Encounter with Mythical Creature Stories 2021

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serious people of reddit who claim to have seen a mythical creature such as phallus elves gnomes etc what is your story as a child my parents would send me to summer camp every year for three weeks the organization i drove with had different campsites one of them on an island when i was 13 i became an assistant supervisor which meant i had more privileges than other children because i worked there and i was part of the team and i had proven to be responsible so me and my assistant supervisor friends hung out at the beach adorned with no one else around feeling very important and privileged because the other 13 year olds weren't allowed to go alone it was pretty cold summer day and basically no one else was there all of a sudden a middle ages woman wearing only a white cloth strutted down the dune out of nowhere the dune was a nature reserves and you weren't allowed to walk through them at the place we chilled while walking with big steps she threw the cloth away and was but naked underneath it she then walked into the sea and swam for some time before she vanished we waited for at least an hour at her cloth but she didn't he come back and it was really dark when we left from that point on we would always talk about her as the mermaid and we would proudly tell people that we saw a weird old naked mermaid today i hope she is okay and just got out of the water somewhere else i saw a ghost my grandparents described it as a gnome but hell no that was a full-on spirit once i was vibing with my cousins on my grandparent s farm on a place where we could see the border to the other farm it was said that bad stuff happened on that farm anyway we were hanging on there on my uncle s car and then we turn around we see this humanoid silhouette standing there it was the size of a kid but with the proportions of an adult it shined white and like if you saw straight to a lead light but it did not hurt the eyes and it did not emit light either for some reason i knew that he was staring at us even if he was just a silhouette and for some reason i know it was a he we had a guard dog at the time and we tell him hey paco paco look at their attack bark something dog looks at the seller who went dead in the eye and winds and turns around he ran away we also used out little cousin as a bait because he was trashing us for being scared of it like if it was the most common thing for him he just walked to the house and left us after a while the creature was gone and we ran to the house i never saw him again and to this day i wonder who was the spirit i really hope he found peace i do not remember this i was like three or something when it happened but my mom told that one day out of nowhere i started talking about a woman named sister she was old wearing all black and had really long white hair i told them she was nice and told me a lot of stories before my mom picked me up and asked me where i have seen her and where was she now it looks like i just told them that she is with grandad obviously with the side note that my grandad passed away a year before all of this happened they never mentioned that incident until i was older adding the fact that that woman called sister was an old relative that was close to my grandad when he was a kid again i do not remember anything so it is not that scary but man did it give me the chills when my mother told me my best friend and i grew up in a small town in the cascade mountains in south west washington we were driving back to her house at like 1 30 am and saw a big weirwolf thing leisurely crossed the road onto legs right in front of us we both just sucked in air stopped talking and after a second or two we turned to each other and she asked did you see that and i said yup and we did not talk about it again until we both indebtedly wrote down a description and then shared it with each other we described the same thing it was right next to where a christmas tree farm was right next to some thick woods in those woods is a white plastic chair under a tree where a classmate had hung himself four years prior that chair sat there growing moss and algae for several years what we saw was a wolf s face long arms and legs a thick bushy tail and a slightly hunched back it took huge strides and looked over at us when it was about halfway across the road it was like a freaking werewolf i had a succubus rented a trailer at a rv park for a week place to stay close working a shutdown strange vibes from the time i walked in i got there before my buddy got there so i had the big bedroom i laid my clothes on end of the bed for the next morning i passed out and dreamed that the most beautiful woman i have ever seen walked in the room she walked up and started riding me i could feel her body weight her hands on my chest i even seen the clothes i laid out i have never had a wet dream in my life i woke up about to blow my load she came every night i could see my different clothes laid on the bed here is the crazy part went home for the weekend and when i went back sunday they moved me to another trailer about 100 it's away from that trailer i woke up about to not and i seen the sun coming up all my was gone clothes boots i had walked in nothing but my boxers to that trailer in my