[ 4 HOUR ] Glitch in Matrix and Alien Stories Compilation

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what is your go to creepy slash unexplained story this can be anything from a paranormal encounter glitch in the matrix or even aliens i had just moved into a new house one day i was downstairs when i heard what sounded like furniture moving around upstairs i go up to investigate but no sounds nothing is moved go back downstairs and it starts again i go back up nothing this went on for about an hour i almost called the police because i was positive someone was in my home i ended up calling someone and kept them on speakerphone while i searched the attic and any other place maybe an animal could be hiding but i never found anything eventually i gave up my search and went to bed that night i had a dream that i was driving to work in the rain and fog and crashed someone approached me and asked are you ready to move on and i woke up at the time i was working midshift so around 10 pm that same day i get in the car on a foggy and rainy night and make my way into work without any issue the building i worked in had security cameras all over and it being so late i was the only person coming in when i get inside the person i was relieving asked who i came in with i was alone but she swore someone followed me inside it was a very unnerving 12 hours to say the least i've posted this before not sure if it's supernatural but it's definitely creepy i was hiking through the remnants of a remote long abandoned town and the surrounding area to get to as far into the woods as i was you had to cross fallen trees over a creek three times i had just crossed the third bridge and was about five miles in and something blue caught my eye just ahead of me there was a man in his sixties at least wearing blue satin pajamas sitting in a tree the closer i got to him the louder he laughed it wasn't a maniacal laugh but it set off all the alarms in my head nevertheless he also wasn't wearing any shoes and looked well groomed slash cleaned i gave him a friendly nod as i passed and he just kept laughing then it stopped i turned and he was gone there was no branch cracking plants rustling nothing he was just gone still rubbed me the wrong way the area i was in was a pretty rough hike very secluded not very many people venture as deep as i was that day no idea what was going on there only mildly creepy but it still gives me the shivers i used to work in a small office about 60 people at maximum capacity that had a security guard on duty 24 over 7. one night i had to stay super duper late by myself because i had to leave early the next day and needed to finish my workload all of my other co-workers are gone by around 10 pm cleaning crew comes in and now it's just me and the security guard the place is dark but i'm not at all frightened because i'm not scared of most things the dark ghosts etc the security guard is a really nice dude and we are in a safe neighborhood the security guards are required to make rounds every couple of hours just to make sure things are fine sometimes they say something to us most times they don't tonight nice guy security dude stops by my cubicle and asks everything alrighty big friendly grin on his face per usual all good here thanks i go back to work 20 minutes later he's back again big grin everything all right yup nothing yet 20 minutes later he's back big grin at this point i'm a little creeped out there is no need for him to come by this frequently in fact it's disruptive i also noticed that the way he interacts with me is always exactly the same as if i were in a time loop same big grin same intonation same rhythm of speed not only that i noticed that he whistles the same thing at around the same time so if i turn off the music on my headphones i can hear his whistling coming closer before he asks everything all right it's around midnight and i'm totally freaked out i try to rationalize this with myself because i have to get this work done i'm rushing through my work and i keep hearing that whistling behind me surely he won't come back again everything all right at this point i'm freaked out because i no longer trust this guy i felt so safe around i was a young woman in her mid-20s security guards are due in his 50s dashies i couldn't finish everything but i wrote an email to my supervisor saying that the security guard is acting very strange and i don't feel safe i shut everything down try to rush to the exit i don't run into the security guard and just as i'm feeling free and clear i hear by now behind me he's standing there in the dark hallway big grin just standing there and watching i mumble something and ducking sprint to my car the next day i rush to my supervisor to try to explain what happened the night before in the light of day it kind of felt like i might've overreacted or maybe my mind was playing tricks on me turns out the dude just disappeared he's missing i'm pretty sure they still haven't found him to this day the security guard company just kind of dismissed it as some flaky guy who quit for no reason and no one seemed to be pursuing it much he must have been suffering some kind of mental health issue or something but up until that night he was just a super nice trustworthy reliable security guard that everybody loved it also felt like some kind of weird paranormal [ __ ] because it really felt like something had taken over inside of him this is honestly terrifying this happened about two months ago i was alone in the house as my parents were away working for the weekend they were due back that evening when my mum text me to say that they'd broken down and were awaiting the breakdown service to pick them up i asked them if there was anything i could do but they told me to go to sleep as they'd probably be back late fast forward to 3am i woke up to use the toilet when i left the bathroom i glanced over to their bedroom and the door was shut and i could see the light on inside at this point i should note that when i went to sleep their bedroom door was open and the light was off so i thought oh they must be home i stumbled towards the door and remember stopping myself thinking no i won't go in i'll just speak to them in the morning so i turn back towards my room and go back to sleep next thing i know i'm being woken by the sound of the front door opening downstairs i glanced at the clock noting it was 3 45 am 45 minutes after i'd last woken up i thought it was a bit strange and got a tense feeling in my stomach i walked out of my bedroom glanced over to my parents room only to see the door open and the light off the bed was also made so no one had been in it i felt sick so i went downstairs and nervously asked my mum have you just got home she was like yeah why i just sat staring into space wondering what the duck happened i'm still wondering now didn't experience this first hand but i overhead some of it on the phone my sister was visiting my parents home from college for the weekend i live in my own place the next town over i called her about something and she was clearly very upset she told me she was home alone and something was happening and i asked her if there was someone in the house slash an intruder she told me there were animalistic growling noises coming from the corner and my mom's dog was going nuts on the noise i could hear him in the background she said the hallway lights were flashing on and off i told her to get her jacket and calmly walk out of the house taking the dog with her if she could that i would be by soon to pick her up she went outside and brought the dog with her her friend was even closer than i was so she picked my sister up and they hung out at her friend's house for a while about 20 minutes after that my brother who also lived nearby stopped by the house to return some tools he borrowed for my dad he went inside because he saw the lights going on and off and he's an electrician once he was inside they stopped he kept hearing someone walking around in the other room but when he'd go in there no one was there and when he called out no one responded he checked the whole house and then also heard animal growling noises from the same corner as my sister this is an outside wall corner with windows not enough space for a raccoon or something to be trapped inside the wall my brother felt really unnerved and left i own this really random photography book called 100 young americans that i bought around 2007 ice maybe earlier i know i still own it because i recently reorganized my bookshelf just last week i was getting into my car and i saw something sitting on top of the trunk of my car i get out it's a copy of 100 young americans just sitting on my hood why is that random photography book that i've literally never seen anyone else have sitting open on the hood of my car also yes my copy is safe and sound in my bookcase this might become mine after what happened last night i was playing poker at the local casino and got into a hand with this guy who was wearing some sort of space-themed hoodie the second the first three cards hit the board i had the strongest deja vu i have ever experienced i had a dream about that exact moment like a year ago and i knew the exact next two cards that were going to come out they came out just as i had expected to the point of me calling them and i won a huge hand came home from a date at 11 p.m house dark didn't switch on lights cause i know my way around went straight to the bathroom on my way back down the passage i bumped into my dog a sharp eye he is as big as my mid thigh told my boy i love him and he should be sleeping but good boy for checking on his mom open my bedroom door which was three quarters is closed and switch on the light at the same time only to see him on my bed sleeping lifting his head when the light came on to look at me i wouldn't have heard him or felt him move past me i was alone what bumped into me my family moved into a new house when i was 11 years old the previous owners were a family and the mom died of cancer they sold the house shortly after she passed away growing up my sister and i always had an uneasy feeling about that house strange things would happen but each instance had a plausible explanation except for this one time when i was 16 in the middle of the night i was having trouble sleeping while i was lying there in my bed the door to my room opened on its own i could hear footsteps come into my room i couldn't see anyone but i felt like someone else was in my room ever have someone come up behind you while you're on the computer or listening to music and just know they were there without hearing or seeing them like that close bracket i could hear the footsteps get closer to my bed then right next to me appeared compression on my bed like an invisible person was sitting there i could even feel the weight shift i reached out to touch the compression and all of a sudden a bunch of blue static electricity shot out from the spot i touched i screamed down ran out of my room waking up the entire house i couldn't explain what i saw that night was almost questioning my own sanity and that's why i don't tell this story often for the record i was 100 sober at the time also because i could move i don't think it was sleep paralysis the strange thing is that years later my sister ran into the daughter of the previous family she told my sister that her mom had actually died in the house not at the hospital i had something similar one night i could hear things moving and the sounds ended when i could feel someone sitting on my bed i could even feel a bit of their body heat through the blankets i started kicking my feet back and forth only to very unceremoniously kick a cat off my bed apparently she wanted to give me affection that night but i was half asleep and convinced some ancestor came to sit on my bed and judge me or something okay almost a year ago a very close family friend pretty much my uncle passed away it really took everyone by surprise he constantly rode his bike eight very healthy meals and made sure to squeeze in some exercise before work ironically he died from a stroke during one of his workouts a few days after the funeral i went up to my parents and told them about two weeks or so i had a dream about my teeth falling out in my culture that means someone is going to die my mom went on to tell me about a family pic she had taken on her phone that same month she deleted it as soon as she saw it because of how much it freaked her out there was a completely different face on top of hers as she was telling me she got very pale and finally one of the weirdest maybe most chilling part out of all this my dad's dream my dad and my uncle were very close they were friends for many years heck the house i grew up in was built by them for them my room was supposed to be my uncle's room a few days before it happened my dad had a dream he was walking towards this black vehicle parked outside the house with my mom he said he was like some sort of zombie mindlessly walking behind my mom until he saw the driver it was just some woman couldn't really see her face but could tell by the shape she was waiting for them that's when my dad snapped out of it and grabbed my mom and ran back into the house but before he left he realized my uncle was sitting inside the vehicle he woke up in a panic he then continued to have dreams with that same woman lingering outside the house until my uncle passed this happened back in june i had to renew the registration on my car and decided to do it on my lunch break that morning i bought a snack at work and used my personal checking account debit card rather than the joint account card i have with my husband i had just been paid and i knew my personal checking card had money to cover both the snack and the fees for my renewal a few hours later i head over to the dmv i give the lady my inspection paperwork and last year's registration card and take out what i assumed was my personal checking card as i hand it over to the dmv lady i realize the card is actually my card to the joint account my other card nowhere to be found luckily i have just enough to cover the renewal in that account and do a quick transfer once i leave so i don't bounce any bills that money was actually intended for i tore my car wallet and s could work apart looking for my personal checking card because i knew i had it that morning i even pulled my account up to verify i used it to buy my snack that morning i figure i must have dropped it somewhere at work or in the parking lot and put a freeze on the card get home tell my husband i lost my card and go to my room to change open the door and on the floor in front of my dresser is my missing card i log into my bank account to verify that i had used it that morning and again the charge is there i didn't come home before going to the dmv yet then my card lay on the floor no idea how it got there still creeped out my daughter and i still wonder what happened we were traveling along the 401 ontario canada from london to kitchener we'd done this trek many many times over the years my daughter has to pee bad we are coming up to the first kith shin or off-ramp so i tell her that the next ramp is ours and we'll be home in 15 minutes tops so we keep going watching for our exit which should be no more than a few minutes but it doesn't come we keep going and going and going a lines countryside finally an exit comes up but it's not the one we are expecting somehow alpha although we hadn't thought so much time had passed we had missed at least four exits while watching for them and passed through two cities without seeing them w m we ended up having to stop at a tim hortons to pee and driving back home another way why reposting my own comment from another thread not camping peressie thankfully no horrors on that front yet probably because i sleep with earplugs so i don't scare myself to death but last summer i took a shot at astrophotography with my dslr and new lens in this tiny tiny town in utor my boyfriend and i drove down from the little ranch lodge we were staying at around midnight when the stars were out and beautiful on a moonless night the downside was it was dark as hell and we only had our phones to set up the camera and tripod on a random empty driveway in the middle of someone's alfalfa field when you take a straw photography shots you have to do at least 10 or 15 long exposure shots minimum then stack them in post-processing so i get everything set up just past a small rope marking this person's property off the road we wouldn't be there more than 30 minutes and the closest house was probably 500 yards away so i wasn't too worried and start taking photos each of which is about 15 to 30 second exposures occur a long time when you're in complete darkness in an empty field my boyfriend comes over to me and mutters do you hear that i say no and right about then some cows across the road start moving like crazy usually a sign something is messing with the herd i said hear what and my boyfriend just shook his head as if to say later we are probably 10 shots into what i had hoped would be 30 with long processing on the camera between each exposure that makes the dark and the silence even more pressing i start to get an overwhelming sense that something is maybe 10 feet away and watching us the sensation is so strong that i don't even want to turn my flashlight on because then i might actually see something and scare myself to death plus i'll have to stop photographing close bracket so i'm standing there getting incredibly antsy as the feeling becomes more powerful i've never felt anything like it before or since it was a sense of immense animosity of being prayed on from something just past arm's length at 15 shots my boyfriend says can we please go and keep in mind this is a six feet five strong guy who never backs down from anything i paused for five seconds to reflect on how uncomfortable i felt myself and then skipped breaking down the tripod to basically sprint to the car tough the camera on the tripod next to me andy hoppin boyfriend was even faster i asked him what he was hearing as we sped back to the lodge and he said heavy breathing right next to us the whole time now i know it could have been a mountain lion or even a random dog or something but i've never felt so watched in my life with such a terrible amount of animosity i didn't end up with too great of a shot because we didn't take too many exposures but i can post it for credibility if anyone wants my parents house was brand new in a really nice subdivision and i was five when we moved i wasn't ever an anxious kid or anything but i was terrified of the house i refused to be upstairs alone and i had really frequent panic attacks we lived there for 15 years before i moved out and i was never comfortable i live in a 75 year old farmhouse now and i don't get uncomfortable the way i did in that house only one creepy thing actually ever happened to me there though and this is it last year three two week pregnant me went back up to see my grandmother before i had this baby andy i was staying with my parents but my dad was traveling for work so it was just my mom why sister indeemi why mom had gone to the grocery store and i was lying on the sofa he way the living room is set up oh you can see the reflection of the bottom two feet of the foyer and staircase in the tv andy also the kitchen on the other side of the living room oh i'm lying there messing around with my phone andy i hear the stairs creaking look up at the reflection in the tv and i see a pair of bare feet standing in the foyer think it's my sister so i tell her to come and sit with me and feel then baby kicking here's no reply in the feet turn and walk towards the kitchen so i sit up to say hey and there's no one there at all my sister wasn't even home she'd gone to work my parents have moved closer now and they are closing the sale of that house at the end of this month hey you're a little sad but i'm relieved when my family first moved to ca the house we lived in had a lot of weird things occur my room happened to be close to the front door slash dining room area basically i could hear the front door open and close so one day i'm in my room playing games it's after school everyone is home except my dad who's not home from work yet i'm almost 100 concentrated on an mmo but i hear the front door open i quickly turn to look out and i see somebody walk upstairs i assume to be my dad immediately after i hear my youngest brother yell out dad is home dad is home my siblings and my mom all rush upstairs to go after my dad i don't think much of it and kept playing my mmo just a few minutes later they all bolt downstairs there's a big commotion and my little brother is in tears i'm still into my game but i can kind of hear what's going on my brother saw a figure go upstairs and thought it was my dad when they got up there to the master bedroom no one was there i knew i heard the door open and i also saw somebody to upstairs but again we had a lot of strange things happen at that house this was fairly recent a few months ago like in march or april i would assume but for a bit of a backstory there is this abandoned mental hospital that my mom was a patient at and my dad worked at for quite a while it's actually how they met the hospital has been closed since january of 2006 and it's a state hospital and it's huge over 80 some acres since then the state has been trying to figure out what the hell to do with it and some of the buildings are used to house gov offices and such but most of them are completely vacant and before this incident i have been inside most of the buildings besides a few that are those offices and i have been through a lot of the tunnels that connect every building and they honestly look like exactly what you would see in a cheesy horror film anyhow me my boyfriend and our friend let's call him brian all enjoy coming to this hospital because it's a lot of fun to explore and we'll love this kind of [ __ ] so we get there business as usual how we typically approach the nights that we explore here we're all dressed in black warmish clothes because it gets cold pretty quickly and we head out to where we always enter the tunnels and go through buildings that way so we have spent about an hour also exploring different buildings walking the tunnels and me taking pictures for instagram cause i'm slash that slash person and we get really far and deep into the tunnels to the point where i'm starting to question where we are i'm typically pretty calm given i'm so used to this hospital and know where i am but i do get scared extremely easily especially by loud noises given i have very sensitive ears we all come to a bit of a halt cause brian found a room that he decided he wanted to check out and my boyfriend and i were waiting outside of it just talking and me taking a few photos to the right of us there's a small little passage that leads to a door with that distorted type glass pane and one of those older lights that hang over top of the door brian being a duck ass teenager sees a fire extinguisher and decided to do as any other would do and blast it the noise scared me i fell to ground and fainted for a few seconds and my boyfriend and brian were laughing of course and my boyfriend starts picking me up we all heard a noise suddenly and i'm struggling to get up and my boyfriend looks over to the right where the door is and sees nothing through the glass but saw a hand reach from inside the door to push it open the door opens and no one was there but we all ran for it i looked back several times and no one ever followed us but regardless of what happened i think that's the fastest i have ever ran in my life i'm the first person to try and disprove any paranormal occurrence with logic but there was nothing that made sense to me logically and to this day we all don't know what happened that night i had a very similar experience at an abandoned jail i was with my brother who was a teenager and my boyfriend at the time i was crouching to take a photo of my brother a couple of feet away and my brother is facing the door to an open room when he says oh this is a nice handle and begins to reach for the door handle when one of the harshest voices i've ever heard whispers mine and the door slammed in his face i stood up we all stared at each other for a split second and all of us ran i still do not believe in paranormal things but they both confirmed what i heard before the door slammed it was bizarre and terrifying i'll share this one again i've posted this before and it's been a while so see how my memory goes i used to work at a place which required to be manned 24 hours a day reason being is that i handled sensitive document slash files and if somebody needed this information in the middle of the night i would have to fetch it for them or confirm that i have it anyways security is kind of tight bars on windows multiple lock doors to get to where i am they would give me work to do during the night but underestimated how quickly i could get it done so like most nights i finished my work in like 30 to 45 minutes and pulled out my phone and played games netflix browsered it since nobody else is in the building at night so now it is getting to be the last third of my shift when all of a sudden i hear a door close i look to the security camera and see someone walking down a hall towards my room at first i thought it was just somebody that came in ridiculously early so i turn around and wait for them to come in but nobody came in and the hair starts rising on my back now this isn't a really big building so i figure i'll find the guy wherever he is and start checking offices and storage rooms but come up empty-handed however i do see that a fire door headshot i go to try and rewind the camera but the digital recording is password protected and i don't know the password anyways the whole thing freaked me out the way the person was walking down the hallway like a determined walk right to where i was so i sit with