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I've got some footage on assure you yeah check this out okay so we're in say a college in America somewhere high school I mean that was supposed to be a that was I mean just when you're making a highlight reel don't include the walkouts it's not worth it like the handshakes leave that in literally ugh shooting goddamn it if I was a fighter I think I'd be like a submission your heart pinned down in arguments exactly and I just slowly choke you out it's verbal jujitsu is what Lawrence is an expert has you got it yeah yeah this is oh that must be horrible no you know what you don't understand this how flexible these guys are well it's incredible I mean literally they could let her last his off so while chewing this tour Neil I'm assuming that's offensive and there's the submission I'm gonna be honest with you Bryan this guy has just been called out by Jake Paul let's go this guy Jake Paul wants a piece wants a piece of that ass in the Octagon not in a boxing ring so the thing is he is Conor McGregor's trainin partner Jake Paul thinks he can beat him it turns out Shane you need to go back for another episode you this guys [ __ ] crazy to be honest with you I sort of see the logic a little bit a little bit so we start this episode by looking at the definition of [ __ ] we'll call the psychologist for an hour and see what a [ __ ] is he thought you had a fight okay so this guy's big enough that Joe Rogan's reacting yeah yeah he's a [ __ ] taught us right the world laws welcome and he's he's adopted the Conor McGregor way of talk in the confidence to Aragon so you see him getting clipped the long wait he's getting put he's not clipped he could have been knocked out there to be fair so on the feet that's not his speciality he's a submission guy as you say but because he trains with Conor McGregor and he likes in all the big Conor McGregor events ways promoting proper twelve or when the boss thing happened I think he was maybe in there he's just around McGregor so you know he is he's his name in the mmmm a lot bigger than it should be right because he's about that friendship and I think because of that Jake's looking at him like a perfect guy to fight to have some credibility publicity yeah you got the big name and everyone knows him yet he isn't an expert on the field that being said Jake's probably seen about a minute as we have there of him fighting on the on the feet he looked bad against another striker another MMA fighter that doesn't mean that you're able to step in the ring with them yeah so what do you think the logic of Jake Paul is because it can't just be this I'm in this fight to win for Jake he gets in a ring with a professional MMA fighter with a crash near him if he doesn't lose in the first few rounds he gets massive credibility father in the balls but legitimise if you wins then Dillon Dallas is humiliated from a business standpoint Jake's thinking [ __ ] me this is great this is brilliant you can't call me a [ __ ] if I step in the ring with this guide do you ever think let's just test it one more time in another youtuber Jessica ugly and so because I don't know offense the Deji but desi and Dillon diners are very different shape people different X trees like Dillon's honest for all he looked bad on the feet there he's training with Conor McGregor every [ __ ] day yeah like he's gonna gnaw some [ __ ] he might have just had a bad fight he might be better than what that Shawn and he may get in there and punch the [ __ ] out of you in about two minutes there's a very real possibility I saw the guy is probably a better strike strike her as well vanilla near as the guys probably about a strike other than dead G no offense the dead she wasn't that he's got some natural ability deadly but he's a lot smaller than Jill Adonis there's a totally different [ __ ] fight do you think there's a problem here is that Jay Paul's fights only people with D in their name that literally is like Daniel a G Derek Acorah Derek Acorah and Derek Derek's busy even dead she took Jake of good few rounds Jake's been getting a lot of [ __ ] from the MMA crowd because it's like yeah you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] or this year that I think no he's just offered to fight an MMA fight around yeah there's nothing [ __ ] about Jake Paul from doing one you got to give the Lord credit and I admire these balls but I'm just thinking just make sure you're [ __ ] ready for this show after every Dillon darkness Instagram post Jake's post no Nate I would beat your ass like I actually really admire the balls on them I admire it I love your balls because he's baiting him but surely you do not want to this guy angry if you want to get don't worry because I think for Dylan he must be thinking if I step in there and don't wipe him out in around my reputation as this MMA hard man is in tunnel knows he's taught mad [ __ ] about John George like real bad men Jeremy who would probably kill him but if you're challenging anyone cuz this guy's clearly not a boxer he's a you know he's someone who likes to get him down and submit them