Creepiest Unexplained Stories 2021

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serious what is the creepiest or most unexplained thing that has happened to you that you still think and or wonder about to this day i am putting this post on a throwaway account this is a very long post but yes it s worth the read it was 2016. i was 18 years old working as an au pair in rome it was my first time abroad by myself i'm asian american important for the story the first time i ran into him i was on the commuter train traveling to an evening event downtown i was sitting alone and he came and sat beside me and started talking to me he was in his early 30s good looking clean shaven and very well mannered nothing seemed out of the ordinary he struck up a conversation and asked me who i was he told me he was a native of rome and how his family had been there for generations when he got offered his stop he asked me for my number i was flattered i took his number but didn't he give him mine then he said offhandedly you seem very young are you 20 that comment tipped me off that something was wrong i ultimately decided not to contact him a month later after not having contacted him at all i saw him again it was a weekend and i was sitting in a very busy piazza there were likely hundreds of people despite the fact that it was so busy he came over to the monument i was sitting on and sat right beside me he didn't he seemed to recognize me though and started chatting up the asian woman sitting on the other side of him he told her a completely different story than what eddie told me he told her that he was from milan and that he was visiting rome on a business trip he then asked for her number and said the exact same thing you seem very young are you 20 he cleared out when she refused and her male friend showed up i saw him one more time two weeks later again not having had any interaction with him whatsoever i was sitting on the monument in piazza venezia and it was fairly empty a weekday suddenly i saw him come walking directly towards me talking angrily on the phone he came and sat about 10 feet from me then he looked over at me and i knew he recognized me i got up and left my heart racing when i turned around a minute later he was gone i left rome two days later so i didn't he see him again essentially i don't know who he was or what he was trying to do i feel it as something sinister i wondered if maybe he is a human trafficker of some sort seeking out young nation women in rome i want to use my post to caution everyone especially young women to be wary of their surroundings you just never know who you may be talking to it is weird that you posted this now because i made this account just to post this story on our paranormal and our ghost stories yesterday it happened three nights ago so my family has lived in the same house since i was four it was built in 1907. i know everyone says their house is haunted especially if it is old but me and my whole family are literally ten thousand percent sure ours is it is even turned my dad into a believer if you knew him you had know what a big deal that is this would be 10 pages long if i listed everything that has ever happened but some significant events things move all the time the stove has turned on by itself right in front of our eyes on multiple occasions there is a table in the entryway that never stays put doors open and closed by themselves not a day goes by that we do not hear clear footsteps on the stairs we have also heard the upstairs bathroom faucets turn on by themselves but we have never actually seen that happen once my bathroom was being remodeled so i took a shower in the one bathroom in the house that does not have an exhaust fan all the other bathrooms have had one added and when i got out there was a drawing of a shoe in the fog on the mirror weird noises are constantly coming from the basement etc etc etc almost everyone who has ever spent the night at our house regardless of what they believed when they walked and leaves believing in ghosts even as a teenager i have had multiple friends leave in the middle of the night because they were scared my parents are obsessed with our house and refuse to move despite everything that has happened it is a historic house and they have put a lot of work into it plus nothing else ever harmed us so they assume it is safe it sounds weird but i have never been truly scared i do not know if it is because i'm so used to it or because our ghosts are not malicious but i'm just not anyway i did never actually seen a ghost until the other night neither had anyone else in my family it had all just been weird occurrences not actual sightings but here is what happened a house is three stories and i live on the top floor with one of my brothers we are both 17 if that matters i'm a triplet our rooms are right across the hall from each other i was sitting on my bed with my door open and he was in his room with his door closed it was around 11 all of a sudden i heard footsteps on the stairs so i looked up not expecting anyone to be there because there never is but then this boy just walked through my door in the flesh as real as you can get i have two other brothers who live on the second floor 15 and then the other triplet 17 so i automatically assumed the boy was one of my brothers friends who had come over without me knowing and then wandered into my room my last thought was a ghost i got freaked out but not for the reason you had think i was scared because i thought he was gonna try to pull something weird i did not know why he had walk into his friend's sister's room so late at night he did not say anything and i froze for a second but then i finally asked him who he was and what he was doing he did not answer he just kind of stood in the middle of the room several feet away from my bed my room is pretty big and looked around all dazed and confused that freaked me out even more so i ran past him and into my brother restroom i told him there was a boy in my room who i assumed was either his or one of our other brother s friends and he looked like he was on drugs or something my brother freaked out too said he did not have