my spine tingling for the last couple hours of my shift and finally people start coming in my replacement shows up and i tell her what i saw and at this point i figured i must have imagined the whole thing i'm told to go home and the manager and girl who replaced me would look over the camera after getting home i call my manager and ask what was on the camera so they said that the video showed the fire door closing but then the video froze for about an hour the next thing it records is me reopening the door my mom had cancer when i got married after the wedding she was pretty persistent that my wife and i sent thank you notes to everybody in attendance we finally got them out and she was very thankful unfortunately she passed away due to surgical complications six months later after the funeral my dad and i were sending thank you notes to everybody who brought flowers when i signed the last one sealed it and tossed it on the table i said to my dad it's done that was the last one just then the phone in the kitchen made a ding noise like it was about to start ringing i said to my dad that the phone was about to ring but then nothing happened he picked it up after some back and forth and when he did the line was dead i'm convinced that it was my mom thanking us for sending those thank you notes out while creepy that's sweet jude and it made me smile sorry about your mom and if it's any consolation from this day forward i'm going to stop half adding whenever i need to send thank yous out a few years back i got two free tickets to oregon country fair from a friend who bought them but couldn't go my girlfriend and i headed up the day before with the intent of finding a dispersed camping spot in the national forest about an hour away because we didn't have camping tickets it took us a while to get going and by the time we got to the national forest it was nearing sundown we found a spot to pull off by the side of one of the roads and decided to put the seats down and camp in the car because it was too dark to really check out the site and set up our tent i made sure the doors were locked and rolled down the windows about of an inch so the car doesn't fog up we go to sleep at some point in the night and woken up by the noise of something sliding against the glass of the window i wake up and shine my light out but i don't see anything i go back to sleep but soon i wake up again to the same noise i have my light in my pocket so i pretend to be asleep while i get it in my hand then i pop up and shine it out this time i see something dark behind the closest tree a huge pine tree i climb into the front seat in under 30 seconds and speed out of there down the dirt road a couple miles until i get to the paved road it's like 5 am so i decide to drive to a fast food place and park there to get a little more sleep when the sun rises the first thing i notice is that the dust from the dirt roads has collected on hand smudges on my windows the hand prints and fingerprints were around where the window was cracked somebody out in the middle of nowhere in the national forest had tried to unlock my car while my girlfriend and i slept in it at my dad's funeral my sister my aunt dad sister and i all sat around the table discussing various things one of the things we talked about was my cousin's funeral this was my aunt's daughter she died about 12 years prior she was hit by a drunk driver while on vacation with our grandparents in myrtle beach and suffered an internal decapitation she was doa she was 10 to 11 years old going into fifth grade my sister was eight i was five i don't remember too much about her or the funeral tbh my sister told the story about how she and a friend had gone to play at the playground where my cousin had gone to school while they were playing they saw a little girl hanging out around them but never coming up to them and never saying anything both my sister and her friend were freaked out the girl was wearing jane short overalls a white flowery tee and had long brown hair braided into two pigtails i chimed in and said that that girl must be really poor and not able to buy new clothes because when i would play there i went to that elementary that little girl was there and she would follow me around the playground my friends all saw her too and they thought it was weird for some reason she didn't weird me out i just thought she was shy and wanted friends she was always wearing the exact same outfit my sister described and had long brown hair braided into pigtails this is when my aunt who is now in tears chimes in it turns out that my cousin was buried in a brand new pair of blue jane short overalls a white tee with flowers on it and with her long brown hair braided into two pigtails we never knew what she had been buried in because it was a closed casket funeral she was really beat up my sister and i have no doubt that the girl with both saw on the playground was our cousin tldr the ghost of my dead cousin visited my sister and i both on the playground a few years back i was preparing for an overpass camping trip in an area that didn't have any cell phone service my mom called me to tell me my grandpa was going in that day for a quick routine surgery and that i should give him a call before i head out of cell service to send him my love and well wishes i did so and went off camping without a worry in my heart that night i had incredibly vivid dreams that i was at the hospital where my grandpa was and that things weren't going well i was watching my mom panic and worry as well as my grandma they discussed whether to let him go or not i saw him on the operating table i was there i was with him when he died when i woke up the next morning crying i told my boyfriend that my grandpa had died and that my mom is probably trying to get a hold of me he reassured me that it was just a bad dream brought on by the worry of someone i love being in the hospital but i knew i just felt it so we drove to the nearest town and i called my mom she answered in tears and told me that my grandpa had indeed died from unforeseen complications i told her about my dream and she was shocked the scenes and conversations i described were exactly what happened in the hospital i described what the hospital looked like i had never been there as i lived in a different province and sure enough my mom confirmed my descriptions i have never before or never since experienced anything like this or anything paranormal whatsoever i know though that i was with my grandpa in his final moments in that hospital i had a close friend and roommate who came down to breakfast one morning very disturbed about a dream in which his parents were disappearing and saying goodbye to him he was very upset by the dream which was not in his nature i had never seen him bothered by anything before he was always a very happy charismatic guy later we got a phone call with the awful news that his parents who lived on the other side of the world had in fact both died on that night in a car accident my dad bought this old rundown house as a fixer-upper i was about eight or nine at the time so i could do too much to help him but i remember helping him clean out the attack it was full of tons of old newspapers and toys think orders just tons of toy dolls and fun and cars etc that creeped me out on its own but still we slept there for a while when it was in livable condition anyways here is the really scary part the part my dad waited till we were grown up to tell us one person came by to look at the house when it was near finished and for sale she said she really wanted it cause it was full of spirits they thought she was wacky but whatever if that's why she liked good for her sometime later my dad and mom are laying in bed there when they hear a woman laughing at somewhere in the house they both rolled over and just looked into each other's eyes as they listened and stayed that way till it stopped then never talked about it for a long time they both get chills when they tell that story now i heard what i thought was my brother singing we had a piano in our basement as teenagers and in the early morning all late at night he spent quite a bit of time on it playing music i should note we lived in an old house and sound traveled relatively well so even when he was being quiet you could hear him all the way up on the top floor one morning around 8 a.m i woke up and went about getting ready for the day my brother was singing in the basement being loud and obnoxious his voice is very distinct and i remember walking out the bathroom leaning over the top of the stairwell and shouting down for him to shut up he kept going so i shouted louder but then i remembered my brother wasn't home that day he'd left earlier that morning with my parents the singing stopped i went downstairs to find the basement dark i was alone in the house when i was younger i used to routinely sneak out of the house at night to meet up with friends and perform acts of minor mischief and light vandalism one of the newer additions to the group lived a little out of the way but we were always game to pick him up because it meant crossing through the tall grasses of a farm that stood between his and our corner of suburbia one crisp cool autumn evening we had concluded our business of hopping a pool fence and rearranging the poolside furniture scandalous and most of the other teams had gone home for the evening so i decided to walk my buddy home we cut through the tall grasses in the farm and took a seat in the middle of them by a tree that had a series of small boulders that made for ideal sitting we talked the usual teenage angsty crap who liked who w had you were going to do when you grew up ho was going to move out first to escape their oppressive suburban life first air was a lull in conversation andy i remember hearing a dog barking in the distance by the nearby farmhouse glanced up andy looming over the tall glass were three person shape forms hot together not moving spread several hundred feet apart in the field stock still to clarify this was a field of grass no scarecrows no trees save the one and nothing that could realistically make these shapes i froze up and looked over to my friend shakily asking if he could see it i didn't clarify because he gave a terrified nod none of the figures moved an inch in distinct and shadowy they remained exactly rooted to the spot and we were absolutely petrified then closer than close the insisting growling of a dog no less than 10 feet away from us somewhere in the grass right on top of us we both got up and bolted but nothing chased after not the dog not the figures as i stood huddled with my friend hiding behind a car on a suburban street the moon tucked behind a cloud formation that cast a small pale thread of light down only on us i believed in ghosts i stayed at my friend's house for as long as it took for us to think up a reasonable explanation to what we'd seen i had to get home and the only real way back was through that field plus we had to prove it to ourselves prove to ourselves that it had been trees we'd failed to notice or scarecrows that had been put up for autumn anything at all we came back to the field armed with aluminum baseball bats for self-defense and shakerly stepped back into the area with the one tree and the standing stones and surveilled the field nothing the horizon was completely consistent tall grass no shadows no shapes no trees no scarecrows no dog nothing to explain what we'd seen and nothing to stop me from bolting across the property terrified out of my mind no one believes that we saw what we say we saw or think we are blowing it out of proportion those grasses were head high to me at six feet and the stationary figures we saw had ended easily two feet over the grass i didn't sleep well that night and while i've mostly put it out of my mind i won't forget the farm was sold off and turned into a development not long after i moved away and some nights i can't help but think i hope they didn't build near the standing stones it reads like a creepy pasta or some [ __ ] but i lived it and only the friend i lived it with believes me to this day a disembodied voice may have saved my sister's life when i was about 12 my family lived in my great-grandmother's house she had died in that house before my sister and i were born but we knew that it was her home we were staying in i'm sitting in the front room as my sister walks toward the front door and she suddenly stops and turns to me what did you say she asked i hadn't said anything i was sitting quietly with headphones on we're looking at each other confused and suddenly a car spins out in the street in front of our house the driver regains control and takes off at high speed again my sister was about to walk to her friend's house and might have crossed paths with that car if she had left the house we are both startled and my sister tells me that a stern voice that sounded like mom told her to shut that door mom was in her bedroom but when we asked her she hadn't said anything or left her room somewhat related my sister had talked about dreams she had where she would come home and speak to a old woman one day my mom finds an old photo album and my sister instantly recognizes a picture of the old woman from her dreams it was our great grandmother whose home we were staying in from what i've learned over the years things like this are common for the women in my family not really creepy just a bit odd i had a favorite pair of silver hoop earrings that i liked to wear pretty much all the time one day i looked for them and couldn't find them no big deal i'm kind of disorganized and figured i just left them lying around somewhere i kept my eyes open for the next day or two figuring i'd stumble across them but no luck after they'd been missing a couple of days i had a date planned for later that evening and really wanted to wear them so i really thoroughly looked everywhere i could think behind furniture under couch cushions etc i especially looked in and around my bed as i had a tendency to climb in my bed with them on and feel them poking and pulling when my head would hit the pillow my usual habit was to sleepily pluck them out and toss them on the nightstand but sometimes i'd miss so i looked everywhere behind the nightstand you under the bed and the sheets under the pillows adder med gave up couple of hours later went and got ready for my date just as i was about to leave i glanced at my bed there resting in plain sight on top of my pillow were my earrings i was home alone at the time and hadn't left the house in between looking for the earrings and getting ready for my date there's no way i could have missed them and i cannot for the life of me figure out how they could have gotten there i've told this story on here before when i was a kid i was playing outside at our farm with a drive fake action figure i was in the middle of the lawn and i was throwing it up in the air and catching it pretending he was flying i go to throw it up and i swear it just disappeared and didn't come down i thought i lost it squinting in the sun or something and searched the whole yard for it no trees or bushes around and the house was too far away so it couldn't have ended up on the roof or anything there was nothing around me but freshly mowed lawn it was my favorite toy so i spent so much time searching that day and the next i never saw it again not creepy just unexplained well some minor creepiness for our son we lived near an american civil war battlefield and cemetery for a few years there were trails through the woods that we would hike a lot one day we are looking at the cemetery and my wife hears me walk up to her we were the only ones there so she turns to say something i'm nowhere nearby but on the other side looking at a cannon from that day we started experiencing oddities her car was always kept in the garage and its inside mirror kept moving overnight it wasn't drooping from a loose fitting but would be a random direction sometimes it would be pointed up other times sideways weird but i kinda dismissed it as her bumping it while getting her purse or other items when getting out then her car went into the shop and the next morning i went to go to work and the mirror in my truck which i parked in the driveway with the doors lock was moved upward next morning same thing different direction she got her car back in my mirror never moved again there were little goofy things too typical haunting stuff like things moved the sense of somebody behind you etc also a house was a ranch style with the master bedroom on the first floor and our ratio's bedroom on the second right above ours the flooring job was substandard so we heard his every movement he started going to the bathroom which was down a hallway and halfway across the second floor from his room a lot but every time we'd go check on him he'd be asleep so one night we decided to catch him coming out of the bathroom for no reason other than to make sure he was okay and to tell him to quit stopping like an elephant because come morning he never remembered going we never were able to every time he'd go to the bathroom one of us would head upstairs while the other stayed in bed we wouldn't hear him return and the other would find him asleep in his bed the next morning we asked him if he was up and walking around last night and he said no but that four weeks something would walk up to and away from his door but not open it my wife turned to the room and said you're welcome to hang around but please stop walking up to our son's room at night you're scaring him the footsteps never reoccurred after that although the camera thing kept on could she have been pranking me maybe but one of the times my truck's never moved was after i'd gotten home and i went to go to the store a couple hours later the only set of keys to it had never left my pocket could our son have been pranking us again possible but the damn flooring was so bad in one spot that even our cat walking over it caused it to squeak making it nearly impossible for him to get back to his bedroom without us noticing i had a glitch in the matrix just today i was doing a damage audit and an inventory ordered on our fleet vehicles today i did the damage or did first i found a vehicle with significant damage and listed out details this was among about 10 damage vehicles inside of about 30 we have on our lot well upon turning in the damage audit i'm told this vehicle is not on our lot befuddled i went and checked and it was not where it was when i inspected it i searched the whole lot gone we had no transports today meaning the vehicle was never moved we also checked the location history of it and it had only been rented and returned out of one location about 20 minutes away it's never been on a lot before here's where it gets creepy i'm thinking okay i just had the unit number wrong apostrophe nope i pulled up previous inspections and it had the exact same damage on it that i had written out so somehow i inspected a vehicle properly that was not and had never been on my lot dude that's incredible i wonder what happened i wonder if you walked through an instine rosin bridge to a place in time when the car was in your lot proceeded to inspect it then walked back through the bridge into your previous time jesus that's some [ __ ] i have no idea man but it bugs the ever living duck out of me i mean i made calls like crazy checking around with other locations and transport team to make sure i wasn't going crazy but no one had touched the van before i begin this was quite some time ago and i've since gotten help i began my life in agriculture by working third shift in a farrowing house on a hog farm my job was to assist the cells who were giving birth bias leaving them and the typical things i've always been the kind of person that attracts the irreparably insane people and animals i can't go anywhere without one of the two approaching me one of the things i did a hundred times a night was to use a mixture of rice hulls and mistral to dry the amniotic fluid off of the newborn pigs for anyone that doesn't know the powder is so fine that it flows more like liquid than powder and it gets everywhere as such it was always on everything i had begun noticing that there were tiny little hoof prints outside of the farrowing rooms for this to happen a pig that's about the size of the average can of pop would have to climb a couple feet straight up a perfectly smooth crate panel walk the 40 feet to the wall and then climb straight up a six-foot wall before somehow managing to get through a canvas baffle and then drop another six feet onto a concrete floor all without making any noise injuring itself or being seen by someone who walks past that part of the room about every five minutes i did that job for a few years and the more i did it the more i hated myself i had begun having dreams that i was being led to slaughter or that it was my few loved ones that i was farming i'd have dreams of being attacked by the animals so on and so forth since i'm a solitary person and had no one to talk to it started to work on me and i found myself with an extension cord tied around a water pipe on the ceiling and the other end tied around my neck while i literally stood on a bucket now part of my job was to save the pigs that were being laid on stepped on or otherwise hurt or killed by the sows i have been bit tossed trampled pinched and every other sort of injury from getting in between a mother and her baby while trying to save the baby it in my opinion was the only truly bright spot of the job anyway i was standing on the bucket and i heard a pig start screaming i closed my eyes thinking that it had just gotten stuck somewhere and would soon stop when it got free it didn't stop screaming and i decided that it didn't matter since i was a few minutes away from nothing mattering ever again anyway that was when i heard a grunt from a pig that's basically a greeting yes if you didn't know they can talk it was a grunt that i had a million and one times when a happy pig would see someone that they liked it's technically a grunt but is basically more of deep chaff thinking that i wouldn't even be spared sanity in my final moments i opened my eyes and standing on the floor and looking up at me was a pig like i said above the idea of a tiny little pig getting out of the crate was pretty out there but the fact that it got out of the room was totally beyond any real explanation as such i untied the extension cord and got off the bucket the minute my boot hit the pavement that pig turned around and ran as fast as i've ever seen a mini pig move it would look back at me with the kind of smile that only a pig can have and slow down just enough for me to almost touch it before it would haul us again i don't know how long i spent chasing that pig up and down the hallway but i finally stopped trying to chase it when my coworker showed up to find me sweating profusely and sucking wind from sprinting after that pig the part that makes me really wonder about it is that when i finished my morning rounds i kept seeing my boot tracks in the water from the leaky pipes and the rice hulls and mistral but there weren't any hoof prints i asked my coworkers for several days after that if they'd found a pig in the hallway but nobody ever did the rendlesham forest incident short version across three days m multiple u.s servicemen at a british air force base saw a ufo maneuvering near their base whoa airman reported finding the object landed in the forest nd performed a close i wrecked inspection of the object as in lose enough to touch it he bases deputy commander tuck an entire team out into the forest to investigate andy all of them observed an object moving through the trees clitting up and dropping sparks throughout the forest third he landing site was inspected and found to have significantly higher than normal radiation levels official explanation the beam of the lighthouse my grandmother died when i was in eighth grade also after a few years my grandfather came to live with us for a bit and then had to go into an assisted living home i'm in college and we have decided to open up their house for a family reunion one of my cousins kaye flew in early with her five to six year old son t to open the house and air it out and turn the power slash water on this was in rural mississippi k and t were going to a hotel that night and come back the next day this was early 90s when seat belts weren't always worn as they pulled away k notices t looking out the back window and waving at the house what are you waving at buddy apostrophe i'm waving at the lady apostrophe what lady apostrophe the lady in the rocking chair on the porch apostrophe now there were several chairs on the porch but only one rocker it was the chair my grandmother sat in and waved at all of us as we drove away from a visit she always sat and waved until we were out of sight the next day simonson cousins open up the one room they hadn't opened the day before my grandparents bedroom as they are sweeping and dusting t wanders in points to a picture of my grandmother on the bedroom mantle and says hey mom there's the lady i was waving at yesterday apostrophe to k's knowledge that was the first picture of his great-grandmother t had ever seen years later i had another encounter in that bedroom we were back for another family reunion and my wife and i were put in that room for our visit that night as we were laying in dark i reminded my wife of that story and she punched me when i was 16 i had a group of friends from school that i would hang out with regularly one weekend one of my friend's parents had left the house with his brothers as well so he invited us all over on that saturday to hang out eat pizza and watch movies since this was my church group as well none of us had had any experience with drugs or alcohol at this point so none of that was really involved i was the only one with a job at the time so i came later in the night after i got off around nine tenths at