer i run back to camp and then say in my squeaky voice look what i found presenting it by the antler to the adults and they ask where you find that and i point in the direction of the clearing they ask me to take them after launch and i agree i show them the skeletons along the way until we find the clearing we left a hour later a new spot and my friend's parents reported it to a park ranger and the ranger informed us that there was some mass haunting the deers since their populace had grown widespread and was endangering campers he would come back to retrieve the skulls and place them on the boulder grew up in rural md my parents owned a lot of wooded property that backed up to a stream the stream was technically county property but people would spend the day down there and like picnic and wade in the water and stuff heavily wooded no one checked for trespassing my dad would take me there in the summers when i was a kid it was about an hour hike from the house well i'm older out of college home one summer and i decide to spend a day down at the stream i'm hiking there is no established trail you kinda go in the right direction and you get there eventually i decide to walk a little more south than usual cause i wanna hike by these granite formations i'm going down the rocks when i slip and catch myself and my foot knocks something out of the leaves it is a black plastic film camera from the 90s it is my camera from when i was a kid i recognized it instantly i must have been hiking almost 15 years before and it slipped out of my backpack if i had not taken that route or slipped on those rocks i would never have found it again it still had film inside but the camera was so waterlogged the battery corroded i still have it but i have no way of opening it without exposing the film i did love to try to develop it though could be nostalgic or very spooky oh god i experienced stuff straight out of a horror movie basically i went out to take a piss and i saw the kind of skinny figure that was limping scary enough wrong it had ducking radio static noises coming from it i am just a guy trying to take a piss it's starting limping running towards me and said something that sounded like approaching target or target approach i ran to so fast my feet barely touched the ground got in my car and ran the hell out of there either this was a sick prank or some crazy horror movie either way scary as duck for the past 18 years or so i have lived a stone s throw from burkittsville maryland which some may remember as a town featured in the the blair witch project what a lot of people do not know is that the film was actually filmed in sinika creek state park which is actually a pretty good distance from burkittsville closer to gaithersburg in fact i'm pretty sure washington dc is closer to the filming location than burkitt's release one time a buddy of mine were hiking in the woods near urbana and we found a stone circle with a wickety p vaguely in the shape of the one seen in the blair witch project when we went to examine it more closely we found that there was the skeleton of an animal probably a cat or a small dog inside the wicker construct this was at least a mile or two off the trail in the depths of the woods and given the circumstances and the fact that the sun was setting we got out of there i think that walk back to our car was only two or three miles but it felt like we had been walking for six days and not a word was spoken from either of us but i do not scare easily but it was without a doubt one of the most frightening experiences of my life the blair witch project is a complete fabrication which is testament to the storytelling and world building of the film that they were able to so convincingly portray it as a real piece of folklore but that has not stopped the unsettling and heavy air in the woods of frederick county the blair witch may not be real but the spirit of her inspiration definitely lingers in those woods a broken photo frame with a ruined picture inside my uncle was looking for a place to open his new factory and my dad took me with him for the tour i found the picture in the frame and got excited and showed it to my uncle and dad both got a little confused as to why it was there my uncle then did ask the guide who looked as confused as us and i was old enough to understand he was not lying about it so my uncle ran a background for that place and it turns out that three whole houses used to be there that got ruined in one way or another the photo frame was probably from the last house which caught fire back in 1973. there were rumors that the place was cursed my uncle found another non-cursed land for his factory meth lab i was out making a half-assed attempt to scare all hunt with my brother on a chunk of forested property that our parents own had not seen a squirrel all day so we decided to walk around and survey do a little scouting for deer season we walk down this steep incline to a river that runs along the edge of the property and we suddenly find a big clearing cleaned of all vegetation and strewn with empty bottles of cleaners and chemicals with a quad trail leading off to a trailer park about a mile away my brother is a detective in his precinct usually in larceny but occasionally in drug enforcement and the second he saw all this he just cusses and says ducking meth lab his shotgun goes up and he tells me we need to leave tweakers get violent when people come up on their area we had heard quads in the distance earlier so i have some suspicions that they were keeping an eye on us and probably followed us out i hesitate to go out there now without at least a rifle my glock and a knife on me stairs leading nowhere when i was about 10 i was deep in a forest with my father and we found the stairs it was so weird it seemed as if someone digged out a big hole in a shape of cube and built the stairs inside there were like 10 stairs leading nowhere or more precisely to a wall one of the cubes walls it was all