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welcome back to true news stru than ever what do you want to show me first my penis [Music] Wow what a crazy fight guys that was a draw what's your opinion on beeping things that annoys the [ __ ] out of me yeah it really annoys doesn't but you want its kids going around school they're [ __ ] an effort and blind in this all kids are saying nowadays it's like is the new for a lot of these things you understand what I mean by love yeah I know you gonna beat that out because we want to get magnetized but don't do it so just put it no this is gonna sound crazy but I have been texting back and forth with faze banks I want to fight him just know that face banks versus Jake Paul there's a very high possibility is this exciting for you there's more real beef in this one than any of the other fights that we've seen so far with like with Logan and JJ was just purely competition they want to be number war Jake Paul used to fill Elissa whose face bunks is current girlfriend up with this seaman right what was sort of like Annie at a serene just saying no no nose penis as a now he wants to prove he's better than him in every way by beating him in a boxing ring face bunks has responded on Twitter saying where is it dead beef or do you want me the fact that he's asking his audience is a dead beef is he looking for a way out there's you like the hub yes probably dead before and it you don't really fancy that yeah I think the best thing is just imagine in this from Alyssa's point of view I she's ringside and her ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend go head-to-head what if Jake starts within the fight and she starts getting a bit aroused that's a really unusual thing isn't it no she might just start tweaking her little nipples and being like actually you know what it is she take him to France still still fancy that still still won a bit because the thing is I've seen women be interview before after MMA fighters being fighting about and they've admitted like when my boyfriend went in there got smashed I didn't fancy him anymore after that if he starts winning what if she starts fighting him more attractive we all know that that's what everyone's thinking are you fantasizing about that ex-girlfriend of his nah right just to be absolutely clear do you want to fight Jake Paul no how many girls are on the line in this imaginary five five five and three camels just in the way that we used to trade women you've considered this for waiting and now on true use into the mind of Kanye West Drake hold trying to threaten me so trick if anything happens to me or anyone from my family you were the first suspect so cut the tough talk he's running around like he's to be texting people I know like it's cool I'm the guy with the pink polo that made the way for him I'm your oxygen wow that is such a statement you send emojis you will say this [ __ ] to me but won't say none of this [ __ ] the J Prince I navigated these waters before you that's why you could be you this is for no one's entertainment nobody's scared of anything nobody's scared of anything for God's me I think he corrects it and says nobody's scared of anything but God right didn't delete the previous three [ __ ] I'm on a roll here these tweets are not emotional the [ __ ] look at perhaps I should have been more like water to do the Drake claims he went help Kenya with his album did so then all of a sudden Kenya feeds all the info that he has on Drake to push her push I used that on Drake after cut off the drinks to nothing but be good to Kanye see him I think Kanye has played a bad hand and he's trying to get out of it by giving all of this positive vibe [ __ ] and it's like well yeah but truth be told you were a little bit jealous of Drake you tried to outmaneuver him and put him in a bad space and Drake's just not having it now I think drink just plays the game well generally I think Kenya's too erratic in into emotional that you get to play this smart is what Drake has Drake is a lot colder because candy has got a feminine sight or one way he's quite cutty quite a much jealous quite [ __ ] Drake trusted him as a man to not [ __ ] him over when it comes to the music and he's done that so now Drake's treating him like a man all of these tweets as a sign of fear from consciousness I think it's quite he's frightened to Drake a while because Drake's got some bosses around him who are behind the scenes who would take care of things for him they're awesome like legit gangsters who are behind him who will [ __ ] take your [ __ ] head off you know I mean what as no it's the art form no it's competition but the morons who are behind them don't get the game and what they're trying to do is prove their loyalty to this rapper by saying I'll [ __ ] do for you I'll do them for you and really it doesn't need that team start to make this out the other day it's a guy who allegedly beats his girlfriend during playing fortnight whilst his room his name is mr. dead mother dead mom let's just see it get your reaction I just wanna see what you think it's amazing already the fact that they have in a domestic in the middle of his live streaming yeah yeah neither of them have got much respect for each other [ __ ] that he is talking bucket her that way and she's having a go at him I think it's okay to say that everyone has arguments where people raise their voice but it's when you're in public and you're doing it like making a sure of yourself yeah you're instantly if you haven't got enough respect for each other not to embarrass each other in public then you've got a [ __ ] relationship yeah you have to she's come in to the room yeah and she's