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i live alone in a small house in canada and  this all happened about six and a half years ago   i opened my front door one morning  to go and get some groceries and   found the strangest thing waiting for me outside   lying on my doorstep was a small usb flash  drive almost stepped on the damn thing   who'd put that there i thought it was just your  generic usb stick no label or anything no way to   know who it came from well i did what anyone else  would do took it inside and plugged it into my pc   the device was full of pictures in fact  nothing but pictures dozens of them   i opened the first one and clicked through them  in order the first few were just shots from around   town general places that i recognized the fourth  image was taken on our town's busiest street   in the image the street was full of people  but there was somebody in it that caught my   attention immediately me the image showed me in  amongst the crowd just minding my own business   well this was a small town was it just  a coincidence that i was in the picture   the fifth image had been taken on the same day   again it was taken in our town a game i was in  it the photographer was closer to me this time   whoever had taken these pictures of  me i hadn't noticed them at the time   next came several more pictures of me in various  locations around town then something more chilling   a photo of a house my house it was night time  in the image and the living room light was on   i clicked through to the next picture it was  another image of my house this time taken even   closer through the living room window you could  see me sitting on the couch watching television i   could tell from the clothes i was wearing that it  had been taken the night before i had no idea that   somebody had been outside watching me i kept  clicking through the images on the drive   photo after photo of me inside my house taken from  just outside my window because it was so light   inside and so dark outside i was totally unable to  see that somebody was watching me from out there   i couldn't see them but they could see me clear  as they didn't even need to use the flash on   their camera after 20 or so photos of just me  inside my house there came a real curveball   an image taken from inside my hallway  the man or woman or whoever was taking   these pictures of me had been  inside my house the night before   there were photos of my living room now lightless  and empty obviously taken after i'd gone to sleep   photos of my kitchen of my dining area my  stairwell and several taken as the unknown person   ascended my stairs towards where i was sleeping my  brain started to run wild with thoughts about who   had been following me had i wronged someone in  the past said the wrong thing to the wrong guy   was this just some weirdo who decided to target me  were they armed when they came to pay me a visit   whatever the case somebody had come inside my  house at night and taken pictures of all of the   rooms including my bedroom the second to last  photo was of me fast asleep in my bed totally   oblivious to the person in my home the final image  was just of a handwritten note framed in close-up   the message on it simply read never hide a spare  key under your doormat i've since moved house this all took place a couple of years back  i was walking my dog through a local park   late one night and decided to take a  little break on one of the park benches   i sat down and immediately  felt something under my butt   it was a usb flash drive which had either  been forgotten or abandoned by somebody   i waited around for maybe five minutes to  see if somebody would come back and claim it   nobody did so i just put it in my pocket like  i said it was late at night so the park's lost   and found area was closed i plan to head back  there in the morning before work and hand it over   maybe the owner might come by and collect it  probably a student who had some work assignments   on it i figured as i sat at home my curiosity  got the better of me and i decided to take a   quick look at what was on the usb i plugged  it into my computer and checked its contents   strange there was only one file on the usb  an excel file of all things some porsche   must have lost this thing after its first use  the file was simply titled little black book   needless to say i opened the document it was just  a large collection of names addresses and numbers   mr x judah hill drive 52 750. mrs y springfield  avenue forty seven thousand three hundred   doctor zed deacon street fifty two thousand  two hundred etc the list ran on and on   probably 40 or 50 names and addresses in total  at least 25 of them have been highlighted in red   the rest were just in black strange why would  someone go through the trouble of making an   excel file with all this information in it then  saving it onto an empty usb is the only file   were these someone's clients someone's friends  i had no idea and what were the numbers next   to each name supposed to mean they were all  in the same ballpark between 30 and 60 000   and i decided to dig a little deeper and  look up a few of the names and addresses   just to save my curiosity you know i  started with a couple of the names in black   it looked like these really were  real people and their real addresses   okay still didn't give any indication  about what the numbers meant though   i looked up one of the names in red mr  x that's when things took a darker turn   mr x was indeed a real person and the  address listed was indeed his but he had   passed away a few years back under mysterious  circumstances the same was true of mrs y dr z   and all the other names listed in red on  the document they'd all perished either   under mysterious circumstances or through some  sort of unfortunate accident starting to worry   that this usb might have belonged to someone in  the cleanup business so to speak i began to put   the pieces of the puzzle together and figured  i knew what the numbers next to each name meant   were the amount that the people had  been contracted for this was a hit list i immediately called up the authorities and handed  the usb over to them telling them where i'd found   it and what the information pertained to and they  took it from there and i haven't heard anything   else about it since had somebody left the usb on  the bench intentionally for somebody else to come   and collect or had it simply fallen out of the  owner's pocket i still don't know probably never   will but i'm glad that nobody came by that park  bench during those five minutes i waited around   it was dark the park was completely empty and  the owner or collector really wouldn't have   wanted that usb to fall into somebody else's  hands who knows what they might have done um ah
Channel: Horror Shorts Party
Views: 638,219
Rating: 4.9118891 out of 5
Keywords: scary, animated stories, animated horror stories, scary animated story, scary story, mr nightmare‬, chillingtales‬, creepy story‬, horror‬, ‎horror story‬, creepypasta, halloween, scary stories, terrifying true story, horror movies, llama arts, halloween true stories, halloween stories, true scary story, true scary stories, nightmare, most scary story, haunted, short scary stories, long scary stories, scary cartoons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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