[SERIOUS] True Unexplainable Supernatural Stories

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serious what is your true supernatural unexplainable downright creepy story i went on a walk at a local park one tuesday afternoon it was pretty empty since everyone was at work or school i followed this one path alongside these very tall hedges the hedges looped around to this opening the opening had these tall hedges all around it like a c shape and right in the middle was this stone bench and sitting on the bench was this creepy statute that resembled death it was super detailed and smooth it sat on the bench at about seven feet hunched over like it had a long day it his hands were on at his lap and looked like long stick hands the strange thing i noticed too was when i entered the hc the wind stopped blowing and everything was silent no birds or insects chirping i took notice of this because it was a nice breezy summer day i got a little closer and started to feel really strange like i just kept picturing this thing moving or coming at me clear as day in my head i then felt i had enough and left that spot an hour later my gf met me at the park and i just had to show her the statute and how creepy it was i took her over to the hedge c and we turned the corner on it was not there it was just an empty bench i walked into the middle and there was a heavy breeze birds chirping in the trees no matter how much i told her what i saw she did not believe a word of it till this day i'm not sure if i just had visited a different spot or came across some sort weird anomaly here is a weird one i still recall that is more glitch in the matrix type thing i was 13 and and had helped with washing dishes with my mom and had put them in the dish rack my mom left so i was just home alone i was watching tv when i heard a distinct smash of glass coming from the kitchen i walk in expecting to see the ground littered with glass bits from a dish that was sitting uneasy on the rack and fell over however i see a lone cup sitting on the floor not shattered just sitting in the middle of the floor far from the dish rack i did not move the cup because i wanted to tell my mom she comes back 20 minutes later and we look into the kitchen and the cup is not there i had another story i posted a while ago where i was out hiking in algonquin park a few years back and stumbled across a tree with doll heads hanging there when i went for a closer look something quickly approached from behind some bushes i sprinted away before i saw what it was i worked at an amusement park in a saloon themes bar one night we were closing and heard some weird clicking we looked around and noticed the lights and cameras were all just moving long big movements followed by short twitchy movements by themselves it was really kind of strange and it was just my boss and i in there we were kind of creeped out but we just kind of brushed it off we left for the night and we both verified protocol doors were locked the two of us opened the next morning we went in and there were some weird things decorations had been moved one example we had necklace things on our registers one was on the floor one was on the back bar and the last one had been put on another register one of our steps had been flipped around those suckers are heavy and possibly the weirdest was that a tip bucket which was locked away the night before was sitting out on a hook under the bar filled with water with some coins on the bottom we thought someone had played a strange strick on us but nobody had come in after we left we were one of the last ones to leave in our area they were very strict for that location because of their being alcohol and there was nothing on the log sheet and outboss said no one radioed in it is marked down in the office to be let in there are stories that the saloons in the park are haunted and after this and a few things at the other saloon i believe it also never saw the lights camera move like that again when i was about 11-12 years old i lived with my mother in a large two-story house in tucson as on the outskirts of town below the hills with a few acres of wild desert around us we originally housed my grandmother in the first floor and my brother lived with us on the second due to family issues they had moved out during that time my mother worked long shifts in her work as a nurse out in a prison a few hours out of town she was rarely home with me and i was generally a solitary child to begin with i generally just wanted to stay in my room and play my video games and mess on my computer when my supernatural experiences happened it was summer i remember sleeping throughout the day when it was in the 105 110 range and waking up to live at night because it was so hot my mother hated trying to cool such a large house so we did not use the ack and just ran large fans in both our rooms i did not have class at this time so i got to sleep whenever during the night s when i was awake i would make my way to the kitchen or the bathroom to take a bath i love me my baths and some nights there was this thing that would follow me in the crawl space above us on the second floor from the sound of it it sounded like it would reach out in front of itself and drag its body forward to move around it would follow me from my room down the hall to the kitchen slowly of course it could not keep up with a regular walking speed and then if i doubled back before it got to it his original destination it would stop turn around and follow me to my next location i remember going to take a bath and sitting in the water hearing it crawling from my bedroom to the bathroom to the light fixture directly above me i remember giggling to myself and saying do not you be watching me while i'm naked it never made any