trying to get him off it and he said [ __ ] off you dog hmm you don't clear the [ __ ] bills that's true but they only knew or laaser Dogville that's a real bad word but even if she doesn't pay the bills this - the relationship here there's a baby involved as a kid involved so she's pregnant and I can hear a baby in the background I want to assume anything obviously if she's pregnant then maybe she can't pay the bills because she needs to be on maternity leave or whatever see how you really read things yeah but you can't always relationships like traditional relationships very often the woman won't pay the bills because she's making the sacrifice or having a baby or whatever [Music] he's definitely at Nura he's more Delbert he's definitely even batteries grabbing her or something there's still somebody saw his hands on a lily there's no way you scream like that it is a pregnant woman who's in a relationship and she's frustrated then they clearly like you said had a dysfunctional relationship neither of them are doing something right but she's clearly the one who needs more protection in this because she's not physically powerful in the way that he is she's not got the financial security but I find it strange though why someone would dictate to someone else whether or not they can play on a computer game or not I mean that to me seems weird you say that a lot in relationships these days in 2018 yeah like men spending too much time on a computer game really seems too great on women it seems to be like an actual issue in a lot of relationships I think the thing that men need to get across in their mind some name system the minute you step that lion over is in your hand it doesn't matter everything else becomes irrelevant instantly because you've done something that's really really really bad and let's be honest in the eyes of the law they're always gonna side on the side of the woman so you have to be extra clean when you're a man because a woman can say whatever the hell she wants the minute you [ __ ] snap as a man like you're [ __ ] it's you and I mean that really sounds bad the kids as well because yeah kitchen not witness now whatever this girl this woman is this guy is a [ __ ] con doesn't he it's so much about our video show so much about him yeah and nobody is 100% barred and no one's 1% good but he's a con love sir right moving on hey ksi and edgy took their beef offline good yeah apparently ki is keeping it keeping it low-key I mean it was all a little bit of fun on the disk trucks some of it went a bit too far yeah good they're just cornerstone move on from diss tracks be real creative you say that what there are there are some districts they'll be released is its district season yeah as it as happens when it gets cold and our cameraman someone sent for us why would you send for carnival Pete I don't get that I understand it colleague Lee I I think he's I think he underestimated him I think he looked at Connie went that's easy I could smash that what do you see when you look at con that me easy um I think people underestimate Kahn because he looks a bit yeah you know I mean okay Kahn you can you come and show your face so people get the reference yeah people I look people look at Khan and they think what the [ __ ] is that do you know me they look at this little nut yeah that thing yeah a little fun stuff yeah and they just think what the [ __ ] hell is this right okay and one of the people who thought that was Joel or who featured on the Deji destruct to ksi he's Mir to destroy a con ah yes who's that was a big shock he's really stretched out this 15 minutes of fame hasn't he well it's Madison Walter he's wearing a jacket still why cuz he don't know who he is unless he's got the checkered odd good point what's he said he said lower that lower dat ting he means because there's some music in the background he's not talking about like her he's not gonna cry you know something he's he's just I reckon the crib checks had to go work on a building site there's nothing I'm working a building site when you think of well but he's gone the other way that guy who certainly is doing the why're you coming fuss yeah someone ought to take his place from the entertainment world yeah we went and thought who were we done with now big shot was send him there send him back send him send Shaq back ring why are you coming fast man over Instagram yeah no we're just wait wait Ian's been chained shakin who's Ian I don't know your life do you know why cuz you're my cameraman one day a week I don't know hang up on corn I go I'm so annoyed by this little bit in the video already it's literally I fought last week's districts were a bit annoying this is night wow I mean that was a bar like a MacBook Pros on him because I guarantee you this guy has never seen the gun that's a funny little fries for him yeah he's just he's got a hangover this is absolutely terrible kondeh to reply he can't reply sorry I've been away oh actually really [ __ ] video can you believe it I'm a little bit proud right now oh geez cameraman that is really good there's a little thing that just made me laugh there it's the way he checks his own jacket one thing that you gotta understand if you really need a budget I can lend you a pound so far that the tragedy of all of these bar districts we watch this yeah this is probably the best one in terms of like entertainment yeah abscess being entertaining yeah beef and veggie now you wanna be's bredrin no boy stop begging for attention the old man stop acting crazy the hunt is a very good actor he's it the eyes you see the eyes crazy is good looking like a disco aj Tracy you'd be watching me see she was a little baby copy my style