[3HOUR] Strange Paranormal Stories that defy all logics

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serious what's the weirdest most creepy strange or even paranormal encounter you've ever had it was like 2 a.m and i was riding my motorcycle home from a field party now this was in the backwoods of kentucky so no street lights or other traffic i was watching the sides of the road for deer to pop out when i saw something running alongside the road i slowed down a bit thinking it was a deer but when i got closer it looked more like a person running on their hands and feet real thin too didn't have the profile of a deer whatever it was was pale and on all fours it was taller than the grass two to three feet i dropped gear and got out there fast as i could came home from school one day i was around 14 maybe and both my parents were still at work i went straight into the kitchen to make some food and noticed that the back screen door was ripped open and the sliding glass door was open about one foot i immediately thought i heard footsteps run upstairs and i noticed my dogs we had two labs at the time weren't around of course i didn't call the police because you know why would i do that exclamation mark so i grabbed my baseball bat and slowly worked my way upstairs after searching every room and finding nothing i came back downstairs checked all the rooms nothing i guess i just figured my mind was playing tricks on me and my dogs must have gotten out of the door somehow so i called my mom and left her msgs about the dogs then i went down to the basement to check things out there our basement was finished and it was like a horseshoe shape the stairs coming down on one end of the horseshoe a little living room with tv in the middle and my little brother's toys and stuff at the other ends of the horseshoe i came down turned on the tv and heard a noise behind me where my brother's toys were the hair on my neck stood straight up and when i turned around there were my two dogs each sitting at attention on either side of a little boy he was playing with my brother's toys and he didn't speak to me i tried to approach him and my dogs growled at me it creeped me the duck out so i ran upstairs and outside and called my parents i couldn't understand how this little kid tore open our screen without cutting his hands and why my dogs were like growling at me i heard some adults yelling for a boy on the parallel street in the neighborhood so i ran up to to meet them turns out their boy was autistic and had run away i led them back to my house showed them the screen took them downstairs the boy was gone and my dogs were back to normal i have no idea what ended up happening to the boy but the whole thing just never sat well with me the footsteps upstairs the timing of hearing them and seeing him downstairs playing calmly the ripping over the screen and breaking into the house like that the dogs his obliviousness to me i'm 32 now and thinking about it still creeps me out edit sorry i guess i didn't explain the ending very well the parents and i looked around the house for the boy since he was no longer in the basement couldn't find him figured he went out the back basement door my dad called the parents later that night and they said they found the boy a couple blocks from our house later that day they also said he'd broken into homes before in previous neighborhoods and a few weeks later my dad said they put their house up for sale logically the ought i suppose explains a lot of it but i still maintain something felt really off about the situation it really freaked me out and i'll never really know what to make of it i think it's actually kind of interesting that the dogs were growling at you they wouldn't have thought the child was creepy and when they saw you with a bat and sensed your fear pheromones they could have pretty easily assumed that you were about to hurt him and wanted to protect him you notice this behavior in certain rescue dogs especially that they are incredibly sensitive to potential domestic violence had just picked up a new guitar pedal from guitar center and was super excited to get home and play with it got upstairs and plugged it in and after messing around with it for a little while i stopped playing and realized i could hear people talking outside the house i almost dismissed it as the neighbors but then realized i was on the second floor and at the back of the house and the voices would have had to be coming from the backyard just below my room looked outside and looked through surrounding rooms to find nothing but the people were still there turns out the guitar pedal was notorious for picking up radio signals but was definitely one of the most terrifying moments i've had had a little bed in my old apartment rooftop where i used to sleep in good weather nights was around 3 a.m and had a dream that a depressed friend of mine was standing over the edge and jumped out of that rooftop i got up and ran as fast as i could and looked down only to see him standing up bloody looking at me with broken neck walking against the walls reaches me and grabs my shoulder and shakes me back and forth ever had a nightmare like those in the movies where you wake yourself up shouting had that one except that i was fully awake in the bed kept shaking for the longest 30 seconds i had in my entire life i played basketball in high school we were in a tournament about 100 miles from home when i took an elbow to the face split me open beneath my right eye i was taken to the sidelines when this man comes over and says you and your family follow me so we did just that he jumped into his car and we jumped into ours ultimately arriving at the air of the closest hospital he shows his credentials takes me back and sews me up with five stitches he hands my mom his card and says no charge your daughter played so hard today i have to get back to the games my family and i were all a little dumbfounded but very thankful flash forward about a week later when i write a thank you card to the kind man for his help a few days later it is returned a dress unknown sure there are possible explanations for why this happened but it's a fun little legend in my family the man was so kind to us and even now almost 20 years later i barely have a scar beneath my eye i hate when i'm late on these but i actually have something to contribute when i was 18 or so my buddy and i were out playing tennis late one night by our cities rec center the courts we were at had lights that normally went off at 11 p.m we had been playing for a bit when suddenly the lights went out which was weird because it was an odd time something like 10 12 it didn't bother us much or strike us as weird at the time so we started gathering our things and headed towards the parking lot which was about 200 feet away and in direct view of the tennis courts we get about halfway to our cars and ego i forgot my cell phone so we turn around and head back to the courts at that time as we're about to step onto the courts his mom pulls up in her car and goes transmits buddy where have you been i've been trying to reach you and the last time i called somebody picked up and started laughing i got worried and came up here immediately at this point we were like what in the literal duck is happening she called his phone again and with it being dark we see his phone light up in the middle of the court we were playing on there's no way his cell phone would be in the middle of the court while we were playing we checked his phone and he had no incoming calls but her phone had his number listed as dialed to this day we have no idea what happened or why it happened but i'm still creeped out by it that is really scary mostly in the way someone could have been there watching you i find that way more scary than ghost looking back what do you think happened honestly not a clue our tennis bags were against the fence so even if his cell phone had fallen out of his bag it couldn't have made its way to the center of the court i have no logical answer for the cell phone his mom could have potentially been calling a wrong number or somebody else in her phone with his name which is why he wasn't getting any of the calls but she dialed the right one when she pulled up as his phone started ringing this was like 10 years ago and i'm still confounded by this yeah his phone showed a call from the mom in the call log right so it couldn't have been the wrong number or ended up there maybe some creep was outside the fence and snatched it and then stuck it in the middle as you were leaving who knows but i'm glad you are okay and nobody tried to murder you that is very scary when i was three i was going through the car wash with my mom for the first time it so happened to be the middle of winter in minnesota but i'm not sure my tiny brain made any connection between water and below freezing temperatures and ice but who knows anyways before we enter i was asking my mom a ton of questions like any kid would including mom what happens if the door of the car wash comes down on the car she reassured me that she had been through tons of car washes and how that had never happened before so we went through the car wash afterward as we are exiting the car wash the wheels spin out with the very front of the car outside of the building and sure enough the door comes down onto the front of the vehicle although i barely remember this occurrence i do remember her turning around and looking at me like i was something other than human totally understandable though must have been creepy as duck to experience as an adult it's always so dark and creepy when little children seem to predict the future and no they shouldn't be able to know i was around 18 years old when i moved back to my mother's house for a bit due to a job change all my stuff was in storage so i just slept on the living room couch until i got my living situation back in order my mother lived in a small country house for most of her life about three acres behind us of forest and no neighbors she has a job that has her on call a lot and working nights so while i was away from home the house was pretty empty only for our dog the first couples of weeks at the house everything was normal i'd come home from work and watch some tv get some errands done and fall asleep our dog was pretty protective due to the lack of people around the area so whenever someone would pull in the driveway the same routine would happen she would growl at the car and bark if someone started walking to the door one night i was sleeping on the couch while my mom was out at work and woke up to our dog growling at the window this didn't bother me as it could be an animal or something like that as i waked out the door the next morning to get in the car i noticed trend marks in the snow on our driveway i wondered who turns around out here but it happens a couple nights pass and i'm in the same situation mom is at work and i've fallen asleep with the tv on in the background i wake up to what seems to be a car door i quickly turn off the tv and check who has pulled into the driveway i open the blinds to see a van parked outside the end of the driveway with two figures standing outside the van as i'm peeking past the blinds i stand there for what seems to be 15 minutes as they stand emotionless they proceed to get the van and leave fast forward to the next night i stay up to wait and see same time same van and same figures i start to get mad at this point and run out the door to the front deck and start yelling what the duck are you doing then run and get in a van i believe this would be the end of that the next night i stayed up and waited by the window to be safe the same thing happens all over again i grab my keys open the door and start yelling they then get in the car and speed off i quickly started my car and followed they didn't drive quick slow to be exact they started to pull over to the side of the road as did i i pulled up to the side of the van and remember looking at a set of four eyes of two men in the front seat as i roll down my window they proceed to zip away at this point i got the plate number and decided to leave it and call the police once i called the next day the plates didn't exist as of today i have no explanation i still wonder who the two guys were why were they dumb enough to come back multiple time if they wanted to rob the house what was the motive bugs the duck out of me did they come back after you called that's intense sorry forgot to mention that after the whole car chase incident the van never came back not my story my dad's when he was a teenager he and his friends snuck into an old graveyard by one of their grandmother's houses while they were walking around they found a great stone belonging to a guy who had the same full name as my dad weird enough because they lived in a relatively small suburb in massachusetts at the time worse this guy died on my father's birthday so of course my dad's friend started hyping it up saying the ghost of this old guy was inhabiting by dad's body yada yada so joking around still they decided to have a sense they'd talk through my dad to this ghost saying his full name and asking the ghost to do stuff charles larrance murphy make the next car that drives by be a blue car apostrophe so a blue car drives by next but no big deal charles larrance murphy if you can hear us please make three birds fly overhead apostrophe three birds as soon as his friend finished wit to be sure this went on for a little longer and everything they asked kept happening creeped out and honestly fed up by the whole thing my dad finally talked to his ghost he walked over to another grave and picked up a flower pot he placed it on top of the headstone and said charles larrance murphy knock over this flower pot apostrophe my dad then turned his back to the tombstone to make sure none of his friends would knock it over to mess with him they waited a while and of course nothing happened they eventually gave up and my dad sat down in front of the tombstone just to make sure his buddies wouldn't mess with him before they left or something so they all just started shooting the for a while and eventually forgot all about that flower pot until 30 minutes later when my dad heard a loud crash right behind him my dad looked at his friends and none of them had to look to know what it was they all booked it out of that cemetery and never came back my dad admits they were all drinking that night but doesn't give an inch when people challenge his story he didn't bunk the tombstone he was watching his friends the whole time and all the things they asked for did happen not a lot of things scare my dad but i can tell that really got to him when i was about 12 or 13 i lived in a two-story house on a corner lot at the front of the neighborhood you could see the entrance of my neighborhood from my bedroom window i was staring blankly out of it once with the window open and the screen on and i notice a really tall bald guy walking in the middle of the road at the entrance of the neighborhood he's walking really slowly and the car's driving but i didn't seem to notice him one got particularly close and he turned creepily slowly to watch it and then i heard a weird noise like it just filled the air he continued to slowly walk down my street and just before he got out of view of my window i bolted downstairs to a window at the front of the house and the dude was nowhere to be seen at the rate the guy had been going the whole time i was watching he showed been right in front of my house by the time i got to the front i went back up to my room and he was still gone never saw him again but definitely had a serious case of the ghibli's for the rest of the day this happened about five years ago probably a few days after my grandfather died we were at my grandmother's house it was more of a frankenstein collection of a small farmhouse with various bits added on four guests she ran a bnb and a couple of tenants and her house was out in the countryside which for those who aren't familiar with the countryside of new zealand is basically just a bit of flat open fields with thin wire fences and bordered by hedges or trees anyway my parents wanted to discuss something in private and both my brother and i were sent out for a small walk we walked down to the end of her garden and along a very narrow path between an open field filled with nothing and a shed and a rental property on the other side i look to my right inside the rental property and through the bushes i see no one home no car in the driveway and no signs of life we continue and come out onto the shared gravel driveway that a couple of other properties down the back of the property use we walk down the road and my grandmother's two cats suddenly appear and join us for a walk however about halfway between the rental and the cattle stop at the bottom of the road the cats sit down and refuse to move so we just shrug it off and continue walking we get down to the cattle stop and suddenly i'm overcome with the worst ever feeling of dread it felt like something was watching us and that if i so much as put one foot on the cattle stop something horrifying would happen i froze for a few seconds because i was scared shitless i turned to my brother and said we should go now so we walked back we get back to my grandmother's place and not long after we sit down in the large sitting room where the family are there was this horrible scream like a woman being murdered it sounded like it came from right next door at the rental property the talking stopped no one said a thing eventually they started talking again i asked if anyone heard the screaming everyone said yes and mum said it was a banshee so i thought nothing more i brought it up a couple of months ago and both my brother and mum think that i'm making things up i honestly don't know what to say copied and pasted from an earlier response of mine i once was woken up by someone saying my name and no one was there i found out later it was a good thing my boss just bought a little truck for my brother and i to use on occasion we would load semi-trailers with pine seedlings that were boxed up now it was mid-december in georgia and it had gotten into the 30s we were told the trailer would be coming by to load at 6am boss said it could be later but to arrive early and just keep the truck running to stay warm and even sleep till it got there he would still count the time well we get to the tree farm which is three miles from the house and nothing is there so we hunker down for some more sleep with the truck on i start getting super sleepy and i fall asleep and so does my older brother i then start to hear faintly my name being called and i try to answer but i could barely move my eyelids felt like they weighed a ton all the while my name is getting cold kind of like when your mother wakes you in a loving way so as not to jostle you i finally make a huge effort and open my eyes the voice stops and my body barely registers that i'm demanding it to move i finally got a hand on the door handle and opened the door it took several attempts i rolled out of the truck and just got on the ground on all fours weekly while leaning against the track i took a minute or two for my mind to finally clear some and gain some strength i turned the truck off and began to wake my brother up it took longer than usual but he did wake up i then told him to go ahead and get some air i looked around but no one there except for us too i began talking to him to tell him what happened and apparently he had tried to crack a window open earlier but i yelled at him to close that window i didn't remember ever doing that and told him so i apologized for my outburst and we waited outside the trailer showed up a little later and we loaded it it warmed up to the 60s so we drove home slowly with the windows down just to kill time my boss