visible from the above there was no passage the stairs really led straight into a wall both the stairs and the walls looked like they were made of orange fired clay but the walls were weird as i said it was actually just a hole into the ground it did not seem as if the walls were made of bricks or something it looked like a simple hole in the ground but the inner side was somehow made of play i was pretty creeped out and demanded we go home we went and i never wanted to go back my father made fun of me for months and eventually persuaded me to return into the forest but we never found the stairs again but i think this was just his idea of fun and he did not find the stairs on purpose so he could say that is weird it seems as if they vanished and make me even more terrified he had a very good direction since and i have literally none so he could just avoid the stairs and i would not notice and would think that we walked through the whole forest but still the stairs were weird one of the local weird spots in my neck of the woods is a crashed plane in the middle of nowhere logging roads now get close enough for it to be a short walk so you can find it now a small plaque marks the spot and tells you what happened apparently three guys were taking her a flight for photography and i think bad weather set in and they ended up hitting a large forested hillside all three died and it was at least four or five years before they were found the wreckage is still there the whole area has a very bad feeling to it even beyond the knowledge of a terrible accident i have lived in the back country my whole life and seen some weird but that place gave me a feeling i had not had out in the woods before fun side note i learned just last week that the pilot of the plane shot my grandpa in the head over a woman back in the 70s there is a story on another similar thread about a guy that found a giant picnic table at the edge of a clearing with a bunch of dumped backpacks and other hiker gear piled nearby i remember them saying the eerie part was a distinct lack of wildlife nearby not even birds chirping i personally have not found anything creepy not finding but my uncle and father were canoeing down a river on the texas oklahoma border when they noticed a man stalking them from the elevated riverbank they called out to him and waved thinking it might be someone they knew and he did not wave back a while later they came to a point where the sandbar extended from that side out far into the middle of the river dude crashes out of the undergrowth and starts sprinting down the bank towards the sandbar with shotgun in hand waist-length ratty hair super long beard barefoot torn up coveralls something out of a damn hills have eyes movie my uncle started paddling like hell while my dad tried to get their pistol out of the bottom of their bags they passed the sandbar and he had stopped and raised the shotgun and my dad had the pistol aimed back no one fired but after that they started keeping the pistol in the top bag nothing i found but i essentially live in a forest that is a section was cleared for my house and i am surrounded on all sides by trees i had recently gotten a new puppy and that means regular potty breaks to encourage house breaking it was around midnight when i saw him sniffing around so outside we went he did his business and we were heading in when i heard what sounded like a woman let out a blood curdling scream the puppy goes flying inside through the dog door which was the first time he ever used it after much failed prompting from me and i follow shortly after i am the only house around for miles why and how would somebody be in the woods near my house and what the hell would make them scream like that i am freaking out when my sister who heard the commotion comes down and asks what is wrong i tell her about the screaming woman and she nonchalantly tells me oh it was probably just a fox i look up fox noises and it s exactly what i heard so the answer to the popular question what does the fox say a scream that translates to help i am being murdered not that creepy but we were high on acid and this was just a bizarre coincidence in the woods right around sun up and come across a friendly cat probably the pet of one of the homes in the area super pretty cat all white with long hair definitely the most visible thing in the dim light and dark surroundings it lets us pet it hung out around us for a bit then started walking down the path keeps looking back at us so we decide to follow it it goes off the path we keep following and it stops eventually right next to a ducking spindle column only a spinal column pretty big probably belonging to a deer picked clean no other bones around that we could find we spent way too long in a thought spiral trying to figure out the significance of it all girlfriend at the time and i were hiking in oh hi didn't he see our actual trail and went off on some narrow little path that had clearly not been walked after about two miles in it ended in a little opening of foliage and we figured by that time that we had not taken the right route just before we step back i noticed the color out of place i saw a small shimmer of red for whatever reason i decided to walk over to it it was obscured by a tree as i am walking over my girlfriend says yo do you feel weird about being here and at that point my gut was already starting to turn i crossed the tree and right in front if me was a red blanket a pair of child shoes maybe four five inches in length and a few crayons i immediately felt as if i was somewhere i should not be there is a natural settlement of nature where things typically rest in the entire area around the items was scuffled a little the basket was dirty and the shoes looked dirty and weathered the crayons look bleached as if they were left in the sunday i was suddenly fearful of how all the stuff was hidden from view and that i actually had to almost walk on it to see it we both no doubt and i would