other sounds and i never heard it go on at his own unless it was following me i asked my mother and brother if they did ever hear anything like that and they told me number they say it is an animal but nothing would be able to survive with how hot it gets up there there just no way i have opened that crawl space it makes your throat feel stuck it's so hard to breath in that heat plus what a 100 pound rat s up there i dropped it when i saw they thought i was just making things up these experiences never occurred to me to be anything strange until i got older i do not really remember why or when it stopped but it was not every night to begin with on another note i always had trouble with being bruised in my sleep my friends always joked i had a rape ghost you know young cringy teen humor living at home and that is why i always had such bad inner thigh bruises to the point you could place your fingertips over them and make out a hand print no idea if it is related but it is another thing from that age range i never really understood little intros since i was little i have always seen all felt beings mostly felt but as i grew up i just credited it to me being a scaredy cat even though my sister sometimes also heard and felt things steps voices smells dark figures etc also when this happened i had to sleep in our duplex upper floor because a really old lady a relative of us was sleeping in my room she breathed like a rusty wind metal orchestra of hell and farted like it was the end of the world sleeping near her was a torture so i did not have other option one side of our duplex had one of those sofa beds and that is where i slept now to the story one september night when i was 18 i was trying to commit suicide after years and years of abuse depression and all that follows it i had stolen my father s new ceramic knife it was unused and pure white so i thought it would be the best to cut my veins the problem is that it takes a lot of courage to get yourself in a suicide attempt but even more to actually do the action that will end your life cut your veins take pills jump off a building so i went back and forth from the bathroom to the room crying my eyes out and knife in hand for two hours in the last round i made from the bathroom to the room i sat on the bed couch still crying when i felt a hand slowly caressing my right cheek it was not just a light touch i felt all the five fingers slowly touching my cheek starting from my mouth to my ear and i'm pretty sure whoever it was it was facing me i completely froze stopped crying and sat there eyes wide for some good 30 seconds normally i would have run away screaming like a mad girl but instead of being frightened i felt calm peaceful and like at least i had someone that cared about me so i decided i would give my mom my suicide note in the morning and let her deal with it look for a psychologist turned off the lights and slept really peacefully that night needless to say i forced my parents dog to sleep with me the next days i had to sleep in the upper floor i hope that if there was a spirit the dog would start to bark and i would run as fast as i could downstairs i do not live with my parents anymore and have not went to the upper floor much since that night but once i managed to mutter a thank you to then run downstairs without looking back if you want i will write about all the creepy things that happened in my parents apartment especially in my bedroom and that traumatized me forever my best friend in high school went through this stage of goth girls i remember one night they took us haunted house exploring in the mid of night now we pulled over on this random in the middle of nowhere road and crawled through this barbed wire fence by moonlight past the fence over a small hill i found myself looking at this two-story and a basement farm home that was surrounded by a huge fountain it looked like a rundown version of the home in the great gatsby i wish to this day i knew how to get there i have no idea where it was in my hometown just that we were there and it was beautifully run down i was not a believer in the supernatural or ghosts so i was casually enjoying the home inside there was markings on the wall knocked down doors and walls and while you can tell it was beautiful at one time it was really run down i broke from the group to check out the upstairs the basement in the middle floor as i was walking back to the group i walked by the stairwell and nodded to one of the girls that was with us who was standing on the stairwell as i entered the next room i saw our entire group i paused then jumped back into the room with the stairwell no one was there while creepy i know what i saw i know that place had a feel to it i wish i could find it again i would go visit in the dead of the night just to feel what i felt there i have so many stories of my old house it is insane my old hometown in general is pretty creepy this story is of the first incident i can remember i was probably around seven eight at the time and i was laying down in my mom's bed while she was putting laundry away it was probably around 8 p.m and i was just chilling watching some tv well the tv randomly started to go static and i kept trying to change it back to the channel i was watching but it would not work after i gave up about a second later i swear to god i saw a little girl in the screen she just shrugged and then was gone i screamed bloody ducking murder and ran into my brother's room where my mom was putting his laundry away and clung to her crying and going on about this little girl in the tv my mom said i was probably asleep and dreamt it but i know i was not asleep and that was not the last time i saw that little girl or the last time the little [ __ ] played tricks on me and my best