sleep never done it in my life i'm tenderfooted as hell craziest thing ever happened to me buddy i worked with texts me every three six months and says i got raped my man ghost this was 10 years ago i have experienced some type of encounters you can call it with sirens and ghosts the siren encounter i did not actually see it but i heard a siren song and i have not told oh many friends about this butted horror like this for context my father worked at that time as a night good for some industry boats and sometimes i went with him because the place had internet and i would keep my father company too so one day he told me that he heard a weird song from the river just before getting asleep he could sleep at work because he just needed to just call the police and wait for the my something happened and could not actually do anything if the police was not there that is why he left that work anyways he told me about that and joked about it being siren singing but the dudes that worked on the boats claimed that they heard the songs coming from the water or the other side of the river some days that they had to work until late night but the songs stopped when they got outside and looked for what was making the sound and seems like that it is a legend about some sirens in the river so one night that i go with my father he goes to sleep and i stay awake playing with the netbook and at exactly 4 am i open the door and go out of the room to get some fresh air and i sit on a chair and i start to hear some sort of melody it was like a humming but it was so refined that it felt like a song and i can ensure that the legends about a siren song being hypnotizing are pretty much true because it felt like the sound was coming from the same place as i was and i started to get the feeling to go to the river but the thing is the river is almost 300 meters away and i just was like i definitely will not go to the river and i just sat in the chair and waited for the weird feeling to go away i do not know when but i fell asleep and my father wakes me up i wake up and i was sleeping in the chair but the thing does not end there because i remember that i did not say anything to my father about what happened but i did not because i could not remember what happened some days after that i was sleeping in my house it is one kilometer away from the place and i wake up at exactly 4 a.m and i just feel weird and i get up from the bed and go to the balcony to get some air and i heard the song again this time is a little bit more quiet but it is the same feeling as before i feel like it is in my head and it was so beautiful that i just sat there and heard it until i could not hear it anymore and after that i get up to go to bed again and i felt weird and in that moment i remember what happened that night and i was like what the hell how the duck did i forgot that night and more exclusively that song i repeat it it was so beautiful that there is not a single song in human history that can compare to that i think anyways i still remember sometimes how that was so weird but interesting at the same time not sure if it would fall under mythical or supernatural but here is what i got i was seven or eight at the time and back then i would get up early before the sun's rises on the weekends to watch a music show on the tv in the living room so i was watching it with the lights out so the only light was from the tv and out the corner of my eye i see a something move i turned my head to the sea who or what it was and i see a tall thin shadow of what appeared to be a man walk along the wall seeing no one there other than the shadow and hearing nothing but the tv i just go back to watching tv so yeah that is a story of the time i saw what i kind of thought was a pole to geist cause i had a scooby-doo game at the time with her enemy in it that was a shadow called that but as i got older i have no idea what to call it ps other than seeing the shadow nothing weird happened in that house other than my parents saying they heard the purring of our dead cat years later so i dated this girl who claimed to see ghosts i thought nothing of it until my mom started seeing a little girl in our house my ex would say she saw her too i brushed it off until i started to see the little girl in my dreams one night i had the worst sleep paralysis ever i kept having false awakenings i would wake up and go about my morning routine only to see the little girl in the house and it was always a negative encounter it kept happening over and over and over it felt so real every time the last time i saw her before finally actually waking up i turned to go up the stairs and she was standing there with what i guess was a demon devil because it spoke and offered me whatever i wanted if i gave up my soul i know it was nonsense i don't remember what i said but i finally woke up for good and was sweating and extremely scared out of my mind i wrote the whole dream down and would get scared to even look at it up until that dream i always thought the ghost was just playful because things would disappear and reappear in my room once i left and came back my ex always claimed her house was haunted by a demon so maybe it just followed her to her house she buried something to help a spirit cross over and i stopped having those scary dreams i am a rational person