which point they were winding down having already ate and beginning a western movie i wasn't raised in the town or like most of the kids there most of them were the cowboy boot and western watching type but not me so i went to the living room to lay down and mess around on my phone before i went to bed after a few minutes my best friend came out to talk to me about random stuff until we were tired and about to go to sleep when the friend whose house we were staying at got up at this point everyone else was asleep in his room we thought he was too but he stood in front of us and just looked in our direction after asking what he needed a few times we assumed he was sleepwalking and began to watch him as he stopped standing in front of us and walked around the house aimlessly this continued for about five minutes then he went back to his room and laid down then about another five minutes passed and he came back stood in front of us for a solid two minutes looking at us with his eyes closed it seemed then he walked outside for a minute and came back all of the sleep walking was funny to me and my friend so we just continued to watch finally after this second episode of sleep walking he went to his brother's room at the other end of the hall at this point i followed him in and asked if that was where he wanted to settle in for the night considering he had originally been sleeping in his own room he waved me off and grumbled some inaudible speech so i let him be at this point my best friend and i were pretty awake so we decided to attempt a prank for our other friends in the morning to wake up to the shape of the room layout was similar to plus dash th e left side was our friend's room he far right his brothers in the lower end the living room why best friend and i plan to use packing tape over the entryway in the hallway to mess with whoever woke up first after about three strips of tape my friend and heard the laugh of a little girl echo throughout the house naturally we stopped what we were doing and began to grab up our stuff after this laughing continued in bursts of hahahaha hahahaha my friend's dog also heard it and goes to the hallway to investigate where the sound seems to be emanating from the little brothers room as soon as it turned the corner it looked to the room and darted to the opposite side of the house then i go to look at the room and i see the door now open but through the crack and the opening my friend still laying as i left him i then shift my gaze upward and see a shadowy thing almost in the shape of a hand and i instantly wheel back at this site the laughing continues until the little girl says do you wanna play with me question mark we can play forever whispers and ever me and my best friend did what anybody would do in that situation and ran out the house got in my car and flew out of the driveway to my house this was the most unbelievable and scary experience i have probably ever had but luckily i can always call my best friend and have him tell the exact same details usually gets most people's belief side note i told the friend's mom about that experience as she was my orthodontist's assistant at the time she then told me that since they moved into that house the little brother had refused to sleep in his room completely and she hadn't known why my dad actually told me this story from me and my brother were young now to preface my dad has always had a foot in the spiritual world with demonic and ghostly experiences one such story was that when my grandfather died my dad woke up in the middle of the night and saw him floating outside of the window my dad called home and found that my grandfather had only passed away a half hour ago my dad was in the u.s at the time while the rest of his family was in china but to the real story several years back i wanna say around 2005 we went on a family trip to yosemite fairly standard trip pretty falls fun hikes for us kids however on the last day of the trip as we are headed out of the park we decide to stop by this pretty glade with a small stream running through it it was a bit off of the main road and the side road that continued was covered in essentially a tunnel of trees my parents were just relaxing enjoying the view and me and my brother are venturing deeper into the meadow when my dad gets a gut twisting horrible feeling he said that when he looked towards a tunnel of trees it seemed to get a lot darker and the trees twisted became distorted at the very least it was definitely not normal my mom said that he began shouting at us to get in the car at that moment and we all ran to the car my dad drove the duck away but he says that he saw the darkness following us touching the back of the car briefly near where my brother and i were seated as we drove down the hill my brother and i suddenly came down with really really severe nose bleeds and the next day we had pneumonia my brother ended up having to go the air i've had a handful of creepy things happen in my life here's an interesting one from my childhood since i haven't heard of anything like this from anyone else but if you have something similar or an explanation let me know close bracket when i was around eight years old i lived on a military base in hawaii my older brother and i used to explore all over the woods and streets but the oddest place we kept coming back to was this sort of concrete sewer opening that had a metal grate over it it was located at a dugout ditch by the side of the road standing over it looking down you could see it was a pretty deep drop so me and my brother used to talk to this thing that lived in the sewer it started one day when we were dropping rocks down inside it to hear the echo and then we started yelling into it and something answered back it was this echoed noise that sounded kind of like far away water running in a pipe but also kind of like the songs whales make all mixed together it's really hard to explain it sounded very faint but very distinct so we yelled again and it responded again the noises lasted for maybe five to ten seconds then stopped some answers were longer than others we kept testing it we were asking it questions like do you live in the pipes are you a ghost etc and when we were finished speaking it would make the sound again the space of time between our questions and the corresponding sound varied sometimes it was immediate and sometimes there was a short wait we weren't even freaked out though we were kids and we just thought it was really cool and weird so we said goodbye and left but we checked back the next day and it was still there we waited in silence before we initiated conversation trying to listen for the noise but there was nothing then we started yelling and it started back up again and so we just kept coming back and talking to it we always said hello and goodbye we would experiment with the things we said to see if we got different reactions sometimes we would insult it and then say just kidding right afterward being dumb i would bring my friends to show it off but they would get creeped out and want to leave once my brother and i brought a whole group of kids but the noise never came back we were just hollering into emptiness like idiots and they all thought we made it up then when i went back to basically ask where were you dude it took like 10 minutes to hear it again weirdly i had forgotten all about this incident until a couple of years ago i was so young when it happened that i just accepted it as a bizarre but mundane part of my life i had entire meaningful chat sessions with this thing man my brother had forgotten all about it too until i brought it up a fairly recently no idea what the hell it could be so i posted this in the glitch in the matrix sub when it happened it's not all that crazy but it totally creeped me out at the time so i'll share here too i know it sounds crazy and my boyfriend says we should just double check the locks which is not a comforting thought but i watch too many scary movies to not find this weirder than that i manage a store in a building with two other businesses and shared bathrooms there's been construction next door so we have had some weird power outages plus it's fl and stormy all of the time so that's normal so i walk in today and go to bathroom to change into my work clothes and i heard the sink running i think that maybe it's my boss and compose myself then walk in and no one is in there but both of the sinks are running they are both running with the handles turnfully the ones with long handles so you can tell right away i didn't really think much of it and turned them both off and went about my day i get home around eight my boyfriend gets home around ten we live in a tibet two bath apartment we don't use the extra bedroom and hardly ever the bathroom unless one of us is showering so tonight we heard what we thought were the spring clothes outside but it was louder than usual we went to go outside just to check and realized it was coming from the other bathroom the sink was on full blast as well as the shower the shower wasn't fully on just kind of half-assing it the sink however was fully on and almost overflowing it just creeped me out and i'm not really sure what to think the rational part of me blames plumbing and the heat the other part of me blames a water wasting ghost apostrophe this was over a year ago but i still think it's weird that apparently the universe gave zero ducks about the water bills in two places on the same day i mean it's not like someone would break into an apartment just to run the water plus that still wouldn't explain it happening at work too but fortunately that was the first and last time tldr 24-hour ghost who kept turning on the faucets when i was a lot younger maybe about 13 years old my family and i were vacationing in street simmons island gap i had an aunt who lived there who at the time gave tours of the reportedly haunted lighthouse on the island well one night she hooked us up and gave us a private tour of the lighthouse after has as in there was no one else there except for my aunt who was giving the tour in my family and i since the lighthouse was haunted throughout the entire tour i was anxiously awaiting some paranormal activity of some kind unfortunately nothing remotely paranormal happened so my aunt led us out the front door of the lighthouse and turned on the alarm for the night so that no one would break into the lighthouse note i personally watched her check the lighthouse put the alarm on and lock the doors then my aunt got into her car parked out front while my family and i decided to just walk around a little bit and look at the outside of the lighthouse that's when we saw it we were looking up at one of the second story windows in the lighthouse and saw one of the curtains slightly peel back i was able to see a sliver of what looked like a woman's face peeking out for literally a second i saw one of her eyes and upper forehead and her skin had a very gray tone to it then the curtain snapped shut at this point my legs were shaking like jelly and i turned to my family to see if they had seen what i had just seen everyone saw the curtain peel back but my dad was the only one that saw the woman's face anxious to see more we ran around looking at the other windows of the lighthouse when we caught a glimpse of one of the upper windows above the third floor landing there was an up and down window shade on this window rather than a peel back curtain like on the other window all of a sudden the window shade started going up and down very rapidly this lasted for almost 30 seconds before coming to a complete halt but the weird part was that because this window was above the landing there were no stairs beneath the window for anyone to stand on to be able to move the curtains we did not see any more ghosts that night but we immediately called my aunt who was already at home by this point she assured us that no one could have been in the lighthouse because there are sensors inside that would have set off the alarm she told us that when the lighthouse was first founded the lighthouse assistant killed his boss for having an affair with his wife this murder took place on the front steps of the lighthouse my aunt told us several experiences that she had also had inside of this lighthouse if y'all are interested in hearing more once upon a time i lived with a couple and their child they asked me to babysit so they could have an evening together i agreed fast forward to bedtime the child doesn't want to go to sleep because of the monsters the child is adamantly sincere which creeps me out a bit but i play it cool i look around the room pretending to scare them away this does the trick and child falls asleep later i'm sitting in the living room which is oriented so the couch faces away from the main entry i'm watching tv expecting the couple back at any minute that's when i hear the entry door open and close just like i've ever did many times before with a smile on my face based on my success with the child and the knowledge of my good deed i stand and turn towards the door there is no one there i'm skeptical of the paranormal but this unnerved me once the couple actually returns i tell one of them about it while we have a smoke he says oh yeah we were gonna tell you that stuff happens here all the time particularly in the child's room but we didn't want to scare you needless to say i slept poorly in my basement bedroom for several days i was seven or eight at the time and my mom had driven me home from a church choir recital as we pulled into a garage i saw what i thought was a black shadowy figure slash creature in our side yard moving around our garbage bins in retrospect it could have been a black cat or something but whatever it was was terrifying enough for me to freak out and tell my mom she pulled the van partially into the garage and walked outside to take a look and convince me it was nothing while i watched from the back seat to my horror though her face went pale and she sprinted inside leaving me in the van i hid under the back seat not really knowing what to do for a couple of minutes but finally got my nerve up to run in the house i came in to see my mom panicking and my dad on the phone with a nine one one dispatch ah over the course of a couple minutes s i found out that while walking around the side yard to see whatever monster rye was so afraid of f my mom had actually seen our across the street neighbor having a heart attack on his driveway why so oh in the most unexplainable event of my life e i inadvertently saved a man's life by seeing a monster slash ghost slash stray cat sneaking around the recycling bin and posted it before but to preface my family always suspected the house i slash we grew up in was haunted voices footsteps noises etc my family has since moved out of the house but apparently through chatting with the neighbors the family that moved in has suspected the same they asked my neighbors if we had ever said anything about it possibly being haunted the young boy had talked about seeing a man around the house whole family hearing noises and it got to the point where they actually called in some priests religious figure to cleanse the house anyways my personal story and the one that probably makes me the uneasiest is when i was in high school i remember waking up in the middle of the night to my alarm clock slash radio spitting out static cut by clear whispering in my deep sleep fog i thought my alarm might have randomly went off ignored it and fell back asleep it wasn't until the morning when i woke and i realized it wasn't plugged in and it does not carry a battery kind of freaky i was always super skeptical throughout but then when i was back there for my wedding years later we had a bunch of family over everyone was out of the house running errands except for my aunt and uncle when we got back they kind of froze up and when we asked them what was wrong they said they had been hearing footsteps in the back room and assumed we had been home i guess the fact that others have heard things including the new family moved in who hadn't heard any stories or anything makes me wonder about everything i heard growing up terrible formatting sorry at work but thought i'd share i posted about this elsewhere once but seems fitting now a few years ago i ran into someone from high school at a pub in my hometown i was never really close with ryan in school and i don't think we ever talked but this night we actually spent a lot of time chatting sharing six and having fun with a couple mutual friends he was so friendly and we shared a lot of interests so it felt kind of incredible that we'd never hung out before our city isn't that big after the group of us concluded the evening with a terrible rendition of bohemian rhapsody at around 2 a.m i went to leave and walk to my boyfriend's house nearby when i mentioned that i was walking alone he insisted that he and a couple of his friends walk me it was a short distance and i didn't want to impose but they were going the same direction i said sure and off we went as we finally reached my boyfriend's street i turned to head towards his house and ryan gave me a pack of cigarettes with three inside i'd been mooching them from him all night i only ever smoked on the weekends when i was drinking about a month later i woke up for work on a wednesday and was craving a cigarette this was really unlike me i leisurely enjoyed the last of the three cigarettes from the package ryan had given me and headed to work during my lunch break i was on my facebook and saw many r.i.p ryan messages posted by mutual friends i thought it was a hoax because he was known as quite a jokester turns out he had committed suicide the night before why that day of all days to wake up craving a cigarette i've always been interested in the symbolism slash different interpretations of the meaning of the number three so to finish the third and final cigarette that day hours after his death felt odd in retrospect i worked in a bar very old building countless ghostly events ghost hunters actually investigated the building and informed me that there were at least two ghosts present during the investigation a young lady 19 yo that had a crush on me and would follow me home and an older man red and black plaid shirt i know this because i saw him once and tried to serve him a beer close bracket i will just throw a couple short explanations here bar is closed doors are locked building is empty music is shut off tv is turned off i'm taking the trash out and had to walk about 100 foot down a hallway where 490 of the walk i could not see the seating area of the bar prop open the door toss the trash in the garbage shut the door was never more that two feet from this door as i walk back towards the bar i hear loud noises like partying glasses slash bottles clanking music just typical busy bar noises i start walking slower completely freaked out i slowly creep towards the part of the hallway where i can see the seating area sounds get louder i peek through the black and plexiglas wall behind mylika shells i see nothing but the sounds are louder around the corner and can see 80 percent of the seating area see nothing and sound stops instantly i walk past the glassware and round a corner to see the whole seating area nothing then i hear a sounding bouncing wine glass fell about six feet bounced off counter bounced across the floor about nine feet made a 90 degrees right hand turn bounced another two feet and sat upright then i heard eating sound as if someone flicked the glass i called the police and had them sit with me until i finished closing up for the night i have other stories as well but fear if i add them this post will be written off as too long please give more absolutely the bar had an attached restaurant that closed much earlier than the bar a customer wanted her empty enjoy which i did not have behind the bar but the restaurant did have it i asked a waitress to go get me a picture of dew from the closed restaurant she went in shortly after i heard a scream and she ran out of the restaurant and into the bar she said that as she approached the waitress station to get the drink that something rushed her fast she felt her wind pass around through her and knocked her down i lived with my girlfriend but we worked opposite shifts i'm a very light sleeper so we had to sleep in different rooms one night we were both sleeping and i was facing tight against the wall on my side my nose nearly touching the wall all of a sudden i got poked in my eyes both simultaneously i jumped up freaking out it was hard enough to hurt and yelling wtf walked down the hall to find my gf sound asleep woke her up and she was clearly asleep go to the bathroom to find both eyes bloodshot next day too albeit minor black eyes same intro both asleep so i thought and it was extremely hot in my house summer no ack i was only wearing boxer shorts i was woken up by a hard and loud slap to the inside of my thigh jump out of bed wtf walk out of my room to find that it was light out and my gf had been at work for several hours by this time check my leg to find a clearly defined welt on my thigh five fingers rather small i took a marker and traced the outline to compare to my gf when she got home my gf hand was much larger than this hand print these two stories go along with what the ghost hunters told me during their investigation back to the bar i was working alone on a typical tuesday night pretty slow as far as weekdays go so i was just cleaning up and preparing to close i could see the door clearly from where i was nearly impossible to sneak in w show me noticing cleaning stocking etc and suddenly i catch a man out of the corner of my eye i said i'll be right with you and i heard give me a beer would ya as i turned back to him to ask what type of beer he would like he was gone just poof gone red and black flannel and a older gentleman style fedora covering dark hair and a thick select-style mustache gone according to the ghost hunters he did not like me this had to have been about two years ago during the summer i had this dream that i was in this ultimate train station and i was standing next to this man wearing a brown trench coat and one of those fedoras reporters used to wear the man then turned to me and said i'm going to pick up your uncle bud don't worry about him he's going to be just fine as the man turned away the train pulled up and the man walked on i woke up from the dream as soon as a train pulled out of the station when i woke up it was about one in the morning the next morning i get the news that my great uncle bud died in the night around 1am i immediately told my parents about the dream after describing the man in the station my dad shockingly exclaimed that he knew for a fact that the man in my dream was his dad who had passed years before i was born according to my father his dad wore the same brown trench coat and hat and it made sense that his dad picked up uncle bud because they used to be really good friends i remember at that time being really shaky on my beliefs of the paranormal and sometimes i still am but i truly cannot explain that my sophomore year of college i lived on campus but my boyfriend didn't he worked on campus and would often hang out in my dorm with me between class and work my bed was lofted with my desk underneath it and sometimes i would take a nap while he sat at my desk doing homework one afternoon i woke up from a pretty vivid dream and started telling my boyfriend about it i remember hearing him respond and in the middle of my response i felt this shift in the atmosphere it was like the whole room suddenly became slightly darker and colder i quietly said his name but he didn't respond he had been at work for about three hours i grabbed my backpack and did homework in the library until he was off work when i was eight and a half ish my friend and i liked to go push biking a lot we lived in a small country town so we're pretty much given free rain to just disappear for the day it was a weekend and as we were riding up the crest of a small hill that overlooked a valley in the town i started to get this deeply uneasy feeling we stopped at the top from where we were we looked out over the valley and directly at the next hill because australia really just has bumps which is where our primary school was the bottom of that hill was the bottom of the school and it was the road where all the parents picked up their kids as i'm looking out over the valley enjoying the sunshine and the breeze movement catches my eye i look back at the school and i freeze in terror as i watched one cargo careening into a car pulled up on the side i see the two cars smash and crumple up i can hear the crackle of breaking glass the rattling thump of the impact and i know with a bone deep terrifying certainty that my other close friend her sister and mum are in there and that they are dead and my friend is going to be left all alone this was an unshaking fact in my mind as i stared at the accident i didn't question how i could so clearly hear the screams of the onlookers the screech of tearing metal or the ozone stink of hot metal even though i was too far away to even be able to hear anything how i was getting sensory overload like i was right there best friend asked me what was wrong i'm shaking and crying at this point oh i manage stutter and somehow to get across what i've seen he's puzzled though my attention focuses back to her as she explains that there is nothing wrong hat am i freaking out about oh i look back tell her if you and there's nothing there e everything is still quiet and calm week later in exactly the same spot my friend was in a devastating accident her mum was picking her and her older sister up from school when someone lost control of their car and smashed into them the mother and sister died on impact and my friend was hospitalized for months afterwards felt horrifically guilty four years afterwards i should have told someone anyone what i saw but it was so strange