but you still can't trace me that's actually a decent ball nice actually that is decent this is obviously did or this isn't just someone going I've got a rhyme I'm going to rhyme more you are a bad man fam oh geez cameraman do you not I hate about this song I've heard it a couple of times before because obviously we got the inside scoop yeah it sticks in your [ __ ] head that's what they call in Germany an earworm it really pisses me off so like that late last night I was trying to get asleep and not like it here was like this [ __ ] song there's another youtuber who thinks he can sing Loren's responsible gabite Hannah she she's the one on the YouTube rewind who goes isn't it so great hope you can all be so vulnerable and say what we really feel what she means there is isn't it great how we can package of on their ability and sell it basically I'm desperate no what should they've invited our own genius to explain her the irony genius can you imagine though if you like kept every single person in your life that has ever been there it would be impossible you couldn't juggle it what your friends from first grade second grade third grade and then in college in high school in every relationship you've ever had that's how she explains why she's got no friends just keep in touch with me it would be impossible to keep up with everyone you've ever spoken to think about that for a second all these people you never spoken to you couldn't talk to them all yeah can I just say you would probably really like a jumper it looks like The Lion King the nipples right naturally people just fall out and sometimes it's not a fight sometimes there's something that happened you just kind of grow apart and that's okay but because of who I am it's really hard for me to accept that over time you should lose people do you know I mean whenever that does happen in my head I'm just like I hope you miss me I hope you miss me hope you miss me what about missing them no doesn't happen I'm only gonna miss this is the way that modern people operate do you miss me no well I don't miss you [ __ ] no but if you go gym with me I make extra few girls liability do you miss this dick though link them to this video right and say imagine Gaby Hannah is my enormous [ __ ] so that line people want to talk when I'm not around to here means a few things one is obviously like gossip and rumors but a lot of it too is when people can't just confront you about a problem so very introspective though is it it's all about blaming everyone else this isn't it about maybe I'm a [ __ ] this is not wood made for a good course maybe I'm a [ __ ] maybe I'm a loser I'm tougher than you think but it also was supposed to be a deeper meaning on DNA sorry so where does this come from is thinking on sort of a genetic level like that you know the bonds between adenine and the molecular structure of how your body is made up yeah that's exactly yes you've nailed it Neil deGrasse Tyson invited arrived for cheese and wine anyway I knew exactly what you were doing walking away from me they're afraid of me the whole world's about her so she walks into Starbucks in the morning she goes I'll have a latte please and the guy goes yeah okay fine she's like why are you giving me attitude it's like some [ __ ] working in Starbucks I'm having a bad day man I you put uh I'm not a monster you can talk to me and the guys like yeah I [ __ ] know it what's your name she's like just put monster on the cup if you don't like me [ __ ] [ __ ] I've never seen someone trigger you discipline I just hate when people make everything about them yeah everything's about that person might as she was talking about delivery drivers friends they've always come and gone they come that this whole song is the most egotistical [ __ ] genuinely it goes Kanye West is thy comfort in that in the sound of goodbye I mean is they're really cool so what she's doing here she's doing the pained Artie she's lying though because they've literally ghost at her she's even admitted that they didn't say a goodbye they just stopped replying you're bullshitting yourself is she on earth people after you text people ten times after they've ghosts they're people I guess this is goodbye then yeah I hate that I guess we're not friends and I hear but I mean it's like literally if I'm not replying [ __ ] off I think the imagery for this song can I just say her jumper completely takes away from the serious nature of her message I think the imagery of the song is me tweaking my little nipples speaking of youtubers who do music ksi has a new summer Cass I know pool of his own semen Oh 1g huggy really needs clear though on this is actually really good but the beat is also really good yeah thank you agree I'm still make my mind up I've made it [Music] okay I agree this is probably running off on his best yeah it's good this is good the beat is really one of my favorite it's classic his favorite kinda up is a I'm a like this I'm a table if they don't like them and if they like them they probably love it like it's it's one of those that's decent you can go either way depending on if you like JJ but that's alright I think this is my favorite mmm everyone's saying that I was wrong about protector by the way in the last video [ __ ] them I don't care I don't have to like anyone show me the kids probably a nice lava I don't have to like music is subjective it's what y'all renew so if I don't like the sound of his voice over but that's that's my decision in other news come believe I'm gonna say this Randy Couture aka UFC legend like the alan shearer of the UFC like he was loved he's been face time in a girl who's video recorded it and uploaded it to the it and