bull believe in the fee and go back and forth on ghosts but i've never been so scared in my life also when i was a kid i saw my grandfather one day he died in my childhood home i was laying in bed and rolled over and at the edge of my bed his face was inches away from mine i was scared shitless and instantly ran to my mom looking back i know he just wanted to check up on me no minnesona i was really young i cannot remember how young but i must have been under six i was at my grandparents and they have outside sauna in a building with workshop next to it i was with my grandpa and we were talking about something as we were entering the sauna then my grandpa goes to the heater to put in logs or maybe store them next to it cannot remember but i was facing the benches as we were talking and next thing i know there is this little gnome that peaks its head and looks straight at me from a hole where all the water go on the floor it must have been only seconds because i stood still on silent and then it just goes away i tell it to my grandpa but i don't know if he took it seriously i didn't know what to feel i was fascinated but a little creeped out by it later my grandpa tells me something about gnomes living underground as it is often in finnish folklore which made it even more mysterious i do not think it was a dream because it shocked me and i remember it so clearly i did not know where to post this and just wanted to tell someone because it really bothers me when it sometimes comes my mind also sorry if my english had some spelling mistakes my dog eats any food i leave out on the kitchen island if no one is watching if me or someone else is right there with him he doesn't eat air touch it he s sneaky that way to the story now i purposely left a plate of food on the island and went upstairs to see if he would eat it he doesn't he even eat the food if i'm in the house usually just when i leave i left my phone recording toward the island to my surprise my dog stands up on his back legs and begins to eat the food once i go back downstairs and watch the video i realize something oh before my dog even jumps up on his back legs i hear three distinct burping sounds in the video i thought that was really weird because i did not remember burping and i had been upstairs the entire time and the burps sounded super close to the camera i dismiss it and think it could be some random noise i keep watching the video and once my dog jumps up and begins to eat the food off the plate i hear something it sounds like a voice a female voice i rewind to hear it again and again and again i don't know what it could be no possible explanation then i noticed that voice it distinctly saying do not eat it then says another small phrase but i cannot really make it out i sent the video to my mom and the rest of my family and they think it is really weird my brother was in the house with me at the time in his room and i immediately show him he also thinks it is super weird i used to see shadow people they used to visit me all the time when i was a teenager and every time it was terrifying roughly once a month i would wake up inexplicably in the middle of the night absolutely terrified as if i had watched a horror movie earlier and just had a nightmare about it except i had never woke from a nightmare when this happened every time i felt like someone was coming up the stairs to murder us all in our sleep so i would always cover my head with my blankets to make me feel a little safer most of the time i would tell myself that i was being stupid my overactive imagination was at work and i would just roll over and force myself to go back to sleep all without ever cracking my eyes open there were two instances where i did not do that however once when i was 13 i woke up scared and like usual told myself i was being dumb and started to roll over and my eyes opened in the process my curtains were usually open to some degree at night and if i did not get good moon light shining into my room then it would be the light from the street lamp outside sitting above me against my wall clearly outlined in the moonlight was a tall opaque shadowy figure with glowing red eyes i was terrified and then it turned and noticed me staring at it immediately it lunged at me and i yanked my covers over my head i didn't call for anyone because i knew they would not believe me so i laid there shaking like a leaf curled up in a tight ball and holding my blankets over my head like my life depended on it until i fell back asleep from then on every time i woke up scared i knew it was one of those shadow people and i made sure my blankets were over my head before rolling over this continued for a few more years eventually my brother moved out and i moved into his old room and the nights of waking up scared for no reason continued one night it happened my eyes accidentally opened just barely enough to see but not enough that it was obvious my eyes were open i saw very clearly in the street lamplight that came through my brother's window an opaque shadowy figure standing beside my bed it was standing closer to the foot of my bed and it was at least seven feet tall it was staring down at me not moving strange thing was that this one had pale golden eyes instead of the red ones the previous one had i didn't feel an immediate danger but i didn't