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I show you something that for a very long time I think is my favorite youtube channel ever but I've never showed you because of waiting for one of these this was a kid who was when he was like 1415 as he set up his own YouTube channel so two and a half minute food review let me [ __ ] the chicken connoisseur this guy's the real this guy is the real deal you say he finishes and he goes it's either a buyer it's not a PI C we are they gonna buy it or not right this fits the best bit of the whole video so this bit okay you this will get stuck in your head for days ready go food reviewer I do reviews on the YouTube you never knew such a fool dude I keep it so flat and do you know why it's because I know whether to buy their food fades out of that into I would never expect him to be the guy sitting there at the end of this I love it chicken that does it good onion rings just wow that's a big bite just another bite oh he's not done yet he's formulating an opinion yeah well I see this every with every bite Laurens he's downloading information using his tongue tongue to brain that's it yeah it's a LAN connection Wow I do love him so do you know when you have the piss in it in the train toilet and you're like cuz you're really big concen I love him he's such a nice kid not bad no pod three bites not bad part of the reason I think he is the way that he is and I'm not making fun of him for the way is he is overweight he acknowledges it and I don't mean that in a nasty way I'm just when it's that much of a struggle just to eat a Peugeot and you're like deep breathing that deep just to chew great he's not gonna make the Wembley Cup team no I was worried about me he does reviews on the huge he seems a lot more happy about life there yeah you can tell this was when he actually had hoped for this channel this is 2030 yeah he's young he's vibrant he's thinking yourself this might go somewhere friendly watching it and he's trying to articulate everything he's doing good views they're solid views by the by the end is the man eating in a car like that what is he preserving the secret for though is he thing in one day you might have his own kitchen the secret dies with me you can tell he's one of those over where kids who eats his feelings bless him and now I see why you like him I you warm to him the more you watch normally youtubers are Eagle maniacs and super confident and whatever and he's the opposite exactly recipe so secret even he doesn't know that's it this is why I'm funny about this video right and that's why I work out this is why he's overweight he's mom's putting a whole stick of butter it's a pancake it stuns me beautifully clean kitchen oh let's put literally what has been living in that kitchen obviously is a natural he's a natural this is why TV [ __ ] and YouTube is great look how much he's melting on I love where you went with this boom I love where you went with this damn weird kids this is what we want more weird kids I just love how he goes boom right it's as if he's joined by a woman in the kitchen area I can make a few things Jack I can make a few beautiful dishes do you know and you feel a bit non conferment on your tear near Joanne like do you feel a bit [ __ ] about yourself like he is the antithesis of like how we all feel inside like he is that really Jeremy and he's just eating his feel like I was I was just like you and you want him to succeed like I'm watching this thinking I hope these pancakes are good for you unfold to the as we know this was five years ago and now he's taken out he thinks he's getting sick from not melting the cheese enough North that's Salmonella from not cooking the [ __ ] chicken me still go that looks like it's pot like Lucky Charms in the pancake I think I figured out the secret genuine sorry MIT yeah he's just checking it that's no golden brown that black his burden is boom I want to know where his parents are like if they're if he goes mom just stay in the living room for a little while I need to be cooking in the kitchen or you can have me outside just [ __ ] it i mean jesus [ __ ] christ but it's it's just thick and lumpy isn't it mm-hmm he's not mixed that well blueberries this is this is an up sort of stick look if he was your son you'd be like what up what are we gonna do he's made a lot what he's gonna put butter on it this is like a bread stick it is fragrance wearing I love the most this is Panda [ __ ] how much how much love the ring because they're so pink D looks like you've got like fingers in there and stuff like that they look disgusting make no mistake they are disgusting what a mess oh I had some a little earlier and I just fell in love can we just zoom I just know he said he said he's not a fan of this can we just say how not a fun he is he's not a fan of the thing he's just a moan what he does when he's a fan of it he's not a fan of that syrup like I'm not a fan of [ __ ] like Kenny's all over this he's