a friend over and rushed into my room to confront him then he came back like two minutes later and told me he could not find anyone we went back in my room together and checked literally everywhere the closet under the bed etc but there was no one i do have a balcony in my room but there is no way he could have left that way because not only would we have heard the balcony door open it is really creaky but it was double locked and there would have been no time to open it plus getting down from the third story balcony without hurting yourself is next to impossible but we did check the balcony just to be super safe when we could not find anyone we went to my other brothers and asked them if they had any friends over they both said no so we woke up our parents and told them what happened my dad told me and my mom to go outside and wait while he and my brother searched every single room of the house they did not find anyone or any unlocked doors everyone was so freaked out that we ended up calling the police but they did not find anything either the police are convinced i was dreaming but i know for a fact that i was awake me and my family are almost certain it was a ghost so yeah i will literally never get over this something unusual happened a few years ago in public i was in a small supermarket with a friend he was known for his ability to approach young women at the mall and get to know them swap numbers get to date them etc when i tried it it got me nowhere but this guy had a silver tongue anyway we are in this small store the entry aisle and i see a young woman walking towards us i can picture her now she was slightly tanned dark eyes had dark neck length hair was pretty cute dress modernly and looking directly at my friend we watched as she walked up the aisle past us and round the halfway break in the aisle she turned into the center aisle basically out of our line of sight i asked my friend dude who was that she was looking right at you why did not you say anything he replied what she was not looking at me she was checking you out i thought you knew her and i did not want to interrupt well she seems interested in one of us whoever she is we quickly turned the corner and looked down the next aisle she was not there nor the next one nor the next one she was not at the checkouts either nor at the back of the store and the only other place she could be was in the staff area but we knew the employees of the store and she was not one of them in fact we had never seen her about town before nor again since and we knew the regulars in the town pretty well to top it all when we were discussing what we saw we disagreed on whom she was looking at my pal said that if she had been gazing at him he had have said something to her and i believed him he was quite the opportunist he swore she was looking at me and thought he was doing me a favor by keeping his yap shut in case it was some friend or relative of mine also it turned out we disagreed on her description i saw a tallish lady with dark neck length hair slightly tanned looking at him whereas he saw a blonde light-headed lady of average height looking straight at me i have told this story before and it is common knowledge in the town that the mall was built partly on top of an old graveyard more than one person i have told it to has spookily suggested it was a spirit toying with us for our adolescent sleazy attitudes towards young women i do not think that is it but then i have no idea what the hell happened that day i was in the hospital from a co-worker hammering through a board into my hand the mail went right through my palm and they had to give me fourth antibiotics for four days and they had my hand strapped to and fourth stand to keep it elevated it hurt like hell and they had me on serious painkillers which i really did not enjoy it made me disoriented and woozy feeling in the middle of the night i woke up to the sound of an old man calling out for karen i need karen i will be all right just get my wife karen to come here he sounded so sad and so upset that after a bit i buzzed the nurse and asked if they could do something for the old guy that wants his wife karen he sounds so sad and stressed she said they are trying to help him and she put the tv on to drown out the noise they come in and check on you and take your vital several time a night and all night i kept hearing the guy and one time the nurse woke me up and there were a bunch of voices in the hall and after that every time they gave me more of the painkiller i did hear all these different voices in the hall then i woke up at three in the morning and there was someone standing looking out the window and i was like hello who are you and he turned and said oh sorry i must have wander into the wrong room i'm henry i am just waiting for my wife to come pick me up i said is your wife karen he said yes i said i could hear you calling out for her the last couple nights but at 3 am she would not be coming till the sun s up he said i guess you are right and he walked out i fell asleep again when the nurse woke me up at 5am for vitals we chatted a bit and i asked if henry found his way back to bed and she asked me about it and i said it was a relief he was going home he sounded pretty rough calling for his wife the last couple nights we talked for a bit and she went off to check the next patients later that day the doctor asked me all about the visit with henry and to describe him and did i tell the nurse he was fully dressed at 3am and some other details i could not believe the nurse put in my chart that evening i had a new night nurse and we had a nice chat and when i woke up at three and could hear a bunch of people in the hall i buzzed her and asked for some juice she came and chatted with me and i said i keep waking up from all the voices in the hall she said do you want to stretch your legs and i said i would love to get out of bed so she rigged my forth so i could walk around and we went out to the hall and there was no one there and i was kind i freaked out and we went back in the room and she told me she was a doctor and was studying people who she called antennas and they were patients who