occasionally look back just from the feeling of uncomfortableness was only creepy until we realized what it was my friend used to live on a sheep farm that was operated by his parents and we spent many a day and night playing in the woods around the farm one day we came across the bones of something there was a spine and what appeared to be a skull but it was not any kind of skull we recognized and it seemed to have protrusions like weird straight antlers sweeping backwards from above the eye sockets and no bone covering the back being roughly age 10 we were convinced we had found an alien skull we took the skull back to his parents they would surely know better they had no idea what it could be and this was before the internet so a google search was not going to help it took two days of puzzling and wondering from his dad before he found the answer this was a pelvic bone of the sheep the eye sockets were where the leg bones connected so for a few days we were convinced we found the fresh alien skeleton turns out it was just a sheepish ass obligatory not me but my aunt lives on an island and she has about a half acre of woodland on her property trees cliffs a river the whole shebang she often finds deer skulls she finds antlers too but those get shed and are not as creepy as just walking into the woods and finding a ducking deer skull striped entirely or almost entirely of flesh it is natural but creepy anyway she keeps these as a collection imagine if you will me walking into the woods coming across a large boulder looking at it and seeing a line of skulls even though i know she put them there still creepy as duck obligatory not me but my aunt lives on an island and she has about a half acre of woodland on her property trees cliffs a river the whole shebang she often finds deer skulls she finds antlers too but those get shed and are not as creepy as just walking into the woods and finding a ducking deer skull striped entirely or almost entirely of flesh it is natural but creepy anyway she keeps these as a collection imagine if you will me walking into the woods coming across a large boulder looking at it and seeing a line of skulls even though i know she put them there still creepy as duck not sure how creepy it actually is but scared the shitty out of me at the time was going on a walk with my sister and her friend jay they were around 14 at the time i was 19. it was a school holiday and my mom and dad still had to work we were walking through the forest and i heard branches crunching behind me so i got out of the way figuring someone was running i turned around when the person did not pass me and i saw a woman walking okay so she just slowed down maybe she is tired i turned back around and continued walking forwards my sister and her friend went off the main path sort of uphill path ends in the same place so i figured i did give them some space the woman went up the uphill path i did not think much of it and continued a few minutes later my sister and her friend came running down the path screaming at me that we needed to go home i just followed them back to the car not sure what was going on when we were on the road they told me that the woman had tried to take the phone out of js pocket and when she turned around the woman raised her fist as if to punch jay my sister saw this and they ran back to me did not go back there my grandmother unknowingly bought an abandoned indian burial ground we discovered it as kids mostly just hand edged and laid over tombstones with trees everywhere but there is a really cool large cut cross in the middle of it not really creepy but i went back there four times after we discovered it i was stung by something every single ducking time and it was something different and worse each time the last two times i spent hours creeping just to not get stung the last time coming out of their right and broad ducking daylight i watched us a car to killer make a 100 foot dive into the top of my foot unprovoked from nowhere i want to salt and burn that ducking entire forest might not be as creepy as i thought it was at the time back when i was about 19 i was working as the head baker at a summer camp in new hampshire one edge of the summer camp property abutted a tree farm one day after all my work was done i decided to go for a ride on my mountain bike i went to the end of the camp property and headed into the tree farm about four hours later i realized i was pretty lost so i told myself i am just gonna head in one general direction and i have to eventually hit a road so that is what i did i stumbled across a small house in the middle of the woods that had been abandoned there were trees growing right through the walls and up through the roof i probably should not have gone in there just because it had to be unstable but i went in anyway it was sort of like a three-room house didn't he have any plumbing or electricity the main entry took you into our large open space that seemed to be like a studio apartment the back third of the house was split into two rooms one was latrine style bathroom the other was a storage room in the main room there was a cheap dinner table and a couple of chairs around it there were still plates scattered on the table and silverware and a little bit of linen all of which looked like they had been rained on for at least seven or eight years it was a hole in the floor so i lowered myself into the cellar there wasn't too much to speak of in there except what looked to be a bunch of broken mason jars i lifted myself back up and found nothing else in any of the other rooms what creeped me out even though it was not any sort of immediate threat was the idea that those trees had to take at least 15 years to grow through the house like that but the stuff on the table looked like it was maybe half as old so someone must have been living in that house at some point even though it was going to offer minimal respite from the element after i left it took me about two hours to