they're eating his meat like i can't tell you what what the [ __ ] moment this is for MMA like he is the granddaddy of Mme yeah they call him captain america like he does support the troops like he is like the good guy he wants he's like six foot two he took on a six foot seven guy he warned he's a hero he's thing to the UFC funds america's change now american your meat I'm really not looking forward to watching it but I know it's something that we have to do to none of me and it's like love it's it's it's like Gary Lineker beaten off like I was gonna watch it Jeremy and just to see what the hell's going on here okay there is he's going for it it 55 he's still doing this I feel like some middle-aged man about a reawakening I'm thought I want to be part of that generation I don't know like I think 18 currently he went through a lot of women back in the day as well so maybe it's it's just like a thing what did we rate in this penis size shaves as balls by the way if you're wondering Athena 455 shaving his balls for 55 as mud he's showing them his Botox do you think he squats Lawrence no I don't do you think you squat right now so some girl has clearly FaceTime them and set him up big time she is the one who we should be really looking in disgust yeah I'd like to see her face yeah I guess you conned old Randy Rodney doesn't know anything about the eyes close it's weird this isn't this weird is gay we've got stalemate on this Shore who keep coming about we have to keep an eye on how things are going we're gonna look at the Christian girls we need to say how's the marriage going alright are they in fact divorced yet look at those eyes those are the kind of eyes who killed next to you when she's gonna suck on some dick [Music] you guys that we could never have before complete that sentence can I just say I'm hoping that they release a lubricant that's made out of holy water chances low this is completely brand-new Kristin actually worked with some of our sisters to design them you designed this this is words on a jumper we've been working tirelessly we'll find a font will any literally this [ __ ] Aziza shovel yeah I mean just [ __ ] them out I'd really just held up t-shirt in front of the girls eyes by accident when they crush they cut just listening women if my [ __ ] edit later shut up watch a face on the right oh what a [ __ ] goes up a book can I say the one on the left now is incredible for an exclamation of something so if the other ones saying something would be like you during the podcast going so the other day I was thinking make a really good point and I go yes during this Christmas season how you can make Christmas more meaningful more Christ centered more Christ focus how can I make my Christmas more Christ focus invite them round yeah if he defines that's on him as long as you sent in the Google invite you know that you're good don't you know yeah don't do it on Facebook cause I don't think Jesus goes on there often I don't see him active he's yeah it is fro requests are full he's often away can I just say I'm making fun of these people right and I don't like them I don't like these people but one thing I do like there are some good lessons in the Bible but like not lessons because it's the Bible they're just good lessons so why did they have to make it also for bengali though well because it's Jesus focus let's all just pull our Bibles out and have a little read you probably got one on your phone Brian just like I do you know you're not gonna pull your Bible up come on just pull the Bible app out have you not download give me a phone I'll download the Bible app I know you want it yet there's a Bible app you have to prepare for it oh let me just check the margin it wasn't free the bite has the Bible the funny thing is it's actually top here it offers in-app purchase are you [ __ ] sue I think there's like a Jesus AR thing in there as well there's like a little game you can play holocron Jesus racing and Jesus at the beginning of the game pops up and goes it's Samia Jesus this contest for the first time on this show we may cover something to do with brexit I want your opinion on this I want your opinion on something you know the whole thing that's been going on Tereza made we don't get into that basically everyone has different ideas what rights it should be blah blah blah brexit may not happen may happen we aren't expressing our personal interest but an MP tweeting I want to know if you think MP should be tweeting this sort of thing this is how angry I am shaking with rage after an utterly rubbish response from the PM angry face she then claims she's shaking so badly literally film in a hand for two seconds have you ever been so angry that you've been shaking with this hand but your other hand has been perfectly stable able to film it why not voice your opinion on a turn the camera round pointed at your mouth yeah and say what the [ __ ] has gone through your head if you're outraged call her on it why are you out ridge what is she doing wrong exactly you're an MP keep your head this is a robot or is it Russia showed a robot at a conference this was called robot Boris and he was praised for being incredible by the state media turns out Boris is just a man in a suit I would love to heal what cruft this saying about like the technology that went into making on yeah I would love that some of you has started questioning the robot's movements because he was moving so much like a human that's the picture of the guy backstage allegedly it made me that someone's causing a hoax here but it just proves on the moon London's were [ __ ] they'd do this no problem certainly they don't care as long as you think that they've got the