usually were on strong painkillers who were picking something up and that there was a patient called henry who had a wife karen who a couple weeks before had been in a car accident and his wife died at the scene and henry had kept calling out for karen for the few nights he was there but he had passed away after a few days but i have given a very accurate description of him she said over the last few years she had document numerous cases of patients picking up on something but she did not know what it was some sort of impression people in pain leave behind creeped me out to the core remembering it now i have goosebumps head to toe and that was nearly 20 years ago i was doing a cross-country trip there fell to war i was supposed to stop in vegas and head out the next morning for some reason it didn't occur to me that i was going way out of the way until it was too late i called my husband because he set up the reservations and the stops he wanted me to have fun so he put me in old town to get some gambling in before sleep i had had one of those days where everything went wrong i don't have good night vision so i tried to drive dawn to dusk i encountered a bunch of issues and rolled into vegas at 10 30 p.m my room was a corner room right next to the old town experience just lights and music every 20 minutes until two or something in the morning i tried to sleep i tried so hard i could not i was crazy tired and thought i lined drink two five hour energy drinks and make my next stop that s five five hours away eye lines nap and relax all day and night in the getup fresh to finish my trip the minute i left vegas residual lights i was the only vehicle in pitch darkness driving over canyons there were no lights and no people occasionally a car would break the monotony but it was just me in four lanes in pitch black just beyond the spot where the lights reach i saw all manner of tentacles and other giant lanky things that moved just in the darkness and kept pushing back from the light there was nothing out there it was either empty canyon drop-offs or flat desert land there was no vegetation except tumblr weeds and they guaranteed angley i made it to my hotel and chalked it up to lack of sleep caffeine overload and stupidity don t do this it was so dumb i never got my sleep patterns right the rest of that trip which just makes it more dangerous i told my hubby about the tricks my brain was playing on me and we just let it go and kind of side to side really fine didn't he kill me or someone else a few years later i was coming back from another trip through vegas back to war i got in no problem and left no problem i got about two hours out of vegas and every light and buzzer went off on the panel of my car the car drove fine but it was weird and i couldn't get through to my husband i was right at a little desert town and pulled over once took me to a raa gas station that looked like something out of a horror film i pulled up and a guy came out and watched me i put it in reverse and backed out i got my husband finally and as i was getting on the highway it happened again i told my husband to track my phone and i was gonna try to make it to the next town and to send help if he didn't he hear from me or i didn't he call soon but not from the place i left everything calmed down and reset at the next town when i stopped for gas i got home and got my car checked and the honda guy said every warning system tripped but nothing was wrong with the car this was my car the first trip was a rental car i'm getting to where i kind of don't want to drive through nevada alone anymore one of my friends has always been a bit weird for say he would always joke about killing people or hurting someone i never really thought anything of it so yeah a couple years later somebody was shot at a warehouse area near my house by a kid my age it freaked me out to know that a kid with gun was running around but i didn't think of my friend one day he asked if i wanted to hang out and i said sure he came to my house after running errands and had some dark spots on the back of his shirt later that night the news said that a man had been stabbed 12 times with a knife and that's when i started to suspect something we were hanging out at his house and i was never allowed to go in his room but one day he went to go grab food and i went exploring there was a huge board on the wall with four or five pictures of people on it and two of them had excess over them i knew immediately my friend had been killing people i reported him to the police and yeah he is in jail now we live in a small town so you will probably never hear of this that's my story when i was in college i worked part-time for campus security making rounds throughout the night to the various buildings i was supposed to enter and check each building except for one building in a remote corner of the campus this was an old mansion acquired by the college and although the word haunted wasn't he used enough weird things happened in it like papers flying around in a mini tornado in the xerox room with no windows open that several security guys had quit rather than go in there in the dead of night so we only had to walk around the outside of this building checking for open windows unlocked doors and lights left on one night i did my first couple of patrols and nothing was amiss then sometime after midnight i returned again to this building and there was a light on in a second story window i checked all the doors and windows around the outside all still locked so i unlocked the door went in climbed the curved victorian staircase to the second floor and proceeded to open each door along the hall where the light should have been coming from no light i went back outside there was a light on in the window and i was sure the room was along the hall i checked i radioed the campus dispatcher and reported this and he said go back in and check it again so being stupid and really needing the near minimum wage i was getting i went back in i went in every room no lights were on on one was in there came back out a light was on the next morning i quit the job and another story entered the campus law i call this