StephenTries on what REALLY happened with Jeremy 'Swaz' Lynch

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what so the camera goes off yeah they're just like the you know jeremy's off to check his audio [Laughter] did mention in that um about the wembley cup yeah got the posters on my wall [Laughter] what was that like what was it like i i we've had a few people on here who have been lucky enough to play it at wembley yeah my invite's always kind of lost in the post but um talk us through that day so like you know you're playing did you know how much time you were getting on the pitch was it all up in the air like um i wanted uh just no time at all in the picture really yeah because what you would have been you would have been genuinely happy if you went all the way to wembley and you didn't get on the pitch it was uh don't get me wrong now now i play football every week like father's side yeah i love it but this was uh so serious there was it'd like be a few youtubers and all these semi-pro knob heads who no one cares about yeah um that's just the f2s team really purely then yeah some [ __ ] from a gq magazine or something going in going into foot in cam and i'm just thinking what are you doing you're plumb yeah uh you know we've already apparently injured not another life come on so what you what are you thinking the morning of yeah [Laughter] are you are you you nervous the morning off a little bit nervous but that was because i the night before i'd done the f2 diss track uh oh was that really the night before yeah wow because the torrent said steven used to make a video to promote the tour and that was at the start of the week i was like [ __ ] i need to make a video um so then i i i did the uh the f2 diss track got that done yeah i posted it on the saturday so how did that the diss track came about because was that the qualifying games where it all kicked off well even before that we filmed the exo's first video was me and brian and the f2 yeah meanwhile lawrence and will went to meet cavani in paris already you're a bit bitter about it [Laughter] so we uh yeah we had to go and film with them yeah and we did a sort of mix of football and then a few other games yeah jenga wasn't it yeah yeah and so whilst we were there we did mr and mrs although we wanted to call it mr and mr but i won't name names but someone took uh just got really offended oh god said you're not calling us mr and mr um oh my word so it was it was just off-putting from the start and genuinely after that day because i i was making jokes brian was laughing yeah but then those two weren't the manager wasn't he's just oh yeah he's a slug yeah that's what because do you remember when um we read it in and um you told me to get that video up because i hadn't seen it i i'd what i'd watch this was a couple of months ago just before i made a video on on jazz but um you you were really excited he was like mate you have to watch it until the end and i was like no i've seen the football challenges he's like no it's the end bit and then yeah like like you were just saying you played jenga and you did mister and misses and um so what what what was the joke where they they didn't really favorite sex position i think yeah you said something about uh dirty i called it the the hungry professor i meant the nutty professor but i accidentally put the hungry professor and then i think i think brian has put doggy style yeah oh is that where you pick up the [ __ ] as a little joke that is funny though is funny they're just shaking their heads was that not an act then because i didn't know whether or not that was supposed to be funny no that was that was them just being this isn't on brand that was their whole vibe oh wow we can't be seen laughing at that that sort of thing and then afterwards you think it'd be like oh that was funny mate or whatever yeah that's just them what so the camera goes off yeah they're just like you know jeremy's off to shaggy's audi all right [Laughter] the first thing he did was he pulled up in the in the car park and then he's talking about his audi all right at the exo might have the footage i just look at the camera shaking my head like is this real he uh he just i'm sure there's parts of him that aren't likeable but in him just didn't click no because i think he just takes himself too seriously yeah if because it's edited you can laugh at a joke or be like mate you you gotta turn that down you could you can speak and but if you're just gonna sit there shaking your head yeah uh talking about how much how many millions you make from your adidas deal oh my god yeah talking about oh there was there's a question to do with a in a house fire save one item um he talks about one item in particular and then he goes now we can't put that in because people might work out where i live oh [ __ ] it's just ruining a video what was the item he said a ladder i think he completely misunderstood the question [Laughter] jeremy i think yeah it was just we we clashed because i i was just there to take the piss have a laugh and that well you are i mean if anyone's gonna make a video with steven tries you're gonna know that you're gonna come hopefully on the other the other end of it yeah it's what you do he yeah i just don't i just don't think he can he can be the of the joke or even be yeah i think where it's a little bit piss-taking he has to be in control maybe yeah so and then you made so you went on from that day and maybe they always sat with me because i thought [ __ ] you guys for not you know just ruined my day i felt so awkward you could probably see it in the video i was dying i thought i was performing to pharmacist i was just sat there again the best thing you could have done was leave it in though yeah because because they look like dicks i watched it and thought you were just not funny yeah yeah no one looked at that and thought you was being a [ __ ] yeah apart from anyone connected with ft so her man like hacks maybe do you know about him alfie no i've not heard of him don't worry about that yeah i heard of him no oh that's that's everyone there [Laughter] so you made this diss track which was very very funny um it was a it was a big piss take but there's a couple of things where i thought i'll just a few jobs about him being on a britain's got talent that sort of thing and it was more aimed at jeremy because billy uh just an ordinary bloke right um so yeah jeremy was the one who i took a bit of a disdain to and he he came around us because we were it was on the sunday we were all in they'd put us in the f2s team together even though we're playing each other yeah um and he was walking around the table and everyone was sort of laughing as he came up to me and he was like shaking my hand is this sorry is this on the on the sunday right