friend i hate that house my sister now lives in it though and she is had crazy things happen too except she likes it and i do not in 2010 my brother kept saying that our house was haunted he would hear knocks and voices and my grandma had similar stories so it all seemed legit but i was of course still skeptical well one day a couple of months after the first stories i heard i was watching my four-year-old nephew and he wanted to go to the basement fridge to get some juice packs i'm sitting at the kitchen table next to the stair set that goes to the basement and clearly see him walk down not taking my eyes off of it as i'm watching tv with a clear view of said staircase keep in mind there is no other exit entrance to the basement about 30 seconds later i see him walking through the backyard door claiming he just saw jesus and that he told him to be careful i ran to grab him and asked my brother who was sitting on the couch next to the staircase if he saw him come up and he said number never heard any weird noises knocks or voices again looked into it and the previous owner built and died on the property never got a name from said benevolent spirit but we all assumed it was the same man nice haunting us lived in this creepy apartment in the ghetto when i was 18 with what would become a long time off on roommate who pretty much let me know on the first day of the odd happenings in the kitchen letting me know we have a ghost hey whatevs anyway many times living in this apartment did i bear witness to all sorts of weirdness in that room involving objects being opened or moved around came home on day one to find the window open it was closed when i left and i was out with the roommate and her bro left the next day to go job hunting come back for lunch the oven is open and on not a good idea with cats running around and the kitchen utensil drawer is open she was at a boyfriend s that day all day and had not been there left the next day hung out all day at the college came back fridge was open oven open but off and the cupboard above the sink was open the worst came months and though she had gone to hang with some friends and i left to go record with my band at the recording studio down the street i had to come back to get a third guitar because the other two were acting up so i'm on my way out case in hand and while i swore the kitchen was completely closed and everything in place when i arrived i found the window open kitchen drawers open all of them oven open stove open and just about every single sharp object in the kitchen including knives and a pair of scissors set on the edge of the counter aimed in a way that one be in the line of fire should they enter the kitchen i just yelled stop that [ __ ] and saw a knife start to wobble i left two sweet man this boy can run with 15 pounds and a 16 times 48 box of fender on the way out the door came back everything was in place when i was 19 my bff let us call harris died in a car crash i was devastated and it took months until i could go a single day without crying this is kinda long but trust me it is creepy and touching just when you think i'm done i'm not so please keep reading 3m nths later to the date i feel really tired and take a nap i never nap i dreamt that i was visiting my friend rs house in my dreamer her husband dem moved into ss old house which was my old house when i was younger in real life we were all hanging out and i said would not it be weird if s haunted us they laughed at me and told me to grow up i spent the night there and late at night s showed up as a ghost she told me to meet her at the train station at 7 30 p.m the next day because she had something important to tell me i wake up in my dream and tell my friends they say it was a dream but still take me to the train station at the time at 7 30 exactly s shows up just like she said she would my friends can't see her but she says she will only talk to me i go up and she says i'm so sorry i never got to say goodbye i love you so much please do me a favor and tell my family and friends i said goodbye and i love the man i'm sorry i say i will i'm crying and ask her if we can hug she says she does not know but that we can try and we do and it works i woke up in real life crying and had been crying in fact my friend l had woken me up because i was crying so hard in my dream that is not the end of it my friend al and i had to go to city hall that day to get our social security cards for our new jobs we lost ours and while we are in the waiting room there is a mother and her young daughter her daughter was very friendly anne adorable ran around playing with her dolls would come up and talk to us and the entire time elle and i would look at each with the look in our eyes that this girl looks just like s when she was younger eventually i asked the girl her name and she replies my name is s l and i both kind of freaked out same day l and i have to go to write aid to get our pictures developed the lady who handed us our developed pictures had the same exact ring on that s owned and ss ring was very rare with only 50 of them ever being made so that was a bit freaky a few months later i'm living about four hours north of where my story first started but elle stayed there i had a dream that i was at rs house her parents house this time which is in the middle of the woods and there are a few of us including our her husband m l and others i can not remember we decide to go on a late night drive it is dark and i'm driving can only see the road that the headlights are on when all of a sudden someone runs across the road almost hitting us i hit the brakes skidding a bit turned the car to face where the person was and there was a girl sitting on a small boulder and it was s i get out of the car and yell at her what