if you need to consult anyone Jake can call his trainer right Dylan Danis yeah Connor yet remember when you fought one of the greatest boxers of all time yeah yeah could you pass that on to me you'll come down next week and train for two weeks with me cuz you got very little on right now fantastic friend yeah look if I friend that's what I'm saying you know me Jake's got Shawn in the cannon Briggs to follow you've gotta ask yourself this question Brian would you rather have the phone number of Shannon Briggs or you yourself Conor McGregor I don't you need that the phone number of Shannon Briggs just one sort of recorded answer machine message right let's go Chum let's go let's go Chum got beef on YouTube on YouTube never never do you remember that girl who apparently got kidnapped and then everyone was like oh my god where is she and she started getting loads of views and Khan was giddy with doubt and she offered the [ __ ] well er apparently at Jared she was one of the first women that well I turned out but anyway the point is him sort of being calling her out apparently a little bit and then I think Jack said something about it in this podcast and then it sort of spiraled so that's just theme stars at there cares how he's yeah he's a massive balance you know much became Stan not really I know he's quite mean alright so basically they're talking [ __ ] about Kim right they don't really Kim so Kim made a video on Twitter responding to chuck it does feel like - [ __ ] poppin heavyweights mmm coming head they're good at grappling they're good at strike they're basically all these guys are heavyweights like you say so they are yeah yeah nothing wrong with that be on Twitter maybe you should have talked [ __ ] about anyone cuz you can't take it and by the way during that pot three you're talking [ __ ] this creature that is not fair creature as a funny word this uses proper name which is be Millis plus one ksi coined that and that's a fair I've hated that person since he's never shown his face on this goddamn platform you two are pathetic and sad I must admit right I think he was actually talking to my son I admit maybe it was what I liked about Jack and Kim and it's not they don't mince their words like they do just come out and be like I either [ __ ] like someone I [ __ ] hear them so in the moment they say whatever that yeah and and the thing is when it comes to a part of which I'd put Chuck me up against anyone he's funny as [ __ ] but when it comes to just straight-up talk and [ __ ] Kim's got a black belt in that came for a tweet out afterwards saying you've got the frosted tip that was quite funny nice funny but I always say that because I'm like you me weed not lot not a lot of him I like Jack's hair though ever thought of frosting your tips crossed yourself why would I do that that's that's a reference to How to Lose a Guy in 10 days frost yourself being a Matthew McConaughey Upton is there how you like to see me take my shirt off do you ever think there is a problem in that when you podcast you feel like you are in a private little place you feel you can have a chat I've stood laughing well I revealed what Logan said to me in a text message and then all of a sudden it's on drama alert yeah he goes on to say that he spoke to Logan and Logan said it's all lies I don't think I'm Alex said he was friends with him any point that keen was so he was do minim sort of thing if this fits into my whole life I've hated this person since the day got on this platforms beacon of beef I got involved in a little bit of a Twitter but knew it with William formerly of xo5 I've kicked them out now what happened so basically I put a picture up of my video me last one with the whiteboard in the background saying what should I paint here and he said I dog you it's the shirt that needs changing all of his sub part intellect basic [ __ ] funds have come out and supporting him for that that's so funny haha sorry it's not a [ __ ] hoodie with no collar on ya with a word on it fashionista Ryan and I are starting a label called Spade he then come out and said oh sorry mister Giacomo just because they don't come in sizes for Giants body shaming don't get caught up in this sideline let's not forget that that is basically body shaming yeah that's body shaming a fat person who eats his emotions you don't talk to Brian my buddy's hot half an hour time I looked at the likes obviously I make a mental note of them all yeah so many girls yeah liking this and I'm like oh sorry if any of you lot got called fatty I'm sure that you wouldn't think it was that funny double standard double eight well you love double a double cream yep double chocolate yeah double chocolate double cheeseburger Mike Norvell can slugs look it's disgusting body they shout talking about why I saved my first kiss for marriage so actually as y'all are watching this video right now I will be on my honeymoon she's gonna be yes we all know where you're going with this she hasn't had any kisses she's never kissed a man she's not even you know what dick I have not kissed Dave we are saving our first kiss for when we are husband and