TRUE GEORDIE REACTS : Vikkstar123 , F2 and MORE!

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apparently people really like our reaction videos some of them not so much but mainly good good views is the thing we're cutting back the budget on the channel do you know why we realize we can just also after I paid a lot of money for this I can't afford guests anymore yeah so it's just me and you watching a laptop this is feel good by the way this isn't real what are we doing on today's show I I need to ask you a question though first right what did you have this okay well do you know what Jeremy from the f2 our competitor at the Wembley cup got up do this we just created composed wrote and produced a song for Halloween from scratch then shot a music video for it as you do it yes yes very much you definitely do of course I do can I just say we went to New York shot a really nice video out there I didn't tweet I directed edited creatively directed put this all together I then put things on a timeline you guys let's watch them once the credit he deserves Lauren stop hating jess is probably my second favorite f2 member ready oh he's got an OD alright you should have mentioned it how many years is up 65 player need upgrade to the new the new version CPM is pretty low these days for keep you ups wow you really did say you're gonna go hard before this remember the beginning of Batman The Dark Knight the guys on the floor and he's like what's the difference between you and I anyway I'm not wearing a hockey mask that's just you ready the other night really enjoy and a very long shot of someone opening a car door and closing a car door ticking it's time isn't it it's a slow burner as is jazz [Music] I'm wondering did they have the London cleared for this so that they could film this or did they go and record it at 3:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. it must have been three and I know we've got quite a bit of money you know they've got that 28 days later kind of budget can I just say a fair player Jeremy just say please by the way that's not his girlfriend's voice she didn't sing this that was Billie she didn't I feel sorry for Billie right now he's sat at home probably in a hospital bed he's an injury-riddled blood and he's second where's my exec produce missus why would someone please think of Billie that's not an answer machine message by the way that's Jeremy rapping can I just say now I see why this is a Halloween [Music] and everyone says he's just a big pair of balls yes ready the lifeboats I want off I have developed an affection for Jeremy through the one week up and through chatting to him a couple of times and I think he's a lovely guy last week no that is what I said that is definitely what I said last week I had a nice chat with a revised holiday right now you film this you watch it you keep it to yourself I find it difficult to be affectionate in front of camera mm-hmm so this is an incredible lesson in how to show affection and look in love on camera consistently for what must have been an extend length of time by cold as well no wonder they've got their coats on yeah quite sometimes you know I think Jay Paul thought thought ahead because he was like I'll take her on holiday or keep her in the sunshine but yeah Jessa's working on a timeline he's got to get this done we're just gonna nip out the London pack I love the idea they went out in the streets and they started got her trying to juggle a ball but after a while they just went [ __ ] it we'll just do the loving look so moving on to you know last week you showed me the food review of the legend that is food reviewer I do reviews on the youtubes so when you took into your heart surprisingly out of Norway yeah and now I want to show you someone who I've taken into my heart right it's a woman ah why does this not surprise me so this is a long time ago but a lot of what she said really resonated with me really I love people who sit in their bedroom and talking to their potato so this is gonna be great I was actually getting ready to go out into this big beautiful world and something run across my mind that I really wanted to share with everyone first and foremost the most annoying thing on this planet is a nagging controlling control [ __ ] nagging don't nag me stop [ __ ] nagging me okay I'm not sure this is still a reaction video as much as their personal attack on someone you know but let's go with it yeah get attention cook for him there's never a wrong I mean there are women out there with their head screwed on lads we just need to keep look this one yeah you know I mean they're out there what is this [ __ ] she is literally saying what women should be doing to make a man happy jinan I mean this is she's nailed it right you nailed it come here let us talk stop interrupting right and another thing that [ __ ] forget to do once they get a boyfriend and we can still do you why don't you do that for once yes like just go to the strip club you still gonna come back home to you and if he's [ __ ] around with the [ __ ] you just flirted with then you're doing something