and unnerving that i just tried to forget about it instead this happened to me about 10 15 years ago i in my early 20s or 18s don't think i've ever really oh nestle considered what i saw vet told the story to a handful of people andy each time they've all had the same response aliens oh nestle don't have a better explanation just don't know best friend his younger brother and he myself were headed towards their home 8-1 autumn night e were coming in from the downtown area in an old civil war town located smack dab between dc and richmond aust people's houses in that town are accessed by one highway that runs the length of the entire county but my friend's house was way out in the boondocks oh you could go way down that highway and eventually make it there just fine but there was a much faster route using the back roads of course he took the back roads weren't strangers to those country roads he brothers i was with had ridden on them their whole lives nd i'd lived been around long enough to have grown comfortable with them as well truth be told though they were creepy a andy dangerous at night people drove way too fast out there lots of accidents we wound through the heavily wooded urpentine streets he came to a four-way stop trait ahead of us was a dirt road that's the way we're heading it was one of the only dirt roads in the whole town as far as i know w like i said he knew this area andy driving down that dirt road was nothing new he did it all the time t is strange hawk ee he road leading up to it is paved henned suddenly just becomes dirt and rocks for about a mile or so hen back to normal tape maintained road again not sure how it ended up like that in any case he went right on down that road until then tea was a totally average night for us e rocks and sticks we are driving over have the car shaking like mad andy the trees are so thick overhead that you can't see a star in the sky air just chatting away bowing i stunning to music in my friend's ancient thunderbird looked like this one we round another sharp turn and the car hits one last huge bump before the mud gives way to asphalt again my friend begins to bring the car up to speed and the looming forest fins revealing a star-studded sky and rolling cow pastures on either side holy [ __ ] stop the car man his brother yelled from the back seat it scared the living [ __ ] out of us because he'd been quiet for a little while my friend asks what his problem is and his brother starts gesturing out of his small window in the back seat there's something over the dam we couldn't see anything out of the windshield just then but his brother is freaking out pulling his seat belt off and telling us to stop the car my friend hits the brakes and his brother bends me in half as he folds the seat forward to get out from the back seat his brother scrambles out as the car rolls to a stop and runs up in front of the car a few paces what the [ __ ] is that exclamation mark my friend and i jump out and run up to where his brother is standing and holy [ __ ] what the duck is that about a mile up the road we were heading down was a rather large dam about 150 feet in height and twice that across we used to sled down the hills that led to the top so i'd been up there many times you couldn't see it from where we were because of the topography and another forest beginning a couple hundred yards ahead still we knew exactly where the dam was located from the spot we were standing and something massive was hovering just above it lines do my best to describe the whatever it was it's a sight that i still can't believe i actually saw i can't really give an accurate estimate on its size but i'll say it seemed to be pretty god damned huge easily twice the size of the dam wall itself and i feel i'm being extremely conservative on that estimate it seemed to be a void in shape something akin to a football with too much air pumped in and bulbous at the top and bottom the most striking and blatant feature however was the lights adorning this thing they were bright neon dark and green a few shades darker than the uranium cylinders you see on the simpsons but glowing just like that one massive beam slash bulb sat at the bottom of the thing which i imagine seemed even brighter to me as it would have been reflecting off the surface of the reservoir that it hovered above from our vantage point i believe it couldn't have been more than 100 feet above the surface of the water very low to the ground running up and down the sides of the thing in lines imagine the latitude and longitude lines on a globe were rivulets of the same green light though these were not nearly as bright as the one at the bottom and so we just stood there for a minute slack jawed i'm sure i remember after the initial shock passed the first thing i felt was an intense wave of dread it was just too ducking close people see [ __ ] like this way up in the sky so far away that the camera zoom wobbles like a top when they try to film it i just felt that i was in genuine danger it quickly overpowered the sense of all that had first hit me the damn probably wasn't even a mile from where we were standing and what's more my friend's house was literally across the street from it at the top of the hill i can't rightly say much about the thoughts i had or what i may have said in those moments i just recall feeling overwhelmed hey and more afraid than i've ever been of something i'm a thing like that it's hard to explain different fears all have their own subtleties and emotions when you experience them ya know like being caught in a riptide doesn't feel quite the same as being told you have to bury your dog it was completely unique and extremely visceral the next thing i knew my friend's brother had pushed me in the back seat and we were flying down the road towards that dam keep an eye on it he said to his brother i can still see it now but as soon as we hit those trees i won't be able to see it anymore i finally piped up guys duck this let's go to my house i don't want to go near that thing they weren't hearing that though and i don't blame them in hindsight you don't get to see [ __ ] like that ever but i was well and truly ducking terrified his brother was right we lost direct sight of it moments after passing into that forest but the light it was pumping out was so brilliant mixing with the fog rolling of the reservoir that we knew it was still there in 10 seconds or so we would be out of those woods and at the top of the massive hill that led down to the dam still just before that the road took a pretty large tip and a very sharp turn that had to be taken at 10 miles per hour or you'd wreck we came out of that turn and we're climbing the last ridge before the dam hill that thunderbird was screeching when we sped out of those trees the brothers were laughing with excitement it felt like a battle cree but of course that ducking thing was gone and i was relieved from the top of that hill you could see the whole reservoir and anything else in a three-mile radius not blocked off by trees he hit the brakes and they hopped out with me shortly behind we all craned on x looking to the horizon to the sky for any sign of that thing but it was just gone i'll say that we didn't hear any sound from it when we saw it about a mile or so off and we didn't hear it leave as we approached it though the car really was loud and it's completely possible that we just couldn't hear it over the engine and the size of it it was mind-boggling more because of how close we were to it because it wasn't the size of a skyscraper or anything still i know had i been at the top of the hill when i'd seen it that it would have dwarfed the dam in comparison this has gotten way longer than i intended but i wanted to give a thorough account of the events hope i didn't leave anything crucial out what do you guys think was it aliens something else who knows what's funny is that i'm not sure that we ever talked about this again outside of the week immediately after it happened i've never even thought about that i'll answer any questions you may have if i can that would be the bridge i was driving home late one night somewhere between 1 and 3 a.m the stretch of road i was driving goes through the back end of a couple of counties in the deep south nothing around but forests fields and the occasional group of shacks huddling under a light that only barely keeps away the night i'd driven this stretch of road many times before even at this time of night so it wasn't really a big deal just a long trip since there was rarely any traffic that time of night during the day you could always count on at least a handful of cars somewhere around i was able to turn the stereo up and push the pedal down and then i came to this bridge nothing really noteworthy about it it's not ancient or recovered bridge or all that spooky j us to concrete span over swampland wheeze growing right up near the edge and turning the road into a dim trail at the bottom of a dark canyon d been over this bridge many times before and aside from being fairly long tea wasn't really noteworthy until that night was humid out and as the temperature dropped there was a little bit of fog hot enough to really slow me down but i had to turn off the high beams oh i'm shooting across the bridge and it hits me that it seems to be taking longer than normal to get across it maybe i was just tired maybe my mind was playing tricks on me and then i thought i was finally getting to the end of it i saw a figure walking on the opposite side of the road at first no big deal right guy walking in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night probably lives nearby probably drunk watch them to make sure they don't fall in front of the car but my mind is already racing i mean this is the middle of nowhere there are no houses around there are no lights but the stars and my headlights stabbing out at the darkness and as i always by going way too fast for my own good i notice two things first the figure is wearing what appears to be a straight jacket the sleeves undone and the straps trailing to the ground glaring white against the background of the night no mistaking it a straight jacket hand covered straps dangling and waving as he walked second it has no face not like there's no head there there's a head shape and the place where a face should be but no face justin expansive darkness that i took to be his skin i chalked it up to going really fast contrast between white jacket and dark skin at night and thinking creepy thoughts i mean surely i couldn't have just seen that i tried to spot him in my rear view mirror but it was so dark there was nothing to be seen i slowed down a little and was suddenly off the end of the bridge and on normal two-lane blacktop again i briefly considered turning around seeing what it was surely it was just a trick of the light or my mind playing tricks on me right but i still remember being my heart pounding and fear as i sped on through the darkness driving home i've told this story before on another thread so i'm just going to copy paste it as it applies here too there's a lady that my mom has often seen doing questionable things in our street i was walking to the shops with my mom and she pointed out said lady who was standing outside the shopping center to show me who she is i was just like oh okay and we kept walking inside and left this lady still chatting to another person outside there is only one entrance to this small shopping mall we walk into the store and pick up a trolley only to see this exact same lady now at the front of the long queue with groceries waiting to pay same person same clothing same everything to this day we still cannot begin to fathom how she got past us and did her shopping in basically less than two minutes when we left her standing outside and we are both sure as hell she didn't pass us in that space of time i'll just copy and paste from a post i made a little while ago my family tells this story all the time my story is placed in mexico and happened to my grandmother sorry for the wall of text i'm on my tablet and it sucks i met my paternal grandmother twice because she lived in mexico but i heard this from my dad and then confirmed by her when we visited well the story goes that my grandfather was supposed to come home early 8pm to help her empty a heavy water basin she needed to wash clothes in by hand at night so when she hangs the clothes son won't fade colors well grandpa goes to the bar down the street instead and grandma was left to do the heavy lifting alone she is pissed at this point and began cussing up a storm directed at my grandfather still not home by 2 am she said she was cursing aloud because that's how angry she was well their house is located on the corner of their property maybe three city blocks of fields so she is cursing my grandpa out when she sees a man approaching in the distance who she assumes is my granddad but as he gets closer she said he somehow started morphing between a huge black dog and a man one second there is a dog and one second there is a man and is starting to get close fast so she runs inside and latches the doors with the metal bar there is no knobs or keyholes just a thick metal that blocks the door from opening and the windows are these metal little doors that have the bar that goes in a hole in the wall well she literally sees the metal slide out of the hole and the window swings open and on the other side there is a handsome man asking if she needed help with the ugliest slash prettiest smile well my grandma wasn't about to fall for it and instantly replies go back to hell satan and slams the window she begins praying until she hears banging on the door which is now my grandpa trying to get in the house she immediately lets him in and tells him what happened which he thinks is pretty funny considering she was cussing him out however his tune changed the next day when outside the window where the man was standing there is a mess of huge paw prints in the soft dirt and against the wall on the sides the window high up on the wall they got a white magic witch to check out their house and she was like duck that you'll need a priest for this so they got a priest who blessed their house and whatnot i always heard this story in spanish which i think makes it way scarier but there you go people i had pneumonia when my grandfather died of pneumonia actually close bracket i sleepwalk i think i was sleepwalking this because i don't remember it i woke up walked into my mum's room shook her awake and told her that papa loved her and wanted to her to know he would always watch over her she was ushering me back to bed when the phone rang that phone call was my grandmother telling my mom that papa had passed my old house was definitely haunted my normal quiet dog would growl in empty dark rooms and i'd seen shadow quickly move across the hallway the worst moment though was when i was about nine and could fall asleep i was randomly looking around my room when i saw some sort of creature crouched in the corner with a dark body but bright red face now being a wimpy little kid i immediately wrapped myself up in my bed covers and forced myself asleep never saw the thing again but still kinda creeps me out to this day i was catching a train one day and i found a dvd on a seat i checked to see if anyone owned it but the train car was empty so i stuffed it in my bag that night i watched the short film that was on the dvd in the film the protagonist found a dvd on train and later on in the film he met the star on the dvd that he had found fast forward to a few nights later and i was at a restaurant and saw the actor who played the protagonist not quite believing what was happening i walked up to him introduced myself and told him i found the dvd of the movie he starred in on the train initially he said something like oh cool then as it sunk in his face went pale his mouth gaped and we both had to have her a drink to recover from our minds being blowed up i was a kid at the time around 10 in the neighborhood there was a very small house stuck between two others with a minuscule outside garden a single window on the first floor and with a single inhabitant a man who to put admittedly would give jack nicholson's character in as good as it gets a run for his money in jerkus and then the man died alone in his sleep he was found two weeks later when the local shop noticed his absence to explain that he wasn't loved would be an understatement his sons and only family both influent and wealthy engineers one is a high ranking official in the government electricity company the other the city engineer of an entire district brawled over his coffin for his meager inheritance sealed the house's door with chains and a lock and left to get lawyers to help them secure the better deal one day while i was playing tag with the other kids we were running past the house when one of us stopped hey guy there's light inside the abandoned house exclamation mark apostrophe stop talking bull there nobody he's right exclamation mark exclamation mark apostrophe we were clearly seeing it a small flickering light like a candles coming from inside we had a string of thieving in the neighborhood at the time and everyone was on edge so we called our parents believing it might well be the actual idiot of said thieves soon after noticing that we weren't joking one of the adults came back with tools and started cutting the locks as soon as the lock got cut the light stopped the adults came in looked around found nothing beside a really strong smell of decomposition they attributed to how the dude died they sent us on our way thinking it was a visual trick caused by the red curtains put on said window but the light didn't stop and came back multiple times the brothers were called the electricity yankee showed up first and influenced by his craft thought there might be an electrical dysfunction nothing they combed the area looking for a tunnel nothing the entrance to the roof was sealed from the outside and the iron bars put on the windows were not bothered at all with his research being incessant on the outside entrance definitely confirmed as a sole entrance he chalked it to the curtains like th other adults took them off and left with them then the second brother showed up cried foul and thievery for the silk curtains and in response sealed the front door with concrete making entrance impossible yet the light stayed always starting at around 18 to cease at around 21 it stopped about a month later when both brothers agreed they were acting like twatson made peace when i was a little kid i remember i was running around my room and i decided to go on the bed and jump from it as soon as i jumped suddenly everything went into slow motion it was like there was no gravity for some time i got really scared so i just closed my eyes and i slowly landed on the ground and ensure it wasn't a dream honestly one of the scariest moments of my life high school me is alone because my parents are out of state for something i had been sleeping on my mom's bed while they were gone because it's just so comfy so it's a couple minutes before my alarm would have went off i then hear the bedroom door burst open we kept doors closed bc of our dog and i can't even move my head to see it i'm just stuck frozen my sheets get ripped off me and thrown over my face at this point i can barely breathe the next thing i know it felt like i woke up my sheet was on the floor and i could breathe again one thing didn't make sense though the door was still open as i turned to look and see that i hear loud footsteps running through the hall i immediately spring up to go see it and there was nothing there my dog was still sleeping like nothing happened i decide that i'd rather be at school than in that house yeah what does that tell you as i'm walking to the bus stop in a light drizzle of rain lightning legitimately strikes the sidewalk on the other side of the street i didn't even know what to do at that point so i just tried to ignore everything that day i had a similar moment was in my room home alone suddenly i hear music i go to the living room my door is open and the living room stereo is randomly blasting classical music and the most unnerving part of the ordeal was definitely my dog acting like absolutely nothing happened like bro if you won't back me up on these ducked up surreal events then who will was camping deep in the woods near a buddhist monastery in bloomington in with two friends of mine while we were in the woods we found a sport on top of a hill with no trees perfect for a campfire stargazing a s we are looking at the stars e notice a bright spot zagging along as if it were pointed by a shaky handed laser pointer suddenly at least east hen back west hence south over us and back north until we didn't see it anymore dentally it was right near us nursed into four lights with one remaining the main one while the others darted into different directions my friend was starting to freak out so we booked it back keeping a bright tree light to our nw as a guide back it looked like the top of a radio tower it was pitch black under the canopy t the speeds at which those lights came and went were greater than any live jets or airplanes i've seen personally or online my friend recorded most of it with having a shitty phone camera back then still showing the light clearly zooming across the sky when he went back a couple of days later with his dad he didn't see any lights nor our guiding beacon home in my teen years i moved into a kind of half-assed bedroom in the basement of my mom's house i think saying it was a creepy basement is a little redundant but just to be clear this wasn't as a creepy basement a couple rooms were finished with tile flooring a fireplace paneled walls and a half bath the rest was unfinished with sinks and oil tanks and hvac and pipes and a surprising amount of storage just mostly empty rooms holding junk i spent some years in my bedroom in the basement with no real problems but one night i got a scare i had stayed up late studying for a biology final i turned in i no longer remember but sometime after 1am things seemed pretty routine i fell asleep i maybe should mention i was sleeping in a full or queen-sized bed that had formerly belonged to my mum's parents both of whom were deceased by the time of my story an hour or so later i came awake my hands clutching the tops of the blankets and sheets trying to tug them but finding an expected resistance i was just kind of half awake at first confused then awaken after register i'm attempting to pull the sheet slash blankets as i turn over in bed as i've done many times before and they are not pulling like maybe they are caught on the bed springs somehow question mark i pulled harder no good pulled again then suddenly the blankets and sheets were jerked the other direction strongly p hold right out of my hands remember kind of stammering trying to say something in response but i couldn't form words immediately turned on the light beside the bed and sat up and looked to the left and the direction the bedding had been pulled here was nothing and no one there pulled on the blankets again and they move fine no resistance n no problems everything normal tea took me a while but i got up and looked over at the other side of the bed there was nothing to explain what i had just experienced i turned on more lights and put on a record and stayed up the rest of the night i eventually looked under the bed and there was nothing there continued to stay in that room for another year or so nothing like this happened to me again though i slept with the light on for a while after with one exception that seems noteworthy within a week or so of the bed sheets incident one night the door to my bedroom opened apparently by itself this happened earlier in the evening before i had turned in and when others in the house were still up and around my memory is i said out loud something like go away you're not welcome here this is my room fortunately there was no reply but no further troubles either i know the obvious explanation is i was asleep and talked myself into something unnatural having happened it's possible but when it happened i was quite sure i was awake after the first moments and experiencing something abnormal if anything i'd say i subsequently talked myself into well i probably just dreamed that this is too long i know but i will also add i had a few other spooky events in this house nothing dramatic prior to this and my mom claimed at least one as well my mom still lives there but no one has used the improvised bedroom in the basement for several years now back when this happened i told a friend who reminded me i was sleeping underground at approximately the same level as a corpse is buried growing up i like to experiment with my barbie dolls i vaguely knew what sex was and i like to make them act out scenarios where they got naked and kissed a lot one time i put my barbers away after acting out a scenario later that day i got on my bed to read a book and i felt something hard under my pillow i pulled the pillow off and found ken and barbie in the missionary position i was so freaked out i couldn't sleep in my bed that night i slept on the couch i've never told anyone this story because it's kind of dumb honestly but i was terrified to find my barbers there i know i put them away and they were so perfectly in that position arms pulled up around each other ken on top of barbie hiding under my pillow siblings or parents trolling you perhaps kind of saying i see what you're doing here or ghosts by the way i think everyone that had humanoid posable figurine toys did that at one stage or another boys and girls as a kid i remember being obsessed with sex from a super young age i can remember not being able to wait to grow boobs cause in my mind as soon as you had boobs you were good to go turns out i didn't end up waiting i didn't have real boobs till i was about 14 though and there was no way i was going to go without for that long so don't feel weird about the live-action barbie porn buddy i have three stories and i will tell them in the order that they occurred they're all unrelated other than that they all happen to me one when i was in grade six in the year 2000 or so i went on my first overnight trip with my school it was a retreat out in the woods one of the activities was a scavenger hunt it was a snowy day and my group accidentally stumbled upon a graveyard i discovered it was a graveyard when i tripped over a stone the snow i loose and revealed the person whose stone it was had died on the exact same day i was born when i was 19 or so i was dating this guy since we both lived with our parents we would drive out to abandoned lots to make out northeast time we pulled into an old abandoned shopping plaza couple minutes in get a very uneasy feeling kept thinking about a man whose hair was on fire who wanted us to leave he boyfriend noticed i looked scared and he says i found any prompting from me i have this weird feeling like someone is watching us an nd he's on fire we booked it out of there drove by again a few days later during the day here were distinct burn marks on the building we hadn't noticed before three a few years after that i was on a long road trip from florida to toronto with a friend we didn't have any plans just stopped at random campsites and motels along the way n how this is relevant because the point i'm trying to make is that there was no way i had any foreknowledge of the following i'm used to camping and i'm not scared of ghost ctc despite the weird stuff that's already happened above here was a particular campsite that felt off to me couldn't explain why t wasn't particularly old or lacking in resources and the sun went down i really started to feel uncomfortable had all these bad dreams about being tied up and beaten andy i kept seeing rotting thigh bones hat were buried under stones india trailer was placed on top of me my sleeping partner confirmed that i had tossed and turned and screamed in my sleep all night woke up the next morning and went to the bathroom along the way i saw the trailer from my dreams nd when i did woman's name appeared in my head took my phone out to google it but i had no reception he packed up and left few hours later once we had reception on the road he page reloaded he name had turned up as person who went missing in the area about 20 years ago at the time i was too scared to do anything about it i don't know what i could have said i really still shudder thinking about i'd like to say i definitely don't believe in ghosts it doesn't seem scientifically possible in any way at all but that being said i do have a couple of stories that have no explanation one is that at my old house when i was 16 12 years ago the previous owner died while in bed in my room it didn't bother me even that we had moved in just two months after he lied dead in bed for two days before being found at night my my stepdad would come and stand by my daughter check if i was smoking i was a nightmare i'd just wait until my parents went to bed then spark up huge joints or so i thought one day it got on my nerves to the point where i decided that if i heard him do it again i'd confront him so one day as usually i heard the steps on the landing then it stopped at my door and i heard the creak old old building the floorboards that led to the upstairs bedrooms and bathroom was weak and creaked a lot i jumped up bit of bed and opened the door within a half second and boom no one there i instantly went cold spine was chilled to the bone i shut the door and i don't think i slept well for a while the other one was further back i was 11. 