wife and that may be so weird to some of you all you might be like I have never heard of that imagine having to listen to this [ __ ] for like months I'm calling your a [ __ ] just waiting to [ __ ] up is wrong with what kind of loser would do that she's about to be as coordinated as a [ __ ] horse on roller skates in bed can I just say that sounds like a great YouTube series what if we did something so radical what if we waited until we are husband and wife to actually cannot occur is when you overthrow the government paper or plastic a month we should save sex for marriage an intimacy ultimately is reserved for marriage but not breathe at all I'm gonna not breathe until I'm married how about we wait until we're married to do anything together we will not speak that you prefer after listening to her for two minutes I think he probably wishes this until marriage no because damn I couldn't understand why a good Christian guy we good Christian values we want to marry a big as atheist I thought our you know some bigger atheist than me I'm six foot but I'm not a big guy can you imagine on their wedding day you may kiss the brides oh my god is amazing she's literally kissing him on the like nose because I am is so bad how do we do this again gays are a lot of really awesome godly guys out there are amazing there are also a lot that are just not quite so awesome it must be hard to find an awesome godly guy okay you shouldn't date quarter marry is that Jodi mister talk mister talk is also known as mr. smooth what you want to find is an awkward guy who stutters over every word the second you find that guy marry that godly son-of-a-bitch Louis Theroux I say Marisa I was just wondering I was thinking about a date last week is that something we could do and she goes my god he's he's [ __ ] godly he's awesome oddly calm so for example he might say yeah I love the Lord I love going to church I love getting involved I love reading my Bible that she's suckin this guy's dick she's not sorry he's like look I'm a really awesome godly guy and if you suck my dick like I'm up for doing any of the churchy stuff that you want to do to me so she literally sucks a fat Lord out and then afterwards I start our God would have really been proud of you then he would have loved that and she's like she's like okay so now we can read Bible and he goes I'm just gonna get I'm just gonna get half an hour I'm retired from work but you read your Bible and then tell me about it after well can you imagine though being in a relationship with a girl going here they go you haven't read your Bible today and I'm like [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] tired man do you know let me worry about your own [ __ ] Bible reading I'll worry about mine we've been reading the Bible now for five years can we use another book alright and at any wall and the Bible starts [ __ ] making us money then we'll talk but I've got bills to pay woman if in the first seven days God had created a Bosch Auto dryer I believe he would have put the instructional in the New Testament okay I imagine her husband has another book inside the Bible do you know reading the Bible I'm reading the Bible I'm still reading the Bible but a spite about coming Bruce Wayne really inspires me when you say Bruce Wayne do you mean Moses I met Moses guy number two is mr. anger this is the guy that gets like set off by really small things driving in a car and someone just barely comes in his other Lane and he gets flipped blows up and gets really mad it's like I've been in a car we have control of his temper does not have control over his tongue in his mouth and what do you think woman you'll miss an out I personally would never date or marry a mr. anger and I would encourage you not to either I like how they think they're so perfect yeah that's what's really becoming apparent the way they're like this is who I don't want this isn't you know who I don't want mrs. religion ah this is religion is fine it's just it's mrs. sanctimonious that I'm worried about do you know that man it's just always struggling but always telling you that he's gonna do better that he's gonna get over it so we highly caution you with a guy that's really struggling because if there's one thing religion teaches us it's to not help anyone who's struggling we do often hear like oh lust it's a guy problem sexual but the reality is it's not a guy problem it's a human problem can I just say you and I have conversations on a daily basis about listen perfectly healthy things come along and I say Brian you have a good night last night you say yeah just stayed in I played a little Red Dead Redemption I had a nice evening to myself I got a little take away there's no sex mentioned sometimes sometimes we can go literally minutes without talking about sex these people speak so much about sex scratch the itch girls just scrub no I'm not saying that I'm just saying stop talking about it and it will not bother you anymore not true because every time they just and just graze against their [ __ ] they're like stop if I really had a good corner I tell you what I put money on that these