are you doing she replies what do you mean i say you are dead she looks at me with her head tilting and says oh and i woke up later that day l calls me and we are talking for a good hour after a bit i mentioned a dream i say i had a dream about elle last night it was odd elle replies wit so did i you tell me yours first so i do and i get to the part where we decide to go on a late night drive and el goes shut the duck up and she proceeds to describe the entire dream verbatim we had the same exact dream on the same exact night at the same exact time and in our own roles it has been 16 years since s passed and i had not told anyone besides l about my dreams and our shared experiences because i was too afraid of opening wounds hurting someone or them thinking i was being a dick basically ss family and i were always close and still are but like i said i did not know how long was long enough to mention it but about a year ago i finally called ss mom and told her everything i started out with i need to tell you something and i know it will be hard for both of us but i promised her i would and i'm so sorry it took so long i just wanted it to be right and i'm sorry if i waited too long but i believe s wanted me to give you a message and i told her everything ss mom let us call her he cried a lot but she said she felt like it was a huge relief for her she explained to me that ever since her and her family were trying to contact her in some way they waited for a dream or her ghost to do or say something but no one ever did she 100 believes that s talked to me and the reason me and not her family is because they wanted it to happen too much and could not trust themselves with the truth i'm not sure if it was real i'm not even sure i believe in that sort of thing but i really hope it was real ss mom was upset but in a good way and thank me that is my real life experience this happened a couple weeks ago i'm up north at a friend s cottage outside of a small town in the middle of butt duck nowhere my boyfriend and i are sleeping soundly but i wake up in the wee hours of the morning because i hear something talking in the room i open my eyes and there is something at the edge of my bed i see a shadowy outline of a man squatting down with his palms flat on the ground he is saying something that i can not pick up speaking quick and his voice is deep as all hell but the head was not right longer like a wolf s with a big set of alcorns i freeze and go from groggy to awaken a flash i just lay there and watch while he it mutters away i sleep with a knife at my side and the switch for the lamp was on the table but it took me a minute to work up the guts to go for either eventually i'm sweating through the sheet and i up and go for it but when i pour across the bedside table it touched me clamped his pore over mine and pinned it in place his hand was human but compressed and cold i pushed out of the pin and flipped the switch and he ran out of the room on all fours i heard claws on the hardwood and i was out of bed in a heartbeat knife in hand the living room joined the bedroom and had two door screens and solid each both of which were open but i did not see anything or hear either open and close i went around the whole cottage checked every room locked the doors and got back into bed the bf woke up groggy when the lights came on but he did not see or hear anything i do not know when i fell asleep but i just lay there with my eyes open for a few hours at least the place between sleep and wakefulness is a ducked up place i hope i never end up there again my young daughter just yesterday said she made a new friend her mother and i are like cool hun what is her name it is cassie jr so then we ask when we can invite her over to play my kid says we cannot cause she is dead later that night after putting my daughter to bed i hear laughter and talking coming from her room i go to investigate as i get to the door i hear my daughter say no cassie stop tickling me amidst bouts of giggles i walk into the room quickly not knowing what to expect there is just my daughter in the room nothing else officially creeped out scariest paranormal experience by far a while back i think it happened when i was maybe 13 or 14 100 true to my best friend at the time invited me to his house for his new year's party it was an annual thing so decided to go i arrived at maybe 7 00 p.m and a lot of his family was already there his cousins matt and elizabeth who are relevant to the story his grandparents their friends and some other people i did never seen before 2000 minus it was pretty chill we hung out for the first couple hours playing backyard games and stuff doing normal family stuff we went swimming in his pool fast forward a couple hours to around midnight 2300 minus we had wore out a little bit and we are getting a little bored so we decided to go inside and duck around on the computer we were just looking up random [ __ ] browsing the internet then the topic of scary stories came up and we all me my best friend and his two cousins were all sharing stories experiences the topic of bloody mary came up and his cousins had not heard the story yet my friend and i tried explaining how it works but we were really [ __ ] at explaining it so we decided to show them a website instead that told the story and how to play the game they thought it was total [ __ ] so we challenged them to play it and we were gonna have them recorded from the inside while they played we decided to play it after we had celebrated new year's zero zero zero zero minus initiate celebration apple c idea and chicken nuggets inbound zero zero three zero minus we all went upstairs for them to play and we told them exactly how they were going to do it make sure you turn the lights off and light