wrong little imbalance baby knows a [ __ ] though what women do sometimes when they're in a relationship is they become obsessive and they want in constantly attention attention attention right what are you doing where you are why stop mourning and again and when he does say you concern your own life when he does see you then be nice do you mean sake stick make him food have a good time and then he's gonna think the Sun shines out of your ass cuz you're not like all the other morning nagging puns that he was used to what would you do to keep a woman happy you've got to treat them well I mean be nice nice thing yeah what do you want I'm being nice I've been nice have been nice is what you what you would say is that what you would say I was being nice to you another thing go out and like learn about what he likes like if he likes to paintball go learn how to [ __ ] paintball go buy him a new paintball gun she what she's got a point there with so many girls and try to have conversations with them about what you're a new and in it's just like crickets it's taken years for Kevin Richardson to build up this relationship of trust and affection a family of 38 who still have plenty of their wild instinct 38 he start his own sort of sanctuary and he raises these from being babies or like they ignore him as one of the pack right so they don't view him as a man the Boomers are lying I want to meet this guy and have him on the podcast I never really put that [ __ ] out there but I really wanted me I do like that I've got a mitt that I am worried about the day when one of the lines turns to the other line and goes what is pause Lovelace became eight amigos no I mean I mean like you know I hate Jerry you didn't there with them look right that makes it oh haha that is so sweet you'll be the [ __ ] one of them's going you got any bread why Jerry's coming oh nothing Lyon was for seven hundred sixty thousand subscribers what he's doing basically is he's actually like raising awareness and stuff for like to help them because obviously [ __ ] keep shooting these lions but Americans is an unbreakable bond until later I'd love to meet this guy I'd love to even do a documentary on the problem for you is if you wanted to do a documentary with him you would have to do this is the worry I'd have to get near the Lions yeah and I definitely would look like a stick yeah I mean I'm thicker than a Snickers yeah I mean I'm faster over 10 meters we've established on a little [ __ ] 30 yeah 30 Brian is just turning around and going come on then and be intimidating so I'm making a loud noise yeah and then I think oh [ __ ] that is actually a [ __ ] joke and then you're done they all run away to take me lying so for a walk Mick what about you you know he takes the mother for walks mm-hmm a journalist who were supposed to be doing something was camped out [ __ ] Lions got it where he just takes one of them to go has anyone noticed anything funny about Kevin in the group shot he's not behind Oh this week yeah we are going to be reacting the more stuff on me second channel to rajadi clips in the future they're not always going to be on the mid shot so subscribe to that the links in the description below right so Vic is moving out this admin house it's a it's the Pasha [ __ ] all I'll ever being into my life it's the poshest place that I walked in and when they squatting hello guys welcome to a brand new video we have a little bit of life update it's the eyebrows they look like caterpillars fighting he's really growing into a butterfly isn't he he's really grown you've gotten much more handsome the although he's gone it's annoys you soon the backdrop and all my videos will be changing and I'll have a new place we understood that that's what that means please acknowledge the difference in this environment for this videos will remain exactly the same so I hope you can live with that if you can't please unsubscribe from Vic right now you will see a different set of lights in the background of the same game I played yesterday fellow humans the lights that change colour in the backgrounds will change colour in the same way just on a slightly different ball but I will remain playing the same exact computer game not be shocked as my environment changes okay he's panicky because you know wise younger subscribers frequent anything change anything they have a [ __ ] meltdown yes well I've lived with Josh Simon and jayjay for nearly five years now that's same as the amount of ads he's put on this video I would show gameplay the game and that would talk over it that what was going on kind of probably more updating I was probably getting more updates from my life back then who's editing your videos vic cuz they need a kick right of the on that what was going on kind of probably more updating that I don't know can you imagine this being me and channel content even the sidemen house it was just a youtuber house I've been wasn't a thing it does you know what just stunned me I can't imagine at any point in history yeah the funny thing is Vic is watching Vic I'd love it if in five years time Vic watches