story the dick master i don't you know if this story is funny or creepy or both and this is indeed a true story no matter how ridiculous it seems anyway in middle school me and my friends just like literally any middle high school kid used to draw dicks everywhere in unknots books on walls etc and i don't want to toot my own horn but i drew the best dicks and the most one day when i opened my locker i found a note by the way my locker was locked but i suppose the piece of paper could have been pushed through the crack this piece of paper had a drawing of a dick that put my dick drawings to shame it was a beautiful [ __ ] let me tell you huge vascular you could even see the wrinkles in the skin the bowls were beautifully drawn to something i always neglected then there was a message at the bottom i don't remember the details of the message but essentially it talked about how back in his day everyone had big vascular beautiful dicks how the dicks nowadays can t compare how his dick was so big it got its own seat on flights anyway he signed off the letter with the dick master i didn't he think much of this by the way i assumed it was just one of my friends and i asked them about it and they said they didn't know what i was talking about and while they seemed genuine i assumed one of them was bullshitting still i knew none of my friends could draw that well and i did not recognize the handwriting so i asked some of the more artsy kids in my class i didn't he know them as well and they also didn't know what i was talking about when i asked anyway at that point i just gave up and threw the note in the trash so this is where it kinda gets creepy a year later i started high school and this was a completely different school in the same town though and none of my friends went to this school some of the other kids from class may have but none went to any of my classes i don't recall seeing anyone i recognized from my previous school specifically and i only went to this high school for six months as i moved to a different city after that anyway one day in class i opened up the notebook and on the first page there was a note i know this note called he have been there long as i use the same notebook earlier that day i don't really remember but i may have been carrying it around for a couple hours before this and i must have left it unattended at some point but not for any long period maybe just to go to the bathroom anyway the note was the same note from before not a similar one but the exact same one i threw in the trash a year or so ago in middle school it was all wrinkled and rank and it was the exact same drawing and message at this point was understandably kind of freaked out i thought that it must have been one of my classmates that put it there just from a logistical standpoint so i asked around i tried being inconspicuous though i couldn't exactly start yelling are you the dick master do you work for the dick master to everyone so i just asked if they left a note in my notebook or something like that obviously everyone said that they had no idea what i was talking about eventually again i had to give up my search for the master of dick yet again i ripped up the notes in pieces and throw the pieces in separate trash cans just to be safe then one day 10 years later now i am kidding i never saw that note or anything similar again still can t explain what happened there i have considered that i am schizophrenic the likely explanation though is that it has an elaborate prank by one of my friends i still can't imagine one of my friends being that dedicated though or maybe some stranger who went to both schools who for some reason were stalking me maybe it was jonah hill from superbut i guess our lines never know edit just realized that i do make a couple jokes in here hopefully it does not get removed though the story is 100 true and it did legitimately freak me out 2006 i was in my mid-teens myself and two friends were driving back from nearby big city after a concert to our small town about two hours away well after midnight pitch dark one of my friends 18f had never bothered to look at the northern lights and they were out in full force that night so friend who was driving 18 meters found a spot on the side of the road away from any town lights for her to look at them they were in the front seats and i was in the back we had been stopped just chatting and looking for about 15 minutes i've known this area pretty well in my travels for sports but my friends had never really been there i had been looking around the field next to us and thought i saw movement but also realized my eyes were probably just fully adjusting and nothing was there then a minute later 18f pointed out something in the field that was moving as we look towards the tree line on the far side of the field maybe 300-foot field we could see the figure of a person walking towards us okay wit let us get going putting our seat belts on 18f looks again and sees the person in the field is not one person but many coming out of the trees at first it has clear that there are five figures then 10 then 20 then 30 they are only walking some are carrying sticks but because of the darkness we can t make out exact features or clothing panic sets right in we all start screaming let us go let us go we need to leave now well the most typical horror movie moment of my life 18 meter drops the keys at his feet while fumbling to start the van yes digging around while 18f and i are both looking at the figures in the field and looking back at 18 meters yelling to hurry that moment was probably only 20 seconds but it felt like an hour when we finally pulled away we were in no immediate danger i felt the closest figure was still 100 foot away or so but it was close to 100 figures in that field now walking towards us i know this field i've driven by it only one time since then to confirm there are no trees or bushes in the field it is a hayfield there is a small rundown shack in the center of the field that was probably used for tool storage many years ago but is since abandoned the shack is probably fourth multiply four feet behind that tree line there is forest four