later came and got the truck as he needed it elsewhere a week passes by and i ask him where it was he tells me it was in the shop getting a new exhaust as it turns out there was an exhaust leak and it was leaking into the truck cab two times once when i was like eight or so i was at a friend's house and we were having a sleepover so we stayed up all night playing with his hot wheels cars now his family was a bunch of really neat people and because i was raised to clean up my mess we add all the toys into the storage bin slash milk crate and pushed it up against the wall then we went to sleep sometime around 3 a.m there's a loud crash and the toys are all over the floor in the middle of the room he's an only child and his parents were upstairs second around four years ago living upstate new york middle of winter staying inside binge watching netflix i hear the main house entry door blow open not too bad i go shut it forget about it then my bathroom door is shut and no one else is home kind of creeped out but again not a huge concern maybe the wind got it from earlier power goes out still not terribly concerned i decide to go to sleep since now there's nothing for me to do and it's later in the evening there's a bang on my window now i'm freaked out i lived in the basement with a bush in front of my window you can't even see it from outside i jolt up and there's nothing there just a bush run upstairs to look out the window and there's just someone staring at me while standing in the street and not like looking at my house eyes locked on me can't tell age just some guy wearing a hoodie dead bolted the doors and ran like a little kid scared of the dark and sprinted underneath my blankets called my roommates to get back from wherever the duck they were and nothing ever happened like that again this one wasn't scary at the time but looking back at it i probably should have been more scared than i was as a young child i would often wake up to my door opening and seeing little creatures running in the room at first i got scared but then they started acting silly and i would start playing with them but never leaving my bed the only thing that was sort of scary was seeing two much larger creatures standing in the shadow of the door watching us i figured it was their parents so i wasn't too scared now you might say i was dreaming which is still possible but as a kid i shared a room with my older sister who remembers the same thing except she was a lot more scared of the big ones than i was one of the strangest things that happened to me was when i was maybe 13 or 14 years old my dad and i used to work out together at the gym on sunday mornings and when we were finishing up one day this woman who was maybe in her 40s walked up to us and said there was someone here for me i was confused and asked her if she meant up at the front desk and she said that no they were here in this room it was just my dad myself this woman and two personal trainers in the area and we kind of just looked around until she got the point we had no idea what she meant it finally dawned on her that we thought she was crazy and she began explaining that she was a medium and could speak with the dead she went on to explain that there was an old woman in the room her name was hazel and she used to watch my brother and friends and i when we would walk to and from the bus stop for school keeping an eye on us the woman explained that hazel apparently had a fondness for me and wanted to make sure i was okay and after passing decided she would still keep an eye on me she said she knew i was going through a rough time right now wanted to make sure i was good and know that there was someone on the other side looking out for me my dad kind of ushered me out after that and on our drive home was asking if i was sure i didn't know a hazel or if anything weird or inappropriate happened to me on my walks to and from school other than fighting with some schoolyard bullies nothing out of the ordinary did we never knew any hazels and the only older woman who was on our route to the bus stop was named dorothy who had a yappy dog tldr medium delivers a message to the wrong kid i was walking home from a friend's house one night when i was about 12. his house was about five minutes away from mine so i had never really felt endangered during the walk anyways this one night while i was walking i suddenly felt the biggest lurch in my stomach and the hairs on the back of my neck started straight up i pretended to drop a pencil out of my pocket and as i bent down i turned slightly to look behind me i saw a man standing there completely silhouetted by the street light behind him he was about 30 meters behind me i walked faster and then actually dropped my pencil i turned around again and he was gone for some reason my gut was screaming at me geo back to your friend's house right now so i quietly said out loud as if i forgot something and started running towards where the first man was when i turned the corner i looked over to where i had just come from and saw another man standing there he was going to cut me off on my way to my house don't know what would have happened to me but i made it to my friend's house safely and called my parents begging them to come pick me up i'll make this short cause i'm tired from work and gym when i was younger around 16 me and my mates were once bushwhacking in the woods near our houses we only had basic couple of kings water and some food but weren't too worried cause we knew our way around we stumbled upon an old shack after walking for a few hours in a new area we hadn't been into much although it was run down and hadn't been used in a few years it seemed it was in good condition no structural damage leaks etc which was a little weird when i look back but whatever we decided to make an adventure and crash the night and headed home to grab supplies in order to make it back in time we had to mark our way to make sure we found it again before it got too dark spiders and snakes generally duck off at night we grabbed a couple of sleeping bags and swags and raced back to the shack with more food and a little bud too on the way back i personally started feeling a bit scared stout i remember noticing that my mates harry and matt were a little on edge nothing too weird though got to the hud about an hour after dark which are torches and we settled in and made a fire outside after making a small clearing so we didn't start a bushfire and burned down half the country i distinctly remember feeling on edge more and more throughout the night only getting worse the more we sat around the fire shooting the i should mention the hud was surrounded by what i'd consider thick bush and a dirt road leading to nothing it extended about 40 meters and then slowly tapered off into nothing windows were all intact and the door was u-locked when we arrived and had a latch lock too anyway harry wanted to start smoking and matt did too i wasn't for it cause of the concern and general anxiety i was feeling figured it would make it worse matt eventually decided not to for the same reasons i later found out as harry smoked up we cooked some grub up and just kicked the for a few hours got to about 11 and harry was cooked as a lamb roast funny me and matt were having fun but continued feeling worse suddenly harry started acting really ducking weird talking about shadows and that were out there get us i just figured he was high as dark and had been feeling the same way as us and had it amplified by the weed we called it a night and as we drifted off the sleep i was scared shitless by a massive knock on the door just one knock harry was passed out finally but mata did too we freaked out grabbed our knives and stayed away from the windows harry wouldn't wake up just snored away we didn't turn the torches on for some reason to scared we'd see something out of nowhere a massive bang behind us against the wall we were leaning against we crawled into the middle of the room i swear i nearly pissed myself i you not i heard something on the roof and so did matt cold been a possum but it was way too ducking loud and the passing was wrong after a while we said duck this and debated going outside but duck that t harry woke up after a while e but for some ducking reason just walked outside to take a piss oblivious to it all lines before we could stop him he was out the door or which was left open and after 20 minutes he wasn't back so we manned up to go out and find him him we looked together for an hour uh it was now early morning ng anyway a couldn't find the cooked nt we got too scared and went inside and said we'd find him in the morning ng humor banging and on the heart and some weird growling and screaming in the distance said cold been a koala though ho after hours and ourselves and convinced we were gonna die i.e it was near dawn wn suddenly they were screaming and banging at the door or and it was harry back out of ducking nowhere we let him in and he was pale as a ghost completely sober and had that thousand-yard stair couldn't get a word out of him for a while eventually said he went out for a piss and felt a presence behind him in the shack turned around and saw something shadowy and growling on the ground kind of like a person on all fours he ran around it himself and got to the door leading him to now being inside we were like hell nah that doesn't add up he was gone for yonks but he swore by it says it just sat there watching him though when he was pounding the door down we decided to bail first light which we did we grabbed big sticks and had our knives out and made it home after a few hours after that nothing really weird happened although we all feel weird sometimes around bushland especially harry we went back with some more mates a few months after to show him proof but we couldn't find the house despite finding our way back with those markers we are left weird the entire cleaning was gone or our markers were moved or taken down at a some point who knows anyway this went on longer than it needed to got into it too much hope you enjoyed the story of the time i nearly died and harry got to ducked up in my early teens around 14 slash 15 16 i used to get terrible terrible nightmares of this young girl in a white dress with black hair standing over me whilst i slept it was super scary anyhow fast forward a couple of years visiting grandma's house going through old photos then i see the girl from my dreams i say grandma w who is that rns out grandma had a sister who died from cancer at the age of 16 and she looked identical to the one from my dream and i know if it classifies as paranormal but it certainly freaked me the duck out for about 18 months my family lived in the sticks of texas i was 15 to 16 and my brothers and i were too dumb and naive not to realize we were living on the set for every southern gothic slasher film ever half finished house with a secret heavily fortified bunker behind a bookcase check security cameras everywhere check lights flickering for no reason check mysterious infestation of spiders and wasps we can't stop check well pump ducks up and the water runs blood red water from the oxidized iron in the soil check the house overlooked 240 acres of thorny brush we had an old house like a small two-room house built in the 1900s we used as a shed it was full of the junk belonging to the family who sold us the house they'd split after a bad divorce we never met the wife but the ex-husband warned us as we were moving in don't cross the creek at night we are like what he said there were some nasty hogs that lived across the creek don't cross it whatever six months after he moved out we found a man's wedding ring in the gravel of the driveway we laughed about it and around the same time decided to clean out the shed it was full i mean full of the wife's belongings nick nice parts pants books of poetry family albums you name it we called her family and asked her if she wanted it no one wanted it we did find a giant meat freezer that stunk and being smart guys decided to open it inside was a life-sized wooden statue of an african-american woman with her eyes gouged out her arms sawed off and rusted barbed wire wrapped around her neck his isn't the creepy part the creepy part is that a few months after it my brother and i went exploring in the woods found the creek and crossed it hanging from a nail on a tree on the far side of the creek we were never supposed to cross after dark was a woman's wedding ring when i was 13 my mom usually didn't get home from work until about 6 p.m so one day i get home from school at about 4 p.m typically my older brother would be home but i guess he was with his girlfriend or something this means i have the house to myself for a couple hours i'm just fooling around the house playing video games whatever i go to make myself a snack and after finishing it i go into the kitchen to wash my hands async had a big window right above it which gives us a clear view of the backyard while washing my hands i look out the window only to see what seems to be a little boy slowly walking across the backyard it was really really scary at the time and even now that i think about it sometimes i knew whoever that was was not human it was something paranormal just everything about the boy was off before i start with my story i'd like to state a few facts that will become relevant later we built our house from scratch we actually use dynamite to blow a flat place out on the side of this rocky hill in texas my mother didn't have a door between the master bedroom and master bath just a doorway when asked she told me it was her house and she could do what she pleased my mother's side of the family was pretty catholic and even though she wasn't practicing we had crucifixes hanging to the right over every door but the front which no one went out of last we had dogs and you could not bribe them with the best stake on the planet to get them into the back hallway where my room guest bathroom spare bedroom and office was as they were trained from infancy to not go back there while i can't quote you the exact night i remember when it started i was 12 to 14 playing around on the computer when i saw movement out of the corner of my eye we lived out in the country and had a nightlight in the hallways not to murder yourself on your way to the bathroom and i saw legs walk past it at first i thought it was my mother and said i'm almost done on the computer lie i'm just finishing up legs didn't say anything so i figured she just went back to bed i saw the blotting of the light a few more times and figured it was a cat head and tail walking by or my mother checking again i knew i wasn't supposed to be msn or neopets or whatever the hell i was doing so late so i was on edge but i mostly ignored it a few weeks later i actually see the thing my best and most accurate description that i can give is something black like more black than most people have ever seen it's not even cave blindness but more dense and sucking the light out of everything that touches it it looks like the nefarious guy on the neighborhood watch signs it feels like absolute terror now this terror isn't i'm afraid or things that go bump in the night this terror is something that you can actively sense you can tell if it's closer or farther if it has moved left or right if i kept my bedroom door closed i could feel it pacing the hallway this goes on for years and i don't say anything i slept with the tv on and the door firmly shut and every now and again i deal at the thing to go away i was so tired i had a test in the morning it was really hard to sleep with fear just flowing through you etc flash forward i'm 17 i know this thing exists and i just try to cope i turn on every light i can after a certain hour i brush my teeth with the bathroom door closed and opened the door to find it a few times i stockpile water in my bedroom just in case i get thirsty at night one night i'm watching tv on my couch my mother and her husband are asleep it's winter so my ancient dog maximum is inside and snoring like no other i nudge him a few times and he is passed out i turn off the tv turn on the hall light and go to walk back to the bathroom all of a sudden 90 pounds of archaic dog slams into me before i can go into the hallway i figure that he just got spooked because he's old sit back down and let him fall back asleep i get back up and try to go into the hallway and bam he slams into me again shoving my body against the wall i try to calm him down again tell him to go to bed he won't every step i take further into this hallway one he has never been in before couldn't get him in a few tried he's forcing me against the wall growling like he's going to murder someone this is my decrepit eddie a dog he chews on rocks he let a raccoon eat his food happily and he is growling like hitler met satan and they picked a bigger baddie than them so i'll let him escort me to the bathroom brush my teeth while he growls into the hallway then let him shove me against the wall to go to my bedroom he lays facing my door all night softly growling i don't sleep a few days later my mother buys a piece of accordion door for her bathroom i don't say anything for a while but recall what she said to me as a child i ask her why she bought it i can't stand that ducking thing looking at me when i get ready in the morning i press her to describe it to me it's black she can only see it out of the corner of her eye but it looks kind like those neighborhood watch signs it makes her uncomfortable she's dealt with it long enough she can do whatever she wants in her own house now i'm disturbed i tell her about the thing in my hallway we don't really talk about it again flash forward again my mom has divorced her husband and is living with another guy somewhere else i'm in college and don't live anywhere near her it's my birthday and her mother my nana is drunk as hell off of fruity wine my nana is waxing poetic about my grandfather who died about a year before she misses him she's telling stories whatever nana's on the boons farm kick she starts to tell a story about a few years before she was pregnant with my mother she and my grandfather were living in massachusetts and she used to have this awful nightmare in the nightmare there was this black man standing over her and made her very afraid the only way she could wake up was if she reached over and touched my grandfather me being the told her to stop being a racist she got mad and tried to explain he wasn't black like black people black he was black like no color like hell or worse he looked like he was wearing a trench coat and a hat like the mobsters do i hated it i immediately tear up and start yelling at my mother why would you screw with me like this etc etc then i realize my mother is crying she's never said a word to my nana about any of this three generations same thing different states different times different people same family religious iconography i guess keeps it out of a room with a shut door maybe but it clearly follows it's not nice i don't want it to find me again my family had a black thing as well my cousin lived in an apartment that had several terrifying things occur in it her son befriending our long-dead great-grandpa that he never met he also fought another person who never had a name something held her down in the bed and wouldn't let her up on several occasions well she worked at a police department with my mom she came to work a few times and on the parking lot camera they would see this black thing it didn't have any real figure kind of a large dog-like thing that looked from what i understand but it most definitely wasn't a dog it was made up of pure blackness with no definitive outlines or anything she and my mom worked together one night and then suddenly it wasn't on the cameras anymore she stopped having most of her problems but suddenly we started having