17 years ago my mother worked in an old building that serves as a conservative club conservatives being a political party in the u k it had an upstairs bar that they used for birthdays weddings funeral ctc and there was a big snooker table and we use these huge boards three of them to cover the snooker table to make a huge buffet table the boards were heavy solid wood i'd help my mother move the boards onto the snooker table and on this occasion i did so as normal we went downstairs where the kitchen was we used a dumb waiter to send food up and after 20 minutes or so we heard a crash we went upstairs and one of the boards were standing upright tall ways against the snooker table the other creepy part about this place was the stairs at the back that led from the kitchen to the snooker room and dumb waiter every time you walk up you could feel something take your breath away like the air was being pushed out your lungs like something not quite there walked through you you would get a cold chill at least once a visit a while back i was hanging out in the local park slash forest with three other friends we went quite far into the forest and it was getting dark when we picked a spot to stay for a little while we kept teasing each other with basic imagery of things you wouldn't want to come across while sitting in the middle of the woods during dark like creepy pastas and such all of the sudden one of us pointed to the right saying there's a person walking towards us we thought he was kidding but once we all looked to the right there was this woman walking up to us looking like a figure from your typical horror film i don't mean any of this in an offensive way she was quite tall and very pale wearing a short black dress and heels with her johnny greenwood style black hair hanging in front of her eyes out of courtesy i said good evening which triggered a conversation she stared at all of us individually with quite a lost look in her eyes when she proceeded to say in a voice that resembled one of a tired child have you guys seen any deer yet we told her we hadn't i meant wrote ears she said while looking behind us i told her we had neither and since i noticed my friends and myself were becoming slightly uncomfortable i told her we'd go looking for them and i wished her a good evening once more she kept staring behind us for a bit longer and then she left without saying a word after freaking out over this unusual appearance for a bit we decided to head to the entrance of the forest we saw the lady walking back in the direction she came from when we cycled by we were hyping the situation while cycling back and when we were nearing the entrance we saw a figure walking towards the entrance as well i jokingly said the figure is the lady since she was walking on high heels and we were cycling thinking it wouldn't be likely for her to be any quicker than us and once we came closer it appeared to be actually her she moved her hair away from her eyes and looked directly at me probably since i was cycling in front and she said i've stumbled across four oh dears already back there in the forest i nodded and we cycled our way out of the woods the thing that freaks us out is the fact that she stated she had seen four oh dear within the time span of 10 minutes and the four of us were out in the forest when she saw us it's not that scary of a story but it's one that freaked me out quite a bit my mum has the best paranormal ghost experience that i've had recounted to me that is impossible for me to find a believable rational explanation for she's kate it happened when she was on holiday with her parents they were on their way to devon from suffolk this journey took a long time and required an overpass stop she was around 14 years old at the time very precocious and willful but enjoying the prospect of a small holiday with her mum and dad they arrive at a hotel for the overpass stop and kate goes to relax for a bit in the tv alcove they have upstairs while her parents go for a drink at the bar happily watching tv she's surprised to see a man poking his head into the alcove and the only way she can describe how he looks is he had very old skin despite being startled she apologizes and offers a use of the tv to the man who just stares back at her blankly and then leaves just as suddenly as he arrived kate is a little freaked out by this and upon reuniting with her parents before getting to their rooms for the night she remembers telling them about the man hoping she hadn't upset anyone she expected a row that's probably the man in room 3 but instead they seemed confused and perturbed to use kate's words kate has a room to herself so says good night to her parents and goes to bed once in bed kate starts to read her book she's been reading in bed since she could read and usually falls asleep to this day with a book in her hand fully enveloped in the story when the strangest thing happens i'm going to use the words she used when she first told me this story i felt a man walk through the wall behind me to my left i was so scared that i immediately hid under my bed covers and shut my eyes as hard as i could and wished for him to go away i felt him slowly walk down the left side of my bed around the end of the bed and continued in that direction until he went through the wall facing the right side of my bed when she couldn't feel him anymore she came out from under the covers and decided that she must be going mad letting her imagination get away from her to this day she is a very pragmatic skeptical person so she thought it was in her head and that was the end of it fast forward to 10 to 14 years later and she's having dinner with her parents which isn't a regular occurrence as she's moved to london where she would meet my dad and later have me but her parents still live in suffolk they are talking about weird experiences they've had or their friends have had and my mum remembers this experience leading with i got myself all worked up in that hotel we stayed at thinking someone walked through the wall once her mum hears this however she goes white and has a very serious look on her face she explains that she had exactly the same experience upon discussing the night further they work out the wall the thing walked through from my mum's room was the wall straight into her parents room about six or seven years ago while living with someone else entirely i woke up from a dream with a name on my mind and my lips a girl that i hadn't seen since high school oh north east who i never really interacted with didn't think much about it for a few years hat relationship ended and eventually i moved back home why mom said that i was going to fall in love and get married very quickly and live happily ever after others are great for that kind of stuff weren't they the last thing i wanted to do was move back in with my parents after much consideration asked of which had to do with a lack of rent money moved home i thin a month was part of a local music venue slash craft beer bar he owner sold the business to a friend of mine at the time and myself by the end of that year andy the next summer hat girl that i dreamed about walked right the duck into my bar when i was behind it serving drinks she was living 400 miles away and just happened to be home for the weekend she deliberated about going in because we charged a cover but eventually gave in and met a friend gone goes the air in my lungs hazy goes the room three years later we are married shortly after i moved back home and met my wife i had another dream in this dream i was looking at my wife and kids from the living room through a pass-through area with cupboards and into a large seemingly recently renovated kitchen of course we moved into this house about a year or two after i had the dream the kitchen isn't remodeled yet in the pass-through area is currently our computer room but it's the same thing i saw in my dream better get moving on those renovations [ __ ] i'm super tired and want to tell this experience correctly this incident has been dubbed the thing that jumped the fence by my friends and i who were there that night so my friends and i were really into airsoft slash paintball when we were in our teams one night during the middle of winter we were at our friend scene's house after shooting at each other all day we had jumped into the hot tub and were talking about nothing in particular scenes family owned a pretty decent sized piece of land their backyard was huge and in the back left corner they had their dog's kennel where their dog would sleep at night they had installed a diy street light near the kennel so they could keep an eye on the dog anyways as we are hanging out in the jacuzzi we hear his dog start barking insanely all of us quiet down and stare something vaulted over the fence in the back with ease this fence was a raid feet wooden fence and behind it was a huge ditch that dropped probably a good five feet when i say this thing vaulted i mean it was a human-shaped thing that used one hand to grab onto the top of the fence and throw the rest of itself over with these it then dodged the diy street light and disappeared out of sight every single one of us saw it and screamed followed by us scrambling out of the hot tub falling down and finally getting inside to seen's parents asking us why we were freaking the duck out scene's dad grabbed his gun and we all grabbed our paintball guns going out there to check scene was worried about his dog so we all went out and found the dog out of the kennel as we got closer to the kennel it got deathly quiet at the kennel the front door of the cage had been bent in half the top half of the cage door was bent downwards and inwards which looked like something from the outside pushed the top half down with ease seems dad told us all to go inside and we brought the dog in with us early the next morning a friend and i woke up just as the sun came up and we decided to go check if we could find any tracks in the snow behind the fence we went back there basically hugging the fence between the edge of the ditch and the fence we found poor prince of something that looked like a cat everyone swears though that the thing that jumped over the fence had a human silhouette one evening i wanted to show my boyfriend my rock collection my family and i were always fans of al simmons a musical comedian who catered to families with kids i played his music video i collect rocks to put us in the mood for observing my collection and also to give my boyfriend a little insight into my family's taste in wholesome comedy we both watched the video and commented on the greatness of it nbd the next day it was around 6 p.m and i was working at a bar when al simmons walks up to me and pulls the i collect rocks video on dvd out of his jacket and gifts it to me he does not live in the city where i work how did he know exclamation mark this was like a year and a half ago and i'm still reeling a fat story in our family now that we are far far away is from when we went on holiday to marrakesh morocco stayed at a riot traditional moroccan house built in woods with a courtyard in the middle booked through airbnb awesome three-story house with a pool in middle of courtyard kitchen slash living room downstairs and bedrooms on second and third floors with a rooftop view that was amazing i'm sleeping in a room on my own in the middle of three floors with my parents in one room and my sisters and another on the floor above so from the first night i'm getting creepy vibes from downstairs just like a feeling that something is around so i shut the door to the room there's also a creepy tribal mask thing on the wall in the bedroom too which did not help so after the second night of restless and unsettled sleep i'm resorting to keeping the lights on legit baby style b of course i'm just getting a not cool vibe from this place like at all normally i find it hard to stay awake past 11 p.m but my body was just not wanting to relax don't want to say anything to spoil what is otherwise an awesome family holiday or scare anyone or embarrass myself so i kept quiet on the way back to the airport when i figure it's safe i share my uneasy feelings of staying in that room expecting mocking and laughing instead my sisters look at each other and my parents look at each other with rather wide-eyed expressions so then my sisters start talking about the wooden window in their room upstairs and how it kept opening and closing and freaking them out but they thought it was probably just wind staying on the floor with the rooftop they also heard sounds throughout the night but dismissed it as sounds of the marrakesh night then my dad started mentioning how he would hear the cupboards downstairs in the kitchen area opening and closing would think someone was down there and look down into the courtyard in the middle of the house from the top floor to see lights downstairs off and everyone seemingly in bed then my sister told us something which made us [ __ ] our pants the last night my other sister and mom had asked her to make tea she was downstairs in the kitchen area and was making tea with no lights in that area when she said she felt her presence near her so she turned around and saw what she described as a female figure seemingly standing in the dining room adjacent to the kitchen leaning against a wall in the shadows initially she thought it was my other sister but when she heard my other sister upstairs speaking to my mum she quickly finished up that tea and legged it upstairs so the five of us in a taxi back to the airport all individually recounted our own scary experiences of this riot piecing every detail together we came to the firm conclusion that there was definitely a gin living in that riot when i was nine my family moved across town to a bigger house that had been on the market for several years it was a pretty nice house and my parents were thrilled that the price was reasonable enough for them to afford after moving in we all kind of had the feeling that the house was haunted little things would happen that we couldn't explain and there was just a general sense of unease we also learned that the family that lived there before us had been struck by tragedy the parents had gone away to celebrate their anniversary and on the way back got into a car accident and died the kid's grandparents ended up with custody in the house was put on the market it was an unsettling story to think about and only added to the spookiness the experience that i think most convinced us that something paranormal really was going on happened a couple of years after we moved my sister had gone out with friends and my mom was in bed unable to fall asleep i don't know what prompted it but at one point my mom went upstairs to my sister's bedroom to check that she'd made it home safely and found her asleep in her bed she gave her a kiss on the cheek and went back down to bed finally able to sleep the next morning my mom went down to the basement to do laundry and found my sister asleep on the couch our basement was finished and occasionally some of us would fall asleep down there while watching t v confused she asked when did you move to the basement you were sound asleep in your bed when i checked on you last night at 11 just as confused my sister answered that she had gone straight downstairs when she came home and had fallen asleep there furthermore she admitted that she had stayed out past curfew and hadn't gotten home until around one rachel my mom said i saw you i kissed your cheek are you kidding but indeed she was not later my mom told the story at a family picnic my cousin who lived next door were shocked she explained that same night she was looking out a window waiting for her ride to come when she saw a girl wearing a nightgown come out our side door run through our yard jump off the wall in front of our house and vanish she said the girl looked like rachel there was a place i used to do some contracting work at a few years back and whilst there would talk to the security guards a lot as we got along really well anyways there is this older guard in his 50s really polite softly spoken kind of guy that didn't say something unless it needed to be said so i 100 believe everything his guy was telling me so one day he got talking about here is has done security work before and things slash people he has encountered in his career he explained to me that he used to be a police officer when he was younger he told me a story of how he got a call to check out a potential break and enter in a family home so this guy's arrived at this house with his partner and the family of four are out the front looking absolutely terrified keep in mind this is all happening in the early hours of the morning he explained that this family didn't speak great english but worked out that they heard someone sobbing from inside their daughter's walk-in closet after which he and his partner go into the house to investigate what he told me next still gives me goosebumps as soon as he and his partner walk into the house he told me he could hear the sounds of someone crying he described like a school-aged boy crying the closer they got the closet it was clear to him that there was someone in there sobbing slash crying but as soon as the door had been opened to check the crying had stopped whilst his partner continued to look through the daughter's room he inspected the rest of the home to find any signs of forced entry but came up with nothing however he took a look underneath the house directly underneath the closet and found clothing that would be for a boy aged between six eight ish after discovering the clothing underneath the home he asked the parents if these items of clothes belong to them to which they said no as they only had two daughters after being on the scene for over an hour they could see no evidence of forced entry or any persons in the house and the only advice he could give these people was to contact the church as he was just as creeped out as the homeowners were let me tell you about the timer which gave me money at a casino i was playing jacks or better away from my friends because i had lost all my money playing blackjack only 40 bucks in college at the time i'm betting a quarter at a time so it's just me over by these machines eventually an old woman comes and sits down right next to me without saying a word she proceeds to play for a minute and then wins the jackpot i believe it was like two grand there was a ton of noise coming from the machine and people were beginning to notice she turns to me and this is how our conversation went lady are you a christian apostrophe me what apostrophe lady are you a christian apostrophe me i guess so apostrophe lady well i'm a wiccan do you know what that is apostrophe me like witchcraft apostrophe lady yes exactly my stars were aligned tonight the moon and planets are aligned tonight which is why i won i see the same alignment in your stars and moons and planets here is twenty dollars may it help you tonight apostrophe she then was taken away by the security to come claim her prize i walked up to my friend and told him the story he goes oh we have to bet with this money now apostrophe and so we walked over to the craps table put it all on red and won i bought every one taco bell with the winnings this is pretty tame in comparison to other stories here but it's odd nonetheless last year in college i had this little bulbasaur planter it was small only held one little plant and it always sat on top of my desk right above all my electronics one morning i went to water the plant and it wasn't there it hadn't fallen off my desk no dirt anywhere and the room is tiny and my roommate was out of town that weekend so i'm sure he didn't take it it just up and vanished my only thoughts on what could have happened are one i left the door unlocked and someone came in while i was sleeping but only took bulbasaur and not any of the two zero zero zero dollars worth of electronics in the room most of which was literally next to bulbasaur or two some alternate dimension version of me woke up one morning with two of them and is even more confused than i am either way it's creepy to think about little brother may have predicted 9 over 11 background a number of people in my family mostly but not all female have talked about their experiences in seeing omens or dreaming things like a dead uncle's last phone call to them when they didn't know he died we grew up with this being normal and were told to listen to these kinds of things if they happen i was a kid and blew it off story time he was in elementary school and i was in middle school i walked by his room to get to mine and heard him crying i would usually tease him because i'm a horrible sibling but something about his sobbing seemed really off he used to sleepwalk a lot so i thought maybe he was having an episode i called out for him and he came to the door just crying i asked him if he had a bad dream and he just nodded and cried i went and sat with him and told him to tell me about it so he starts babbling about a big crash and how people were going to die now we had been in a flash flood that almost stopped us from getting out of town because of how high the water was his father had been in a car accident while he was driving by himself but it totaled the car and put him in the hospital for the day it was reasonable these things may have come back to his sleeping mind and upset him i told him as much and said that everyone was fine and his dad was already in the accident a while ago he vehemently told me that i didn't understand it's not a car it's a plane i counted with no one we know flies anywhere so he didn't need to worry then he just got mad he told me that the plane was going to crash and so many people were going to die and i didn't even care after assuring him that i do care and trying to get details out of him he said he couldn't see anything more than smoke and fire and all those poor people he started crying again saying how he just knew he couldn't stop it because he didn't no anything to help stop it and he could see these people dying and their bodies he described them and it was just too much for him i told him again it was just a really bad dream and he should try to sleep i will never forget the way he looked at me like he was so much older than me he