two I've had a good [ __ ] a flicker they're beans they think I'm this perfect Christian girl if I speak up what's gonna happen to my reputation to my friends one of my parents gonna think tell your family about all your sexual mom there's something to share against but for one the doom I'm struggling with sexual obsession and sin again mom all of those cooking and sausage casserole and all of a sudden just cutting the sausage in law we've got to get this out of our heads bethany and david engagement story i need to say this kid i need come on David he's drugged him sinners sinners wash them clean they touch a lot of them you can tell this so frustrating score now there's no way you can touch each other as much as they are and not go forward and just go for the full thing what's happening with the hands like their hands are [ __ ] because they can't oh my god oh he got the guitar [Music] it's bad this is what she's been waiting for this is what she's slugging everyone else because this is the pinnacle these kind of people go to Ed Sheeran concerts and enjoy it she thought Greece wasn't even a musical she thought it was a documentary I thinks he's so smooth doesn't he yeah he's a mr. smooth I'm gonna blow his beans in her muff she's gonna waited for this for 30 [ __ ] miserable years to get [ __ ] by that little geek for 30 [ __ ] seconds well done one second per [ __ ] year you've been bored you know now get our butter even that [ __ ] Bible she's gonna have to endure at least a 40-minute ukulele session that night I can't believe we're married we're still married now I'm looking at your body and you're still married to me they don't even rhyme David this has been sent to me and I've been told that guys yeah oh yeah but come on in are you gonna come in welcome will we're ending it with we'll leave the bus fella this is food reviewer doing King fillets spicy chicken Sam I've been told this is classic food review and you never knew such a cool dude I keep it so flat and do you know why it's because I know whether to buy dad food today we're in Warwick Rhode Island Warwick he wouldn't fit one of the shuttle shirts either there's just no knuckles there is there they're just some good so I'll come chick-fil-a I just feel so comfortable right now genuinely when he's ordering fast food is probably the only time he ever told you he's got a really feminine looking fit like he reminds me of like a grandma who hands out sloppy jaws at our high school lunch either a pulling away she's not even stopped he's ready he's an expert drive-thru man oh yeah I mean he knows when this is done oh yeah look how happy is his face look at his eye I love him look at the way is he just such a nice guys Lawrence all he's doing is collecting food oh it's the awkward demeanor it's like that he's got a slightly guilt you know on his face like I was once up behind my dad and a drive through my dad is miles behind him and you know the bollards that they have next to the drive-thru he literally scraped his car all the way along one of those bollards and I was just like yes the man who gives me life yeah fantastic Brian else I followed on and scraped across - oh yeah you've got another look it never says anything I never was the minimum to bite if not three bites before a reaction I would love to meet this guy I really want to meet him he's actually being talked about getting us a flight to America can you imagine us daily drive through with him I seized on that might be a tear in his eye from loves a [ __ ] stick of butter let's go do you know he reminds me of you know Willy Wonka with the German kid comes yeah hit this again like it's a struggler wasn't it it is drugs for him and it will kill him one day yo Dee Don juice on flapjacks cookie how much was this cookie 135 that is so cheap cookie this big you go to McDonald's and you get I can't even believe how good to stuff it and this is this is fast food it is my taste buds are like am I at like a [ __ ] five-star restaurant so trick fly spicy chicken sandwich is definitely a by waffle fries of I cook you by I'm sure I already said it if you are a chick-fil-a owner you must be looking to be a nice kid this cat my car yeah 500,000 views any loved it so that's that's all we've got time for for today's video one thing we are taking part in soon the Wembley car XO we're gonna be winning a trophy if you want to come to us lift that tickets sales in the comments well if you want to come to Wembley support the lads get the shirt that's all they we have something that's legends those people and real footballers so yeah it should be good check it out thanks for watching everyone as soon as they are chilly I think you've got to see EE sorry yeah sorry it's the EE when billy club see you later everyone bye bye
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 1,069,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jake Paul, Logan Paul, Conor McGregor, UFC, Dillon Danis, interview, Dana White, Joe Rogan, JaackMaate, Keemstar, DramaAlert, WillNE, XO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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