want them bothering me anymore in the years since this started i had done my research and discovered they were in fact shadow people and that they always came causing feelings of fear and red the one i always imagined in my head coming up the stairs to kill us was always the hat man even before i knew what it was but the ones i had actually seen were both hooded figures i had also discovered that you could apparently get rid of them by telling them they were not welcome anymore so that's what i did i closed my eyes and told them to leave me alone and apparently it friggin worked that was the last time i ever experienced it every time i tell the stories to people today they always dismiss it as though you were probably just sleep paralyzed except no the hell i was not i had never experienced sleep paralysis in my life until only a few months ago and it was a vastly different experience to what happened to me as a teen was a kid during a forest exploration day we found an old heart and of course we talked i thought i saw something out of the corner of my eye something shady moving real fast we heard a branch break and all turned to the spot where i saw that thing we of course being stupid as ducatia were one scared shitless too interested so we ran after it walked up to a clearing and i could have sworn that on the other side there was something standing in the trees about 300 feet away or 100 meters right after i blinked it was gone my grandparents always told me about an old witch living in the woods so i assumed that was that we spread the rumors about the witch house in our small little primary school few days later me and some friends walked back there and the hud was completely destroyed well we were little and it was in a dark forest with a lot of light play could have been anything but that is my story back a few years ago around 2010 2011 i was going to the movies with my family at a roller theater on the bad side of the city even though it was not the best i enjoyed it and had fun getting right in the ride there when we left the car and we are heading into the theater i felt like looking at the moon for some reason and since it was cloudy and dark out this night i waited for a minute or two while my dad kept telling me to hurry up but i just wanted to look at it before entering and that is when i saw it a bat flying past the moon and pretty high up but i know it could not be a bat since it was high up there but still kinda blocking the moon definitely higher than the highest building there six seven story yes so i felt a little scared and ran to my dad and held his hand i was eight nine and did not look back we finished the movie and when we were leaving i had to look to be a brace boy but it was gone but for a few days after i had awful dreams of this thing grabbing and flying away i have more story yes but they are not overwhelmingly scary but i do try not to think of them tldr saw a big bat that scared little me this is way late so it will probably never be read but here is my short story growing up i had a friend who was really into fairies she had all kinds of books on them and even had a few fairy friends that she said she could see and talk to being a kid i wanted to fit in so i started getting into fairies too i even made up two fairy friends and gave them names one day i made a bed for them it was half of an old larger square tin and inside i put a fancy scarf as bedding and blanket i told my fairy friends it was for them and went to bed the next morning there were two shapes in the makeshift bed they looked like two tiny bodies were sleeping under the covers i remember pressing the shapes to see if the scarf had just laid weird but when i pressed the shape it felt like i was pressing down on someone laying in a bed it s like i could feel they were there but colton t see them another one backstory my eldest brother was young about four years old and always visited my father at work every day one time father did not tell him that he was going to the city staying with old habits only chan went to father s office it was found on the second floor on the end of the hallway to the left nobody noticed my brother passed by so my father sophistimates also could not tell him when he arrived at the office it was locked since father was not at work he peaked in the glass pane to see inside he did not know the person so they went to lucy a co-worker of father lucy was nearby and was in charge with the typewriter lucy told only chan that father was not around and that he was in the city but my brother was puzzled so he asked but who was that woman in his office lucy was of course shocked because there was no one in there except my father she peeked inside and saw nobody she then asked what the woman looked like tall skinny and the face was covered with long hair she was using daddy's typewriter she sent my brother home and told father about it father then added when he was telling us the story that he did experience someone else watching him our best guess was it was a gubernong a filipino overseer in term for forest people usually depicted as night people that copy our lives we can't see them but they can see us but children can see them at times so that is that i do have my own experiences from a different comment i have seen no mythical stuff before that would