this video of him watching Vic so when Vic's moving house again which he seems to find very unusual in 10 years time Vic will then watch Vic watching Vic watching Vic right and what you will call his channel is Vic galaxy because there are many Vic stars I want now is to Victor watch this video so then Vic has Vic watching Vic with us watching goblet I want to react a bit watching us watching that would be incredible Vic if you could do this with the reaction of us reacting to you reacting to you Stephanie Oh Alice the chief pleasure officer that mystery vibe called for young girls to be given by voters to banish the taboo around female masturbation I think what we have in today's society is an inability to discuss the female aspect of pleasure I mean that is true how open are we supposed to be I do often wonder that so did mom just hopping upstairs I'll be right back just stop don't forget your vibrator darlings a good point yeah yeah dad don't come in right now I'm masturbating yeah Haitian Eason she's just upstairs fighting herself off she'll be down a little while you were in the living room got a vibrator with you cool have a go while you're in there then love in the kitchen straight away in it right on the on the washboard yet hasn't washed it yep you feel creamed that's too far a steam sorry talk about the men's side of things when we talk about masturbation teenage boys springs to mind she thinks of teenage boys once I'll be watching the people we're letting on TV you decide ah is she trying to shame grown men who masturbate saying only teenage boys do it does it matter what this woman thinks about teenage boys masturbating I'd like to sit down and have a good chat with her about masturbation okay well I mean that's your progress if you tweet her see what she says masturbation I think it's like so chary now and everyone wants a cherry sorry are you using language which codes how you need to speak about masturbation literally she could have just said look after Lavigne she rubs her [ __ ] until the gushes forth that is not a comment to make about a woman like that on TV what what is your relationship with that with ghosts as of last weekend I am engaged to be married to one now you [ __ ] out do you know all these Luster's who refuse to go on tinder because they're too good for it and they'll still meet a man someday and then one of a sudden they're 30 years old no one will [ __ ] touch them this is what's gonna happen to you you're gonna be sucked there on this morning talking to Philip [ __ ] Schofield Morean a ghost Philip Schofield dressed as a circus master this is this has actually become a very serious relationship yeah she needs psychiatric [ __ ] help she thinks she's having a relationship with a ghost mate like seriously higher on some [ __ ] drugs this should be on Britain's darkest are you supposed to take your husband's name no I mean it's absolutely fine if you want to they've got a really hard dad whose name is known in the area and they're like him I guarantee I've known he's a hard R&T that's what it is he's a hard man I'll give another stupid comment you know my husband's fine with it the kids are fine with it also though if you have a [ __ ] surname you can't get a good one fast enough do you know what I mean he's probably got one like you know are you a [ __ ] or something personally what is the [ __ ] point in marriage if I'm gonna get shafted in the [ __ ] divorce court later on though releasing a [ __ ] Dewar's take me [ __ ] surname you get married though with the intention of ultimately divorcing that person I think some women do unfortunately I was watching Rogen's pod the other day and he was like very the richest woman on the planet got from divorce was got it from a divorce how many men have got their wealth from getting divorced [ __ ] zero mother for well now here or no does that tell you the system's [ __ ] that's the purpose of marriage Jeremy we are the one we are the same and whether you take his name but to keep the old name it's just showing like me and I don't need anyone a talent and it's like imagine marrying someone like that one [ __ ] me you park on Christ if the man if you've got the man's name there's some sort of given T but you think because society's a little bit weighted towards the men there maybe the men after society it's weighted towards women because society used to be weighted towards men we've tried to write all those wrongs and in doing so we've gone too far the other way there's women who aren't getting quarter of a million a year to live on because they got married to some dude twenty years ago and they don't even have a kid the world that's not normal so her husband sitting in the audience turning up to her trainer and going they're disgusted because they've lost the chance for the biggest pumpkin imagine chugging that look at the biceps on her she must do some curls think the much in here on top of you just riding I really don't want to or even think about you've done what I can only describe as a great job now I've seen this happen in real life not with the eggs but with arms and