Everything you need to know about JINN - COMPILATION

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] malaya from u.s she says that her son has gin and they confirmed this because the jinn spoke and the rakhi the man doing the rookia asked the jinn directly and the jinn confessed that he caused harm to this to the boy through black magic which was made and initiated by a relative of theirs and he gave them the name so she says can we believe that the answer is no by default the jinn are blatant liars and rarely they say the truth as in the hadith of the prophet isalam which was narrated by abu hurairah [Music] when he caught the devil three times stealing from the treasury of the muslims and the last time he apologized and said to abu hurairah i'll teach you something if you say it no jinn can harm you and he taught him how to read ayat al-qurasi so when he went to the prophet the prophet said he said the truth though usually he's a blatant liar so we as muslims should not believe the jinn not only that the rakhi did something wrong when he asked because such communication is not uh recommended he should have just simply asked him and forced him to leave the body of the boy instead of interrogating him in such a fashion so don't believe what they're saying if this is the creation of god if this is the creation of god iblis is a jinn iblis is you know he's made of fire which the quran talks against several places that he's made of fire but where did he please come from and they were there like the likes of iblees before so the mufassin have come in again this is based on those narrations that i talked about earlier and what allah did is that he created a whole creation of jinns that were on the earth and this you will find in many of the early mufasirin have commented on this he created them on the earth and they had got taklif now what is taklif the cliff is that god's now giving them a responsibility to recognize him now when allah gives responsibility to creation he will he will send messengers so what allah did is that he sent jinn messengers so before there was human messengers before adam alaihissalam who was the first human messenger there were many jinn messengers that allah sent to them now the jinns are made of fire and the jinns one of the things they have inside you know being fiery is that you you're angry and you're you're hasty you're fast you're very powerful now the sifat and the qualities that the jinns have between them is that they are in fights and they are in quabbles and they are in superiority and who can prove who's greater this is one of the natures or nature of the jinns and they are always in this spirit of challenge um now there are good jins allah azza has said that in surajin itself he's talked about two different groups of jinns and he said the silence those who are pious and those who are not pious now the ones that were on the earth were both types and messengers came down but the messengers in their many numbers were killed by the jinns on the earth and there was great corruption that was that prevailed on the earth there was a great corruption that prevailed on the earth now there was one notable jinn that was very pious iblis being who he was he was a good jinn and he started to worship god worship god to the extent because jinns could fly see and jinns could go to through through many of the heaven they could go up up and down they didn't have to stay on the earth they didn't have to stay on the earth they could travel up it was only when rasulullah came that they were that they were trapped within this first universe this is clear from the quran this in surah you will find this in surah jin you will find this that allah did not allow them to go beyond the first heaven or the first heaven meaning the end of this universe they can't go past that after the after rasulullah became a prophet but before that they could go above that so what happened is that on these travels iblees proved himself that he was so close to god and allah azzawajal then allowed him to get closer and closer to higher and higher basically and they say in some of these generations that there was not no space in the heavens was left like no large space was left in the heaven but iblis had gone there and he had worshiped god so he was a very very very close you know you could say jinn a servant jin whatever however you want to put it to god until then allah azzawajal allowed him allowed him to come in the company of the malaika of the angels and he got the chance to be in the company of the malayaka allah decided that he's going to send the angels down to the earth and to banish the the the muta meridien or those um jinns that had causes a lot of corruption on the earth so this group is going to come down and they're going to kill many of these genes that were just out of control iblis volunteered that if he can come with the angels to kill these these corrupted jinns on the earth and allah gave him permission so he came and they killed a lot of these jins they left only a few on the earth and from these few again the progeny of the jinns would start now iblis returns back now many many maybe hundreds of years i don't know whatever is going by because jinns have very long lives they don't have short lives at the human beings that you know we only have a you know 60 70 100 years they have hundreds of years perhaps they have they could have you know a few thousands of years of living now you've got iblis that has gone down there that has banished these jinns most of them who are corrupted on the on the earth and is returned back with the angels now he was with the angels but allah makes it very clear that he was not from the malaika he was from the jinn now why allah makes that clear is because we understand that no malach or no angel can ever disobey allah allah made it in the nature not to disobey allah but ajin can so the the biblical sources they've now faltered again they say they call it a fallen angel so what they say is that if an angel decides to go against the will of god or the command of god then that angel allah drops him from the rank of the angels and now he becomes a fallen angel that's the biblical sort of side or somewhat some of them believe muslims don't believe that no angel can ever disobey allah so that's where we find that iblis was able to disobey allah because he wasn't from the the malaika now there's one one thing here why is it that iblis is now going to disobey god now you've got to understand the whole thing behind the creation of adam alayhim suddenly allah reveals to