be nice but back when i was in primary school i saw something my school is built next to a forest and i was on the third floor so i have a pretty good view from the window one day i saw this black object hanging off a branch in the canopy thought it was a bat but thing was too huge like human size and it remained there four days before vanishing my friend thought it was a murder incident and someone wrapped the body in black plastic and hung it up but no one really took it seriously it passed until nearly a year later when i was on holiday with my cousin he was playing a japanese video game and there was a level where he was in a cave full of upside down mummies hanging down from the ceiling and it finally struck me still freaks the out of me that i saw something like that for days and thought it was a bat when i was a kid i saw a white lady across the street it was full of trees before and the area is just pitch dark at night she had long black hair and her dress was white it almost looked like it was glowing i could not see her face she just stood there for what seemed like hours the dogs at the neighborhood were howling and barking like crazy one dog was barking at her direction but when i tried to tell my parents or the other adults i was with they told me that they do not see anything i even tried to point at her a few minutes later there was a power interruption and when the power was back she was gone white ladies are a famous legend here in our country they usually appear by the side of the road and that when someone sees one they should stop and let her in because if they do not they might make you lost or lead you into accidents well at least that is what i was told this sounds a bit strange so bear with me so my dad tied me up and put tape over my mouth and put me in the boot trunk of the car because i was playing up and annoying everyone else in said car by prodding hitting or just being and annoying did not really deserve that kind of treatment but hey people are weird so i'm hogtied in the back of my dad's car and i'm looking up at the sky this group of lights speed past my line of sight stopped and kind of reversed back and stayed over our car i'm guessing about 35 40 meters above us but i have no way of knowing for sure the lights spin around each other and move up and down then all three split in different directions i then saw not one but two what i believe to be shooting stars they came in from different angles but disappeared at the same time and in the same place like they were thrown at each other i could not say anything because i was tied up and gagged like a potential murder victim but i think that i may have witnessed a space battle i can see them from my peripheral vision happened multiple times since childhood i thought i was just imaginative till people told my experience without me telling them i hear footsteps from the stairs they my family yes distinct footsteps while we were away i say someone was turning off the tv when i was watching as a child they saw the tv turn on while we were away it later happened on a different tv and it was caught on the cctv i say there was a woman in our balcony our neighbor saw it and told us the next week i told the youth for christ camp that there was someone watching us and got closer the second day they shrugged me off and two people got posited the same night i experienced this ghost child from a catholic school in summer class i get confirmation of the story two years later when i schooled there i guarded patrol for a camping event i saw the same boy a lady near the admin toilets a woman crouching and turning no go inside a closed door a decapitated priest on my way back and the campers telling me that they saw something and i finished their sentences i'm too lazy to go into specifics but i will tell a longer version if people ask for it so it is interesting to note that in the case of the fee it is a major point of note that fee are quite literally beings of story by adding yourself or your proxy to their story you interact with them in as real away as any other form of encounter the more well-known the story the more well-known the fee the more inevitable the consequences of that interaction become i have already have had a dream encounter yield consequences that echoed out into another context the most wonderful part about this magic is a mechanic of it our fascination with the stories of the fee itself our understanding of some specific world of rules and net and decorum combined with the tinker bell effect literally our stories make recurrent beings of story have power in reality and these are what the fee are and the more impact and leverage fantasy and story have on your perceptions the more this will be felt in my first encounter it was in the context of a dream as many encounters with the fear in this dream titania was not an evil woman necessarily but she was a ruthless general of a rebel faction of people fighting a genocide against the fee think carnival row if you have heard of it i was in this context a soldier human but not entirely mostly i was a wizard and i fought for them but titania committed an unspeakable public act to shame me though i did all that had been asked of me in defense against a brutal regime in exchange i made her shamed and returned for i handled it with glee the