it was shocking if you're in the gym la do weight you can actually handle and don't drop your knees to the death and hope that you can push it with your hands as well oh god this is a big one that's a big way he's not himself out there someone's just casually walked all that they've not even run into him not all this was come on straight to the neck straighten her neck literally if you could have you have to arch your back this much do not pick the way oh this is going straight it was a haircut like that you should not be lifting his arms or everything's going everything it's all gone it's a look at the righteous he's old oh well does this guy his knees are tip about much you can barely even move I'm not sure this guy's supposed to be doing this I mean look at this face his face looks like a balance or Sun or no way oh my favorite news clips of all time i watch this regularly to make me happy right ready after the break we're gonna interview Eric why had Mayer who climbed the highest mountain in the world Mount Everest but he's gay I mean he's gay excuse me he's blind there's so many let alone said much of this somebody going I didn't do it yeah so El Clasico is nowhere near a response thanks but he's gay I think we've watched quite a lot yeah can we can we end on the go food reviewer I do reviews on the YouTube whole stick of butter into a pan nice the anticipation of it coming there we go oh can you imagine needing that much you never no one's ever gone what can that even taste like at this point I don't understand I just love him so much do you know what I mean still just going there it is you know what the thing is with the whole channel he's got nice little touches which clearly show he knows a little bit about cooking stir stir stir and then he's got a very good just tap tap do you know what I mean that is the important bit here watch wait for it wait for he looks like Russia Oh it's the finesse yeah he's finesse finesse is this food with his two sticks of butter I designed about the the cinnamon last time he was like one shake and then after and then he's he's he's like too much remember one shake with the top off so you shake it not makes it the kids will never cook for and that's the whole that's the sadness of it I want to start a campaign to get this kid training and become a chef I want to fly into UK I want to make him a chef Gordon Ramsay can we get one of those [ __ ] [ __ ] chefs that we've got the trade him on I would love to just play Gordon Ramsay this entire channel I think I watch his [ __ ] head okay doing a good job okay so this is nice we're actually both in silence because we couldn't quite believe what this is going so well okay now looks a little dirtier that worries me a little bit now so little brown how much put on must be in that [ __ ] sauce this guy's secret ingredient everything is just butter baby is not a specific ingredient it's just more you know I mean what do we put in now more Wow okay sliders okay this makes sense take the top pop it on it when is he even gonna taste I don't think he's even gonna get to the tasting oh my god great there's no taste you are kidding it's not a cliffhanger clearly feels himself a little because his eyebrows go up when he starts the video do you know no me wait for it I like it when he's confident that he's happy I like him the ingredients you need for the homemade segments is one stick of butter preferably room to have a Shabbat melted written and it made the incorporation [ __ ] say it it's gotten to you mental the salt and the flour together okay I think this go ahead and whisk those together in a separate bowl right mister I can just go ahead and whisk those together in a separate bowl imagine his mother coming home and I'm to clean up after he'd being cooking's she must be [ __ ] so sick of this guy he just goes I'll shout over it I've never known someone so casual in a blatant [ __ ] of a situation I've never known someone so calm when they're clearly not having a [ __ ] easy right he's the Homer Simpson of youtubers it's better it literally looks like he's signing off a stool sample the doctors asked for is a gone then duck this is what I'm saying I will genuinely have one of these though yeah this is the best thing he's ever made yeah it's a success you I have to say so far this is a buy I like that that's a happy ending I've got admit I'm happy with that you've got some more leave links the things you want us to watch in the comments below tweet us all that good [ __ ] check out the second channel for more these single video reviews I'm going to do a few of them as well and if you enjoyed it make sure you hit that like button and if you haven't enjoyed it too or forget to leave a nasty comment which of course we won't read thanks thanks very much bye bye say bye
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 1,288,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vikkstar123, Sidemen, KSI, F2, Wembley Cup, Spencer FC, Reaction, Logan Paul
Id: mq7m-jRb2tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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