the angels and he says i am about to make on the earth a khalifa or someone who will take command second in charge or someone who will rule again rain after the last reigning i'm about to make a khalifa on the earth now when allah said that iblees got really happy right he must have got really happy and you know why because iblis knows that the angels are not the ones who are going to rule the earth if there's anyone there's going to be the creation from the jinns allah is going to now make a khalifa perhaps from the jinns but allah's decision wasn't that he's going to make a khalifa or a vice chairman from the jinns his decision now was that he's going to create this new creation now this shocked iblis because all these years that iblees had worshipped allah and had been so good was because he wanted power he wanted prestige he wanted to be in charge of the earth he wanted to be you know come back on the earth and he's going to be sent perhaps as a messenger or he's going to be sent with the new command of god on the earth or he's going to be in charge of the jinns on the earth there's something beautiful that's going to come for iblis something that he had a big glimmer and a big hope in and all that was getting crushed now with this new creation [Music] jeans have been in every single body right are you scared of jeans guys no you know you know why because jeans come in our bodies every single day they do every single day jeans come in fact when you wake up for fajr you've got a gin that's already tied a shaytan that's already tied three knots over your your your head just just over that part of your head try three knots every human being especially the ones that want to wake up from fajr there's a specific group of shaytans that are just after making us miss fajr salah so if you missed your fajr salah this morning you had a group of jinns that came to your house and they basically did their little job so what they do is they try three knots and when you wake up they say rasulallah said this to us a muslim that knew you sleep sleep you've got a long night and prophet saw said he'll carry him doing this until he's making made you mr fajah he says if the person gets up if the person remembers allah this alhamdulillah or whatever whatever whatever they do any form of remembrance of allah they do one knot is untied immediately next one is they basically go and perform mudu if they perform mudu another knot is untied immediately one of the key things in the wudhu that we do to try and get the influence of the shaitan away is to rinse the nose properly now a lot of people don't do this sunnah probably when you rinse your nose have you seen some people rinsing the nose buddha there's scattered there's a bang there you know knows three times with water that's not rinsing your nose some people just get water just go straight on top of their nose that's not rinsing your nose it's in the inside okay so some people what they do they're rinsing of the nose is just basically grab some water and just stick it up in their sticker and then that's it rinse their nose and some other people they want to basically you know do the classical one yeah you better not watch brothers yeah and then release some explosion from their nose yeah be careful with brothers other brothers yeah make sure it doesn't fall over him you know he's got his clothes over there well i don't like you know you're just trying to do in the area right you've got you've got some some brothers who are trying to do voodoo i think you know are you doing buddha you're making me do though because it's half over your you know your your your jubba whatever your trousers yeah and when the guy basically does the classic one you just basically want to make sure that it doesn't blow you all out onto yours you know clothes or something so anyway the sunnah regardless and it's very important because rasulullah said that the shaytan sits just at the end of your nostrils within just your nose he sits there throughout the night because you're in forgetfulness you're not in a state of thicken and to do to get the influence of shaytan away is to take water to snuff your up up to the bridge of the nose and then to sniff it out both both sort of parts so to take some water in is one sunnah to take and blow the water out is the second sunnah both the sunnah is complete cleansing the nose at the time of the time of performing ablution or having a bath so that's the second one the third one the hadith says is that the person prays when you pray two rakats the influence of last not that is there will actually be untied so jin comes and in in a hadith rasulullah said that each person has an angel and he has a shaytan that comes within him and the angel will give good thoughts and then shaytan will give bad thoughts okay that is then now we've got shaytan coming in but the shaytan doesn't stay if you do the vehicle of allah if a person does the thicker of allah the shaytan can't stay it's a clear-cut matter hadith intimately says that when the adhan is said that is a very key thing to getting the shaitan away from yourself or getting the shaytan away from particular places said the shaytan feels as if his back is being broken that's why he runs on the shayta when that when the said the shaytan runs when the quran has been recited the shaytan finds it very difficult to stay there now there are certain certain devils that can slowly become immune to some of these things but it's very very difficult because what they do is they take the burning they take the burning element and they they you know withstand it and they would stand until they can possibly get used to it it's almost like some human beings you can start to play with fire and you can get used to touching fire there's some people that can actually do that so the same way they can actually get used to do some of this but it's very very rare that they get used to being around you while you give them their van or being around you while you read the quran it is what they do is sometimes that if they've had a very long influence with the person they can stay at far by far and still influence you from a from a distance but that's a serious case now doing the thicker of allah reading the quran and so on these things will immediately move the shaiti immediately move them away from yourself when a person is not remembering allah the shaitan can come straight away the shaitaan can get to a stage where he can move around the body just like blood moves around the body blood circulates the body and this is a hadith in muslim there can be a