a candle then say her name three times and wait they were beginning to chicken out but we were steadfast in getting them to play they eventually gave in and went into the bathroom with a small camera to record once they were in we closed the door and instructed them to begin whenever they wanted they began chanting the name only three times my friend and i heard them so we knew it was legit once they were done there was a pause for about a minute are you guys okay my friend spoke first another pause a reply came from the bathroom yeah we are good nothing happened disappointed my friend and i opened up the bathroom door and the cousins came out unscathed that was lame they said i thought you said something would happen in all honesty i thought something would happen they showed us the video and it was indeed nothing no interesting lights nothing out of place we turned the volume all the way up and put it up to our ears to listen for anything strange nothing we thought that would be it but we were wrong throughout the rest of the night until about zero three zero zero the male cousin started feeling weird he was quiet and constantly hunched over periodically he would say that his back hurt or his stomach we brushed him off for the first 30 minutes but one zero one zero zero hit it was starting to scare us he told us his back was really hurting so we checked it out we had him lift his shirt up and lo and behold there was indeed something wrong there were three straight scratches evenly spaced apart along his back they were red and raised as if it just happened we got the chills and had no explanation for it we were with him the whole time so he did not have the option to do anything fishy we kept a close eye on him he went to go lay down and we resumed normal activities we checked on him an hour later and he had not moved we had him lift his shirt up again and the scratches had gotten bigger and thicker they still looked fresh we were not sure what to do about it we were all scared and he still said he did not feel good one hour later we checked on him once more and again the same situation bigger scratches now it started from the middle of his back and the scratch went to almost his side there is not much more to the story nothing came of it he felt fine the next day and the scratches had magically disappeared it almost seemed like a movie or some [ __ ] so i was sitting in my room playing games on my pc like every other day wake up sit down by my pc play games go downstairs eat breakfast and go back up then go to sleep been repeating this process for about 10 years i'm 17 i do not believe in any kind of supernatural stuff to me it is just fake and all bs always an explanation to stuff but this one time i was playing at 3am in the morning a metal water bottle pretty heavy to be honest fell down from my table behind me nothing has fallen off from it ever never use it it is not tilting in any way i just sat there watching youtube and i hear something heavy fall down and hit the floor i get a mini heart attack and turn around and ae my bottle on the floor to this day i have found no answer as to why it fell down other than something or someone pushing it down there is absolutely no way something can push it over i believe my room is haunted from now on i'm never quite sure if i 100 believe in ghosts or another energy plane that we can not see but i have had enough experiences to at least be on the fence one my family and i had this dog his name was digby he was a beautiful chocolate lab so goofy and loving he was great when he was around six or seven my dad as usual took did b with him while he traveled to ontario in the summers for work that summer he was hit by a truck dad put him in the back of his truck and tried to find a vet but he was in the middle of nowhere and digby died of internal bleeding now digby had these long nails that would make this thck thck sound when he walked around the house at night which he did often a few months after he died every night i did hear the thck thc k sound i know i was not hearing things i never did have an overactive imagination and tend to be on the more logical side i was so convinced that the bs ghost was haunting watching out for us that i told my mom who being a stern evangelical christian promptly told me to not mention it again to i had this ex let us call him cain he was a bastard everything bad that could have happened happened to us while we were together we were broke living in a shitty old house with a bunch of other ducks he did not take care of himself and every job always went wrong for him man he was fired or quit for one reason or another he was definitely a lazy ass who could not get his [ __ ] together and still cannot from what i can see but i really do feel like this energy just kind of followed us around things got a bit better and we were able to move by ourselves to this little one bedroom on a street that had been known to have strange paranormal activity on it and a very creepy graveyard nearby anyway weird things would happen i did feel followed and watched walking home from work as if something was directly behind me breathing on me lights would turn on in rooms no one was in our standing fan would be moved right up close to our bed multiple times and the shower curtain would move back sharply as if someone was getting in kane also had this teddy bear and it was packed away no mention of it had been made it was just a bear so one morning i'm taking a shower getting ready for work the shower curtain was essentially clear so i could see through it and would have seen anyone moving around and definitely would have heard it i finish up and open the curtain and that bear is propped up against the wall looking into the washroom i have no idea how it