issues it stayed in the woods between my house and my grandparents and i used to go back there all the time on the four-wheeler or walking with the dogs anything but it would lope along beside me even if i was going way too fast for a dog to be able to follow and i was always terrified it would catch me i know if it ever caught me i wouldn't make it out of the woods and it couldn't ever go past the woodline so i would always go as fast as i could to get to the wood line and be utterly terrified i eventually became too terrified to go back there i can't tell you the last time i was in those woods it was terrifying i'm sorry if the format is bad this is on my phone exclamation mark i had a weird experience similar to this doing a full moon hike with a friend we had hiked at night before and it was never an issue one time we were even out until 2 a.m in a hij national park and i wasn't the least bit apprehensive for some reason this hike was different and as we are hiking towards the mountain i just get the most creepy vibe i refuse to go past a certain point despite my embarrassment that my friend will think i'm a wuss so we sit at this spot that i can't bear to go past talk and look at the moon listen to an owl then head back to the car on the walk back i glance over at a little picnic area with a table and fire pit and notice what looks like a pack of wolves but they are shadow wolves the deepest black i've ever seen i can't take my eyes off of them as we walk past i see one slink off the table and trot towards the fire pit i can tell they are watching and can tell that if i were any closer or more curious things would not go well i didn't point it out to my friend because i was afraid it was all in my head which it could have been but i'm generally not that kind of anxious person especially when i have someone with me i still get the creeps thinking about it so as background my mom was severely disabled this amazing funny loving woman could not stand on her own two feet for more than 10 minutes coincidentally this was how long it took her to get from my parents bed to the bedroom door she suffered a lot of falls ripping and tearing mutt lipple leg muscles and so on on top of being morbidly obese long story short she passed away in march of 2010 i was 14 fast forward six months my life without her i mean straight up i was in literal hell depression is a helluva thing i dropped out of public school and started homeschooling isolating me even further from everything i became empty and nihilistic in the not so hip and edgy fashion i stopped hoping for anything effectively i gave up on life one night i'm up watching tv my dad's asleep in the room they shared together i hear the noise the bed made when she would lean up real slow heard the pats of her feet hitting the wood floor heard every single step she took left right left pause left right and so on finally the kicker was a hand wrapping around the doorknob the click of the latch and the gentle creak of the flimsy wood door nothing else i go to the doorway and my dad is red in the face wide awake looking at me he goes kate was laying right next to me apostrophe i don't believe in ghosts i guess they may exist because of the law of conservation but i don't think that necessarily applies to that situation but it was really nice even if nothing else strange ever happened again i'll post another i believe i was 15 at the time different house from my last post if you're following the thread and me and my brother were at home alone my dad was at work and my mom ran to the store all was normal and me and my brother were in our rooms doing a homework and then out of nowhere i hear something hit against my window my room was on the second floor so i went to see what it was and notice a ladder propped up on my bedroom window obviously freaked out i run to another window to look and see a junky looking truck parked on the curb and two men walking towards the house completely freaked out i run to my brother's room with the house phone in my hand he's freaked out because i'm freaked out and my first instinct was to call nine one one because i thought we were about to get broken into oh luckily i called my mom first t who then informed that people were coming to fix the seals on our windows thanks for the heads up mom at the last house we lived in before we moved i had a couple strange experiences we rented so it wasn't our own house the owner's family had it for at least four generations their grandmother died there and they found her dead after a cold winter night it was my apartment in which she died a few strange things happened in the apartment when we first moved in we went to the store one day turned off all the lights and locked the doors we came back 30 minutes later once returning we discovered the bedroom lights on we were both baffled as we definitely turned the lights off the memory is still fresh in my mind we always heard thuds and footsteps from our upstairs neighbors even when we thought they weren't even home after long periods of quietness and non-movement midway into the year things started to get missing i thought someone was breaking in costumed jewelry went missing for days and after talking about it in our home they reappeared suddenly one evening when i looked through that drawer again we were both in shock i suspected neighbors or maybe an old tenant one day i had sleep paralysis and thought i was being strangled when i opened my eyes while not being able to move but tilt my head up the bedroom door was open and there was a dark shadow in the kitchen didn't see who or what it was once i woke up and sat up i saw that the door was closed the experience was very frightening i'm not sure if the apartment was haunted and or if someone was breaking in but the incidents remain unexplained i'm certain i was awake when i saw the shadow and the door open maybe it was aliens god knows i lived with my boyfriend in the apartment above his family's non-operational funeral home the bf's grandfather had been murdered three years before i knew the family the family widely believed the grandfather haunted the place i was skeptical shortly after i moved and i began to hear footsteps at night heavy footsteps one night i heard them come into the bedroom and just stop at the edge of the bed there was no one else in the apartment and no one else i knew of that had a key this happened a few times a week until at about six months after i moved and i found out the bf had been cheating in me in the apartment after that the footsteps stopped the bf and his family would also hear the footsteps at various times from what i learned about the grandfather he was a great guy and very protective of his only daughter it sounds crazy but my gut feeling about the whole thing was that he was trying to warn me about the bf worked graveyards at a gas station which all my coworkers believed was haunted now there was either one ghost who had moods or there were two ghosts a friendly one and a very not friendly one working graves i seem to have the most encounters with them i'll start with the friendly one usually it was harmless stuff i'd hear whispering when there was no one in the store or i'd hear the cabinets in the back opening and closing randomly one time i was in the back washing some dishes when i heard a plastic bag moving i looked and watched as a bag of rags very slowly fell off the shelf they had been sitting on undisturbed the entire night also one time he chucked a bag of sunflower seeds at my boss head generally the friendly one just seemed to want some attention if you just acknowledged him he'd stop so most nights when no one was in the store and i hear the cabinets going i'd just say something like hey how are you and that would be the end of it for the night then there was the mean ghost he seemed to haunt the women's bathroom most of all we'd constantly get female customers come up to us and tell us they just felt uncomfortable in the bathroom but could offer no explanation as to why i personally only had two run-ins with him one night i entered the store counted my till and sent the closing shift on their way about 30 minutes later i felt this overwhelming sense of dread if i went outside to smoke i felt fine within seconds of leaving if i went back into the store i felt it again pretty sure it was him and was the feeling the female customers were telling us about freaked me the hell out but it wasn't nearly as bad as the second encounter so i'm in the women's bathroom getting ready to clean it i always start by setting the trash outside the door putting in a new bag then cleaning the sink as i'm cleaning said sink i feel like someone is watching me i looked up at the mirror and all i saw was this black human-shaped silhouette standing behind me turned around saw nothing when i looked back in the mirror it was gone nonetheless i nope the hell out of there bathroom didn't get clean that night my dad killed himself when i was 12. for a few years after i kept having dreams where he would appear and say he's sorry very canadian of him i had one where i forgave him and we sat and had a talk he told me a story about when he met my mom and a few funny anecdotes from early in their relationship i fact checked these with my mom and she confirmed their accuracy i don't know if there were stories i heard before he died or if it was just coincidence or maybe it was from beyond the grave i fancy myself to be an atheist usually believing that once you die that's it but this has made me question the afterlife for years now i can't remember how old i was but it took place over the summer when i was a lot younger and was still living with my dad my sister and i shared a room with curtains that made the room so pitch black at night that you couldn't see anything once the lights in the living room or hallway or office were off only way light would get through would be from the vent that allows air from the hallway to get into the room it was above the door and the crack underneath the door all of the lights were out that night to keep the house cool i had a fan running at full blast in our room to keep it cool and to cover the sound of my sister snoring i couldn't sleep and had my eyes open to try and tie them out i noticed a figure move across the room with an obvious sensation of presence and suddenly the fan was shut off the only reason i knew it wasn't something wrong with the fan was because it had been switched off my sister was still snoring when this happened too so when i shook her to ask if she turned it off she said she never got up she doesn't sleep walk or talk so it clearly was not her i was afraid to fall asleep in that room until i had to become so exhausted i passed out for years the house always had a strange vibe when we first moved in there but went away due to brushing it off sometimes the feeling creeps back up on you when you're alone i guess i'll never know what happened there until i decide to look into it edit looked into it nothing came up this happened this past thanksgiving morning i work as a police officer and someone had called in an open door complaint now most of the time it's just the owner forgetting to lock the door behind them when they leave and the wind or something blows it open this particular call was in a pretty shitty part of town matter of fact we had a murder five to six houses down earlier that week victim got stabbed in the heart over dope and a puppy so another officer and myself are outside with the complainant owner of the house as we hold radio traffic and approach the house to clear it by clearing i mean to ensure there is no actual burglar inside as we approach the house approximately 15 to 20 feet from it i began hearing a breathing noise i could only hear it from my left ear and it was coming from a closed window located in the left bedroom of the house i was approaching from the right at this point i legitimately believed we had a burglar inside and told the other officer to turn down his radio in order to avoid us being detected as we approached as we kept walking up i repeatedly asked him do you hear the breathing to which he replied he did not the breathing continued until we went through the open door we ended up clearing the base level of the residence and not locate anyone or anything we then went to the bedroom i kept on hearing the breathing out of i cleared it a second time just to ensure nothing was there once i was done i located one of those pulled down stairs into the attic the other officer and i rock paper suckers who gets to go up and check guess who got to go me there was nothing up in the attic either so i then talked to the house owner who says there is some crawl space under the house and he hears some breathing once in a while too he then tells me there was a murder in this house about 25 to 30 years ago that his realtor told him of said some lady got murdered in there by an unknown method i tried looking through records and google searching it but did not locate anything anyway freak me the duck out i have had two both in my dad's house the first happened quite a few years ago my dad likes collecting old stuff and one time he ended up finding a gravestone of someone who died in the 1700s apparently construction caused it to be moved and my dad found it and put it over the fireplace in the basement well he is a ghost hunter and his house is really bad but even after that grave came home with him he never noticed anything weirder than normal then one night i was home alone i heard what sounded like a huge explosion from the basement i peered over the railing down into the basement and saw no light smoke or anything indicating anything had happened so i walked down and turned on the lights and had a look around nothing damaged until i looked at the great stone it was once a bluish gray not completely charred black i was on edge the rest of the night the second time was when i was home alone at my dad's house the attic in his house is accessed by pulling a cord in the hallway which drops open a door and slides a ladder down the thing is that the door that opens is sealed tight it takes quite a bit of effort to pull hard enough to get it to open one night i was in the kitchen getting something to eat when i hear a very loud smashing sound then a thud the house starts to get kinda cold i go and look for where the sound came from and i see the door is open and the ladder is down i have also had a cup thrown at my head my dad's house is weird six years ago i was a little mormon missionary serving in nebraska my companion and i were at church one sunday and it was a typical sunday said hi to all the families we saw in the halls and foyers there was one 13-year-old girl in the ward named mary she was one who always had some sort of snack made up for us each week that she gave to us at church normally she was always so nice and polite and always took any opportunity to say hi to us she was walking toward us in the hall that morning and i noticed that she was super pale and had this wide-eyed look and was just staring straight ahead without blinking as we were walking by i said hey mary how are you today i got no response she didn't even look at us red flag went up because she would never do something like that after church i told my companion that i wanted to talk to mary's mom to see if everything was okay when we found her mom i could tell that she wasn't easy and just looked worried i asked her and she immediately started crying we told her that we would stop by their house immediately after church and see if we could talk with mary and her family when we got to her house i just had kind of an eerie feeling i asked my companion if he felt the same and he agreed mary's mom answered the door and sat us down in the living room we asked her if everything was okay with mary she was at a loss for words for a moment and just told us that she didn't know she said that the past week that mary acted mad and disgusted toward her family mind you this family is one of the closest families i've ever seen she said that mary randomly attacked her older brother earlier in the week nothing too serious she just starting punching and kicking him her mom couldn't understand the sudden change in her attitude we asked if we could talk to mary and see if we could get anything out of her from the couch we were sitting on we could see down the hallway where the bedrooms were as soon as i saw mary come out of her room and as she started walking down the hallway i immediately had a feeling that i can't quite fully describe it was the worst feeling i've ever felt i can honestly say that one word that can kind of describe it is evil mary had the same wide-eyed locked that she had in church she sat down in a chair in front of us and just stared at the wall in front of her i asked her if everything was okay she didn't answer and i asked her if she was mad at her family and why she had attacked her brother she finally stopped staring at the wall and looked at me that awful feeling i had got worse when she looked at me and she said that she was told to hurt him i asked her who told her and she said that the voices told her to hurt her family and leave i asked her if she knew where the voices were coming from and she didn't answer i asked her mom if we could give her a blessing and she immediately said yes when we gave her a blessing she didn't resist at all she just sat there after we gave her the blessing the mood immediately changed mary no longer had a wide-eyed glazed look about her her color was starting to come back and she was breathing heavily that awful evil feeling that i had had gone away as male missionaries we aren't allowed to hug females but after a few minutes had gone by mary gave me a very big hug and i wasn't about to fight it or deny it when we left their house and got in our car my companion and i just sat there for a few minutes thinking about what the hell had just happened he finally broke the silence and said i don't like the feeling i had in there i told him that i had the same feeling we checked up on her the next sunday at church and she was back to being the happy girl lucky mary that everyone knew we asked her mom how everything was at home and she said it was like nothing happened a few weeks later i asked mary if she remembered anything about it she said that she could only vaguely remember attacking her brother and not knowing why and that after we gave her the blessing it was like she woke up from a dream being a religious person you hear stories about demons and possessions in the scriptures and in stories and there are other countless movies about them but i never gave it a real second thought i don't know exactly what happened with mary whether she actually was possessed or if it was something else she didn't crawl up the wall her head didn't spin around and she didn't talk in a different language all i have to go on is the feeling i had when she walked in the room her glazed look pale skin and her answer about the voices i will never forget that story or the feeling i had i hope to never feel that again it scared the hell out of me sorry to get religious not to me but my sister she was trying to sleep but was having trouble because she was breathing too loud and it was annoying her eventually she realized it wasn't her breathing so she covered her mouth to hold her breath but as she held her breath she heard a loud gasp right next to her she freaked out and ran out the room lots of things seemed to have happened in my mother's house like the microwave turning on and staying on as my mother is explaining that she isn't afraid of the ghosts in the house the night something grabbed me and didn't let go until my mom ran in the room the morning my sister asked why i was walking around all night because she had footsteps i was asleep or that just walking down the hallway always feels like someone is