thing is this act involved an ambiguity of whether an offer had been accepted of her the consequences of this act came some time later after i got into a new dd group about a month or two into our campaign in the context of the story we were exposed to a situation where a fairy happened to be revealed to be on the lam from titania queen of fairies but i'm playing a self-insert and so my character had this dream and an ambiguous debt and knowledge that titania regardless of the previous context would try to leverage my response was to explain the ambiguous debt to prevent any further disclosures of information that would be so sort and immediately get so blackout drunk that i would forget what had just been told to me about the fugitive this is the reality of the fee they are creatures who by their nature a story bind through story so i have never mentioned this before now and i'm pretty sure it was my mind playing tricks on me but it was still really weird at the time i'm also not the type to believe things without scientific evidence i was young and had the flu really bad my parents had me sleep in their bed on one side in case i needed them in the night from where i was laying i could see most of the way down the hall so in the middle of the night with everything pitch black i woke up sweating and saw this really tall figure at the end of the hall glowing bright white it was almost as tall as the ceiling and had antlers and very long thin limbs i could feel it staring at me for a few minutes before it vanished needless to say i was spooked but fell asleep again i'm pretty sure it was headlights from a car shining through a window into the hall or possibly my fever caused me to see it i stayed in the squad bania where the washing machine incident happened and closed by the night hike into a creek place there were rumors the squad bay was haunted and there were some weird lights shadows sometimes in the squad bay but as there were 70 of us living there together not much was thought of it still not convinced it was actually haunted then at the schoolhouse the lights in my bathroom would turn on with no one around but the lights were automatic so maybe it was just the wiring being weird then i got to my duty station and one day a pink handprint showed up on my wall but that might be something i just missed when i got there i am not 100 sure about that one but it was really strange i got to my current barracks and the day after i got all my stuff in my room my chair moved i really can't explain it it's a rocking chair thing that will go backwards if you re sitting in it but it is hard to get it to stay back if no one is on the chair it rocked back and forth and then just went backwards really aggressively and moved backwards but there is no chords or anything around it and i was sitting on my bed when it happened no room at either not really sure what it is but it doesn't he feel malicious so i've ever been okay with whatever it is called a rash romney women ever women who dispense with antiquated sensibilities regarding male addiction will speak reluctantly but reverently about the ursatory three ethereal women with skin so palette is iridescent accuted in gowns of diaphanous silk will descend upon the birth of any roma child their baleful depictions in our oral history render them emblematic of an inauspicious beginning for boys but auspicious are men for girls childbirth is a communal sufferance for all romani women residing in an orthodox caste all women have an obligation to be proximal if only to vicariously imbue fortitude and equanimity in the expecting mother the anticipation of her satori is inculcated into the malleable mind of children and they observe adults comporting themselves to corroborate the stories of these preternatural white women we can rationalize their intrusion as late and trepidation of europeans and our mutual enmity the depiction of malevolent white woman as who his countenance is contorted with revulsion as she condemns your child as the harbinger of pestilence and perdition can be construed as a rather grotesque embellishment of atavistic animosity still i have witnessed two births and the mother s subsequent disconcerting behavior when the ursatory visit they are only visible to the parents and i have never met a romney woman who was not graced with the presence of them and a pronouncement about the trajectory of her life one time when i was a teen a friend and i were walking around my neighborhood in the middle of the night around 1am we walked past and alley and sitting underneath the light in the middle of the alley was a pitch black creature that had the body stance of a cat but the head of a dog we walked past it commented it on it being weird and then took five steps back to look at it again and it was gone on a less serious note a few years ago i thought i saw batman fly over my friend and i while we were walking around the neighborhood around 11 p.m like they looked about three feet in length and like bats but this time i was on six hits of acid so we probably just saw bats my parents my sisters and i have all had separate and unique encounters with what we believe to be spirits or ghosts my dad is the most surprising because he is a devout baptist preacher and does not normally do the whole supernatural thing that is not what i'm