kilometers before hitting another country highway no houses or side roads that i know of i don't drive that way anymore when i go back up there i've essence moved but have to drive through the area to go visit my parents but there are many other roads that will take me around that forest i've never seen anything suspicious about that area in the news but i damn well know what we saw and have no clue what the hell it was all about i cannot be sure when my childhood home was built but due to the shag carpet my best guess could be the 70s i lived there for about 14 years and although i'm still skeptical i wish i was not but there just has not been enough proof for me i experienced a few odd things that i cannot explain other than maybe an overactive child s mind i will share the two most odd ones like most kids i was terrified of two main things the dark and my eerie closet the way it was set up initially was those folding open outward doors on it now because my room was situated above the basement furnace the chimney ran right through the closet it left about six inches of room on the right of it and a few feet on the left of it it also had two shelves that were higher up that i never grew tall enough to reach while living there i recall that four years i would have these awful nightmares about something someone hissing at me from the top shelf or hiding in the six-inch crevice on the other side i religiously kept those doors shut anytime the lights were off and also kept my door open so the hallway light would come in i think at some point my closet almost had broken and my dad replaced them with sliding doors but this terrified me because they were much quieter now and very easy to move one morning i woke up to see a black dog curled up on the floor of my closet with the door open it was too early for my sleepy child brain and i just rolled over to fall back asleep something else to know is that i grew up with the sweetest black lab mix so i thought she has somehow just gotten into the closet to sleep sometime later that morning i woke up again and my closet door was closed i went to my mom because obviously she closed the door after puppy woke up and asked if she slept in there all night my mom was clueless as to what i was asking and told me puppy was sleeping in the mudroom with the gate up at this point puppy was a bit older no chance she jumped that gate i went to my closet and taking up all of the room on the floor was my white laundry basket truthfully i have never been nervous or scared of this event even at the time if anything i feel calm thinking about it the only thing i ever felt uneasy about was that after that night there was an odd red brown stain on the chimney that never came out and was never there before sometimes as a special treat my sister and i were allowed to sleep in the living room together and watch tv to fall asleep one of her friends had come to stay a few days so we all camped out in front of the tv eventually we all fell asleep sometime in the night while it was still pitch black outside i woke up really suddenly and i saw a figure cross from the basement through the living room and out the unopened front door i would call it a shadow person but it was almost like tv static in the shape of a human the only thing is it could not have been the tv at all not only were we watching cable so it would not have gone fuzzy but my dad always set a time for it to turn off after a certain time and it was dark when i woke up still not sure what happened when i was a kid like seven nice years old i would often see pictures on frosty windows and i am not talking about the hay that cloud looks like a whale type of thing the frost drawings were always very clear and had an obvious subject they were always pirate themed the one i saw most often was a direct pirate ship which i would see on the bus every frosty morning going to school one time another could even ask me if i drew that and i being the honest elementary schooler i was said of course i did so i knew other people could see it too now i would assume that someone else was drawing those pictures and since they were on the bus window that would make sense but things get weirder i also saw frost drawings in my house on the second story window where nobody would have been able to reach the drawing i saw there was of a map stuck in the sand and a dotted line leading to an x this is the first time i told anything about this to my mom i showed her the window and asked if she saw it too to which she just shrugged and said sometimes we all see pictures in frost it is obvious now that she didn't he see what i saw but her explanation was vague enough that at the time i thought these pictures were normal i spent a long time wondering how frost knew how to draw such clear pictures until we moved somewhere else and i stopped seeing them entirely one day when i was 18 my mom told me a rumor that the previous resident of that house buried treasure somewhere on the property some time before he died the only explanation i can think of for why i kept seeing pirate stuff on the windows is that he was the one making those pictures trying to tell me there was treasure buried and trying to get me to look for it i know it as a far-fetched explanation but i have yet to think of any other reason behind it summer of 96 i was a junior in high school then and was a pretty hopeless night owl so i wake up around noon and head upstairs around one to get some food the stairs in the house were wood and creaked audibly when i walked up them i just got used to the sound however this one particular day as i walked up and heard the creek creek creek of my own steps i heard something weird something that made me stop halfway up the staircase another set of steps cree creek creaking up the stairs from the basement it freaked me out so i naturally hurried up the stairs at the top of the long tall staircase i stopped and listened the creaks got heavier and faster as if something were coming up towards me faster almost at a run it freaked me out so bad that i literally ran out of the front door of the house the hairs on my arm stood on end i did not go back inside until someone