glared into the best of my memory said you just don't understand we are going to war and so many people are going to die after that he shut down completely i tried to reason with him why we most likely wouldn't have war in our future and he just stared at me blankly he stopped listening and told me he was going back to bed he literally never mentioned it again i tried four weeks to talk him about it and he acted like it didn't happen after the attacks about a year later i asked if that's what he saw and he said no he'd never seen a plane crash before as adults he still denies that that night ever happened i can't image what he saw in that dream considering what actually happened i'm not sure if his mind blocked it out or what i could have sworn i saw a black robes figure in the corner of my eye standing by my dying cancer grandmother's bed in hospice care shocked i just stared at it and i noticed my grandmother was looking at it too she only stopped staring at it when she saw me looking at it she died that night another time was when i was in a potentially deadly motorcycle crash was launched over railing and fell at least 15 feet below after i already broke my ribs from the impact fell onto into her a very almost man-sized large bush saved my life but as i was falling i could have sworn i saw a transparent man in a 40s style suit with patches on the elbows watching in the woods no one was really there it was my dead grandfather's birthday which fought in ww2 and died in the 70s before i was born due to cancer but i didn't know that until my dad mentioned it would have been his birthday also this one time where the tv channel changed 116 channels away from what it was on the only remote was on the tv in front of everyone while we were chatting it was competitive swimming me and my brother both were competitive swimmers alright so i'm sitting with my friend playing some n64 normal everyday [ __ ] in the 90s suddenly the remote control car in the corner takes off and turns out of the room down the hallway then sharply veers right down the stairs as this was happening the lights tvs and other electronics all freaked out in a wave across the house and returned to normal still in a wave the battery for the car was currently plugged into the wall the remote was on the dresser as soon as the car crashed everything went completely normal my game didn't even get reset or anything four people saw it happen gnome of us has a clue as someone who is very science-minded i never have believed in paranormal things but that house was what was going to sleep one night and had some crashing in the basement thought nothing of it probably my buddy's older siblings sneaking in go down in the morning and find every single book from two full eight-foot bookshelves seeped in a pile against the other wall nobody had been in windows and doors still closed slash locked shortly after my friend's mom passed everyone was drinking in the basement taking pictures and grieving every single picture came out with white spots all around people but never on faces just around them the one that showed me is a picture of my best friend holding a vial of his mom's ashes you wouldn't ever know it though the area the vial took up in frame was a cloudy white splotch much like the other pictures but it was the only one in the picture there is more but all three of these stories kind of choke me up my grandparents bought my parents a few nights stare to bed and breakfast it's kind of a weird concept but my parents figured they could use a short vacation away from the city when they got out there it was an old farmhouse built in the 1800s the owners were very welcoming and my parents ended up having a nice time they chatted with the owners about the history of the farmhouse the owners didn't know much as it was a fairly new purchase for them but they heard that a little girl had died on the property at some point my mom called her mom one of the nights to thank her for the gift but my grandma said she couldn't hear her and hung up it's pretty normal to get terrible reception in the country so my mom thought nothing of it when they got back home to the city my mom called her mom to thank her properly my grandma said i'm sorry for hanging up on you but i couldn't hear you over the laughing laughing yes there was a little girls just laughing and laughing so loud i couldn't understand you my grandma doesn't believe in ghosts nor is she creative enough or clever enough to pull pranks i mean this woman has no sense of humor and she would have had no idea that this place may have been haunted it wasn't advertised that way and even the owners really had no idea but it scared the dickens out of my poor mom my mum told me this story years ago after i'd moved away we moved to my childhood home when i was around two or three years old making my brother 12 or 13 it was a nice house and in a nice area but needed a lot of work done after being lived in by an old lady who had recently died for many years soon after we moved in my mum says we started to complain that we had seen or heard things or felt cold spots in the house my mum thought my brother was just stressed out about moving to a new house and making things up but it freaked her out when i started it as i was so young that i didn't really know what a ghost was so she has a night into herself get some kind of clearing spell from the hippie shop drinks a bottle of wine for courage can't remember exactly what it entailed but i think there was salt and herbs involved as well as a candle she lit the candle and at the end of the spell you are meant to clap your hands as she clapped the candle exploded and freaked the [ __ ] out of my mum but fair enough there must be a logical scientific reason displaced air awesome [ __ ] lie we never complained about seeing or hearing anything again plus why mum didn't tell either of us about this ceremony until about 20 years later don't believe in ghosts but there was still some kind of sad energy in that house swear the old lady must have had an accident on the stairs always got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach when i stood on them his sense of being completely alone and that neither going up nor down the stairs felt safe despite me really loving that house when i was four my grandfather killed himself not long after when i would come home on the bus i would see him standing by the pond by my house just watching me so i would go home and tell my mom what i saw what i learned my much much later is that he had shot himself next to the pond my boyfriend and i enjoy camping during the summer and although i do enjoy it my boyfriend is much more into it than i am and we typically hike deeper into the woods from our designated camping spot so we are further away from other campers a couple years ago we traveled a couple hours out from co springs we lived in denver at the time to go camping in an area i can't recall the name of i remember we had arrived saturday and most of the good camping spots were already taken so we were left with the last vacant space that was unsheltered and fairly close to the road we decided to travel further into the woods to find a more private area to set up camp after scouting for the perfect spot we decided on an area that was roughly 50 60 feet from the original spot and began making ourselves acquainted we spent the night like any other night we would camping pitching our tent starting a fire cooking drinking beer etc it was pretty dark when i had decided i need to paddle so my boyfriend lent me his headlight so i could find a spot deeper in the woods after stepping over piles of branches rocks and other debris i found a spot to do my business i don't remember when exactly i had noticed it but i eventually began looking at my surroundings noticing random articles of clothing i investigated further and can recall seeing multiple items of clothing shoes rubber gloves and black plastic trash bags there was also what looked like remnants of a tent it was all fairly dirty so it must have been there for quite some time what really struck me as odd was all of it was in what i would describe as a pit-like formation in the rocks not a typical place you would try and pitch a tent i ended up going back to our campsite to retrieve my boyfriend so i could show him what i had stumbled upon it really freaked both of us out we ended up taking pictures of it the next day and trying to call one of the phone numbers that was posted near the campsite entrance but the line was disconnected anyway it really flipped it is out because we couldn't think of any explanation as to why someone would just dump their belonging they're so far out into the woods especially finding the rubber gloves clothing and trash bags did we stumble upon evidence someone tried to conceal still freaks me out to this day i have a few all of them happened over the years growing up in a somewhat rural coastal community in nova scotia the biggest one that comes to mind is all teenagers at my buddy's house partying music drinking beer and etc i was sitting at the kitchen table with some people and he was out smoking on the deck with some others everyone was in that area no one was in the rest of the house suddenly a loud crash and he coming running in expecting one of his friends broke something his parents had a lot of china and silver and generally breakable collectibles we all jump up explaining we hadn't touched anything as we go to inspect there were probably 20 to 24 pictures lining the staircase the whole way up some of old relatives others have missed things in old wooden frames every one of them had fallen off the wall and toppled in a pilot on the tile at the bottom of the stairs but none of the glass broke not my story but my maternal grandmother's she was born in 1910 a nd lived to be 97 one story she used to tell took place when she was a young girl and she and her family lived in an old house in tennessee her parents often experienced the sheet and blanket being jerked completely off them during the night by an invisible presence i was around 17 and i went to a movie theater with my friend we arrived early and were the only people there my friend and i were climbing on top of the seats and having fun i went up to the side of the screen put my phone in my teeth and climbed to be behind behind the movie screen it was kind of cool dusty quickly boring whatever put my phone on the box climbed up grabbed my phone and hopped down watch the movie movie over i realized i didn't have my phone anymore retraced my steps behind the screen looked thoroughly around the ground and between seats after 10 minutes i was really disappointed but accepted my loss there was nothing more i could do besides leave a description of it at the box office my friend and i walked home i walk into my room and my phone is plugged in besides my bed so before i was ever thought of or my parents met my grandmother on my mom's side was killed in a car accident with my mom uncle and aunt all in the car she was the only one who died my mom has never really gotten over it and doesn't talk about her at all when i was young i had all kinds of imaginary friends i had one in particular i called angela land aland is my grandmother's name i used to talk to my mom about her all the time and would tell stories about my mother and her from years ago that i would have no way of know by myself it's crazy to me that i spoke with her because my middle name is after her and we share the same birthday i went and saw her grab as it a few years ago and was overcome with sadness and felt like i missed her so much that i actually began to cry i still believe she tries to reach out to me and i'm always welcoming to it about five years or so ago i was sitting on my front porch with my neighbor having a few beers around one to two a.m it was a nice usual summer night the commercial airplanes fly right over the house before turning to the airport i work in aviation and have always been a buff so i watch them all the time just out of fascination there's the usual stack of lights from the incoming flights and one of the lights seems to stop it catches my attention and i mention it to my friend it sits perfectly still for about less than a minute then begins to drastically move to the right at a fast speed fast enough it was gone from sight in 15 to 20 seconds nice and smooth nothing jerky like i mentioned besides work and as a hobby i have been to hundreds of their shows airports and probably seen most every type of civilian and military aircraft in the air what happened wasn't anything i have ever seen and wasn't normal it honestly gave me chills and i had trouble trying to explain what had happened to my friend she saw the same thing and just as dumbfounded i told her by definition what we saw yes was a ufo in fact i have chills now typing this it's still fresh in my mind i've only mentioned this story to just a couple of close friends not super spoopy but unexplained nonetheless i was sitting in my living room watching tv and my kitchen is joined onto my living room it was late at night and i heard something fall onto the ground i decided to just leave it presuming something fell from the counter nothing too creepy about it after a few minutes i then heard a rolling noise like something was moving across the ground i get up to check it and it was a pepper that was coming to a stop as i walked in what makes it creepy is it was probably the pepper that fell from the counter but weird that it started moving minutes after i heard it fall it was pure silence after the initial drop then i literally witnessed it rolling my kitchen isn't on a slope or anything so i can't explain why it started rolling backstory my grandfather passed away before i was born but he has a brother who looks very similar to him named curtis so i'm about three years old with my mom and dad over visiting my grandma's house they're all in the kitchen and i was apparently down the far near the staircase i don't remember this story personally but i have been told it by all of them they said they began to hear me laughing from down the hallway so they walked to find what was so funny to me when they got to the doorway they looked at me and asked what are you looking at justin and i pointed up the stairs and said curtis and they walked over and looked up the stairs and nobody was there since i never met my grandfather we believe i must have seen his spirit and described him as his brother curtis that i had met and just assumed it was him i have a few stories i'll leave them a bit without too much detail because i'm getting off work and going to drive home and i've posted them before so about seven years ago i was working at a used car dealer the place was an old house built up to be a business the main of the house was still there but they added a showroom in the front and the back was built up real big with car bays and lifts and it was a real big place so one time i had to go to a car auction to pick up a car and got back to the dealer about 10 pm i get there and there was loud talking music coming from the back and it looked like dancing shadows at the very top of the gate and the bottom gap of the gate gate is very tall made of metal and only a small cut out enough to stick hand in and unlock it when you stand on the outside so i look through it and it's pitch black and totally silent i step away and see the shadows again and hear loud talking and it's like a big party in there i step again to look in and totally pitch black there was no other place the shadows could from same place i go up to the main bedroom but it's now a storage on the top floor i move a filing cabinet and come across a small door it's tiny maybe a foot by a foot big had a doorknob and everything it was locked with an old-fashioned door lock and we couldn't pry it open i move some more filing cabinets and boxes around and find another door on the same wall as the little door this door is bigger but maybe three quarters the size of a normal door i open it and it's pitch black and the floor ends i shine my flashlight in there and it's just pitch black the wall directly in front is like seven feet away and i can't see where the walls on the side end it's an old house that got renovated so i see why it could be like that but it was creepy to find it i got a few more i'll edit when i get home when i was 15 years old my high school choir class took a trip to italy ostensibly to sing for the pope while that part the pope singing never actually happened we did participate in a mass ensemble performance of the verdi requiem and we had about two weeks to explore rome venice and florence now folks who have been to italy are probably rolling their rise already because a travel circuit including those cities is only slightly less telling than someone screaming i'm a tourist at the top of their lungs as is won't to happen with such people tourists i mean i took the opportunity to avail myself of the local junk dealers eventually purchasing a knockoff zippo lighter with a harley-davidson logo on the front i bought other souvenirs while i was there but that lighter was one of the few that actually made it home with me it was also the item that i thought i'd lost only to have it turn up in the most bizarre way one evening close to 10 years later i was driving up the highway from san francisco to sacramento intent on visiting a young woman for whom i had no shortage of affection although the evening would eventually take a turn for the bizarre and in more ways than one nothing seemed a miss until i happened to accelerate over a small hill and have my engine promptly decide to stop working afterward the short version of what happened is that my timing belt broke my car was kaput and my stepfather had to come and pick me up from the side of the road while the metal hulk was hauled away then the following morning my mother had to visit the lotto where it was toad given that i didn't exactly have a means of getting there anymore and amongst the personal items that she retrieved was my counterfeit lighter so what you may be asking you probably dropped it while you were driving or something you're lucky you didn't set your car on fire apostrophe that would certainly be a reasonable explanation except for the fact that i'd lost my lighter or thought that i had several years prior to purchasing that car there was literally no way that i could have been carrying the fire starter and my keys at the same time and certainly no way of having dropped it while driving my operating theory is that my mother had previously confiscated the lighter without my knowledge and decided that my vehicular loss was the best opportunity that she'd get to return it tldr my long lost lighter reappeared after my car committed suicide this story is probably me misremembering quite a bit since i've always had a lot of trouble recalling minutia one night if i recall it was just prior to midterm starting in my freshman year of high school i was attacked by something that came into my room through the window the window screen had been shredded and snow had fallen in so it was safe to assume that was the entry point i woke up probably sometime around 1am to see something lying on the floor it was too dark to see anything as it was still snowing outside and the moon was blocked from sight so when i panicked and tried to get out of bed it jumped at me got a couple of nasty scratches but ultimately it left the door to my room was locked so it obviously couldn't go anywhere honestly i thought i imagined it or that it was a nightmare since i had been having night terrors and it was in fact in close proximity to midterms so i was super stressed anyways but the scratches on my arms were very real my friends never believed me and my parents claim it was the cat but the fact remains that we had to replace the screen on the window tl doctor i'm probably full of [ __ ] didn't experience this firsthand but my uncle has told me this story a few times so i figured i'd share my uncle's family is from some old coal mining town in kentucky and they lived in an old family home when he was younger the home had been owned by his grandfather who had passed before he and his sister had been born health complications from smoking and mining as i understand it anyway one morning he and his sister both around age seven or so were watching cartoons in their family room when they heard a cough from behind them they turned their heads to see soot black fingers slowly curl around the door frame leading into their room and a similarly colored head with undefined features slowly peek out at them neither of them claims to have felt afraid oddly enough and after a few moments whatever it was just slunk out of you around the other side of the frame and they went back to watching cartoons both of them tell the story the same way and they are under the impression that it may have been their grandfather the especially creepy bit for me is that neither of them had thought it was real and they hadn't mentioned it to each other until they were well into their twenties a few other things had happened in that house even to my aunt when she visited years later and i'd be happy to share if there is interest here's another one just for the hell of it i was on a road trip to the oregon coast with my girlfriend at the time who is now my ex-wife thankfully anyways we decided to meander on our way and tuck a random valley to the coast on the washington side of the columbia river while driving through the valley we had a pretty eerie feeling but it didn't matter we were exploring and decided to stop at an abandoned farmhouse which was overgrown with blackberry bushes the farmhouse was also feet from an old light rail which ran the valley and had a large porch like a train stop in the front so maybe it was a rural train station at one point idk anyways we started walking around my ex-wife girlfriend at the time said she was kind of scared i wrote it officer being a chicken scared my ex was also recording everything with our camcorder i walked to the side of the farmhouse and there was a mushroom circle i walked to the middle of the circle and knelt down to look at the mushrooms back to this later my ex was filming and said she maybe wanted to go because she thought she was seeing weird stuff i went inside the farmhouse because why not it was interesting in a historical way fast forward about two weeks and we're home and in going over our vacation footage it's late at night i'm at the part where we are at the farmhouse so the video is from my ex's perspective because she was filming so while i'm exploring she is on the railroad and filming she says to herself what's that and zooms in down the railroad the camera is fuzzy but focuses in on several wittish blobs of smoke floating about like flies do but they are the size of basketballs just smokey blobs flying around and a sappy ring and re-happy ring that's when she zooms out and says to my she is scared and maybe wants to go she says babe and the camera pans over to this green grassy area under an old tree and a mushroom circle she zooms in the spot where my voice is coming from but i'm not visible she says come on jacob i want to go where are you suddenly in the video i appear out of nothing standing up from an old position in the mushroom circle weird right then she pans the camera across the farmhouse and back to me in the video i say i'm going to look inside she says okay nervously while i'm gone on camera she is simply recording the farmhouse in all its dilapidated rotting glory it's at a story with a large covered porch and tall windows with no glass left in them on the video in the downstairs window is a dark silhouette of a human steering i'm getting such chills right now btw so the camera pans to the upstairs windows and there is another human form peeking around the edge of the window on the left of the house it's smoky and see-through she walks with the camera to the side and there is another form in that window as well full-on in the middle smokey and in the shape of a person but faceless she doesn't say anything and didn't see the forms at the time but is clearly freaked out by how she has been acting so i'm freaked out at my house looking at this video but i'm critical so i pause the video and rewind it to watch it again this time i put the video on half speed to analyze it closer but it also puts the audio at half speed during the video after i walk out of frame into the house and all our talking stops i hear at half speed what sounds like normal human whispers at regular speed all while the video audio is half speed these whispers sound normal and regular speed i rewind the tape and drop the speed again a notch and turn the volume up on camera my x's voice is very slow and deep as is mine which is normal force load audio when our voices stop but the video continues the whispers start and now are more audible the video is slowly moving across the farmhouse and there are ghostly forms in the windows and what sounds like two or three men whispering amongst each other as the video and the whispering increase to the last window and the full form ghost there is a crystal clear voice rise from the whispering it says as the video blurs as it pans iii i'm really behind you i stopped the video completely freaked out and rushed to wake my ex up strange stuff my mom and older sister describe how i used to randomly start crying and asking where my mom was when my mother would try to comfort me by saying she was right here i would shout for my other man i would describe us as being black and having a red car when the man came and i then made the gesture of a gun they said it scared them shitless but one day when i was to they tried to ask me about it i couldn't remember anything at this point my sister would have been four fifths so she wasn't lying when she told me years later my friend and i were both hanging out at her house having a sleepover as teenagers she had warned me before i came over that