going to share though i believe in ghosts and spirits but my story is something that i cannot even explain i was on my way home from cheerleading practice i was probably 12 13 my mom was driving and i had invited my best friend to stay the night at my house after practice so she was riding in the back seat with me we lived in rural southern ohio and it was the time of the year where the sun began setting around 6 p.m it was almost completely dark outside on our ride home about two miles from my mom and daddy's house there is a big open field that is eighty percent of ohio anyways in the darkness i saw this creature in the middle of the field that looked like a kangaroo it was about five six feet tall stood on two hind haunches and moved quickly in bounding movements i could not see any details on the face or if it had hair or fur etc i thought i was just exhausted after practice but then my friend turned to me and asked if i saw it and what it was i confirmed that i saw it and we both described it the same way there is no way it could have been a kangaroo even if there was an accidental zoo break the closest zoo was about two hours away we continued to randomly bring up our sighting over the next decade or so and still could never make any guesses as to what we saw i think about it a lot my family specifically the females strangely are able to see and or feel the presence of demons ghosts there is barely any males at all in my family and they are non-believers maybe because they just do not care enough i'm not sure why it is just the females anyway i have seen many demons and right afterwards i see a white thing that barely has a figure flash by for a few moments that calms me down a demon shadow figure is only negative energy so any fear you feel when it is around is not your fear at all some thought that you do not even think about when you feel that fear in its presence is not yours either and the white ghost thing takes it away plus i'm even able to see auras so that is how i'm able to see certain figures so even though i have seen a lot i have never seen anything like this i woke up at around 3 48 because it was light in my room but i felt sick i was facing the window and i see two shadows walk past it so got him slowly just to make across the window took around 10 seconds and the window is average-sized it looked like a shepherd and a woman wearing a hijab way over those muslim things women wear are called and they had an animal with them once they made it from one side of the window to the next they disappeared my first thought was is that fkn mary and joseph because i was wide awake when that happened i do not see things when i have just been woken up oh man strangely this is one i can finally answer i live my whole life seemingly in a different world than most i'm sure one of you may have heard of cinteria which is actually derived from the ancient nigerian tradition of leukemia my grandfather was a very powerful man spiritually he spent his life studying and learning and by the time i was born he was a big deal in our faith he has even worked with celebrities who secretly practice santibia my grandfather has talked with very powerful sorcerers and when i mean sorcerers i mean folks who can use incantations it may seem make-believe but barely anyone knows such individuals since my grandfather was such a learned and skilled man in our tradition he was able to met folks like that it takes an extreme amount of discipline to even consider yourself on the same level as these dudes i do not like using the word sorcererella well it sounds cheesy as duck one day my grandfather and his saucer a friend let us call him john for namesake and another acquaintance of my grandfather arnold not real names just placer holders were in a park in upper new york and they were ducking around and this guy was not convinced that the dude with my grandfather actually could do any type of mystical so the dude used an incantation to conjure a troll from the ground i ducking you not apparently the image of that troll was so incredibly disturbing that it turned arnold into an alcoholic he never got sober and died three years later this same guy john on a separate occasion once made a statue in central park move my grandfather passed in the early zeros and has seen things that some consider entirely fictional the thing is some of that is real but it really is a secret club of very spiritually powerful people my grandfather was only allowed to hang with such guys because he himself was a very well traveled and learned man most of his teachings he took with him i can answer questions should you have any when i was around 10 years old we used to live in a house where my bedroom was in front of the kitchen i used to sleep with my door open from my bed i could see the kitchen and in particular the kitchen dustbin i remember one night i woke up in the middle of the night and looked in front of me now here comes the really strange thing they're next to the dust bean i remember clearly seeing this short thing which was like a little more than half a meter long with two large illuminated eyes and what i can describe as a pointed hat with another illuminated circle on top it sort of looked like a cartoon black witch with three shining circles forming a triangle two four the eyes and one for the top