came home several hours later i never really felt comfortable in the basement after that was working for my girlfriend s parents in rural mississippi and the local police called the family business and said they need someone to come meet them at my girlfriend's parents house i went with my girlfriend s dad to talk to the police because his english was not very good we got there and there was two officers and they asked if we were the ones who called i told them no we had all been at work and no one was even there they said a dispatcher had gotten a call from the house s landline and it sounded like someone just running and screaming and crying well the house did not even have a landline we go walking up the driveway and i see in the carport that the attic door is open and the ladder to the attic on the door is fully unfolded at this point we are all scared shitless the cops included i'm like y'all got guns go look up there they legit were like nah man duck that so i tell them to give me a gun and i will look up there of course they would not they gave me a flashlight and i grabbed a hatchet and was basically ready to hack down whatever or whoever i saw i look up in the attic and i'm screaming like a crazy person to intimidate whatever is in there but the attic was completely empty we searched around the house oh and all the entrances were locked we looked for footprints and checked the woods behind the house went inside the house and everything was fine [ __ ] was weird like a week later the dispatcher who answered the call came into the family business she explains the phone call it was like a teenage girl screaming crying and laughing and it sounded like she was running we tried to look up the history of the house and found nothing shortly after my girlfriend s dad died rather abruptly her mom felt weird being in the house alone and moved out with a quickness we found out later a family moved into the house and they just abandoned the house and left town after like a week three things happened to me all in my bedroom when i was a teen young adult one was laying in bed at night when i felt a small weight on my bed i assumed our cat had been hiding under the bed and climbed up to sleep in the middle of the night i turned on the light and nothing was there no cat in the room at all we had lost my childhood cat to old age not too long before this to there was a pretty narrow gap between my bed and the bedroom door i was standing between them for some reason when i felt something touch my lower back roughly where the dork knob would if the door was opened of course i assumed that is what it was that someone had opened my door and bumped it into me but no dice the door was closed and when i opened it everybody was at the other end of the house three the tv in my room turned on by itself once i could easily explain if it turned off because of a power surge or something but not having it turn on by itself i looked for the remote and it was on my desk while i was in bed ghosts man i posted this once before i on a different sub under a different account no idea how to access that account now it was a while ago but seems like it belongs here too so here it goes when i was little my family and i lived in a third world country my grandmother was a wealthy and well-known member of the society there so she lived in an opulent home relative to the rest of the country we d visit for family dinner at least once a week and stay over when we did in these days we all slept in the same bedroom when we visited my parents in a bed and my brother and i across the room in our own beds me in a smaller toddler bed and my brother in a crib next to me one night while everyone was asleep i woke up just opened my eyes for no apparent reason i looked over to my ride towards a large window my bed was abutted up against large bay windows in the window outside i see a face a white lady s face she had red hair super bright blue eyes and bright red lipstick and she was smiling a wide garish unnaturally big smile with teeth peering out from her shiny red lips her face was as wide as the window nobody was visible it was like her face was just floating there she was looking right at me and smiling as soon as saw her i turned my head to the other side towards the other bay window now her face was there smiling that same red lipstick smile i was scared everyone else was still sleeping in looking at my parents bed at the foot of my bed i then saw a it is going to sound so cliche but this is what i saw a ghost it was in the shape of a woman pale blue and transparent no face i could make out her head was a bit bowed but it was definitely unmistakably a woman i just got up and ran through her to get to my parents bed now i can remember how these apparitions looked even today decades later i tell myself that it has just my overactive imagination i was no older than four at the time but the thing i can never reconcile is how a four yo in a third world country where everyone is brown could have imagined a clear as day white lady with red hair and blue eyes how do you imagine something you've never seen before my husband knows this story quite well of course and i've told it to a few friends as a how do you explain this [ __ ] story over the years a few years ago he made a comment at the end of my um teen three telling of the story of that night you know he said that sounds like my mother and he was right my meal is eastern european she styles her naturally blonde hair with super red henna dye she has these light aqua blue eyes and she is prone to red lipstick it was her or at least her face in my window that night decades ago can t explain the other apparition thanks for reading nothing like this ever happened again at least that i can recall not really creepy necessarily but it is a bit strange when i was in first grade about six seven years old i believe i had a friend named cody he was in my class and he had autism i had a really hard time making friends throughout school and he was really my only friend that year i distinctly remember playing around with his scooter going to the park together etc we never really hung out outside of school or