behind you fun stuff now living with my wife and daughter in a house that nothing has happened in and i completely understand how people don't believe in things like this it's crazy how peaceful it is even at night while still as an adult at my mother's house even guests get scared at night i was at a camp one summer when i was much younger i remember being in our cabin it was me five other boys and the counselor assigned to that cabin should probably preface this by saying it was a church camp i wasn't particularly religious and the camp didn't really try to push anything on us it was really just a fun church-sponsored weekend camp to meet and have a good time with other kids but one evening the counselor wanted to do a little team building exercise so he had us huddle around and wrap our arms around one another's shoulders forming a circle then he asked us to just talk about anything we wanted to one by one just kind of a chance for some kids to share stories or whatever with their friends well the first kid shared a story about something that bothered him i honestly don't remember what but he was getting something off his chest the moment he did so my knees gave out had our arms not been locked around one another i would have collapsed on the floor in that moment the two kids on either side of me were essentially holding me up so eventually it gets around to me and i decide to follow the trend and get some things that have been bothering me off my chest as well and as i'm doing so i can slowly feel the strength coming back to me and by the end of it i'm standing under my own power again i spoke to one of the other boys about it the next night and without me getting into what happened he described basically the same thing happening to him as well in the end everyone in that circle experiences the same thing and none of us knew how we remain standing when everyone was too weak to do so i'm still not really a religious person but i can't really explain what happened probably just a psychological thing but there is a small and persistent part of me that likes to imagine some form of benevolent higher power that just wanted a few young boys to have a chance yo talk about things they needed comfort for i know that an exotic events are not proof but there is two events in my life that were really weird the first one my aunt is an anthropologist she invited a witch of the pacific part of colombia sleep at her home at the time i was in love with a girl but she was clearly not interested in me i asked the witch if she could help me she said yes and she did i don't know what she did but we finished dating of course the relationship didn't last long it was really fake and the breakup was sudden awkward and violent i don't ask favors to witches anymore even when i don't have proof that she actually did something maybe it was a coincidence tl doctor i asked a witch if she could make a girl love me and it worked well kind of close bracket second one a little bit of context first in colombia there are guys who drug people with bureau and anger the devil's breath link youtube com slash watch v equals toq 8y04 when you are drugged with beer and anger it takes out your free will people take advantage and rape you or ask you to take all your money out of an atm well my grandfather's brother is a coffee farmer in colombia he went to pagoda to visit us he got lost nobody knew where he was we were really worried so we called the police called all the family but still we didn't find him my grandma called a priest who was known for finding water sources and lost people with pendulums don't remember the name of the priest in five minutes he said in which hospital he was my grandpa's brother was drugged with burundanga he lost a lot of money but he is okay now tl dr grandpa's brother was lost priest found him with a pendulum p s sorry for my broken english this happened about six years ago if i recall correctly at the time i lived with my grandma dad and sister still live here but there's more of the family here now and i like to hang out in my dad's room while he was at work or just out of the house in general because he had a big tv and box 360. both of our rooms are upstairs important but at the time i only had an old tv with no channels and a ps2 with a handful of games on this particular night at around 11 p.m and he still hadn't come home so i assumed that he was staying out for the night and made myself comfortable i was laying in his bed watching tv with the lights out but the door was still open and the lights in the hallway were on the tv was more towards the right with the door more towards the left with my attention obviously directed towards the tv that is until i saw something enter the room in my peripheral vision at first i figured it was just my dad but i was confused as to how i didn't hear him drive up open the door that leads upstairs or walked down the hall when i looked over at the door all i saw was a shadow on the ground that looked like someone's head and shoulders coming through the doorway i didn't know what to think and just froze watching the shadow slowly creep back out of the doorway once i couldn't see it anymore i jumped out of the bed and looked down the hall but there wasn't anybody there i wasn't exactly scared but i was definitely confused in order to get to the bottom of this i went downstairs to see who was home but it was just my grandma sitting at her usual spot on the couch in the living room i asked her if anyone else was home and she told me it was just the two of us i asked if she'd just been upstairs and she told me no i already knew that there was no way she cold walked upstairs so silently and made it back down so quickly but i still asked anyway when i went back upstairs later i tried to position myself so that my shadow would go through the doorway like i saw but it wasn't possible with how the lights were positioned in the hall nothing like that ever happened to me again but my cousin has told me that the same thing happened to him around the same time frame i had my room's door slightly open i saw a black shadow silhouette standing by the door next day i saw that same shadow kneeling next to me on the third day i woke up unable to move felt that thing on my back and whispering some random i prayed and prayed until it went away creepy feelings when i was about 17 or 18 i was awakened at about three thirty enter the sound of my dog barking i was sleeping in my bedroom at the third floor and my dog was at the first floor the barks were those that signaled an aggressor so i took my metal bat and came down the stairs silently when i was at the mid-flight of the first to second floor stairs i saw my dog barking at an empty space near the coffee table in the middle of the living room the hairs at the back of my upper arms pricked up as i realized what i was dealing with i went into crisis mode and the mad fear had to be set aside i nodded at the empty space to acknowledge its presence and walk down the stairs i then opened the main door of my house and pointed at the open door as politely as i could while looking at the empty space i then walked away to go towards my dog while keeping eye contact at the empty space my dog scampered off into kitchen when i opened the door but she rushed back again quickly to stand guard in front of me i was quite touched after about a minute things felt normal and my dog was her normal self again for the past 10 odd years since the incident i had always tried to sleep before 3 am 3 to 4 a.m remains the most unwholesome hours for me and in recent years i had followed him advice to not push beyond 2am i must have been around 15 at the time this happened it was in the middle of the night and me and my family were fast asleep i was kind of in a half sleep and wandered onto to the top of the stairs i was dreaming that our home was being broken into i woke my parents hey sent me back off to bed telling me i was dreaming i do still occasionally sleep walk a few hours later about 4am there was a knock at the front door and it was a police excuse me sir oh you know where your car is why dad replied with yes tease parked across the road the policeman replied with i'm sorry sir our car has been stolen and has been left in someone's front garden 30 miles away five years later and this still freaks me out not me this story happened to my girlfriend's sister my girlfriend's grandmother passed away a little over a year ago and everyone knew her as the opposite of a traditional grandmother she was very vocal about her opinion and if she didn't like something she wouldn't stand for it she was stubborn to say the least in the weeks after her passing my girlfriend's aunt settled her estate as my gf's mom has manuscript and sometimes has impaired judgement because of it she lived in a decent house but it needed some updating so gf's on board some things to give it a modern look one thing to note is she changed the fixtures in the bathroom a few weeks pass and there's finally a bar lined up but the day before the sale closed my gf's sister shared that she had a dream that her recently passed grandmother was flipping out about things being changed in her house the one thing that made us all sort of lose it is that her grandmother in the dream said the fixtures in her bathroom were hideous but the kicker was that my gf's sister was never told what was changed in the house and she never stopped by we were convinced it couldn't be coincidental and that this poor young couple were going to be haunted i was like 10 at the time i was in the living room waiting for my mother to come back from the restroom that is upstairs so i could go there and then go to sleep so i was walking slowly back and forth into the kitchen and back to the living room with my dog laid down on his rug in the corner of the living room sleeping then i noticed something vague and white coming down the staircase slowly floating i go back to the living room telling myself it wasn't actually a thing petting my dog going back to the kitchen to be sure and i see the same white floaty thingy in the space between an ironing board and the wall went back to pet my dog weirded out never happened again tl doctor small kid seeing something who looked like a ghost bonus once when my grandmother was sleeping in a bedroom she saw the head of her mother on the door who was saying something to her and wallen i actually said something like don't forget to warm your sheets apostrophe i had the same thing happen to me such a wonderful feeling my dog passed away while he was living with my parents i live four hours away but rushed home to be by his side when we put him down for a solid year after it all happened i would be sad to visit my parents i was heartbroken and coming home made me miss him so much there were several instances i was back in town and staying at my parents place i remember going to bed sad because he wasn't there to cuddle with me anymore i would wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of him walking around clicking away over the laminate flooring call me ridiculous but i would make an effort every time to whisper sure is nice of you to visit apostrophe whether it's really him or just my mind trying to cope i love it i feel like he still comes around when i really need him just like when he was alive miss you old friend was on a business trip to china but missed the connecting flight due to the earlier one being delayed the next flight was on the next morning it was winter so i decided to get a hotel room a few hundred meters across the airport lucky me managed to get the last available room according to the hotel staff long story short there's a cold spot in the room i woke up suddenly in the middle of the night just to witness both my phones auto restarted on their own at the same time creepy and as a chinese we're always told to avoid the last available room in hotels one night at work last year my coworkers and i were bullshitting about how aliens might come to earth during the end of the world to save some humans for whatever reasons i thought maybe they'd try and pick the most docile talented ones for a space zoo for example we started talking about it because at the time there had been a lot of earthquakes and mass animal deaths and other catastrophic stuff in the news and i had joked that the end of the world was close anyway we mostly talked about how and why aliens would choose any particular kind of person and we all had a good laugh but one coworker rachel got kind of creeped out about it all i don't remember why exactly it may have been just a little too apocalyptic of a conversation when we me rachel and two other people closed up and were on our way to the parking lot i saw something strange in the distance it looked like an upside down triangle-shaped cloud but there was something weird about it like i couldn't stop looking at it before i could say anything rachel said something like you see that too right question mark later she said that she could see it was spinning slowly and somewhat lit up which i did not catch we stared at it while we walked until we both had our view obstructed by a tree for a split second and then it was gone i joked that they had to come check out the smart handsome guy me that was on to their plans the next day nepal was hit by that huge earthquake the next time i saw rachel she said she had an extra creepy sleep paralysis the night we saw the ufo when i was young probably about six to seven i lived in a small house residential area the way my bedroom was laid out my bed was in front of the door on the opposite wall meaning i could see out my room when the door was open into the room across the hallway in that room was a window that i could clearly see one night i woke up got a drink of water from my table and looked into that room i saw a silhouette of what looked to be a man in a cowboy hat i couldn't see his lower body because of how high the window was but i could see some sort of holster on him too i thought nothing of it so i went back to sleep thinking it was some weird shadow or reflection i wake up probably 30 minutes later to see the shadow again this time in the hallway it seemed to be looking in my room at me i froze up and didn't go back to sleep that entire night i stared at this thing for probably an hour it didn't move didn't do anything i couldn't tell anything else about it i couldn't see any facial features or what it was wearing other than what i could see from the shadow of it to this day i have no idea what that was or if it was some sort of shadow from something in the hallway my parents didn't own a house so growing up we would move about every three or four years every house has its own story but i don't want to make this into a book we rented a house and usually had our cousins over for supper or whatever sometimes they would spend the night one of my cousins started saying something about the thing in the living room i thought it was crap since i woke up every night at the same time to take a leak and i'd never seen a thing about three four months later ay after i had completely forgotten about it get up and turn the light on in the hallway as usual and noticed something was off looked at the living room and saw someone standing there acing away from me tea was small maybe about four feet eight or even five and it hunched over like a grandma tea was completely still and it looked like it was wearing some kind of brown cloak looked at it for a minute and thought my 13 year old brain was imagining things and it was simply a towel over a stand-up fan or something oh i started walking towards it and i got about five or six feet from it realize that it wasn't a fan or anything tea was something standing on the ground between the coffee table and couch hen i thought about what would happen if that thing turned around i promptly nope the f out of there and went straight to bed we lived in that house a couple more years and i never saw it again but my cousins wouldn't stay there after that they said they saw it numerous times i posted this to another thread a while back but it fits so here it is i grew up in a haunted house the whole neighborhood had something off about it i heard tales of other houses even into adulthood i did some research as an adult into what the cause might have been and it turns out the whole track of homes was built on an old native american burial ground now i never believed in ghosts or anything remotely supernatural until we moved into this house i can say that i never saw anything but it was the feeling that you would get when you were there especially when you were alone before we moved into the house i remember checking it out while the old donor was still living there like a real estate agent set up a viewing and i went to check it out with my dad the previous owner had this room in the partially finished basement that was like a security center i'm talking wall to floor old black and white tube tvs this was probably 95 security recorders all sorts of weird surveillance i can understand wanting cameras outside your house it wasn't a bad area but you know i get it what was weird was that he had cameras inside the house guy lived alone so i have a brother and a sister my sister got one of two second floor bedrooms we called it the clown room it had clown wallpaper that was just creepy and my brother and i shared the partially finished basement my sister complained of being able to hear my brother and i talking through the vents at night when we were obviously asleep she would swear up and down i can hear you guys talking in the middle of the night quit being so loud we didn't share rooms and would not be talking to each other in a manner which could be heard all the way up on the second floor we tested the theory by talking during the day and asking if she could hear us she could not now the basement my brother and i shared was odd i lacked the words to describe the feeling it always felt like someone was watching you there was a despairing energy down there just something not right so i ended up with the room that had previously been the surveillance room and this room had a closet i placed a dresser in front of the closet door and didn't open it until we moved something in that closet made my ducking skin crawl i don't know what it was i don't know why but it seriously freaked me out so odd things happened in the house i will describe a few since this is getting lengthy the energy would depress us and make us angry i started noticing the worst depression and anger as i entered high school now i know people will say that it's puberty and that's normal but the second we moved out the bad feelings and anger all but disappeared and i was still in puberty in that cursed house i started cutting myself feeling hopeless and lost and the day we moved it was all gone my brother who was really outgoing and fun started to get quiet and very withdrawn my brother and i were playing some board game one day home alone and we heard footsteps walking down the basement stairs the stairs were wooden and not carpeted so it was easy to hear people coming down so someone is coming down the stairs three steps at a time with a pause in between each set we count 32 steps there are only 24 steps to the bottom of the landing hair stands up we go to check nothing we are home alone i can go on and on about things we heard pm me if you want to hear more but this is just a basic rendition my dad always said you're being silly more like quit making up lies and the house is fine there's nothing here besides us years after we moved out of the house and after i had grown into an adult i was having a beer with good old dad in the old house came up he says oh yay that place was twisted i asked him to elaborate some he told me that he didn't want to scare us as kids that he wanted us to think everything was okay but he felt it