part of the hat i was not scared but i immediately put up my sheet in front of my face and a second later i lowered it down and there was nothing there anymore that image of the witch thing is imprinted in my mind and i have absolutely no idea what it was i claimed to have seen a demon when i was a child i was in cubs and we went camping in the woods we were out hiking later in the afternoon and the sun started to go down we messed around and all ran about playing some silly form of hide and seek anyways the sun goes down and i can see maybe 600 700 meters or maybe closer i was young away the camp father started out but i was hiding in the woods cause i was a dumb kid anyways i hear this noise behind me and see this massive figure with fiery eyes staring at me i tried to run forward to the fire but tripped on a branch and looked back and saw it moving towards me i got up and sprinted as fast as i could back to towards the fire and eventually broke out the brush into the group i was the last one back thankfully and i told them of this demon yeah so apparently it was just a bear that stood on it his hind legs and the away light from the fire caught it his eyes also i was told i'm still convinced i saw a demon i saw what i think was a hell hound or a ghost dog of some sort it was around 3am i came out of my room to go to the bathroom and i looked up in the hallway and laying on the floor was this big black mass just before the bathroom which has a light on and cast light out into the hall probably about i did guess 25 feet away i saw the silhouette against the bathroom light i stood there frozen and watched it moving breathing i assume after about three four minutes of standing there i rushed forwards to hit the light outside of my room about three feet from where i was standing and just before i hit the light i saw a red streak and i maybe then it disappeared as soon as the light flicked on and cast the light up the hall i never saw it again or had anything else happen like that again if ghosts count here's mine so i work at this really old school that s over 150 years old there was always stories about past teachers dying there and such even one saying the principal could hear footsteps coming up the stairs to his office late at night from a ghost called the matron a nurse who died in what was originally the first aid before it became the principal s office the building i worked in allegedly had a ghost called john i believe i never fully believed in ghosts so i thought aha sure when i was told of him however when i was packing up to go home i was moving a vacuum cleaner and saw something in the corner of my eye i thought it was one of the other people who worked there but i saw this man standing not but eight feet from me he was a big guy too just looking down at me from the shadows dead silent i freaked out naturally but even more so when i blinked and he was just gone vanished i ended up falling on my ass and was too scared to scream or even cry i just remember slowly backing away from the corridor and slowly feeling for the steps of the first flight of stairs i didn't even dare think of taking my eyes off of the place john had once been until i got to the platform between the flights and just jumped the entire flight and sprinted for my things and to my car i had to take a moment to calm down because i was shaking so badly i can t walk on the second story of that building without getting chills now so i need to lead with a disclaimer that i was on acid when this happened i am pretty experienced with acid and it was only one hit i then ever outright hallucinated on acid i get cool visuals but it has never been anything that made me question whether what i was seeing was real all that said it was probably the acid anyway i was tripping with a friend on the top of this hill in the middle of a national park it was a clear sunny afternoon we both saw a long dark cigar-shaped ufo of some kind fly right overhead it was flying low not far above the treetops and was about the size of a commercial jet but with no wings windows or other markings it didn't he seem to be making any sound and it was moving much more slowly than any plane i've ever seen another weird detail is that it was close enough that it felt like we should have been able to tell more or less what it was made of but we just cold tea like i called t tell you if it was metal or shiny or hard or soft or even if it was definitely a solid it was just kind of hard to look at it felt like it has edges were weirdly fussy like i called couldn't quite tell where it ended and the sky began my friend described it the same way so yeah it was the acid probably thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 6,158
Rating: 4.8800001 out of 5
Keywords: reddit paranormal, mythical creature stories, mythical creatures story, mythical creature story, mythical creatures stories, mythical creatures storytime, creature horror story, creature horror stories, creatures horror stories, creature stories, strange creatures, mysterious creatures, unexplained creatures, strange creature sightings, creepy creatures, Strange Creatures, strange creature, Mythical Creature Stories 2021, creature stories 2020, mythical creatures
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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