state to where the shaitaan or the devil can come within a human being and they can move around just as the blood circulates the whole body when would that be that would be when a person is in some serious ruffles some serious you know absence from allah zika away from allah they could all they've hardly got any of the dna aspects within themselves there's two strengths that are fighting there's two strengths that are fighting now here you've got to understand each body has got certain elements of the quran in it and there's no there's there's light that's spread when we read the quran there's light or the rule or the soul gets stronger when you do the thicker of allah when you when you start thinking about allah when you start giving the evan and so on when you start doing good good deeds and good practice there is a good strength to the body there is darkness that spreads within the heart within the body when there is absence of all of these things there's weak gins there's strong jinns there's weak black magic there's strong black magic there's weak things out there the strong thing and it depends of what's coming in contact now the number one rule is number one rule is that jinns or the you know the the whatever allah is created in terms of the world of jinns they're not supposed to cross over into our world that's one rule allah has given them and it's in the quran it's in the quran where allah would question them allah will question them on the day of judgment to the jinns those of them that have may not cross that barrier they're not supposed to cross that barrier so if you look in surah number six verse number one to eight you will you'll find allah will say you have become much more than the population of of the the human kind and this is this is just one part of the quran you will find another one in the 23rd jews where allah talks about their interference with with uh mankind in surah asafat in you used to come from the from the right hand side this is 28 verse number 28 in surah baqarah allah talks about masu shaitaan what the shaitaan can do is that he can start putting you know he can start influencing or having an effect on the human being and that has been explained in surah baqarah verse number verse number 275 influences the mind of the human being and they can basically take over the mind now number one rule is that they're not supposed to cross that barrier number two is that allah that he has created them he has given them the quran as a guidance and we know that from many parts of the holy quran allah even addresses them which one of your lords or your sustainers gifts are you denying and he addresses two people by it one or two beings by it one is the human being the one is the jinns allah addresses that so we know the quran has has come from them there is also suratul jin where we have a whole background of how the jinns came and met with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam now the jinns let me just quickly talk about jinns and then we'll come across them sort of crossing that barrier or us crossing that barrier something we will talk about let's just talk about the nature of jinns the word jinn in arabic comes from a root word jim nunu which means something that is hidden so anything that will have jim noon will be to do with a hidden element so you've got for example janna janna jannah is hidden from the eye no i have seen janna that's why it's called janna it's called you got junoon junoonud is madness now when a person is mad you don't see their madness so it's hidden within their own mind so therefore it's got again jim new noon within that and anything that has that you will find that it has that element of of hiddenness in it now allah has given many different ayats regarding regarding that hiddenness and in one of them in suratul araf which is the um seventh of the holy quran verse number 27 they see you in a way that you do not see them so what allah has has given us as a set rule is that we're both going to exist in this world coexist in this world but they're going to be able to see us and themselves but we don't see them now the jinns though they see us they don't see the angels jinns don't see the angels and they don't see the angelic world the angelic world has been created from light the jinns have been created from fire and again there are several ayats in the quran to talk about the fact that they've been created from fire our essence comes from clay from water and from other elements we've got a heavy material side to us they've got a very light side to them the essence is that they are since they are of fire you know fire rises okay fire right or heat rises so jeans and then being sort of non-tangible they're able to fly they're able to move around much more easily than ourselves now one particular incident is in sura he asks he asks who is going to bring the um arsh or the throne of bilquis so the interesting part there because there's there's two different uh beings that stand up one is the actual jinn and one is the one who has been given the knowledge and they say according to tafasir they say that the one who's been given knowledge some have said that is jibril but others have said that it's actually another jinn that is stronger than this one so if you look in surah number 27 verse number 39 and third and 40 you will find allah has given that name from the jinns said i will bring it to you i will bring bill he's now bill kiss again is controlling the whole world of jinns and she's in herself and he says i will bring you her throne to you and kabla and takuma before you can even stand up in your place i mean i'm strong and i'm also you know i've got trust and then the one who had the knowledge of the book said he stood up and said i can bring it to you before you you can blink your next eye and before he blinked he saw the the throne of biblically in front of him and that was the power now they could move some of them again is to do with the power that allah has given because some of them are weaker than others some of them are weaker than others so some of them can't move so fast but some of them but others can actually move fast some of them are more powerful than others and very clear from this part of the taser of the quran that there is a strength amongst them that whether you know some of them have more power than others now interestingly he was given you know the power over jinns he was the only human being that had the authority given by allah to control jinns and allah has given the reference in the holy quran about that in suratul namal