okay so they've gone out the night before and you haven't seen it she's like haven't you seen the video and he's like no so i just dashed and then later we're on the coach he had seen it um and then he was just you know livid i imagine he's he's on the coach with you so that's so [ __ ] awkward they put us on the same coach as them so we're at the back cool kids they're at the front one of the one of the players who's an instagram comedian uh he he came out with a quip and uh i said oh he's doing one of his funny characters so everyone was just laughing at him uh i think he he got angry with me what the comedian yeah he's not it's steven's being nice when he said did you hear the oxymoron instagram comedian like they kind of cancel each other out there so i thought we played the game we lost jeremy got the better of me individually in the game but in the final yeah not the semi-final replayed them oh oh i got you got it i got you i i actually at wembley though yeah yeah so uh so i was like fair play they've the they've beat us so i was just the like clapping to the the people in the stadium then uh yeah one of the players comes up to me he's just mouthing off of me going you know you're like yeah doing stupid little videos or whatever um that's what we all do we're youtubers right i don't think he quite grasped it and he was just mouthing off threatening me uh just and we're at a charity football game he's threatening me genuine threats of violence and i'm just like i was so taken aback i was like what is going on we're still in front of young fans and he's doing this wow uh and he was he's mouthing off at me and again i respond that he's got no reply he just gets mugged off so easily i think you're supposed to be a comedian so as i'm walking pastors i'm like he said this to me just because i thought you know get my dad involved and lawrence was like what and then steps up to him and he's talking to him he's mouthing off at lawrence then i think i'm gonna have to get to my other dad so i go to brian explain to brian he's like all right if he carries on i'll have a word um so anyway it all calms down we're sort of in the the after party in the bar and um i'm stood up with kieran carlin just talking to him and um and jeremy lynch comes over with his little mate and oh god and they've got a camera crew with them so he comes around and he's going i think my mate's funnier than you so i'm like okay my dad's bigger than your dad so he's doing that and of course i've i've been saying to people that what what they did after the game and so my dad who was at the game to watch me uh just stands at the other side of them and i think they recorded it so they'll have the footage uh never been released i don't know why uh and then adam boltwood who you might know from videos like a bolt with pegging compilation he was filming it as well but the cameraman for them like they were making these [ __ ] uh [ __ ] digs and he was like [Laughter] anyway they were just it was just the weirdest afternoon so what what they've come over to you to try and get this mate to roast you what do they want from that interaction this is it i'm in my mind i think you've won the wembley cup this is what this is all about just celebrate it he was taking photos in hashtags like where all their players were stood in the middle of them taking photos they're all [ __ ] off with them yeah and he comes up to me because he's he's just trying to just get all these points off people right you're thinking you've beat us in the game that's what this all is about this is done yeah and you've had the last laugh but then he comes over to me and he's going blah blah blah so i just start picking at jeremy then going talk about his halloween video yeah because it's so easy to do yeah and then and then i start i think uh i think his other mate goes oh you're making the videos with your gay mates so i'll just go whoa gay mates why why are you being homophobic so he freezes up because he realizes he's made a mistake yeah and then game that's such a horrible like he's in his 40s oh god and then he comes out with a he's getting a god i'm just lamborghini there like what is going on anyway so a big circle's formed at this point um and everyone's just wondering what's going on i'm only i'm worried that my dad's gonna just hit someone because you're on about your actual dad now not brian right because they're being such no-beds either side of me trying to intimidate me yeah neither of them are bigger than me [Laughter] just sort of uh moses and the red sea brian comes through everyone parts and he just he just like says i think you need to shut the [ __ ] up and then takes takes me up not to me it takes me at the back just takes me away from it which is perfect yeah and then uh whilst we're out there i can do a bit of a commercial thing oh god what's my dad done glass jeremy photo jeremy how do you swatch it so well what's your lamborghini so i go back in and uh and i just see that you know as he's gone off the the f2 you know they've been mad enough i think will's will's come in max is coming max has had a lot of free beers so he's uh literally steaming at this point but uh yeah uh moral of the story is i like nobody you get kicked out of the uh the wembley stadium did they get kicked out oh wow what a lovely envelope embarrassing so embarrassing yeah you can kind of tell like if you had to predict how he would act in a situation like that you'd probably guess that wouldn't yeah i mean there's the good thing about it is i think you i saw you tweet because on that day he was he was doing the monster drink wasn't it yeah i was sat at home watching it thinking obviously i don't know at the time what's going on behind the scenes but that monster stuff was awful cringiest thing going i think i think you tweeted something about him and i just i i messaged you saying he's awful yeah blah blah blah just because i thought uh yeah i was just bent into anyone that listened to me because i was so it just got to me so much yeah but then i think what what's come from it is people have mainly seen him for a bit more for who he is yeah [Music] you
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 3,555,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, jackmate, jaackmate, jackmaate, comedy, jhhp, stephen tries happy hour, stephen tries jez, stephentries jeremy, jeremy lynch xo, stephen jez, stephen tries f2, true geordie f2, stephen tries podcast, jeremy lynch diss track, stephen tries f2 diss, jeremy lynch batman, wembley cup beef, wembley cup f2, wembley cup xo, wembley cup stephen tries, wembley cup jeremy lynch, f2 freestylers stephen tries, xo f2, xo jeremy
Id: latCgGBTAtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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