actually gonna eat that I hope so I really love this guy's an unsung hero I you ever seen making a murderer like he could be one of the family yeah but that's what I like about ya the family are so honest and nice some of them do you know we don't know the verdict have heavy he wanted em light and fluffy oh he's a nice he is in his element he just wowed he's having a right wow I feel like this so thick he needs a drink of milk please bud crayon you can sell he's like he's getting his ASMR on here I love it this was pre ASMR because they're so thick there's so much pancake in him I love about him he's giving a real serious review of this like hey I'm the life is he living where he's actually thinking about the ratios of cinnamon to syrup to punky food reviewer I do reviews on the YouTube drop it oh my whole stick of butter into a pan nice the anticipation of it coming there we go oh can you imagine needing that much butter in any year yeah you never no one's ever gone what can that even taste like at this point I don't understand I just love him so much do you know what I mean still just going there it is you know what the thing is with the whole channel he's got nice little touches which clearly show he knows a little bit about cooking stir stir stir and then he's got a very good just tap tap do you know what I mean that is the important bit here watch wait for it wait for he looks like Russia it's the finesse yeah he's finesse is finesse is this food with these two sticks of butter uh-uh he was on about the the cinnamon last time he was like one shake and then after and then he says he's like too much remember one shake with the top off so you shake it just not make sense the kids'll never cook for and that's the whole that's the sadness of it I want to start a campaign to get this kid training and become a chef I want to fly into UK I want to make him a chef Gordon Ramsay can we get one of those [ __ ] [ __ ] chefs that we've got the trade him on I would love to just play Gordon Ramsay this entire channel I do not watch his [ __ ] head explode okay doing a good job okay so this is nice we're actually both in silence because we couldn't quite believe what this is going so well okay now looks a little dirtier that worries me a little bit now so little brown how much put on must be in that [ __ ] sauce this guy's secret ingredient everything is just butter basic ingredients specific ingredient it's just more you know I mean what do we put in now more Wow okay sliders okay this makes sense take the top pop it on it when is he even gonna test I don't think is even gonna get to the testing oh my god great there's no taste you are kidding is not a cliffhanger clay feels himself a little because his eyebrows go up when he starts the video - no no me wait for it I like it when he's confident that he's happy I like him the ingredients you need for the whole maintenance is one stick of butter [Music] melted like ice preferably room to have a Shabbat melted okay okay cooperating see it's gotten human salt and the flour together okay I think this go ahead and whisk those together in a separate Bowl right mister I can just go ahead and whisk those together in a separate Bowl imagine his mother coming home and I'm to clean up after he'd been cooking she must be [ __ ] so sick of this guy he just goes I'll shout over it I've never known someone so casual in Leighton [ __ ] of a situation I've never known someone so calm when they're clearly not having a [ __ ] easy right he's the Homer Simpson of youtubers better it literally looks like he's signing off a stool sample the doctors asked for is a gone then duck this is what I'm saying I will genuinely have one of these though yeah this is the best thing he's ever made yeah it's a success you I have to say so far this is a buy I like that I've got admit I'm happy with that welcome will this is food reviewer doing Ching fillets spicy chicken some I've been told this is classic food review and YouTube you never knew such a cool dude I keep it so flat and do you know why it's because I know whether to buy that food today we're in Warwick Rhode Island Warwick he wouldn't fit one of the shuttle shirts either there's just no knuckles there is there they're just some good so I'll come chick-fil-a I just feel so comfortable right now genuinely when he's ordering fast food is probably the only time he ever told you he's got a really feminine looking fit like he reminds me of like a grandma who hands out sloppy joes at our high school lunch either a pulling away she even stopped he's ready he's an expert drive-thru man oh yeah I mean he knows when this is done oh yeah look how happy is his face look I love him look at the way he is he's just such a nice guys Lawrence all he's doing is collecting food but he sees all it's the awkward demeanor it's like that he's got a slightly guilt you know on his face like I was once up behind my dad and a drive through my dad did nods behind him and