just during recess free time during class maybe for a little bit while he waited for his mom to pick him up after school we were only friends that year as him and his family moved away and he switched schools after first grade however i do not remember him being in any of the kindergarten classes either just first grade past that i remember i ran into him when we were a bit older around 12 years old at a mcdonald s i remember saying hi some small talk then him and his mom left never saw him again the weird thing is nobody that was in my first grade class remembers him he is not in our class picture for that grade my parents do not remember him nobody aside from me remembers him makes me question if he was ever real i did have a hard time making friends so could it have been an imaginary friend but to this day i vividly remember him i remember what he looked like his features the fact he had autism always creeps me out a little bit whenever i think about it when i was 15 i was watching tv till i was ready to go to sleep i turned my tv off snuggle up in my blanket and tried to sleep i heard scratching behind the headboard of my bed kinda like mice going through the walls and it was loud enough to where i couldn't go to sleep so i knocked on the wall and it disappeared but only for a couple of minutes this happened for what seemed like 30 minutes until i heard like a cracking noise a kind like wood cracking when it's breaking i looked up to my top left hand corner of my room behind me and saw this figure crawling from inside the wall and towards me exactly like the monster antagonist of the movie the frighteners i literally feel chills going down my body i jumped up off my bed and turned on my lights and it was gone the room was silent i stood up for another hour convincing myself i was hallucinating after that i decided to try to go to bed again not long after everything started to happen like it did before except this time i didn't wait until i saw a figure and just jumped to turn my lights on and i didn't sleep for the next two days the only explanation i can think of is that this happened to me because i took this fossilized native american pendant from the creek that was behind my neighborhood and kept it in my room obviously because i did this more stuff actually happened but this one took the cake for duck this [ __ ] in my lifetime so i put it back in the creek and die haven't you been bothered since then my grandpa died when i was around 14 he was the pillar of the family very close to me and my mom there are tons of deer in our area i was driving home after work one night when i was 16 or 17 and it was a bit foggy i had my headlights on of course but was not used to using my brights properly over my music i heard in my head clear as day my grandpa telling me to turn on my brights and sure enough there were deer in my lane in the fog about 30 yards ahead the brights spooked them and gave me time to break could have plowed right into them got home and did not really make much of it until i woke up in the morning and there was a set of those anti-deer whistles you put on your front bumper sitting outside my door i asked my mom about them and she said grandpa told her in a dream to get them for me i still think about that almost 20 years later i was driving my car late tonight with the music near maximum i was younger and had no care in the world and was on what i called a suicide ride it s where i would drive as fast as i could on the near empty highway and treat the ride like a roller coaster i was around 140 miles per hour and up ahead i saw brake lights in the left and middle lane so i moved into the right most lane the car that was braking in the middle lane was moving at maybe 30 miles per hour slow especially for a highway that car moved into the right most lane as i was flying towards it i slammed on the brakes but i was about 15 yards away and my brakes were not the newest i closed my eyes and braced for impact but when i opened the moments later at a complete stop there was no car only the car in the left most lane which was decently far ahead on this straight highway was visible i was so shocked i pulled over and got out my car but there was no sign of this car that had cut in front of me till this day i have no idea what happened or anything my dad passed away recently back in august from pneumonia of course i was sad as hell i just lost one of my parents but i kept going in life one night i had a dream this was not any dream like i ever had before i usually dream about very vague stuff things i can barely remember when i wake up but this dream felt like reality it was a lucid dream i was in my living room and it was light outside then after realizing where i was my dad walked out of his room and sat down on our couch the same spot he has been sitting for 20 years i asked dad is that you i thought you died he laughed and said no papa i hugged him and cried it felt so real it felt like he was here he smelled like the cologne he used for so many years he felt so soft and chubby he felt like himself and then i woke up i wish i could lie if i said that did not make me cry as soon as i woke up it was like talking to him again it was like he never passed away i can still feel how he would hug me i had another dream very similar i was back in my living room my grandma was there sitting on a side couch we had keep in mind my grandma did not pass away my dad came walking in tired and dirty smelling like metal coffee and cigarettes from installing and repairing axe i said nothing i only hugged and cried these dreams felt so ducking real they did not feel like dreams at all i can still remember how he always came home tired waiting at the door and i would come and hug him every day he smelled like coffee and cigarettes coffee and cigarettes i wish i can go to sleep and hug him again to this day i never had those dreams since i just kept having my randoms dreams lucid dreaming for me is incredible rare and having those dreams felt so unexplainable i swear to god i'm not making any of this up i had a period of time when i was a kid when i would have dreams about numbers it would be a random number that