again where allah the jinns were gathered the men were gathered and the birds were also gathered this is specifically his his power that allah had given him that he could have that influence on them and what he would do is that he would ask them to build monuments for him and if they didn't build monuments for him he would he would cage them up and he would also ask them to dive into the oceans and bring out for him certain precious stones out from the depths of the of the ocean so some of them he had them building some of them he had them in cages and some of them he had them um you know diving into the oceans and this is in the quran in surah saad 38 surah allah says i gave suleiman the power of the the the winds gently it will be able to take him wherever he wanted and and whatever it would it reached that allah says they were they were there they were masons for him so they used to build us they used to dive well into the oceans there were others whom he had chained up because they wouldn't listen to him so he had that power and they used to work very tirelessly for him very tirelessly for him because allah had given him the power over the jeans he could order any gin at any moment to be in front of him and he could send other genes to go and capture them and bring them to him and they will work in working tirelessly and there's one interesting part that i want to quote here because it relates to some people's belief regarding the jinns verse number 14 allah says now the jinns you were working for him they were making many things for him they're making monuments for him they're making even large pots for him they were making features and architectural pieces for him this is all in uh verse number 13 that suddenly was making through the jinns and then what happened is that he had a glass chamber and he was standing in the glass chamber with a stick that he was resting upon with his chin and the jinns what he was doing is he was standing in he was standing in in sort of prayer or salah and worshipping allah and he actually died so the death is actually while he's standing with that stick under his chin he's resting with that stick just resting on his chin and he actually died in that position but the jins were still tirelessly working around him because they knew that sulaiman though he's praying in there he could just open his eyes and if you saw them not working they'll be chained up so they're working working working tirelessly and they say that they were working in accordance they say that it took six months for a small insect to bite through that stick the suraman island was resting until finally the stick snapped and suramar islam fell down and the quran says if they knew the world of the unseen they wouldn't have remained in this punishable state that suriman ah saddam had put them in they wouldn't have remained in that that clear punishment now um or that disgraceful punishment now that is very clear here that jinns don't know the unseen world now there are people who will try and capture jinns or to try and see if they can talk to a jinn who's trapped in a human being and see if they can get to know the unseen world it's haram why because the jinns don't know the unseen world and if ajin is telling you about the unseen well then he's giving you google ado he's giving you stories jakanoris right and what happened is that the jinns used to from a very old time since they because they've been here before us they've been here before us and they were here when the jinns were residing on the earth and there was no humans on the earth adam alaihi salam got created after the creation of jinns jinns had a lot of bloodshed because don't forget please they they are an they are they are a nation or they are a group of beings allah has created they have everything similar to us everything similar to us they they eat they sleep they have homes okay they have conversations with one another just like we have they have language amongst themselves they have castes they have religions they have um bartering things that they battle with and they trade with they have challenges with one another they have troubles and they have arguments with one another they could have fights and wars with one another and when it gets to fighting with jin and jinn it can become very serious sometimes in fact he's ended up a lot of the times before adam salad came to this earth he ended up in death death of jinns death of jinns and in fact when the messenger used to come amongst them from the jinns this is all interceding if you want to actually read up upon it about the jinns if you want to look at the first half see of the surah baqarah where adam allah mentioned you will find a lot of this and you will find another tafasir as well they were on this earth and they were causing a lot of mischief on the earth and when a messenger would come they would kill that messenger and that is when iblees at that time he was a jinn he was part of their world and he um you know ascended uh high enough that he became part of the world of of angels because of his good nature he was a good being and he started to worship allah got through to the ranks of the angels some of the highest angels and he being a jinn he wasn't an angel he'd been a gene you know living amongst the ranks of the angels in fact there are certain weak hadith to say that he even worshipped allah in every single sky every single heaven he worshipped allah and he got to so close that he then asked allah to send with him a group of angels to go back to the earth and to banish these jinns and to kill as many as he could to try and curb the violence on the on the earth so allah allowed that and he came he did that and you know the jinns were now only a few in scarce places of the world and that's when when he came back up allah knew his intentions because iblees was looking for his own little um you know uh a high rank and he wanted to become you know mr chief yeah or mr chairman you know people fight off to to get the chair right guys you're not listening yeah people fight to get the check you know to get a check they fight to get in lead leadership they fight to get in charge of a place they fight to get in charge of any country or they fight so if elise was after this and allah knew his intentions so he wanted to show this and he created adam alaihi salam and then he told them to bow and then here it is refused because he knew the significance of this ban that bombing wasn't because of worship that bowing was to accept the authority of adam salam over the jinns and over even the