best technology in the world and that they're leading the way they don't give a [ __ ] if you actually leading the way or not yeah it's about looking the part exactly to back your government because they don't care about robotics so they know that they're doing well behind the scenes anyway they don't want to show the enemy hope they've got just how your man in a [ __ ] suit yeah Brian space travel yeah it was possible here's your Van Alen radio belt mate how's around Earth now a [ __ ] I flush doesn't it looks pretty flat now that was what worried me as well this is Virgin Galactic yes I go to space Richard Branson book you know this walk before you can run model yeah sort the [ __ ] trains out before you try to take us to [ __ ] space all the planes the planes are transmitted honestly in common sort the [ __ ] trains are right yeah honestly are you saying I'm saying sort them out because getting from Newcastle or London yeah is a [ __ ] bawling oh I want to say this honestly this and this youtuber Rachel literally picks apart two blog posts that girl defined wrote about homosexuality and gay marriage and basically how awful and disgusting it is we uncovered like the hick is very religious maybe they don't hate what religion doesn't like what religion loves the game Jeremy it doesn't it just generally doesn't go hand-in-hand which is ironic because kids tend to yeah what good for them right gay people tend to like holding hands more than straight people I swear straight people hold hands just as much as dick right Wow you're showing unity with the gay community yes I am unity with the game I love the gifts the gays it's the fact you save the gays the Muslim question whether human alcohol of their game what some are gonna call them I don't know it's not like they have some sort of popular title that they love to say that all the letters isn't it btq yeah cute for queer I didn't like that they who's they but the gays the gays don't like what q queer I didn't go to the case there's a really what's up with AK useful what else do you think it's for what questions Queen Queens ago there are some real Queens out then [Music] no escape from the girl to finds open your eyes anus food reviewer I do reviews on the YouTube you never knew such a cool dude I keep it so flat and do you know why it's better to buy their food I love him as I've never done that no no rewind ready can I get a rewind he is in such a good mood look at the point double point as double appointment he's like Woody from Toy Story so this particular so what it is it's so it's I love 63,000 views the last in or that does look good full of purple that looks really good it makes me want a pepperoni pizzas ramen oh shoot but it looked really Betty laudable red-blooded Oh so let's go and try it how many bites before we got a comment over them AHA that's a three by that's a three by our room one I'm gonna put it this way I feel like it's because the cheese was too stringy though right he's going for it let's business you want more people add more your [ __ ] I need to gift this up for when someone asked me a question on Twitter and I've got no [ __ ] clue what the answer is just right here right it came out to like very soft very flaky very good the bottom is all done he almost looks like if you ever seen the Great British Bake Off when they go he's got exactly that face oh he would be a perfect judge for that he'd be incredibly has he already been eaten see around his top lip there this some like tomorrow's stains can you see that and it looks like there's a dinner medal if you just look there if you look here above the lips there seems to be where he's chewed on something previously nice so pure guys so cure do you know what I mean [Music] the Blue Bunny strawberry crunches are you ready are you ready for this hype no were there to buy that strawberry bunny crunch bar play mine crying Mike wizard oh he's got a server on minecraft I I got my hopes up because I thought maybe he's got a Minecraft each other yes yes it's got a Minecraft shadow Oh tell me this doesn't mean shut down big videos please tell me this videos videos right channel my video so we're doing that um you can see reason different texture pack are using aspects as facts obviously that I just started today I saw a yogscast video so i'm like no this game throws these discs on cently having an absolute [ __ ] on I just so badly wanted to be part of like XO amazing subscribe wow really gone in on this someone's Skype for me so spec to say this minecraft channel was a little bit over [ __ ] sure a boring channel let's finish off on a on a good food review yes look like a chocolate-covered doughnuts or the blueberry let's call the Bluebird I'm literally changing my [ __ ] Twitter logo 21st bytes that you see it discovered out to make dinosaurs let's go fund me going fly him to the UK we'll take him to all UK restaurant that was truly I don't think really he's part of the news we just want to watch him he feels like he's part the news he's a good little roundup guy so if you want us to watch anything else talk about anything else hit that subscribe button like the video leave a comment let us know we're gonna go have pizza play minecraft than any ice cream we're gonna it's a food review I find to do and if just do everything of us seriously I cheers father see is
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 889,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jake Paul, Kanye West, Drake, TMZ, DramaAlert, KSI, DISS TRACK, FaZe Banks, Alissa Violet, Gabbie Hannah, Monster, Genius
Id: EWvdUbLz3mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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