too he was home alone once and saw an energy manifest and float right through the wall his words he got the depression too the anger all of it being in the house would suck the happiness away and just replace it with a huge burden type of feeling four years later the couple who bought the house ran into something too and i assumed this because of this fact the husband murdered the wife in that house now i never saw a ghost do i believe in ghosts no do i believe in bad energies and explainable instances i do now never since being in that house have i felt the way that i did before or since don't duck with bad energy but the draft will scar you so let me start by saying i'm a very skeptical person i don't believe in god bigfoot aliens that abduct people etc that being said when i was 19 to 20 years old i was jumping on a trampoline with some friends at one point i go to bounce off my back cause i'm a badass with sick trick jump skills but when my back hits the trampoline freeze above us maybe 200 feet is a big spinning metal disc maybe 20 to 30 feet in diameter i just stare at it for a good five seconds then it ascends and zips away i was sober and it was midday i was freaked out for weeks about it trying to figure out what the hell i saw i still don't believe in aliens and i honestly think i must have been hallucinating i used to have reoccurring nightmare when i was five or six years old i'd wake up in my dream to find a witch with red eyes squatting down to my eye level as i slept on my side then i'd experience that weird running sensation in dreams where the running feels endless and usually ends with some sort of falling sensation one night i had this dream and i dreamt that i ran to my mom's room and fell asleep there when i woke up i was in my mom's room not in my bedroom where i had fallen asleep and experienced this nightmare i was scared shitless turns out that i was a sleepwalker something i was unaware of at the time well as far as i can remember it happened three years ago we me and my entire tv journalism team for school were going to calibo acklin a province somewhere here in the philippines one of our teammates had a house over at the area and we decided to sleep over there to cut costs since i was the school weirdo and popular kid no one really wanted to share a room with me except two of my best friends ken and john ken being the tall geek slash nerd with a bit of muscular build and john being the small athletic type of kid i on the other hand was the average height kid who was thin and looked so frail we settled down got to unpack and all and had a good rest for our first day after joining the contest seminar just to give you a brief overview of the area we stayed in it has that very provincial feel that around 7 pm no one would be walking around the streets and we were a bit far from civilization it was very dark tbh and what made things worse was by the back of our teammates house which was huge even though there's like 20 teens occupying the place in different rooms it felt very eerie and silent behind the house was like a pocket forest or something so many huge trees and all so fast forward they too we joined another contest seminar to get the mechanics and the topics for our journalism contest and then the weird starts to happen so we were about to go to bed after an exhausting day of preparing the music for our presentation and writing the script we me and my best friends decided to open the windows in our room mind you the room was quite small for three people we didn't have much space to begin with since we had our baggage and the room was filled with some excess stuff our teammates family had and there was a door connected to the lower part of the house but was blocked off by some small cabinets and drawers by the residents for our privacy i had to sleep on the lower part of a bunk bed since the upper part didn't have any fewtons or for it my buddies decided to but some pillows and stuff and sleep on the floor i left my laptop on that night and watch a few episodes of two lavrow darkness google if you want i warned you wink and i dozed off i woke up standing in the corner of the room near the block door away from the lower bunk i was sleeping in and i was staring at something a black tall silhouette which looked like it had long hair and had very wide looking body what scared me was i couldn't move it felt like i was still in a dream i tried screaming but i can't hear myself i tried to move but i can't it felt like i was stuck in time bubble or something then i focused i tried my best to fight back it feels like the shadow thing tried to smack me in the head i tried to hit back and i focused and used all my strength to run to the door tried to open it however it won't budge i tried as hard as i can to twist the doorknob bam bam i got out it feels like i woke up outside the room i felt cold and i had scratches on my chest and i got small scratch wounds on my knuckles it's now scarred and is a reminder of that experience what was weird about the experience was that when i got out of the roomy and my best friend ken got out together he looked like he saw he felt and went through the same thing blurry memories and all we discussed the whole incident with our teammates and teachers and said that they heard us screaming so loud there were two rooms in front of ours once you go out they woke up from the noise and all and tried to check up on us but claimed they couldn't open the door we shared the story with our mates who were asleep during the time the weirdest thing that happened was when john didn't know about the ruckus i asked ken about what happened and he said that i tried to kill him tried to choke him and that's how we got into the situation he said that he had trouble moving and saw the same thing like what i saw we decided to check on our stuff and i saw my laptop broken it just had a static screen and when i tried to pick it up it sort of whispered something and i dropped it time it happened was like around 4am i swear that place had some crazy going on i lost my voice and so did my friend we lost the contest and even had some of our broken up until this day i wonder how that happened when we went on our trip people say we offended those spirits living in the trees at the back of the house by opening the windows and watching laudanum they said we shouldn't have done that since we were newcomers to the place and the house i swear this on my dead mother's grave i know what i saw and i was free from any hallucinogens or mind-altering substances i still can't find any logical explanation for this and it remains to be the only event in my life i consider paranormal when i was 13 14 years ago i was in my brother's room using his computer playing some counter-strike it was a tiny room and the computer happened roby opposite those old dove and size 1980s sound systems as i was busy blowing people's heads up with the arctic sniper i was gripped by this growing sense of terror like a slow realization that something sinister was about to happen i reflexively looked behind me at that sound system i mentioned earlier and i saw like in slow motion the spring operated button slowly pushed down i freaked out and ran out of the house phoning any of my family member and asking them when they would come home this happened three years ago kind of hard to explain but me and my gf both woke up at the same time around 230 am she turned to me and asked if i felt weird told her yeah it was like a feeling of major anxiety so i got up to grab the glass of water from the tv stand and when i turned to give my girl the glass something caught my eye through the window it was a guy standing at the edge of the driveway looking at our house thought i was tripping so i asked my girl if she saw him and we are both staring at this guy in what looked like a top hat for about 30 minutes we didn't know what to do so we just stared at him and i'm guessing he was staring at us then a little after three he turned and walked away down the street and the way our court is set up we can see the main street from our window so we watched him walk away and when he got to this tree blind spot we lost him i stared at that blind spot for an extra 15 minutes waiting for him to keep walking but never saw him after that we told her parents in the morning they were concerned up until we told them what he was wearing the lost it when we said he was wearing all black and he had a top hat on that duck in top hat strangest thing that's ever happened my cousins and i were at my grandparents house when we were little ages three four five we were all taking a bath and we're getting out one by one as my grandma would finish cleaning us my oldest cousin got out first then it was me when i walked out of the bathroom my older cousin looked worried and ran me to the backyard door there was a weird light projecting into my grandma's backyard it looked like a spotlight but it kept changing colors i really can't describe it after the spotlight is turned into a circle of dots just spinning it had been about 20 seconds at this point and we hoped then duck out we went and grabbed my grandma and other cousin but by the time we went back it was gone everybody just blew it off as our imagination but we know what we saw actually we don't but it was still creepy as i'm not one to believe in these things but it is so strange i don't know what to think until this day one day i woke up from a horrible dream about someone or ones being very badly hurt or dying in a horrible event the details of the dream was unclear when i woke but the feeling of fear and loss was so intense i woke up crying now this is incredibly rare for me the last time i woke up crying from a dream was a nightmare when i was 12 anyway i'm freaked out and my dad is too seeing me crying so i tell him about the dream he's arabic and according to their folk takes seeing blood in a dream about something horrible is a good sign because it means life he was already freaked out so when he asked me if i saw blood in the dream i didn't want to worry him anymore so i lied and said i did even though i didn't he leaves and i try to move on with my morning but i can't shake the dream then a little while later i get a call it's my sister who had been estranged from the family for years and she's crying i'm trying to make sense of what she's saying and calm her down she says she had a horrible dream about dad and needed to talk to him because she was worried something happened to him literally the hairs on the back of my neck stood up my sister had been estranged from the family for so long and calls out of the blue saying she had a similar dream we call my dad and get no answer my mom and other brothers and sisters are aware of what's happening and are scared too we finally get a call from the police my dad had been in a horrible accident while driving his passenger had been thrown from the car and killed and he was in critical care the passenger had been the woman he was cheating on my mom with we found out later but i held nothing against her and i'm sorry she died god rest her soul after a few days we can finally see my dad and he's coherent the first thing he can say is your dream and he started crying i don't know or understand what happened my mom claims a lot of my family have had dreams like that over the years oh geez i've only told this story once in my life so forgive me if it's not 100 coherent when i was 16 my great aunt passed away my family went to her house about a month later to claim what she left my family in the will lo and behold 16 year old me finds three large bottles of alcohol and it looked like top shelf stuff from what i could tell and what perfect timing as it was the day before new year's even my friend was having one of his legendary night parties so naturally i took one for myself and hid it in my room behind the tv on my dresser when we arrived at home for context i lived in a plus 120 year old house and my room is on the opposite side of the house as the rest of my families so i didn't have much to worry about with regards to being caught now here's where the weird slash creepy slash strange comes in as i laid in bed that night thinking about both the gravity of my aunt's passing and the party i would be attending the following day i heard a jiggle on my dork knob having three little sisters and two parents in the house i didn't think much of it and tried to sleep it off but not 30 seconds later my dog knob jiggled again shorter in duration but more violently and then again i was off put on didn't know if it was my mom trying to scare me my sister's fooling around or just my imagination so i tried my hardest not to think about the jiggling of the dork knob as it persisted for a few minutes at some point the jiggling stopped a minute or two passed by where i collected myself and started to calm down then i heard two heavy footsteps of someone who must have weights plus 300 pounds right on the other side of the door my sheets were on the verge of needing a change and so many thoughts came racing to my head as i'm trying to reason with myself as to who slash what cold caused such a booming sound i was in utter disbelief this is the part that's made me afraid to share this story out of fear of being labeled as crazy or seeking attention i heard those two footsteps again right outside my door loud booming feet shaking the hardwood under the carpet so much that it vibrated through my bed frame then i heard slash felt another pair of room shaking footsteps but they were closer coming from my side of the door i was focusing right at that door intensely not knowing what to expect but there was nothing there to see but an old door the door remained closed and the footsteps grew closer to my bed heavy and slow every three seconds i hear what sounded like a huge person inching his way over to me with earth shaking steps they got closer and closer to my side of the bed again there's nothing in this room and i was looking the entire time for any sort of logical explanation until it was seemingly right beside my bed and then the same loud earth shaking footsteps would pace back to my door at a much faster pace causing things on my shelf to shake and make noise and whatever i was hearing would slowly pace back to the side of my bed and quickly jolt back over to my door again if my eyes were closed i'd describe the sound as a very large human trying to creep over to my bed and running back to my door over and over almost like a game i was paralyzed with fear in complete disbelief and unable to even call for my parents after about four or five times of this happening it stopped completely i tried to brush it off and fall asleep because i was seriously the most scared i've ever been in my life and i just wanted this night to end not a minute after it stopped i heard something fall off my dresser i look up from under my covers and see my favorite hat lying on the floor now i had about six hats lined up on the edge of my dresser and right in front of my eyes one by one from left to right they fell onto the ground and i yelled at the top of my lungs because that was the point where i couldn't possibly reason with what's been going on the exact moment i opened my mouth to yell my phone fell off the same dresser hit the carpeted floor and busted open battery back and case all over three feet away from each other with noticeably more force than it should have for something that fell four feet and it was positioned suspiciously far from my dresser since it was connected to the charger before i got into bed i ran full speed into my parents room i told my father what happened he laughed called me crazy and i refused to step foot in that room until the sun was out to this day i have no explanation for any of that but it wasn't until five years later did i connect the dots that may be this paranormal encounter and stealing alcohol from my deceased aunt earlier that day may be somehow connected and the day i realized that was the day ghosts seemed all the more real to me although if anyone asks if i truly believe in such things i'd deny it my father's brother died in mexico when he was 12 he was killed by a moving vehicle i visited mexico when i was 14 i never noticed anything paranormal until one night when i woke up around one or two am and seen about a four foot pitch black shadow standing in the kitchen keep in mind it's mexico where i'm staying at the house is pretty small and everything is one room kitchen on one side and two rooms right across no doors or walls covering the room so everything can be seen in the area i was sleeping in the only light that my grandpa had was the moon so the room was dark but still visible to know if an actual person was in the room as i awoke from my slumber my body is facing towards the kitchen i slowly rise up and feel that the room is more frigid than usual my eyes start to adjust to the night as i'm looking up i see this figure that is about a child's size standing in the middle of the room i start to panic i feel the adrenaline starting to rush to my heart i wanted to say something but the figure just ran out in a blink on an eye and he was gone i asked my family about the incident but they never seen or heard anything of that nature they brought up the idea that it was my dead uncle and to this day i believe it was my uncle who i seen little bit of background my mom's house was built in the 1930s and has been owned by my family since its completion we've had a few people strangers mainly college kids rent for very brief periods back in the 60s 70s but other than that only family has resided there in my old childhood room which was my mother's childhood room and my great-grandparents favorite sitting room i have always had a weird feeling in there like i was being watched specifically from one corner by the closet apparently that's where great grandad's favorite chair was it bothered me for years my mom only briefly knew her grandparents they died when she was young but she too had the same strange feeling in that room she actually had an experience in there when she was seven or eight she was sleeping and woke up when she felt someone stroke her hair and kiss her forehead it was a comforting experience and she maintains to this day that it was one of her grandparents so she always tried to reassure me but it's still creepy nonetheless fast forward to 2012 ingrown pregnant still living in my mom's house but i have since moved into a bigger room my old room would be my soon to be daughter's nursery in a day away from my due date i'm sitting in another room back toward the nursery sitting at the computer desk all of a sudden i have a very very strong sense that i'm not alone mom is downstairs but this was far different this was that feeling of being watched x 100 all of the hair on the back of my next to dawn point i got goosebumps i sat frozen knowing for sure someone was standing in that doorway i slowly turn around in my chair and watch as the door to the nursery opens from totally close to white df open i was paralyzed with fear can't take my eyes off the doorway i reach over for my phone and call my mom and tell her to come upstairs immediately when she does i'm overwhelmed with relief and start to tear up as him explaining what just happened i had lived in that house my entire life and never had anything happen that intensely my mom maintains that it was our family coming to tell me my daughter was on her way or just checking in before the birth of their great-great-grandchild i continued having the feeling of being watched in that room when my daughter was a baby but never a malicious feeling i chose to believe it was watching over my little one i'm late to the party but here's the stuff that happened to me at our second house i lived in from sixth grade till end of high school first was knocking bootsteps offered voices coming from upstairs