angels angels angels are great but we are in one way greater than them because angels don't have the ability to to uh go against the will of allah they they can't disobey lies in their nature to always obey allah but we have so when we choose you know obedience over disobedience that is a far greater that is a far greater achievement than the angels who have no will to disobey god do you understand that is why on the day of arafah there is a clear hadith a muslim allah will boast to the angels and say oh angels allah boasts to the angels and he says o my angels look at my servants on the day of arafah who have come to me with tati hair and dusty closed the shell to me look at them allah boasted and because of the fact that we can disavow what we choose to obey and that's a higher rank so if we saw this and he didn't bow and therefore you know we know the clash that happened you know he asked for extra time and he got that and then he said i'm not going to let this human being and all this progeny off i want to take as many of them as i can to hellfire with me and he said i want to come in front of them i want to come behind them and come from the right side i'm going to come from the left side you will not find most of them to be you know uh thankful to you now there's a key thing here that allah said and this is the key for our protection from them he said illa said except for those of your servants that are going to be righteous if there's righteousness if there's good actions then shaytan has less influence because your immune system is strong and he has less influence over the over mankind now he has this he has this uh you know time that he's going to stay on the earth and no other gene has been given this time to stay on the earth forever not not until the day of judgment no other jinn has been given that now obviously iblis has his progeny iblis has his children iblis has his friends and this is uh clear from the holy quran in the 15th jews of the quran surah number 18 verse number 50. allah says human beings some of you human beings take him and take his children his children his progeny his grandchildren his grandchildren's grandchildren so on he's got a whole race of things that are being being created on this earth and so have we so allah says will you take him and his family members as your allies as your close ones besides me while he is your enemy will you do this so this now when when he please came to the earth now he's been looking for many ways to try and get the human beings to go to jahannam now one of the ways is that he wants to influence the the human being to influence the human beings he's got was what's up that's been mentioned in the holy quran in surah nas the last of the holy quran allah has even given the name of the type of because there are many types of shayateen many types of shayatin there is one is called who's called hannas and that's the one that continuously whispers and there's others rasulullah has given a name of the one who gives doubts there's one particular shaytan that will give doubts so when people have make wudu some people get doubt did i wash this don't do no let me wash it again so wash it again and then after that did i wash that little part of my elbow now let me wash it again so wash it again this is doubt this is doubt and if you see any person who's in that the best way is to get somebody who looks over them and tells them just listen to me yes you washed it now you just carry on you washed it now just carry on finish it yeah and so you know it's got some kind of disorder if you don't get them out of it they will literally spend an hour to do or they could spend you know forget they might do you know i've seen serious cases where it gets to the stage where they've done will do again and again and again and again and forget it man the bathroom looks like a little pool by now now there's water all over it and then they think you know what's the point man let me just jump in the bath seriously and then they jump in the bath and every time they want to have a wudu they have ended up having a shower and then they get what's what's in the shower oh my god what's next man you're going to dive into the ocean or something to make sure that you you know it gets really it affects them quite badly there are some people like um uh specifically regarding their salah so you know they get what's to say getting a did i read this and they want to start again and they want to start again again he said what was that you just gotta you know sometimes you might if you feel that it's happening to you you just have to say to yourself no i did it finish halas i just did it and to move on or you do once and say done finished and just move on do the next one don't allow it to continue because the continuity of you if you start accepting it then it's going to change into a kind of disorder now one thing is waswasa next thing is when he comes for waswasa into a house because he comes to every single one of us okay jinns have been in every single body right are you scared of jeans guys no you're not you know why because jeans come in our bodies every single day they do every single day jeans come in fact when you wake up for fajr you've got a gin that's already tied a shaytan that's already tied three knots over your your your head just just over that part of your head tried three knots every human being especially the ones that want to wake up there's a specific group of shaytans that are just after making us miss fajr salah so if you missed your fajr salah this morning you had a group of jinns that came to your house and they basically did so the first type of magic is when someone is turned away from another they begin to hate them it's called si harusaf they turn away from your father from someone else the and how does this happen like the hadith the prophet salallahu says did you hear that clear words clear words whoever has done magic has engaged in shirk they have associated partners with allah what does that mean you just removed yourself out of the fold of islam that's what it means whoever participates in [Music] magic black magic magic any types of magic you know one is uh a trickster conjurer who's a trickster he's quick quicker than your eye so he shows you he pulled something out of his sleeve what was it a rabbit he's just faster than your eye you know he put his hand here and suddenly took it out and there's a flame have you seen that sometimes it's just a trickster a person who knows he's very quick he's faster than your eye that's all it is you can actually train to