her house might be haunted there were some past instances she had already described like the time her and her other friend were finding snacks in the kitchen around 3am and the overhead lights started to flicker on and off they got creeped out and rushed to her bedroom shutting the door while they tried to shake off the feeling they heard footsteps going down the stairs which were across the living room from her door they managed to get to sleep but when they left the room in the morning their shoes were sitting right outside her door when they had left them by the front door that night i enjoy a good ghost story but i'm pretty skeptical usually i brushed it officer trying to scare me right before i slept over i got my own experience that night we fell asleep in her bed watching a vhs and i woke up to the sound of the tape rewinding the light from the t v was washing everything in blue light i was facing toward the wall and suddenly got that littered brain all hairs standing straight up feeling that something was off silhouetted on the wall was a shadow of what seemed to be a curvy woman with shoulder length curly hair her stance was cartoonish the classic praying mantis creeping pose the shadow kind of lurched across the wall getting bigger and less distinct as it got closer to me at the time it felt like everything was happening in slow motion i could barely breath i was preparing to scream and all of a sudden the tape stopped rewinding and made a loud clack sound and the screen went from blue to black the overwhelming paralyzing fear dissipated and was replaced with a more manageable state of terror and the need to wake my friend and tell her what happened she was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing she told me not to worry about it and go to sleep the ghost wouldn't hurt us needless to say i did not listen and stayed up the whole night with heart palpitations when i was in high school i got the big room in my house it had two beds but i was the only one using the room one night my nephew 10 years younger than me was staying the night in the extra bed in my room i woke up in the middle of the night to him sitting up and talking i asked him who he was talking to and he said that he was talking with the old lady at the end of the bed it really freaked me out but i told him to go back to bed fast forward five or six years and my sister was then using that room and our niece was staying in the extra bed my sister woke up in the middle of the night to anis sitting up and talking she asked who she was talking to and darnis said the old lady at the end of the bed that house scared the crap out of me as a kid a few months ago in a span of about four days i saw two separate green orbs both with the exact same characteristics of coming from the sky and shooting towards the ground having no trail or sound no explosion just a bright green orb traversing the sky for about three seconds at a constant speed it was like what you would think it looks like if someone pointed a laser pointer at the sky not a shooting star not a flare not a firework green orb i triangulated the approximate location they flew over based on the direction i was looking when i saw them and it was a golf course my answer copy and paste it from another thread was in my house doing the nightly make sure everything is in place and all the doors and windows are closed and locked in every room routine but for reason i decided to check the basement on this night after completing my nightly routine i head to the second floor where everyone is in bed and asleep and i head to my room keep in mind i checked every room on the first floor and made sure nothing was out of place well i start heading to my room and all of a sudden i hear someone or something run up the basement stairs and then proceed to run up the stairs leading to the second floor i ducking booked it to my room and threw my covers over me and laid there the whole night without being able to get any sleep i posted this over in slash glitch in thematrix way back when i was in junior high i was sitting on some bleachers after school watching an intramural floor hockey game now these bleachers were pushed all the way in so we would literally climb to sit on the top of them which i'm estimating was probably about 10 feet so i'm sitting up there and i stand up to move and my foot gets caught i try to save myself but i end up falling what's really oddies that i don't remember the fall at all i remember starting to but then i wake up just as i hit the floor but it was like i had fallen only a few inches and landed on my back i heard the gym fall silent as i popped right back up the teacher asked in a panicked voice if i was okay i said yeah and then just climbed right back up i should've bounced my head off the floor and incurring some kind of injury but i felt literally nothing i'm in the car with my mom on a family holiday somewhere south coast of england like devon or cornwall we traveled there a lot it's a quiet road with fields of wheat on one side and greenfield slash ocean on the other i look out i see a black cat in the wheat field the more i look at this cat the more my brain feels like it's struggling to work something out something is wrong with this black cat it's like my eyes and brain are shooting messages to each other how far is this cat and what size is it really like the perspective i was seeing was wrong as this cat was much bigger than it should been from how far it was from us i think maybe it's just a big dog but the tail is long like a cat i turned to my mom but i decided to say nothing my dad and sisters love weird stuff like this but not my mom she's little too serious for things like i think i just saw a large wild predator so i keep it to myself when we pass and get back to the camping ground my mom turns to me and says in a way like she thinks she's going mad did you see that giant cat earlier i tell her everything i saw and what she saw matches with what she saw later back at home we find out the area does have sightings of big cats like this they are believed to be released exotic pets but no one's been able to get a good enough evidence to prove they are living there just a bunch of witnesses like me and my mom i'm a little late to the party but i'll share this one when i was in college i worked as a caretaker at a crisis nursery that was founded by an older woman who had passed away some years earlier we'll call her mary we would watch kids for days or sometimes weeks while their parents took care of emergency situations the nursery was built like a house with a kitchen playroom and bedrooms to help the kids feel more at home during their stay i worked the evening shift so part of my job was helping the kids get ready for bed and doing bed checks making sure the kids were sleeping and safe about every 15 minutes until the overpass shift came the bedrooms had security cameras and the display for these cameras was a large tv mounted in the hallway where all of us caretakers congregated after the kiddus had gone to bed when there were a lot of children staying in the house this made it easier to keep track of everyone and make sure they were okay every so often some creepy [ __ ] would happen in the late hours of the night we'd see rocking chairs in the nursery rooms moved by themselves like someone was sitting there with the babies while they slept the light up slash musical toys in the playroom would start going off by themselves we would always joke that it was mary's ghost messing with us but there were always logical explanations for what happened but one night there was a child staying at the house she was about nine years old typically the kids share rooms but we had so many children at the time that she had been placed in one of the extra rooms by herself now keep in mind when parents dropped their kids off at this place they had to give a health history i would hope that if this kid had experienced night terrors or sleep paralysis her mom would have informed us so it's getting close to the end of my shift about 10 30 or so and all of a sudden we hear screaming and crying from this girl's room she had been sleeping soundly 15 minutes prior we immediately look up at the security camera screen and see her racing from her bed out the door and down the hallway towards us we meet her halfway and see that she's sweating profusely and trembling her eyes are full of terror we get her a blanket a glass of water tell her to come sit with us and talk about what happened she stumbles over her words but finally gets out the woman on the ceiling the old woman in the black dress she came down and sat on my bed now this sounds a little creepy but we insisted she'd had a bad dream we let her sit with us until she fell asleep again one of my co-workers whispers it was mary while pointing towards the girls room and we all have a nice chuckle about it the next day there was an article in the local newspaper about the history of the nursery telling the story of mary's life and why she built it the picture featured was of her before her death it was the first time any of us working my shift had seen a picture of her she was wearing a black dress i know there are so many logical explanations for this story but to this day always gives me goosebumps i like to think mary stuck around and just wants to make sure the kids are safe and taken care of close bracket no one will probably read this but about six or so years ago i was driving my now ex bf home it was three or four in the morning he live 30 minutes outside the city off a country road the roads out there are pitch black at night a large trapezoidal super bright shape appeared just above us it was like nothing i'd ever seen in my life the whole shape was lit up bluish white but i couldn't see a single light source i panicked and slowed down my ex was like what are you doing exclamation mark follow it which you're right has clearly crazy town but i floored it and kept on it then it was just gone it didn't get smaller or speed up and away it just disappeared as a little bit of backstory before i get into everything my grandmother has been declining in health recently she will turn 93 the day after tomorrow so it's not that surprising her physical health is fine however she's not mentally as sharp as she used to be as you can imagine she says some really weird sometimes downright creepy things from time to time the creepiest thing or things that she ever said happened over the course of about three weeks around the first anniversary of my uncles her son-in-law death she lives with my parents and at this time she started asking my mother questions about people around our house only the people she was asking about weren't there the first incident happened while she was in the living room watching tv with my parents she was laughing and even though the show they had on wasn't very comical they thought she was just enjoying the show that is until she stopped laughing and immediately looks at mother and asks where did they go apostrophe obviously confused my mother asked her who she was talking about my grandmother replied the little boys playing in front of the tv my mom calmly told her no one was there and she sort of got quiet then went to her room for the night the next time it happened was about a week later she was sitting alone in her sitting room watching a baseball game i use the term watching extremely lightly but you get the idea while she's in her sitting room my mother is one room over in the kitchen washing dishes where she hears my grandmother talking quietly to herself a short while later my grandmother comes into the kitchen and asks my mother where the two japanese women went i should probably tell you that my grandmother is from a small town in japan my mom again asked who she was talking about and she told my mom that our house guests were watching baseball with her my mom tried again to comfort my grandmother and tell her there was no one in the house but the two of them but she was still sure these women had spoken with her while watching tv the last time it happened my parents and grandmother were having dinner this was maybe a couple of days after the anniversary of my uncle's passing she was pretty much quiet the entire meal until they had almost finished their food then she looks at my mother and very sadly asks what do we do now my mother asked her what she wanted to do and listed a few things that my grandmother liked to do to keep herself busy my grandmother replied by rewording her question no insert my mom's name her what do we do with the body my mother said she sounded almost angry so instead of trying to figure out what she meant and upsetting her more she sort of brushed her off saying she didn't know and changed the subject obviously my parents were both pretty freaked out after that now i'm not saying that this occurrence is anything paranormal given her mental health but my family has fun in believing in these things so i thought i would share i was 15 house we lived and still had an occupant another boy that died in a bus crash caused by a drunk driver several years prior we didn't mind him being there a neighbor i was friends with was camping out in his backyard he and his buddy were playing around with a ouija board he said things were getting weird fresh batteries in the flashlights went dead they were hearing breathing and whispering right next them i offered to keep the board overnight since i was convinced it was the culprit yeah stupid i know shouldn't have done that wasn't going to use it just keep an eye on it i walk up to my door board tucked under my arm and can't get through the threshold it's like i hit a brick wall and every time i tried to step forward i got pushed back somebody was pissed and did not want that thing in the house i took the board back when in high school some friends and i drove from school to a nearby kfc for lunch the cashier was my doppelganger like it was a little terrifying the weird thing is that he just seemed not to care or acknowledge the whole thing just trying to get through his shift at my old apartment building i was walking around a corner wearing a pair of those big noise canceling headphones listening to metal and as clearly as if someone had lifted one of those headphones from my ear and whispered directly there and i heard someone slash things say let me in ran the rest of the way to my apartment without looking back and shouted no as loud as i could as soon as i had the door locked behind me one time when i went out to a party on high school i was feeling really uncomfortable so i called my brother to come pick me up i went with two friends who knew everyone but i didn't know anyone except the two and just wanted to go home so when my brother shows up we decide that i would drive home in my car and he would follow me in his car to make sure i got home safe i had drank a little but stopped when i started wanting to go home plus i wanted to make sure i had my car the next morning so my dad didn't ask questions anyway we're about two minutes from my house and i feel myself starting to drift and fall asleep it was about three am at the time and there was no one else on the roads i started to swerve then i heard a loud horn honking behind me that woke me up i quickly snapped back into it and i remember thinking thank god i had my brother follow me back otherwise i would have crashed when we got back i told my brother thanks for honking when i started to swerve and thanks for coming to get me he then tells me he only thought about honking but he never actually did it i like to think we had some sort of sibling telepathy going on that saved me from crashing or it could have been my mom who passed away acting like a guardian angel not the creepiest story but to me it was definitely crazy a couple buddhas were hanging out at my house and at around midnight i went to bed i abruptly woke up out of a dead sleep at 3 am absolutely terrified i had this picture in my mind of my rumored zach a mutual friend nick and a knife it made absolutely no sense and i wanted to think it was just the remnant of a bad dream but the feeling was just so awful it was like i was experiencing both fear and anger that didn't belong to me part of me wanted to go downstairs just to assure myself everything was all right but i was too scared eventually i fell back asleep and in the morning everything seemed normal exactly a week later is when things got weird nick was over again along with my other friend sam again i went to bed before everyone else because i'm boring like that and slept through the night just fine in the morning i noticed sam had crashed on my couch and when he saw me he asked me if i wanted to have a smoke and pulled me outside he told me that sometime after i went to sleep zach and nick went inexplicably nuts pulled knives on each other he defused the situation but said it got really bad the next time i was with zach and nick i confronted them about it but they just stared at each other and wouldn't say anything i don't believe in psychic stuff or at least i didn't still hoping it was a bizarre coincidence one that one time i met an on and on on my way up through california near a bog g odd stoned i'll [ __ ] it and watch the naked slenderman thing leap from the shallows onto the opposite bank and disappear into the brush my buddy jay and i were out in the bonus i'm pretty sure illegally cutting firewood on roads that hadn't been used for possibly years often we'd have stopped to clear debris i quickly started to feel slash here slash taste static and vision blurred as if someone cranked the color saturation up a bit before i could say anything jay mentions that he's not feeling well we pull over wrote it offers elevation changes and hopped out for a smoke i circled the track took a few puffs and noticed a clearing among this pretty dense forest i stared at it while walking back down the road so the trees would scroll in a pattern that eventually gave me a complete picture a field 200 ice yards across with the large stonehenge-like rock right in the center pretty cool right jay inquired i showed him what's up pretty cool he said we rolled further higher i felt fuzzy again louder this time jay immediately turns the radio volume down it was already off nope jpeg i breathlessly emitted a stop as we crept over the top of the slope into a clearing at the far side about 100 yards away where two other roads met were several men in business suits carrying briefcases a dozen agent ducking smiths turned to face us glanced at each other and altogether did this really exaggerated borderline comical sprinting into the forest towards a peak nope intensifies jay flawed it flipped a [ __ ] and starts hauling ass out of there i swore we were gonna die if not from the smith family then from a car wreck the static got stronger the ethica the sunlight was swarming me as we burned out of there and then we pass the field i looked past jay saw the field but no ancient villa and then the feelings left it was like someone hid my reset button i felt fine i could tell he did too i wanted to feel some panic honestly this comfort was not comforting we haven't spoken about it to each other in almost 10 years lights in the sky over cali slash nevada pointed it out people would think i remember this when i found the gamma boy camera i was trying to take pics of it with dash bonus edit 4 4 dreamed of my dab playing his guitar and signing w g woke up crying g wtf i say why i rarely dream of him m it's a nice memory why i get a call from my family saying he died overnight t hit by a car ah i commented on this before not creepy but comforting this happened about five years ago my mom died a few months prior and i was in bed at four o'clock in the morning and couldn't sleep i was squeezed out about life stuff and i started to smell my mom's perfume it was faint at first but got very strong my eyes were closed and i remember not wanting to open them because i didn't want whatever it was to go away finally i opened my eyes but didn't see anything and then the scent faded away another separate story was in my first apartment 20 years ago and my stereo would turn on by itself all of the time once or twice while i was sitting in the room sometimes i would wake up with it blasting i may have spooked myself because once while i was in the shower i thought i heard someone say my name bolted out of the shower and explained it away somehow i was living in new york city in 2001 just a few blocks from the world trade center early on the morning of september 11th my roommate came downstairs for breakfast but she looked so exhausted when i asked her what was the matter she said she hadn't been sleeping well the past few weeks and that she kept having dreams about lots of people dying we shrugged it off until a few hours later she didn't have any more of those dreams after that night i went to live with a friend in a small new england beach town for the summer a few years back he lived in an old house on an old road many of the houses on his dead end road now sit abandoned because this is the part of town that tourists don't visit the whole area had an eerie vibe when drinking and partying we even went into the abandoned house next door which was unlocked all the furniture was still there and looked like it hadn't been updated for at least 100 years my friend's house was two floors but he only paid for the first floor so the second floor sat abandoned as well he set me up with an air mattress in his only spare room across the hall from his room i had two windows looking out over the backyard the second or third night i was there we both went to our rooms for bed pretty early i wasn't super tired so i was just laying in my dark room looking at instagram or whatever when i started hearing the sound of breathing heavy breathing it was so loud and pronounced and almost exaggeratedly horror movie-esque that i thought there had to be some explanation i sat quietly listening to it it didn't let up it just continued loudly it sounded like it was coming from within a few inches of my head i looked out the windows dear nothing i looked for vents that could cause sound to travel from room to room no vents this old house doesn't have central lack or air ducts i even got up peed and on my way back to my room put my ear to my room at store to see if he was snoring or at least breathing heavily nothing when i lay back down in my room it's still there the breathing i listened to it for probably two more minutes until i got too freaked out and went to sleep in the living room where there was a noisy fish tank i mentioned it to my friend the next morning and he just jokingly says they're friendly and changed the subject later when talking to his ex-girlfriend who is still in the friend group she tells me that she has heard it and will never visit that house again so i'm not just hearing things a week or so later i'm the only one home rumored is at work all day we are very close so it's not weird if i hang out in his room i'm kind of snooping through his stuff and open his closet door sitting in his closet are probably five or six paintings i look closer and every painting is of him my roommate standing or sitting somewhere in his house or on his property they are painted well super realistic looking down to every detail of the house's interior and exterior and in each painting there is a large shadowy figure lurking somewhere near him i moved to a friend in commons house down the road literally that night i'm super into paranormal but my favorite experience i experienced with my extremely skeptical fiancee we went to gettysburg pa for a weekend and he kept saying he wanted something to happen my family always talks about their paranormal experiences and he wanted to see some [ __ ] well i fully expected nothing to happen we were relaxing after a full day of exploring and a great dinner when we heard something that sounded like fireworks i should mention it was the end of january and there was snow on the ground and like 10 p.m at night no one was setting off fireworks so we go outside to see what's happening half the b n we were staying it is out there going wtf question mark question mark i'm the direction of the battlefields there was what looked like lightning but lighting up the wrong way with the sound of cannons and intermittently the sound of those like popping fireworks so we are like well this is weird fast forward to the next day we decided to skip the visitors visitor center on day one and explore on our own my fiance decided he wanted to check out the informational movie and all that we are sitting there enjoying then there's a scene of actual battle the background noise cannons and muskets the exact same noise from last night my fiancee and i tense up and look at each other like yup apostrophe who lit madly it was cool but super freaky at the same time i was attending a really small private university and the next week was finals week for the spring semester i had managed all of my classes well and had five final exams however my computer class final was online and i had to take it by the middle of the next week so to take some stress off of the rest of my exams i just decided to take the final that night which was like a thursday so i decided that instead of doing the exam in my dorm that i would go up to this relatively private computer lab in one of the main buildings now the campus is pretty old and there are a lot of interesting and creepy stories rumored around campus but friends and i would go ghost hunting at all hours of the night and we've only had one minor unexplainable experience happen up to this point so i go up to this computer lab in the main building on the second floor that only a select few students can access because the computers are used for editing and such for communication classes i close the door so nobody bothers me and begin finishing up an essay for another class before starting on the final exam now i got into the computer lab at