next i started imagining slash visualizing sort of like a psychic medium who comes in your house and sees things this lady in a white gun around me sometimes my closet door would open on its own so would my bedroom door the handle would turn and open by itself if i told it to leave me alone and close it usually stopped and occasionally shut the door too woke up in the middle of the night when i thought i heard the beep from opening the front door downstairs walked downstairs to get some water and saw my mom in the hallway she smiled and waved at me it's dark and i don't have the best sight and since she's the only female in the house knew it had to be her then she walked around the corner into the laundry room as i went down the stairs had to question why she was doing laundry at 3am but there was no one there and the door was locked and alarms still on the person vanished so i went to check on my mom sound asleep t he thing smiled and waved ducking waved back that's when i knew it was there and it knew i knew it was there and things escalated she'd knock stuff off shelves in the middle of night loud crashes upstairs run up and everything is fine others heard it too my aunt heard someone singing while she was in the shower and was surprised when we all walked in the door and learned she'd been alone for a few hours s she's a little cookie but i'm inclined to believe her after seeing a woman and waving at her ah footsteps really loud ud i could hear them stop halfway down the stairs where it gets visible from the couch and no one is there but i can visualize this guy staring at me presumably one of the multiple voices i could hear muffled talking and arguing upstairs one time before i finally moved out for college and refused to stay in that house alone ever again lines the papers on my cork board next to my bed started flying off one by one attributed the first one or two to wind from the fan and tried to ignore it lines attacks hit me in the face one at a time just straight off the board and the all the papers kind of torn at at my face too covered myself up and yelled at it to go away in the corkboard very sturdily mailed into the wall just fell off went back for a visit a few years ago and took a friend he brought his drum with him his is the creepiest thing that ever happened in my opinion and the only part that ever scared me i heard a drum playing but it was a very specific beat that was the halt when i was in the marching band in high school years before i it was incredibly unsettling it showed not just he notices when i open the closet door from it but this is a beat he will recognize showing this thing has true intelligence well beyond anything that had stayed in the house all the time i kept hearing a couple thoughts here and there all night btw the drum was in its case so couldn't have been making sound my dad thought it was bs until he started hearing drumming all the time in the house after that they'd go upstairs and not hear it go back down and there's drumming in my room usually it happened while i was on the phone with them like it knew i was on the phone and that was the only way it could talk to me in that moment not too creepy but while my wife and i were in new orleans she went and had her tea leaves read she came out of the meeting with her teacup because she wanted to show me that a clump of the leaves had formed a rooster on the inside of the cup i'll be damned it looked so much like a rooster i took a picture of it my wife said the reader asked if we had kids yes we did she then asked if they were musical or actors because she said she saw one of them on stage years pass then our oldest gets a part in the high school's presentation of annie his part rooster probably too late here but when i was in high school i worked at a local coffee slash donut shop used to just sweep and mop the place between when it closed and when the bakers came in for the night i got cleaning this place down to a science could do it in two hours or so but then i wouldn't be working enough to wear make any money it's nice i was alone i'd just sit at the counter killing time on the clock this place had been around for years and years all the workers would joke it was haunted by some big burly baker who eventually just lived in his van out back in the parking lot so here i'm one day killing time at the counter when i see movement out of the corner of my eye looked like a big guy in flannel running from the front of the shop to the back into the kitchen i thought for sure it was the owner's husband catching me slacking off i was freaked out checked all over the kitchen and bakery even went as far as going upstairs to where the offices were located to check for someone before this i had never even been upstairs no one to be found and no sign anyone would have been there the next day i asked some coworkers what the ghost wore when he was alive sure enough never seen without a red flannel shirt on i've always been hesitant to believe in ghost stories but the movement i saw out of the corner of my eye was so real i really believed someone had been there okay i've been wanting to share some of these stories some mine some stories of close friends of mine for a while now i'll share one to start out and if more are interested i can delve deeper into other experiences i have had i don't love to talk about ones i've had but i will if people are interested all of these stories happened to either me or close friends of mine while we were on missions for our church in eastern ukraine from 2012 to 2014 things were pretty crazy in the country at that time to say the least when this happened the country was in turmoil and a civil war had just begun riots were happening in the streets and people were being killed dct no big deal right my buddy told me this story as follows but let me give you a little background information first we were there as missionaries for our church as i previously stated our job was to help people come closer to christ so mostly we were just there to offer service and help people in need we always traveled in two sims and talked to a lot of random people on the streets my buddy was in a city called gorlovka at the time if you have a chance look the city up it is one of the scariest places i have ever been it's dirty with lots of homeless people and needles everywhere littering the streets yeah you need a good pair of shoes there i personally haven't spent much time there but my friend was there for at least five months anyway he and his friend are out on a cold winter day talking to people they come across this old lady standing in the streets at the time we had this little pass out cards with a picture of jesus on them that we could use to give people our phone numbers invite them to come to church and share a small spiritual message with them they gave this old lady one of the cards and she actually invited them over to her house because she needed some service to be done they agreed on a place and time and went over to her place a couple of days later my buddy said that the minute they showed up to her apartment they felt really sketched out like all the hair on the back of his nexted up for some reason they decided to knock on her door anyway she opened the door and invited them in they decided to go in even though they both didn't feel that it was a good idea as they entered the house they noticed her half on behalf stood the card they gave her along with little pass out cards for many other churches normally this would be a good sign like this lady is so nice she must collect these cards and enjoy the messages on them but this wasn't the case my friend said that he still felt weird about the cards as he and his companion got closer they realized something strange about the cards every single person depicted on all the cards had their eyes burned out like every single one jesus and all needless to say they got out of there quick later that week they were at church and spoke to one of the longtime members there they told him of the experience and he freaked out he told them that the old lady had murdered her entire family but had never been arrested for some reason they were pretty freaked out and cut all communication with her even though she had tried to call them multiple times a few weeks passed and they mostly forgot about her one day they both woke up feeling very sick they decided to stay in for the day to rest and recuperate my friend woke up around 6 p.m or so and decided to go get a drink in the kitchen this is winter in ukraine so at 5 00 pm it is already very cold and dark outside his apartment was on the first floor and as he was getting his drink he decided to open the blinds on his kitchen window the old lady was standing right there she was just standing there right in front of his apartment staring at him he said that he almost pissed his pants trying to close the blinds he had no idea how she had found his apartment let alone how long she had been waiting outside he went in and woke his companion up and told him everything now in ukraine all the apartment buildings have these things called donophones it's basically just a phone on the outsides of buildings allowing you to call specific apartments if people decide they can buzz you into the building anyway she starts calling their apartment with a domophone she called for like 30 minutes before leaving and they never saw her again basically ukraine was pretty crazy sketchy things like this happened way too often we lived in a house that my parents rented for about nine months we were all glad it wasn't longer some strange things happened while we were there and none of us experienced anything like these events before or after living in this house it was a house nestled right up against the mountains we had neighbors but the houses were pretty spaced apart some weird things that happened in this house included one things would go missing random things but little things every day my brother's bb gun just disappeared out of his room one day it wasn't like we were burglarized little things would disappear all the time two both my brother and i would wake up late at night and hear people in the kitchen it would sound like the whole family was in the kitchen cooking a holiday meal pots clanking people laughing food sizzling sometimes i'd even smell food we'd go out there to find the kitchen dark and empty three not paranormal but weird before moving out we were helping the owner get the yard in order the owner had a heart attack and died later that day my parents used to live in a second floor act where all sorts of strange things happened to them i remember hearing my mom tell her stories where something would physically grab her hand or pull her hair at night when i was a newborn fast forward a few years and i started to experience a few things i would always hear voices coming out of my parents closet it had no doors and it was more like a tiny nook in their bedroom i made my mom cover that nook area with a big blanket thinking that was going to stop the voices but the most memorable one i can clearly remember was sleeping in my parents room and something woke me up but i was in a paralyzed state at the foot of my bed i saw a human formed silhouette out of flames think of the marvel character pyrokinesis or the killer instinct character cinder except it didn't have a head just the flames rising above where there should be one another three appeared except on each side of my bed foot left top of head right while i'm looking up at this paralyzed and obviously freaking out i could hear them it chanting something that sounded like mamas and over and over again as they all did this the two on either side reached down and actually grabbed me by the arms i felt no burn since these things looked like flames just the sensation of pressure holding me they started to lift me from the bed when i was finally able to let out a scream at the very moment that i did that they all completely disappeared along with a sizzling sound think throwing water on a hot pan my parents woke up immediately and turned on the lights years went by and my parents and i were recalling old stories and i mentioned the above to them they told me they did remember that night i screamed they added that they woke up because at the same time i was screaming my dad said that someone something chucked the glass of water he usually has on his nightstand across both my mom and his face it didn't just fall over it felt as if someone picked it up and literally sideswiped it across their bed when they put my story together with this it all kind of made sense about 10 years ago i was curious to see what became of that old house and i drove by only to find it that it had burned down years before that i was friends with a guy in high school greg he was a good dude i don't think i was one of his best friends b arty was up there with me we used to go to shows with a group of people and he played bass in a band for a while tear high schooler left to do basic training indy he got a job with a local newspaper he hung himself in the office where he worked i returned home to attend his funeral e night after his funeral dreamed about him i was in a parking lot at night andy greg walked up to me i can't remember where he appeared from or if he just kind of appeared he didn't say anything just kind of smiled at me and then rolled into a ball like ted like he was going to do a somersault and just sort of transformed into a spherical shape that seemed to have a lot of eyes and other body parts and just rolled off away from me sounds weird and dead was weird but i never was scared of it andy i never felt like it was anything other than him saying goodbye my parents house gave me a few experiences one time i was in my bedroom and the shelf that was screwed into the wall fell i figured it was due to too much weight on the shelf but there wasn't much on it when we went to mount it back onto the wall we noticed that the holes from the screws had scraped in an upward motion it was almost like it was pulled up and out and not downward as some may expect from natural gravity another time i was getting my shoes on to go to work at four in the morning i was bent down putting the shoes on and looked up to see a face staring at me less than a foot away no head or body just the face the creepy thing is i recognize the face as a relative that was long gone but lived on the property all his life the way he looked at me was as if he was trying to just say hello still scared the purse out of me nothing is more intimidating than looking into her unusually darker than plain dark room shadow people have been a frequent encounter in my life but none of my experiences with them have ever been scarier than when i was in tonight walking where i go from my home and walk down this stretch of road that was zero three miles long i'd always go to the end do a u-turn and walk back that was my exercise routine as i was walking back onto the left side of the road where the road was to my right so i could see oncoming traffic and not be affected by incoming traffic just when i was coming about 10 feet towards my home something off the corner of my eye made me glance over to the right as i did i noticed a shimmering staggering shadow-like formation come towards me it had the animation of a drunken walk no sounds of steps to it nothing that hinted that someone was even there and i know this road long enough to know that anyone else walking wasn't a frequent thing not something you want to experience at night for sure whenever the paranormal comes up i think about this story i have no explanation for it when i was eight years old my mom had a doctor's appointment about 45 minutes away so she dropped me off at my aunt's house so i could play with my cousins we played for a while then my aunt asked for our help she wanted us to help pack up the christmas decorations in their boxes then store them in the attic the attic access was in the hallway and you had to pull down a wooden ladder to get up there i volunteered to put the packed boxes up there because i liked climbing up into the attic on that ladder my aunt said there was a spot for christmas boxes straight ahead once you get up there my aunt handed me an old cardboard box full of decorations to bring up there i remember that it was an old huggies diaper box once i got up to the second to last rung on the ladder i stopped and looked to my left there was a man up in her attic sitting on the air conditioning duct he was wearing a tuxedo and holding a bouquet of flowers his face was just sort of blank with no characteristics whatsoever i was freaked out and asked my aunt if i could just leave the box at the top of the ladder she asked me why and i said because there's a man up here she got a brief look of panic then told me to leave the box there and come on down she closed the attic and she quickly ushered me and my cousins across the yard to her best friend's house next door she called the police and they came right away they searched the house but didn't find anybody anywhere in the house or attic the cops asked me to describe the guy and i described the tuxedo flowers and no face thing but i couldn't describe anything more than that the cops must have thought i was making it all up because they didn't do any paperwork and never followed up with my aunt we explained the situation with my mom when she came back and my aunt said she didn't think i was lying because she heard me talking to someone at the top of the attic ladder she thought it was weird but didn't panic until i mentioned that there was somebody actually in the attic i don't remember talking with the man while i was up there though i only remember asking my aunt to put the box up right there and climb down my guess is that this was either a ghost or some exceptionally clear figment of my imagination we talked about it every now and again until my aunt died a few years ago it may not have been real but it seemed very real to me at the time and still does today got some stories from when i lived in the philippines story one when i was in the philippines during my childhood five to twelve years old i lived in an old two-story house that seemed to survive even with the flooding and earthquakes it definitely has that creepy old wooden house vibe we usually sleep on the second floor one night i woke up in an almost pitch black living room with barely any outside light slipping through everyone had left me downstairs i stood up from the couch just to look around when i heard someone crying there's a lady sitting on the stairs crying while talking on the phone we had a rotary phone on the stairs haha she was wearing one of those old-school dress pajamas like something you would see on a porcelain doll in my mind i assumed that she was my aunt so i just went back to sleep on the couch it was weird because who would she call late in the night i just ignored everything and i don't think she noticed me at all then next morning i asked my aunt why she was crying on the phone last night she had no idea what i was talking about now that i thought about it it was something that my aunt wouldn't do and to add to it i didn't even see the crying lady's face that was some experience story two this is something more supernatural as i grew up in the philippines i became more superstitious with all folklores that they tell me so one day when my classmates came to school with a morphed face i have a very clear memory of what his face looked like and i'm 100 sure he looked like a cat minus the fur haha it wasn't something you would get from an allergy attack i would describe his normal face as having sharper features with the cat face he had a cute slash smoother more feline face his story was that he was enchanted slash cursed by a dude dude is filipino for dwarf they usually live in rocks old trees etc that's why every time