become one i don't know why you would but anyway you know people are entertained they will pay 200 ringgits to see a trickster but they won't pay 100 ringgits to listen to how to get to jannah forgive us so one is a person who's a trickster the other is a magician a person who uses the jin in order to do things you know he'll slice your body into two take one to that side of kuala lumpur and the other to the other side the problem is when they can't fix it back then you've got an issue major issue what's it i thought it was going to work no i remember someone tell me that no they connected one person's body top body to another person's bottom body and i was thinking to myself it's all sick you know if it depends how they've done it so it happens sometimes with the assistance of jinn i had a young brother who was going into he was a trickster initially and they tried to lure him into becoming a full-fledged magician with the assistance of jinn and he said our rituals we have to start performing why because allah says should we tell you whom these jin shayateen descend to you know we ask ourselves okay the jinn goes to those people why doesn't the jin come to me and say hi what can i do for you you know what can i do for you and you say i need a million ringgates please and then he says look at the ceiling and suddenly a hundred starts floating coming down he says you see another 100 starts coming down see it doesn't happen to us why not it would solve all our problems wouldn't it no it wouldn't it would create bigger problems for us i wonder what the tax man would tell you may allah forgive us so when a person starts involving with shayateen and the jinn allah says should we tell you whom the jinn descends to who does the jinn go to tanas what a powerful verse surat allah says the jinn comes down to those who are liars are they create slander and tales they are sinful people a theme people who constantly engage in sin they have to have done something sometimes people flush the quran down the loo do you know that in order to get control over jinn sometimes the people write the quran with defecation i'm just letting you in on what really happens and then they get control of ajin the jinn comes why shaytaan is so happy you become a ringleader as well you have crossed a certain threshold after which you will get control of some jinn and what do they do with these jin they use them and why why is the jin ready to be used because the jinn is so happy that you have now turned away from allah you are out of the fold of islam you can be reading your salah you can be giving your zakah you can be doing everything the fact is you are engaging in major sheikh that's what it is you are engaging in a major type of seeking assistance from that which is besides allah subhanahu wa ta'ala especially in the form of the unseen the jin kind and what will happen they will lead you from one to another once you enter that territory to come out is very very difficult remember that once you enter that territory to come out is so difficult this is why when people go to the fortune teller once they will end up going there for another 10 years every little while and the irony is the fortune teller keeps changing what he's told you or she's told you you know i know of a young man who went to four different fortune tellers the four of them told him so many different things and when he told him but someone else told me a different thing you know what they said they said well somehow through your prayers the things have just changed now you want to say through your prayers it's changed it's just that you're swiping you're just taking a chance when it comes to wealth two ways of doing it you can either legitimately earn which is prolonged or you can illegitimately achieve which might be instant but it is wrong and it will result in long-term regret the same rule applies with your sickness and illness you can either have your cure in terms of medication which is correct yes together with dua and calling out to allah alone and probably asking others to make dua for you which is something we're allowed to do as muslim you're allowed to ask others please pray for me and you're allowed to even tweet it out or put it on facebook i'm not feeling well please pray for me the people of the world may pray for you you can be cured through prayer and through medication subhanallah the minute you want to go to someone who is going to throw three bones at you and tell you that your sister-in-law has put magic on you that is the very moment that you have done the same thing that the thief has done when he earned a million bucks and solved his problem but he will regret all his life and even in the life after death for some reason there is dead silence here allahu akbar let's hope that's not happening to us the biggest deviation those innocent people are being accused by someone who claims to know the unseen do you know how they operate i will tell you this evening in order to equip you with that knowledge they have a link with the jinn sometimes that too is prohibited allah says in the quran [Music] part of the things that are mentioned he says and from amongst the issues that are taking place there are people from mankind who are seeking assistance from those of jin kind and those of jinn kind are leading them further astray that's a quranic verse open surat and read it [Music] i love that verse because it wakes us up o jin kind you have made enough fools out of mankind allahu akbar one of the translations of that verse o jin kind it's enough what you've done you've already taken a lot of these people and hoodwinked them so they would seek the assistance of a jinn who will immediately communicate with the kareem that is with you kareem that is with you means when allah created you he created your soul and put it into a uniform nose and known as your body this uniform you're going to take it out when you die and your soul will continue i hope you understand the way i've worded it yours is the soul allah has created it he put it into this uniform known as a body when you die you remove your uniform and the soul is gone with that uniform two other elements there is an angelic angel an angelic force and there is a devil that kareem from the jinn kind he communicates immediately with that jinn of the man whom you went to go and see and you know what he says this sister has a pinched nerve at the fourth uh you know vertebra at the bottom of her back and it's in the left corner if you are just to give her for example this piece of paper and tell her to take five roses