got there kane was sound asleep and insisted he did not touch it i was thoroughly disturbed three another time in the same weird apartment there was an incident with our neighbors now to give you an idea of the layout there were six apartments two on bottom two middle two on top kane and i lived on the bottom across from another couple tyler and natalie middle floor was the oldest superintendent and a younger family that s name was tim and on the top floor there was another young family and a girl who never stayed at her apartment one late night the superintendent was working young family upstairs had gone out of town natalie and tyler were in their car smoking with some friends and kane and i were on the front step by the main door of the building which had a large window that allowed full view of the main hallway the stairs leading down to our apartment and to mess apartment door was right by the building door all of a sudden we see tim burst out of his apartment shirtless he had clearly been asleep he frantically asked us if we had just banged on his door we replied in the negative and told him we had not seen anyone by his door at all tim became convinced somehow it was tyler and natalie which was impossible as they were outside the entire time evidently tim was woken by aggressive banging on the door like as if someone banged on every part of the door in rage something we would have heard for sure it was strange and tim never did figure out what had happened i was out running on a crushed gravel one four mile track at about zero five three zero so it was still completely dark out and i was the only one there this area was a battle site during the civil war nearby an old to me hospital old army base ect not sure if directly related but i think worth mentioning that morning i was doing 30 60s sprint for 30 seconds walk 460 at one point i was on the south side of the track during a walking portion i hear footsteps coming up behind me at the pace of a run i start moving towards the outside of the track and look behind me to make sure i'm not going to be in the way of someone moving at a faster pace but no one was there i think it just must have been my imagination i circle around and end up walking in the same area again same thing i hear footsteps move towards the outside but do not see anyone now i was starting to get weirded out but i keep on with my sprints every time i ended up walking on that section of track i would start to hear running steps behind me but it was only that section and only if i was walking and since the pace did not match with mine i knew it was not some kind of echo i still use that track but i have never been back that early footstep but not track related when i first moved into that area i was the only person living on the third floor of my building there is non-existing sound proofing so if any door off the main hallway opens or closes especially the stairwell doors i'm able to hear it one night i do not hear any doors but i start to hear someone walking down the hall like they are shuffling along in flip-flops since no one else lived on my floor there was no reason for anyone from the second floor to be there lights come on automatically when someone enters the hallway but i was little too freaked to look at my peephole to see if there was any light i'm still not sure which would have been worse if i had looked my great grandmother who used to live in my grandparents died about a month before i was born when i was about three we were at my grandparents garden and they were talking about some flowers there i said just like the ones my grands liked they were shocked and then they took me to a bedroom to see some old pictures they asked me pointing to my great-grandmother if she was grand and i said yes it results that there is no way i could have known about her or even get to know her favorite plants i do not remember it but most of my family does my earliest memory is an overhead view of the house i grew up in roughly 30 40 feet above the intersection and it showed me a crawl of words that told me the address my name my family s names and ended with a message like good luck or something i can not quite remember then i woke up being carried upstairs and a few moments later we had a blackout on the street another one was when i was a bit older i used to walk around in the woods behind our house every so often i did hear my name get called so i did return and ask anyone who was there if they called for me usually i got a confused look or a thought you were in your bedroom eventually i figured it was my imagination and ignored it it disappeared for a few weeks but came back during an attempt to go farther than i ever have i was about two miles in the voice called faintly behind me i looked and saw nothing continued on a few more feet and the voice got louder and kinda angry sounding i ignored it again then it screamed at me and i felt something similar to getting punched in the chest and promptly turned around there is some other spooky things but those are the most interesting thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 6,875
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: reddit paranormal story, reddit paranormal stories, reddit paranormal, paranormal reddit, Unexplainable Supernatural, supernatual stories, true supernatual stories, creepy supernatural stories, scary supernatural stories, unexplainable stories, unexplainable horror stories, supernatual story, true supernatual story, true paranormal story reddit, true supernatural story reddit, creepy supernatural story, scary supernatural story, unexplainable story, unexplainable supernatural
Id: w1vqdTHNRrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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