hit road turns out i was maybe a two-hour bike ride from the camp thankfully it was getting dark and a police officer stopped to make sure i was okay i told her what was going on and she just told me to throw my bike in the cruiser and she gave me a ride back to the camp very cool of her so it was like this woodsy area behind a suburb i was pretty thick as the suburb was on the outermost rim of the city i was in hs with some of my friends just wandering the area none of us had ever been here before except one who lived in the neighborhood we kept getting deeper and deeper to the point that even the kid who lived there seemed nervous at being so far out we had been walking at a pretty steady pace for maybe two hours only stopping here or there it was getting late in the afternoon and we were about to head back when we came across a swing hanging from a tree just a normal child swing with a flat wooden seat and rope to hang it it looked like it was in pretty decent condition for being out in the middle of the woods then we noticed a pair of shoes sitting by the swing they were defiantly for a little girl or a little boy who loved pink and looked like they had been there a while sort of wet and had a nice spider web growing over them but they too were in good condition i can not tell you why but just that scene of a perfectly still swing with empty girls shoes next to it a good two-hour walk away from any house it just did not sit right with any of us we just kind of stood around it for a while none of us touching the swing but looking about the woods over our shoulder the first 15 minute of our walk back were in silence listening for something eventually the feeling added and we told ourselves there must have been a farmhouse nearby and most likely we had wandered accidentally onto someone's property still think about it looked it up on google maps once but by that point the development had grown in the woods was mostly a shopping mall there are some old military tunnels ruined in the woods near me that are mostly filled and however there are some structures and short sections of the top of tunnels sticking out the ground no more than three four feet high at most anyway one time me and my kid were exploring and one of these sections there was a structure that was circular with a low entrance and short section of wall right in front of the entrance creating two pathways into the room and an inability to see inside the actual room now i should highlight that this area is a favorite for teenagers to come get drunk at after dark and that previous to this i had been bringing a youtube channel that covers murders disappearances and such any way to the side of entrance was a small window opening and sticking out the window was a section of satiny cloth upon pulling it out it turned out be a girl's strappy top it was dirty but not worn by weather it also had to be relatively recent it was probably largely to do with binge watching a youtube channel that does videos on murders and disappearances but i just could not get it out my head that a girl could have been held in there and rape seriously hurt and that she had tried to throw the shirt out the window in an attempt to get help i like to think i did have gone into check if i were alone but i had my six year with me and was not about to risk him seeing a body reasoning that a young girl going missing in the area would likely be local newsworthy or at the very least my mom would hear the gossip when dog walking and i could advise of it i'm sure it was nothing i think i plays on my mind so much because i did not do the risky but right thing for evil men to succeed and all that i found a child-sized pink umbrella an old cooler empty and several condoms in a small heap all three things within 50 meters of each other i was hunting at a spot that is about four miles from the nearest people through some pretty nasty brush no one but me and the land donor have permission to be out there anyway i found the cooler first registered but dismissed it found the umbrella next then started methodically searching the area and found the condoms everything looked very fresh i was not too worried i was hog hunting so i had more than enough firepower on me to feel safe sketch as hell though i figure it probably came from a baptist church camp property that is about five miles away i assume some teens slipped away at some point and had some fun where no one could hear or see them relatively clear trails all the way there and i tracked someone's footprints about half of the way back there before i lost them due to chris contamination from the property owner s vehicle we have got a forest park not too far from our village not a bad place in the daytime got stable pavement and a block of houses not far out of sight so you are not too far away from civilization and is an enjoyable place for a walk at night however is a different story as there is no stretch lights was walking my dogs through during an evening that came in much quicker than i had anticipated and the trees were starting to look bare and it was not until i was halfway i came across chalk drawings on trees and fallen logs and shoddily made dolls were hanging by the neck on the branches obviously did not hang around and have not been back there since it happened but there is be no other mention of it from anyone either so i'm not sure if i even saw the thing and i'm not interested in finding out i was about 13 at the time me and my brother decided to go for a short stroll before packing up after our camping trip we followed the river so we would not get lost after about 10 minutes a horrible blood curling scream filled the air it was the most horrible thing i had ever heard instantly i grabbed my brother and he hugged my tight we went quiet and then again a series of long human-like screams that sounded like agony i began no panic and we turned around to run what we had not realized was that we had been standing right next to a pool of dried