you pass by a suspicious tree or dirt you would say tabby tabby pio which means excuse me coming through i mean no harm he tried every medical help but no luck so they got help from an albiolario which doctor it actually worked since his face went back to normal a couple of day later story three did i forget to tell you guys the school i went to was a private catholic school that was built on top of the cemetery yup on a normal school day everything seemed nice and then students started gathering around our school chapel of course i was curious and joined in i picked through the window and there it is i witnessed an exorcism i would describe it as something you would see on an exorcism movie while the priest splatters holy water on the girl she screamed just like in the movies she struggled to get out of the hold as she was being held by a couple of people it was definitely an unforgettable scene story four during sixth grade me and fellow buddies finally get to join the boy scouts in our school our school had a camping event to welcome all the newbies on the side of that gymnasium we have a grass field for sports and events the seniors gave us all the equipment we need to set up camp of course the school is creepy as duck in the night we set up camp on the grass field on the side of the gym everyone was having fun we had a giant bonfire in front of the gymnasium in france we played tago war against the seniors after the entertainment we went back to our tent everyone just socializing because well who wants to sleep in a night like that then all of a sudden we hear children playing in the gym oh yeah the gym is pitch black and empty inside there is no way anyone can be in there during the night especially after midnight that gymnasium is pretty beat up and old it was completely locked everyone was freaking out i'm pretty sure nobody slept well that night story five back to the old creepy house me and my sister were upstairs in one of the room just going through some stuff in some closet the door to the room we were in was completely open door to wall while we were doing our thing the door suddenly shut closed scared the out of the both of us there was no way any of us could have closed the door we were at least three feet from it even the wind can't move that door startled me and my sister stared at each other then our brother was going up the stairs to bring us some calamansi juice so we tried to scare him and asked him if he closed the door no idea why we even asked that question we would have noticed anyways we started freaking out and just ran downstairs and got the duck out of there there have been people that died in that house too so hopefully you guys enjoyed my experiences some of them might not be that scary but just the thought of it creeps me out sometimes i have many stories but i'll share two short ones first i'll mention that i have insomnia and it takes hours to fall asleep no matter how exhausted i am i've experienced sleep paralysis before but these were not that my mattress is on a wooden box spring like this link said m wood platform bed g was facing the wall one night adding red it and he heard about four very distinctive knocks on the wood on the side of the box spring that was behind me turned over so fast the light was already on but obviously nothing was there indeed there was no explanation he knocking was very deliberate i was tossing and turning trying to get comfy as long as i was lying in bed maybe 30 minutes and decided to try lying on my stomach it it's usually uncomfortable so i don't do it often but it wasn't horrible so i stuck with it until i felt something sit on my back and put its hands around my neck and choke me its weight kept my middle body stuck to the bed but my head slash neck was being forced upwards by the choking i tried to yell but nobody could hear the only noises i managed to make then it stopped i flipped over and i just sat up against the wall the rest of the night both nights sleep was extra hard to come by and i sleep with the light on now the moments of panic i experience in the dark while searching for the light are just not worth it my dad used to rent a house side note and come to find out my uncle's uncle died in the bedroom my dad had and my bedroom was next to his one night i had an out of body experience it was literally so chilling i remember falling asleep as my bed was directly next to my doorway and just laying there as if i could see through my eyelids i see a very beautiful bright white yellowish light in my doorway so being curious i get out of bed only to see me laying in my bed i whip my head up at this point i'm standing next to my bed directly looking at my doorway and look at this light and slowly walk to it i remember talking to it and i felt so at peace i remember it was a male presence we soon come to an agreement of some sort and i sit on my bed and lay back in my body and wake up as soon as i woke up i remember what it told me and i told myself i would always remember to this day i don't remember what it told me but i was beyond happy skipped to a year later that house burned down and it started in the back of the house where my father's room was my room was completely under shade i don't know if that's paranormal peressy but it's something i think about regularly i was around 15 years old 21 now and i was trying to fall asleep in my bed it was about 11 p.m my parents were asleep on the other side of the house suddenly i hear a really strange sound almost like music but without a real melody it reminded me of a badly played synthesizer it started out pretty loud and got steadily louder when it sounded really close i ran into the living room because my dog had woken up and started barking the freakiest thing is that she was walking in circles in the center of the house barking at the ceiling very odd behavior for her i was convinced that if i looked out the window something would be looking back my greatest fear so i just held on to my dog and waited until the noises faded and eventually stopped the noise didn't wake up my parents and i was too scared to go get them btw this was rural midwest united states no neighbors nearby no rowdy kids around no weird machines or factories still scares me to think about it mine was more of a dream i was dreaming that me and my seas were doing something we encountered a couple who made my sister mad so she decided to chop them up into pieces i begged her to stop but she kept hacking at them her laugh was that of an evil witch soon enough i try to wake up but can't i'm stuck and i'm trying to wiggle and move my body i wake up sweating and creep the duck out i do a prayer take a piss and go back to sleep with my restroom light on single handle the scariest ever about 15 years ago some navy buddies and i decided to go ghost hunting we had heard of this place where some streets would happen it was a park near a beach and railroad tracks in pensacola florida we went there and found that it was a trail through some woods that would go towards the railroad tracks then would come back to the main road about one quarter a mile away we went in and everything was dark but not too creepy about a quarter through the trail one of my buddies started freaking out about some dude following us we looked and saw nothing we kept going and he was knocked to the ground he started struggling to get up his eyes were bulging and he wasn't breathing he was struggling and trying to get up but couldn't he was reaching for the wooden rails but still couldn't pull himself up he even ripped two fingernails out of his fingers trying we tried to help him up but couldn't get him up this was odd because he was the smallest one of us it was like he was being held down his lips were starting to turn blue and he was frantic then in the struggle my other buddhist silver cross fell out of his shirt and then everything stopped we hightailed it out of there and never went there again we actually never went ghost hunting again either i have two things that i think are equally creepy one i used to live in a house that my mom swears up and down was haunted for context we found out after buying the house that there were two very brutal murders that took place on the property and only one of the bodies was ever found we had paranormal investigators come spend the night and they got a voice recording of someone speaking softly in a room that was completely empty and also a photo of a wispy orb of light that looked like a small person sitting cross-legged across from my bed the guest room across from my room was supposed to be the most haunted with the spirit of the mother grandmother of the two women killed haunting the room one night i went to go to the bathroom down the hall and the door to the guest room was left open before i could leave my room my dog jumped in front of me and started growling and baring her teeth directly at the open door to the guest room that nobody was in two i was out late with friends one night and going home from a party me and one of my friends were completely drunk but the driver was sober we got lost and ended up going down some unlid back road just as my friend goes to make a u-turn we see this old woman walking by herself right in front of the car this is around two or three am weird but whatever just as she gets directly in front of the car she turns towards us and starts walking slowly towards the driver side of the car the closer she gets we realize that she has no eyes on me and the other girl being drunk as hell we start yelling when the woman hears us yelling she starts smiling my friend drove around her and peeled out my husband and i live in the countryside we like going for walks in the evening after dinner early 2015 we were doing our runs and turned to our street we saw a pure white dog run down the street my neighbor was on her porch and asked what hell it was it looked like a dog but you can tell it was not a normal we just said it could have been a straight in late 2015 we were running again we ran up the street passing a man walking his dog up the street we go and turned on the next street halfway down the street we saw the same dog except it was bigger and it looked at us and started to chase us we ran back on the street with the dog walker and walked behind him he turned on the same street and the dog was gone you could see our footprints but not the dogs we didn't see the dog till summer of this year it was night and my husband wanted a romantic dinner in the woods clearing we have done this a thousand times walk five minutes through the woods to get to a clearing behind our house we got to the clearing and saw the dog now the dog was the size of a bear it was hutch over eating a small deer it slowly turned it head and looked at us with it big bright red eyes and started running towards us we never ran so fast in our lives ran back to our house and fought knox the place we talked to our neighbors and they've been dealing with the same monster for years tldr hellhound lives in our neighborhood d it was in november i think having moved to a new apartment i didn't feel at home uncomfortable yet one day i woke up at around 9 00 am to a scuffling sound my rumored wasn't there he had went to the university one or two hours ago so where came that noise from i stood up and checked the kitchen and his room hen again heard the shuffling sound from my entry door inside was half awakened teal seemed surreal but i mustered the courage and flung the door open t this point i saw a woman just an arm length away from me on the stairs to my door he was leaning over and swung her arms from left to right the only conclusion my drowsy mind could come up with was there is a ducking zombie woman in front of my door trying to kill me that was when i slammed the door shut and ran to my bed trembling when the adrenaline rush came to an end i realized that it was most definitely just a neighbor cleaning the stairs i felt like an idiot after that i'm kind of late to this post but this happened a few weeks ago my roommates and i had all gone out of town together for a weekend we come back on sunday to find some things missing one of my roommates had bought a jar of honey the week before and i had bought a thing of waffle syrup we come back to find both of the containers almost completely empty we also have this banner hanging in our living room which was now partially torn down and hanging by one only one pin i was with my roommates all weekend out of town and the only way to get into our fourth floor apartment as a special key fob i honestly think someone is ducking with us and i'll find out like a year later when one of our friends finally spills the beans i'm just really unsure how anyone would have gotten in which makes it strange and possibly paranormal nothing too scary but i thought i'd share nonetheless because my roommates and i are just so confused i was hanging out with a friend at a relatively deserted stretch of road by a straight the road is a long one with a staircase at one end leading up to some blocks of public housing at the same end there are often large trailers parked there for the night as there is a large industrial area nearby most people who want to hang also tend to be at this end probably because it's more well-lit considering its proximity to the nearby housing there we were at 2 am just leaning by my car and chatting when i noticed some boys coming down the stairs from the public housing and remarked that the kids were out late they looked 11 13 to me we continued leaning against the car and talking of the boys passed us chasing the other who was on a bicycle both were in white tees i noticed the others were hanging back where the trailers were parked so i gestured to them and wondered aloud what are they doing standing around there apostrophe my friend looked in the direction that i was pointing and then turned back to stare at me what are you talking about he asked those kids over there i said as i pointed to the boys what do you see he probed four boys in black who came with the two kids in white there they are i declared as i continued pointing in their direction he gave one last look in the direction before turning back and speaking solemnly there's no one there apostrophe i was at a friend's house over the summer just hanging out his parents were at work so we had the house to ourselves we decided to make a fort in his bedroom and while we were building i thought i heard a knock or some sort of thump my friend didn't hear anything so i didn't think anything of it now it's around noon and his mom wouldn't be home until around three then someone knocks on his bedroom door we froze luckily we were still in the safety of our fort but it seemed like forever until one of us could move we didn't hear anything else as i crept to the door to lock it as soon as it locked we ran for window and jumped out sprinting towards my house just a block away as we walk in my grandma is standing there wanting to know why we haven't stopped by for lunch and that she's been banging on the doors trying to find us all afternoon sorry i have another one shouldev added it to my previous post once i was getting ready in the morning for work i heard a noise coming from somewhere in the house i'm looking all around ask the wife if she knew what it was etc come to find out buried in one of the storage containers i hadn't really gone through when i moved there was a two or three year old card that sings from my grandmother this thing literally just started singing one day while being closed and buried under a bunch of stuff called grandma on the way to work to say hi and make sure she still was alive very creepy one night i was sleeping in my loft bed so about five feet off the ground for se reason i was lifting my head up to adjust and thinking there's no such thing as ghosts as if on cue i lock eyes with a man staring at me i was frozen and the only thing i could think was that i was about to die then all of a sudden my body unlocked and i face planted on my pillow and the guy was gone later found out that it was sleep paralysis and i have had episodes since then but none have been that vivid ever still freaks me out i feel a cat jump on the foot of my bed and slowly walk up the bed towards my head then it lays down beside my shoulder i feel it three to four times a month and it follows me even if i'm in a different bed or town it only comes when i'm in bed alone it always jumps on the left side of the bed but only in the morning when i'm half awake and sleeping on my side facing away from it it jumps off the bed and disappears when i roll over to look at it my dog always sleeps beside my bed but will be in the hallway by my bedroom door when the cat comes for a visit my girlfriend google this when i told her about it surprisingly it happens to a number of people none of them seem to be afraid of it but it is rather weird when i was younger maybe seven to eight years old my cousin who is a year older than i am would come over to my house to hang out frequently one time we were going to sleep and we started hearing a knocking noise coming from what seemed like the ceiling of my bedroom imagine someone knocking lightly on a door it was odd because my bedroom was on the first story of a two-story house we chalked it up to someone upstairs though we checked up there and no one was there a few weeks later i heard the knocking noise again this time outside coming from a bush once again very out of place i approached the bush but the sound ceased as soon i got close this kept happening in random locations around my house and inside of it for almost a year my cousin and i became fascinated with it and as children it became a game for us try to find the source of the noise we suspected it was my older brother teasing us though it often happened when he was away the noise gradually became a more frequent occurrence my cousin and i decided that the best way to draw out the noise was to tell knock knock jokes naturally keep in mind that we were still kids and to us this made complete sense the funny thing is though it worked almost every time we started telling knock knock jokes we would hear the knocking noise fast forward a week my cousin had come over again and we went to the backyard to continue our investigation we recruited our younger sisters to help ages six to seven we split up into two teams and began to tell knock knock jokes after about 20 minutes the girls came running back saying they heard the knocking and that they were too scared so my cousin and i split up and told the jokes on our own after a few minutes he came running back and he looked terrified he was in tears he told me that he had been behind our shed out back and he had heard a voice it said knock knock i didn't believe him at least not right away i went inside to tell the girls as i walked inside seemingly from nowhere and everywhere i heard it the voice i will never forget it it was so deep so inhuman it said knock knock i've never been so scared i froze and then i ran back outside to my cousin just as i reached him however we heard it again this time it said who are but that was all we heard because we ran fast that was the last we ever heard the voice or the knocking i've thought back to that day time and again and no matter how hard i try i can't explain it away it's impossible that it was natural and i'm not the only one who can tell this story my cousins and my sister will corroborate it the funny thing is that when i think back on it now it's not fear that i feel but regret for not staying to hear what the voice had to say the curiosity still eats at me i currently own my family's dairy farm and i live there for the first eight years of my life i'm now a foreign exchange student i'm off topic anyways we have a back porch like that is motion sensor activated one night i was going to sleep and the porch light turned on mind you i