around 9 30 because the building doors lock at 10 everything is pretty normal as i've done this before on many occasions as i'm about two-thirds finished with the exam i start hearing these footsteps coming up the main stairs the building is pretty old and the stairs make a lot of noise even when you're trying to walk quietly and usually i hear the campus pd walking around at least once or twice after the building doors lock but these footsteps aren't the boots of campus pd that i'm used to they honestly sound like someone is walking slowly up the stairs with some sort of leg injury that's causing a limp at this point i'm a bit freaked out cause it's not the usual sound of someone coming up the stairs and the building doors are locked so nobody could have came in the limping footsteps stopped at what sounded like the step right before the second floor and then silence the silence actually freaked me out more than anything but the door to the computer lab is closed and locked so my attention was more on the final exam mainly because it was timed but the entire time i'm listening trying to hear anything at all still silence about two minutes later i hear this woman scream and i'm freaking out cause now i have no idea what's going on now i'm ready to just bolt out of there but i'm more frozen in fear because whatever it was had to be somewhere close by so i sat there for about five to ten minutes just listening for anything and the only thing i could hear was the sound of my heart beating out of my chest i for the most part one felt safe in the computer lab but i packed up my backpack just in case i had to make a run for it i somehow managed to get back to working on my final exam and finished within 20 minutes all while thinking about what that cold been the rest of the time it was completely silent but eerie took me about five minutes to make a game plan to get out of the building and summon the courage once i left the computer lab i looked down the hall where i heard the scream and saw nothing but i definitely wasn't going down that staircase or even in that direction so i went down the hallway opposite of the screen to another staircase all as quickly as i could now i decided to try and walk out through this open garden area of the back that would eventually get me out rather than going out the main door because i was freaked out this part is funny i actually got locked into this garden area and had to call campus pd to get me out took the guy like five minutes and he was a bit annoyed that i trapped myself in there but i explained my story even the part about the sounds of steps and a woman screaming and he had told me that none of the officers had been in the building after 10 p.m until now after i finished telling him he actually sounded a bit worried and told me he was going to immediately check it out he also mentioned that weird stuff has happened in the building but mine was by far the weirdest to this day i still don't know what happened a few years ago i lived in a house which apparently was haunted my roommates would hear noises constantly and this one time when i was back from vacation the main door was wide open my roommates didn't know i was coming so i got worried when i saw no one was home i called them and they told me to meet them at a restaurant so i go there and they are telling me that something happened but that it would be best if i saw for myself so they show me a video they were pouring holy water around the house while they were praying when the water touches across that was standing it falls behind at this point the one who's throwing the water is saying she didn't touch it but the one who's recording just dismisses it and tells her to keep going when they pour water into a porcelain doll that was standing on the floor it falls and starts moving towards them at this point they run screaming and the video cuts when they are right outside the door even though the evidence was there i still don't know if that video was real neither of us lives on that house anymore and it's still our little story we tell to everyone who moves there it's a legend in our college our house has been weird for a while our downstairs hallway seems to be a pretty high energy spot and my mom dad and i have all felt the sensation of someone passing us there on my brother's third or fourth birthday we had our extended family over at my house for a party adults were in the living room and kids including me were in the dining room playing some of the older kids we were about 10 over 11 were lining the younger kids up to play something maybe duck duck goose i got the bright idea to mess around a little by flicking the lights on and off at some point during the lights going on and off i saw a girl clearly sitting between two of my cousins she was maybe five or six and smiling at me she had long hair which was pushed back with an alice band i got a shiver down the back of my neck turned the lights on and bolted out of there into the hallway in tears i'm not sure if i was afraid or just confused looking back the story definitely freaks me out t he adults didn't really believe me but a few weeks later my mom sat me down and told me that she had a miscarriage between my younger sibling and i why parents have always believed it was a girl andy she would have been about six at the time of the birthday party this will be a long post so my cousin her then boyfriend and i decided it would be a good idea for a late night swim we are in the hills of el cajon crest ca we finish swimming the light in the pool is the only light we have its [ __ ] black we end up sitting on the steps and talking for a while mind you we can barely see each other's faces but being adjusted to the dim light the faces are somewhat visible we start talking about scary stories we know and then our stories turn into aliens out of the blue i jokingly bring up to mcnuccas since she was always afraid of aliens in that movie i still to this day haven't read or seen it she tells me to cut it out it gets silent and we all look up at the sky not knowing what to say next we are looking at the stars when my cousin points out a set of stars that resemble dorian's belt but brighter except the middle one was red then the middle one speeds like about three inches in our perspective the other two follow suit they zig back and then about a yard and a half then just stop all aligned still we are still staring in disbelief michaels and says something to the effect of aliens aren't real right her bf and i just go are still staring at the sky when they whiz away we hightailed it out of the pool up of the house never talked about it again second story involves my older stepbrother jay he's 14 years older than me anyway back in 2011 my stepmom dad and i are driving from alaska all the way down to socal i end up staying with my brother and his family while my parents go out to a fancy restaurant and stay in a local hotel while we finally hit the stars and we're in montana while me and my brother got to talking about life and how i was doing in high school and life and then we get talking about religions it's about 2 to 3 a.m at this point he goes on saying house he's read all the different kinds of bibles the quran the satanic bible the necronomicon etc we are talking alit about the necronomicon and i swear i don't know if it was because i was tired or what but i could swear his face was physically changing in front of me like he was pretty husky and his face was getting skinnier and pointier gave me the absolute chills i physically get chills and like cold in the room seemed to get darker as he was going in depth of certain parts i'm trying to listen to what he was saying just couldn't keep track like his voice trailed off and i was just staring at him trying to read his lips was getting goosebumps and everything still am while writing this i think he tried saying something to me and i said huh comma he looked at me and asked if i was getting tired and kinda nodded and almost like on cue yawned i know it's not as crazy as some of the stories here just gives me the ebgbs tldr1 late night swimming end up seeing some aliens to getting spooked out out in the mountains of california my brother morphs into some kind of demon in my eyes while talking about the necronomicon me and a few friends were in this orchard just chilling there talking about a load of [ __ ] tbh this was about five years ago we were stood at one entrance and we was all in a circle and me and my friend were looking behind the others where there was a second entrance we were there for about two hours and i swear to god for some reason i just stopped focusing on them and i looked behind them and i saw this old women in black victorian clothing with a pointed hat on go past on her bike and as she went past her head moved 90 degrees to look at us and she just vanished i looked at my friend and we were both like did you just see that we all ran to go see where she went and i [ __ ] you not she was gone still freaks me out to this day got a couple minor stories that happened to me growing up one when i was a young child five i had just been put to bed had a vivid dream in my dream i was floating left the bedroom floated over the banister for the c-shaped stairwell and floated down the middle landed facing the stairs turned around asked my grandmother for a glass of water she told me to go back to bed so i walked up the stairs back to bed when i reached the top of the stairs i woke back up got out of bed and walked downstairs for a glass of water my grandmother heard me coming down the stairs and when i got to the bottom asked didn't i just tell you to go back to bed apostrophe 2 this story was related to me by my aunt no one else involved in the story will admit to it when i was an infant my aunt grandmother uncle and father all went out to the family cottage on georgian bay if you're from the area behind the ojibwe club basically it's not there anymore r.i.p cottage lol dad and the subs went out late fishing for wally slash pickerel for some reason in that area the fish is known by both names don't know why while my grandmother stayed at the cottage with me while they were gone apparently some ducked up [ __ ] happened outside lights in the sky coming down behind the cottage footsteps on the roof door rattling when dad and co came back from fishing grandma was sitting in the rocker by the door with the old double barrel shotgun sxs break action type across her lap shaking utterly terrified three my step-grandmother grandpa's wife was at their house cottage again georgian bay area barclay island getting ready for bed she looked down the channel and a long triangular object was floating silently down the channel about 300 meters up next memory she has its morning and grandpa is coming out of the bedroom asking where she was slash why she didn't come to bed i have more stories about straight-up ufo experiences both personally and from family four last one this one occurred to me at about age 23 while living out in calgary forest lawn slash dover area what a ducking hole of a neighborhood jesus me my now ex and a mutual friend were hanging out we were all sitting on the couch laughing at something stupid on tv when i got a very cold feeling of being watched from the hallway turned to look down the hall and saw what i can only describe as a shadow crunched in the hallway watching us i went stark white and locked my vision on it my ex saw me looking and also looked and say jesus christ friend then looked in time to see the shadow stand up stretch up and walk float move into the bedroom of the basement apartment as soon as it was out of sight i leapt up and ran to the bedroom there was nothing there nothing could have exited that room there were bars over the windows basement apartment again forest lawn slashed over are those kind of neighborhoods super classy my friend and i still discuss it now like 10 years later i grew up with my dad and grandma the house is my grandmother's house and she has lived there for over 60 years my dad grew up in this house as did i i'm just trying to say that this is an old house after my grandpa passed away in 2004 i had a few minor instances as i would walk through the house i would see him sitting in his usual chair in the living room he was a cigar smoker and i would catch a whiff of cigar smoke every once in a while nothing that made me feel too scared or anything the house also has a half-finished basement where my dad sleeps that is kinda creepy the layout of the house is the basement is connected to the kitchen kitchen to dining room dining room to living room my bedroom was right off the living room one day i was home with my grandma in zero five zero six i was in high school i had laid down in bed and dozed off i then heard a faint hello it was a man's voice and it was like i could hear him from the basement then it kept getting louder and it seemed i could hear him going from basement up the stairs through the kitchen saying hello in a deep creepy voice then i heard it getting closer and closer it was like i knew i was asleep but could visualize him walking slowly towards me when i heard it scream right in my ear hello i jolted out of bed and no one was around my grandmother was in her room on the computer to this day it gives me chills to think about it i'm sure i was dreaming but i could even feel the breath as he screamed sorry for any grammatical mistakes i'm trying to quickly type this at work a few years ago i was living with a friend in downtown rochester and working early in the mornings one morning while getting ready for work and it was only me who was awake at the time i heard a woman's voice suddenly scream out in terror the voice sounded muffled as if there was a wall between it and die and gradually got quieter almost like they had fallen through the floor below me my roommate was asleep the whole time this happened and i didn't notice anyone outside the house no one else was awake my hair was on end to this day i'm not really sure how to explain what i heard but i was told an older lady had passed away in the house and this apparently wasn't the first time phantom sounds were heard there before moving on my experience i just want to say that these events are a bit hazy and that english isn't my first language but i'll try to be as clear as possible so this happened to me when i was younger 11 to 12 years old or at least i think it did but i'll get into that later anyways that day my sister had like some sort of school event in our local community center i'm going to describe the building's surroundings since it has its importance in my story this community center is outside of the village where i live with the woods directly in front of it and on one side and a large grass field on the other sides the building itself is built on some kind of hill so the field is below it and there are only a few trees there you should know that ever since i was little the other kids always spoke of this area as a supernatural zone but i always thought it was just to mess with us they would say that there was three trees forming a triangle and that the fruits that should grow on them didn't like a cherry tree growing apples for example one other time for halloween they hanged bloody t-shirts with tire marks on the branches while they rode quad bikes around to make noise and scare us so nothing that scary as you can tell going back to my main story that day me and my mom went there with my sister and spent a few hours there before going back to our house i want to make this extremely clear i stayed the whole time inside the building and did not go outside even for a minute at that time my mom had already given me her old cell phone the old flip phone kind that can pretty much only be used to make calls it still had a small basic camera on it though a few days after my sister's school event i was on my phone and opened the photo gallery i don't remember if there was many photos but i no one immediately caught my eye i clicked on it and it enlarged on the small screen as i froze that photo was a shot of the community center it had been taken as if i had been standing at the bottom of the field the building and the hill in front of me the thing is as i already said i never went there that dane or any other but as strange as it already is that's not all in the middle of the picture was a completely black shape without any features like a shadow or a silhouette moving or rather running towards me or at least that's how it felt when i looked at it i didn't really do anything about it just tried not to think about it and it eventually fell out of my mind it came back to me only a few years ago without any particular reason now the thing is that it really feels like something real that happened to me but the one time i talked about it with my mom she didn't remember it and just laughed at my impressive imagination of course i don't have the phone anymore so i can't take a look at it to figure out if it was just a story i made up in my mind and convince myself of or if it was real it could also be a dream i had that stuck but even though i remember some of my dreams they are never that precise and complete i guess i'll never really know what that was even though i wish i could as it still creeps me out i feel restless and i've got chills just writing about it but i'd like to know what you think about my experience did anyone have something similar happening to them i used to deliver pizza and one time i was delivering dinner to a middle-aged man that had never ordered from us before this was approximate five years into my employment so i knew the regulars and even the semi-regulars nothing out of the ordinary upon arrival other than the man was waiting outside when i arrived this happens on occasion and is a welcome sight since it saves me time the man wore jeans a dark shirt a baseball cap and covered in stains from my experience in delivering to auto shops he was a mechanic by trade he signs the credit card slip then casually points back to my car and says oops looks like you got a headlight out as i turn to look it turns back on i look back at the man and he lowers his arms casually and with a smirk he says would you look at that then turns to enter his house not another word was spoken i'm 99 sure that man was a wizard i was laying in bed around midnight and i heard a knock on my bedroom door i called out to whoever was knocking to give me a second i sleep with my bedroom door locked i got up and opened the door noon was there got back into bed and i could hear the floor creaking outside my door then i hear another loud knock on my door i get up and slowly walk towards the door i quickly open it and again nobody there i decided must be my stepdad playing a joke on me so i look around the upstairs my brother was asleep in bed snoring the bathroom outside my room was empty nobody on the upstairs landing lights are off downstairs and i can't see anyone when i look over the railing upstairs decide it must be my mind playing tricks on me and go back to bed i get covered up and hear the creaking of the floorboards outside my door again and another loud knock i know that it can't be my step dude because i just checked every spot upstairs and he wouldn't have had time to run from downstairs and get to my door that quickly i'm still trying to trick myself into believing i was imagining things when there's another knock this time both my cats jump off the bed and run towards the door meowing and the hair on their backs is standing up i decided that i wasn't imagining it and i covered my head with the blankets and decided to just ignore it i told my parents the next morning and both were freaked out my mom swears we have ghosts in our house because my stepdad has told us he has heard that our neighborhood was built near slash possibly on a native american graveyard another story just today my brother and i were sitting in the living room the tv was off and i was browsing reddit on my phone out of nowhere there's a deep man's voice and it sounds like he's talking into a radio like using radio talk to communicate with someone my brother looks at me and says who was that i got up to check to check around and found nothing unusual i wasn't a baby then but my mom claimed she saw a ghost standing beside my crib she said it look exactly like my great-great-grandma who died shortly after i was born the figure turned to look at my mom smiled and disappeared she still doesn't know if it was her ghost a guardian angel or a demon with malicious intentions when i was between the ages of six to nine i used to sleep in my mom's room a lot she had a double bed however her boyfriend would occasionally stay the night one night i was particularly adamant on sleeping in my mum's room regardless of the fact that her boyfriend was staying the night i must have been a huge [ __ ] block sorry m8 so they got out the spare foldable single bed and placed it at the foot of their bed slept fine woke up to my mum's bf leaving the room to go to work i distinctly remember opening my eyes and seeing him grab his clothes and leave the room i then fell back asleep and woke up a few hours later i look over to my mum's bed and see her sleeping under the covers oddly enough she was on the left side of the bed when the right side was hers but i just assumed she'd rolled over in her sleep so i quietly leave the room and go downstairs to the kitchen only to find my emma marking me breakfast i was certain she was in her bed because of the shape of the cover i may have even seen feet poking out from underneath king six to nine-year-old me shat herself when i first moved into our house i was cleaning up in the living room i heard a noise in the kitchen so i go to investigate the black rubber drain plug that had been resting in a bowl on the side of the sink had somehow flown over five feet to land in the dining room underneath the table i went back in the living room to make sure the two cats were still sleeping on the couch where i left them and sure enough they were it was just me and them and ghost makes four i guess i was at the mall as a young teenager i was meeting up with someone so i sat against a wall by the way to the restrooms waiting for them no chairs a lot of people are walking in and out so i don't pay much mind to people a guy was walking past he looked kinda dressed up like he had just gotten off work for whatever reason i looked up as he was walking past me into the restrooms he looked down at me and our eyes met he had black short hair i can't describe his face very well i was too distracted by his eyes to remember the rest of his face when i looked at it his eyes were full black the entire eyeballs this lasted but a second before he walked away i have two when i was super little i saw some lady i think it was the virgin mary in the stars in my hallway and she said my name it was in a kind and gentle way but it freaked me out so i was in my basement and i heard my dad literally he said my name and i replied then i remembered that my dad was traveling i freaked out i have had unseen hands placed on my shoulders and back that were always comforting i used to get a tap on my forehead like someone was trying to wake me up i have never been afraid of these incidences only comforted in an old apartment i felt a cat walking across the bed several different times when both cats weren't in the room i never felt scared of this either i have also seen my grandmother's spirit on one occasion when visiting her and my grandfather's place also passed in florida we weren't really close in real life and i feel this was her way of saying goodbye when i was about 15 over 16 i was standing in the backyard and decided to throw my tennis ball-sized rubber ball at the side of the chimney the house was single story and the side of the chimney was about four foot wide at the top on two sides was a hole for the smoke to come out only one brick wide by two bricks tall the ball hit the chimney and bounced back and i was secretly very pleased with myself because i have terrible aim and suck at sports next i aimed for the hole and amazingly the ball went in on the full i knew that the ball would either bounce back at me or fall inside into the fireplace so i waited a few seconds before i started walking towards the house as i was walking the ball suddenly bounced out of the hole it doesn't sound too creepy but the time taken for the ball to return seemed too long for it to have ricocheted around whatever is inside a chimney without losing all of its momentum and too short for someone to have somehow seen the bull land and thrown it back there's an old old house by mine which dates back to two the times speak hall liverpool look it up and it's rumored to be haunted the people of the national trust debunk these stories though some do play along and one lady claimed to have seen one particular ghost in one of the large rooms downstairs there was a recipe book belonging to a former resident who apparently spent all her time in that room with her recipes and food i took a picture of the book through the glass case and as i did my phone screen went purple and shut off when i turned it back on again there was no photo thanks for watching hit subscribe for more videos like this [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 410,061
Rating: 4.718071 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the matrix, glitch in the matrix reddit, reddit glitch in the matrix, glitch in matric stories, glitch in matrix reddit, glitch in matrix reddit stories, glitch in matrix askreddit, glitch in the matrix reddit stories, glitch in the matrix stories 2020, creepy glitch in the matrix, glitch in matrix, reddit alien, reddit Aliens, Reddit Aliens Stories, Reddit Alien Stories, Reddit Aliens Story, Reddit Alien Story, glitch stories
Id: 6F_Nj-oPyK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 2sec (13262 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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