and cut their petals into that which is not more than 0.01 grams and take 16 lemons and cut them into quarters and put them around those petals and take the piece of paper and burn it and push it into the center then i will actually flick out that pinched nerve so this man with a big beard mashallah pink turban that is as long as ever masha'allah you know huge item and he tells you say subhanallah you say subhanallah subhanallah say alhamdulillah right now let me tell you what's wrong with you you need to take this these petals and these lemons and this piece and do this and do that and you need to do everything together and you will be better so you say you know mashallah this man did not take any money nothing happened he took your iman that's what he did and sometimes he doesn't know because his diamond is also that chinese one we spoke about subhanallah it's a fact so now what happens you come and you do all that and suddenly you are better you are better well you will be better why because the devil has cured you you stole your cure the devil the jinn knows exactly what happened and the jinn knows exactly where you are standing subhanallah so you were cured your back is cured mashallah now that man is a saint you know that and you send so many people to him but allah says hang on do you know you can even earn money through stealing do you know that you become an instant millionaire through robbery but that does not make you a person who did something right no you will say wow i got the money but it does not make you right so you're saying wow i'm cured but it does not make it right you will be cured but you suffer the consequence of it what is the consequence they will put a tag they dangle something the first thing they did they will laugh at allah and have insulted the messenger to say you told them to put their head your their head on the ground we promised you we will deviate them here they are they're ready to cut lemons and they're ready to put roses and they're ready to do things that made no sense for us not for you do you know they just took away your iman they made you worship the devil and you don't even know and you're happy you're still saying allahu akbar allahu akbar may allah grant us understanding so now they will tell you do you know who did it a member of your family did it why do they say that every time by default that is the answer sometimes they will pinpoint a person's name they will show you look up into the wall when you look up you see a face oh wait no i'm not joking i'm honest with you you'll see a face the face hey that's my sister-in-law okay right i know i know what happened wallahi that was the jinn that's all what is the job of the jinn to break your family ties that's point number one go and read the hadith allah explains it through the blessed lips of that messenger whose mission was to show you how allah wants to be worshipped and here we are thinking wow you know what this is true i've seen it with my eyes and then they tell you no you know what just read a lot of salah read a lot of salah so in your heart you're thinking subhanallah this cannot be wrong the man is telling me to read quran he's telling me to read salah but now i hate my sister i hate my sister-in-law i hate my mother my mother is a witch and my auntie is a witch and everybody else is doing so much witchcraft and i am the person everybody's against me and everybody's bombarding me and nobody has done anything nothing at all there are innocent people whom you are accusing because you have worshiped the devil and we become so deep in it that we cannot do without it my brothers and sisters that's not how a muslim should operate pray and keep praying i have seen the power of prayer it will deliver you from whatever you have been suffering from believe me but you need to be constant maintain it turn to allah how can we want allah to cure us when we are on the wrong page sometimes forget about the wrong page we in the wrong book altogether allahu akbar and we want allah to cure us what type of deviation is this wallahi we should understand if someone claims that x and y did it let me tell you and i'm telling you because i know what i'm talking about if that jinn was told you are lying the jinn will change the name if the jinn says abdullah did this to you you say you are lying he says okay abdul rahman did it to you say no you are lying okay fatima did it to you you are lying okay khadijah did it to you that proves that the jinn is a liar allah says the jinn is making fools of you oh man and we are busy saying no he told the truth because you don't know how that man operated the man who gave you the answer you don't even know how he operated but this is what they're doing who is there besides allah that responds the call of the distressed when he is in distress who who responds the call of the one who is in distress besides allah it is allah who responds correctly and this is why my brothers and sisters remember when you are in distress do not turn to those besides allah in a way that will displease allah you might want to go to the doctor you might want to ask someone's help you might want to seek financial help but not in a way that will displease allah and in order to know what displeases allah you just need to read the quran we're talking about jinn a few minutes ago and look there is a surah in the quran called surat al-jim but the problem is we know that there is a surah called we've never been through its meaning that's why i started off by saying go through the meanings of the quran because nobody will be able to con you or confuse you because now you know someone says but you can do this but hang on i read the quran and i've come across a verse that says this they'll just look at you and say oh oh why because now they know they cannot lie to you so allah says [Music] allah speaks about how they were people from mankind who sought the assistance of the jinn-kind so the jinn-kind led them further astray further astray so do you still want to go and seek the help of the jinn kind well look what the quran says they will lead you further astray you know i came across a man who met me and he told me he says you know i have a jinn i said good for you did you rub one of these lanterns before he said i'm not joking so i said okay so what's the big deal he says say what you want i get it done for you i said i don't want that type of cash or that type of help or that type of thing i worship allah this is my test he says but i promise you i can bring you what you like you want to eat the dates of saudi arabia i