blood we both sprinted and found our parents who contacted the police it turned out that it was a attempted kidnapping and the victim was a mentally unstable man who had been made to perform horrible actions to inflict pain on himself to this day i have horrible nightmares and wake up screaming and crying and had been diagnosed with ptsd a child death sled with a glove in it the sled was clawed up possibly a bear not sure and it looked like there was a bit of blood on it although it was difficult to tell it was 5 am and very very dark not creepy enough for you the only way to access those woods is by going through one of five properties each occupied by normal everyday families that live there full time no random people are going into those woods there has not been an attack by a predator in that area in years and if someone had gotten attacked recently we would have all known about it on top of that the area the sled was was way too far away from any of the houses for it to have ended up there by accident and the timber is way too thick for sledding anyway here is the kicker the sled also was not there last time i was out there about a month ago and in case you have not noticed it is not ducking winter yet it is light jacket weather at best definitely not gonna have any snow for a bit so where the duck did that come from to this day i believe it was a human rib cage it was many many years ago when i was 15 years old my friends and i had this secret little place in the woods where we would go hang out and have bonfires i needed a wee so i walked just out of sight of everyone in some thick irish bushes i went to crouch down and heard a weird cracking and when i looked down i was stood on some bones i swear to this day it looked exactly like someone's rib cage i shouted everyone to come over and look and one of our guy friends said it was just some cow bones he was a little older than a 17 so i just said okay but it has never left me as i they got older i verilized more and more these were nothing like cow bones plus why would a cow be in the middle of the woods i am 99 sure i found some human bones there is an abandoned property closed to my parents cottage and i like to walk through the woods to go explore it sometimes the house is completely run down most of the walls and roof have fallen down now there is an old car with no wheels filled with years of dead leaves and debris everything that was once in the house is scattered around the whole property glass bottles old boots a record player etc there is also a shed on the property but it is too run down and unstable to go into it it is closer to the road so anytime i go by i avoid looking in the windows of the shed because i have a fear of seeing something looking back but one time i tried to peer in the doorway and could see a big black garbage bag it was duct taped closed and there was definitely something big and lumpy inside being me the same kid who explores abandoned houses in the forest i had to check it out so got a big long stick and kind of poked at a rip in the bag i immediately saw bone i poked it open a bit more and saw that it was a ribcage and there was fur hair sticking off it and in the bag a pair of big black gloves was in there too with duct tape around the wrists i'm fairly sure based on the ribcage that it was an animal that someone had illegally hunted and tried to secretly dispose of but i cannot be sure i think i ever shared this before somewhere but my brother and i and a friend of his once went out into the woods and found a huge area of forest where it was crunching wherever we walked we looked closer at the ground and mixed in with the leaves and grasses were just thousands upon thousands of small animal bones it was not our pellets just skeletons thousands upon thousands of them when we kept walking forward we found a sort of concrete bunker with the steel beam handlebars for moving the lid off and tons of signs stating federal property no trespassing there was an electrical fence around the bunker but it had been neglected so badly that most of it had rusted through and was in varying states of decay we heard more crunching on the ground around us but could not see anyone else so we decided to leave not forest but several acres of woods behind my dad s old house in the country i played paintball in those woods a lot with friends so i was out there every weekend a few nights during the week our dog seemed on edge staring out the glass slider unable to lay down or sleep it put us all on edge but we figured it might have been deer in our backyard or some other animal we ignore his behavior and the strange feelings we were getting that weekend i was out in the woods and at the edge of the woods maybe three four feet and there was a few empty buckets of kfc nothing left but the bones from that spot you could see right in our house through the sliding glass door someone had been sitting there a chicken and watched us in the pitch dark in the freaking woods in the middle of nowhere in the dead of night still creeps me out i'm the eldest of five sisters some years ago my family moved to a sort of plantation house either middle of nowhere there were acres of thick tropical woodland behind our house back then i was between 12 and 13 years old with my youngest sister being five or six we had often go exploring alone we always kept to the path which was big and very well kept by the owner of the place one day while exploring we found a very narrow path that had a share drop to a side and a mountain wall to the other given it was still a partly marked path we decided to explore it we had walked maybe a minute when we found a dead chicken but thought nothing of it chicken serum free so it was not weird to see a dead one then we found another dead chicken a few meters up and another more by then i did gotten very suspicious because these chickens were just meters away from each other and upon further inspection i saw teeth marks on their necks and