you know the bollards thought they have next to the drive-through he literally scraped his car all the way along one of those bollards and I was just like yes the man who gives me like yeah fantastic Brian else I followed on and scraped across - oh yeah you've got another look it never says anything I've never was the minimum to buy if not three bites before a reaction I would love to meet this guy I really want to meet him he's actually being taught look at mr. flight - can you imagine us daily drive through with him it's Pisces dog that might be a tear in his eye from loves a [ __ ] stick up or let's go do you know he reminds me of you know Willy Wonka with the German kid comes yeah hit this again like it's a struggler wasn't it it is drugs for him and it will kill him one day yo D done juice on flapjacks look at the size of this cookie how much was this cookie 135 you good I'm sure you are [Music] yes you follow my facebook page I guess what we called me making a cooking with a quick 10 mins video I'm gonna be baking those soon I'd love I was planning the Thin Mints I thought the Thin Mints was just the thing off the top of his head no I love that can we have that in the sub meal video I just love that I love this good luck says literally didn't need this huh didn't he deserved it hey guys hey I'm doing a Thin Mints video soon I'm gonna have some chicken fries so there's my update is like a late-night trip it's so good is that the same as the UK what similar it looks a little more doughy yeah yeah I'm learning and it goes sounded crunchy are we getting another bite already comment that's the real cliffhanger I think we're gonna get another bite if I'm honest I also feel that he looks around like an animal guarding its young when he eats and we got the next bite yeah we've got the bug bite number two based on this noise do you think he likes it or doesn't like him okay I think well I think we're going for a bye okay I agree hey what I didn't see him blown away by it no definitely not blown away there's the beginnings of a frown on there's a because I think slight disappointment yeah yeah I felt ever so slightly yeah it was just a good like a good apple pie though cinnamon what is it with his kind see his loves is his taste buds hone in on the cinnamon and just go that's a cinnamon like apple pie filling is very watery watery I don't really like this oh my god but his reviews on the YouTube and he doesn't like McDonald's apple pies he's not a basically a real real shock to this doesn't love apple pie I think he's wrestling with his conscience right now there's a real he's torn internally here he's I I love apple pie yeah but I don't like this one he's also how do I rush analyze this his mind is working up a reason how do I let apple pie as a concept down he feels like he's betrayed up exactly as a real relationship there there's a bond yeah and now he's turning his back on it yeah a bond felt over years hopefully sleep like night no we don't know well probably the back of a car he's even paused and I'd say that's actually a classic will any style or it will is I'm there there will be proud as well any before we learn new German metal spec this nine months before wheeler QA so I honestly I got enough questions to do two of these videos Oh mr. popular if you were potato how would you be cooked and why he'd be mush there's no dough or a hash brown what would you buy dambulla what would you be if I was potato yeah I think that'd be much creamy much yeah oh yeah I do read the comments I got a kick out of it I you know I sit there I shake my head I say what was wrong with these people but hey thanks for watching guys I love this kids be my brother he's reviewing the food he can just find the mouse there was six of them to start with and he thought yeah I'll get other review of these at some point and then next thing you know he's done any other global supers are just going I don't know how long they've been in there but I think I'm gonna get all these down and then let's see where we go from there he's looking for [ __ ] help I did he found these in the closet and he doesn't know how long they've been in there [ __ ] it we'll do it live [ __ ] it bill o'reilly approached real crazy kids cakes okay we're taking a bite now was he a double bites back in the day or did he realize we'd give him the time to be able to do that probably wasn't watching his retention no I'll put it down if he picks up like oh oh oh hobbit come here replay the hobbitses don't like me his face goes hate it and then it goes love it watch it watch how it goes look hate it who don't like that taste the bin after - yeah oh my it all this thing was probably 10 years old
Channel: The Pain Game
Views: 719,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True Geordie, Food Reviewer, React, reacts, reaction, funny, thefoodreviewer
Id: X3o0eMw7P0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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