can bring them from madina as fresh as ever here and now i looked at him and i know that it's possible because you they are jin and jin uh it is confirmed in the sharia that they exist and we know that and subhanallah they do possess people and things do happen you read the quran and you'll understand you'll understand the exact position of it but to be enticed by that and say yes let's go for it have the dates of madina oh let's go next thing the date comes down and you're having the day what do you think no the date didn't come when i was i refused subhanallah i told him no way he says but this jinn i have is a sahabi sahabi he's a muslim he has met so and so so and so and so many different uh companions and he has taken hadith directly okay so i said so now he said so he's given me narrations and you know how it says chain of narrations and so on this man says bugger all that it's me through the jinn to the prophet straight so you can add and subtract him your deen as and when you wish because a certain man told you that he saw the prophet through a jinn or he saw him in a dream and he forgot 50 hadith and he quickly gave them to me subhanallah i am shocked that people can believe that if that was the case we can all start dreaming and every one of us will say well i had a dream and you know what uh there was a message that was forgotten at the time so now what has happened is it was given to me don't you read the quran where allah says this day i have completed your faith i have perfected your deen i have completed it and my gift upon you is total it is complete there is nothing to add and subtracting the deen it's all done the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam asked the companions have i delivered the message they said yes you have he says oh allah bear witness i conveyed it it's over we bear witness and they bore witness that he was delivered the message and he has delivered the amana the trust that was placed on his shoulders but subhanallah here comes a man who tells you this genie is a sahabi so i told him do you know what let me tell you that the jinn are liars they lie don't believe even one word not even one and the quran says [Music] read about what allah says regarding the jinn and the ins mankind and jin praying allah says oh jin kind you have now made enough fools of mankind one of the translations you have now you know you've got a lot of your followers amongst mankind we follow allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so on the day of judgement you will find the two of them all jin kind and mankind separating ways and this is why allah says [Music] [Music] where allah says on that day they will disassociate themselves from one another and they will say you know what we just enjoyed each other's company for a while in this world and we enjoyed that give and take between us but allah was forgotten the message of allah was removed from the equation so as a result allah says that fire is the abode may allah protect us who wants to go into the fire who wants to be entering jahannam we hear about it may allah protect us from jahannam if you want to be protected from jahannam you need knowledge of how to be protected from it don't just believe anything and everything people tell you you know what and this is another very very serious issue i firmly believe that 100 of the time when someone tells you that someone has done black magic upon you and they issue you with a name the name is wrong you may have black magic you may be a possessed person but the name they gave you is absolute nonsense totally nonsense and you there will be a little bit of politics between you and that person because the jinn gives the name to whoever it is he can be a chef as pious as he might be in terms of reading salah in the first suff but believe me the confusion is he thinks the jinn are telling the truth that jinn are telling you a lie total lie complete false they are they want to create chaos amongst you your family members especially the jin one of their main aims is to destroy your family so nine times out of ten when you are affected by something here will come a big shake and he'll tell you you know you are possessed maybe that might be right we still give credit sometimes maybe to that and then he will tell you one of your own relatives did it and he might even give you a name but that name will be of someone who's close to you in relation or in friendship why because go to the quran allah says this devil teaches people how to split husband and wife this is what he teaches why because the core if the koi is split there is confusion in the rest of the family i don't talk to my sister for 20 years someone told me why because some sheikh told me she did magic and believe me the sister is the furthest away from being accused and another thing is one day you saw the sister driving past a certain village and you said what was she doing there she went to see the which doctor in order to engage in the magic shaytan is confusing you playing with your mind do you not believe in allah don't you know why the last two surahs of the quran were revealed they were revealed to protect yourselves from this type of item and ourselves as as believers so why don't you recite it why don't you have conviction in allah allah will cure you continue in the correct path don't fall by destroying relations with those who are totally innocent it's only because one man claimed to know the unseen believe me like i said he got his information from the jinn if he did in the gym they lie and they are laughing now laughing to say wow we got them exactly where we wanted to get them where well the brothers accusing the sister and the in-laws and so on and these people are accusing each other and the ummah is now in chaos [Music] you
Channel: One Islam Productions
Views: 69,689
Rating: 4.8952332 out of 5
Keywords: muft menk, ismail menk, islamic lectures, muslim, muhammad, Allah, god, abu bakr zoud, abu bakr, daily reminder, nouman ali khan, nouman khan, eman, patience, marriage, divorce, depression, angles, hellfire, heaven, jannah, makkah, dua, supplication, salah, prayer, sin, ramadan, fasting, seerah, muslim lecture, 1 islam productions, sadness, jesus, bible, stingy, Quran, Merciful Servant, Islamic Lectures, Ramadan, Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Muslim videos, Lectures Islam, Ramadan videos, Khalid Yasin
Id: bHhPA8pTJgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 45sec (3705 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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