they were partly eaten we decided we were not going any further because the rest was just very dense woodland and no clear path but before leaving i decided to look down the previously mentioned share drop i then saw what looked like the body a weird dog with very bright orange fur now keep in mind that i live in puerto rico and the fauna here is limited and specific as an adult i wonder if someone brought a fox into the country and set it free because they are not ever seen here i wonder that because i assume it is the only somewhat logical thing i could compare it to though it was much bigger and heftier than the usual small slim fox anyways i freaked out insanely because i assumed that his hat had killed the chickens and i was with very small sisters who could barely run i did not tell them what i saw because i did not want them to panic but i ushered them back to the narrow path and into the main path and told them we were going back home thing is we were around 15 to 20 minutes away from home i was downright terrified and wanted to just bolt but knew my sisters would never be able to keep up and if i began running i would not stop i was losing my mind keeping my sisters in front of me so i could keep an eye behind us without them seeing me i really think i was about to have a total mental breakdown when suddenly my mother appeared on the path heading towards us she never and i mean never came down with us but she said she felt like accompanying us that day i know someone or something was watching over us that day because i could not have withstood the time it was going to take getting home without probably just dropping dead out of terror i do not really remember if i told her about what i saw all i remember of that moment is the intense relief i felt at seeing her and understanding that it was such an unlikely thing for her to be here but being so thankful about it as well there were some woods behind the house i stayed in as a child me and friends would occasionally walk through the woods as something to do as kids and we had some good times roaming through the woods finding all types of strange things to us at that age like really old bottles from the 20s and 30s with neat artwork bottle caps from various things cool sticks and rocks one day a friend and i had been walking more than usual and came up to a clearing the hill we were on dropped off steeply to a river but since it wasn't the right season i guess the river had shrunk to where you could walk on the bed if you wanted there were old out of use train tracks that formed a bridge over this little river and as me and my friend took in our surroundings we looked from a distance at the support on the bridge we saw a tent that someone was obviously in they were moving frantically but for what reason i have no idea drugs rape murder a really good book no idea the tent looked old and well used and i assume whoever this person was was living there due to the poor and homeless population of the area me and my friend bolted at the site of the tent and the movement and went back to tell my parents they didn't he seemed to care much as i believe people living out in the woods isn't that uncommon where i lived while nothing happened and i never found out more about the situation it still is one of the freakiest things that happened to me as a kid a few years ago my boyfriend and i had just moved to a new town and decided to take a walk through one of the local parks to check it out since it was surrounded by housing developments the trails ended pretty quickly but we could tell that on one side the park backed up to a pretty tall hill that we could see from our apartment there were footpaths along the hillside so we decided to walk around the fence and continue walking up to the top to see if we could see our apartment from there and to check out the view we finally get to the top and there is just the largest pile of syringes you could imagine sitting in a clearing up there along with a fire pit with some charred garbage in it really lucky no one was up there who knows if we could have ended up getting attacked for intruding on a homeless junkie hangout so i was 15 meters and was out hunting i usually i only have normal arrows with me but the day before i was testing broadhead arrows with me so i had some in my quiver a friend of mine and my girlfriend came with although we had split up later to encircle prey if we found some it was getting dark and had not found anything so we kept going then we finally found well something we though it was a big moose we encircled it easily and started shotting at it it starts to run and something else jumped up and started running in the other direction whilst my gf and my friend ran after the moose i followed the other thing with i did not got down but managed to hit at least three normal arrows and one of my insect broadheads so a few days later we were scavenging four plants and i found a black bear half eaten these things normally do not mess around so what could have killed this one apparently the thing that broke my broad head of it is body because it half of my arrow lied there without any matching wound on the dead black bear two years later that thing still haunts me in my nightmares thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 11,710
Rating: 4.8936877 out of 5
Keywords: reddit paranormal story, reddit paranormal stories, reddit story, reddit paranormal, paranormal reddit, reddit stories, true scary forest story, true scary forest stories, true creepy forest story, forest ranger story, scary forest story, scary forest stories reddit, true forest ranger story, scary forest ranger story, creepy forest story, creepy forest stories, creepy forest stories reddit, Scary Forest, forest horror story, scary true forest ranger stories
Id: kMrmMd4SJ6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 45sec (4425 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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