have a window right above the light and all of the workers should have been inside i looked out and saw nobody i went downstairs and looked out the back and saw a dark mass i got closer and it looked like a cowhide i started inspecting it and it was a sloppy job and had our family branding on it we asked everyone on the farm that day if they knew anything about that of course not my family doesn't know to this day what happened one night i was driving down the main road in my town it's always busy four lanes across not very well lit and definitely not the kind of road to be crossing late at night if you're not at a crosswalk i'm driving and suddenly see a figure in the middle of the road crossing the street it looked like they were wearing a long black cloak with the hood up i remember the passenger in my car saw it too i was so close to them by the time i saw and going about 40 in the left lane and this figure had just started crossing from the right something in my head just told me not to break no idea why since it's the logical thing to do if there is a person in the street i think maybe i thought i could zoom by before they stepped into my lane instead of trying to slow down and possibly hitting them i was honking like crazy and this figure never once hesitated or even looked up at my car we drove by and i swear i must have been an inch from hitting it when i looked in my rear view mirror i couldn't see it anymore i still have no explanation i have a few stories because my mom is a psychic so it isn't uncommon one day a few years ago my mom got a call from my grandma's work that she didn't show up for the past two days that wasn't like her as she never missed a day fast forward through all the crazy we found her at her place she lived alone she had died in her sleep so we took care of her her stuff and it started getting late as we were finishing up going through her room to take care of medications and what not to dispose of them properly a painting she had on her wall for over 10 years foul hit her nightstand and broke the wooden frame then my family and i were going down the stairs to leave the staircase light flickered we believe my grandma was saying goodbye and thanking us that we found her one day on a nice evening my family and i were watching tv out of nowhere all the fire alarms in our house were going off then after a good minute our house phone rang my great-grandmother called to tell us that my great-grandpa had passed we lived in a different state he wanted to say bye to all of us too one day a few years back my parents bought a cabin up in the mountains my family and i stayed there for a weekend it was our vacation home we were all upstairs in the loft talking before we went to bed as we were talking we heard a woman's voice downstairs it was strangers it was 11 30 at night we looked outside and no one was out there we knew something was there because one bedroom upstairs had a strange feeling the door to the room would open on its own we wouldn't run the air or open the windows my boyfriend and i stayed there a couple weeks ago as we were trying to fall asleep we heard a cabinet close in the room that creeps me out my mom one day had a strange dream about the cabin on fire and would sometimes smell smoke we later found out that the cabin was burned down in a fire and we actually have the cabin built on from the lot that burned down so our place is bigger than the rest on the street so one day a few months ago my friend had died from suicide i was in class one night college and i kept getting this feeling that someone was staring at me this was my graphic design class so we were all at our big screens working on our projects i kept getting this feeling that someone was looking at me i looked and everyone was working i kept working i still had that feeling of someone just staring so i turned to see if my professor was behind me checking on my progress but no she was a few rows up and i was in the very back corner of the class i kept looking but still nothing then from the corner of my eye i saw my friend i looked back at my screen a little freaked out then i turned to look at him he was gone and then i didn't have that feeling anymore it's not super paranormal but i'm obsessed with ghost adventures one of the scariest episodes is bobby mac is music world and they did a second episode there i of course watched it but i was super disturbed by it normally i wouldn't sleep off to something like that but thank god for ambien i'm out for eight hours and i mean oh out like a light later that night i woke up and it was 4 14 am no particular reason why i woke up i didn't have to go to the bathroom my phone didn't go off i just randomly woke up i posted something on facebook about how freaky the episode was that it woke me up at this arbitrary time next thing i know my old rugby coach comments how he and his wife watch the same episode and woke up at the same exact time that i did i refused to watch that episode ever again also i worked at kohl's and we thought there was a ghost who haunted the men's section who i named george every time i was in the men's section working i would have to yell at george to stop knocking things over he was a bit of a dick my friend and i would often stay at one another's houses and talk into the late hours i was staying over at her house a few years ago now we were about 17 ish and i was sleeping on her bedroom floor on a mattress and her in her bed the usual arrangement would be the top of my mattress met the middle of her bed frame and at the bottom of my mattress and to the right was her bedroom door the door lead to the landing on the right and down a small corridor was her parents room directly in front of the door was a single step and to the left her brother's bedroom and opposite her brother's room was a staircase a typical english mid-terrorist layout i suppose anyway we both vividly remember one night her in her bed and eye on the mattress talking quietly and hearing that the bottom two steps of the staircase squeak we would typically walk with one foot at the ends of the stair to stop the noise this in itself was not weird as we assumed her parents were awake and moving about there was a gentle knock at the door slightly freaked out but assuming it was only her parents she said come in nothing we could slightly see each other in the darkness and she was looking at me almost wide-eyed i slowly crept up and moved towards the door taken over by sudden adrenaline i opened the door quickly nothing but darkness to the right i could hear her parents tv on quietly light slipping in the gaps in the door frame this is when things got weird i then quickly shut the door firmly and threw myself back onto the mattress and pulled the covers over myself my friend asked what was there and i said nothing literally nothing people often don't believe that what happened from here happened but i assure you this in all the faith a stranger on the internet can muster seriously happened we then heard the faintest noise we couldn't really make it out until i recognized it the door handle was rattling not vigorously not dramatically but like someone was polishing it gently the noise was slight but definite then without any scene provocation the door swung open and nudged into her desk after panicking and laying there for what felt like a year i finally got the courage to slowly shift my foot out of the cover to push the door back shut that's when we heard the unmistakable sound of man sighing it was as clear as day and i still remember where in the room that sound originated opposite her bedroom door is a large wardrobe and to the right of that is the bedroom window the sound came from head height directly in front of the wardrobe pretty much a meter from the door with that i kicked the bedroom door shut and jumped into my friend's bed and we both slept uneasily that night the next morning we awoke both very shaken to find the door once again open after shutting it we noticed that the top right hand side of the door didn't fit into the frame anymore almost as if it had been bent in the frame and it's still like that to this day i've stayed over plenty of time since but never has anything like that happened since i genuinely cannot explain what happened nor describe the utter hair stand-on and fear we both experienced that night we've both told the story since too much skepticism the only way we can prove it is by showing the bent door but even that doesn't do much to deter people from it this is lame but i'll share anyway in high school my friend and i were in the drug store and i hear someone call her name in like a raspy drawn out way she asks if i heard them and we looked around but didn't see anyone what is weird is that about six months later we are at her house alone and we both are the same exact voice say her name the same way we just stared wide-eyed at each other i don't believe in ghosts and have no idea why we both thought we heard someone call her name two times i've posted this before on another thread but here it goes one morning 6 am i went on a 12 mile run with a college track team mate the first mile was through a neighborhood down some side streets to get to the trail we were in the backwards of south carolina in winter so it was already kind of sketchy with the fog and mist everywhere after a few minutes into the neighborhood we start to hear all these sirens wailing coming closer and closer about 30 seconds later a cop car ambulance and fire truck come racing around the corner incredibly fast literally missing us by feet we continue on and as we go about another half mile we see a house literally engulfed in flames and i mean engulfed it was so mesmerizing to witness an entire house on fire we were about to streets over and could feel the heat it was crazy to see and i'll definitely never forget the scene we were observing from through the trees so we continue on with our run as we are nearing the last mile or two we decide to run back where we came to see the house all black and burnt in the daylight so we jog through the neighborhood and this is where i jake we see not a shred of evidence of a house on fire or anything that suggested that something was inflamed merely an hour ago no tire marks soot ash missing house nothing for the next week we ran loops around that neighborhood every single day and nothing ever popped up searched the news and there was nothing reported about afar still to this day i always wander wtf we saw tldr was running in sc at 6am and saw a house on fire ran back an hour later and there was zero trace that anything burnt down during a visit to gettysburg while walking around during the day my wife saw a little girl looking into an herb shop from outside maybe three to five years old wearing a period dress and cute curly hair she looked away to find our kid and when she looked back the girl had left it wasn't even of note at the time she didn't mention it to me that night we went on a ghost walk at the different stops the guide would tell us about ghosts other people had seen we came to the same shopping center from earlier and the guide described that the employees of the shop would frequently see a little girl peeking in through the glass but she would never be there when they went out my wife freaked out and grabbed me telling me she saw that little girl earlier after that for at least a year every time i went to the grocery store if i was walking down an aisle something would fall off a shelf every single time once i even saw something hanging on a hook jump off the hook in front of me after about a year or so it just stopped hasn't happened since the worst experience i have had a few but i'll go with a negative one used to be an atheist i'm very agnostic from the situations that i have been through at this point this one was the most scary lived in a big house with three roommates we all kept weird hours and generally rotated which nights each of us was home this was great because we could all do our own thing and say bake cookies while blasting music at 3am one night i was doing my thing drinking a beer with my very late dinner watching the daily show i honestly felt totally normal great mood laughing dancing around in between commercials talking to the cat who liked to join me in my late nights of nights i'm sitting there about always through the show and i get this feeling it was like a cold sense of uneasiness i started looking around the cat had disappeared probably downstairs to his sleeping areas i huddle up under some blankets and just try to ignore the feelings that had caught me off guard didn't work i felt like i needed to just go upstairs to my room i knew i needed to so i turned off the tv and left my plate and beer half drunk on the tv tray by the couch as i got to the stairs i started to run up them it was like the unease turned to fear and it kept getting more intense i knew i needed to get into my room and lock the door i'm not like that i'm bouncy that would border on stupid at times a lot of stupid and scary real life has happened to me so i generally am not easily scared nothing was happened to cause this nothing except feelings i got to my room turned locked the door and turned off my lights i got into my bed and just stared at my door and i you not i felt like someone was going to come in and kill me with a knife i felt red and fear i felt helpless against my feelings i just kept trying to think happy thoughts and staring at my door at some point i fell asleep the next day i went downstairs after being awoken by my rumor to us downstairs doing what i assume was make breakfast she had her room on the other side of the staircase than mine and also had a super thick door that she usually didn't keep closed unless she was gone i head downstairs to make coffee and tell her about my weird night as she would be respective to that kind of thing i said hi and launched into my thoughts hey i was home last night and something weird happened she talks over me and said oh man yeah i wanted to ask you about that which was odd as i figured she wasn't home since her door had been shut as i went up to bed the night before and hadn't heard her out there when i came home to make dinner earlier that night i questioned her about what she meant on she said with these words yeah i felt like someone was going to come in and stab me with a knife so i locked my door and went to bed scary stuff bad juju or something to that effect she did say stab me with a knife though it never happened again and we talked about it a few times but always came back to the conclusion that there was a bad vibe in the house what the duck else could that have been an angry ghost or spirit a weird thing caused by magnetic vibrations in the earth how the duck would i know but it was weird and unsettling and i will never forget it it was one night one night that was weird and i didn't experience it alone which made it worse it meant i wasn't crazy or seeing things or making up or that i ate some bad seafood and some weird chemical cascade took place that caused some weird emotional blip this happened to a friend of mine not me but she had told me about this time where her mother has said something to a median and it had to do something with confirming if a dead relative was watching over her family she was told that there would be random dimes world appear so my friend is big into things such as plays and musicals and she told me that during one she was helping out with a dime was on her chair so she put it in her pocket later that night when she got up a dime was there so she assumed it had fallen out she had checked and it was another dime then a day or two later her sister came home from school and told her mother that she had put two dollars in a vending machine to get a drink but she was given two dollars back in nothing but dimes i've had some weird experiences but there are two that i think i can call encounters both happened when i was very young no more than maybe six or seven years rst he won that maybe was a lucid dream here's not really all that much to it i was asleep in my bed and i woke up i i wasn't jolted awake or anything i just remember kind of drifting up into consciousness and realizing that i wasn't asleep anymore so i opened my eyes my room is completely dark when i open my eyes and that is not normal i always left my door open and there was always a light on in the hall i figure that maybe my parents or sister closed it though until i realize i'm not alone in the dead center of my room is a shadow figure that's the best way i can describe it i i remember thinking that it was my sister because it was about the right size and there was an impression of long hair this figure was standing on a round woven type rug in the middle of my room a rug which i had never seen before i i could see the figure because also unusually my window blinds were open and moon and starlight were giving me a little light to see by i why i remember saying my sister's name basically asking if it was her standing there i do not remember any response or movement from the figure the memory just ends there as far as i know i just fell back asleep and woke up the next day like nothing happened though i did ask my sister if she came into my room she denies ever doing anything like that next is the encounter i'm positive i was awake for i was around the same age i think these both happened in the same school year and i had just gotten into bed as per above my door was open and there was a lot of light coming in from the hallway as there should have been as usual for me i was not tired at all but you know kid b ed time tc oh i'm lying in bed and ready for my usual hour of just lying there waiting for sleep to happen they've been in bed for maybe five or ten minutes andy i remember that i was doing something that i still do sometimes i was playing with my eyelashes i i had my eyes closed and i was kind of running a fingernail over the eyelashes on my right eye just messing about because it felt cool then i opened my eyes now the head of my bed is against the same wall that the door to my bedroom is in so the door is to my right between my head and the door is my dresser so i can't see the hold away while lying down i can only see the top foot of the doorway maybe when i took my hand away from my eye and opened my eyes i glanced over to what i can see of the doorway there was something there to this day i have no idea what it was it looked like a head but it wasn't a human head it was wrinkled and dimpled and looked almost like the surface of a brain but a brain that was like two times the size of an average adult head and for it to be as high in the doorway as it was whatever it was had to be tall taller than my mother or father ay my way s i remember thinking that i wouldn't be able to see either of them if they were in the doorway like that looked at it for a second and i closed my eyes tight held up my blanket and tried to wish it away next thing i knew it was morning old baby dreams yeah ah they aren't dreams to me thanks for watching hit subscribe for more videos like this
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
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Keywords: strange paranormal stories, strange paranormal story, strange stories, strange stories reddit, strange true stories reddit, reddit paranormal stories, paranormal, true paranormal, paranormal reddit, paranormal story, paranormal stories, paranormal experience, Scary Strangest story, Scary Strangest stories, Scary Strangest, scary stories, true scary stories, true scary stories from reddit, scary strangest, scary strangest stories, scary strangest story, Strange Paranormal
Id: vaAFY-VO9Go
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Length: 168min 39sec (10119 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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