would repeat over and over in my head growing louder and louder as i focused on it and it scared the [ __ ] out of me it was extremely disturbing and i do not know why i would wake up with my heart racing and still it would be with me in my head i did still be scared and have to concentrate on not thinking about it or i would slip back into the same fear i had while sleeping i would have to watch tv for a while before it would finally go away and i could get back to sleep i think i was sleep deprived and that is what was causing issues with my sleep which is why i now say that sleep curates everything even sleeping when i was about 14 my parents had gone on holiday and left me and my brother at home we were sad watching tv and without even processing the words or having any control over it i said mum and dad have been in a car crash straight after i said it i had absolutely no idea why i had done this it felt like it wasn't me saying it my brother looked at me like a piece of [ __ ] like i was telling a really bad taste joke but about a minute later the phone rang and there had been in a crash they were not seriously hurt thankfully also sometimes i have these dreams that make me feel very ill they hardly ever happen and they are hard to explain but last time one did was about five years ago i had just moved house to a new area i had this very strange dream about a grandmother and grandson feeding ducks near the water and he fell in she jumped in to get him out but she couldn't pick him up enough to push him out of the water it was about a meter deeper than their head she was trying to push him but she wasn't he strong enough it was so clear and vivid i woke up shaking my heart beating out of my chest and crying i felt so traumatized it was horrible the next morning i went to work and on the radio it said the exact thing i had seen in my dream had happened that night just a few villages along and that they had both died my blood ran cold and i still think of it to this day i feel like i witnessed their deaths my friend has two cats she took one of them to the vet while i watched over mufi mufi has a habit of whining for food every night at 3 am and my friend gives in every time i warned my friend not to spoil her or else the habit continues but she never listens back to the story i was laying on the sectional couch and heard moofy wine for food since i was alone with her i was going to show that i can not be bargained with this goes on for some time and she gets frustrated suddenly the couch rocked back and forth as if a strong person was pushing and pulling it then she quickly burst from under the couch and hopped her two front paws up on the couch to face me with white and eyes i have never seen before as if to say [ __ ] you are my third king feeding me i was paralyzed with fear she casually walked to the kitchen where i followed and fed her i returned to the couch and kind of buried what happened and tried to forget it no one believes me i'm not schizophrenic or on drugs i have never experienced this before in my life i cannot possibly explain it i'm a strong guy but struggle to move the couch even with no one laying on it how can a fat weak cat who is always bullied by the other cat able to do it rapidly it was a quick forward and back motion that would require a strongman bodybuilder this happened three years ago and i'm still bothered by it every day i work in a coffee shop and my shift started at 1pm that day i dropped my boyfriend off at his work and decided to sleep in until 11 00 am so i set my alarm and jumped in bed i woke up to the front door slamming and immediately got out of bed rushing to the door but i knew i locked it i found no one in the house i ignored it and went back to bed i fell asleep for a bit more and woke up to the feeling of hands on my neck tightly but nothing was there i slowly drifted back to sleep and finally woke up to no alarms my phone turned off but when i turned my device back on it was exactly 11 of the clock and my phone's battery percentage was still at 90 percent later that day my boyfriend said him and his co-worker saw a customer walk into the back of the store and never walked back out they both searched the whole building and never found anyone they also checked the cameras and it never showed the guy walking my boyfriend's twin brother had a weird experience the same day too he stopped for this older woman on the side of the dirt road she was wearing a dress looking into the woods he asked if he could help any and she kept asking for napkins after looking through his car she was gone she disappeared he looked in the woods and around his car and inside nowhere to be found he was shaking telling us what happened that all happened to us on the same day my dad called my cell phone he had passed away a few months prior we had turned the service off on his phone but due to the contract still paying for the line i was sitting in my mother's car with my husband my phone was hooked up to the car and we were trying to fix something and my dad called i started laughing it was just so funny i don't know why may cause i feel like it was him my husband was frantic and yelled don't answer that it ran through and then my dad called back again i really was having a good laugh and answered i couldn't hear anything but silence i will take it to my death that it was him calling there were other extremely odd things that happened after he passed that i just feel it was him reaching out to us thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 7,689
Rating: 4.828125 out of 5
Keywords: reddit paranormal, reddit stories, Creepiest Unexplained, Creepiest Stories 2021, Creepiest Story 2021, creepiest unexplainable stories, unexplainable stories, true unexplainable stories, creepy unexplainable stories, scary unexplainable stories, creepiest stories on reddit, creepiest stories on reddit 2021, creepiest unexplained stories 2021, unexplained stories 2021, scariest unexplained stories, unexplained stories, strange unexplainable story, Unexplained Stories 2021
Id: waxZvLQRawE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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